God Prohibitions

Chapter 802: Churn...

Chapter 802 Loss...

With a bit of scrutiny, Queen Biress looked at Robben quietly, and saw that Robben hadn't refuted her words, and the smile on her face increased.

Coming to Robben, Queen Biris took a brisk pace and circled Robben, and said, "What? Do you have any soul that you want to resurrect, doctor? Is it because of this that you practice soul magic? ?"

Stopping in front of Robben, Queen Biris looked at Robben expectantly in her eyes.

Inquiring about other people's secrets seems to be a woman's heaven, Robben clearly saw the excitement on Queen Biris' face.

"My Lady Queen, I don't have any soul that I want to resurrect, just ask." Robben replied lightly.

"Oh?" Biress apparently didn't believe it, and continued: "As the only demon who specializes in soul magic, countless powerful beings have come to me in order to resurrect certain people they think are important. I’m often asked by others, doctor, you can ask about this just by asking casually, you’re pretty good."

Robben was silent and didn't intend to bother with this woman to argue.

Seeing Robben not speaking, Bi Ruisi shrugged his shoulders and said with a bored expression: "Come to ask someone for something, but just explain the reason and cover it up. How can I tell the truth?"

After hearing this, Robben couldn't help but smile and said: "My Queen, I think this sentence seems to be about yourself."

Queen Biress couldn’t help being slightly annoyed: “But now our position has changed. Doctors and idiots know that you won’t come here to ask this question for no reason. If you don’t tell me the truth, then I refuse to answer. ...Presumably, in this world, apart from Lord Black Emperor, no one is more qualified to answer this question than me."

Seeing the woman in front of him muttering to herself with pride, Robben shook his head helplessly: "Well, Lord Queen, I did not ask this question for no reason. I have a good friend. He has A very important person lost his body in an accident, and I suddenly thought of it today, so..."

"Your friend?" Queen Biress raised her brows, and her interest in her words seemed to be greatly reduced. "Your friend doesn't care about my business, right? If it's a doctor, you can treat me for your business. I might still patiently answer for you, but since this is not your business, why should I answer?"

Robben had no choice but to salute slightly and then said: "My Lady Queen, I am here to ask you for advice, and I hope you will give me your advice."

"Hahaha...haha..." Queen Biress hid her mouth and laughed, "Doctor, just beg me, a man who is so shy."

Robben didn't do anything for a while, didn't he just come to ask a question? See what you are proud of...

After coughing, Queen Biress’s face looked a little more serious, but her eyes were still curled, and an uncontrollable smile was dangling on her face: "Doctor, please... but it will cost you."

Robben rolled his eyes directly: "My lord Queen, I have been treating you until now, but I haven't said that I invite you to pay the price. I am just asking a question, you are like this..."

Queen Biress shook her fingers calmly: "Wrong doctor, this is your fault. Treating me, you said that there will be no requirements, but now we have changed our position. It is you. Please, and I want to be paid. It's very reasonable."

"Well, what do you want?"

Queen Biress had a successful smile on her face: "Ahhh... the doctor’s recent treatment made me exhausted and sore all over. Come over and rub my shoulders. If it’s good, I’ll tell you. how about it?"

This hún egg woman just wanted to make herself once Robben thought to herself, and her teeth itch.

"My Lady Queen, your body will be replaced soon..."

Before Robben finished speaking, Queen Biress had already sat down on her soft chair and pointed directly at her shoulder: "Doctor, your excuse seems to be too insincere."

This hún egg woman...

Walking over, Robben rolled up his sleeves: "My Lady Queen, I am not very proficient in this technique. You may have to work harder."

"Ha, it doesn't matter, as long as you listen to me," Queen Biris said her purpose without any secret.

In fact, that’s how it is. Now Queen Biress’s body is covered by Robben’s paralysis magic, and she hardly feels anything. Where is the soreness? As for how Robben pinched, it’s impossible. Know things.

Both of them knew it well, and then one laughed secretly to enjoy the service, while the other squeezed hard... hardened...

Pinching you to death, Robben muttered in his stomach.

Although Queen Beris didn't know exactly how Robben pinched, the rhythmic movement of his body seemed to indicate that Robben was working hard, which made Queen Beris in a good mood.

Just when Queen Biris was enjoying herself comfortably, and she didn't know that her shoulders had been pinched and turned green by Robben, Robben asked softly: "My Lady Queen, I wonder how you feel?"

"It's okay, go on" Queen Biris waved her hand lazily.


After rubbing for a long time, Queen Biris, who had finally recovered some of the anger she had suffered in Robben these days, said faintly: "Doctor, your friend, why do you want to resurrect that soul? The dead? Because we should go to the world of the dead, and if we are still alive, we should live well and forcefully pull the souls that should disappear back into this world. In essence, this is against the laws of the world."

Robben kept holding his hands and replied: "I think the mood of the people around the resurrection should be the same, there is nothing special about this."

Queen Biris nodded gently: "Indeed, most of those who want to resurrect something are in the same mood, I know this."

With a soft sigh, Queen Biris continued to ask: "That friend of yours is a man? Do you want to resurrect a woman?"

"Uh...How did you know, the Queen?" Robben was slightly surprised.

"Hehe, this is the case in most cases. Women often choose to remember men forever. Only men who seem to be born and reckless will find ways to bring their women back to life. Even many times, they What is needed is no longer the woman, but just resurrecting them... It's sad."

Robben (interrupted) said: "Why does the Queen say it is sad?"

Queen Biris laughed: "I said it's sad, that's because... there is no way to completely resurrect a soul."

"Wh...what?" Robben couldn't help but tremble slightly.

Queen Biris seemed very happy to feel Robben’s consternation, and continued: "You also practice soul magic, but unfortunately, you don’t study the manipulation and transformation of the soul, but only develop your own soul power. You I may feel that my soul is very powerful, but I must tell you here that something like the soul is actually very fragile, especially... after leaving the body."

There was a slight movement in Luo Ben's heart. He also knew about this matter. After the soul was separated from the body, it could be said that he was separated from the outer shell of protecting himself. Although he still had a lot of power, his defense power was very low.

Queen Biris continued: "The so-called strength of the soul means that the soul can display a very powerful force with the body as a carrier. This power can attack and defend, but this powerful deterrent represents the soul's ability to withstand powerful blows. , Our souls are usually safer. It is entirely because the soul hides in the depths of the body. The body makes itself a unique form of existence, which makes the soul not easily hurt, except for encounters with proficient soul magic. In general, the soul control master is safe."

Robben was vaguely disturbed: "Then... once the soul leaves the body..."

"That would be a disaster for the detached soul" Queen Biress said with great certainty, "Doctor, you must know that the soul is born with the initial condensation of the body, and the body is the most fundamental of the soul. Carrier, it is accompanied by every change of the body, with every growth stage of the body, until the death of life, it will also die."

Looking back at Robben, Queen Biress said: "In other words, if you lose your body, your soul loses support, becomes fragile and unprotected, and has no guide to continue to evolve. Everything remains before leaving the body. So... the soul at this time will begin to undergo two changes."

"Two changes?"

"Yes, the first one is that the soul begins to grow naturally without relying on the body. This growth will become directionless, and the unique energy body form of the soul can easily absorb the surrounding energy, and their own defense capabilities are very Low, very susceptible to influence, and often interfered by many energy bodies. In the end, the mind in the soul will fall into the hún chaos and become violent. This is one of the reasons why those lonely ghosts like to hurt people. ."

"What about the second one?" Robben asked urgently.

"Kneading shoulders" Queen Biris replied lazily, and Robben realized that he was listening too attentively, and he stopped his hands, and quickly continued to pinch.

"The second one is the change of the soul after the death of a normal life, that is... the energy of the soul that disappears gradually will slowly dissipate. This process will make them feel the continuous lack of memory and strength. This is a painful process. Those souls who have no support bear the intrusion of external energy on the one hand, but also bear the pain of dissipating themselves. This is very sad, and even more sad is that some souls will absorb Excessive power makes one's own dissipation extremely slow, or even almost stopped, but it will not stop absolutely. Unfortunately, as long as it is still the soul body, the dissipated pain will not be relieved too much, then... It will be a long process..."

"Souls of any form... will dissipate?"

"Yes, the only reasonable carrier for the soul is the living life. Only in the living body can the soul be at peace, and the soul that is separated from the living body in any form will be painful."

Luo Ben's heart trembled, repairing the soul stone in his hand...

"But... how do you count the dead creatures?"

Queen Biress smiled: "Strictly speaking, the life of the undead is not naturally produced. They are all magical life forms. Their lives are different from the natural life, and their souls are also controlled by the soul control master. Some very rare, undead creatures born under special circumstances, they are actually just a kind of creatures that appear under extreme conditions and are more like undead life forms, not strictly undead life, such as yours That friend, he will definitely not be a dead spirit, but just attach his life form to a bone, and his soul is still his own."

Robben couldn't help asking strangely: "Then since life forms can be attached to other carriers, why can't the soul be resurrected on other carriers?"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh to be said that..." Queen Biris flashed the wind with her hand.

Robben couldn't help but hurried to the table and dropped a glass of water, then brought it to her.

"Thank you, doctor, this is the most delicious glass of water I have been in for so many days." Queen Biress took the glass, just took a sip, as if she was planning to slowly enjoy her trophy.

"Well, let's continue with the topic just now. In fact, this is very simple. The soul cannot be attached to other bodies, but it cannot be called resurrection, because when the body starts to move again, the soul... It’s the old soul again."

Robben's body couldn't help but tremble: "No more...no longer?"

"It's not true anymore. Once the soul leaves the body, it will change. It will begin to be affected by the outside world, and it will begin to dissipate. It is like passively accepting something while passively giving up something and leaving the body. The longer the time, the greater the gap with the original soul. When this soul wakes up from another body again, its position, movement, original view and orientation on certain events may change. Of course , This is not impossible to be very similar to before, but it is completely impossible to be completely consistent. It will only inherit part of the original soul. In other words, every time the soul changes its body, it represents a change, even if it is me , Entering the prepared body, the soul will also be affected, and I can only minimize this impact as much as possible."

Robben gently shook his mouth chún: "That is to say, if the body is replaced, the shorter the time the soul stays outside, the smaller the change will be?"

"Indeed, but it also depends on the influence of the outside world. If there is a great power interference, the soul may have completely changed when it leaves the body, um...Doctor, don't you think you grab my shoulder too much? Is it tight? I can already feel it even with the numbing magic."

Robben was suddenly startled, only to realize that he was clutching Queen Biris's shoulder tightly, his five fingers already sinking into the soft skin.

"Sorry, I'm distracted." Robben quickly let go.

"Haha" Queen Biress chuckled, turned over on the soft chair, lay her arms on the back of the soft chair, and looked at Robben with blinking eyes: "Doctor, I seem to find that you are very good to your friend. It seems that I am very concerned about things, as if...I am concerned about my own affairs."

Now that they have turned over, Robben naturally withdrew his hand: "My Lady Queen, thank you for telling me so much, thank you very much."

"Oh, you are thanking me. It seems that my evaluation of you should be higher. At least you still know some etiquette."

Robben was a little confused. He didn't have the mind to entangle with Queen Biris, and said directly: "My Lady Queen, if nothing happens, I will go back first. Please take good care of you during this period. We will start treatment soon. ."

"I know this naturally. As long as you squeeze my shoulder as if you are about to squeeze my shoulder, I won't do anything that harms my body."

Robben was slightly embarrassed and lowered his head slightly and said, "My Queen, then I will leave."

Robben left, closing the door by the way, leaving Queen Biress in the room.

Looking at the water glass in her hand with a bit of amusement in her eyes, Queen Biress said with some emotion: "It really is mysterious, it seems that there are many things worth digging."

Robben came out from Queen Biris, neither went to Melia's nor returned to Nalan and Nia's residence, but flew away from the city of Salast quietly.

Without disturbing anyone, he flew to the east, all the way to the desert where no one was inhabited and the monsters were rampant.

Looking at the gray world around him, Robben felt exhausted in his heart like never before.

He tried to call the Black Emperor. As expected, there was no response. Robben sighed. Now he almost didn't have any hope for the Black Emperor. It seems that what Yan Ling and Ling nearly discovered last time was against the Black Emperor. The emperor had a great influence, and after so many years, the black emperor never appeared again.

Robben began to walk aimlessly in this wilderness. In the entire world, only Robben moved lonely...

Robben was a little confused, he didn't know what he should do now, and he didn't even know what he was doing now.

Unexplainedly, I came to this world where magic vindictiveness was rampant, and the journey was bumpy. Although it was difficult, there was a group of trusted and caring companions around me. I had been working hard to survive and to wait until the day I returned.

But... but he was thrown into this world as if he was framed, staying for decades, until now I have no hope of going back.

On ōmō's own face, Robben felt his fingers trembling. This handsome face was not the face of Robben who was a human, and that Robben... was not the face of his own that was once called Baihe.

His own soul was transferred from Bai He's body to Robben's body. Is it now transferred from Roben's body to the body of this demon race?

And... if one day I can go back... then my soul will be transferred back to Robben's body again...

Every time the soul is detached, it means the soul is changed...

Decades of time have passed in a hurry, and I have lived in this different world for longer than my own Bai He's age. I have passed through several souls...now how many things belong to Bai He... …

With a light wave, Robben appeared in front of an ice mirror equal to himself.

With a thought in his mind, all of Robben's clothes on his body burned to fly ashes and fell to the ground...

Looking at the almost perfect body in the mirror, Robben felt a sorrow. He...how much is he...have been slowly waiting for the day of return, and when he can return, that Robben ...Who is it?

"Hmm...this...it seems that Nalan should watch it a little longer..."

Robben was upset, and Nalan's hesitating voice came from behind.

Turning around suddenly, Robben was shocked. Nalan didn't know when he was already a few dozen steps away. He stood behind a dead tree, poked his head out, and was staring at him. Time was traumatized, but he didn't notice Nalan's approach.

"Nalan, why are you here?" Although he was a little surprised, Robben was relieved to see Nalan, and now he really didn't want to be seen by others as depressed.

Nalan came out from behind the tree, moved slowly to Robben's side, looked at Robben up and down, smiled, stepped forward and hugged Robben: "The master is really generous this time. Look at Nalan."

Wan Nalan shrank her head with a smile, and was ready to be knocked on her head. But to the surprise, it seemed that her owner didn’t mean to raise his hand this time. Nalan couldn’t help but raised her head strangely, but suddenly saw Robben Qing. Looking at himself with a smile.

"Hmm... Master, what are you doing looking at me like this? Could it be... In this wilderness, lonely man and woman, Master, you are still naked, um... Oh" Nalan was knocked on the head by Robben this time a bit.

"A few words will make you violent." Robben laughed and scolded, but he rarely took Nalan into his arms in a very affectionate manner.

Nalan's body was slightly soft, and the entire weight was handed over to Robben, and said in a low voice, "Master, hold on tighter..."

Robben couldn't help but smile, then bluffed his face and said, "Call me on the ground, what are the mōmō's secretly following behind the master?"

"Originally, my mother was training me again, but I seemed to feel that the master was in a bad mood, and left the city quickly. Nalan was worried, so I came over and have a look." Nalan put his blushing face on Robben The mouth rubs and rubs...

Robben was moved in his heart, and at the same time he understood why Nalan would follow him. Although he hid all traces, he practiced magic with Nalan for a long time, especially the spirit and soul magic, which made two people There was a certain degree of resonance in the spirit, and when he was upset, he didn't notice this the most, but the careful Nalan noticed the change in his inner emotions, and immediately followed with worry.

"Hehe, do you feel that the host is in a bad mood, so I want to see how the host's popularity is declining?" Robben asked with a smile.

"Um...Although I didn't see it, it's worth seeing the master's naked ass." Nalan raised her face and smiled.

Laughing...Laughing, Nalan lowered his head slightly, touching his forehead against Robben’s ōng mouth and said: "Nalan feels that when the master is unhappy, at least... Nalan should be by his side, although... Lan is useless, nothing can be done, but..."

In this soft voice, Robben's heart suddenly trembled. In this world, he really has nothing...only Nalan.

"Nalan... you are the happiest thing for the master to be with the master."

"Yeah... Say these things to fool Nalan again. If the master is happy, kiss Nalan." Nalan said and raised his head.

Robben bowed his head without hesitation, and directly stopped Nalan's double chún, and pressed hard...

Tongues entangled, Nalan's body was already soft and unable to stand, Robben let go of Nalan's slightly red and swollen double chún, and the numb lilac tongue.

Unexpectedly, his master would react so fiercely today. Nalan was a little dizzy for a while, panting with both hands on Robben's shoulders.

"Master, we... right here, right here, okay... Master" Nalan was obviously emotional, leaning against Robben's arms, twisting his body constantly, the aroma from his mouth made Robben a while. Feeling qi and blood churning.

Holding Nalan who was already hot, Robben finally suppressed his gaze, lowered his head, and opened Nalan's mouth again: "Little girl, you are starting to seduce the master again."

"Uh...no, master, master don't leave Nalan..." Nalan hooked Robben's shoulder tightly, "Master don't treat the woman in his arms as Nalan, just as the queen... Master, take Nalan..."

Looking at Nalan’s already confused and sentimental eyes, Robben finally ěn once again ěn Nalan: "Nalan, don’t be like this... You are the only Nalan that the master cherishes, not something that the queen can compare. Understand."

"But the master doesn't want Nalan... even if I look forward to it..." Nalan cried a little bit more in her voice.

Robben sighed and hugged Nalan's arm tightly: "Nalan, in this world, the master's favorite is you, really."

Nalan started crying...

Robben was unable to explain anything. He could only hold Nalan tightly in his arms. In this seemingly dark world, this was his only light...

For a long time, Robben suppressed his hopes. Robben understood that with the first time there will be a second time, and then the third time will become a matter of course, and then it will be out of control...

Never have any relationship with women, and maintain peace of mind. Otherwise, Robben doesn’t know how long he can endure a normal man among women. What's more, Nya will seduce every day like good night. Sometimes Nalan would even sleep completely (naked) in his arms. For these people who have placed their feelings in this world, Robben does not want to hurt them...

Robben knew that everything in this world was illusory, except for himself, the only reality he saw was Nalan. Nalan is extremely attached to herself, but...One day, she wants to leave here. Nalan was born in this fantasy world, and she can’t take her to a world that doesn’t belong to her. It may cause fatal harm to her. .

Foreseeing that I will eventually lose everything here, forever...

This has to be said to be a great sadness.

Robben knew...Nalan actually suffered the same sorrow as himself...

Nalan, forgive me...

After crying for a while, Nalan raised her face: "My face is crying, and I will make Bazaar and the others laugh again when I go back. Master, you wipe my tears..."

Looking at Nalan's grotesque smiling face, Robben's twitching pain slowly wiped away the tears on Nalan's face, Robben said softly, "Nalan...I'm sorry..."

Nalan’s smiling face stiffened slightly, and there was infinite sadness in the pupils of the three sès. He sighed slightly, and still raised his hand with a smile, and gently hooked Robben’s neck: "My master, Na Lan understands that there is no need to apologize. Nalan is the master’s witch, and the master’s favorite witch. This is already very good for Nalan, but just..." Nalan said with a shy smile, "Master It’s too hard, Nalan... Nalan hasn’t done it yet, um... of course it feels weird, so... the master is not allowed to laugh. If you leave here, you have to forget everything."

"Naran, I will remember everything about you..."

Nalan bit her mouth chún and slowly lowered her head. After a while, she raised her small fist and punched Robben's belly: "I hate it, let me lie to others' tears."

After shaking his body, Nalan got out of Robben's arms and walked towards the city of Salast like the wind. Nalan's chuckle was left in the wind: "Master, come back soon, or I will tell my mother. With Bazaar and others, you ran out into the wilderness and secretly looked in the mirror with bare butts."

Robben looked at Nalan's departure and shook his head helplessly: "Nalan..."

After packing up his mood, Robben pulled out a set of clothes and put them on again before returning to the city of Salast. Although sometimes there will be helplessness, sleepiness, and fate will fall into a trough, but...life is still going on, maybe tomorrow will be clear again...

The last game kicked off soon. Her injury was about to be healed, and it seemed that her favorite secret was also beckoning to her. Queen Biress looked very excited, and she simply acted as a commander on the spot. While yelling, the audience has become more or less accustomed to it. In fact, almost every game in the past has been the same as it is now, but Mr. Robben is not so helpless.

"Cordo, you idiot can't run away from a witch, can you not stand it if I want to kill a ball like Berg? You can go to guard the gate tomorrow, Nicole...you"

"My Queen..." Robben had to (cut in), "Nicole... is our team member"

"So what?" Queen Biris raised both eyebrows (hairs) suddenly, staring at Robben like an angry tigress.

"Uh... nothing, nothing..." Robben waved his hand quickly.

"Nicole, you **** witch, you must have something hidden in your body. If I find out, I will pull your skin." Queen Biris' angry roar floated on the court.

Nicole stopped on the court, blinked, and whispered to Bazaar who was running by her side: "Sister Bazaar, did that woman really find out?"

Bazaar didn't stop: "It's strange to find out, then would I have to be stripped many times?"

"Oh, that's right." Nicole also continued to run...

The whole game was won by the Witch’s team with an explosive overwhelming advantage. In the end, the net was smashed by the ball. The score was 37 to 1. Because the Witch’s team did not have a goalkeeper, they passed the ball in one pass. After making a mistake, Nalan yelled forward and accidentally kicked the ball into the gate of his home...

The game came to an end again, and Queen Biress was once again defeated by one point.

The next day.

Queen "Roben" Biress pointed her finger to Robben's nose.

Robben was helpless: "My Lady Queen, I did not cheat. You have asked this question countless times yesterday."

"But...but why did I lose again in the end? Robben, you must have cheated in it."

"I play in the principle of fairness and fairness. Her Majesty Queen, I really didn't do anything. I think my witches should do the same." Robben couldn't help but murmur after he said this. Because before the game, Nalan called all the witches together, whispered something, and then disappeared collectively for a short period of time, not knowing where to do something...

"Roben is absolutely problematic. As soon as the critical moment is reached, your team will suddenly increase in strength. This is absolutely problematic. The result this time cannot be counted."

It turned out that even the Demon King would fall back on the bill, and Robben was amused.

"My Lady Queen, you don't need to be so anxious. In line with the tolerance of a man, I don't need to hold the stakes for this game. You don't need to answer me your secrets."

Fortunately, Robben, Queen Biris jumped up as if bitten by a cat, rushed to Robben, grabbed Robben by the collar, and said angrily: "You want When I say that I don’t recognize the results of the game, do I actually want to make mistakes?"

"Well... isn't it?" Robben blinked helplessly.

"My dignified Demon King, how can I fall back on my account?" Queen Biress roared in Robben's ear.

"Then... this time the bet is about to count. I'll ask you a few questions later." Robben still looked helpless.

"Hmph, although I don't plan to go wrong, but telling you the secret for nothing is a big loss for me. Since you don't plan to know, then I naturally agreed. This time the bet... is invalid."

After that, Queen Biris released her hand happily.

Is this woman really the devil? Robben began to have big doubts in his heart.

"My Lady Queen, let's just ignore this bet. Now my mental strength has recovered very well, and the injuries on my body have been healed for a long time. I think it should be able to reshape your body perfectly now. I don’t know if you... are you ready now?"

"Now?" Queen Biress heard this, her face immediately became serious.

"It's totally okay now."

After walking a few steps in the same place, Queen Biress nodded: "Alright, rebirth in the days of failure, this is a good sign, the next game, I think I will win."

This woman really associates...

"Okay, that's it for today." Queen Biris seemed to have made up her mind. She stretched her hands, and the room was suddenly covered with layers of cloth to block the light and sound of the magic enchantment, as well as powerful defenses. Type magic shield.

"Doctor, I hope you can be more serious. If I find that my reborn body also carries these ugly magic circles and these "forks" that can't be washed off, I will definitely make you look good." Queen Biris pointed to the masterpieces left by Robben on her belly full of threats.

"My Lady Queen, please believe that it was just an accident..."

"You have too many accidents" Queen Biris gave Robben a fierce look.

At the moment, Queen Biress lay directly on the chuáng, took a deep breath, and slowly exhaled, the silver hair seemed to start to float with crystal shimmer.

The glimmer only lasted for a moment, and it all disappeared back into the hair~www.readwn.com~ Queen Biris’s somewhat difficult voice came: "Okay... let’s start, I’m in this state, it can last for a while. , I hope you can move faster."

Robben stepped forward, some unsure how to start and said, "My Lady Queen, I... could it be that I want to..."

"Doctor, don't let me doubt what is stuffed in your mind. What you are going to do now, of course is to cut off my head"

"Uh..." Robben's mouth twitched a few times. This... This is the first time I have done this kind of thing.

Queen Biris urged him again and again, Robben finally raised the one-inch-long blue light blade in his hand, and the cold light flashed by. Queen Biris was stunned, and then the light in his eyes was slightly The bleakness continued.

At the neck, Queen Biris' head and body began to split slowly, and blood spewed out in an instant.

Robben had already prepared, an air wall wrapped the beheaded body of Queen Biris, blood seemed to be poured into a trough, slowly soaking the headless body.

Pushing the air ball gently onto Queen Biris's head, Robben looked weird. There is only such a head here, but there is a headless corpse soaked in blood. I am here, how can I feel like a murderer is at the scene of the corpse...

"Doctor, don't be in a daze... My time is limited" Queen Biress suddenly opened her half-closed eyes and glared at Robben.

Seeing the head that had not moved since just now suddenly came alive, Robben couldn't help but his scalp tightened: "My lord queen, I will do it as soon as possible.

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