God Prohibitions

Chapter 210: Dean

In the old corridor of the second long, thinking of the heavy beating of the wooden gate guard, Robben felt that Raymond looked serious on his face, and the joy on his face just faded a lot.

\"come in!"

   A deep voice came from inside the door. I can't hear the meaning of being old!

\"Squeak" the thick brown-red door was pushed open by Raymond,\"Remember to be cautious, the dean is the Seven-Star Magician, don't irritate him. You know?. Raymond has entered the door, Fanny took Robben's hand and warned carefully at the back.    Robben scratched his head as if, and I don't know who is always causing trouble. This sentence is most suitable for Fanny. Also Yello also Having said that when facing this dean, Robben must keep his respect.

  \"Raymond! You came here early in the morning, what's the matter? I remember, you seem to have class today!"

   Robben walked in the door, and he looked around.

   The room is very big, there are many decorations on the wall, but there is no mage. There are a lot of warriors' swords and axes. There are still a few portraits, Robben doesn't know who they belong to.

   The other layouts in the room are very simple. Basically there is no layout. There is only a huge bookcase on one wall. The books inside seem to be out of date. It seems to be quite a few years old.

   Near the side of the window, there is a big desk. The table is almost bare. It was just throwing a few documents. On one side, there was a bottle of ink with a quill pen inserted. Behind the desk, there was a high-backed swivel chair, and the deep voice came from behind the chair. !

\"Dean, I'm here for my student this time, it's Fanny!" The sunlight from outside the window came in and hit the desk shining brightly, and Robben couldn't see the dean. What it was like, although the dean did not turn around. Still facing the outside of the ship, but Master Raymond still bowed deeply.

\"Fanny? Oh. What's wrong with that little wild girl? This time she irritated you. I seemed to hear you yelling downstairs. Hehe. It's been a long time since I heard you make such a loud voice!" said the dean Then, the swivel chair turned slightly, and whoever hidden the prize monster turned around!

   Robben finally saw what this dean looked like!

  \"Hehe, it's really been a long time since I was angry. I'm not like you. I'm old and don't have the energy to get angry anymore!" Raymond looked at the dean with a smile on his wrinkled face.

  This", is it Confucianism?

   Robben's eyes widened, wondering why he didn't see the dean's body just now. The dean was sitting on the chair with small arms and legs, and the high back of the chair completely covered his body.

   The seven-star great magician. He looked very old, with a long beard on his chest. However, Robben felt that there was a kind of vitality in the dean's body, although the beard was already very long, but. But there are not many grays, and it seems that it has been carefully trimmed, and there are not too many wrinkles on a face.

   The most strange thing about Robben is that the dean is wearing a wizard robe except for his body. Can't tell it is one at all. Mage, there is nothing short in the body? But the sturdy neck and the arms exposed outside the mage's robe are also muscular tangles.Although they are tall, they look like a strong body.If they didn't have arms and right legs, I took a sharp look and thought that a stone was on a chair. !

\"Hehe! You are still boasting that you are old and you are showing off to me. I heard that you seem to be about to break through the seven stars soon, right?" The dean chuckled and stroked his long, very fine trim. Moustache.

   Robben was slightly surprised, this. Thin and thin, it seems that a gust of wind can take away the little old man who was slammed by Fanny. He will soon become a wizard of Yihuaxing?

\"This old bone, it may not be possible to wait until that time!" Master Raymond seemed to be a little emotional,\"Forget it, don't say it, come! Look at my student, this is Fanny!" said, Master Raymond turned and beckoned to Fanny.

  \"Call you!" Seeing Fanny seemed a little nervous, standing still in place, Robben couldn't help squeezing Fanny's hand.

\"I know". Glancing at Robben a little, Fanny raised her foot and stepped forward. She held Robben's hand but did not let go, and directly pulled Robben up.

  \"Dean! I am Fanny, a four-star wind system mage." Standing at the desk, Fanny raised her head and chest. The voice is extremely clear.

\"You are the Fanny who always makes trouble in the college. In the past few years, the small square behind the college has almost been blown up by you. The dean said, narrowed his eyes and smiled,\"Oh, correct. Some time ago, you did blow up the small square, and it seems that you even knocked down the building next to it. Originally, I was still applying for the transfer of the abandoned city to expand the college. Now you are going to help me clean up the building. ! "

   Fanny flushed slightly, although she always went to private fights, this is no secret in the academy. However, Fanny felt a little embarrassed when she was told by the head of the college in person.

\"To quell your troubles, your family has sponsored a lot of money for the college. This year, your sister has spent money like water. What is it about you this time, and Lemmon will come with you. Isn't it, my office can fill in some new stuff this time? But, I haven't heard of anything in the college recently!" The dean, with a small body, looked at Fanny with interest.

  \"I'm not only going to get into trouble!" Fanny whispered. Obviously, the dean did it for herself this time.

  \"Dean! Fanny is here for the assessment!" Raymond's face showed a little excitement again.

  \"Assessment!?. The dean couldn't help being taken aback.

  \"Fanny, she is here to assess the qualifications of the great magician."

\"Oh? Examination of the qualifications of the great magician? The dean's face showed a bit of surprise, and he stood up and jumped to the ground, Rob Benqiang controlled the corners of his mouth. The dean stood on the ground, the desk His height reached his neck, and Robben saw a head dangling from the edge of the table.

   stood in front of Fanny. The dean raised his head, touched his beard and looked up at Fanny. \"Little girl, I remember, you will have to graduate from the academy for more than two years, are you coming to test the Grand Mage now?" The dean looked at Fanny's body, as if a little suspicious.

\"Of course it is true, this kind of thing can still be deceiving!" Fanny smiled, lowered her head without a trace, and looked down at the great magician in front of her. Fanny was a bit tall. The grown-up stood in front of Fanny and stood on tiptoe, so that the tip of his head could barely reach Fanny's shoulder.

   There are not many opportunities to make a seven-star great magician look up to him. Although my heart is very nervous, Fanny still feels very good!

  \"Hmm! It seems that the strength is indeed much higher than that of the average four-star wizard!" The dean nodded, not paying attention to Fanny's behavior and attitude. He just said something casually, but turned his gaze to Robben's side.

  \"Who are you? Are you here to test the Great Mage too?. The dean looked at Robben in confusion!

  \"Uh! My name is Ron! I'm Fanny's relatives. Today, she will come to the test. I will "come" to cheer her on. Robben was sweating secretly, he should have been reading in the library now,

  \"Oh! You are Ron!" The dean opened his eyes wide again and looked at Robben vigorously.\"You are the nephew of Teacher Rand, right!?.

   As soon as I said this, Fanny's face immediately showed weirdness. He looked at Robben with a slightly surprised look. Master Raymond was also a little surprised, and glanced at Robben's body.

\"Ah, yes, I am the nephew of Teacher Rand, and I will stop by to visit you this time. When she is leaving, she wants me to visit you more, but I haven't made time to come these days I’m sorry".

   Hierro had already talked to himself about this when he left, and Robben now had to climb down the rod. Anyway, it would not hurt to have a good relationship with the dean. How nice to say it,

\"Um! Okay, okay! I know. Just visit! Don’t get old, haha! Young people should study more and spend their time in useful places, so they don’t have to always think about me. This, old man! Uh ha ha ha!"

   Dean laughed, but everyone who laughed was a little baffling. Robben even felt that the dean’s smile was so embarrassing and helpless!

\"I know you this time, good! Good!" The dean patted Robben on the shoulder and said two good words with a smile, \"Ah, don’t you want to qualify for the Great Magician? We are now Let's start".

When Luo Benwang wanted to make a few more polite sentences, the dean had already let go of his hand and turned to talk to Fanny. Robben couldn't help but feel a little weird in his heart, why the dean's attitude was a bit unnatural, Yero said I have already greeted the dean. I don’t know how this greeting was made. It’s not about threatening people with a dagger.” Robben is sweating. But thinking about it, this seems impossible. After all, this old man is a seven-star great magician. How can anyone dare? Threatening"

  \"Well! Let's start! I have been preparing for a long time!" Fanny was very excited. After working hard for so long, today's dream is finally coming true!

  \"I didn’t expect it. Cowell just passed the assessment the year before, and it hasn’t passed this year. You ran for the assessment again. We have had a great harvest in the past two years!" The dean squinted his eyes and his beard smiled.

\"Dean, if I have no wrong information, I will be promoted successfully this time, and I will become the youngest great magician in the academy in 200 years, right?" Seeing the dean in a good mood, Fanny quickly verified this thing. If there is any arsenic, I have missed any news. The blow was really big.

\"how old are you!?"

  \"Twenty years old!" Fanny replied quickly.

  \"Hmm! Twenty years old". The dean frowned, seeming to be thinking about something, \"Raymond, who is the youngest great magician in our college in the last two hundred years?"

  \"Dean, it's you!" Raymond said with some dumbfounding.

  \"Oh, yes, yes, after a long time, I have forgotten. At that time, "How old am I?" . The dean began to knock his head again, and Robben suddenly felt that this old man was a little stupid.

  \"At that time, you were 21 years old. Kewell, who was promoted the year before, was 22 years old and already a genius." Although Raymond seemed to have more elders than the elders, he seemed to have a very good memory.

  \"Oh! Yes, yes! I remembered that at that time, the old dean specially gave a magic crystal as a reward! Hey! I really miss it. It's just that he died too early, hey!"

Dean    seemed to fall into his own memories again, shaking his head and sighing, he seemed to have forgotten the few people around him!

  \"Dean! Let's start now!" If possible, I can fly over to teach the students in time! "Raymond had to remind one side!

  \"Hmm! Okay! Let's hurry up. I will happen to have something to do in a while!" Then, the dean turned around

  \"Fanny, what do I think, your dean is a little weird". While the dean turned around and climbed up the swivel chair, Robben whispered to Fanny through the large desk.

  \"Idiot! Shut up!" No answer from Fanny. Instead, Fanny got a big roll of eyes.

  \"Ron, am I a little weird?.

   Robben was suddenly embarrassed. This desk is very long, and he and Fanny are not very close to the table. Unexpectedly, such a small voice would still be heard by the dean.

  \"Uh" No, I just think that as a magician of Yihua Star, there must be something different from others! "Roben slapped haha, scratching his head in embarrassment.

  \"Have you never heard of me before?. The dean usually said, pulling open the drawer on the table, lowering his head and looking for something inside?

Robben really didn't know how to answer this sentence. It seemed impolite to say that he didn't know at all, but before he came to the academy, he had never heard of this dean. I don't know, it's even more embarrassing.

  \"It seems that Metz didn't do any homework for you! You don't know anything about me." The dean raised his head and looked at Robben with a smile. I pulled something out of the drawer and put it on the table.

  \"Hehe" Robben is left with a smile now,"

  \"Fanny! Come here, this is your test paper!" The dean turned his head and beckoned to Fanny. Robben didn't move. But Fanny clenched her hand and pulled Robben vigorously.

  \"Don't be nervous. As long as your strength does reach the Great Mage, I won't be troubled by you!" The dean smiled and glanced at Fanny who was dragging Robben over.

   Robben stood aside and couldn't help but glanced at the examination paper on the table, only to see a blank one. The examination paper, which resembled a magic scroll, was clean, without a single word!

  \"Now, I want to test how well you have mastered magic knowledge during your time in the academy! Don't worry too much, just answer it as best as you can! Understand?"


Robben felt a little strange. Fanny was holding her hand and shaking slightly, saying that it was nervous, it was more like a little scared. Robben couldn't help squeezing Fanny's small hand to show encouragement, but only Fanny was awarded. With knowing eyes, Robben felt that Fanny's hands were still shaking slightly.

\"Before the hourglass in the hourglass is finished, write all your answers on it, now "Let’s get started". A small timing hourglass appeared in the hands of the dean, gently placed Upon reaching the table, the fine sand inside began to slowly slide down.

  \"This is your test this time!" As soon as the voice fell, a small magic technique appeared in the hands of the dean. With a light tap on the magic scroll on the table, Robben seemed to hear a few weird spells. Afterwards, Robben was slightly surprised.

On the smooth surface of the paper, rows of handwriting began to appear, just like when I sealed the magic scroll, a striped road stretched out on the surface of the paper, and in the blink of an eye, a sheet full of characters and patterns The examination paper appeared in front of Fanny.

  \"Use that pen! Other writing on the front has no effect". The dean pointed to the ink bottle on his desk and gently pushed the test paper in front of Fanny.

Glancing at the hourglass that had leaked some sand, Fanny took a breath and gently let go of Robben's hand that he had been holding. Robben felt that his hand was a little painful by Fanny, and she didn't know. How much effort did she use?

  \"Go, time is running!"

   Robben gently pushed Fanny, and with a wave of his other hand, a blue light floated on a chair in the distance, floated directly, and slowly fell behind Fanny.

   Dean's long eyebrows moved slightly. Can't help but look at Robben a few more times.

Fanny smiled, settled, pulled the chair and sat down, took out the quill from the ink bottle, and began to write and draw on the examination paper~www.readwn.com~Roben was standing by, Originally, I wanted to sneak a look at what knowledge the Great Mage had to test in the assessment, during this period of time. In addition to sensing the spatial magic in the library, I was learning the magic instructions of the current magic system. Compared to before, Robben felt that he was one of them now. \"Quality" qualified mage.

   just took a few glances, Robben couldn't help being hit hard. Fanny is now on the exam paper with something fast written on it, reading a few lines by herself, she understands the words. However, the content was not understood. Moreover, there are still symbols for measuring on the paper, and there are many complete magic circles, which makes Robben a little depressed. I didn’t want to learn the things of the great magician for more than half a month, but I still can’t understand at all.”,

   didn't know what was written on the exam paper. Sometimes Fanny was like a schoolboy holding a quill while talking about something while hurriedly writing something on the roll of paper. It seemed that she was carrying something, and sometimes she raised her head. Frowning thinking that it took a long time to put the pen on a small tick, and sometimes put the quill back into the ink bottle, and silently recite a few spells before writing. Robben even saw Fanny on the roll paper several times. After a few spells, one on the roll of paper. The place lit up with dim light.

The more Robben sees it, the more powerless he feels. If this dean is evaluated in this way, it is estimated that if he wants to pass the assessment of the Great Mage, he will have to wait for many years." If you want to know what happened, please log in... Furious, more chapters, support the author. Support genuine reading!

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