God Prohibitions

Chapter 239: Derivation (1)

\"Looking at the provocation and roaring into the sky. Joseph smashed to the ground.

Everyone's feet vibrated, and in the muffled sound, the protection magic on the ground was once again stabbed into a hole by this giant sword like tofu, and a group of white light reality shockwaves exploded, sandwiching the ground and bursting huge. The slate rushed into the sky together.

Raising his head violently, Joseph quickly searched for the opponent's location.At the moment he was close, the opponent's body swayed strangely, and he dodges his attack with an embarrassment, and then, his body disappeared directly into the air. !

   This kid wants to smash me to death. Can't he use so much strength?

Originally wanted to block it, but at the moment Joseph was close, Robben felt a fierce murderous aura from the giant sword that was about to slash his forehead.In the end, he still did not dare to use his immature technology to resist, but Directly a wind magic flashed away.

Now, Robben is floating in the sky. From Joseph's direction, it should be the direction of the sun. This" is still learned from the previous battle with the third uncle. The messenger had a pair of battle axes and was covered with blood-red grudge. In the battle experience, I also taught myself a lot. I don't know how he is now. It is estimated that Sanniang is still in charge every day.

   After leaving the gods, Robben heard an exclamation from the crowd in the plane. Looking down, he found a dazzling light shining below!

  \"Where to go!"

   With a loud shout, a cloud of white light suddenly burst on the ground, the flashes were gathered up, and a sharp blade of light rushed directly at him and slashed.

  \"Joseph is a fourth-level knight, can he have such a powerful sword aura!?" Angel was surprised to see an arc of light burst from Joseph's Xueliang sword and went straight to Robben in the sky!

  \"That sword is a good thing. With that sword, Joseph can easily leapfrog and use some moves. A few sword auras. Not surprising!" Fanny's tone was light, and she didn't seem surprised at all.

  \"He can catch up with the fifth-level knight!?" Rowling was the one who was questioning this time.

  \"At least not inferior to any level 4 knight!" Fanny said calmly, while watching Robben who was in the air rushed away from the attack.

\"Fanny, don't you worry? Although Joseph usually has no bad habits, everyone doesn't like him very much, because Joseph always hits people badly in duels, Su Zhiran will not Disabled, but it is common to lie down for a month.

  \"It's okay! You can't die!!" Fanny shrugged. I reluctantly repeated one sentence.Perhaps Joseph is one of the most powerful knights in the academy.However, Fanny's eyebrows jumped vigorously, and now Robben, who is a little embarrassed in the air, must be full. The most powerful wizard in the academy is better than Kewell, better than himself, well, I have to admit that in magic, he and Robben are not at the same level, he is much better than himself.

The bright blade of light flew past the tip of his nose, and the bitterly cold Robben got goosebumps. He only relied on the magic elements integrated into his body to improve his strength, and his various abilities had dropped a lot, at least in Robben felt very uncomfortable with the degree he was best at.

   However, the sharpness of the spirit is still there, Robben's hand grabbed back like lightning.

  \"I caught it!"

The voice of ecstasy, but in the end turned into stunned, with a flaming fighting spirit that suddenly appeared behind Luo himself, the huge sword in his hand was about to be cut off, but Robben, who has not turned around, has already had one hand. He stretched out anxiously and grabbed his head.

   The power is surprisingly great. Joseph doesn't know what the person in front of him is practicing, but in short, he must be able to use magic. This hand strength is really not so strong!

   Luo Benwang wanted to throw Joseph off. But he was shocked, knowing that he shouldn't be soft-hearted and grabbed his neck. This Joseph couldn't help but not feel the slightest fluster because of his restraint. Instead, he quickly adjusted his posture, holding the giant sword tightly with both hands, and had already cut directly. Come here.

   turns out to be a more experienced combat master than himself!

  'S body instantly lit up with a layer of blue light, and the whole person spun like a big windmill, and the huge sword rushing to the thunder slashed to the corner of Robben's clothes, but was thrown out by the huge centrifugal force that was generated instantly!

The body was tilted, and his hand slammed down, and Joseph's body was smashed directly inward by Robben.The distance of ten meters was completely negligible in front of the huge momentum. Joseph was like a rock falling from a height of tens of thousands of feet. The same hit the slab of the big battlefield!


   Smoke and dust were everywhere, and the magic of Shibanshan became a decoration again, and was smashed in a burst of white light!

  \"So difficult!"

Robben's posture has not changed, and his pupils can't help but shrink. Joseph, who was just thrown down by himself and hit the ground fiercely, has already rushed out in an angry shout, and the flames of his body have increased instead of decreasing. The gleaming white light of the giant sword dragged behind, scraped through the air, leaving a series of milky white halos.

  \"Ah, Tsutsuki!"

   In the almost mad roar, a white lightning flashed across the air. Joseph's white blade had already been cut to his side again.

Since you have to slash my swords, I will take advantage of your heart. Robben grinned with a smirk, his hands were gathered on his chest, his index fingers were facing each other, and a few inconspicuous red lights rose on his fingertips. stand up.

  \"Ah!" Leng Lin screamed, staring at the scene in mid-air with horror. Of course, it was not only Rowling who praised the screams, but everyone who looked up at mid-air was an exclaim!

   Joseph's huge sword with a white halo slashed on Robben's waist! The white streamer on the sword looked like water poured into the boiling oil, and it exploded like a flash of fire.

  \"I'm nervous!"

  Fanny felt that her arm was hurt by Rowling. Of course, when Fanny said this, her face was also pale, although she knew that Robben's magic was very sharp, but. Use your body to resist the sword blessed by the Paladin "You don't have a magic shield!

  If Rowling's hand hadn't caught herself violently, maybe she would have called out!

  \"Are you surprised!?"

Robben looked at Joseph in front of him with a smirk, not to mention your sword, even the madman's sword was just slashed. It hurts me very much, but it is a pity that the new method of strengthening itself with elements that I have learned now is really true. I can’t help it, Robben can’t help but secretly use his housekeeping skills, Robben’s modified hybrid magic invisible defensive shield, and there are separate light and dark shields in it."

   Joseph looked at his sword slashed at Robben's waist in amazement, and this man who had no magic shield on his body and no vindictiveness actually used his waist to resist his sword!

   That is a real sword! A sword infused with his own vindictive power!

  \"You cut hard enough, but. A man's waist is harder, huh, understand?"

   looked terribly, Joseph turned back in an instant, but unfortunately, before he had any reaction, the red light on the top of his head was already covered.


  , ten thousand

   There was a flower in front of everyone, and the sky seemed to turn into a fiery red. The indifference sun in autumn once again concealed the brilliance, a big fireball exploded in the air, and a layer of heat fell on everyone's heads!


   In the heavy sound of hitting the ground, a fireball fell from mid-air, hit the ground and jumped a few times, and raised countless sparks on the ground!

  \"This! What is it? How do I feel like "Fireball!" Rowling's eyes widened and looked at the sky. The huge cloud of fire has not yet cleared, and it is in the shape of a mushroom that wants to rise in the air. Robben is falling from the sky with a blue light.

Fanny bit her lip and didn't know what to say.She only wanted Robben to beat Garu and his gang away, and she specifically told him to act lightly, but now the duel seems to be slowly escalating. Although Robben tried his best, he seemed a bit out of line. That fireball! Well, if there is really such a big fireball technique, is the power of that fireball technique a little amazing?

   Among all the people present, it is estimated that there is not even one-tenth!

  \"I want to attack again, right? Don’t be killed." Robben fell to the ground and watched not far away that his armor had been burnt to black. But the flames on his body had gone out, and Joseph, who was lying motionless on the ground, couldn't help but laugh.

   I don’t say anything else now, at least I’m pretty accurate about power. The huge fireball just now, although powerful, but. I shouldn't be able to deal with the Joseph in front of him, let alone defeat him.

  \"Uh haha! Just take a break by the way!"

   The disguise was exposed, and in a soft noise, Joseph got up from the ground, he couldn't help laughing twice.

\"Are you wearing anything? I really haven't encountered anything that I can't cut with this sword!" Shaking the dust on his head, Joseph looked at Robben in surprise, although the weather was cold. But Robben was wearing an academy uniform, obviously not wearing any inner family inside.

Robben smiled slightly, but this Joseph was a veteran of fighting, and he responded surprisingly quickly.He suddenly attacked in his shock, but he was almost perfectly defended by him. The moment the fireball came, Robben saw that he had already pumped. Back with his sword, the vindictiveness on his body also retracted to defend. Now, it seems that the armor is a bit ugly, that is, the head is hardly burnt.

  \"Your sword will come down, but it will kill you. Have you ever thought about my safety? Robben asked with a wry smile.

  \"You didn’t mean to defend yourself at all, so you must be fearless. How could you kill someone? I also want to see what tricks you have, but "I don’t quite understand now, what kind of grudge do you cultivate? It's so amazing, my teacher dare not let me cut a sword like this! "

  You can understand." Robben had only a wry smile for Joseph's explanation.

  \"Let’s stop chatting, let's decide the outcome! Then, I have to clean up the useless things, and drag it down, it’s lunch time!"

Such opponents, if they use the actual combat method that they just understood, they seem to have a twelve-point spirit. If they are accidentally caught by the opponent, they force themselves to use some in this competition. Invincible tricks, that would lose the meaning of this fight.

   Removed the hybrid magic shield from his body, Robben took a deep breath.

   element, began to slowly settle in the body,"

  Roben's body slowly floated with five-colored clouds of light, a little messy, and it seemed that the fluctuating halo began to slowly spread out in the air according to some rules. Why is it still grudge? How can you still be grudge? . A vindictive flame floated on Robben's body, which made Rowling's chin almost hit the ground and couldn't help shaking Fanny beside him vigorously. \"Fuzzy Butterfly, how do I know! Why are you all looking at me, it was not what I taught him! Lun Ni saw that everyone around her looked at her at once, her eyes were full of questions, and she couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

  \"But" Fanny, only you spend the most time with him, and you are also a relative. I heard that Ron is actually your cousin! "Angel leaned over, hesitantly and vocally, but said this so that everyone could hear.

\"You care about those gossip things, we have not seen it for many years, how do I know what he is learning!" Fanny glared at Angel, this girl who is always weak and weak, the only thing Fanny feels helpless is always inquiring about other people's gossip.

  \"When I was young, I must have been a childhood sweetheart. I met again after so many years, Fanny, you never seem to have a boyfriend." Rowling's eyes flashed narrowly several times.

  \"After that, I will have breakfast with my childhood sweetheart, don't you come to join in the fun, okay!?" Fanny gritted her teeth and stared at Rowling.

  \"Fanny! I was wrong

  \"This is the first time I have seen this kind of vindictiveness, the goose has just now, you said you are a mage, haha! I didn’t expect to meet a mage who understands vindictiveness today, and it seems that vindictiveness is still more powerful!

   Joseph said, standing solemnly, his hands raised on his chest, eyes full of excitement, \"In my name, in my pious belief

  \"Holy Words!?"

   The audience was upset! \"Joseph Jiada has been promoted to become a great knight!?" Such questioning voices burst out from the crowd from time to time!

  \"Knight, isn’t it possible to use some skills beyond the ranks like our mage? Joseph, how can he use the Holy Word of the Great Knight of Light!?"

  \"It's the sword!" Compared to Rowling's surprise, Fanny still looked calm, but when she looked at the sword in Joseph's hand that was beginning to shine with dazzling light, her eyes were somewhat solemn.

   Although he is now a great magician, and Joseph is only the peak strength of a fourth-level knight, as a knight who cultivates sacred fighting spirit, after blessing the Holy Word, he is no longer an opponent of Joseph.

   Holy Word, as a unique skill of high-level holy knights, allows them to achieve an essential leap in strength after breaking through from the fourth-level knight to the fifth-level knight. This kind of leap is far more than a great magician who has learned to strengthen magic from a four-star breakthrough to a five-star.

   is the same threshold, a fifth-level holy knight, but the strength is a bit higher than an ordinary fifth-level knight, and the future growth is the same.

   Holy Words! In the legend, the gods are a gift to those devout believers. When the devout believers need strength, the gods will bring blessings on him!

  , Wanbi North

   This is also the place where the Holy Knight is powerful!

  Relatively, the one who can match it at the same level, but it seems to be that extremely evil existence, Necromancer! It is said that the Necromancer also has its own set of grades, and there is also one of the biggest difficulties to buy, but everything is undocumented!

  The gift of summoning gods."

   Very fast, Joseph had already finished reading a short ritual-like thing. In the void, a soft cross light shone down, quietly covering Joseph's body!

  In an instant, Joseph's fighting spirit rose like the wind with the help of the fire, and the huge sword in his hand burst with brilliant brilliance, which made people unable to open their eyes!

  \"Ron! This is the first time I use the Holy Words, I hope you don't let me down!"

Joseph, who had blessed the Holy Word, seemed to have a sacred taste for an instant, and he swung the huge sword lightly, and simply bowed to Ron on the opposite side. Staring closely at Luo himself, although his armor had been burnt black, the golden vindictiveness was rising from his body, with the dazzling dazzling sword in his hand, his aura was not damaged at all.

The light on his head still enveloped Joseph. Among the crowd onlookers, many people were already kneeling on one knee and bowing. On the mainland, the holy knights, their power comes from pious beliefs, and they are the same as those of the gods. Master Guangming is regarded as the spokesperson of the gods in the world, and their words and deeds are regarded as the will of the holy spirit~www.readwn.com~Joseph with the Holy Word is respected by everyone.

It seems that the popularity has reached the other side. Robben watched the people around him bend down to salute, and he couldn't help but shook his head slightly. He now has the taste of being a public enemy of your full name. Maybe, he was beaten down. Is what everyone expects,

   Although he didn't know where the beam of light on the opponent's head came from, Robben also knew that it was definitely not a good thing and left. Not seeing Joseph's momentum soaring, the sword exudes an extremely powerful momentum!

However, it's not that I don't have nothing to cover. Robben smiled and looked at the five-color halo rising from his body. The single absorption element to strengthen himself is really not effective. The elements are fused into the body, and it seems that the effect is better than expected!

  \"Come on! As the future holy knight, I challenge like you."

   The voice network fell, Joseph had turned into a white light, and came straight!

  \"As you wish! As a person against the gods in the future, I accept your challenge". Robben muttered softly, with a smile on his face. , If you want to know what is going on, please log in to the chapter more, support the author, and support genuine reading!

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