God Prohibitions

Chapter 289: shadow

Yunyi's face finally smiled again. \"Roben smiled slightly, \"You...just compare, what kind of uncomfortable feeling, I learned a lot of magic this time, maybe "can help."

   Luo was somewhat embarrassed on the face. Although I can't remember what happened last night now, Metz now obviously has many new marks on his body.A pair of plump twin peaks seems to still have bruises of fingerprints, and it is obvious that I was not compassionate at all last night. Si is still a virgin.

   Two red clouds flew up on the surface of Metz, \"No, I, nothing wrong!?"

   gently pushed Robben away, and Metz finally seemed to feel a little shy about being hugged naked. Pulling over the quilt on one side, he covered the spring light. He lowered his head slightly, but occasionally peeked at Robben with his eyes.

   Luo Ben wanted to breathe a sigh of relief, but his gaze suddenly condensed, his eyes widened instantly, and he looked at Metz in disbelief.

   Metz lowered his head slightly, a scattered maroon long room revealed a white neck, and on this seductive neck, there are two scars that are not easily detectable. "Brand new scars!"

   Luoben's heart trembled fiercely, and a few traces of fear couldn't help but slowly spread throughout his body.

  \"Mace, you come here!" Robben opened his hand to Mace again.

   Metz's face was more blush, wrapped in a quilt, and gently leaned against Robben's arms.

   gently pushed away the length of Metz's neck, Robben's face was full of horror, on the snow-white neck, the two thin mad wounds were as if a snake had just bitten on it.

   The wound is new. There are still a few traces of blood around.

  \"Mayes, on your neck, did you bite by something yesterday?" Robben's voice trembled slightly, and a thought that scared him suddenly rose in his heart.

  "Also" is all you messed up


   Robben’s wide-eyed eyes were about to protrude. Staring fiercely at the two small scars on Metz's neck, \"This. I bit it!?"

  \"I was shocked, thinking what you were going to do, but, although it hurts a bit, but then" Maes smiled shyly and stopped talking.

   "Me? Me? How could it be me?"

   Robben almost nervously looked at the wound on Metz's neck, put a hand into his mouth, and kept touching every tooth...

The wound on Metz’s neck was obviously not caused by a human tooth bite. Around the scar, there were no dental prints of human teeth. Such wounds are based on the experience of surgeon Robben [Super Doctor recommended reading this book] Look, this requires sharp canine teeth.

  \"Roben, what's wrong with you?"

   Robben's strange behavior finally caught Metz's attention. \"You don’t have to care, it’s just a bite, and it doesn’t hurt anymore. It doesn’t seem to hurt or bleed. If you like it, you can, you can bite it somewhere else, here." You will be seen by others of,"

   Metz said, his face was flushed again.

  \"Ok,...ok, I get it!" Robben hardly knew what he was talking about now.

   "Then, Metz, I am going back now, you are alone, there is no problem?" Robben kept his face as calm as possible and glanced at the brighter and brighter sky outside the window.

  \"It's okay, Robben, you don't have to worry about me." Mace shook his head gently, but his eyes were full of affection while looking at Robben.

  \"Then I'm leaving, you should rest first!" After a strong smile, Robben let go of Mace gently, turned and walked to the door. Finally looked back at Metz, opened the door, and walked out.

   slightly frowned, after Robben left, Maes's face showed a bit of pain, but in a blink of an eye, it was replaced by sweetness.

  \"Sister, I have a man, I like him very much, my sister "You will be happy for me" tightly on the quilt, Maes was alone, whispering.

   After leaving Metz's room, Robben suddenly removed a boulder in his heart. Everything came too suddenly.

Leaning against the wall and taking a few deep breaths, Robben walked towards his room.Although the sky had begun to light up, it was still early. It seemed that no one was moving in the castle, even the servants were mostly still sleeping. Ben came along. Fortunately, he didn't meet anyone, which made Robben breathe again.

   Entering his room, Robben turned around to close the door, walked a few steps, then turned back to the door, directly bolted the door, and walked toward the bathroom this time.

  'S clothes are now wrinkled, Robben straighten himself off, turn on the tap, and use the maximum amount of water to pour cold water on his head.

   I didn’t expect that I would have a peach blossom one day"

   washed away the exhaustion, and also washed away the unique body fragrance of Metz, turned off the faucet, and Robben stood quietly in front of the big mirror on the bathroom wall.

   In the mirror, there was a very strong body. Robben squeezed his muscles. Unconsciously, his body seemed to become a little more symmetrical.

   Other than that, the face, the nose, eyes and mouth on that face have not changed at all [Dzi Bead].

  Is this really himself? Robben asked softly in his heart.

   steps forward. Staring at himself in the mirror carefully, Robben was suspicious, he couldn't help frowning slightly, the wound on Metz's neck...Is he really bit him?

   Suddenly, Robben seemed to see a strange light flashing in his eyes in the mirror, at the corner of his mouth. A wicked smile flashed away.

  Roben couldn't help being shocked, but when he looked at it, he had nothing. The himself in the mirror was also looking outside with surprise."

  See you" Damn it!

   Robben trembled with fingers and grinned open the corners of his mouth. After that, he was greatly relieved, and his flat teeth were not abnormal at all, just like the one he had touched just now.

   Is it possible that you are too tired? However, how should I explain the injury on Metz's neck? Metz had no reason to lie to herself. Moreover, Metz was sober at the time and could not remember at all.


The person looking in the mirror looked confused, but Robben remembered for no reason whatsoever that when he saw Metz again in the council, the smell of Metz's neck that made his heart tremble, that fascinating smell Yes, let me know... the urge to bite it hard!

   Robben’s face was slightly distorted in vain, and he looked forward in horror. In the mirror, there was a dark shadow lying on his shoulders, and his sharp teeth had pierced the skin between his neck. And he, seems to have fallen into the mad distorted face, is full of weird smiles, two big sharp teeth. It’s growing right now"



   Already yelled frantically, Robben hit the mirror in front of him with a fist, then turned around suddenly, the bathroom was empty and there was nothing"...

   looked at his left and right shoulders in horror, still, nothing, in the shattered lens remains, there is a lonely person with Luo Benpin's fierce face without the blood of Beihao, except for that? Column...nothing at all.

   He swallowed hard, and looked at the mirror on the wall that had been broken for most of the time, and there was nothing strange about himself. Robben settled down. Finally walked out of the bathroom.

   Robben, who is full of noisy brains. After opening the bathroom door, I heard the sound of claps outside the door, and Sasha's voice with dissatisfaction and a little anxiety.

   hurriedly took a towel and wiped the drops of water on his body. After putting on his clothes, Robben walked quickly to the door. Opened the chained door.

  As soon as the door was opened, Sasha came over with her unhappy business.

  \"Roben! What are you doing? You came to open the door after I knocked for so long! Normally you never intervene, why today..."

  Sasha pouted, her complaining voice couldn't help but gradually diminished when she saw Robben. Until it disappears,\"Are you taking a shower? Such a cold morning

There were still a few uncleaned drops of water hanging on Robben's head, and the clothes on his body could be seen hurriedly put on. When Sasha saw these, she immediately swallowed the complaint that Robben opened the door too late. .

  \"Roben? Are you uncomfortable? His face is so pale!"

   Looking at Robben, who is still looking at her with a smile on her face, Sasa is a little strange. Today's Robben looks a little weird, and her eyes are a little dodge. There seemed to be some weakness that couldn't be concealed.

\"Did you overuse magic yesterday? I heard Fanny say that you two shouldn't be able to use magic now!" Sasha took a step forward, gently lifting Robben’s pale face and asking with concern Tao.

  \"Sa Sa!"

   Robben stretched out his arms directly, and Sasha exclaimed. Already hugged Sasha gently.

  \"Roben, someone will see

  Sa Sa flushed immediately, and gently pushed Tyroben, but didn't push it away, she felt even shy.

   Luo Ben's heart is guilty and confused, and his mind is like a mess. In the past, you can talk to the girl in front of you no matter what, and discuss everything with this girl. Every time you hold Salsa, Robben always feels at ease, but now, Robben feels a little bit of fear in his heart. The unstoppable spread.

  \"Roben, what's wrong with you? Are you sick?"

  Sasha finally realized Robben's strangeness. In the past, every time he held himself, Robben would blow the heat to his ears and whisper some whispers. Today, Robben is silent and his body seems to be trembling slightly.

  \"Roben, you can sleep for a while, let me ask you what you want to eat in the morning? Should I make dumplings for you, or make something else? I'm already in the kitchen."

  \"Sa Sha, stop talking, let me hold it for a while, let me hold it for a while."

  Roben's heart trembled slightly. Before the servants in the castle got up, Sasha had already got up, just to make herself a morning nose...

  \"Roben, do you have something on your mind?"

  Sasha blinked and opened her arms. I gently hugged Robben.\"If there is something on your mind, don't hold it in your heart, Robben. You and me, I will always be by your side to accompany you and listen to everything you say!" Salsa's voice was unusually gentle.

\"Roben, I told you everything except the master. You are not allowed to tell me any secrets, you know?" With a slight smile on her face, Sasha put her soft cherry lips on Robben Gently pecked on one side of the face. Two red clouds flew up on both cheeks, and he leaned his head back into Robben's arms with a happy face.  Roben trembled fiercely in his heart"

  \"Silly girl, but I haven’t hugged you for many days, and I don’t know if you are fat or thin. Let’s make up for the previous ones together today!"

   Robben chuckled lightly, and his gaze met Sasha's red face.

  Looking at Robben's gaze with a smile but a smile, Sasha was embarrassed, \"Hate! I haven't seen you in three months. You've lost your studies!"

   Robben blinked, his face was funny, \"Then do you want me to be a little bad, or not?"

  Sasha was suffocated, and she rolled her eyes at Robben, "I know you bullied me, I waited for you so hard at home. You provoke other women outside!"

   The words made Robben's eyes twitch with a smile on his face.

  \"That little vixen, what's the matter with the two of you? Let's not talk about it together. It seems that she is planning to follow you for a long time. Did you trick her back?"

  \"Huh?" Sasha's next words left Robben in a daze.

  Little "Little Vixen!?" Robben can't help sweating in secret, Sasha said, isn't it Fanny?

Robben smiled bitterly, "Sasha, I assure you, there must be nothing between us. But at the time, Metz was afraid that I would have every acquaintance in the academy, and there would be something difficult to deal with, so she called her sister, Fanny. Contacted me, I helped her raise her magic level a bit, and it was nothing!"

  \"Really? Then why should she follow you back!" Sasha seemed to have great doubts about Robben's words.

\"She wants to be a powerful magician, and naturally won't let me be a cheap teacher." Robben said with a wry smile, \"Sasha, my strength should be close to the seven-star wizard now, and I'm back That time, I also put a few forbidden spells!"

  Sasha's mouth opened wide immediately. The experience of Robben's return was only a generation at the dinner table two days ago. Everyone paid attention to the demons. Robben didn't say that his strength had approached the Seven Star Master. Not to mention the process of defeating the demons in detail.

  \"Seven Star Mage? Forbidden spell?"

Looking at Sa Sa's surprised look, Robben couldn't help but smile, \"Yes! Sa Sa, you don't have to think about robbery anymore. Just relying on my teacher's salary is enough to raise you white and white. That's it!"

  \"I don't want to be raised as white and fat. Wouldn't it be like Maomao!" Sasha wrinkled her nose, thinking of Maomao's appearance, and couldn't help laughing. He raised his small fist and hammered Robben lightly.

  \"Well, then you can't make the white and fat one I raised, so I don't want to eat dumplings this morning. It's cumbersome. How about making some preserved egg porridge?"

   "Hmm! Okay! I save those dough for the evening!" Robben ordered the recipe, and Salsa never objected.

  \"Okay, let's go to the kitchen to prepare things!" With that, Robben was about to take Salsa out.

\"come back!"

   Robben only took a step, and Sasha glared at him strangely, and then pulled back.

  \"I can do this kind of thing. Your face is so ugly, and the things you cook are unpalatable. You should go back and rest. After you have breakfast, I will call you! Go!"

  Sasha dragged Robben back to the room and pressed it to the bed. Seeing Robben lying on the bed steadily, Sasha smiled sweetly and turned away happily.

   Amid the gentle closing of the door, Sasha had already left, Robben slowly got out of the bed, Chi not. Dany's smile gradually faded. Replaced? Jia gloomy and Lianyuan do not

   gently placed his hands in front of his eyes, looking at every trace on his palm, Robben asked loudly in his heart, \"Is this... really himself? Is it a combination of Robben's body and another soul?"

   Just now, when Sasha’s soft lips touched Robben’s cheek, Robben clearly felt his body, as if there was a stir from the depths of his soul.

   That is a desire, an irresistible desire\"...

  Sa Sa's body seems to be exuding a strange smell, attracting herself, and arousing the agitation in her soul...,

  Everything seems to be a mess!

  \"How do you feel?"

  \"Of course it’s not good, oh! The king is here! Zoro, can you say such care without that expressionless face? It makes me uncomfortable?"

   In a bright room, there are a few warm lamps arranged in the corner of the wall. The decoration is simple and elegant, but in the center of the luxurious room, it is an exaggerated bed.

   Carlisle was lying on the bed with a pale face, and Genna looked at him standing beside the bed. He was huge, and it seemed that there would be no other expression on Sauron except quietly angry.

  \"Master Devil is very concerned about this matter, Carlisle!"

\"Yes! Yes! I know, this time I completely failed. Defeated by a human, I am the whole. The shame of the demons, but because I still brought back a person, I was seriously injured, Sauron , You forgive me, I've said the matter several times, can't you let me take it well?"

   Carlisle seemed to admit his mistake at first, but then he was already complaining directly.

  \"So this time, Lord Demon will ask you about this in person!" Sauron directly ignored Carlisle's lack of nutrition and said to himself.

  \"Yes! Yes! I know, Lord Demon Lord is up" Huh? "

   Carlisle looked fiercely stunned, \"What did you say? Lord Demon Lord him"

   "Carlisle, I am so happy to see you so much!"

Carlisle was shocked, a slightly feminine voice sounded in the room, a group of dark shadows, extremely abruptly condensed by the bed, and quickly spread, alone, gently, as if crossing a door. Stepped out of this shadow.

   This is indeed a person. The body is not as strong as the Demon Race, let alone Sauron, even compared to Carlisle, it is also much thinner, a black soft armor that does not seem to be close to the body covers the whole body, under a purple head, a pair of purple eyes, He was looking at Carlisle with a little smile.

\"big boss!"

   Carlisle was shocked, turned over and rolled off the bed, knelt on one knee, and tremblingly saluted the young man who had just appeared.

  \"Things that are unruly, don’t go back quickly!"

Carlisle was still kneeling on the ground, but he turned his head slightly and cursed behind him.Behind him, a woman who had been waiting on Carlisle's bed had already crawled on the ground after the purple-eyed young man appeared, and Carlisle screamed. In the middle, there was a tremor on his body, and he didn't dare to lift his head, so he retracted back on all fours.

  \"Carlisle, I heard that you have always been very protective of your witches. But it turned out to be true, haha, among so many witches, I have never seen such a beautiful witch!"

The purple-eyed youth smiled slightly, and glanced at the witch who was shrinking backwards, \"Go get some food, I haven't eaten yet, and I'll bring some of the wine that your host has hidden away. . Don’t be afraid. I won’t treat you like that!"

   Carlisle's face became slightly stiff, and his expression changed a little. \"Go! Then my best wine!"

   The witch carefully responded with a yes. Only then got up from the ground and flew away.

   Carlisle hurriedly got up. He gave the purple-eyed youth to a chair, and stood respectfully in front of the purple-eyed youth.

  "Carlisle, how is your injury?"

   Purple Eyed Youth first found the largest cup on the table next to the chair and placed it in front of him. Then he nodded in satisfaction and asked about Carlisle's injury.

\"After being repeatedly suppressed by light magic. The Nether Energy Flame burned into my body and destroyed many places. Now my combat power is only about 30% of the usual. If I want to recover, I am afraid it will take a long time. This mission failed. , I am willing to be punished!"

   The devil asked, Carlisle didn't dare to laugh at all. Every word is an honest answer.

\"Well! Don’t care about Carlisle that much! You did not fail. In that case, you can still bring back someone. You did a good job. Once our demons get hurt, it’s hard to get better. Your judgment at that time was very good. Accurate. It is very unwise to stay on the ground. I will not punish you, and will reward you!"

   The purple-eyed youth shook the big cup in his hand slightly, and said with a smile on his face.

  \"Thank you, Lord Demon!"

   Carlisle was overjoyed, and this time he defeated and returned, although he returned with a person. However, being punished is inevitable, but I did not expect that Lord Demon is so sympathetic to his subordinates, not only impunity, but also rewards himself.

  \"So, I came to you for a drink. Is this a reward, Carlisle?"

   Caral’s heart suddenly collapsed...

  \"Of course, it is my honor to let you **** wine, Lord Devil!" Carlisle was still respectful~www.readwn.com~ just then the witch came back. Holding a plate with his hands on it, several delicate Fluttershy, and a bottle of wine, Carlisle hurriedly picked up the bottle and filled the purple-eyed youth with a glass.

   It's just that, the wine bottle and even this purple-eyed youth picked a cup the size of a tea bowl. Halfway through the wine, the cup was just half full and nodded, but the bottle was already empty.

   Carlisle blushed. Can't help but glared at the witch who brought the wine.

\"Well! Yes, I heard that you have a small amount of very rare wine here, as expected, I haven't even seen it!" The purple eyed youth looked at his \"half glass" of wine, laughed, raised his neck and took a sip I poured all the wine into my stomach.

  Carlisle’s heart hurts   \"Careful!"

   Purple Eyed Youth \"Boom" put the quilt in his hand on the table, his face was full of comfort.

  \"Are there any more?"

   Carlisle looked stiff, the purple-eyed youth smashed his mouth and asked.

  \"Hurry up and get the wine!!" Carlisle turned and shouted at the witch.

Seeing that witch hurriedly turned around again, the purple-eyed youth smiled slightly, \"Okay, now, you tell me again, the human you met. What is it like, and how did you fight? , I want it to be true and complete, and listen to you to say it yourself!"


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