God Prohibitions

Chapter 800: Accidental savior

Chapter 800—The Accidental Savior

   The football career took root in another world, and it was held in full swing. With enthusiasm that ordinary people could hardly reach, King Biress nv devoted all his energy to this sport that Robben originally wanted to delay time.

The fight with Robben immediately began. King Biress nv took his own valiant and arrogant football team to start another round of confrontation with Robben, but the first opportunity was lost at the beginning, and the score was defeated. The score difference was as much as thirty, which surprised the players who were watching from the outside. The whole game was scoring... a goal... a goal...

   The demon nv named Nalan seemed to be crazy today, he scored 23 points.

   In the large bedroom of King Biris nv, Robben, as always, carefully studied the back scars of King Biris nv.

Now King Biress nv has only the scars of the big tuǐ left untreated, and the rest of the body is intact as before.Although the wound from the left xn to the right abdomen has not been repaired by the elements, it has a powerful healing effect. The next step was basically healed. Just wait a few days for Robben's divine power to recover some more, and he could directly repair the elements.

  Although there is only the last scar left, the big fur robe of King Biris nv is accustomed to throwing it on the nt, holding xn with both hands, and his face...a piece of heavy.

\"Roben, did you not allow Nalan to hold the magic seal, how could she reach that level today, get the ball alone in the backcourt and then pass all the eleven players of mine, even including én will kick the ball afterwards én go."

  \"Um... It seems that the abyssal aura of this scar is completely different from the previous ones." Robben shook his head slightly.

  Bi Ruisi nv Wang said angrily: "I'm talking to you"

\"Roben shrugged his shoulders:\" nv Lord Wang, sometimes some individuals will explode quite formidable power. You should be aware of this. Nalan’s performance is indeed excellent today, but he has not yet reached the use of magic and The degree of vindictiveness, in that case, there is no need to go through eleven players in a row. "

  \"Cheating Robben, you must have irregularities somewhere."

Robben knocked on the skin near the three ring scars of King Bryce nv. It was as hard as iron. He could not help sighing: "Master nv, your attention seems to be shifted too much, now we should focus on it. Come and see your injury, we seem to be in trouble."

King Biress nv sat up, his eyes fell on the three circular scars on his tuǐ, and said: \"Trouble? Why? Although this scar is more stubborn, it doesn't mean to expand further. Now my whole body All of his scars have almost healed. In bad cases, just cut this tuǐ off?"

  \"It’s easy to say, I have naturally considered this approach, but now, I’m afraid this is not a good solution.”

   Bi Ruisi nv Wang frowned: \ "What do you mean?"

   Robben squeezed the hard as iron skin and said: "This breath is very strange, Lord nv, do you still remember what kind of abyss monster left you with such scars at the time?"

   The corners of King Biressnv's eyes moved slightly, as if he was thinking of some unpleasant memories.

\"It is impossible to remember. There is no light in the abyss. I can only rely on my own induction to distinguish the surrounding situation. As soon as I entered there, I was besieged. It is very difficult to save my life and come back. How could it be possible Remember that kind of thing?"

Robben nodded slightly, indicating that he understood, thought about it, and said: \"This breath is very strange. It is not the same as other abyss breaths. Once it is contaminated with blood, it will greedily swallow and corrode. This breath, Chose to dive into your body."

  \"What?" King Biress nv couldn't help but whispered.

\"I think, you may have no experience with the abyssal breath eroding your body before. This time your body has been eroded in a large area, so the feeling will not be particularly obvious. Lord nv, if I guess it is good, yours Although Thou tuǐ is still moving freely, he must not feel any sense at all right now?"

King Biress nv looked at Robben’s face, his face was slightly solemn: "Yes, this tuǐ has never been conscious, but when I was eroded by the breath of the abyss, almost all my touch was lost. Except for the deep pain, is there anything special about this...?"

\"nv Lord Wang, this breath is quieter compared to other breaths. It doesn't seem to erode your body much, but some of its performances are stronger than others. There is no other abyss near it. The breath is close, and even the aura of the abyss that is closer is quite weak. It seems to be repelled by it. I feel that this breath seems to be guarding my own territory."

  \"Is there such a thing?"

Robben nodded: "Also, the desire of Abyssal Breath for blood will not change, but it has been quiet until now, which is very abnormal, and it is relatively powerful, so I now suspect that it did not perform The harm done to you is actually... it's just that you didn't see it. If we cut this tuǐ now, it is very likely that we will see a very bad phenomenon."

  \"You...you mean..." King Biress nv looked surprised.

\"At that time, when treating other wounds on this tuǐ, I was a little strange. The blood on this tuǐ was all thick and black, but it was different in other places. Master Wang, your tuǐ Although it can still move now, it may already be a useless body."

   I thought that the nv person in front of him would be stunned, but what Robben did not expect was that the King Silverya of Biris nv bit and said: \"Then cut it off the whole piece"

   Robben shook his head: \"Nv Master Wang, now I want to ask you, where did the stiffness and numbness extend from this tuǐ?"

   This sentence made the face of King Biress nv very ugly.

\"Before, my body was almost numb, and I didn’t care about it. Now... now the injury is basically healed, it feels like... the whole half of the body is a little numb, and there is no sensation on the tuǐ, probably... such"

After   , the tip of King Biress nv's nose was already slightly sweaty: "Roben, you mean, this breath has secretly covered half of my body?"

\"I’m afraid... it’s the way I saw your body at the time. My light suppression magic is mainly focused on the trauma of the body. It’s impossible to suppress it. Now that the rest of the breath is clear and clean, it may increase its spread."

  \"Are you... are you sure?"

   Luo Ben thought for a while, and a short light blade stretched out from his finger: "nv Lord Wang, it's rude, please don't resist."

  , Robben gently cut dozens of small wounds between the limbs of King Biris nv and the abdomen and waist of Xn, and the blood slowly came out.

\"nv Lord King, I know that your soul magic is very magical and has a great impact on your body. You split the overall skills of your body into many small parts, but you will not die under such severe injuries. Now you can look at the beauty of blood everywhere on your body."

Bi Ruisi nv Wang Fei glanced at his whole body wound, his face suddenly became dark, and the blood that flowed out of the injured half of his body was thick and black.The closer it was to the wound, the more **** his face became. Deep, and in the other half of the body, the **** face tends to be bright red, like blood flowing in a healthy body.

  \"It seems...I seem to have guessed it right, Master Wang, now it seems that this last scar is also a troublesome one."

   Stretched out his fingers, Robben gently wiped each wound, a faint white halo flashed, and all these small wounds were instantly healed, and there was no scar at all.

  \"Doctor [Super doctor recommends reading this book] Do you have any idea?" King Biress nv looked serious.

\"This deep breath of the abyss seems to be very difficult to deal with. I have no idea for a while, but we can listen to the opinions of professionals, but for the sake of caution, I want to invite him here, no Knowing Lord Nv, can you agree?"

  \"You mean the abyss knight?"

  \"Yes, Lord nv, I have asked Nalan to ask him to wait outside the apartment. If you agree, any servants who will not disturb you will come here."

   King Biress nv grabbed his own fur robe and put it on his body, only the wounded tuǐ appeared, and said: \"If it can help, it is naturally good."

   Luo Ben nodded, and a little green magic circle floated on his palm, and then said to the magic circle: "Sai Luo, come in, the big window on the top floor, don't disturb other people."

  \"Okay..." In the magic circle, Sello's low and reverberant voice came.

   The light dimmed slightly in the big bedroom. Sailor rode his horse, like a plume of smoke, passed through the huge nt into the room.

After entering the room, Selo, in black armor, jumped off the horse. His heavy body fell on the ground but there was no sound. He took off his helmet and Robben saw it for the first time. Sello looks like a relatively young knight.

Sai Luo knelt down on one knee and said respectfully: \"Nv Lord King, when I was still a demon, I also followed you to fight. I didn't expect that I would have such a close day to see you. I feel honored."

\"Although I would like to express my joy, but unfortunately, I no longer remember that there was a demon named Silo who had followed me." King Biris nv looked at Silo, The tone is slightly cold.

   Robben sighed secretly, this nv person didn't know that at this time, he also asked the knight in front of him?

Sai Luo didn't care at all: "nv Lord Wang, at that time, I was just an unknown soldier. You have never heard my name. I can only see you from a distance every day, and I promise Your allegiance, and my name...may not be Selo, life in the abyss makes me forget too many things."

  \"Well, anyway, I am now glad that a soldier like you once served me. Now, I need your help." King Biress nv's tone did not change at all.

  \"I am honored to be able to serve you again." Sai Luo's voice was reverberating, but Robben seemed to be able to hear a little movement in the voice.

  \"Doctor [Super doctor recommends reading this book], it's up to you to speak..." King Biris nv glanced at Robben.

Robben is very casual, wearing casual clothes. This is very different from Sai Luo kneeling respectfully in front of King Bi Ruisi nv. Hearing King Bi Ruisi nv say this, Sai Luo looked at Robben. For so many days, Selo had already known that this Robben was the master of his contract summoner, and was very powerful.

Robben coughed and said: \"Um... Sai Luo, the situation is actually nothing special. Did you see the wound on that tuǐ? We found that the abyss on this wound is a bit weird. You come from the abyss, can you Can’t answer the questions in our hearts for us. What is the origin of this abyssal aura? Is there any way to deal with it? Of course, be safer."

   Sai Luo stood up slowly, walked to the front of King Biress nv, and then knelt down respectfully and said: \"Master nv, please forgive me for being rude."

   Sai Luo stretched out his hand, and the hand in the chain-armor glove suddenly twisted, turning into a light smoke that slowly wound around the wound on the king of Biress nv.

   As soon as he touched, Sello frowned: "This..."

   Luo Ben suspiciously asked: \"Is there anything wrong? It doesn't matter, just speak out, it doesn't matter if the situation is bad."

   King Biress nv couldn't help but glared at Robben, no matter how bad the situation is, it will be on his own body, you are not in a hurry

  \"This seems to be..." Sai Luo's face looked a little hesitant, as if he was not quite sure about his thoughts.

During this hesitation, the abnormal change rose sharply, and the light smoke that was wrapped around the wound suddenly shrank and was sucked into the wound. Sai Luo was shocked, and his figure turned into a whirlwind. Fly back.

When Silo retreated to the window and his body solidified again, Robben realized that his hand had disappeared.Although the light smoke from his wrist seemed to be rebuilding the hand, it seemed that Silo still suffered. Trauma.

  \"Nv Lord Wang, I'm very sorry, this matter, with my ability, seems to be powerless" Sai Luo still respectfully knelt down, and his voice was full of regret.

  \"You don’t have to worry about the treatment. I just want to get some news from your mouth. From the situation just now, you seem to know something. Let’s say it."


   Sai Luo raised his forearm whose palm had disappeared and said: \"Nv Lord Wang, now I can be sure that what you have infected is not the abyssal aura that is usually mentioned in the Demon World."

  \"What? Not the breath of the abyss?" King Biris nv and Robben were both stunned.

\"Yes, this thing that looks like the breath of the abyss has been attached to your body for some time. If it is only the residual energy of the abyss creature, it will not attack me from the abyss so long after of."

  \"What's that? This scar is indeed the one that appeared after I explored the abyss" Wang Susheng of Bi Ruisi asked.

Sai Luo's gaze fell on the three ring-shaped scars, and there was a bit of fear in his eyes with a slight flash of fluorescence: \"Nv Lord Wang, this is not the residual energy of the abyss creature, but the abyss, a kind of Cruel creatures that will madly swallow all living organisms around them, just like...the plague."

  \"Biology" Robben and King Biress nv were once again shocked.

Sai Luo continued: \ "It is a bit reluctant to say that creatures. They are different from the abyss creatures that have a fixed form and have their own thinking ability when they are quiet. They are primitive residents in the abyss. Perhaps the devil has not yet been born. At that time, they have already begun to swim in groups in the abyss.They do not have advanced wisdom, nor do they have a fixed shape.They are usually just a cloud of mist that is constantly creeping and deforming, but they are not Creatures with soul fire are very interested. Once they touch it, they will attach to it, slowly...slowly devour their souls, and then their bodies, until the target has nothing to swallow. We usually call them... eater"

At this point, Silo paused, and then said: \"Nv Master Wang, this kind of thing usually does not appear alone. Since you are attached, the possibility of being attached to a single eater is very small. If this It has been a few months since the situation has appeared, so your soul should have been damaged unknowingly, but since you haven't noticed it, it shows that your suppression of them is still good, and they have not started to flourish Devour your soul"

  Birisi nv Wang's face was full of anger: "You mean they treat me as food?"

  \"Uh...you can say the same." Aware of the irritation of King Biris nv, Selo didn't say anything again after saying this.

   Robben had to ask: \"Then Siro, is there any better way to deal with this kind of thing?"

  \"This..." Sai Luo hesitated slightly.

  \"Speak straight" King Bi Ruisi nv urged.

Sai Luo had no choice but to bite his head and said: \"Nv Lord King, in the abyss, an abyss knight like me is really not ranked in strength. For these eaters, we have always avoided, as for those powers. How powerful individuals deal with them, I... don't know."

Seeing that King Biress nv was already a sign of anger, Robben quickly said: \"So, there is actually no effective way to deal with them, um... well, thanks for your hard work, Silo, do Go what you like."

  \"Uh..." Siloro looked at King Biris nv hesitantly.

  \"Go," Bi Ruisi nv Wang said in a deep voice.


   Sai Luo replied, put on his helmet, stepped on the horse that stood quietly beside him, and passed through the huge window like a wisp of smoke and disappeared outside.

  \"Speaking of which, it turns out that there is no way for this mindless thing." As soon as Silo left, King Biress nv's anger exploded immediately.

  \"Hey...People are here to help you, and they also provide important information. You actually said that, alas..." Robben sighed helplessly.

Robben’s words are tantamount to adding fuel to the fire. Bi Ruisi nv Wang Liu with upset eyebrows, stood up and grabbed Robben’s collar, gritted his teeth and said: "Doctor [Super doctor recommended reading this book] Don’t look away, it’s your responsibility to heal me. Now the situation has changed [天珠变], you are not the time to talk coldly"

\"Oh...my nv lord, you are a little clearer, okay, I am treating you for free, and now your injuries are more than half healed, it is my credit to say it is not, you will not be Treat heroes like this."

\"Free" King Biress nv laughed coldly,\"Who would do such dangerous things for others in vain, I was prepared long ago, waiting for you to propose conditions after the treatment, even if it is not the case, as the devil, I will suffer from you The favor of, and being restricted by the contract can’t kill you, then there will always be something in return, right?”

Robben raised his eyebrows: \"Nv Lord Wang, you don't have to say so unrelentingly. I have a little hope for your future care, but I will not do this for that kind of illusory thing. I have To do important things, and to be honest, from seeing you to now, in my impression, you are not the kind of person who knows the gratitude and I am very doubtful whether I will get equal returns. "

\"Hahaha..." King Biress nv laughed coldly, \"Yes, you may be right about this sentence, so... What conditions did you intend to propose later, right? But it's a pity, Now even your person in the know doesn't know anything to deal with this eater, it seems that your plan is going to fall."

Pushing Robben, King Biress nv looked very anxious and said: \"Then, my doctor [super doctor recommends reading this book], I don’t know if I can listen to it. What conditions did you intend to propose? I really want to know what you like as a funny man."

Robben wiped the folds on his collar impatiently: \"Nv Lord Wang, I know you have enough reasons and authority to be angry, but please stop pulling my collar, okay? Nia folded and flattened it carefully. To be honest, every time you wrinkle my clothes, I feel distressed."

  \"You actually compare me with a useless magic nv" King Biris nv's eyes started to fire.

   Robben said calmly: \"I'm sorry, Lord nv, from my point of view, you are no different. Even in many places, you are not as good as my Nia."


  Birisi nv king suddenly turned around, facing Robben with his five fingers wide, and shook it suddenly

   Robben's figure was twisted, and everything within three meters around him began to shrink sharply, within a few seconds...

\"Dang Cang", a black football-sized irregular ball fell on the ground, and within three meters of the shrinkage, all the material disappeared and all was squashed in the ball ...

   Five meters away, the air was distorted, and Robben's figure slowly emerged. Only Robben let out a long sigh: \"Nv Master Wang, you nn died of me, but there is no hope."

  Birisi nv king retracted his hand, angrily walked to his chair and sat down, muffled and said: "I know you won't die so easily"

  \"You said that, maybe I should be honored, right"

Robben Shiran walked to the side of King Biress nv and stood still, and continued: \"Master nv, you don't have to be angry about what I said. What I said, most of the time, we are patients and doctors[ Super doctor recommends reading this book]. You should know this."

   The answer to Robben was a cold snort from King Biris nv.

\"Also, you don’t have to be anxious, I know that the injuries in this abyss bother you, but now you should also see that we are only one step away from all the injuries, you should see that we are gratifying Progress."

\"Also, although I have a little extravagant hope for your identity as a demon king, I am actually not prepared to make any requirements in the later stage of treatment. It is tantamount to taking advantage of the fire. It is not my doctor. [Super doctor recommended Read this book] can do things, so... you don’t have to doubt that Silo’s words were what I instructed him to say, Silo’s words were his own meaning, please believe me."

   King Biress nv's body trembled slightly, but he still said in a cold voice: \"You mean that you are unilateral and willing to risk my life for my treatment without compensation?"

   Robben smiled: \"If you think so, I will be very happy."

\"Haha" Bi Ruisi nv Wang ridiculed nn and laughed twice, \"It is ridiculous, how can there be such a good thing in this world? Is it possible that you like me? Hope to leave a good impression on me ?"

Robben shook his head: \"Nv Lord, I might hurt your self-esteem a little bit by saying this, but in my opinion, apart from the thorns that your nv king status brings to me, for nv people like you , I would not like even a little bit. From the point of view of being an nv person, any magic nv around me is better than you, especially the Nia you just said."

Seeing the constant movement of the eyebrows of the king of Biress nv, it seemed that he would go violently at any time, Robben continued: \"Master nv, don't be angry, I'm just telling the truth. If you always like to get angry like this, just be around There will be no more subordinates who will tell you the truth."

  Bi Ruisi nv Wang Zhengyù was angry, but he couldn't help being taken aback.

   After a long time, King Biress nv snorted again: "Hu, the man who speaks wisely, this is my evaluation of you."

  \"Oh yes, hehe, it is a great honor, it seems that the nv lord still listened to my huh."

   King Biress nv suddenly turned his head and asked: \"You said that there is no condition, it is free to treat me, why? Even if there is no purpose, there is always a reason, right?"

Robben nodded honestly this time: \"Of course, but you may not understand or believe this. In my opinion, you have come to me for medical treatment from a thousand miles away. As a doctor [super doctor recommends reading this book], I have no reason to turn you away and try my best to help every life. This is my belief as a doctor [super doctor recommends reading this book], and... to be honest, Seeing you are covered with scars, working hard to suppress your injuries, and you have to endure torture every day, and you can't speak up, I feel, tǐn pitiful..."

  \"Do you have pity on me?" This time, the King of Biress nv got a lot of fire.

  \"I’m just telling the truth from the perspective of a doctor [super doctor recommends reading this book]. It’s not about your status and strength. I hope you can understand."

  \"Heh...haha, you mean you think I’m a whole body wounded, and the nv person who came all the way to seek medical treatment is very pitiful, so you saved me?"

  \"Well, almost?"

  \"What if I am a man?"

  \"This is no different from men nv people, I have also saved many men." Robben replied naturally.

   King Biress nv gritted his teeth and rattled: "Do you know that just seeing my body is enough to destroy your soul a hundred times."

\"Hmm... Master of nv, I have seen many nv people’s bodies in order to save people. Although your body is more yu people, there is no difference in essence, and you seem to have said that it is just This carrier is nothing worth noting. Only a man like me with wretched thoughts will pay attention to the body of the nv person? And you are indeed the great nv king."

   King Biress nv was choked by the words, took a few breaths, but still could not speak.

Robben shrugged his shoulders: \"Nv Lord Wang, let's stop saying these unnutritious words. Although the situation seems to be worse, we should spend more time on finding ways. We have solved the problems in front, and the ones in the back should also There will be a way."

   King Biress nv could not help but raised his hand and squeezed his forehead, sighed: \"Yes... we are spending 1n time..."

\"nv Lord King, no matter how you say it, let's control the injury first. Since this eater will erode your soul, then my magic circle will need to make some changes. You... now let me be on your carrier Are you drawing something?

  Bi Ruisi nv Wang sighed with a sigh: \"As you like."

A few minutes later, Robben wrote and painted on the flat belly of King Biress nv, and said seriously: \"Master nv, you don't have to be so depressed, just some little things that leaned over. Like an evil spirit, Silo just doesn't know the solution, but this doesn't mean there is no, um...it should be said that there will be, but we haven't found it yet."

King Biress nv said softly: "Just...I lost my mind, huh...To be honest, I have never felt so helpless. I have to endure painful torture, I have to endure a strange man's sway on my body. To bear your own anger, really..."

\"nv Lord Wang, I will try my best to eliminate the pain for you. At the same time, please trust my pure doctor [Super doctor recommends reading this book] Soul, and that is, my words may not be so pleasant, but they are all for the good I have to ask you to understand."

\"Up to now, I have nothing to say. I didn't expect that just a trip to the abyss would have caused me such a heavy blow. I have always thought that my soul magic is so powerful and my power is so powerful. ..."

   Robben is a little strange, this nv person will actually be emotional

\"nv Lord King, the abyss is different from our world. I got some news from Selo that our physique is fundamentally different from the creatures in the abyss, so it will be difficult to survive in the abyss [eternal life], you see, Sai Luo's power can't be compared with you at all, but after he becomes an abyss knight, he can survive [eternal life] in the abyss safely. It's not that you are not strong enough."

  \"Are you comforting me?" Wang Yang raised his eyebrows.

  \"Just telling the truth."

  \"Hehe, it's really rare, you can actually tell the truth that sounds pleasant to the ear."

King Biress nv smiled, and suddenly asked: \"Doctor [Super doctor recommends reading this book], I am a little surprised. According to the truth, I am the devil, and you, in your terms, this is just a small person, even if You are outstanding, but you are only a small person in front of me. You can't compare with me in terms of status or strength, but... it seems that you were not afraid of me from the beginning. At this point, I am seeing you first. I can feel it when I look at it. I hate it and I remember it clearly."

  \"There is such a thing?" Robben said vaguely.

  \"Yes, now I want to know why?" King Biress nv asked.

\"Hmm..." Robben thought for a while, couldn't help but stop writing, but he brought a magic rune with hu, so he had to draw a cross and add one next to it, \"This may be Lord nv. You look like It’s kinder, so I’m not afraid."

  \"Hahahaha..." King Biress nv couldn't help laughing after hearing this.

   Robben frowned. The nv guy smiled like this, his belly moved a little bit, his magic rune was drawn wrong again, Robben drew three crosses and continued his work.

  \"Doctor [Super doctor recommends reading this book], you are really good at talking."

  \"Really? That’s okay, but if you don’t want me to draw five crosses in a row and draw all the crosses to your ass, then don’t laugh anymore."

  \"Hahahahaha..." King Biress nv laughed again...

   King Biress nv smiled straight into his eyes, and suddenly, a long and pleasant yín sound came down from the sky, and after a while, there seemed to be a slight vibration on the ground.

  Bi Ruisi nv Wang was surprised: "What? What a powerful energy bounce"

   Robben lamented, this nv person made another rune and struck a cross...

  \"Nv Lord Wang, that’s my friend. I went home and went to bed some time ago. I guess I’m awake now and come to hún to eat hún again. When you investigated me, did you investigate him?"

  \"You mean, that bone dragon?" King Biris nv obviously still knew.

  \"Well...From what you said, you still haven't investigated the information of this friend of mine too much." Robben wanted to continue drawing his magic circle, suddenly his heart moved.

  Yes, the water bones seem to come from the abyss and countless years ago, such a powerful creature will not be the little horn in the abyss

\"Nv Lord King, wait a minute, I will come." Robben left a sentence, and people have already left like a gust of wind, and the dropped pen left another on King Biress nv's body Extra scratches...

   King Bi Ruisi nv propped up his body, looked at his belly full of crosses, somehow, suddenly there was another urge to laugh.

   This guy... unexpectedly... he dared to draw something like this on the belly of the demon king

   After a while, I only heard a loud noise from the ground\"boom boom boom". The various furnishings in the room shook for a while, and then the huge sound stopped outside my window.

After that, his bedroom én was directly opened, Robben rushed in, and ignored himself, ran directly to the huge window, frowned and looked at the huge window, and then slammed the window directly. It's hopeless.

After doing this thing that made him stunned, King Biress nv couldn't help but his eyes widened, and a huge skeleton dragon head squeezed in from the window. Obviously, even though Robben tried his best to expand the space, this huge head is still It is difficult to get in. The key point lies in the two obtrusive crimson long horns on the bone dragon's head.

   King Biress nv hurriedly wrapped his robe around him, close...Is there too many guests in his bedroom?

   Finally, those two long horns brought two gaps in the wall of the house, and this big dragon head finally entered the house.

  \"Where...Where is it? Oh, she is the nv demon lord I think about it, there is indeed such a person who seems to be called... Ashlea, by the way, it is the name"

   Water bone head squeezed into the room very hard, and looked at King Biress nv, as if very happy.

King Biress nv has changed his face a bit. Maybe not many people in the Devil Realm remember the name Ashlea, but he will never forget it anyway. It was the name of his previous demon king. That was... thousands of years ago.

  \"You...what are you?"

King Biress nv was surprised that wisdom lives with long enough life are powerful. There are many such things in the Demon Realm, even if it is just an undead skeleton, if it can walk around in an environment like the Demon Realm, it can still survive. Thousands of years, that is definitely not a simple existence.

  \"Huh? Why doesn't it seem that I remember, Ashlea is a little more beautiful" Water Bone seems to see something wrong.

Robben hurriedly coughed and knocked on the empty skull of the water bone: \"This is King Biruis nv, don't talk nonsense~www.readwn.com~ Oh, it has been changed, so... can you tell Where am I, Ashlea? She helped me back then, and I would like to thank her if I can meet her anytime."

   King Biress nv cautiously said: "I have been in the position of the Demon King for thousands of years, and Ashlea should be dead."

  \"Ha, how could the devil die so easily? When I came back, I still felt the two demon kings of the previous generation hiding together drinking and chatting."

   The king of Biress nv was horrified yùjue, did you even know the demon king of the previous generation?

  \"You...what are you?"

Robben knocked on the skull of the water bone again: \"It's alright, let me say some boring words. I have something to do to find you. Did you see the injury? Do you know it?" Robben pointed to Biress nv king’s tuǐ.

  \"Huh? Isn't this a eater? I can meet him here," Waterbone's voice sounded extremely surprised.

   But the next sentence stunned Robben and King Biress nv in a cold sweat.

   just listened to the bones and said again: \ "Even like me ran into this world."

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