God Prohibitions

Chapter 1479: Talk 1 talk

The Hei Di was very surprised. In his surprise, even the power he radiated was unstable, and the pitch-black light curtain was compressed by the intense golden light.レm♠思♥路♣客レ

The huge golden figure of the **** king is standing in the air like a giant, holding a golden arrow in his hand, and the sound is like a rolling thunder: "No matter how many tricks you play, you can't let darkness replace light. Under God's will, everything All are just phantoms, the darkness will surely be driven away, and the tricks will surely be seen through."

The **** of the Black Emperor quickly recovered his calm, "Yīnmou! You are really an example of the Protoss, even your face is the same. In the last war, I didn't know who played tricks and sealed my spirit hún into the illusion! Now you say it. With such words, is the power of your Protoss cultivated on your skin?"

"The argument is meaningless. I am here now. I now represent the will of God. I am the spokesperson of God. There is no power to bind me. Any power... Can you refute this?"

Suddenly, the Black Emperor frowned slightly, and looked at the divine king left and right, the doubt in his eyes flashed past.

The powerful light power can never be faked, but...this power comes to a large extent from the arrow of judgment. The Black Emperor's gaze flicked back and forth between the Arrow of Judgment and the King of God, "No, it's just that... you're here, but you can't go back."

"If I can be here, it means you can't trap me, stupid Alm! Don't you understand this fact?"

"Ah...I seem to understand." Hei Di nodded, and there were a few dangerous cold lights in his eyes, "It seems that you are here prepared, but this is not the **** realm, and it won't make you want to think. That's it."

Raising his hand, the breath of Hei Sè continued to circulate around Hei Di's hand, like hot steam, "Now...I want to see what you are a **** king!"

A hurricane rolled up in the air, and the black emperor's palm slammed forward. The black aura on his hand quickly condensed, instantly turning into a black hole, wrapping the black emperor's hand in, and the black emperor's entire arm plunged into the black hole Among.

A black light appeared in front of the **** king, it was a small black air mass, and the black emperor's hand passed out of it like a poisonous snake. The **** king hadn't reacted yet, and the black emperor's hand had grabbed and flickered. With the brilliant golden arrow of judgment.

"Crap!" The King of God exclaimed, the tone has long been different from the previous one.

The black emperor's eyes were cold, "Stupid humans, thinking I can't recognize you!"

The hand holding the arrow of judgment was heated by the black smoke billowing from the powerful sacred power, but the black emperor did not relax at all. He shouted a cloud of black light on his palm, and instantly wrapped the arrow of judgment, the gold in the sky. The light dimmed suddenly.

From reaching out to fully controlling the arrow of judgment, this was only a moment of effort, grasping the arrow of judgment, the black emperor's hand shrank back like lightning.

"Leave it to me!" A violent roar exploded from mid-air. Although the light of the arrow of judgment dimmed, this time the figure of the **** king released a strong light, as if in response to the shout, the arrow of judgment was The suppressed light rose sharply and exploded, and the black breath spreading on the Black Emperor's hand was instantly torn to pieces.

With a painful cry, the Black Emperor released his five fingers and quickly drew his hand back. When his arm retracted from the black hole in front of him, the entire arm was burned by the golden light, and pieces of golden ashes fell down. ...

Looking at the scars left by the burning of flesh and blood on his palm, the Black Emperor was furious and shocked, "You can actually spur the arrow of judgment again!"

"Kill them!" Apart from anything else, the Black Emperor waved his hand and pointed to the sky angrily, "That's not the King of God, it's just the human being!"

There was no consternation, no hesitation, the Black Emperor's command was the highest belief in the God Realm, and the millions of God Race army roared, shaking the sky.


Countless black shadows sprang up from the ground, desperately rushing towards the golden figure in the sky.

"Oops, let's run!"

There was another scream in the sky, this time it was Queen Biris’s voice, and then only a crackling sound was heard, and a huge black war scythe was raised from behind the **** king. Cut it down severely.

A black light pierced the sky, and the huge black war sickle split the figure of the **** king in half, and the devil king Arthur with a murderous face behind him appeared. Unfortunately... the body of the **** king was just a light and shadow, broken into pieces. The two halves quickly dissipated in the air.

Where is anyone there?

The countless demon kings and generals who swarmed up could not help but froze there, and the enemy disappeared before his eyes.

"Escape! Damn it!" Arthur was full of regret. "This human seems to have fallen to the side of the Protoss. He should have killed him if he knew it!"

The Black Emperor looked into the sky, his face changed a few times, and then he waved his hand gently and said, "Forget it, there is no need to spend any more money on that human being. We are already in control. He has no tricks. We just need to immediately Defeated by the Protoss, humans...only one choice is slaughtered by us."

"The whole army acted as planned, don't waste any more time!"

The words on the black background were quickly and well executed. All the demon generals quickly returned to their posts, and the soldiers returned to stand on the crowded field again, waiting for the next order.

The demon kings surrounded the Black Emperor, who was sitting on a large chair, looking at the scar on his hand, his eyes full of hatred.

"Unexpectedly... the entire mankind can actually use the arrow of judgment!" The hand in the black emperor's hand trembled slightly, and now a patch of inconspicuous golden ashes fell. "The last time he took out the arrow of judgment, , I didn't pay much attention to this matter, it was really careless!"

Looking at the hand of the Black Emperor, Arthur said with great anxiety: "Father, your hand..."

"It's okay... It's just a little skin injury, and it will recover soon. It is calculated that this hand is not there. This time... We can also completely defeat the Protoss!" After a glance at Arthur, the Black Emperor asked, "Ya Se, how is your armor repaired?"

Arthur suddenly looked serious, "The last time it was damaged was more serious, and now the strength of the armor has dropped a lot, especially the weapon that was smashed last time... But careful use is not a problem. Mango Live w.o"

Hei Di nodded, "It's fine if it can still be used, this time...this is the only way to do that."

Glancing at the sky, the light of the Arrow of Judgment has completely dissipated, the space door became clear again, and a mocking smile appeared on the Black Emperor's face, "Huh! That human being thinks he is smart, but... Provided valuable information, so...we can never worry about attacks!"

"Father... Are you saying that?" Arthur was suspicious.

"Ha...hahahaha!" The Black Emperor suddenly laughed, "Arthur...this time is really blessed by the gods! Protoss...really has come to an end, you...all of you will remember it!"

The Black Emperor pointed at all the demon kings present one by one, "After this war! Except for those confronting the war gods, the other demon kings led their troops to attack in all directions, killing all the gods and snatching them away. All the materials, I want the God Realm to leave nothing behind!"

"Yes! Father!" Arthur was the first to answer, frowning and asking, "But... it has been very difficult to confront the God of War, and this time there is Robben causing trouble."

The Black Emperor immediately interrupted Arthur's words, "That human being is only a human being. He is good at running away. When the battlefield must be confronted head-on, he has only one dead end. You don't have to worry, and the God of War... hehe! This time! You will see a sharp decrease in the number of God of Wars on the opposite side, and...the King of Gods will not come out to disturb us."

All the demon kings have uttered extremely surprised gods. Hei Di's words can be described as heavyweight bombs.

"Father, the number of Gods of War... has there been any change?" Arthur asked quickly.

"Four!" Hei Di Yin measured with a smile, "The God Realm...now there are only four war gods left."

"Four!" The demon kings opened their mouths in surprise again. The number of Gods of War has always been very rare. At present, there are six Gods of War in the God Realm, and this is one-third less!

"Yes... and it's more than that!" Hei Di stood up, took a deep breath, and looked at the sky at the Space Gate could not help but feel complacent. "The King of God will not appear in this battle! This means that we will be here. The main warlord who decides to have an overwhelming advantage, the Lord Demon God will contain the God of Light at that time, and all we have to do is to completely destroy the God Realm!"

"The King of Gods will not appear..." Arthur still knew somehow about the fall of the God of War, but the news about the King of Gods shocked Arthur.

"Not bad!" Hei Di laughed, "You see, the brainless humans came to test us, I think it must be those ridiculous Protoss who can't understand why they still can't see their Divine King, and finally suspected us. On the head, this is the temptation of today. Don’t you think that human being has been n*me to say something today?"

All the demon kings stood still on the spot.

Hei Di smiled very proudly, "Those idiots...never know what happened."


In the God Realm far away from the Demon Realm, a dazzling light flashed in mid-air, and a crack in the space cracked along the gap. Two figures rolled out from inside and fell to the ground fiercely.

Robben touched his face directly on the ground, but Queen Biress was lucky and fell directly on Luo himself.

"Damn... that **** thing actually sees through our disguise!" Queen Biris shook her head and sat up.

Robben raised his head, shaking the dust on his face first, "Bi'er, are you...Don't sit on me."

Queen Biress rushed directly to Robben's back in annoyance, pinched Robben's neck and asked fiercely: "What the **** is going on? At the beginning, he clearly believed us, but only a few words. Kung Fu can see through our disguise, what have you done!?"

Robben's head was swayed left and right, and he said weakly, "Bi'er, I do what you say, not a single word is bad, I don't know why... Don't shake it, I His head is dizzy."

"Naturally, there is no problem with my words. It must be you, an idiot, where you have trouble. I only said a few words in total. How could it be... uh!"

Suddenly, Queen Biress was dumbfounded, her face was a little surprised, and she forgot to continue pinching Robben's neck and shaking.

Robben seized the opportunity, quickly saved his neck, turned around, and when Queen Biress was not thrown to the ground by himself, he stretched out his arms and embraced her.

Generally speaking, holding this woman in her arms behind her back is the most comfortable and safest action.

Queen Biress ignored Robben's small movements and rubbed her forehead vigorously, with regrets on her face, "It turned out to be like this, it was careless!"

"What's the matter?" Robben took out a small comb to comb the slightly messy silver sè hair for the queen who is always in anger. For this business, Robben thinks he can be considered a good one. Professional level.

"I said the wrong thing, and my identity was immediately revealed!" Queen Biris was a little frustrated, "Otherwise, I might get more news."

"Oh..." Robben didn't care much, combing the silver hair that he loved very much.

Seeing that Robben's reaction was dull, Queen Biris suddenly became angry, grabbed the comb and stared and said, "Are you happy in your heart? It's not your fault but mine. Do you feel relieved?"

Robben smiled, calmly took the comb from the annoyed woman's hand again, continued to comb his hair, and said, "No... but since I found the mistake, I will correct it next time. Regret is useless, and we still have it. Well, there is not much value in this matter."

"Huh!" Queen Biress listened to Robben's words and grabbed the comb again, combed her hair indiscriminately, and stared at Robben and asked: "You don't want to know what I am wrong?"

Robben smiled secretly. If you ignore this woman, she will be uncomfortable...

Nodding quickly, Robben hugged Queen Biris with a look of curiosity, "Where is the problem?"

"Humph! You want to know my mistake, although you don't say it, but you mock me in your heart, right?"

"Bi'er..." Robben was discouraged, "How can I be so free... If you don't want to say, we'll forget about it, anyway..."

"I didn't suffer any harm anyway, right?" Queen Biris shrank her eyes, reached out into Robben's clothes, put a mō on Robben's shoulder, her retracted hand was already covered with blood, "This is It doesn't matter what you said?"

Robben scratched his head and said with a smile: "It's okay...just skin trauma."

Before she could finish her words, Queen Biress had already torn apart Robben's clothes hard, tearing the clothes to pieces in two and three times, "Get down, I'll treat the wound for you!"

"No need...Such injuries as long as..."

"Get down on the ground!" Queen Biress' eyes burst into flames.

Robben had to reluctantly let go of the beauty in his arms, turned and lay down, he couldn't help but groan, it would be nice if you wanted to treat my wounds, but...you at least give me that blanket...this wilderness is full of dust, ah... ...The wind is still blowing...

There was a thin, but very deep wound behind Robben. The wound was very strange. The blood oozes out and immediately condenses into blood drops and rolls down without infecting the skin, just like oil drops.

"The breath of death on Arthur's scythe..." Queen Biris frowned, and at the same time pinched Robben's waist in annoyance, "If this is not dealt with early, you will bleed and you will bleed!"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..." Robben opened his mouth, and the wind blew dust into his face.

"Bleeding ceaselessly, the blood will not coagulate, the wound will not heal..." Queen Biris held down Robben's wound, her palms floated with a gleam of silver, her fingertips slowly moved along Robben's wound , Suddenly, a trace of black air floated from the wound and was absorbed on the outer edge of the silver light.

"At one time Arthur's war sickle was known as a death torture instrument in the Devil Realm. Anyone who was slashed by that sickle would continue to bleed and wither, and the spirit would decay and disperse... Within a few days, he must die! Fortunately... he His sickle had been damaged a few days ago, and no attack on Ling hún was launched this time, otherwise it would be very dangerous!"

"Have you heard that bastard?" Queen Biris saw that Robben didn't say a word, her hand strengthened, and the painful Robben immediately snorted twice.

"It's really stupid!" Queen Biress's palm gradually moved to the end of Robben's wound, and the last trace of black breath also floated up and was attracted to her hand.

Looking at the palm surrounded by the black breath, Biress thought for a while, nodded and said: "The death breath that has eroded living creatures is even more fierce. This thing...maybe still useful in the future."

After speaking, the silver light on Queen Biris’s hand suddenly became intense, and in turn wrapped the flowing black breath, with a flick of her finger, the silver light jumped into the air to form a small ball of light. Wrapped in the churning black death breath.

Putting this little ball of light into the ring, Queen Biress found the treatment roll, and rather roughly put a sticker on Robben's back: "Okay! You can't die!"

Robben cried out for help and hurriedly got up, only to realize that the magic healing volume behind him had not been opened at all, scratching his head, he had to take it off, tear it up, and pat it on his back.

The simple wound will heal in a short while, Robben is not worried, but Robben is a little concerned about... his Bier seems to be really angry.

Standing aside, looking in other directions, with a calm face and an expression of "I'm already very upset."

"Bi Er, what's the matter? Do you think of any enemies?" Robben leaned forward, and for safety, he hugged the upright Queen Biress from behind.

"My enemy... there is only one."

"Oh..." Robben nodded very wittily. This tone sounds like... he is talking about himself, "Then... do you want to beat the enemy!?"

Queen Biress was startled, she didn't know whether to be angry or to smile for a while, turned her head and glared at Robben, then turned her head to ignore Robben.

Robben scratched his head, "It seems...the women have become more and more difficult to deal with recently..."

"Bi'er...what's the matter? Tell me the doctor." Robben gently swayed the jade man in his arms with a flattering tone.

With the same gentle tone, the same warm embrace, and the same tolerance for herself that has never been changed, Queen Biris felt sour for no reason, but immediately hardened her heart, "Doctor, when...you Have you begun to hide your hurt from me? It seems that in the few days I am away, you seem to..."

"Ah..." Robben interrupted Queen Biris first, "I didn't want to hide it, but I think I have to go to the tooth to send a message first, and you will make a fuss if you tell you, so..."

"What a fuss!" Queen Biris screamed, turning around to stare at Robben and shouted, "Who do you think you are? You are just a small human! You don't have a strong body, so do you Without a powerful spirit hún, I can now strangle you with one hand! You will die if you are injured! You cannot be resurrected like others! You..."

After taking a cold breath, Queen Biress's voice was suddenly blocked, and the next words were a little unspeakable, because Robben leaned up gently, his forehead pressed against her forehead, and his eyes looked at her with a smile.

"Bi Er, I know, I was wrong..." Robben said softly.

For a moment, Queen Biress felt that her words were useless.

Slightly wěn the double chún that became more and more ruddy because of the jī movement, Robben said with a smile: "I didn't want to hide it, there is no secret between us, Bier... Actually, it's just you getting more and more nervous about me. "

"I...I?" Queen Biris widened her eyes.

"Ah...Of course, most of this is actually my fault, so I won't dare to do it next time." Robben immediately admitted his mistake.

Breathing quickly, Queen Biris slammed into Cai Robben's head, "You **** nasty thing! I don't want to care about your life and death!"

"Hmm... don't worry, even then I will live well." Robben came up again and gently sucked the red chún of the yòu person, "Because my Bier is still with me..."

After a lot of heat, chún teeth intertwined, Queen Biris' arm wrapped around Robben's neck like a water snake, hugging him tightly, as if he was afraid that Robben would run away in the next moment.

Robben knew that he couldn't be too long, because this woman was actually very careful, every time she would be nervous and couldn't breathe... Once before, she really fainted because of lack of oxygen...

Letting go of the little fragrant tongue, Luo Ben kissed the tip of the woman's nose, "Bi'er... we should go."

Queen Biris regained her senses, and simply leaned into Robben's arms, holding Robben and not letting go, obviously not wanting to leave.

What's wrong? Robben was really puzzled this time, "Bi Er?"

"Doctor...Do you really want to give everyone a new world?" Queen Biress suddenly raised her head and asked quietly.

"You said this..." Robben was a little embarrassed, "This... is just an idea. I don't know how long it will take to realize it. Um... Maybe it won't happen at all, ah ha ha... you don't always remember About this, oh yes! Don’t tell everyone! Fanny will definitely make fun of me, um...Sasha will definitely fall to Fanny immediately! Then the baby will chase me and ask questions... …" Thinking of this, Robben felt a headache.

"Then...what about me?" Queen Biris asked again.

"You?" Robben looked a little strangely at Queen Biris, whose eyes were weakened, and blinked a few strangely, "Bier...Isn't it enough for you to have me?"

For an instant, Queen Biris wept with joy, and she hugged Robben tightly, buried her face in Robben's mouth, and her shoulders trembled slightly.

Robben seemed to understand something, he could not help knocking on his head, "Bi Er, don't you think I want you to leave?"

Queen Biris didn't respond, just sobbed silently in Robben's arms.

"It's a silly girl." Robben smiled bitterly, put his arms around the small waist, and said softly, "We are a husband and wife, no matter how the world changes, no matter how you and me change, this is a fact that cannot be changed, Bier ...I can also give you a world, but there must be me in this world, haha!"

Sticking to the shining silver sè hair, Robben said affectionately: "Bi Er... for many years, we actually understand that none of us can do without anyone... no longer have to think about these things in the future. , It’s just in vain."

Queen Biress just sobbed a little, "No... let others know, but... let me know, you... it's not fair!"

"Ah... I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." Robben apologized quickly.

Stomping her foot fiercely, in the face of Robben's scream, Queen Biris pushed Robben away, quickly wiped the tears from her face, and stared again and said: "You **** bastard! Now...I am I want you to know that this king can't be bullied casually!"

"Uh... Bier, would you like to wait a moment, ah... you, what are you going to do, wait... ah, oops..."



Ya is very anxious now. The Protoss army has retreated quickly. Although it was still unavoidably affected by the spatial shock in the end, it did not cause any casualties. This was a pretty good result.

However, the space shock is still continuing, and there is even a tendency to intensify, but even in this case, the newly opened space gate is still slowly expanding. In the chaotic space, the energy it dissipates It is constantly getting stronger, which shows that the Demon Race is still consolidating this space gate, and the speed is extremely fast, and in such a situation, if someone is not sent to strengthen this space gate immediately, huge energy will be lost quickly.

In other words, the demons should come again soon.

Although I said that I already had a countermeasure, as long as the opponent showed up, he could immediately reduce the impact of the space shock to the limit. The four gods of war once again played together, killing the opponent without leaving a piece of armor, but...

Even if the two demon kings were quickly beheaded last time, the demon clan’s offensive did not seem to weaken at all, but this is somewhat abnormal...

Looking at the space door in the distance, Yu bō, who was shaking in the space, lifted the white clothes of his teeth, his teeth were full of stern faces, the demons... seemed very urgent, very eager to fight against the gods, and seemed full of confidence in victory.

Could it be...is the matter of the **** king really related to the demons? Ya is full of anxiety.

"It doesn't help to watch here, so let's take a good rest first." Méng's voice came from behind his teeth.

Ya's face remained unchanged, "Is there no news from Robben?"

"Huh!" Méng raised his beard, "That bastard, maybe where he is with a woman now! It's been so long just to inquire about information, I think we should not count on him."

Ya said solemnly: "The demons have indeed reached the realm of the gods. Our situation is very bad. I can understand the idea that you don't want him to be involved in the frontal battlefield, but he has long been deep in the quagmire of this war and cannot escape. , And... he won't escape, we need his help now."

Méng pulled his beard more vigorously, "Although I say that, I don't think he can help too much. After all, he is not our own person at all."

"Even short-term allies are good."

Méng rolled his eyes more, "Ya, you seem to believe him very much, whether it was before... or now!"

"Not bad." Ya admitted directly, "I trust him very much. He has never failed to fulfill what he said."

"But he said he was a protoss!"

"Only this matter he deceived me, but this is not a deception for me, but for everyone..."

Méng shook his head, "I think you were also poisoned by him. That kid will win people's hearts especially, you better be careful."

Ya smiled: "Is it inappropriate to say that my son-in-law is like that?"

Méng Duo's eyes glared: "If it wasn't for his ingenious deceit, he earned Losi silently and even went to the human continent, how could he be my son-in-law!?"

"Heh... the result is still the same." Ya just smiled, "He is indeed not our own, but...As far as I am concerned, he is trustworthy. I can be sure of this. In some places...we Have a lot in common."

"It's over..." Méng shook his head and muttered, "I think we can beat the demons, but in the end it will be defeated by humans. Now there are only five of the six Gods of War. One is dead in name. Your kid’s companion, a daughter who was earned by him can’t help him, and the other said he can be trusted."

méng wiped his face more. With a wry smile: "How did this kid get to this point? This is simply a miracle!"

Ya smiled: "That would be considered a miracle. Before that...no one would believe that a human being would be so overwhelmed in the war between us and the demons, holding the interests and destiny of our two races."

"It just happens to be."

"Even if it just happens to be... that's a miracle." Ya suddenly turned his head, his eyes lit up slightly, "He's back, eh? Another breath is wrong!"

"It's another female devil!" Méng guessed lazily.

"How do you know?" Ya was surprised.

"Guess!" Méng Duo shrugged his shoulders, looking very grateful.

Look at the méng and don't pay much attention to it. Now there is no time to care about such things.

In the distance, a golden ray of light flew straight at an extremely fast speed. Suddenly, a few rays of light rose in the garrison camp of the Protoss in the distance, but before stopping the golden light, the opponent had already flown over like a violent wind, completely There was no time for those gods to react.

The golden light came directly to the top of Fang's head, quickly fell down, and the light ball fell to the ground, and another person came out inside, a tall, strong man with a handsome face. Naturally, Robben was disguised as an queen, and Biress The queen... is still the same, that silver hair is so dazzling in the God Realm.

Ya waved a golden sè light and spread out into the air, and the voice also spread to the gods who hurriedly pursued: "It's an ally, don't chase it anymore, continue to jǐng!"

All the gods heard Ya's voice from a distance, although they were a little strange in their hearts, they all returned quickly.

"Roben, the situation...what happened to your face?"

Ya eagerly asked about the situation of the Demon Realm, but at a glance he noticed that Robben's face seemed not quite right, "Why... a little strange?"

"It's nothing, nothing..." Robben waved his hand again and again, "The effect of the disguised nuclear is only slightly off, aha...ahahaha..."

"Can the camouflage nucleus deviate from bruises?" The tooth was a little suspicious.

"Yes, this thing... was made by the Black Emperor at the beginning, and the effect is very bad, um... very bad! By the way, what did you just ask, what was it?" Robben asked back.

"Oh... I just want to ask how the demon world is going, is there any news from the **** king?"

"We went all the way back and forth, and we didn't even breathe, but you asked with peace of mind." Queen Biress immediately intervened.

Ya looked at Queen Biress, especially the silver hair that was incompatible with the demon race, his eyes sinking a little, "Devil, I am not asking you."

"Oh?" Queen Biress had a funny face, "Well...I don't need to speak."

Robben smiled bitterly, "Bi'er, don't be like this... Isn't the reason we come back to tell everyone about the information first."

"Huh! Our kindhearted others may not pay attention to it. We are risking and even getting hurt, but these things seem to be right!"

Ya was slightly startled, "Roben, are you injured?"

"I have healed on the way back..."

"Back...on the way?" Ya was a little strange for a while.

Robben smiled: "You know I'm a little tighter, and I've got some minor injuries, just blink."

These words only resulted in a cold snort from Queen Biris.

Robben hurriedly coaxed: "Alright... Bier, tell us about the situation! Otherwise, the Demon Race will fight over!"

Only then did Ya realize that it was Queen Biris who really understood the situation during this trip to the Devildom.

In any case, Robben finally made a point of Queen Biris.

"You **** who is facing outsiders." Queen Biris gently opened Robben's hand holding her shoulder, then glared at Robben before she stopped, and said nonchalantly: "I didn't get much from going to the Demon World this time. Useful news, but we can be sure of one thing, that is...something happened to the King of God!"

Ya and méng's face suddenly changed wildly.

"God King... Something happened to the King God?" He has always seemed calm and calm, and even the careless méng stammered when he talked more, "Master God King...what happened?"

"I don't know." Queen Biress's answer made Ya and Méng Duo stunned again.

"It's a pity that I could test out something again, but it's a pity that I too deliberately emphasized my disguised identity. I used the ancient name of the Black Emperor twice, but this guy was keenly aware that I had Question, what a difficult guy..."

"Ancient name!?" Robben looked up curiously, "Bi'er, what's the ancient name?"

Queen Biris smiled, "This is the information that I have obtained through all the hard work. I thought it was useless, but I almost forgot it. Long, long ago, when the gods and demons were not enemies, the black emperor and the gods The king also did not exist. At that time, the leader of each generation of the demons was called Alm, which may mean powerful, zìyóu."

Looking at the same suspicion as Robben’s teeth and méng, Queen Biris was somewhat disdainful, "You guys who never ask ancient books must know nothing about this. God kings also had them in ancient times. Another title, but I don’t know what it is. With the passage of time and the rise and fall of the gods, the two clans of the gods and demons began to rule the world and fight each other. These ancient symbolic names no longer exist. Only passed on from generation to generation, the black emperor and **** king who retain ancient memories still keep these things in their minds. Very few people in the world know these."

"Bi Er, you are really knowledgeable, I am far from it." Robben hurried up to please flattery.

"Hahaha!" Queen Biris was full of heart, smiled more and more proudly, but immediately got upset, "Don't compare me with you, a foolish fool!"

Ya naturally was not in the mood to see the two people in front of him quarreling here, showing affection, and asked straightforwardly: "Apart from knowing that the King of God has an accident, are there any useful clues?"

"Where is the king of gods trapped!" Queen Biris returned quickly.

"Trapped!?" Ya was surprised, "what would trap the King of God!?"

"I don't know about this!" Queen Biress shrugged, "At that time, the Black Emperor said,'You escaped unexpectedly' before he doubted me. Obviously he knew where the King of God was trapped. And I was very surprised that the **** king could escape."

"Where is the **** king..." Fang frowned deeply. "There are many méng, the **** king lost contact with you more than a hundred years ago, right?"

"Yes~www.readwn.com~ I know that the King of God is trapped, and his face becomes serious.

"A hundred years ago..." The tooth's brain began to rotate rapidly, "Did something special happened more than a hundred years ago? It seems... The God Realm has always been calm, and nothing strange happened at all. Years ago..."

"Rather than thinking about useless things here... it is better to act immediately!" Queen Biris said slowly.

"Action? How to act! We don't even know what happened to the King of God, and where it is!"

Queen Biress naturally said: "Where else can it be? Of course it is in the grave that you think no one can find. Didn't he just go there to practice and then disappear?"

Tooth's brow furrowed deeper, "There... it's impossible to reach."

"Then how did the **** king go?"

"The Lord God is naturally guided by the God of Light!"

"That's all right, let's talk to the God of Light!" RS! .

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