God Prohibitions

Chapter 284: kill!

Zans paled with fright, and Shuangsi held Robben's neck tightly. Master Ji Dao had a feeling that his neck was about to be strangled directly.

"Metz! Don't be nervous, this. It's Maomao, it's not hurting everyone!" Robben was already standing on Maomao's head, gently leaning on the huge dragon horns that shone with dark red light.


After hearing Robben's words, Metz showed a look of surprise on his face, opened his eyes with some fear, and took a look at the behemoth now under his feet. There was another scream, and he turned around and hid in Robben's arms. Still clinging to Robben's neck tightly.

From this point of view of Metz, apart from the thick dark red scales and the huge upturned dragon horns, it seems that only a little hairy big brown eyes can be seen outwards. Suffocating with fiery red light.

"Everyone, come up, Maomao bent over. It's also very hard." Robben smiled, turned around and urged several people in the room, now Maomao. He was arching, trying hard to put his head on the edge of the third floor of this small building.

"Maomao" he swallowed the soul of that fire dragon! ? "Su understood what was going on in an instant.

Although Su knew that Robben wanted Mao Mao to come, it would definitely not be a dinner party, but Su did not expect that this is usually lazy to cook." Okay. Mao Mao just eats, there is nothing to do, this usually only knows to eat. It's chubby. Except for a pair of wings that can be vaguely seen as a dragon, the rest has been completely reduced to a chubby ball of hair.

Today, he appeared in front of everyone in such a posture!

"Don't be silly, just hurry up. This time, we have a good show to watch." Robben looked at Sasha and Sue and Fanny in the room, and after he said that the dragon was Mao Mao, the three of them seemed even more surprised.


Sasha was the first to react and ran to the edge of this small building with a face full of surprise. Excitedly patted the huge scales on the tip of Maomao's nose. "Maomao! I thought you could only become a small animal!"

Maomao made two very affectionate grunts, but now, it was a low roar, and the wind exhaled from her nose, blowing Salsa's hair straight back.

Robben's face was slightly dark, and he stamped his feet twice. In Maomao's just opened mouth, the tongue that was about to reach out and licking Sasa affectionately, then directly retracted.

Now if Maomao licks Salsa. I guess one inadvertently took Salsa directly to his mouth

Sasha climbed onto Maomao's head happily. Sue was stunned for a while, and then quickly came up. Fanny was the last to come up. She was a little afraid of the chubby little thing. The sound of biting her bones was still in her ears yesterday, and now this thing Can actually become a giant dragon!

Fanny stood on top of Maomao's head almost trembling.

"Carl! You are indeed a distinguished status. In the Vail Alliance, you are like a prince. I really don't have any position to kill you without being guilty. However, if you look at it this way, it won't be solved perfectly!"

Several people got up to Maomao's head, Robben gently motioned for Maomao to stop, then turned around. With a smile on his face, he looked at Karl, who had collapsed to the ground and shivered, the face that had sunk in all directions, deformed again because of fear.

"I think, a grown-up dragon visits your home. It's not uncommon for people to die!?.

"Wait, wait! Wait for you! Robben! Listen to me, listen to me! I am actually not malicious, none of this is what you think!"

Robben raised his eyebrows slightly, "It's really rare, I thought you were too scared to speak now!"

"Roben! As long as you let me go this time. I promise, I promise again."

"I promise that I will think of a better and more stable way to get revenge?" Before Karl finished speaking, Robben interrupted him gently!

"No! I definitely won't, Robben! As long as you let me go this time!" Carl struggled **** the ground. Using both hands and feet, he climbed to the edge of the wall where the hair had been cut off. A look of panic and begging.

"Carl! I have been very kind to you, last time. I was just soft-hearted. I didn't directly deal with you as a scumbag in secret, only then will things happen today!"

Looking at the scars covered with Metz in his arms, Robben's anger couldn't stop burning again.

"Carl! Now, I might as well tell you one thing!"

Robben raised his eyebrows and looked at Carl, who was begging for pity in front of him like a bereaved dog, his disgust was even worse, "One day more than three months ago. You should have discovered that his body seems to be a little bit smaller. Little problem! Isn't it?.

Carl's eyes froze, and his body froze there.

"I can tell you! Actually! That's because I used my hands and feet secretly, I hope you can restrain yourself a little! But, it seems that you have found a lot of weird drugs without knowing it!"

A sneer appeared at the corner of Robben's mouth, "Actually, last time, I should have dealt with you as soon as possible!"

Carl's deformed eyes were full of shock, and he couldn't stop shaking deeply!

"You, you," you are so cruel."

A murderous look appeared on Robben's face, "No. Carl, compared to you, I am far from enough. That is, because I am not ruthless enough, I have such a thing as today!"

"Maomao! I don't know if there is anyone in the upper layer. Take it down, put it in the notebook and ignore Karl, lower his head, and lightly round" Mao said.

With a long roar, Maomao finally straightened up and transformed himself into a huge body!

The fire-red body a few stories high was so dazzling and eye-catching in the dark night.

Just a few claws, the three-story wall of this small building has been directly removed by Maomao. When the upper layer was about to collapse, Mao Mao directly grasped this layer with one claw, and then carefully placed it on the side of the open space.

Carl was frightened. Amid the loud noise, all the surrounding walls were destroyed, and the ceiling was directly smashed down. Just when he thought he was about to turn into a meatloaf, this floor was abruptly removed from his eyes.

However, fortunately, Carl has been occupied by another escalation of fear.

Carl has never seen a giant dragon. Although Carl is very much loved as the youngest son of the Tarot family and is bold enough, Carl is still not stupid enough to find a giant dragon to play with. In the human world, giant dragons often Destruction and destruction are linked together.

Carl opened his mouth wide, screamed in horror uncontrollably, clutching his hands in the air indiscriminately, as if he wanted to catch something, but in fact there was nothing there." The deformed eyes burst out and the whole person seemed Has fallen into madness.

That huge body, that huge red body that seemed to be burning with flames was standing in front of him, and those huge bloodthirsty eyes were staring at him tightly. Karl never knew that the dragon is far more terrifying than the legend!

"Carl, in the next life, be a good man" Robben said softly while standing on top of Maomao's head, looking at the crazy expression on Karl's face with super strong eyesight.

"Maomao! Solve him simply and don't care about his soul. If you dare to eat such bad things, I will starve you for a year!"

Following Robben's voice, there was a rumbling roar throughout the Tarot mansion.

He screamed in dissatisfaction, fell down again, and moved his head over the small building that had become two and a half stories.

"Ha, ha ha, ha ha ha ha ha" I will not die, I am not dead! I’m Carl, how can I die? I have to train that **** well, how can I die "Ahaha" Ahahahahaha! "

Carl's eyes almost stared directly out of his face, the huge dragon head had fallen from mid-air, and the open blood bowl was in his mouth. The sharp dragon teeth that are bigger than humans gleamed with a frightening cold light, Carl's heart had completely collapsed, and his spirit finally fell into confusion.

The fire broke out!

Maomao's lowered head let out a low roar, and there was a rumbling in his throat, and a hot flame sprayed directly from Maomao's mouth onto this small upstairs that was half shorter."

"Is this all right? My princess!" Looking at the roof that has turned into a sea of ​​flames. Robben did not blink his eyebrows, but lowered his head and asked Metz in his arms gently.

Metz's face was still a little pale, and he glanced at the small building that had been burned into a sea of ​​flames, but there was a slight chill in his heart.

Metz did not speak, but withdrew his gaze, took a quiet look at Robben, and fell back in Robben's arms honestly again.

"Roben! There may be people in the building, so" Su looked at the small building that was already surrounded by flames, his lips squirmed several times, and finally he bit his head and said his thoughts to Robben.

"Su! Do you think I've done a bit too far!?"

Suffocating slightly, Su's face is somewhat unnatural. "No! I mean, we, shouldn't hurt the innocent, there are servants downstairs, they" Robben! It's not too late for us to go down and save people! "

Robben turned his head and smiled slightly at Su. "Su! I know that you elves can't understand some things about our humans. Perhaps, there is no such person as Carl in your clan. But I hope you can understand that this is the human world. Some things, you Need to adapt!"

Looking at Su's still somewhat disturbed face, Robben shook his head, "Su! If it wasn't Metz who was kidnapped today, it was you" I would do the same! "

Robben's gaze swept across Maomao's head slightly, "I will do this for every one of you, including our cute Maomao!" While talking, Robben tapped his toes gently Hairy head.

"I have almost nothing in this world. There is nothing to cherish. You, almost all of me!" Robben looked at everyone, his words full of tenderness.

"If anyone wants to hurt you" Robben's face was full of gentle smiles, Lifang took up a murderous look, "I'm desperate to death, and I will erase him from this world!"

There was a sweet smile on Sasha's face. In fact, in Sasha's heart, killing someone was really not a big deal. She stole away from the master and didn't know how many thieves had been slaughtered along the way. Except for Sasa II, the other three people were slightly surprised. Robben's words moved a few people, but several people had never seen Robben so cold.

The coldness on his face was only fleeting, and Robben once again showed a gentle smile, "Su! Don't worry, what I said to that scum for a long time is actually to make the people downstairs escape quickly. , You may not have noticed, in the building, the servant who seems to be sick in bed has been carried away by others. I have been mentally instigated. There is no one except Karl. I want to kill a good person by mistake!"

Robben could not help but say that Mace was embarrassed again. "Roben" I "I'm sorry" didn't seem to know what to say. Just a moment ago, Su really thought Robben was going to be dazzled by anger. Indiscriminate killing of innocents, and Robben's words can not help but make Su a little ashamed of his suspicion.

"I'm sorry! As an elf in the human world, apart from adapting to some things, you can keep your principles. I'm glad to see this."

First...thank you"

"Okay! Let's stop here for small talk, let's go back now. After a long time, maybe it will provoke all the wizards of Sol!"

Robben said, tapping Maomao's head lightly with his toes, and Maomao let out a melodious neigh. Between the violent tremors of the ground, Maomao had already stepped forward and walked directly in the very vast mansion of the Tarot Family. "Stupid pig! Look at your feet, don't step on people! Otherwise, you will not be allowed to eat for one year!" Robben stamped his feet anxiously.

A bush of trees fell directly down with Mao Mao’s tongue, and a few shivering people appeared from behind, who looked like Tarot servants from the clothing, and the Mao Mao’s feet, which were bigger than the house, were just a little worse. Stepped into meatloaf

Today's City of Sol has fallen into one of the most chaotic ever. At night, even if there were **** conflicts between several families in the past, the corpses of those family thugs could be seen everywhere on the street, and the whole city of Sol was screaming, but there was no chaos like tonight’s situation. . There is no such thing as today's situation that brings strong fear to everyone!

everyone. No one dared to hide in the house. Since Maomao's first long roar, everyone in the city of Thor left the house, leaving everything that could block the view.

But don't expect a dragon like a soldier to walk on the street and fight with the enemy in the same way as soldiers. In the eyes of the dragon, in the eyes of human beings, it is very likely that you don't even know how you died.

That huge body like a burning flame can be seen clearly even from far away, and the fear of the dragon in people's hearts is magnified countless times in front of this living thing.

Everyone was crowded in the street, looking pale at the huge red body in the distance. The thunderous roar and the tremors from the ground all amplify the fear in people's hearts.

Countless people knelt on the ground with their hands clasped together in prayer, praying that the huge red **** of death would not walk towards them.

An extremely angry roar sounded through the entire city of Thor, and the pressure of the life at the top of the biological pyramid on the lower life was tossed throughout the city of Thor.

Maomao is innocent...

At the same time, Maomao was very depressed. He clearly said that he would never punish him for not eating, but now Robben took this out to threaten himself. "He didn't want to step on people, so it would be uncomfortable to be sticky under his feet, but, Those human beings are as small as ants, you are several. People are standing on my head, and I have to walk more safely. I can’t lower my head to look at the soles of my feet. Am I easy? I...

Maomao grumbled all the way to protest Robben's threat of punishment." The entire city of Thor shivered with the roar.

"Maomao, don't go straight toward home. That might be suspected, we go in the opposite direction, and then "You can fly like this, I remember that fire dragon flies very fast!" "

Robben stood on top of Maomao’s head and directed Maomao to walk around from time to time. The huge mansion of the Tarot family was already covered with Maomao’s huge footprints, flowers and plants along the way, and the warehouse huts. Know how much was destroyed.

Under Robben’s command, Maomao never touched the houses where people lived. Although it seemed that people had escaped far away, Robben was still worried, in case there was any natural stay in the house. , That would be wronged to death"

And those are obviously some storage items, sealed tightly so that no one is in the house. Robben doesn’t care about Maomao. This makes Maomao depressed and has some chance to vent."

With the huge roar and the sound of the earthquake, I kept thinking about the Tarot mansion!

Five streets away, the head of the Tarot Patriarch had been removed from the house for the first time, and this gray-haired old man looked at the body that was still huge even though it was seen here. Eyes full of despair

"God! What did we do wrong, we" How come the dragon came to Thor! ? "

This gray-haired old man is desperate ~www.readwn.com~A middle-aged man walks over behind him.

"Master and Young Master, he

The old man's expression changed immediately, "What's wrong with Carl, why didn't he come to see me!?" Although he was in a great change, the old man's body. There is still a momentum, and it makes people feel pressured when speaking.

The "that" dragon appeared in front of the young master's building. Now, there is already a sea of ​​flames there... We... didn't see Xiao Shaohang..."

"You, what do you say"

The old man's voice trembled, and his face quickly faded. , If you want to know what happened, please add more chapters, support the author, support genuine

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