God Prohibitions

Chapter 252: Forbidden Magic of Cabbage Price

According to the current situation, Robben's calculation in the magic divination is an exclusive power: Yuan Ran has not fully studied the orthodox magic system. but. Robben understood the current magic system in his own way.

   Without being constrained by the restrictions of the current magic system, Robben felt that he had dug up a lot of things that he used in the existing magic system.

   Starting from the ancient elves' handbook that Su found for himself, Robben gradually began to learn magic with his own understanding, learn spells, and learn the current magic system with his own stand and eyes. Study some things that I shouldn’t study at this stage.” Then he has the most basic and most original things about magic, and then breaks these things into pieces and summarizes them into his own things. Among them, Robben doesn’t know how much magic has been improved. .

   At that time, it was just a magic book for self-defense, and now it can be made into a thick pile. Robben thinks he can hold an exhibition of magic spells."

With the strange growth of spiritual power, and from books written in strange words that he didn't know about a single word, but he could understand some of the words when he was wearing it, Robben felt that he had a new understanding of magic, and now he can be in On the seventh floor of the Magic Tower, some unreasonable places were picked out from those books, and even some very subtle places.

   Now, Robben vaguely feels that perhaps he should also write a book, talk about his understanding of magic, maybe, this book will become mainstream in the future.

With a sound of cultivating magic, he died in the spell model set by that god. I feel that Xiuma leads herself to the beginning, and teaches her that this method of communicating elements with her own mind is hundreds of times stronger than driving the elements with spells!

   Now he can read all kinds of books of the seven-star mage, but he doesn't seem to have the strength of the seven-star mage yet, Robben has done experiments. Seven-star magic, it is very difficult to use by myself,

   However, this also proves that my current strength is almost as low as 7 stars!

   less than a year,

  \"What are you thinking, tell me sweet, what happened to that magic just now, you are not lying to me, how can magic be used like that!?"

   His face tightened, Robben just turned his head. Looking through the window with emotions about his nearly a year's experience, Fanny had already slammed her head and turned her face back.

   In the past few days, both of them are looking for an unoccupied reading room in the magic tower on the sixth floor, and then study the magical little stone that has just arrived.

   Robben wrote down the words above, and then tried his best to show Fanny the meaning. At the same time as I understood, I told Fanny the insights and Fanny also gave some feedback.

  Fanny feels amazing!

  This is not the wind magic that I practiced, but some magic records about thunder magic, but this does not delay my understanding at all"

Obviously it is forbidden curse level magic research, but the things that Robben translated are almost all very simple and easy to understand.I even doubt whether this is forbidden curse level magic. I am a small five-star mage. , You can begin to study the magic of the forbidden spell above the seven-star mage. This, people will laugh out loud when they say it!

However, even though she could understand it, Fanny knew it well until, "This is indeed forbidden curse-level magic, no matter from the power of magic or the field of research. It is quite different from her current level." Farewell.

   I can understand it, and what Robben said is indeed very concise."

   Gradually, Fanny finally appeared. In fact, what Robben said did not seem to be the contents recorded in the lock on this magical stone, but Robben's understanding of the contents above.

   As a magician who has been studying magic for almost ten years, Fanny can feel that Robben's turnaround does not seem to be as orthodox and standard as other books on magic, and there are many sayings. They are all spoken and personalized.

   Robben did indeed do this. It can be said that Robben is very high in learning magic, but at the same time, it is also very low.

  High is high in the form of learning magic. High is learning the inner essence, while low. It's also low here. Robben's understanding of magic is almost always closer to the most essential direction, that is, the most basic attribute of the element. After that, Robben will be on this basis. Restore and improve magic with the most essential characteristics of the element,

   It can be said that the most advanced magic, in Robben's first understanding, is not the effect or power, but the fluctuation of the elements, the inner basic nature, everything, throughout. It will be very simple,    at this point, Fanny is a huge beneficiary!

   I have to say that Fanny is a genius, not the best on the mainland, but she can definitely be among the most talented people. Ranked among the best, and Fanny’s hard work and hard work for nearly a decade is definitely more prominent than her talent.

   Luo Benxian, discussing issues with Fanny is very easy, this self-proclaimed smart head. Sometimes, I definitely react faster than my own, and I know a lot more about existing magic than myself, Fanny's opinion. Some of my own puzzles can always be solved easily.

\"I think, this. Do you think we can understand the things we can understand now, so we cried too much. I think, I think we should not touch it, maybe We will suffer for ourselves, and maybe we will affect many people!"

A few days passed, and the two people conducted massive discussions and research every day with an unimaginable degree. Robben felt that with the current level of the two people, it should almost be impossible to squeeze oil from this stone. ",

\"Nothing? I saw a lot of words flashing in this stone that day. It's only a few days. Is there nothing?" Fanny looked at Robben with some incomprehension, and appeared in the sky that day The text is enough to compile a thick book. After only a few days of work, there is not much content!

  \"If I say, the two of us are geniuses. The progress is too fast, believe it or not!" Robben couldn't help but look at Fanny's stunned expression.

  \"If I am a genius, then I believe it!"

Fanny grinned and showed two rows of white teeth very happily. This day's understanding of magic is simply advancing by leaps and bounds. Robben is like a level-turning machine, which is incredibly simple and easy to turn the incomparably deep magic. What you understand, Fanny’s feelings over the past few days, is simply great!

\"Well, then I suggest to the genius, we go and put this stone back today, of course. We have left a record, and other things, we can study in the future. After that, let's touch other magic seals How is the situation!?"

\"Good!"    Since Robben said that there is no research value, Fanny naturally has no objection. Since Robben is willing to share these magics with himself, there is no need to lie to himself. Besides, it is to lie to himself. Who told me that I couldn't understand the words on this stone, let alone open this stone.

   To start this stone, you need to use the magic of the lightning attribute,

  All teachers are convenient!

  \"What you promised this time is very happy, don't want the Forbidden Curse to be hot!?" Robben put the \"Handwritten Board Astronomy" on the table into his ring, and said with a smile.

   This hand-written board is Fanny and its magical degree. It took only one night to copy all the text on paper as it should. This made Robben extremely surprised by Fanny's degree and quality. Every word is almost exactly the same as those floating in the air!

  \"We're just learning a little bit, and there won't be any problems!" Fanny replied with a grin. Great benefits have been obtained, and Fanny’s tone has also changed"

  \"Go back and raise your spirits first! We will come again later, this time we must hide in the library at night. Other magicians don’t sleep at night, we have to go in through another door!"


  Without any objections, Fanny stood up with Robben with a look of excitement."

   In the night.

  \"Roben, what kind of magic is you. I haven't heard of any magic that can be invisible to this effect!" In the picture, Fanny is walking tiptoely behind Robben.

   The magic lantern was still lit in the passage. Fanny walked, and even though she curiously put a hand in front of her eyes and dangled her fingers, it felt so clear, but there was nothing in front of her eyes.

   lowered his head, one of his feet had disappeared, and the light of the magic lantern was cast on him, but behind him, there was not even a shadow.

Just now, in this narrow passage, Robben and Fanny were holding their breaths and pressed tightly to the wall, but Hannah, who was on duty in the library today, was unconsciously between them. Walked over,

  Fanny even thought that she had really disappeared. The corridor was empty and there was nothing. If it weren't for the warm touch from one hand, Fanny would really doubt it, in front of her. There was a person who was pulling himself forward.

  \"Well, don’t move, it will show your feet. The less you move, the more effective this magic is!"

   Quietly in the corridor, Robben was also a spiritual wave that reached Fanny’s sea of ​​consciousness.

   There is no one around now, Fanny’s novelty is obviously higher than the crisis of being discovered, and she is still moving curiously",

  \"Stop, we are here!"

   Although Robben reminded him, Fanny, whose eyes widened looking for her shadow, still slammed into Luo herself. In a hurry, she waved her hands and finally grabbed Robben and fixed her body.

   In the air, two bloodstains seemed to flash and disappear suddenly.

  \"Don’t mess around again!"

   Robben's head emerged, half of his face. With the results of Fanny just now.


   Fanny lowered her head and stuck her tongue out

   didn't know what Robben did, a portal appeared on the originally smooth wall. Robben's head was hidden in the air again, and Fanny felt her hands tight, and quickly followed.

   seems to be just a pill that turns on and off, the rest is nothing!

  \"Roben! How did you appear here. Is it the existing space door, or the first revealed secret path!" Fanny looked particularly excited before coming to the magic seal again!

  \"Stop talking nonsense, we have to hurry!"

   With one successful experience, the second time is much easier.

   The two of them barely took much effort, so they opened the seal, blessed Fanny a good space barrier, and attracted; Fanny in the different space on the face of her face must be facing the darkness and the void for two moments.

  Finally, after putting the rock back in the middle of the ground, Robben pulled it up and really wanted to dig back the floor here for a few pieces of Fanny, and quickly passed through the space door.

  \"The restrictions may be different. Let’s be careful, even if the previous restrictions are the same. There may be differences in the latter, so don’t be careless!"

Putting back the stone of the Thunder Magic, Robben and Fanny returned the same way and found another door in the passage. Now they have stood before a new magic seal, Robben is sticking six magic crystals to the six-pointed star. On the six top corners, she asked Fanny.

  \"Understood, no problem at all!" Fanny waved her hand very confidently. Shows that Robben's worries are all redundant.

  Fanny is very happy. The door on her left is now the seventh-floor library according to Robben's method. After layers of silent magic, there should be a somewhat bald Seven-Star Master meditating inside.

   Moreover, this Seven-Star Master is a wind system mage, so, logically speaking, after the seal in front of me, there should be something about wind magic!

   Six crystals lit up at the same time! In the magic seal, clusters of engravings and symbols slowly glowed,    somewhat unexpected!

   The prohibition in this seal is exactly the same as the previous one. Robben originally thought it would be a little different, or even completely different.

   Although it is not quite as expected, it is a complete surprise. Robben is very happy to have such a thing more

  \"Not good!" Fanny yelled suddenly!

  \"Run! Robben! The magic element is out of control!" A trace of fear flashed in Fanny's eyes, and the six elements of the six crystals actually began to rush into the magic seal and began to mix in the center!

\"What is it called, just stay honestly. I'm afraid this time. I fainted and didn't see it last time. This time I just made it up!" Robben smiled on his face, he strengthened his hands, and he was about to pull. Fanny, who ran away with her, pulled back.

But to be on the safe side, I still put on all the defensive magic shields and blocked Fanny behind him, but this time, watching the rapid mixing and fluctuations of the elements in the magic seal center, Robben's expression was relaxed. Few, but very seriously poking out the spiritual thread,

  \"Roben, your magic shield, how is it colorful!?"

   A large aperture was covering Robben and Fanny in them. The aperture was shining with a variety of colors, and Fanny was very curious. She was touching this colorful magic shield with her hand. This was the first time Fanny saw Robben holding the magic shield outside her body.

  \"I am a magician of the whole system, so naturally I have many kinds of magic shields!" Robben said it for granted, and the thick magic shield was instantly dispersed.

   Watching the magic shield disappear into the air with a five-color streamer, Fanny doubted Robben's very uncertain answer. The reason she was frightened just now was because the elements on the magic seal were being mixed, according to common sense. This is to explode terrifying energy and produce an extremely strong explosion!

   And Robben's magic shield just now. The colorful rays of light are obviously intertwined and twinkled together, that is to say, those magic elements are mixed together!

  This,, totally unreasonable!

\"Okay! The door opened, I guess, the remaining seals may also be the same restrictions. If that were the case, we would save a lot of effort!" Fanny was surprised, and Robben was very happy The voice came over.

In front of me, the magic seal that was suspected to be about to explode has been replaced by a huge space door.Fanny took a look at it, and all the magic elements seemed to surround this huge space door. It's running. In the outermost layer, there are high concentrations of ~www.readwn.com~ magic elements. Can they be mixed? Fanny felt completely incomprehensible! This has almost overturned the most basic law of magic!

  \"I’ll go in and have a look, you’re here and wait, I should be out soon."

   This time, Robben was too lazy to discuss with Fanny. Robben was almost certainly fine. He just said hello to Fanny. Before Fanny and Fanny could respond, he raised his foot and walked into the space door."

  \"Guy! Be safe! Fanny is coming! I think you seem to like the scenery here. Just "Don't think about digging the floor!" I can feel that there is space restriction on the ground."

   There is almost no time interval, Robben leaned half of his body out of the space door, smiling and saying hello to Fanny.

  \"It seems that it does correspond to the attributes of the library, this should be the stone of the wind attribute!"

   is also a finger-sized stone, lying quietly in Robben's hand. There are extremely fine nicks on it, and cyan streamers are slowly rolling in these nicks.

  \"Fanny! I think you may be the first mage in history to learn forbidden spell level magic when you were at five stars. This, it is estimated that there will not be any on the whole continent!"

  \"Of course! I'm a genius!" Fanny raised her head very unceremoniously.

   The two looked at each other and couldn't help laughing.

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