God Prohibitions

Chapter 221: Space gate

There was no one, and the dean would not come in a short time. Even if he did come, where he would come out, it was still unknown whether he could find him or not, and Robben had no worries.

   In the faint blue light, two books floated quietly in the air, one is a book of magic spells borrowed from the library, and the other is a blank magic book that I have made countless books.


  The silver-white pages unfolded, Robben silently chanted the spells on the book, his body flashed with the thunder of Huo Huo,

   After the spell on one book was released, he immediately put it into the ring, and then took out another one. As the pages flew, Robben copied the spells on each book as quickly as possible!

  The hourglass stood quietly in the void beside Robben, leaking silently in the violent sparkle of wind, fire, thunder and lightning."


Robben took a long sigh, copying a magic, it consumes a lot more energy than just casting this magic once, at the very least, he has to seal the blank magic scroll once, which is two castings. Robben didn't know how many books he had changed. Anyway, there were very few magic books in the ring that he hadn't touched. Now Robben is also feeling tired.

It is the first time since I started to learn magic by myself. It is the first time to throw a big move so cool. The magic of the big magician level, whether in terms of power or sound and light effects, is much more shocking than the previous magic, although tired. It was terrible, and there was a slight feeling of collapse in spirit, but Robben was very relaxed in his heart.

I overturned the thick magic scroll in my hand. Today, almost half of the magic scroll has been sealed. There are probably more than one hundred. Thanks to the reduction of the magic element content as much as possible, this can save myself a lot. Or else, more than one hundred five-star magic, lowly magic, would have to be used twice,

   glanced at the hourglass next to him, and most of the sand on it had fallen. In other words, after a while, it was almost noon in the outside space.

Stopping his urge to turn to the next page, Robben closed the wind magic book in his hand and put in the ring. His state would soon be mentally overdrawn. If you lie down for a day, that’s not good enough. If you take a break now, your mental state will recover within half a day.

   happily touched the scroll of his newly sealed Grand Mage spell, and Robben threw it into the ring.

Now, I should try that, the spell of the space gate, the dean doesn't know if there will be other space magic spells, and since every generation of the dean will use this spell, does that mean that space magic does not What special talent can you learn?

   With questions in his heart, Robben took out a small purple spar. This is a magic sound stone he condensed after learning the sound magic taught by the dean. [.]

With a strong pinch, the spar was not as hard as it seemed, it was almost broken by hand, a faint blue light floated, and a small magic circle appeared in the air.At the same time, Robben himself Obviously unskilled, even jerky voices of chanting spells came out.

   Of course, listening to his own voice is pretty good, Robben listened carefully. While reading silently, the spiritual thread slowly extended out of the body, carefully sensing the small fluctuations in the space.

After the short spell was completed, Robben clearly felt that his mental power had consumed a part of it, but he couldn't track what the spent mental power was doing.It seemed that he just slowly leaked out of his body, and then unexpectedly. Disappeared without a trace!

In front of   , the space began to twist and turn, and finally sink in. The entrance of a gate-shaped black hole appeared in front of Robben.

   Robben frowned, extending and surrounding the spiritual thread that carefully sensed the situation in the space, without capturing the slightest information at all, and the elements in the space did not have any abnormal fluctuations.

   Is there a fundamental difference between space magic and elemental magic? Even if natural elements are not needed to activate the magic effect, at least there will be some effects.For example, when using fire magic, the water element will naturally decrease, and when using water magic, the fire element will also decrease. When this kind of magic is cast, it will have a certain impact on the magic elements in the surrounding space, either the degree of flow, or the change in content [天珠变], in short, as long as you pay attention, there are traces to follow. .

When I cast a spell, I don’t use specific spells to produce magic fluctuations. This is indeed very concealed, but it still has some influence on the elements in the space. Of course, for now, Robben can completely avoid these changes with accurate magic control. [Dzi Bead Change] was noticed by others.

However, now the door of this space has been unfolded in front of me, the spell has been completed, and the magic effect has been produced, but there is no trace of fluctuation in the space, just like on the third floor of the magic tower, there is nothing. Fluctuations can follow.

   has already had a spell, but still can't notice the fluctuations at all, and even the influence on the elements is not noticeable, what is it! ?

   Robben scratched his head, thinking in circles for a long time, without a clue, his hand stretched out, another magic sound stone was taken out, crushed, and chanted!

Another part of his mental power was consumed. What made Robben a little anxious was that he still couldn't capture the whereabouts of these mental powers, as if it had dissolved into the air, there was no trace to follow, and the space began to twist and fall, a , The entrance of the black hole appeared in front of Robben again.

   There is nothing," It is still quiet, without any signs of fluctuations to follow!

   I really don’t believe in this evil!

   Using a spell to summon the door of space in a different space, you can't feel the fluctuations of space magic, this is how to learn! ! ? ? Robben's spiritual thread plunged directly into the door of the space unfolding in front of him.


  , Wang Fabi Bei

   A piece of nothingness, the spiritual thread passed into the space door, behind the door, there was a piece of nothingness, the real nothingness, nothing, not even natural elements, an empty space.

   Apart from these, there is still nothing that can be perceived by myself!

   Robben's brows are about to rise, and he retracts his spirit. Reached out, took out another magic sound stone, crushed it, and chanted!

Except for this one, Robben only has the last magic sound stone. If he still can't sense anything this time, then he must leave here to be on the safe side. Robben still holds his curse level. Very skeptical, now I don’t know how this spell works, what power it uses, I missed a word in the spell, I might stay in Xunyi.

   This time, Robben laid down his blood, endured the slight tingling in his head, and started to work with his mental energy! The sensing ability of the spiritual thread doubled in an instant, and it spread out almost infinitely. At the same time, the spell has been completed.,

\"What is this stuff!?.

Robben couldn't help but yelled, his load strengthened his mental induction ability, his head was terribly painful, but "there is hardly any difference, but at that moment, Robben seems to have captured the small pieces in space again for some reason. Nothing is different from other things!

   Such an illusory thing can really be systematically cultivated into a series of magic! ? ? Robben looked at the twisting and spinning space door in front of him, and couldn't help but jump his feet.

If you think about it, you can only forget it. The existence of space magic is an indisputable fact. After the old man Xiuma discovered the truth of magic, it took many years to sense the elements that exist in the space. For him, such magic. It should also be illusory. But now, I don't have to practice this kind of magic.

Hey! Work hard, boy!

   sighed, Robben encouraged himself and settled his attention. After returning, he must go to the dean to find out if he still knows some information about space magic.

   Raising his foot, Robben stepped into the space door,

Oh! By the way, the hourglass forgot to take it, and I don't know if it can be found next time I come here. When Dashen is magical just now, it seems that there is no edge in this space, and the dean said that I don't know if there is any How old is it, if you have a different entrance every time you come, it seems that you have to bring one yourself.

   thought in his heart, Robben, whose body has mostly entered the space gate, turned his head and glanced at Robben remembering that the hourglass was in that direction,

   This look made Robben startled in a cold sweat!

The hourglass was still floating there quietly, and the sand inside was slowly leaking down. It was not surprising at all, but what made Robben's heart attacked with fear: beside the hourglass, the entrance to a black hole was quietly in that soap. Squirming!

  The door of space!

   That myself?

   His eyes swept around in an instant, and the entrances of two black holes were quietly floating in the nearby space! I chanted three spells and summoned the space gate three times! Now, the other two are still there!

While his already weak mental power was fully aware of the changes in the space [天珠变], Robben did not notice that the two space gates he had previously summoned had actually not disappeared behind him. Ever!


   severe pain!

   Only half of Robben's face remained outside the entrance of the black hole in front of him. On the hidden body, there was a sudden violent pain!

   An instant cold in my heart!

   has crossed this space gate connecting the outside world and here three times. Robben felt cold every time, and when his eyes were dark and bright, he passed through the space gate to another space.

  , stone

   I have never felt uncomfortable before, and I never thought that I have had severe pain like this!

   The immense power seems to be tearing his body, twisting and squeezing! Robben felt that half of his body seemed to be torn into pieces soon!

What is even more frightening is that this kind of power does not only come from outside the body, it seems that his body is also filled with this violent power. Robben obviously feels that one of his hands has been comminuted and fractured for the first time, and the internal organs seem to be right. Be twisted into a ball!


   spouted a mouthful of blood, and in Robben's horrified eyes, the light that flashed on half of his face had been sucked in by a powerful force in the darkness.",

   As soon as the blood flower floated quietly in the white void space, Robben was sucked in by the door of the black hole. Amidst the distortion, a piece of white gradually floated up, and the door of the black space disappeared without a trace.

   The gravel hits the pile of sand quietly. After a while, the remaining two space doors began to gradually twist, a faint white color began to float, and the two space doors slowly disappeared.",

   The last gravel fell, and in the entire white world of nothingness, only a small patch of blood was slowly spreading in the air, and gradually, "disappeared."

   Everything is restored and abandoned again.

   Maybe, I'm really a bit dumb, or just put it straight, it's silly!

   This is the only thought in Robben's heart now!

I don't know where I am, only the extremely violent power is tearing myself from the inside and outside of the body. The poor elemental power protects itself,

Robben feels that he is gradually losing his body's intuition, in a pitch black like ink, and he doesn't know if he has lost his consciousness or his body has been torn to pieces~www.readwn.com~ the boundless pain Drowning Robben, he has never experienced severe pain, the kind of pain in the brain, pain in the depths of the soul, unmatched power rages inside and outside the body, it seems that there are countless pains running in and out of the body, from to the spirit Robben felt that everything about himself was torn to pieces.

   On the one hand, there is immense fear and regret, and a strong sense of survival, on the other hand, the pain that seems to tear his soul apart makes Luo Ben really want to die now!

Finally, except for his head, Robben has lost all his body sensations. Even so, the hellish pain in his mind still makes Robben unbearable. It seems "has been roaring wildly for a long time, and it seems that he has never been out. Any sound.

  Everything is chaotic, and the brain is filled with magma-like pain, and a picture starts to flash in my mind, the memories of the past: parents, girlfriends.

   Robben's memory: the halo of genius and miserable tragedy.

And, the memory of myself and Robben: this world full of magic, this world that I can't understand now, seems to have countless faces flashing in front of me, that sweet smile, that sly smile, Those ghostly eyes,

  The legend says that when a person is about to die, he will recall all his life experiences in his mind. This time, are you and Robben, really, going to die?

  痛楚   finally disappeared slowly.

(www.. Lang Lang Book)

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