God Prohibitions

Chapter 697: Camut's request

Chapter 597: Camute's Request

In the past few days, Camuut has been uncharacteristically, and he never looked cold with Robben again, and basically came to Robben for his three meals a day. Robben sometimes really felt that he had made a money-losing transaction. Unexpectedly, Camute would actually come to eat every day...

Moreover, Camute's attitude towards Yue Xiao Nalan is becoming more and more obvious. He always talks and laughs with Xiao Nalan when he comes here, and even brings some small gifts to make other witches look very surprised. .

   Camute left with his front foot, and Robben immediately pulled Nalan over the aisle with his back foot: \"Is your teacher Camute a bit abnormal these days, why does it seem like he has changed his person before?"

   Little Nalan is very happy about Camute’s change: \"Maybe...it’s a little bit, but it’s not very good. I still like this kind of Camute teacher."

   Robben scratched his chin: "Abnormal behavior often means that something abnormal is about to happen."

  Little Nalan is strange: \"Something abnormal?"

  \"I don’t know if it’s an illusion, how come I always feel that something is going to happen..."

   Camute went back to the quiet room alone, saw Lal sitting in it, frowned slightly, and walked in as usual.

  \"Went to Robben to eat?"

  \"Hmm," Camute answered in a muffled voice.

  Lal shook his head helplessly: \"Forget it, anyway, everything is almost over."

  Camut's eyes lit up: \"What do you mean?"

  \"The Lord City Lord has already sent someone over, and I must find that Robben soon. The Lord City Lord will negotiate with him for the rest of the matter. As for when to recruit him, it is not something we consider."

   Camute was silent.

  \"After that, Nalan will also be recommended as a qualified witch warrior. She will start her own destiny, and everything will be over. It has nothing to do with us."

   Camute still did not speak.

Lal looked at Camuute and couldn't help sighing: \"Camuute, why bother Nalan is indeed very good, but it is not so difficult for you to give up. She will become an excellent witch in the future, know this, You should feel very satisfied."

   Camute nodded slowly: \"Yes...I should be satisfied."

Lal continued: \"We come and go here. Every day, there are many witches. They are so young that they are just born and they are hundreds of years old. How can we take care of them and do what we should do. "

   Camute asked softly: \"You said, will Nalan, like us, have to go through harsh training and cruel fighting to survive?"

\"Of course... we witch warriors have never slackened to survive [eternal life], we must do our best, even if we are now, it is not the same, if anything goes wrong in this training camp, we will also be severely punished, This may be... destiny"

   Camute smiled: "This **** fate..."

Lal nodded: \"Yes, look at that plump city lord, I really don’t know what talent he has to be the lord of the city, but in fact he is now the city lord and eats us to death, you don’t Knowing his obsessive look when I reported to him, if I can, I really want to blow his head with a punch."

  \"I heard that he wants our qualified fighters to serve him"

\"Dreaming" Lal immediately sank his face: \"We train the witch to be a powerful warrior, not a tool for people to play. We are appointed by the Lord Demon to train the witch warrior. If he If you want to get involved with our warriors, then be prepared to explain to Lord Demon King"

   Camute took a slow breath: "I am afraid that even then, Lord Demon won't protect us, right"

Ral couldn't help frowning: \"Camut, cheer up, we don't have time to sigh, it is indeed a **** destiny, but even if it is damned again, it is still destiny. Everything will soon return to its original condition. Just the same as before. Don’t think about the annoying things. I’ll look at the surroundings. You... If you feel that you have enough rest, do your own thing.” After speaking, Lal stood up and walked out the door. go with.


   Robben felt very strange now. He was in the ward asking how a witch is feeling. Suddenly someone outside looked for him. When he came out to see, they were two demons, and not a witch.

   In this training camp, there are only two races, one is a human being disguised as a demon, and the other is all the witches, but now these two guys should obviously be male warriors of the demon.

  \"You... have something to do with me?" Robben asked inexplicably. Seeing that the witches around seemed to be quite jealous of these two demon warriors, they did not dare to step forward.

  \"Are you Robben?" One of the demon warriors spoke, and while talking, he looked up and down Robben.

   Another demon warrior is also looking at Robben, and then he can’t help but smile: "It looks good, I am afraid it is very popular here, those witches who have no men all day must like you to death, hahaha"

The two demon warriors laughed loudly. Robben saw that the witch nearby was angry, but no one dared to come forward and asked: \"Who are you? What can I do if it doesn’t matter. I have to go back to see my patients.” Robben was already a little unhappy in his heart.

\"Patient? You mean those witches, what is important about their life and death, not how many and how many, kid listen carefully, you are very lucky, now the lord of the city wants to summon you, and you will not have to nest in such a small place in the future. Maybe the Lord of the City is happy and rewards you with something, you will not worry about food and clothing in your life."

  \"City Lord?" Robben couldn't react for a while. It turned out that when he was in the Demon Realm, there seemed to be only one City Lord, and that was himself...

  \"Okay, don’t talk nonsense. Go with us right away. If it’s too late, Lord City Lord blames the two of us and can't afford it." With that, one of the demons came to grab Robben's shoulder.


With a crisp sound and a wailing, the demon warrior who came to grab Robben covered his wrist and staggered back. In mid-air, a black shadow hurriedly shrank behind Robben, and Xiao Nalan stood there. The eyes are full of cold light.

  \"Where did you come from and what are you doing here?"

Oops, my little ancestor, don't make trouble, Robben felt a sorrow in his heart, and quickly turned around and grabbed the hand of Xiao Nalan holding the black long whip, otherwise the face of the demon warrior who just grabbed him would have to immediately Flowering.

  \"You...little thing, do you dare to hit me" The demon warrior who was beaten backed back in horror, and when he saw that the other party was a little witch who was not yet an adult, he immediately called out.

\"What about hitting you?" Xiao Nalan's eyes widened, and the gloomy light in his eyes immediately rose by a few minutes. The demon warrior's expression suddenly went blank, \"thumping", he knelt directly on the ground, his eyes were already It was sluggish and looked like a fool. The other demon warrior saw what his companion looked like, not only did not rush forward in anger, but took a few steps back in fright.

  \"You...you dare us to be the warriors of Lord City Lord," the sober Demon warrior cried.

Robben quickly grabbed Nalan’s cheeks and twisted her head towards him. Nalan blinked quickly, the light in her eyes retracted, looking at Boss Robben and said dissatisfied:\" What are you doing? I was asking him to kowtow to apologize."

  Roben could not help but sweat secretly: \"My little boy is an official person, don't you want to die?"

  \"What is official or unofficial? This is the Witch Training Camp. Everything is up to the teacher. What are they?"

  \"You...what's your name?" the sober soldier yelled hoarsely.

  Roben turned around and smiled kindly: "This gentleman, why bother to be angry with a little girl who is still under adulthood? It doesn't sound good to hear this kind of thing in the ears of Lord City Lord."

This demon warrior could not help but opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't say a word.If the Lord of the City knew that the two warriors had been cleaned up by a lowly underage witch, then he who had no strength at all would be true. It's going to become waste..."

  \"I will settle accounts with you in the future" The demon warrior glared at Xiao Nalan viciously.

After that, he immediately turned his head and said to Robben: "The Lord of the City took the time to summon you today. This is the specific time. If you dare not go, then you think about the consequences." With that, the demon warrior threw an invitation card When he reached Robben's chest, he picked up his companion and left quickly.

  \"Hmph two wastes, I can't resist even a mental shock, and dare to come out and shake." Xiao Nalan looked at the two Mozu warriors who staggered away, with disdain in his eyes.

As soon as he turned around, Xiao Nalan saw that Robben was looking at the invitation attentively, and immediately put away his long whip, jumped to Robben's shoulder, stretched out his head and looked at the invitation curiously: \"This is what?"

  Roben also seemed to be quite puzzled: \"What kind of Lord Zhuti is going to summon me today, Zhuti...Trotters?"

   Xiao Nalan blinked his eyes and said suddenly, "Oh, I know, Zhu Ti is the lord of this city"

  \"I know if you don’t tell me, it says..."

Little Nalan pouted: \"Why did they invite you? I remember the teachers said that that guy was very bad and often embarrassed us. After we were hunted in the city last time, Lal and Teacher Camuut tried to calm that down. I didn’t know how much to talk to the city lord afterwards."

  \"It’s not asking me, it’s summoning me, asking me..." Robben took out the miniature magic hourglass he had with him and looked at it, and then said: \"Let me see him in a long time and didn't say anything."

  \"Huh? It's weird, what did that bad guy want you to do, uh... by the way, let's ask the teacher"

Three meals a day, at lunch, Camuute appeared in Robben's cafeteria on time, and Xiao Nalan was already impatient to wait, so he immediately rushed forward and grabbed Camute's hand. In the small single room dragged to the side, the meals have been arranged.

  \"Teacher, what do you think this is?" Little Nalan spread the invitation card for Robben on the table. "

   Camute looked at it: \"It's an invitation card, Lord City Lord wants to summon Robben, Nalan, I remember you are literate."

  \"This is not the problem for the teacher. Why would that bad guy find Robben?"

   Camute looked at Robben, and at Nalan, with pity between his eyebrows: "Nalan, have you ever thought about it, what should you do in the future?"

   Xiao Nalan was taken aback: "What should I do?"

  \"You are now a qualified warrior, but you are not an adult, so you are practicing here temporarily, but you will always leave here. Do you want to go somewhere?"

  \"I..." Xiao Nalan was a little startled. It seemed that he hadn't thought about this issue yet, and looked at Robben involuntarily.

Camute sighed: \"Roben won't stay here all the time. He has outstanding talents. It won't be long before he will go to a better place... This time, Lord City Lord summoned him, it may be an opportunity. "

   Little Nalan was surprised: \"Teacher, you mean... Robben is leaving?"

  \"Sooner or later, Nalan..."

  \"But..." Xiao Nalan opened her mouth slightly, somewhat speechless.

\"Nalan, your dream is to become an outstanding witch. This road has just begun. You still have a lot of hardships to go through. Robben... he is special. I want to use his talents and he should get Demon Lord's reuse..."

   Little Nalan couldn't help but slowly widen her eyes...

Just when Xiao Nalan was shocked and inexplicably surprised, a hand suddenly fell on her head. Turning around, Robben was rubbing his head and smiling at himself: "Don't worry, my little princess, I won't leave you behind. of"

   Xiao Nalan's heart trembled fiercely, and mist rose uncontrollably in her eyes.

Camute’s fingers holding the spoon tightened for a while: "Roben, I think you still don’t know what’s going on. You will eventually leave here, so will Nalan, your ability will be that you get reused, and Nalan The difficulties and obstacles she must go through to become an outstanding warrior must be completed, and you will never meet again."

   Robben is a little strange, why is Camute suddenly a little angry, hasn't it been good these days?

\"Ah... it's okay, my things are more casual, and I still prefer to walk around. After completing the three-year agreement with you here, if there is no suitable place to settle, I will continue my wandering life here Well, I think it’s not a problem to see Nalan often like that.”

  \"Impossible" Camute hits the table with a punch, full of anger

   Robben and Little Nalan were both taken aback, looking at Camut for some unknown reason.

Camute also realized his gaffe, and quickly controlled his emotions, and continued: "I have experienced everything, and I also understand everything. The growth of the witch warrior is very difficult. It is a hundred times harder than in the training camp. We must always Be cautious all the time, do your own thing with all your heart and soul, complete your own tasks, there is no time to take care of others, and we have to sever contact with family and friends, Robben, your relationship with Nalan will not be in the future. Do you understand who allows more contact?"

  Roben was really taken aback this time, but he didn't expect that he had so many harsh conditions for the witches...

  \"Um...That's okay. I think if I want to find an errand, I can find someone related to the witch, and then I won't be bound by the conditions."

   Seeing Robben's casual smile, Camute's heart suddenly burst into flames. With a click, the metal spoon in his hand was directly twisted off.

   stood up fiercely, Camute’s face was still full of fire: "Roben, you **** shameless bastard, I finally know why I hate you so, why I hate you like the most disgusting thing."

   Camute’s loud anger made Robben and Little Nalan all stay in their seats, and for a while, they didn’t know what happened.

\"This is your attitude, this kind of behavior is because you don’t care about anything, you can do more and you can say everything so easily, but you wander around at will, you can even go to the God Realm After living for a while, now why come here to act wantonly? Why do you want to do what you want? Why can you get along with Nalan and we, our witch..."

   Robben has planted silent magic around him, but he still looked at Camute who was yelling at him in surprise.

   After taking a few sighs of breath, Camute sat down a little bit depressed: "Sorry, I have not been in a good mood these past few days. I said something inappropriate, you... forget about it."

  \"Teacher..." Little Nalan gently pulled Lacamut's sleeves, her face a little flustered.

   Camute smiled bitterly and patted the back of Xiao Nalan's hand gently: \"Teacher is okay, it's just that I'm a little tired these days, eat something, just go back to sleep."

   A meal is a bit dull.

   When he was almost finished eating, Camute suddenly said: "Nalan, I have been here for so many days, but I haven't seen you make anything for the teacher. Do you want to try it today?"

   Xiao Nalan blinked. Although he knew that his craft really didn’t have anything to take out, he still bit the bullet and said: "Okay... okay"

   Camute said a dish casually, Xiao Nalan nodded seriously, and ran out to cook. Camuut turned his head and looked at Robben with a strange look.

  \"If you have something, let me listen." Robben knew that Camute had something to say to himself.

\"I don’t want to go in circles, so I just said it straight." Camut’s voice seemed really tired.\"Nalan is my student and my best student. She is very talented and very hardworking, except for a little Sometimes I stay away, everything is perfect"

The eyebrows moved, and Camuute seemed to laugh a little bit self-deprecatingly: \"I know what she was thinking when she was staying, it was not dreaming of becoming a powerful warrior, that kind of expression was missing herself Relatives...the harsh training and almost cruel punishments did not erase this longing from its heart. For a witch warrior, this is a manifestation of the character's determination, but it is also a kind of misfortune."

After taking a look at Robben, Camute asked softly: \"Nalan’s pair of earrings should indeed belong to her mother, although I don’t know what you used to hide everyone from them, but Nalan Regarding it as a treasure, for Nalan, who missed her family, she would never admit her mother's things wrong."

   Robben has only silence, it's better not to speak for himself.

   After a pause, Camute smiled sadly: \"You may not know, Nalan...actually, I look very much like me, looks, moves...even behaviors"

   Robben was quite surprised when he heard this.

\"I clearly remember the things I was in the training camp. Those things will never be forgotten for the rest of my life. Sometimes I find it hard to believe. I don’t have a strong body or powerful magic yet. How did I live in that harsh environment? The one who survived [永生] came down, every time I took a picture of myself in the ice mirror, I saw faces that seemed familiar but unfamiliar..."

  \"At first I saw Nalan I was just surprised by her talent, but later, I was even more surprised. This little witch, like my memory hundreds of years ago, was beating in front of me vividly."

Closing his eyes, Camus sighed: "I also once had a mother's thing. It was an accessory that I took carelessly with my mother when I learned that I would be sent away. I’ve never seen her again, or even heard from her.”

  \"Then...what about that accessory?" Robben asked softly.

   There was a long silence, Camute's short answer: \"lost it"

   Robben was surprised.

  \"In order to survive, to survive...I lost that ornament, because right in front of my eyes, another witch with her mother's belongings was executed. Just a few hundred years ago...It was in that hall."

   Robben frowned slightly, remembering what Xiao Nalan had described to him.

With a nervous smile, Camuute continued: \"This is not strange, right? When I face death, when facing the extremely fearful death, how can I consider other things? The so-called family relationship, love It’s not surprising that you have to throw everything behind you in front of Survival, right, Robben?"

Robben nodded softly: \"Yes, what you did is right, I think... your mother definitely doesn't want you to be executed for carrying her things, you survive... is her biggest wish."

\"Yes...Is it?" Camute's voice trembled a little.\"I think so too. For so many years, I have been using this shameless reason to comfort myself, I am not wrong...I survived Is it wrong for me to survive?"

  \"This is not a shameless reason. To live is the most fundamental desire of life." Robben shook his head gently.

Camute didn’t seem to hear Robben’s words at all. He just said to himself: "I have experienced the experience of a little witch who knows nothing, often gritted her teeth to bleed and didn’t let herself cry. Countless pains and hardships have become the person in charge of this witch training camp. I have performed various tasks, I have killed countless targets, and there are even companions in it. I have all performed meticulously to live. Come down..."

\"Everything I do every day is to survive better. The things that happened hundreds of years ago, have been buried in the barren land in my heart, and will never be touched. This is the destiny of our witch , I believe that my destiny is like this, until...Naren appears before my eyes..."

\"Unimaginable similarity... When I realized this, I was shocked, that feeling, as if in a dream, the face in the ice mirror suddenly appeared in front of me, that perseverance, Even that fascinating posture... the memory of being buried in the grave... came alive again."

After hearing these words, Robben couldn't help but look at Camuute a few more times. Indeed, now that he looks closely, Camuute is indeed like Nalan in appearance. It seems that when he was young, Camuute Te should look very similar to Xiao Nalan.

\"Sometimes I even have an illusion, maybe my soul is no longer in my body, but is pinned on that little witch to come back to life... Hehe, of course this is impossible, But... this makes me a little dazed sometimes."

\"That day, Nalan completed the final trial, and I was a little sad, because she was leaving here soon, after that, we might never see each other, but... she was wearing the pair of earrings , And brought an alien warrior back."

Camute’s eyes swayed slightly in the dark light that dragged in the air: "I was shocked, really shocked, the look on Nalan’s face was exactly the same as the look on Nalan’s face when I wore mother’s accessories in the ice mirror. I know... things may change a bit, but I didn't expect such a big mess."

\"To be honest, I'm very scared, afraid of what will happen to Nalan, because I don't have the ability to protect her, the only thing I can do is to catch her back and kill her... Those days, I was really anxious ..."

  Roben smiled apologetically: \"I'm causing you trouble"

On the surface, he was very calm, but Robben was a little surprised.He didn't expect Camute to say these things to himself.At the beginning, Nalan said to himself that Rael was very harsh, but Camute always took care of her. I thought it was Xiao Nalan who was helping his teacher to say good things, but now it seems that this situation is true. "

  \"Fortunately, things calmed down in the end. We proved very accurately that the princess’s earrings were still on her ears. Although I didn’t believe it, this was the proof, and I am willing to believe this fact.”

   Robben just smiled, naturally others would not know that in fact these two pairs of earrings are real, but there are some differences in time.

\"I am very happy that things have subsided like that, but I soon discovered another bad phenomenon. Nalan... seems to be very close to you. I heard rumors that Nalan was in Call your father privately"

   Robben shook his head decisively: \"No, this is definitely a rumor, Nalan’s father is Lord Demon, I don’t want to be taken off my head"

Camus characteristically nodded: \"It’s good if you understand this. This matter was only heard in the training camp. I have strictly blocked the news. Now the outside should not know about this matter. You better ask Pay attention."

   Robben nodded quickly.

Camute was very satisfied with Robben’s attitude, but suddenly frowned and said: \"But I find that Nalan’s closeness to you is beyond the usual limits. She has been here for many years, but the closeness to me is, But it's not as close to you. After all, Nalan has only known you for a few months now."

   Robben can only giggle.

\"I understand, it's the pair of earrings, so Nalan is very close to you, trusts, and follows you all day..." Camut sighed, \"It may be called jealousy here, I am very reluctant , Because then Nalan will have less time to talk to me."

   smiled slightly, seeming to be mocking himself, what Camuute said Oh: \"I hope you don’t mind my previous attitude towards you, what you do is indeed unruly, and..."

  \"I understand, and never blamed you." Robben replied very easily.

After listening to Robben’s answer, Camute seemed to be even more slumped: \"Really... Hehe, I almost guessed it, you would say that, because... you don’t care at all, I was so angry at the time Looks, it must make you feel very ridiculous and boring."

  \"No, I have a headache" Robben told the truth.

But apparently Camute didn’t think so. She continued: \"I’m just not reconciled. I have gone through countless sufferings to get to where I am today. The only time I want to protect a little guy in such a long time, think I want to do something for her, but... but... I was easily deprived of this idea by an outsider who seemed to have no purpose at all, and lived freely. My past and my wish were easily taken away. It's..."

   Robben knew that Camute was a little bit **** and couldn't help but smile.

  \"This is really a contradictory idea. If you don’t come here, perhaps Nalan has already left, but you are here. Although Nalan stayed, he only pesters you..."

  \"Sorry, I don’t have any acquaintances here. Nalan is the first witch I know here. She has a good temper and has a lot of time. I just... often drag her to do things for me."

Camute smiled bitterly: \"Yes, it is true. Only you can do this, but we have to do other things. Even if Nalan has time now, I don’t have so much time to accompany her. Time, Nalan always smiles happily, this has never happened in all her training time."

  Roben can't always intervene. Now it seems that Camute's feelings for Little Nalan are very complicated, and Robben doesn't know why Camute wants to talk to himself.

  \"Roben, what do you want to do from now on?" Camute suddenly took the topic elsewhere.

   Of course I am looking for the most special person

   Luo Ben muttered in his heart, but he couldn't say that on the surface, and replied: \"My words...Let's look at it again, Lord City Lord is looking for me today, just to see if there is something for me to do?"

The corners of Camute's mouth twitched: "Roben, you are talented, but with the ability to treat, you won't stay here forever. If you can, I would like to ask you one thing, although... I have no position at all to beg you, but...I still want to speak out."

   Robben said immediately: \ "You have taken good care of me during this period. If I can do it, I will try my best to do it."

   Camute smiled bitterly: \"Take care of... it's just that I'm asking you to trouble you, okay, even so, I still want to... want to say it."

   licked his lips, Camute’s smile seemed to be a bit bitter: \"Roben, in the future...Can you take care of Nalan?"

  Roben was a little puzzled: \"What does this mean? I... naturally take care of Nalan."

Camute shook his head slightly: "No... it's Robben, I don't think you have figured out what I mean. The care I'm talking about is not just...simple care, but... I hope you can protect it. , Love her"

\"Our witch’s life has been quite bumpy. I’m just one example. I... I don’t want Nalan to be like that, and now there is a good opportunity. Robben Nalan is outstanding. Would you like to take her in? ?"


  \"Have you ever thought about having a little witch servant?" Camus clearly understood the topic.

   Robben frowned: \"Never had it"

Camuteka was quite surprised: \"I mean, although Nalan is still young now, she will soon become an adult. She is a qualified witch warrior, and her good talent will let her in the future. If you gain strength that is not weak, if you teach her again, she should be a powerful witch. This... does not seem to be a bad thing. I think you seem to like Nalan very much."

   Robben looked at Camute very strangely: \"Why do you seem... you are eager to entrust Nalan to me, is there something I don't know?"

   Camute's face froze slightly: \"I just want to do something for Nalan. No other meaning."

Robben immediately said: \"If I remember correctly, after the witches passed the trial, although not everyone has the opportunity to continue to practice, they know the way to practice magic, as long as they have time. Talent and strength will be steadily improved."

After hearing this, Camute couldn't help but immediately correct it: \"That's just a statement. After the witch becomes a warrior, it means the beginning of the mission. No one can understand the hardship except us. The so-called time to practice further magic , Just a handful of lucky witches, most of our witches continue to learn in battle and killing until they die.”

With a slight sigh, Camuute said again: "Nalan's talent is very outstanding. She has indeed experienced difficulties and hardships and has grown into an outstanding fighter. This fighter is likely to be better than any previous fighter, even , Will break something for this, but... I don't want her to be like that. Nalan will experience countless pains, and the probability of survival in the end is less than half. I... don't want this."

   Robben nodded slightly: \"You... want Nalan to recognize me as the master and let me take her out of here."

  Camut's eyesight brightened: \"Yes, that's it"

  \" But in that case, Nalan’s desire to become a warrior is lost. I will not go through those dangerous things. She is by my side, and that good talent will only be wasted."

\"The way our witch realizes value... is a bit cruel. Compared with this, I would rather spend her life peacefully and quietly by the side of a demon who will treat him gently, so... it seems that it is our witch The best destiny, and... if destiny wants Nalan to become a warrior, then she will eventually become no matter what, and you can also teach her spiritual magic, perhaps, she will be more accomplished by your side some."

Camute looked at him with scorching eyes. Robben was actually a little helpless. Originally... he didn't plan to leave Xiao Nalan alone. He didn't know how long it would take to find that **** guy in this world. Before, Nalan’s affairs must not be ignored. I have also asked some things about Nalan in the past, but obviously, Nalan does not want to mention it, but Robben has also heard about it, the fighting environment of the witch warriors. The tasks and tasks performed are very dangerous, and sometimes it is even based on the number of human lives to complete the task.

  \"Why? Don't you want to agree? I want to bring a witch by my side. This kind of thing is not important at all. You will have countless witches in the future, Donnaran, not much at all."

   Robben smiled: \"If Nalan knew that you planned for her this way, I don’t know what she would think. Perhaps Nalan didn’t want the kind of life you expected. She might insist on becoming a powerful fighter."

\"That doesn't change too many things?" Camute shook his head.\"I had this dream before. Now I am also a powerful witch warrior, but nothing will change. We still live carefully and work hard to make To live on our own, our situation has never changed."

  \"Let’s ask Nalan’s opinion and see what she plans to do in the future?" Robben suggested.

\"No" Camute shook his head again, \"Naren’s fate is the witch’s fate. If there is no external force, her fate will not be changed because of her will, as long as you agree to it, I think as long as I told her that she would absolutely agree, and you should also be very clear that Nalan is very attached to you."

Robben thought for a while and said: \"You have to understand, I have always had no fixed place, and I don't know where I will be in the future. If Nalan follows me, she may form a gap with the witches, and her life will be Disrupt, maybe she can live a peaceful life, but her value as a witch warrior will probably never be realized."

  \"It doesn’t matter, as long as you agree, and...you will not be far away from us, this is inevitable"

   Robben frowned: \ "What does this mean?"

Camuute didn’t seem to want to answer this sentence, but continued to ask: \"Neither you nor Nalan will stay here for long. All I can do is this. I don’t want Nalan and I to walk. It's the same way, so... I beg you"

Camute seems to have made up some kind of determination and said: "You can make any offer, as long as I can accept it, not as long as I can do it. I am one of the people in charge of this training camp, and I can now give You provide a lot of convenience. Of course, if you are dissatisfied with my previous attitude, you can retaliate against me. If you want my body, I can serve you well, but... you have to sign a contract with Nalan and do Her master"

  Roben couldn't help but smile: "It's really a strange feeling, in order to protect a former self, but to hurt the current self"

  Camut’s eyes flashed with anger: \"I'm serious"

\"Ah, I know, I know that you are serious, naturally I am not telling a joke, but... I am not interested in your body, and I am too lazy to make any messy conditions, to be honest, I am too I don’t know what to point, although I really don’t have anything right now, hey...this is really ironic"

   Camute was overjoyed: \"So you agreed"

\"No no" Robben replied very positively, \"I have to emphasize that I did not take care of Nalan on a whim. I have a certain connection with her. Even if you don’t say it, I won’t I left Nalan and let her suffer, but...everyone has their own ideas. I will try to help her realize her wishes instead of trying to change anything. Regarding Nalan, you don't have to worry too much..."

\"Also, thank you very much, Nalan will thank you too, right?" Robben said, smiling at the door, the door opened a little with a gap, a black eye Blinking unceasingly behind the door~www.readwn.com~Lang Lang book)

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