God Prohibitions

Chapter 808: visitor

Chapter 792 Visitors

The demon nv was stunned at mén's mouth, but fortunately it immediately reflected it, and immediately turned around and walked out of the room, shut the room mén like lightning, and then knocked mén vigorously, the same as the panicked voice just now: "Patriarch! The big thing is not good!" It was the same as if he hadn't entered the room before and didn't see anything.

Melia got down from Luo herself, took a look at Robben, hurriedly pulled her pajamas and put them on, fastened a few times, and didn't wear shoes. She walked quickly to the mén mouth and pulled mén away. Very annoyed and said: "What's the matter, so flustered!?"

The demon nv in én's mouth lowered his head, didn't dare to look at the room more, and said quickly: "The patriarch, an envoy came from outside the city with dozens of high-ranking warriors. He wants the patriarch to let people go, if he doesn't let go. , You're welcome."

Melia furrowed her brows: "Release someone, who to release? Speak more clearly."

It seemed that the demon nv was very panicked. Melia asked, and shook her head quickly: "We don't know what they are referring to, but the two sisters we went out and they had been caught. , Now the city mén is confronting our guards."

"There is such a thing? What are their identities?"

"They didn't say anything, they just said they needed the patriarch, and they wouldn't tell you more if they didn't see you."

"Okay, I know the situation, you go to the city mén and tell the guards to be cautious and don't act rashly. I'll be there soon."

"Like, the patriarch!" After the demon nv who came to report said, he immediately turned around and left as if he fled.

After closing the mén, Melia turned around, and when he saw Luo Benzheng looking at her with interest, her face flushed fiercely, and she could not help cursing herself for being frivolous, her cheeks were hot, but luckily soon. Squeezing this embarrassment and taking a few steps forward, Melia said: "My lord, I am going to the city now. You..."

Robben feels a little funny. The nv person just said that he was naturally round and round. It doesn't matter to me that the body is nothing to me, but I just looked at her red upper body, which is enough for her to be red and afraid to look at herself...

"Um... I'll go with you, it seems there are a lot more clues about this time."

Melia raised her head slightly: "My lord means..."

Robben jumped off the chuáng and went straight to the dressing room: "This is not an obvious thing. We just captured Sangees and the fighters. In less than a day, someone came to Mén. , Don’t tell me you suspect that those people are here to steal hún eggs. It seems that there are really a lot of spies in the city of Salast who are relaying news. This time... ǎo trouble."

After finishing the clothes quickly, Hu Luàn wore some of the clothes inside Robben, just put on the loose robe of the lord outside, or else there was really no time to wear those troublesome clothes, Melia quickly changed the size of a leather jacket , As if going to the battlefield, Robben saw Melia take out all kinds of weapons from this dressing room and hid them in the already very close-fitting leather clothes. I really don’t know who she is. How did you hide it?

The two left Melia's residence and went straight to the entrance of the city.

When Robben and Melia appeared on the castle tower, the situation at the mén mouth outside the city had already changed. There were two demon soldiers who looked like guards held by a group of demon warriors in front of the city mén, and in front of them, There are seven or eight guards down, and they don’t know the life or death. It seems that there was a conflict just now, and it seems that these people obviously did not allow the guards in the city to come out and carry the soldiers back for treatment. Melia’s order was given. When they arrived at the entrance of the city, the two sides froze for a while.

Seeing the sight in front of her, Melia couldn't help being furious. This was really bullying.

"Guards, go and bring back the wounded. If they do anything, kill!" The deserted voice passed, the city of Salast opened, and the two groups of soldiers walked out in neat steps, heavy helmets In heavy armor, armed with a spear, five hundred heavy infantry battalions bī went out.

The dozens of soldiers in front of the city mén saw this momentum, and they all retreated a certain distance. Without any hindrance, Melia brought back the wounded guards, but the two held demon nv Still caught.

This group of fighters looks like more than twenty, less than thirty. The leading one is riding on a moa, wrapped in a wrinkled cloak, even his face is covered in you, very thin and looks It was as if a dried zombie jumped out of the coffin with a shroud.

Behind this leader, there are more than 20 male nv warriors of different races. The Qingyi rides on the earth dragon, and the black one is the violent lover among the earth dragons and the one with the strongest attack power.

"Moa? It really seems to be a nasty guy." Melia frowned slightly.

Robben also knows the kind of things that the headed Demon Race rides. Although the name of this moa is a bird, it has nothing to do with a bird, but it looks more like when it flies, and its two wings are very wide. Usually gathered on the abdomen, the hard feather máo can also protect the rider, the hind limbs are strong and powerful, the running speed is very amazing, and the endurance is excellent, the mouth is a very hard and powerful beak, ordinary metal plate It can be worn on the touch.

Although this moa has many advantages, it is more fierce and fierce, and extremely difficult to tame. Compared with the violent beast, the difficulty of tame is the difference between tame a yellow dog and a lion. Therefore, the violent wind beast is a very common choice for long-distance travel in the devil world, but the moa is not. Only a few strong people have the ability to control this kind of thing.

After the 500-heavy infantry line passed the wounded soldiers, another group of soldiers ran out of the city and snatched them all back. The 500 infantry stood in place, looking murderously. In front of the dozens of invaders who invaded the city.

"Hahaha, Patriarch Melia, is this how the Demon Nv clan entertains guests from afar? It's a bit rude, isn't it?"

The demon headed slowly raised his hand and took off the hood on his head. There was a handsome face, but the eye sockets were a bit deep, the dark circles were very obvious, and the cheeks were thin, as if I've been hungry for a long time, and I don't feel like I have slept. The voice is a bit thick and not unpleasant at all.

Robben noticed that his hands were as thin. Although his face looked younger, he felt very old.

"I don't remember that our magic nv has the habit of entertaining invaders. If you feel that you are visiting in good faith, please return our soldiers, so that we can have a chance to talk peacefully." Melia's eyes fell on those two. On a guard held captive.

"Hehe, it's just a little fun, please don't be offended by the patriarch. We didn't kill any demon nv. Okay, give them back. Otherwise, our beautiful patriarch will get angry."

Then, the headed demons waved forward, and the two warriors sitting on the ground dragon directly slammed the two fainted demons over.

Seeing that the two demon nv were about to fall to the ground fiercely, it is unclear whether the head was thrown out of a crack. Two spots of blue light shone on the tower, and it hit the two demon nv's body, green light one It dissipated, wrapped the bodies of the two demon nvs, and landed slowly, and was immediately rescued by the soldiers who had caught up.

"Oh? This, is it possible to be the famous Lord Luoben?" The demon headed by him raised his head, looking curiously at Robben who was helping on the tower.

Robben curled his lips and didn't mean to answer. These people seemed to be asking for trouble, so there was no need to say anything polite.

Seeing that her own personnel were completely saved, Melia's tone became flat: "I don't know what a few people who traveled far away in Earth Dragon and Moa came to our city of Salast? We are here for peace. In this city, friends everywhere are welcome, but luàn people are not welcome."

The headed Mozu smiled and said, "I'm really sorry, beautiful patriarch, we came from a long distance, and we were impetuous. I just joked with the guard at the entrance of the city just now. Please don't mind the beautiful patriarch."

"Huh, I just joked a little bit, it's good..." The beautiful patriarch who headed the Demon Race spoke up, and the beautiful patriarch who closed his mouth had no meaning of praise. It was a completely contemptuous attitude. Melia's tone instantly Turning cold, "Well, I didn't mind those things, but now I want to know who you are and why are you here?"

"Oh, beautiful patriarch, we really didn’t come here to play, but there is a very important thing to do. However, can we find a place with a more suitable environment to speak slowly? Not very convenient."

Melia understands that this guy wants to enter the city. Just now, the demon nv reported that they threatened someone outside the city, but now they refuse to say that they must have been standing up just now. Just as Robben said, they just caught When Sangees and the warriors came, just a group of demons warriors killed mén, saying that there was no relationship between the two, and I didn't believe it.

"What's the matter, beautiful patriarch, isn't there a place suitable for conversation in Salas? Or do you think that dozens of warriors in our area will threaten the safety of Salast? "

Melia couldn't help but squeeze her fist, and this fellow seemed confident.

"Melia, let them in, nothing will happen." Robben was standing next to Melia. Seeing her hesitated, he reminded him directly.

Melia took a quick look at Robben, and she couldn't help feeling settled. Although the population of this magic city is quite large, it does not have too strong fighters. Sometimes it will be very effective against some individuals with high combat effectiveness. Hard work, if Robben could make a move, that would be great.

"Open mén, let them in!" Melia said loudly.

The five hundred heavy infantry separated on the two sides, and the city opened wide. These dozens of soldiers entered the city slowly, many of them with a sneer on their lips.

Dozens of fighters from downstairs entered the city in a blink of an eye. The city mén was shut down suddenly. Upstairs, Robben's mouth also made a sneer: "Melia, please find mén this time. Then the monster is making too much noise."

Melia's face tightened: "My lord, what do you mean?"

Robben smiled and stretched out his hand to pat Melia's shoulder: "Don't be nervous, I can tell you now, but these fighters come here with absolutely no good intentions, at least to embarrass you, and from them, I Smell some more pungent odors. With such a guy in it, I believe they will definitely not be so easy to stay in the city."

Seeing that the **** Melia changed again, Robben quickly said: "But don't worry, if there is anything, I will take care of it in advance. You tell people not to take them to the city lord’s mansion, go around a long way, and pass through the city center. The central square of the city is going to the City Lord’s Mansion to talk."

"Uh... OK, I'll do it right away." Although I didn't understand why Robben did this, Melia felt that Robben was the most credible now.

These two dozen soldiers entered the city and walked all the way to the city lord's mansion under the guidance of the soldiers in front. They said nothing on the road, like a group of living corpses, but their eyes were turning around, paying attention to the buildings along the street. The layout, soon, gradually came loud and louder and louder.

"How can this city of magic nv be so lively? Is it an auction? The auction of magic nv in the city of magic nv must be of a very high standard, hahaha..."

The demon soldier who led the team in front was sulking. As long as anyone who knew the city of Salast didn't know that there was no demon garden that was auctioned by demon nv, this guy said that it was obviously nothing to do.

With a snort, the demon nv soldier in front said: "This is what we are celebrating. Lord Robben caught the monster who was slaughtering nearby today. The patriarch held a large public banquet in the central square, so it is so lively."

"Oh... that's the way it turns out, you caught the monster, and... celebrating, very good..."

"Huh..." The demon nv guard in front felt that the voice of the demon clan was annoying, so he snorted and stopped talking, and focused on leading the way.

There were more and more residents on the street. When I turned a corner, it was almost crowded, and the lively scene of the central square appeared in front of everyone in an instant.

The headed Demon Race had a playful look, but suddenly his face changed drastically. He looked at the central square in disbelief and asked in astonishment: "Then...what is that?"

Behind this leader, the rest of the soldiers were equally shocked.

"Oh... that is the Lord Lord’s friend. This time I was able to catch the monster. It seems that this friend who introduced himself as "Bone" helped a lot. Although he looks strange, he is actually very strange. Kindness, just like Lord Robben." The demon nv who led the way also looked at the square, where the water bone was dragging his long body, squeezing his sturdy body among the dancing demons. Limbs.

In an instant, Shui Bone tilted his head, and his two empty eyes looked over here. The leader and the rest of the soldiers were shocked and hung their heads quickly.

"Well...a bunch of strange and nasty guys, what are you doing here?" Water Bone could not help muttering to himself, but soon, Water Bone stopped thinking about this issue, and instead stepped on his own drum intently.

How could there be such a thing? This undead creature is definitely the first time I have seen it, such a huge, such...smart and energetic!

Slowly, the team walked past the central square and entered other streets. The demon headed at last breathed a sigh of relief. Only then did he realize that his back was cold, and I don’t know when a layer of cold sweat appeared. .

Quietly, he looked at his left and right companions, and saw that all the soldiers' faces were not very good. When they were white, they were green, and there was no good face.

It’s the friend of Lord Luoben. Isn’t it an ordinary undead creature, but some very powerful monster, but... if there is no special situation, the undead monster will quickly dissipate and die, only those who are contracted. Only the undead who are restricted or affected by special circumstances can retain the characteristics of the undead for a long time, immortal and immortal, and almost all the undead don’t have much consciousness. How can such a bone dragon dancing happily by itself? What happened...

Suddenly, this leader thought of a possibility that would make himself creepy...

No, no, this is absolutely impossible, impossible... I really scared myself... But in the next moment, the leader immediately rejected his guess, and then quickly wiped the sweat from his brain. It seems... In any case, this task seems to be more difficult than imagined.

"Hey! We're here. Don't be in a daze, okay? The patriarch is still waiting inside!"

The leader was taken aback for a while, but found that when Hu Siluàn was thinking, the team had already reached the mén in the City Lord’s Mansion. The demon nv who was talking to him just now frowned and looked at him very dissatisfied. .

In an instant, the leader resumed his calm posture, leaning slightly and said, "Sorry, I was thinking about something just now, and I was a little distracted." As he said, the leader jumped off his moa.

When they came to the mansion, Melia was already waiting, and Robben was naturally by his side. When these two dozen guests came to the big living room, Melia was drinking tea with Robben, and Nya was lightly behind. Lightly hammering Robben on his shoulders, Nalan stood strangely beside Luo himself, talking to Robben.

"Beautiful patriarch, I'm sorry to disturb you at this time, I hope it doesn't delay some of your pleasant enjoyment."

At this time, before the chuáng started at the normal schedule, the leader said so with a bit of frivolous meaning, but he said that Melia's face blushed quickly.

"Well, there is no one else here, just say anything. Who are you, why are you here in such a hurry to see me?" Melia was too lazy to deal with it, and just opened mén to see the mountain. ask.

The leader smiled and said, "The beautiful patriarch, my name is not enough, and it has not been used for a long time. I can't remember what it is for a long time. Even if I remember to say it, you must have never heard of it. I Here, just tell me the purpose of my coming."

"Say." Melia responded simply.

"Beautiful patriarch, we got news that you recently captured an amazing thing. We are here to... take over this thing."

"What?" Melia suddenly picked her eyes. "Take it over? I don't understand what you mean."

The chief smiled: "The beautiful patriarch, we have come from a long distance, and it is impossible to aimlessly. I believe you must also know what we are referring to. We don’t need to say something in circles. This thing belongs to us, but because of The reason is that his heart was gone. After that, we sent people to hunt down, but from the information we got, it seemed that these warriors had fallen into your hands."

The words have been said very clearly, this group of people are here to ask Sanjis and the soldiers who have been captured.

In less than half a day, these guys came so fast... It seems that this matter really matters, otherwise, it won't make them react so quickly. Melia looked at the leader up and down. Thinking in my heart, but also wanting to get some useful information from her.

The leader continued: "The beautiful patriarch, this incident did cause trouble to the city of Salast and the surrounding area. We apologize and regret, but this thing is ours. Yes, we want to go back, and we are willing to compensate for your losses."

Then, the leader took out a long box from his storage ring: "The things in it, I think it's enough to compensate you for your loss."

"What's inside?" Melia asked softly.

Ling Wei was taken aback for a moment, unexpectedly Melia would ask, smiled, and replied: "It's nothing, just enough money, enough..."

"The things you let out have destroyed many cities and villages here, and killed countless residents. Do you think you can compensate for it with just the money?" Melia's voice was light, but with Sullen.

"Beautiful patriarch, these money is enough for you to rebuild double cities and villages."

"What about the lives of my people, my people!?"

The leader looked at Melia ~www.readwn.com~ and smiled: "Beautiful patriarch, so we got double, oh no, maybe three times or four times the money."

The air on Melia's side quickly tightened.

The leader looked at Melia’s god, his smile remained unchanged, but there were some cold things in his eyes. Robben could understand these. He had seen similar things before, but at that time, whether he was himself or What he saw was far less powerful than what he is now, and now Robben can face it calmly.

Looking at the soldiers in front of him, Robben began to calculate in his heart. From the moment he saw these soldiers, Robben felt a little weird. Gradually, Robben seemed to be able to discover why he felt weird.



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