God Prohibitions

Chapter 236: New nest

Life was unremarkable. Net m.

   Finally, Robben was seriously injured and found out. The place I was in that day should be regarded as a library

The seventh floor of   , and the place behind a transparent wall is the sixth floor of the library.

   is also the highest level that I can go to now with my own great magician micro-chapter.

   After knowing where the path is. So you don’t have to venture through the door of space to enter the seventh

   layer. if that is the case. At the moment of entering, it is very easy for others to notice their own existence.

   is here. And go in from the secret passage in the passage of the Great Mage. Relatively, the safety factor is even higher

   some more. At least, you can use your mental power to find out if there is someone in front of you.


   After Robben came back, he thought about it, since it is in the magic tower of the college library, it must be

   There are several other departments, and the row of space doors outside the dean’s office is very likely

   is a channel connecting these high-levels.

   Searched for a picture in the interconnected channels of the Great Wizard Tower. Robben's unsurprisingly co-occurrence

   Six hidden passages, after touching them, the spatial structure inside is similar, and in the end, they all lead to

   In a huge room, there is a huge bookcase. On the bookcase, the magic of each department is very high

   deep magic books.

   These should be the seventh floor of the various departments of the library. Robben turned carefully and carefully.

   After several times, I finally found the situation in these places to be similar, in these hidden rooms

  里. Each one is guarded by at least one mage. And in the water magic tower, Robben even encountered

   Two wizards.

   The strength of this fire mage, Robben didn't dare to go and explore it, all he would hide as far away as possible

  How far away, presumably the old man in red robe is the Seven-Star Great Magician, in other towers, it is probably

   will not be lower than this level. Now it’s good to be able to fool this song to stand on the top of magic

   now. Robben didn't want to cause unnecessary trouble, if it was like the dean said.

   I was beaten half to death by these powerful guys by a miss or even hung up directly.

   A thief who sneaked in, that really doesn't make sense.

   Fortunately, these people don’t seem to be alert, or it’s not easy here.

   was discovered. Or he is very confident of his own strength, every time Robben goes to a room,

  Shou mage are doing their own things, or doing experiments, or reading books, even Robben sees

   To the female magician of the thunder system, she seems to be facing the mirror in her face most of the day

   rubbing powder and playing with her long head

   This has provided Robben with a lot of convenience.

   In addition to silently reading and copying spells here, Robben also carefully used his essence by the way

   Divine power scanned every space, and every room had a hidden space door. through

   After many days of waiting, Robben finally seized the limited opportunity and walked through every space door

   I repeated today, the day I crossed the last door.

   As thought in his heart, Robben appeared again on the corridor in front of the dean’s office

  中. Each of the space doors on the seventh floor of the magic tower is similar to a space door here


   It's just that Robben's gaze turned and he looked at the wall opposite him. Be in

   Among the six space doors, the space door I had never walked through.

   On the other side of the corridor, there are a total of seven space doors corresponding to seven rooms. In its

  中. Each room is placed with a book of the corresponding color, and there is dark magic in it.

   is here.

  On this wall, there are seven gates, the magic tower corresponding to Liudaotong library management

  中. However, Robben knew about the college. There is no magic tower of dark magic

  Magic, only the representative of evil on the continent, the public enemy of all life, the Necromancer, can use it.

  In the academy, it is absolutely impossible for this kind of magic to exist.

   What about this door?

   Robben's idea is in his mind for a few times, but he still didn't go in rashly, but returned from downstairs

   went back to the library. Once again, I searched carefully in the interconnection channel of the Great Mage


   As a result, Yiri is still only the six secret passages that appeared before, and there is no seventh strangeness.

  Weird place. Robben is still more confident about the current spiritual search, even if it is not

   can see the hidden things thoroughly and clearly, but only to detect them

The existence of    is still not a problem, but after a search, the gain is zero.

   In the passage, there is no such thing as a secret grid.

   Then just enter the door, although the risk factor is a little higher, but be careful

   Shen. At least it can be done without being seen directly.

  Standing on the long corridor again, his mind drives the room and Robben opens the last

   A door of space, blessing a good magic defense shield. A space barrier is added to the outer skin,

   directly into the incognito state. Only then cautiously stepped into this space door.

   Yiri is the same darkness, Yiri is the feeling of calm and tranquility, there is no madness in the space

   Violent things are running around. Everything is as usual.

   Suddenly Robben’s body was around something abnormal, a gentle force came from behind

   pushed it over. This surprised Robben's heart. Every time like this, it was the exit of the space gate.

  After opening, and now, my eyes are still dark, nothing


   In the twelve minutes of vigilance, Robben unexpectedly found that his foot was touching again

When    arrived on the ground, some essential changes occurred in the space outside the venerable body [天珠变]. all. completely not


   has come out of the same space door! This is Robben's first

   There is pitch black in front of my eyes, there is not even a hint of light" as if Yiri is still in that piece of nothingness

   is the same in the dark space, but Robben is now sure that he has walked through the space door

   came out, and the spiritual thread leaning out gave back to the surrounding situation. Here, it seems that it should also be a

  The room is very big.

   Robben raised his hand and touched a table-like thing he felt, his tentacles were hard and cold,

   Besides, there seems to be a layer of dust

   The surroundings are terribly quiet, Robben has been standing in the original and exploring four weeks with mental power, but

   And. There is no sound around, this place seems to be forgotten alive

   The corners of the world are equally quiet.

   Robben frowned, no one here!

   The dots of light lit up, Robben's hand. A brighter and brighter milky white light ball slows

   slowly increased, and with a slight drag, the ball of light flew into the air, shining a bright light around Robben.

   is another party that hasn't been visited for many years. Moreover, it seems to be more old here

   Under the soft light of the day. Robben looked around. A decayed smell seems to penetrate into the nose

   hole. With a flick, the ball of light flew into the air like a firefly. In a huge space

   drifting away, everything is as if bathed in sunlight.

   It is estimated that no one has been here for hundreds of years, right,

   Robben rubbed the dust on the table in front of him, and couldn't help shaking his head. Here, the layout is down.

   is no different from other magic towers, it is also half a room with huge books counted

   cupboard. There are test benches in half of the room, just. These things are quite old

   old. Many places have been corroded by rust. As if one is about to be sent into the historical coffin

Places to go.

   There is almost nothing on the test bench in this half of the house. Some have not been

  The pots, pots, pots, pots and pots that have corroded holes, the front of the inside is empty, occasionally, you can see something

   There is a layer of money stuck at the bottom, of course. Robben didn't want to but figured out that this deposit is not dirty

  What is the thing that has been lost for many years?

   walked to the edge of those huge bookcases and touched these old woods.

   The high-quality bookcase seemed to pounce in a sense of vicissitudes. Robben shook his head. Opened the book in front of you


   What surprised Robben was that there were many books neatly placed in the bookcase.

   This book also looks like a bookcase for many years, showing few white pages

   is yellowed and more. It's an all-black cover!

   Dark Magic!

   Robben couldn't believe it, he took out a book carefully from it, even though it was very small

   I felt my heart, but Yiri broke the corner of the book. That cover, shattered like a dry book page

Lost. How many years have passed, and now, it has become very fragile


   This is a pure book about dark magic, it's about before summoning undead creatures

  'S preparations and precautions, the details are introduced. The discussion is specific, as if this is a kind of

   has a strict system and complicated operation magic.

   Robben raised his head before his eyes. There are rows of huge rice cupboards standing out

   There is a smell of corruption in the dust of history, which is hard to imagine in the human world. in

  The Imperial Academy of Magic, a place that cultivates magical talents for the country, will store so much dark

   Black Magic Books.

   These bookcases seem to have labels originally, but these labels seem to be all

   The scriptures slowly eroded over the years, Robben slowly. With dust in these

   Walking in the old bookcase, every other bookcase, I took out a book to take a look.

at last. In a bookcase that was also not full, Robben discovered the Dark Curse


  切, it's no different from other magic towers, except that it seems to have been caught early

   Forgetting, no one will ask

Here. There is no door.

   Robben looked around, but didn't find a way out for the old one except the space gate. This

   A huge room, all blocked by a space barrier. Robben tried to break on a wall

   opened a point, after the mental power penetrated in. But surprised to find that outside the wall, Yiri has a layer

   The space barrier blocks here, and this barrier is powerful. But it's not that I can shake


   Fortunately, the walls here are relatively thin. Robben made a small hole in the wall with magic. From

   looked out, and wanted to get a rough idea of ​​where it was. As a result, I saw that

   It was completely dark.

   When Robben was unwilling to cut off a large wall entirely, he was shocked

   now. outside. Yiri is pitch black. As if a huge piece of glass was lying in front of him.

   Beyond, there is a dark world, other than that. Nothing at all,

   Moved the mental resonance, Robben was very struggling to penetrate the spatial screen in front of him with mental power

   barrier. However, before Robben was ready to explore outside with difficulty, Robben was extremely shocked.

   After hacking, the spirit thread has been withdrawn.

   Outside, there is nothingness!

   This is not the same as that white void space. Although Robben doesn’t know much about space magic

   know. However, white can also be felt just by feeling. Just like the dean’s assessment space and this kind of black

   It is dark like the kind of dark space when I pass through the door of space.

   The same.

   That white piece of nothingness, but nothing. Like the whole world

   has disappeared. And the dark one, without the slightest amount of light, is barely empty

  , Robben thinks, in that, you can’t even find the most basic space.

   is small, everything is distorted, everything is uncertain. Can clearly feel "Xiaoyouna

  The space turbulence made up of these incomparable space hangings.

   Robben suspected that the darkness was not a normal space at all, but in two spaces

  'S crack. Separation, or to say, a fault in space, a real nothingness, even space

   is extremely chaotic nothingness.

   And outside of this room, it's just like that. Dark nothingness,

   This place should be in the turbulence of space, Robben finally came up with this

  A guess, this one can explain why I can’t find the entrance here in the college.

  In this academy, there are really many secrets hidden, and there are various space doors that communicate with each other.

   And there is such a huge amount of dark magic, I don’t know

  Will you ask the Empire to burn the magic academy on fire? Robben watched carefully looking at himself

  Sawamoto Dark Curse Book in front of him, such thoughts popped up in his heart from time to time.

   just. From the situation here, maybe. No one knows this place in Xuegui

   may exist, it is the dean, Robben guesses that he does not know this place himself

   When these days came, I ran close to this old man several times, and dug out some from his mouth several times

   Information about the college. After all, they have lived for more than two hundred years and know a lot.

   And when asked about space magic. The dean did not seem to hide anything, bluntly no

   Taboo admitted about the opening of the space door. That magic is passed down by every dean himself

of. Few people have always known this curse, and during his tenure as the dean, even less

   A second person knows this spell. Of course, Robben is not included.

   When mentioning space magic, the dean also showed great interest. From the first hospital that year

   A long deed, to the existing trace of magic in this space. The dean is always talking about it but

Yes. From all aspects, the dean does not seem to understand the many space gates in the college. and

   And look at the dust accumulated in the room that I passed by and those books with weird writing. Luo

   This faintly felt that there seemed to be some secrets in it.

   The space doors on both sides of the corridor are completely two systems, like two different transportation lines

   the same. In the space on the seventh floor of each magic tower, Robben entered the last mine magic tower

There are two space doors in   , one is connected to the dean’s corridor, one is sometimes connected to that

   In the assessment space, the two lines seem to form an intersection on the assessment space.

  Think about it now, I seemed to have summoned a total of three spaces in that assessment space.

door. If you choose another door incorrectly, you should appear in the Thunder Magic Tower

In the seventh floor of   , there is no need to experience such pain. I just don’t know if I will be caught

  'S archmage has been bombarded to death

   In summary, there is such an interconnection between the college’s office building and the library

   Space door system, this may be the first dean of the year, that is, the legendary mastery of space

Designed by the great magician of   Magic, the door in the magic tower may be for your own convenience. but

   Those seven small rooms, the dust and completely incomprehensible text in them made Robben very suspicious

  Why are those rooms built for?

   And now this one is full of dark magic books. The dark magic tower that shouldn't exist

   The seventh floor. But Robben was even more surprised.

   In the five hundred years of history, perhaps a lot of secrets have been hidden,

   Although there seems to be more and more doubts in my heart, but. Now there is an advantage,

  In the huge room, although there is a lot of dust. But it was very quiet. No one will bother Luo at all

  本. You can safely do anything here!

   Robben blew over with a wind magic, and immediately gathered the dust into a dirt ball and threw it in the corner.

   Everything is completely new. The only thing is not perfect. When cleaning up the dust. A few table books

  The bookcase was blown to pieces by the wind because of its age.

   Get together the table that Huanen can make do with. Those who are about to fall apart will be returned directly

   can be used to remove, add this thing in his ring, Robben is in this huge room

   set up a temporary base area, and then took the big hair that had been restored in the crystal

   called out and told him that this was his temporary new home, which made Da Mao very happy, and seeing that

  Some massive dark magic books~www.readwn.com~The dark blue flames in Da Mao’s eyes jumped happily


   In the past, Robben never knew, Da Mao. It is possible to learn magic, you can even say,

   Da Mao has quite an amazing talent in learning dark magic. Robben didn't know this was the one

   The reason for the body is still Da Mao’s original soul. Or both

   has a place that truly belongs to me. Robben can finally do this thing comfortably,

   The things that are usually hidden at one time can finally be put on the big side grandiosely, such as that

   Something like magic crystals.

   After some more days, Robben finally knew that the mage on the seventh floor of the magic tower had arrived.

   how slack the bottom is, the more they guard against their task. Seems to be studying more

  Everything, including the old man who clamored to learn alchemy all day long and the one who always fights in front of the mirror

   pretending to be a female mage, most of their time. They are all nervous and busy.

   Robben began to secretly bring all kinds of magic books back to his temporary den, and he was relieved

   Research these magic books

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