God Prohibitions

Chapter 1481: Bad news

"Won't come back! Ya, what does this mean?" Robben was very surprised, and Queen Biress was also puzzled, looking at Ya waiting for the answer.レm♠思♥路♣客レ

"That area...very little news comes out, because as long as people enter, they will almost never come out again." Ya said softly.

"Go in and you won't come out again, why?" Robben asked, "Did you die inside?"

Ya shook his head, "It's not the guy who didn't come out. The occasional lucky guys are the patrons of the gods, or they are devout believers. They have a last resort to enter that area. According to their description, they have seen a lot there. People who went there for various reasons are still alive."

"All alive?"

"Yes, from the narratives of the people who have returned, we can find a lot of missing people, most of them are still alive!"

"Then what are they doing? Why don't they come back!?" Robben was surprised.

"There are many reasons..." Ya's eyes flashed a little helplessly, "Or because they think there is still something to find there and refuse to leave, after all, they are not in danger, or they did not realize that time has passed. After a long, long time, there may be some who regret going there and want to come back...Unfortunately, they can't find the way back."

Robben's eyes trembled slightly, "This last one is the main reason! They can't find a way back!"

Ya was silent for a moment and nodded, "Indeed, a large part of the reason is because there is no way back. Those who broke into God's Domain are all lost in it."

"It's an illusion!" Queen Biress had some sensitive guesses.

Ya glanced at her, and if there was a deep meaning in his eyes, "No, that is not an illusion. It is a real world, but it is vast and no one can tell the direction there, and there is no way, no one knows. Where did you come from, and where you will go, soon...you will feel that there is no place for you in this world, hesitation, fear...Finally, in this mood, you will survive carefully until you die."

"Why do you seem to know the situation inside?" Queen Biress seemed to grasp something in her heart.

This sentence made a question mark in everyone's mind. Indeed... Although Ya didn't say much, it seemed a bit too accurate, as if he knew the situation inside.

"I... do understand some things." A helpless smile appeared in front of the tooth, "I... once entered there, and then successfully walked out."

The audience was stunned. Even Crick and Mundo's eyes widened.

"You...you actually entered there!" Mundo even couldn't believe it.

Ya just smiled again, "There is nothing too surprising about this. The reason I came out. It was luck. After all, there is a way out in that place. In theory, as long as you live long enough, One day you will come out of it."

Robben couldn't help but anxiously said: "That Moilo he..."

"He understands!" His teeth lowered his gaze, "That's why he took the initiative to request this task. There is no other way. My situation and the quality of the sword formation determine that I must stay here. Mondo is in the army. No one can match the demon army’s ability to attack the God Realm. He must also stay here to command. Crick has passed through the void twice, and this time he returned from the human continent in reverse. Make up, as for Conil..."

Ya glanced at Conil, "He is too irritable, not suitable for this task that requires extra caution."

Conil didn't refute, his face was sinking, and at this time, he had no intention of worrying about these verbal matters.

"In general, our current situation is not optimistic." Ya shook his head lightly, "And if this situation continues, we will definitely be wiped out by the demons. Moilo understands that if he is there or not, it doesn't matter. Different, but if you can find some clues about the **** king or the **** of light, then everything will be different."

Taking a deep breath, the tooth seems to have heavy things accumulated in his heart, trying to spit these things out of his chest through his breath, "But... if the **** king and the light **** have not appeared after the demon invasion, and Moilo will also If there is no news..."

Ya’s words end here, but the tent has already been covered with a heavy pressure. Everyone is very depressed. If Ya’s words become reality, then the Protoss will appear as four Gods of War, which are actually Three war gods fight against the 20 demon kings of the demons, plus the black emperor and the demon gods.

This situation cannot be won anyway. As long as the God Realm where the Black Emperor descends, everything will be ruined. Perhaps Ya can reluctantly contend with the Black Emperor with her bottomless power, but the rest of the Gods of War no matter what. It was impossible to fight against the siege of twenty demon kings. If the demon gods also appeared in the gods, then... you don't need to think about everything at all. The gods might become the dust of history forever.

Suddenly, Conil Yin said solemnly: "Ten days! If there is no news from Moilo within ten days, I will set off and go to God's Domain to find the King of God."

Everyone was shocked. Everyone looked at Conil with stunned faces. Conil looked at everyone's eyes briefly, and said without any doubt: "If there is no God King or Light God presiding over the overall situation If we don’t, we don’t have to fight this war at all. Perhaps being lost in God’s Domain forever is the best choice."

Ya, Mundo, Crick couldn't help being silent, and Conil, the strangest in love, said the same. The situation has indeed reached a precarious point.

"Roben, I have a request." Ya said softly.

Robben was so busy, "Please speak!"

"Now that the future of the Protoss is unknown, the human camp is not originally the allies of the Protoss, and there is no agreement between us at all. At this time...I hope that at least humans will not be enemies with us, okay?"

"We won't fall to the demons." Queen Biress said coldly, "and, even if we think about it now, it's too late! The demons now feel that they have a chance to win, and they don't care about the power of humans at all. It must be annihilation of the Protoss first. Then we turn around to deal with humans. It is meaningless for us to take refuge in them, but you... If we can help you through the difficulties, I think we will definitely get a lot of benefits, right?"

"Of course!" Ya nodded, but there was no slight smile on his face. "If humans can help us at this time, we will remember this kindness."

"That's good! No matter what it will look like in the future, but at least don't make us feel that this is a loss-making business." Queen Biress laughed, "Then the situation is clear now, and you should stay in your own position. Be cautious. Let’s deal with the current situation. We can’t determine the timing of the Mozu’s attack. Although it is reasonable to say that it should be later, the current Black Emperor is almost in madness, and it is possible to fight back tomorrow. Don’t be calm here, Let's go back individually. Let's go, let's go... Hurry up!"

Queen Biris tapped the table with her fingers. The appearance of a master began to rush people.

Several war gods thought this scene was a bit weird, but Queen Biris was right, and she was not in the mood to care about anything at the moment. They all stood up without saying much, and each nodded to everyone. Turn around and leave.

This is Ya's big tent, Ya naturally will not leave, and soon only Robben, Queen Biress will remain here. Tooth three people.

"Aren't you leaving?" Queen Biris asked Ya.

"This is my big agenda." Tooth frowned.

"I thought you had something to go out to do." Queen Biress looked at Fang, as if you had better leave quickly.

Tooth snorted and sat motionless at the table.

"We want to find a place to have some intimacy. It's safe for you right now, don't you want to watch it by the side?" Queen Biris looked at her with surprise.

Ya couldn't help but get angry, "Girl devil, you don't have to make an inch!"

Robben didn’t quite understand why Queen Biress said these irritating things, and gently shook her hand under the table, and said, “Ya, don’t mind, she’s just talking about it. Now that we are left. So can you tell me more specifically what God's Domain in your mouth looks like?"

Queen Biress tilted her mouth, "I don't want to find a place to relax, really..." After finishing speaking, she tilted her body directly, leaning against Robben's shoulder, and wanted this. He looked very intimate when he slept for a while.

Ya tried his best to turn a blind eye to the scene in front of him, Zheng Sè said: "That place is very vast. It looks like a continuous mountain range. The jungle and valleys between the peaks are vertical and horizontal. The terrain is very complicated, and most places are filled with dense fog. In many cases, the surrounding environment can only be seen from the top of the mountain, but more often, only the peaks in the sea of ​​fog can be seen."

"A place like this..." Robben couldn't help frowning, but any foggy place would be a little weird. This place of God's Domain is filled with fog all the year round. This is definitely an abnormal place.

"But... I'm afraid that everyone who can go there is strong, these mists, and mountains..." Robben was a little confused, "These are not problems at all, as long as you jump in the air and fly, even if it is crossing The entire God Realm will not spend too much time."

Ya gently shook his head, "Flight is fruitless, all you see is a continuous sea of ​​fog and mountains. I have also tried it. I flew for three days and three nights, and finally it was still full of thickness when it fell. On the side of the misty mountain peak, there is no end of God's Domain in sight."

"Three days and three nights!?" Queen Biris' eyes trembled, "Have you noticed any problems with flying?"

"No, it was indeed flying for three days and three nights!" Yaji nodded affirmatively, "I preserved the magic hourglass as an enchantment before flying, so that it would not be affected in any way. By the time I fell, it was indeed over three. Tian San Ye, and during this period of time, I felt the air flow and the space alternation clearly, and I did fly a very long distance."

Queen Biris contemplated her eyebrows: "In this case, isn't it really an illusion? You may just be spinning around in place."

"No, I left my light in the air. It won't disappear for days or nights, but it was left behind by me very early and never seen again."

"What?" Not only Queen Biress, Robben was also very surprised.

"So...that's a real, vast space!" Robben frowned, "how can this be possible, at the speed of teeth, in terms of the area of ​​the gods, three days and three nights are enough Fly around the **** realm a few times. How could it be possible that he hasn't flown out of that **** realm yet."

"However, when I left, I also left from the sky." Ya's words once again stunned Robben and Queen Biress.

"Didn't you say that flying is not feasible at all?" Queen Biress cried with some chagrin.

"Indeed, but I think it's not absolute, perhaps because of some special restrictions. I have been flying for three days and three nights without seeing the edge of God's Domain. My eyes are full of dense mountain fog. I had to fall again, in the dense fog. After walking for a long time, I finally couldn't bear to fly again. As a result...I saw the edge of God's Domain."

"Wha..." Queen Biris' **** sè is so weird and weird, "What did you say? You saw the edge of God's Domain? Didn't you say before..."

"Yes!" Ya nodded, "I haven't seen anything strange when I landed a few days ago, but after walking on the ground for a few days, I found in the sky that the edge of God's Domain was already near."

Paused. Ya sighed and said, "So far I don’t know how I came out, but I know I haven’t entered the illusion. There is no magic in it. The God’s Realm exists in the God Realm, and it’s connected to everything. After me I re-entered the God’s Realm again, and moved under the condition that I could see the boundary. I even stayed for two days, and that boundary was there. I finally left the God’s Realm along the boundary, and also found along the edge of the God’s Realm where I had entered. The location of God's Domain, I found... Actually, it was not far from where I came out, but I was trapped inside for a long time."

"Tooth. How long have you been trapped?"

"A long time." Ya seemed to think for a while, and finally gave an answer that made Robben's heart sink.

"That was before I officially became the God of War." Ya explained briefly, "That time... it was a trial for me."

Although Robben can’t fully guess how long Teeth was trapped in the end, but in terms of Ya’s life, she is almost immortal, and she can’t remember the specific time, so... I’m afraid that this time will really let everyone speak out. Feel horrified.

"So... how many chances does Moilo have to come back in ten days?"

"It's very small..." Fang closed his eyes, "but I want to believe that Moilo can come back."

Speaking of this, I already understood very well, Robben and Queen Biress looked at each other, both of them were worried.

Ya also stood up, looked outside, and said, "I'll go to see the situation of the space gate. Indeed, the situation of the demons must always be paid attention to. If you don't have a suitable place to go, just stay here for now, but... this is me. Rest place, if you want to make friends, you'd better leave here."

Robben was a little embarrassed, "Tooth, no, don't worry about this."

"That's good." Ya looked worried and left with a heavy expression.

Queen Biress watched Teeth away from the corner of her eyes, and then hummed lightly. She twisted and sat in Robben's arms. She lightly embraced Robben and said with a chuckle: "My doctor, we have been for a long time. I haven't made friends anymore..."

Robben smiled bitterly, "Bi'er, don't add fuel to the fire. This is not the time for us to have trouble with the Protoss."

Queen Biress rolled her eyes and said, "That woman always looks weird when looking at you. It's really annoying and annoying."

"It's just that it's difficult to deal with my relationship." Robben didn't care. "Now we should think about it. If Moilo does not come back, and Conil does not come back, what should we do?"

"What else can I do? Cold!" Queen Biris chuckled, kneading her fingers on Robben's face, "Doctor, don't use this look, okay, I'm not used to it, human or demons. It looks all right..."

Robben was very helpless, combing his own energy flow, his body quickly changed, and in a blink of an eye he returned to his human appearance.

Queen Biress smiled with her eyes crooked, she hugged Robben for a while, and she kept laughing, "Doctor, I actually like you the most. Do you know why?"

Robben moved his ears a little, Queen Biris was itchy in her ears, "Why? You should like the appearance of the demons?"

"Yeah! Naturally, the appearance of the Demon is the most handsome and charming!" Queen Biris raised her eyebrows, "but that appearance is a bit domineering, you just look good..."

With a 100% malicious smile on her face, Queen Biris pinched Robben's face to the left and right, "When you look like this, I will be more beautiful and wise with you, and I will be more at ease. Torture you..."

Robben's face was kneaded like dough. Changing different shapes, "I said Bier... why are you so happy? We are now facing a life and death crisis."

"What does it have to do with me?" Queen Biress said without caring.

Robben pressed Queen Biris's hands and said in surprise: "This has a great relationship with all of us."

Queen Biress smiled calmly, "Isn't it life or death? What's worth worrying about then? If you live, I'll be happy or if you die... I'm dead. I don't care what those things are doing. It will be annoying."

Robben was surprised.

Seeing Robben's stunned face, Queen Biris smiled very much, and lightly touched Robben's forehead. He said in a very relaxed tone: "It doesn't matter the doctor, in fact, I don't care much about what the world is like. Anyway, none of those things are really related to me. As long as you are alive, I am by your side. Everything is enough. If you die. I will die with you. There is nothing to worry about, how about it? Don’t I need to think about so much trouble?"


"But...Since the doctor wants to do so many things, I will help you. Anyway, this is also very interesting, haha! This battle really makes me look forward to it. Both the Protoss and Demons seem to have prepared a lot of secrets. Strength. Although the demons seem to have the advantage now, it is hard to say who the real winner is in the end, um... Doctor, guess who will win?"

The completely detached mentality of Queen Biris surprised Robben, and even felt a little speechless. But... Although Robben couldn't find any words to describe his feelings, there was one thing Robben understood very well.

The woman holding her arms and rubbing her forehead with a smile, clinging to her body, feeling the amazing touch of her bumpy figure, the hot temperature, the clear and rhythmic heartbeat...

After lightly kissing the cherry lips that made him incomparable countless times, Robben replied in a low voice, "Neither the gods nor the demons will win."

Queen Biris smiled charmingly and passionately, and kissed Robben back, "Why?"

"Because I won..."

"Oh? It's really rare for my doctor to be so self-confident." Queen Biress' eyes were a little bit surprised, and her smile was thicker.

"Although I don't know what I can get, I am so accompanied by my lover. My life and my persistence have completely won everything."

Queen Biris chuckled and chuckled, and touched Robben's forehead lightly, "You bastard, do you think I'm a little girl who is not in the world? You use this kind of rhetoric to coax me !"

"You don't like it?"

"You said too little."

The two of them got together like glue, talking love words, kissing and touching, completely forgot about themselves.

I don’t know when, the tent was pulled aside, Ya walked in quickly, "Moilo has contact...you guys!"

Queen Beris sat in Robben's arms with a pink face. Robben was holding her slender waist and kissing gently on her curved neck.

Originally...this is nothing to be discerning, it's just a kiss on the neck, it's just that the two of them have been used to fooling around together for many years, just simply hug each other, somehow they show a strange aura...

"Ahhh..." Queen Biress shrank her head slightly and covered half of her face with Robben's body. She seemed a little bit shy, but her eyes were staring at her teeth and she smiled, which seemed even more charming.

Robben stunned, scolded himself and forgot to pay attention to the surrounding situation, and did not expect Ya to return so quickly, and quickly let go of Queen Biress, wanted to stand up and talk, but found Queen Biress cluck He laughed, already leaned directly into his arms, and didn't mean to move.

"Moilo has news coming back!" His face flushed with anger, and he repeated the sentence fiercely.

"Ah...ya, don't get me wrong, we..."

"I have misunderstood, but I don't want to listen to the explanation!" Ya glared at Robben and shouted, and he closed his mouth immediately.

Queen Biress said lazily: "What is the news, just tell it, if you don't want to say it, then go out, don't disturb us."

Ya almost wanted to yell at him, resisting his anger and walking to the table, took out the magic spar from his arms, and saw that the magic spar was emitting bursts of light.

Seeing this, Queen Biris' **** sè couldn't help being serious. "Moilo wants to contact us so soon?"

"It seems that things are a bit weird indeed!" Without worrying about anything with Queen Biris, Ya quickly began to pour his power into the magic spar, the spar exuding a soft light, condensing into a piece of light in the air screen.

This time, the speed of imaging on the light curtain was very fast, perhaps because of being in the God Realm, and the picture on the light curtain was also very clear, without even half ripples.

When they saw the scene on the light curtain clearly, all three of them were taken aback.

In front of the light curtain, Moilo. Moilo, who has just set off now, has completely changed his appearance.

Blood stained his body, Moilo's armor was still intact when he set off. Now it is broken, his whole person is stained with blood, and he does not know whether it is his own blood or the blood of someone else. Even his blond hair is dyed red with blood, and blood drops are slowly dripping from the tips of his hair. .

Moilo's eyes opened wide. The pupils shrunk almost invisible, and the blood on his face was hollow and white. It looks terrible. The shocked look seemed to see the end of the world.

"Moilo!" Ya shouted, rushed to the front of the light curtain, his eyes quickly enlarged, "You...what's wrong with you? Where are you? What happened!?"

Moilo looked at the light curtain blankly, as if he didn't hear Fang's words at all.

"Moilo, answer me!!" Ya shouted loudly.

The picture on the light curtain suddenly began to shake. At the same time it became unclear.

"Um... It's dead!" Suddenly a strange voice came from the light curtain, and the next scene made the three people in front of the light curtain feel cold.

Moilo's body slowly fell, but his head was still hanging in the air, and his blood was slowly flowing. Moilo was dead, but the corpse and his head were connected together, and his whole body was stained with blood, so he couldn't see clearly here.

The picture began to shake rapidly and twisted, and the scene there was suddenly difficult to distinguish.

"This thing... can no longer be used..." The unfamiliar voice sounded again like ice thorns. It was cold in the ears, making people uncomfortable. In the blur, Moilo's head seemed to fall off, in the original position. A hand appeared...the figure shook, it seemed that someone was walking in place, and even put their face on the light curtain, but it was completely unclear who was there, and even whether the other party was a male or a female.

"It's a pity... I thought..." A vague voice came through the light curtain. The light curtain jumped and disappeared in the air. The light of the magic spar also dimmed and fell completely quickly. not see.

Inside the tent, the three of them looked at the magic spar on the table in shock, and no one could say anything for a while.

Moilo, dead?

Whether it’s Tooth, Robben, or even Queen Biris, it’s unacceptable. Not long ago, or even just now, less than an hour ago, Moilo was standing here, smiling. Speaking to everyone, taking everyone's treasures and starting from here, neatly dressed, with a calm demeanor, it doesn't seem like to perform an extremely dangerous task at all, but like a trip, and the grace and loyalty of the God of War are revealed.

However, just now, his body actually appeared on the light curtain, and his head was chopped off...

"It's impossible!" Suddenly a roar rushed out of Ya's mouth, grabbed the magic spar, and Ya desperately urged his power in. In a moment, the spar released light again, and a light curtain appeared on Jing. On the stone, there was just a chaotic shattered light on the light curtain, with no image at all.

"Moilo! Give me a reply!!" Ya yelled at the light curtain, his eyes flushed, but there was no response there.

The magic spar was repeatedly urged, and the light curtain that emerged on the spar had been expanded three times, and it was as bright as a small sun, and the teeth roared at the light curtain hoarsely, but there was no response there.

"Ya, forget it..." Robben gently pressed Ya's shoulder.

"Moilo!!!" Ya shouted loudly, not listening to Robben at all.

Robben frowned, the blue light floated on his hand, and lightning stretched out his hand, quickly snatching the magic spar from Fang's hand.

Ya was unprepared, and immediately furious when he was shocked, "Return it to me!!" Pounced directly at Robben.

"If you push again, the only clue will explode and disappear!"

Although Robben's voice was soft, Ya's body suddenly froze for a while.

Looking at the fading magic spar in his hand, God Robben solemnly said, "The situation has changed. Call Mundo and the others to come over immediately. It seems...this time the trouble is more complicated than we thought."

Soon, all the people in Mengduo who were puzzled were invited back.

"Moilo is dead." When everyone sat down, the gray-faced teeth threw a blockbuster in a short sentence, and the people in Mengduo almost jumped up in shock.

"Ya! What did you say!?" Mundo looked like a pair of bronze bells.

Ya looked at Robben. Robben knowingly put the magic spar in his hand on the table, "Just now... Moylo contacted Ya, but what we saw was only Moyro's body. Also... there seems to be someone around him. It is the guy next to Moilo who contacted us, but Moilo's breath has disappeared. This magic spar can only be used by certain characters. After that... the picture is completely Disappeared."

"This...is this kidding?" Crick's eyes kept shaking. "Moilo... he just left, just now. You guys now..."

Ya took the spar in his hand. Slowly urging the power, after the **** of jīng rebuilt the light curtain, he placed it on the table zhōngyāng, the light curtain was full of broken lights, and there was a disorderly sound.

The tent is quiet, everyone's eyes are fixed on the light curtain. It seemed that it was an extremely magical thing. The only sound in the tent was the sound of salsa from the light curtain, and everyone seemed to have stopped breathing.

Until the magic spar gradually dissipated, the light curtain disappeared. There was still no response from that side.

The tooth surface was extremely heavy, "Just now, Moilo's body appeared on the light curtain. His head was chopped off. The other party seemed to know this contact method for our unique items, and even used Moilo's remains. The spar activated by the breath of energy, unfortunately Moilo was already dead. He didn’t wait to say anything, the connection was interrupted, and we didn’t even see the other person."

As he narrated, Ya's fist clenched and rattled.

Several people in Mundo still can't believe this.

"Ya, this... is there really nothing wrong? Although we can't get in touch with him, he just left, this..."

Ya looked at the spar, and said with a trembling muscle at the corner of his mouth: "The location of God's Domain is not far from here. If Moylo leaves and moves forward at full speed, he should have reached God's Domain just now. His speed is relatively fast. It will be earlier, but if you say this is a mistake, the time is too coincidental!"

"Could it be a trap for the enemy?" Conil looked cautious. "Even if Moilo leaves our sight, he will be in danger, but he will not be killed without resistance. The God Realm can kill. There are only a handful of people who have killed him, let alone in such a short time."

"I don't believe it either!" Ya's voice trembled, "But the magic spar has been set up in advance. Only Moilo can contact me with this spar, which means that the person who contacts me must be Mo Yiluo’s magic spar, then..."

Everyone was silent.

The situation is already very clear. If the news is false, then if Moilo is not dead, how did this spar fall into the hands of others, and Moilo's body cannot be explained.

"Moilo... is he dead?" Mengduo's voice was heavy, saying that he was asking his teeth, and it seemed to be asking himself...

Conil said with a cold voice: "No matter what the situation is, now it is certain that there are enemies appearing in the God Realm, and... now that Moilo's spar can be used, ten of them are Gods! It seems that there is a traitor between us !"

This sentence made everyone's nerves sensitive.

Ya looked at Conil, and shook his head directly, "No, no one of us here did it. There is no doubt about this. In such a short time, none of us can follow Moilo and come back here again. The situation...maybe we have never thought of it before, and...maybe the threat to us is unprecedented."

Queen Biris looked at several people and said in a solemn voice: "Moilo's death is almost certain, then... who might have killed him, can anyone of you guess it?"

No one answered.

"Devil?" Conil couldn't help but glance at Queen Biris.

"No!" Ya shook his head directly, "Mozu will not use our contact spar."

"But there may be traitors to follow!" Conil said persistently.

"No!" Ya still shook his head, "The guy next to Moilo seems strange. He seems to want to contact us, but he didn't succeed. If it is a demon, he would never do it, and... if he could kill silently Moilo, I don’t think we would have a peaceful conversation here."

"If it's not the demon..." Mundo was lost in thought, "Then it won't be human, the rest..."

"And the other party used our unique communication item," Crick gritted his teeth. "The other party seems to be very familiar with us and definitely has a close relationship with the upper class of the Protoss!"

Ya listened to everyone's words and kept nodding his head gently, and then murmured: "But... what I want to know most now is where the other party got such a powerful force."

Everyone's faces have changed slightly, which is a problem that cannot be ignored.

"Although Moilo has never been in the limelight, he abides by the principles of warriors, forging his skills with pious beliefs and pure jīng, his strength is pure and fierce, his attack power is strong, and his defense power is also extremely strong, I think ...... Even if we join forces, it is very difficult to kill him head-on in a short time."

Ya's words made the air in the tent seem to be much colder.

"But on the light curtain, Moilo seems to have gone through a bitter battle. His armor was almost broken. Obviously, he was not attacked to death, but confronted with people head-on, and finally lost... God Realm, there is such a thing. Does it exist?"

The faces of several gods of war began to look hard to look at. This incident was too weird, and Moilo's death was simply extremely bizarre.

"Didn't you see the opponent clearly?" Mundo asked in a deep voice.

"No..." Ya shook his head regretfully, "At that time, the picture was distorted, and nothing could be distinguished. When the other party walked to the front of the picture, I couldn't tell at all. I didn't even know whether the other party was a male or a female."

"Isn't there a voice left?" Conil questioned.

"That voice..." The brows tightened again. "The voice is a bit old and very weird. It doesn't look like it was deliberately pretended, but it still can't be identified. The only possibility now is that the other party may be an elderly person. Protoss."

"Aging Protoss..."

The war gods exchanged their eyes, and their faces were shocked. Moilo was at the peak of a warrior. Both his **** and physique were at the strongest stage in his life. During the war, he had a strong fighting spirit. , It can be said that this may be the most powerful period of time in Moilo's life. How could an old Protoss kill a God of War in his heyday, and only in the blink of an eye.

"Speaking of it... it's just something uncertain." Queen Biris broke the dull communication, "If you want to understand it clearly, just go and see it in person~www.readwn.com~ Everyone's eyes instantly focused on Queen Biris' face.

"What's so beautiful?" Queen Biris sneered. "Moilo is dead. There is no doubt that a God of War lost his life inexplicably. This kind of thing has threatened the foundation of the Protoss. This kind of thing happened during the war. If you don’t figure it out, hehe, I don’t know if it will be these people next time..."

"I'll go!" Conil stood up.

"Conil! Don't be impulsive!" Mundo pulled him back, "The matter can be discussed, Moilo's death is unknown, we must investigate, but... if there is another loss, we can only I handed over the gods to the demons! In my opinion..."

"Don't talk nonsense anymore..." Queen Biris sighed boredly, "This matter, you can't do it, the only choice... is to rely on us."

"you guys!?"

"Yes... we!" Queen Biress smiled, and hugged Robben's arm with a stunned face. (To be continued...)

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