God Prohibitions

Chapter 254: Non-mainstream theory


  \"Fanny, tap it!"

  \"Sendor, window!"

   Robben’s house is noisy today!

   It didn’t take long for the sun to rise, and Robben’s small two-story building was full of people. Now, a figure leaped out of the window on the first floor with blue waves on his body.

   To be precise, he was beaten out!

Of course, the window was smashed to pieces. Robben was distressed. The weather is getting colder and colder in the wind during this period. It seems that winter is coming soon. I don’t know if the college can do it before the sun sets today. Send someone to fix it,

  \"This" This is impossible, you are obviously a wind system mage, how can you beat me in water magic, I am close to the four-star peak! "

With a sound of   \"open," Clark, who was knocked out of the broken window with glass on his head, stared up and stood up, staring at the room.

   In the lobby on the first floor, all the furniture was moved to the wall. There was a large open space in the middle, and then there was a small blackboard. The front is divided into two sides, and there are many small stools of various kinds, but the middle position is vacated.

   Now, Fanny is standing in the empty space in the middle, and the blue waves in her hand are slowly disappearing. Just now, it was Fanny who blasted Clark directly outside the house.

On both sides of   Fanny, there are all kinds of people, including Robben's family, and everyone's own small bench. Everyone's eyes widened like Clark!

  Everyone here has known Fanny for a year or two. More than half of the people are like Rowling and Angel. They met Fanny in the first year when Fanny came to the college, but,

   Many years of getting along, Fanny has been the eldest sister for many years. Everyone does not know that Fanny still uses water magic!

  \"Fanny, you, when would you use that? I remember that time you fell into the lake and choked a few salivas. How could you use water magic?"

   Rowling was the first to ask. Since coming to the academy, she has been almost inseparable from Fanny. Fanny’s affairs could not be clearer by herself, but. It seems that I haven't heard that the water magician will fall into the lake and be choked by the water, and then rely on a light magician to rescue her!

\"You have a lot of problems!" Fanny turned her head and gave Rowling a big eye.\"This is back to you. You are the most noisy. If you can run into me, I will let you go. You have come to this cram school!"

  \"A word is settled!" Rowling jumped up from the stool in an instant!

  \"Say okay first. Do not use the magic of the Great Mage, or I will not do it!" Rowling talked immediately


  \"No problem!" Fanny agreed very casually.


   After a strong flash, Rowling turned into a dark shadow, and flew out from the window that had already broken a hole with a whistle.

  Roben was watching, wondering whether he should move the actual combat outside the house. If the cram school is half of the actual combat, then is it this window"

   Luo Ben thought about something indiscriminately. The others present are not.

  In an instant, all people were waiting for no sound." Fanny's body, the soft milky white light, is slowly circulating, belongs to the wave of light magic, shocking everyone's heart!

  \"No" No way, after promotion, is the great magician like this, Fanny, how can you still use magic? ? ? "

   After Clark. m mesh m. Rowling's extremely horrified face appeared outside the window!

  \"Sister, I" can I jump out by myself? I took the initiative to come to the cram school, and I never said a word against it"

  Fanny's opposite, is now standing a fat and difficult college, now looking at Fanny with a weeping face, and has actively stood before the bare window frame and spoke to Fanny in a very sad tone.

   Just now, Fanny used unbelievable techniques to smash five four-star wizards into the air with five elements of magic. The current chubby academy is an earth-based mage, and when he saw Fanny's unsurprisingly light yellow light, the student's heart was crying.

   I am not Rowling! I am a good citizen! Why am I a soil mage here,

   Fanny smiled slightly, \"Baron is more reliable, not to some people!" she said. Fanny glared at Rowling unconsciously.

   Seeing that the light on Fanny's body dimmed, this college called Baron was like a pardon, immediately shook her two stubby legs, returned to her seat, sat down, and wiped the forehead.


   My God! Six elements of magic, this is simply terrifying!   It's not just Baron who thinks this way, it's all in all hearts now. idea! Fanny today. It seems to be completely different from usual! Everyone is now looking at Fanny with a half-demented and half-adoring look. Even Rowling, who has always loved and carried Fanny, is now staring straight at the partner who has been with him for six or seven years. As if I had only met Fanny for the first time, even Fanny glared at herself without noticing it.

\"Okay! Don't you look at me with such idiot eyes, don't you know me?" When everyone looked at me with admiration, this Fanny had long been expecting it, but it was really Many people stare at it like this, and Fanny feels funny again."

  \"If any of you have any questions about the cram school I started this time, you can stand up. I have to answer any questions!" Fanny's eyes swept around and no one answered.

  Everyone understands in their hearts that if there are questions, they must be answered, that is, those who object to it will be thrown out first."

\"Well, it’s rare for everyone to be so positive. Let’s start today’s course now, remember. You have to finish the lecture before you can eat, so you'd better not betray me. Did you hear me?" Fanny had her eyes on Rowling


   Fanny turned around, ready to follow yesterday and Robbensho. Today's explanation begins with the steps of Chuanwei. A question came up behind me   \"What do you want to do? Rowling!"

   Don't look back, Fanny also knows who is talking, this. The voice stopped for six or seven years. Can't be more familiar.

\"Fanny, why do you suddenly use so many true methods? In the history of the empire, there hasn't been any magician of the whole system yet, and, you seem to be like this suddenly today, before us", uh, Are you really the magician of the whole department? ? "

Naturally, I am not a magician of the whole school, but I may not have it before, but now this is really not unusual. The one standing over there is an out-and-out magician of the whole school, and it is still at the level of the great magician. of.

   Fanny was vomiting in her heart, and she glanced quickly at the side. On the side of the crowd on her left, Robben moved a small bench and sat there. Now he is smiling slightly to himself.

   This is also one of Fanny's requests. If she wants to be the teacher, Robben can't be the shopkeeper. He must cheer Fanny from below. Robben also agreed without hesitation. http://www..

  \"I don’t know if there is such a thing as a full-family mage, but I can tell you that I am not a full-family mage. I am Fanny, the wind mage you have been with for many years! Absolutely!"

   Looking away from Robben's face, Fanny faced everyone, her face stretched for a long time, showing her seriousness, and she returned to her usual carefree appearance.

  \"That" that\"Holy Light Ball. What's going on? Wind Mage, is it possible to use the four-star magic of our Light Mage?" Rowling still stared wide, her face full of puzzlement.

   Luo Ma's words were also everyone's doubts. With doubts, everyone looked at Fanny.

\"That" is not\"Holy Light Ball" just has a similar appearance and power, light magic power, I used to only be the first level of healing, of course, after every fight, you treat me. I have forgotten that spell now! "

  Fanny shrugged and told the truth.



Fanny broke the words of Rowling who would continue to ask, \"We are all old friends, I naturally know what you like and what you don't like, and today I will not talk nonsense in this cram school. What I want to tell you right away is the answer you want now!"

   Fanny turned around, because she didn't have her own magic skills, she had to pick up a piece of chalk and scribble a line on the small blackboard made by Robben.

  \"The magic and the magic are the same as the one used!"

   Everyone followed Fanny's hand and read slowly, but obviously. I didn't feel much about this law with no obvious trend. Looking at each other's nearby companions, everyone looked confused.

  \"Everything I say is obtained from actual combat. After today, everyone can go to challenge people who can’t normally see it, and verify what I said!"

Robben was stunned for a moment. This one seems to be out of the agreed range. Can't everyone practice with each other? I have to beat people and watch Fanny talk endlessly on stage explaining that this was only new yesterday. The released \"Magic Universal Fixture" Robben feels that Fanny has a talent for being a teacher.

   This is also the maximum that Luo Ben can do. This is after Robben dismantled all the existing magic systems and integrated his own ideas and thinking. Put these magic knowledge into the existing magic system with a new face, thus forming the current theory, this one. Contains the understanding and movement of the essence of the elements. Without affecting the use of spells, Robben penetrated his magical thoughts to the greatest extent.

   These are all real theoretical knowledge and some training know-how of the great magician level!

After my own remodeling, there is only this one in the whole continent, and there is no semicolon. Even if these people break through to the realm of the great magician in the future, they will learn these magics again, and they will probably not feel that they have already been long ago. I have learned these things in another form, but I feel that the knowledge is easy to understand.

   Further upward, Robben did not dare to merge the six-star magic in it, because it was really


   Luo Benxian, the magic level increases. The more loose the thinking, the looser the frame. There are more things that can be studied and changed.In fact, it is the closer to his own spell-free and completely free form of magic. This is why Robben can’t understand the things in the lower magic tower, but he is in the upper tower. Reasons for understanding.

   Five-star or more magic, such as this refurbishment, the hesitation tends to increase, the traces of disharmony after the reshaping are quite obvious, these things can be practiced by themselves, and there are many benefits, but once they spread out. But it is a huge hidden danger, there are too many people here." Luo Ben didn't want to be hunted down by the secret assassin of the gods all over the continent so early!

The reason why Fanny is so proficient in the use of those four levels of magic that seem to be in each department is inevitable with her careful teaching before. On the other hand, she has also contributed to the understanding of the magic of the forbidden spell. , Robben dared to pack a ticket. Now these, when they are promoted to the great magician, no one will be like Fanny, who can use a few low-level magic to fake and real explode powerful lethality.

\"I went to cook!"

  Fanny had already said that she had drunk water several times. Robben saw the sun slowly rise, and it was about noon, but no one of them seemed to be arguing about eating, but they all looked incredible.,

   Shock, joy, and even dementia. Everything!

   If you go to the sky to cook your own food, it will inevitably arouse everyone's excitement and shouts, but when you see the sky, no one cares about yourself. Even Rowling, as if not hearing her own words, is thinking about it.

  Perhaps, the impact of these things on these people. Still a bit bigger,

   shook his head, Robben had to walk into the kitchen by himself, when he entered the door. Seeing Cowell standing at the top of the stairs, looking at Fanny on the stage suspiciously, both brows frowned.

   is strange! Later, the great magician had more understanding of magic than your predecessor,

   Secretly laughing, Robben turned and went into the kitchen. Back to the belts, shut out Fanny's words like, \"Moving your heads who only want to fight, the elementary foundation is very important, just knowing that dry spells are stupid things are all shut out.

  Roben knows that, in fact, Fanny is now a gradual transformation."

  \"Isn’t today’s food tasty? I think you guys worked very hard, so you added a lot of dishes!"

Robben scratched his head. The nature of everyone's meal today does not seem to be very high. The atmosphere at the dinner table is not as active as before. The most abnormal performance is Rowling. In the past, he always talked non-stop, but today he always uses one. She looked at Fanny with an almost demented expression.

   It seems that this shouldn’t be the case,   \"No! Today’s food is delicious, even better than before, I’m going to starve to death, Robben give me your water". Fanny, who had already drunk the water from Rowling and Angel in his left and right hands, moved with a green light. Before Robben could speak, the water glass in front of Robben floated towards Fanny.

  \"I have drunk it." Between Luo Benwang's mouth, Fanny has already raised her neck and drank the water.",

\"Don’t be so stingy, I’m very tired today. My mouth is dry!" At the dinner table, there are two normal people, Fanny and Robben, and the rest are more or less the same. same.

Danny was sitting next to Cowell, blinking a pair of sapphire eyes, and his eyes were rolling around. He didn't know what happened to the people at this table today.Even his brother looked weird. When he spoke, Danny buried his head in his meal.

  \"I'm done eating, I'm out to play".

   Danny’s voice rang out at the dinner table, and then the sound of kicking feet rushed out the door. These days, Danny is recovering with a surprising degree. The long wound on his body has completely healed without leaving any traces. The muscles on his body are gradually full, and now he can run around. Up.

   For this little boy who always appears near this two-section small building, like an angel with a brilliant golden head and azure blue eyes, all people who live nearby are very surprised!

   The college does not allow outsiders to stay overnight. This is a very strict rule. Since Danny sneaked out to play for the first time, someone has reported it to the college.

   As a result, the next day. Robben inexplicably received a special identification certificate, in the description, Danny is actually an official student of the college! It's just a parenthesis behind it, which reads \"Xinling, two words.

   asked everyone, no one knew what this was, but when he saw the dean’s signature on the last page of the certificate, Robben understood it all at once.

   Yes, it seems that the dean has taken care of it again this time,

As a result, Danny became a legal resident here! Moreover, because of the frequent visits of female students at home, the friends of these students also learned that there is a beautiful little boy here. Since Danny often plays outside After that, there were often female students who liked cute little boys passing by. Danny brought back some small gifts almost every day.

   Danny said, I like it the most!

   Today, Danny’s words did not cause any reaction. Often times, Rowling would even run out to play with Danny, but now Rowling is staying.

  \"Did we do something inappropriate!?"

   Nobody was talking, Robben was eating. Suddenly he was taken aback, raised his head blankly, and stared at Fanny who was separated from him by several people.

  \"Look at what to see, I'm using spiritual waves to communicate with you."

   Robben opened his mouth, and Fanny was still a long distance away, but Fanny’s voice had already crept into his mind.

  \"Idiot, don't look at me so obviously, you can convey ideas with mental waves." Fanny looked natural, eating the sweet and sour fish in front of her.

   scratched his head in surprise, the spirit wave communicated. I don't know this!

  \"This way!?"

   Robben's doubtful voice sounded in Fanny's heart.

\"Well, I know you don’t understand it at first glance, haha! I only discovered it yesterday! There seems to be no record about this ~www.readwn.com~ in the magic book, I am, is it a magic!?" Fanny looked very excited.

  \"If there is a mental wave, it is not safe, it is easy to be detected." Robben's voice went down.

   A word made Fanny a little discouraged, \"Don't worry, I have tried many people. No response to me, it seems that I can't hear it, you are the first."

   It turned out that the frequency of the mental wave should be similar.

  \"Also, it is convenient for us to talk." Robben smiled casually, now he has Bluetooth to use again,

  \"Don’t worry, the first time you come into contact with these things, you will be a little uncomfortable, and you will get better soon. After all, not everyone is as careless as you, and you dare to learn everything."

  Fanny immediately glared at Robben, \"That's not to believe you! Otherwise, I won't touch these weird things, before I learned them. Ghosts believe that these things will be real."

\"It’s good to have something. Now it seems that these things. Everyone understands. I believe that soon, there will be results. I just hope that you will not find people everywhere to fight and fight!" Ron’s voice It seems a little helpless.

  \"If you want to see the results, it will be soon, soon. The end of the year is coming." If you want to know what is going on, please visit Yishan. More chapters, support the author. Support genuine reading!

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