God Prohibitions

Chapter 680: First battle

The first battle of the 680th chapter

  The demons of this knight's spear couldn't help but constricted their eyebrows, \"Outsider, I'm asking you a question"

  Roben saw that the number one in the eyes of this demons grew stronger and stronger, so he had to bite the bullet and said: \"My name is Robben, I was going to the magic palace, but I accidentally got lost here."

Seeing a Demon Race appeared, the surrounding environment was similar to the Demon Realm. Robben felt that... there might also be a Demon Palace here. Of course... it's just possible. Robben had already done something and immediately did it if he didn't agree. intend.

   Hearing Robben's words, this Demon Warrior was obviously taken aback, \"Roben? Haven't heard of this name, and...are you going to the Demon Palace?"

   Luo Ben saw that the face of the demon warrior was puzzled, and he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief. It seemed that he was right.

  \"Yeah, yeah, I was going to the magic palace, but...hehe, I'm a road silly by nature and often get lost" Robben smiled.

  \"Are you the messenger of the Demon Palace?" The Demon Warrior put down the knight's spear in his hand, but his eyes were still full of doubt.

  \"Ah, yes, I have important information to report to Lord Demon King" Robben groaned in his heart, but the more the compilation, the bigger the loophole...

  \"Show me your token for your identity." The Demon Warrior stretched out his hand.

  \"Token?" Robben was taken aback for a moment. Where did he go to get the token.

  \"No?" The Demon Warrior frowned.

  \"Ah yes, how could some not" Robben smiled unnourished, and quickly fumbled back and forth on his body, \"Hey? Where is it, this..."

  \"Huh? I'm going to die now. I must be punished when I go back." Robben opened his pocket with a face full of horror, and there was a big hole in the substrate.

   Of course, this was just drawn out when Robben put his hand in.

The demon warrior looked at Robben, slowly raised the knight's spear in his hand, and pointed it at Robben again.\"I never heard that Lord Demon has a messenger called Robben, and I have never been here. There are no messengers passing by, because they all know that this is a restricted area and there is no special situation. It is a felony to walk through this area at will. Outsiders, you'd better tell me the truth, my patience is limited."

   Luo Ben yelled badly in his heart, and sure enough lies are still easy to expose...

\"Wait, I am really the messenger of Lord Demon Lord. This time I have urgent information and I need to return to the Demon Palace immediately. I broke into this area in a hurry. Since I have never walked through it, my sense of direction It's not good, so...Ahaha..." Robben smiled with a guilty conscience.

   Obviously, Robben's words still have some effect. This Demon Warrior is a little hesitant. Looking at Robben, the knight's spear in his hand has been raised for a long time, but he hasn't used it for a long time.

  \"Well..."The demon warrior finally made a decision,\"I want to seal your magic, and then you and I will go back, and I will hand you to the magic palace."

   Robben's face slowly sank.

\"I am the exclusive messenger of Lord Demon King. Now there is urgent information to be sent to the Demon Palace. Every time it passes, it may become a huge loss. I must rush to the Demon Palace as soon as possible to meet Asia. Demon King Se, I have no time to delay here. I have always spoken well because you are also executing orders. However, if you want to delay my time, I don't think you can bear the anger of Lord Demon."

   The Demon Warrior looked at Robben, whose aura suddenly changed greatly, and was stunned for a while.

   Effective Robben secretly admires his cleverness...

  \"Now tell me, where is the direction of the devil's palace? I must go immediately, you better, don't obstruct me" Robben stepped forward, faintly threatening.

  \"Devil King Arthur's...exclusive messenger?" The face of the Demon Warrior was all surprised.

  \"If you understand, don't delay any more time." Robben continued to pretend, and a little arrogantly raised his neck, not looking straight at the demons.


The sharp spear pierced the air and reached directly in front of Robben. He was pretending to be. Robben, who was waiting for the demon warrior to tell him his direction, was taken aback and hurriedly dodged. But the shoulder was wiped, blood spattered.

  \"So courageous" Robben stepped back anxiously, holding the wound on his shoulder in one hand, and glaring at the Demon Warrior.

  The face of this demon warrior is already full of murderous aura, \"Although I still don’t know the situation, I am sure that you are the enemy."

  \"What?" Robben's eyebrows jumped wildly, \"Do you understand me?"

  \"I heard it very clearly"

Bend down and lunge, holding the long knight's long spear in one hand, the demon warrior slowly took a breath, and then slowly exhaled it, but Robben saw that the demon warrior's mouth and nose was exhaled as a white mist. It's like smoking.

  \"My name is Alonfonso, Robben, before you die, remember this name" There is a cold murderous intent in the eyes of the Demon Warrior.


   Amid the muffled sound, the ground trembled slightly, and Robben felt awe-inspiring that this Alonfonso had rushed to his eyes like a sound plane, and the speed was so fast that it was astounding.


   With a loud yell, Alonfonso's knight's spear ate towards Robben like a dragon.

Moving to the side as hard as possible, Robben escaped the blow, but he was surprised to find that the powerful force carried by the tip of the gun smashed all the vegetation in front of him and rushed out of the old man. far.

  \"Where are you looking?" Alon Fonso roared, his right foot flew up, and a violent side kick at Robben.

Robben's heart sank slightly. This demon warrior is good at close combat. A magician will never have feet to replace others. In close combat, there is no benefit to him. The biggest advantage of close combat is... …Can withstand blows, I don’t know if this is considered an advantage.


   Alon Fonso's feet were firmly placed on Robben's body. Fortunately, Robben reacted in time and blocked the heavy blow with his arm. The person was also knocked away while flying under the powerful force.

Robben now doesn't know where he has a serious fault.This Alonfonso suddenly hurt himself as a killer. Robben, who was in the air, closed his palms, his magic shield was fully opened, and his back The silver-white magic burst opened eagerly.

In the harsh blast of   \"锵", Alonfonso's knight's spear was accurately pierced on the magic circle that Robben had just unfolded.

   Suddenly, the silver-white magic circle exploded, and numerous thunder lights appeared, and Alonfonso's galloping body was blown back again.

Robben fell to the ground and slowly turned around, just in time to see that the spear in his hand was also standing up in the grass not far away, and his body was still crackling with electric sparks, but watch It doesn't seem to be injured.

  \"Hum, a messenger has such reflexes and powers. Devil King Arthur is really extravagant." Alonfonso shook his arm. It seemed that the high-strength current just made his hand a little numb.

  \"What do you want to do? Do you really understand the consequences of attacking me?"

Robben doesn't want to fight. Now all the circumstances are not clear. It is not a wise move to get in trouble first. Now, Robben still hopes that the head of the demon warrior will suddenly short-circuit, or this is the demon's unique way of greeting. Kind of things happen.

Alonfonso looked at Robben coldly.\"It seems that you are not even a subordinate of Demon King Arthur. Otherwise, you would not say these things. It is really annoying to patrol here every day, but today , It seems that the day I made meritorious service took you back, maybe I can leave this ghost place"

   It seems that this demon's brain is not short-circuited. He is still planning to do meritorious service. Moreover, this is not much like the demon's hello behavior. Robben sighed and reluctantly gave up his extravagant hopes.

  \"Run too fast, but you will fall..." Something seemed to sway strangely on Robben's body.

   Alon Fonso was about to attack again, and suddenly felt that his feet were tight and could not move.

   looked down, the shadow under his feet was dancing irregularly, and part of it had already climbed onto his calf.

  \"Shadow Binding Technique"

   Alonfonso’s face was full of surprise,\"Such a distance and no signs of movement at all?"

   The black shadow hurriedly climbed up Alonfonso's body, it looked like Alonfonso was wrapped in a hard shell.

\"This will not cause you harm, it just keeps you in place for a period of time. Now, I need you to answer a few questions for me." Robben saw this demons caught and walked up slowly .

   The black shadow has crawled to his face, Alonfonso's face showed a big secretive smile, \"It turns out to be a mage and funny"

Robben stopped, frowning and watching this Alonfonso's body rise with a layer of red light, and the shadow climbing on Alonfonso's body is like a layer of paper that has been baked red, almost Instantly turned into pieces of fly ash.

   It turned out that it was just a test, and Robben sensitively noticed that the aura on this Alon Fonso's body rose sharply.

  \"It's been a long time, I hope you don't die too early" A bloodthirsty color of excitement flashed across Alonfonso's face, he danced the spear in his hand, and rushed over again.

Robben has never faced such agile opponents, and he is still holding a long weapon. When he was in the devil, he had a fight with Nalan. Nalan's tough physical skills impressed Robben, but with his dark magic After learning, after constantly breaking through the understanding of the dark power control, Robben was also a little surprised that day.After the elements were strengthened, his strength and degree have been greatly improved, and Nalan can no longer threaten. To myself.

   It's just that the Alonfonso in front of him now has a strength and degree that Nalan can't match.

   Robben even felt that this guy might be using space magic. The long knight's spear danced a silver light in his hand. Almost at the same time, Robben always had to deal with offensives in four or five directions, and he couldn't help but rush.

   There was a flash of silver light in front of him, and Robben saw that the knight's spear exploded and separated countless shadows, attacking himself like an overwhelming sky.

   has always been so fast, you won't be tired of Robben's fierce curses, but he is afraid of being careless in his hands. Faced with an attack that cannot be avoided, Robben chooses to carry it hard.

The magic shield on his body trembled fiercely and shattered into pieces of light. Robben seemed to be shrouded in a piece of shattered light.The shattered piece of light turned sharply, forming a small shape in Robben's body. storm.

   Numerous phantoms of the knight’s long spear pierced the broken light outside of Luo himself. For a while, it seemed like a grinding wheel was grinding a tool, countless sparks splashed around, and Robben was beaten back again and again.


   A few pieces of shattered light clamped a gun shadow, and the spear phantom that filled the sky suddenly disappeared. Opposite Robben, only Alonfonso's gloomy face remained.

\"I have never met a mage who can fight me close for so long... and, I have never seen a mage who uses magic to this point." Alonfonso looked at the countless floating petals in front of him Robben surrounded by the same broken light, his eyes were full of solemnity.

The countless broken lights turned slowly and slowly, the light pieces joined together, and in a blink of an eye, layers of magic shields were formed to guard Robben's body, and the few broken lights that clamped Alonfonso's spear It has been fused into one body and turned into a shield-shaped magical shield, firmly holding Alonfonso's spear.

\"It’s also the first time I have seen a guy jumping up and down like a monkey like you." Robben quickly condensed the magic elements in that magic shield. The color of this magic shield was darkening, and he was sleepy. Lived Alonfonso’s weapons.

After pulling it hard several times, Alon Fonso found that he could not withdraw his weapon at all, but there was no panic on his face, but he smiled, \"If I accidentally kill you, I will remember Today’s battle"

   Seeing Alon Fonso’s smile, Robbenton felt bad.

Suddenly, an extremely uncomfortable feeling rushed to my mind.It seemed that I had been hung from a tree for a few days.The entire head was extremely congested, and there was endless pressure outside the body, but the inside of the body seemed to be When it was inflated, it would burst, and everything around it fell into chaos for an instant.

  \"Click" with a crisp sound, and a crack appeared in Robben's magic shield stuck with Alonfonso's weapon.

   Before he could make any response, Robben could only retreat quickly, his magic shield shattered, and the knight's spear madly turned and caught up...

   The long wind blew, and a string of blood was blown off the tip of the knight's spear, and Alonfonso's face was full of triumphant smiles.

   Robben had already retreated a long distance, and the grass along the way twisted around like a typhoon, and a lot of land had already been rolled over.

   clutching the wound in his abdomen, Luo Ben's forehead was covered with cold sweat, and his eyes were staring at the black halo that had retracted from Alonfonso.

\"It's really rare, I thought, this one will kill you." Alonfonso retracted the knight's long spear, and slammed the gun body casually, the blood on it falling in the wind, on the gun body Clean and clean.

  \"Domain" Robben spit out two words with difficulty, and blood flowed between his fingers holding the wound, but a faint milky white light had flashed near the wound.

  \"Huh? Light-based healing magic?" Alonfonso's pupils shrank sharply, and his face showed a vigilant look.\"You are not a demon, who are you?"

   Luo Ben is funny in his heart. He is a human, so he looks like a demon...

   In Alon Fonso’s gaze, the bloodthirsty madness gradually faded, and the rest is all cautious, \"If you don’t resist, I will spare you not to die."

   Robben coughed and said with a smile: \"I made a hole in someone's stomach, and did I say that afterwards?"

\"For you, this is already a very polite approach. I can tell you clearly that my domain can interfere with the normal operation of all elements in the surrounding space. At this distance, you cannot destroy your own soul. If you Don’t want to enjoy the taste of being beaten to the soul, just obediently obey”

  \"This field is really weird, but if you say it, aren't you afraid that I will deal with you after I know it?" As he spoke, Robben took the hand covering the wound.

   Alon Fonso was shocked to find that the other party's huge wound had actually stopped the blood.

   Immediately, Alonfonso's eyes showed a bit of excitement again, \"It is a protoss who specializes in healing, and can still have such a fighting power. It seems that this time I really want to leave this ghost place."

Pointing at Robben with the knight's spear in his hand, Alonfonso shouted loudly as a victor: "Protoss, I order you to surrender to me immediately, otherwise, you will be punished by torturing your soul as a mage , Fighting close enemies has not opened the domain until now, you... still don't have the power of the domain, do you"

   Robben chuckled, \"Really a genius of understanding"

  \"Forget it, it's useless to say more, I'll take my credit first, and then talk about other things"

   The aura of Alonfonso's figure flashed, and he rushed over with huge air pressure. Robben didn't move. The magic shield on his body was once again shattered into pieces of shattered light, and it spun quickly.

  \"The brainless guy" Alonfonso gathered the power of his whole body and pierced Robben's heart fiercely. Unsurprisingly, the tip of the gun was blocked, and then surrounded by pieces of shattered light, and instantly stuck.

  \"Om" Alonfonso's eyes flashed, and the black light circle on his body spread out again, the magic shield that blocked the gun body was twisted weirdly a few times, and a huge gap was suddenly opened.

  \"My credit, come on"

   Alonfonso had ecstasy on his face. He didn't use a weapon to attack Robben, but his other hand flashed with blue light and grabbed it straight to Robben's neck.


   Amid the slight suffocation sound, a powerful hand jammed his neck, Robben looked at Alonfonso with a gloomy look, and Alonfonso was full of shock...

  \"You'd better not move, otherwise, kill you..." Robben strangled Alonfonso's neck and tightened slightly.

\"You...you..." Alon Fonso looked at Robben, unable to say a word of horror. In fact, Alon Fonso, who was choked by his neck, could no longer speak. Here comes the word.

\"You are no longer qualified to be surprised. Answer my question, I will not kill you." Robben's other hand flashed with blue light, a wind blade slashed on Alonfonso’s hand, and the knight’s spear shot from Alonfonso's hand fell.

   A layer of black light floated on Robben's hand, the light turned a few times, and fell into Alonfonso's body, Robben let go of his hand...

   Alonfonso, who fell to the ground, found in disbelief that his power had been sealed, and now he might not even have the power to lift a weapon.

  \"You...what are you..." Alonfonso pointed at Robben with trembling fingers, trembling in his voice.

  \"You are my captive now, and now I only have the right to ask questions, okay?" Robben knelt down, a murderous look floating in his eyes.

  \"Tell me now, where is this place?"

   Alon Fonso is even stranger, \"What did you say?"

  \"Answer my question" Robben frowned slightly, and the blue light flashed slightly, and Alonfonso had an extra wound on his face, and blood was flowing down.

   Alon Fonso's face showed a furious color, \"You want to humiliate me"

  \"Don't be self-righteous, you have not yet reached the point where you have the ability to let me humiliate you, you just need to answer my question and I will ask again, where is this place?"

   repeatedly confirmed that Robben was not joking, but Alonfonso still snorted, \"I won't answer your question. If you want to kill it, kill it."

   Robben is a little embarrassed, and now he can't kill this guy at all. This is his only source of information now.

  \"I'm not interested in killing you at all, and I don't want to do anything bad for you or your master. I am indeed lost here. I want to know where it is?"

  \"The lies of your Protoss have always been so lifelike" Alonfonso said with sarcasm.

  \"I am not a protoss"

  \"I didn't expect you to admit it, kill me"

   Robben is a little crazy, can't this **** guy see that he is a human? Is it so suspicious that humans use the healing magic of the light system?

  \"How do you want to say it?" Robben was very disappointed in his heart. This kind of forcing a confession was something that he had never learned from Nalan and Carlisle.

  \"The loser only has a dead end, hum my glory will not allow me to betray, you die this heart, even if you tortured my soul, it will not help."

Robben scratched his head awkwardly, \"I think you should... it can be seen that I am a human being, I am not a protoss, I accidentally got lost here, I want to go out, it's that simple, you tell me If there is something nearby, I will leave. It has nothing to do with your sense of honor, do you understand?"

\"Humans? Haha" Alon Fonso laughed loudly.\"If humans can have such power, then we will not compete with the Protoss for the big six, but we will join forces with the Protoss to defend our homeland. Correct"

  Roben could not help but have a fire, can't this guy who is not well-steamed and boiled understand what he said?

Taking a step forward, Robben grabbed Alonfonso's shirt and shouted angrily: "Are you blind? I'm right here. I am a human being. I don't have the chicken wings that brave the light of those **** gods. There are no two **** damn...horns on the heads of you **** demons."

   Robben opened his eyes in amazement...

   The rolling light clouds in the sky cast light and dark shadows, and his own shadow fell on Alonfonso's body, in that somewhat messy head shadow...

   Unbelievable, Robben raised his hand, touched the top of his head, and then retracted back as if he had been scalded by boiling water.

  See... Damn it

   Taking a step back, Robben anxiously condensed an ice mirror in front of him.

   looked at the mirror with some difficulty, Robben's chin and his eyes clanged all over the place...

   The one in the mirror is a demon, not himself.

   Water chestnut cheeks, deep eyes, straight nose, and the top of the head, two horns rising to the sky, in the mirror, is a young demon with a handsome face that Robben has never seen before.

  \"I...Is this me?" Robben raised his hand and rubbed his face vigorously. In the mirror, the demon had the same action.

  \"Damn" Robben smashed the ice mirror in his hand and condensed an ice mirror again, but found that the face in the mirror was still a little frightened.

   did not feel the slightest abnormality, did not feel any discomfort in his face, did not feel that his horns were in the way, even at the beginning, he did not even notice...

   This Demon Race is completely himself, and he can't even see a trace of disguise.

  \"Damn hell" Robben broke the ice mirror in his hand.

   Alonfonso looked at this demons violently in front of him with incomprehensibility, and did not understand what he was doing.

  \"Alright...Alright...If it still looks like this when I go back, I'll have that kid cut off his son and grandson" Robben roared.

You don’t have to think about it, this must be the hands and feet of the Black Emperor, but I don’t know what method he used to change [天珠变] so lifelike that Robben can't detect any changes in himself [天珠变], The skins and furs are so fresh, as if they are what they are.

\"Your name is Alonfonso, right? Now you'd better answer my question obediently. I am in a very bad mood. Otherwise, although I will not force a confession, I will use some that may not be accepted. Magic, about the soul, I also have a lot of research, and there are still studies that have not been practiced. If you want to be my first research object, you can shut your mouth tightly."

   Alon Fonso suddenly felt a chill in his heart. The guy on the opposite side didn't know why, and suddenly seemed to burst into a terrifying anger...

   Grabbing Alonfonso's clothes, Robben roared: "You show me a good look, I am not a **** god, I am a demon or a demon."

  \"Who would use light to heal magical demons, and just now call themselves humans"

   Alon Fonso’s words drove Robben crazy.

  \"Should you talk less nonsense?"

   Robben's face was furious. Suddenly, Robben's heart felt cold, and Alonfonso's eyes flashed with murderous intent.

   Very clearly, Robben felt a powerful force gushing out of Alonfonso's body, and the prohibition he had set in his body was immediately broken.

   With a roar, Alon Fonso stood up, and his two palms went straight to Robben's shoulders. At the same time, his eyes exploded, and a black light circle spread out on his body.


   With two muffled noises, Robben greeted him with two palms at the very moment. Although his arms were painful, he stopped Alonfonso’s attack anyway.

   It seems that this blow has exhausted all of Alonfonso's strength, and Alonfonso, who has just soared in strength, immediately weakened...

  \"He...hehe...no effect, you...you should be in chaos, you can't...can't react."

   Robben was a little surprised to see Alonfonso's eyes start to lose consciousness.

  \"A mage who can get close and fight directly, really...really... the first time I saw..."

  \"咚" Alonfonso's body softened, he knelt on the ground, his arms hanging weakly.

  \"Hey, hello, what's wrong with you?" Luo Ben was shocked, the life force of the Demon warrior who was still alive just now seemed to be dying, and blood was now leaking from his mouth and nose.

\"Hey...very strong seal, bad...almost, just break through...can't break through...but...you...you don't...no...will not get...successful Demon Lord...yes ..."

   It was very difficult. Alon Fonso still didn't finish the last words. His tall body fell straight back and crashed on the ground. Robben looked at all this and was stunned.

It seems...Carlisle once mentioned inadvertently that some of the warriors of the Demon Race have a method of exchanging powerful power at a huge price. They can detonate something in the depths of their souls and provoke powerful power, but This kind of power is only for a moment, because this kind of explosion will cause great damage to the soul, and sometimes it may die before the explosion of the power itself.

   Alon Fonso should have chosen this last resort, breaking through his own restrictions with a powerful force, but his soul was greatly damaged, and he was killed after only half a stroke...

   Luo Ben stood there, staring blankly at Alon Fonso, who had already died of life aura, feeling helpless, originally... he would not kill him.

   rubbed his feet, and a layer of yellow light appeared on the ground not far from Robben. With a muffled sound, the soil was blown out, and a tomb recessed inward, forming a square trapezoid, appeared on the ground.

  \"I’m really sorry, I just wanted to ask for the way, but it caused you to die here..." Robben silently pushed Alonfonso’s body into the grave.

  \"Thanks to you, I finally understand something..." With a sigh, Robben refilled the blasted mud into the pit and buried Alonfonso's body.

  \"You are a respectable demon warrior, I represent the Black Emperor and salute you"

   Robben stood in front of Alonfonso’s grave for a while, and turned around silently, \"Goodbye..."

   Just about to take a step, Robben's body stopped.

   On the horizon, the endless gray is spreading here. Unlike before, this time these grays are coming from all directions, centering on themselves, seeming to crush themselves.

   Robben suddenly became vigilant, this situation has not been clarified yet.

   Everything in the dark gray-filled sky and earth is flying and surging, the light clouds in the sky once again become dim patches, the vegetation, wind, and everything on the plain freezes again.

   The gray world immediately shrouded Robben's side once again.

   is blessed with various magical shields. Robben is carefully watching the movements around him. However, everything is quiet, except... Alonfonso’s tomb

   There is bleakness between heaven and earth, where all affairs are frozen like time. In the area a few meters square around Robben, the green grass is faint, except for Alonfonso's tomb. Around his tomb, colors are flowing vividly.

  Roben fixed his eyes on Alonfonso’s tomb, feeling a little uneasy. This demons wouldn’t jump out of the tomb to claim his life without a corpse? Although I now understand the magic of the undead, it doesn't matter if I really encounter any zombies. From the point of view of magic, zombies are very low-level undead creatures, but...

   was thinking a little wildly, but Robben found that the situation seemed a little bit wrong.

   Alonfonso’s tomb is as colored as his surroundings, and things are not frozen, but the area of ​​this lively light is slowly shrinking.

   Gradually, the surrounding vegetation began to be plated with dark gray, and froze in this weird world. The color around Alonfonso’s tomb was slowly decreasing. Robben felt, as if there was life fading...

   Finally, all the colors on the tomb disappeared into the soil, and Alonfonso's tomb fell into complete silence. Everything was frozen there and became part of the solidified world.

  \"It's dead..." Robben whispered unconsciously.

   After a long time, everything around hasn't changed in the slightest [天珠变], it seems that it still stays in the time long ago, only the space around Robben seems to be alive.

   Confirming that Alonfonso’s tomb will no longer have any changes [天珠变], Robben exhaled and slowly flew into the sky.

Looking around, the world around him was dark gray. Robben really didn't know where he was going. He took out the gem and looked at it. This gem didn't seem to react anymore. After fiddling around, Robben didn't notice anything abnormal. , So disappointed that he entered the space ring again.

  \"Forget it, the earth is still round, it should be here, it should be too" Robben comforted himself, planning to find a direction to fly down, and talk about it after encountering something.


   Robben was about to leave, but suddenly heard a strange roar from the ground. This sound seemed to have been heard, but there seemed to be something wrong.

   lowered his head, Robben's eyes suddenly widened: \"This... deceptive..."

   On the ground, the violent wind beast that Alonfonso rode before, the violent wind beast that hadn't moved anymore... flew.

Robben remembers very clearly. Just now, when the gray color dyed the entire world again, this violent wind beast was also dyed light gray. It was lying in the long grass not far away, and it had never been out. sound. And now, this violent wind beast is flying.

   This violent wind beast is gray...

The strong limbs are bent, keeping the action of lying on the ground, without moving a single movement, the neck is stiff and supporting the huge head, during the process of raising, there is no movement.In fact, this wild wind beast is like A stone flew up from the ground, the only movement was the mechanical mouth that opened and closed rhythmically, and the huge wings that slowly moved up and down without a trace of bending.

\"Fake? Mechanism beast?" A big question mark popped out of Robben's head.\"In this solidified world, everything stopped moving, stuck in the previous time, but only this wild wind beast, suddenly Come alive in between, come alive like a machine...

   The hurricane beast that flew up, like an airplane with its motives destroyed, smashed into the sky and slammed into Robben.

   Is it to avenge the master? Robben dodged quickly. The violent wind beast circulated in midair, flew back, and continued to pounce on Robben.

Originally, it was impossible for a violent wind beast to hurt himself, but now it becomes like this, and it is even more impossible.After Robben avoided a few times, he was surprised and a little impatient in his heart, and the next violent wind beast rushed over. At the time, he flashed and jumped directly onto the back of this violent wind beast.

   The violent wind beast seemed to want to throw Robben down, \"Horo" screamed and turned his body, and the frequency of the flashing of its wings increased.

Robben was very surprised.In order to fall off himself, this violent wind beast was flipping its body three hundred and sixty degrees in the air with an impossible slowness. If this movement is usually at this level, it will definitely make this huge. The guy fell to the ground, but the violent wind beast flew very smoothly, just like when it rose up just now~www.readwn.com~ Robben pressed his hand on the violent wind beast's back, and a flow of spirit poured into it Once inside, Robben really wanted to know what this thing was.


   Robben felt an emptiness, nothingness, this violent wind beast, except for the outer shell, the spirit, almost everything is nothingness...

  Only in the sea of ​​consciousness of this violent wind beast, there is such a pitiful consciousness. Now, this poor consciousness is dominating all the actions of this violent wind beast.

\"This...how is it possible..." Luo Benming clearly remembered that when Alonfonso rode it to fly above his head, this violent wind beast opened its teeth and danced its claws, its shape was extremely lifelike, and...with Alonfonso's strength , It is impossible not to discover the abnormality of this violent wind beast.

   The violent wind beast continued to tumble strangely with that slow movement, trying to throw Robben down.

With a move of Luo Ben's mind, he rushed directly into the sea of ​​consciousness of this violent wind beast. Robben was sure that this was not a normal living creature, and he was not soft-hearted, and directly occupied the mind of this violent wind beast. The beast stopped struggling and fell silent.

  \"Take me to your master's residence"

   Robben's command was immediate, the violent wind beast screamed twice, twisted its body to one direction, and flapped its wings again.

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