God Prohibitions

Chapter 816: Turbulence

It turns out that...the enemies overwhelming are like this...

Robben now understands the meaning of this sentence. (For reading novels, you can go to Ye Ziyou~you

Facing the enemy who seemed to be rushing over by the boundless tsunami, Robben felt like he was alone in a solitary boat on the sea, and...before the tsunami, there was a giant deep sea beast about to attack him.

Renate has now completely turned into a ball of brilliance. It is the first time Robben has seen him use his unique grudge. The color of this grudge is also the first time Robben has seen it. , It seems the kind of color that can only appear when dyed with water and ink.

Now, Renate was wrapped in a blue-purple quarrel light group, bumping into him like a locomotive...


With a loud bang, Renate's speed was immediately slowed down, and suddenly stopped under the powerful impact, and the huge force that appeared in the conflict blew the ground into the sky.

A cyan magic circle appeared at Renate's feet, and a faint gleam rose from the magic circle. The cyan light that was almost invisible to the naked eye was wrapped around Renate's body, binding him tightly in place. .

That was the trap magic circle arranged by Robben in advance, specially used to deal with Renate.

Although Reina was particularly set in the magic circle, there was no hint of joy on Kokoro's face, and she still stared at Renate with a serious expression, not even looking at the surging nothingness.

"Ah......drink" Renate's bound body straightened fiercely, his head raised high, and a long roar came out of his mouth.

The cyan-purple vindictiveness flew wildly like a detonated bomb, the cyan light strands bound to the body were immediately washed away, and the magic circle on the ground was immediately destroyed, losing its light. .

The blue-purple vindictive energy has formed an air mass with a radius of several meters tightly surrounding Renate, and the grudge is surging and fluttering. From here, Renate now looks like a huge lion head.

"It's really savage, but this guy is amazing." Robben's evaluation of this Renate was immediately higher. Although the outermost magic circle didn't expect to trap Renate, he didn't expect Renate to destroy the magic circle in an instant. His strength should be above his own estimate.

Roaring, Renate rushed over again.


Renate just took a step, and another magic circle appeared on the ground. Under the faint dim light, the cyan light thread once again wrapped Renate's body.

At this distance, Kokoro and the others couldn't make it clear. They only thought that Renate had triggered another trap, but Renate was surprised when he was in it.

The position of this new magic circle is almost the same as that of the magic circle just now. I just took a step. If you think about it carefully, the position of this new magic circle and the original magic circle is 8%. Ten is overlapping

Hell, it was the first time that Renate was surprised when he encountered this kind of thing, but he didn't think about it. Now the vindictiveness has been highly inflated, such a bound magic circle

It has almost no effect on myself.

His whole body shook violently, all the cyan light filaments entwined with him were torn apart, Renate looked at the magic circle that lost its light, and rushed forward.


From here, Robben almost didn't laugh, because now Robben could see the annoyed look on Renate's face.

Under Renate's feet, another magic circle appeared, which was still exactly the same as the two just now, with countless cyan rays of light extending from the faint light.

How many magic circles are there in this **** place? Can they overlap to this point? Renate, who was still activating gradually, became angry, his steps were completely delayed, and the nothingness behind him was already close to him.

With a loud shout, Renate shattered the magic circle under his feet and exploded the ground directly under his feet.

Robben chuckled secretly. This Renate was quite clever, knowing to destroy the ground directly, otherwise, there are two magic circles waiting for Renate to slowly trigger.

Although it was only a short period of time, for Robben, the situation has now been pulled to a favorable situation for him.

Renate's speed was slowed down. Originally, the nothingness was not too far away from him. After such a delay, a few fast-speed nothingness finally came behind Renate's ass.

A nihility with wide wings and sharp claws grabbed the blade-like claws towards Renate's back. However, before he could get closer, he was spread out abruptly by the thick vindictive mass of Renate's body, and his claws suddenly fell apart.

Robben saw it really from a distance, and he had to admire him. This was the first time he saw a fighter who could form such a protective film on his body. Moreover, it seemed that Renate was a blue-purple quarrel. It is also quite offensive and can't be touched at all.

Renate didn't care about the situation behind him at all. He exerted his strength and continued to rush towards this side, but his speed was a little slower this time, but every step he took, the ground would explode like a landmine.

Seeing Renate rushing over like a landmine, Robben sighed inwardly, this opponent is really not an ordinary difficult one. Renate is now using a strong vindictive energy to infuse the ground, every inch of the ground he walks. , Completely destroyed this place, and completely prevented the magic traps from having any more room to play. The magic traps that slowed down the speed were only activated, and they were immediately blown to pieces by the powerful grudge.

However, under such a strong impact, it is not a small burden for himself. The impact that Renate is now bearing is really equivalent to stepping on a landmine with every foot...

However, this method is not completely able to cope with all situations, magic is changeable...


Renate was approaching quickly, and the dust blowing up behind him was flying high. Suddenly, a violent firelight turned up from the ground and instantly engulfed his figure. A heavy explosion sounded and the ground was covered. Strong power

Time tore out countless cracks.

Kokoro was surprised. Now the six-person defensive array was fully opened. As the leader, he knew the changes of the magic defensive array best. Now a powerful shock wave from the machine came from the front right, and the ground was shaking like an earthquake. same.

This... When did this powerful magic trap remain? Kokoro looked at the fire and smoke that had already rolled up into the sky, forming a small mushroom cloud, why didn't his mouth close for a while.

This is a place of nothingness, and it is a sad place for magicians. The thinness of magic elements allows the collection of magic elements to the final release. From speed to power, every detail will be weakened, and the magic finally used Compared with normal times, it will be greatly reduced. The more powerful the magic is, the more obvious it is, and the more difficult it is to use...

Kokoro clearly remembered that when setting up defenses around him, Robben, who was now standing at the last position of the magic circle, didn't spend a lot of time in a certain place. He seemed to have completed the magic arrangement in a hurry. Has he completed such a powerful magic trap in such a short time?

Robben was snickering in his heart. Renate was very unlucky. He won the big prize this time. The magic trap is one of the few traps carefully set by himself. Of course, it is not just a single explosion... …


Just when Kokoro was surprised, there was indeed a sound from the huge fire and smoke, which completely stunned Kokoro.

Just listening to the sound of the thick smoke and dust rising high, a sharp thunderbolt fell directly, hitting the ground straight in the flames and dust, knocking out a very dazzling brilliance, in the light, faint There is a strong figure standing in it.

The billowing black cloud began to spin quickly, and the rumbling sound came out from the small area of ​​the black cloud. Amid the squeaking bangs, countless thunder lights fell from the dark clouds together, crazily below. Rages on the ground. For a time there was lightning and thunder, and there were storms rushing.

Kokoro and the other four warriors looked a little silly at the situation not far away. This was the first time that such a joint magic had been seen in their lives.

Renate was almost directly blown into the air by a flame explosion. Fortunately, he reacted quickly and was firmly fixed on the ground. Moreover, it was protected by strong fighting spirit and was not injured. However, it was just a lightning bolt. On the head, it was as heavy as countless boulders, and Renate's heart was furious. I have encountered countless opponents, and I have never seen a magic trap that reacts so quickly, it is a combined attack of different elements.

Damn magician

Renate faced the falling thunder and lightning, and roared up to the sky, a blue-purple vigor rose directly into the sky and plunged into the tumbling clouds in the sky.

Damn Renate, Robben frowned in the distance.

With the roar of Renate's leaning up to the sky, the vindictiveness that rose to the sky exploded directly, and the tumbling cloud was blown to pieces in a blink of an eye.

After disappearing without a trace, the Thunder also stopped immediately.

In Robben's palm, one red, one silver and one blue, the three-color light spots have now been extinguished, and only the blue light spot is still shining.

Looking at Renate who defeated Thunder Cloud in one fell swoop, Robben was really helpless. This was definitely the first time he saw such a large-scale grudge attack. It forced an arc of vindictiveness from the top, compared with the current Renate's method, that method is really not worth mentioning.

But now there is also one thing that is worthy of comfort, that is, Renate has been sniped several times, and now a large amount of nothingness has come to his side, but Robben does not expect those nothingness to directly hold this as an angry head. Renate like a lion.

If you are lucky, this is your last gift, thinking in his heart, Robben flicked his fingertips, and a faint halo appeared on the little blue light in his hand.

Renate, who resisted the flame explosion and shattered the dark clouds, was full of anger. His hands stretched out, and the black light flashed. Renate had two huge battle axes in his hands. The axe was about the size of a small dining table. , Even without the blessing of vindictive energy, there is still a layer of green light covering it, which is not ordinary.

Taking out his own weapon, Renate's momentum rose obviously, and he became even more violent.

With arms crossed and double axes guarding both sides of his body, Renate, who was tall and somewhat awkward, suddenly dexterously rotated a circle in place, his body was instantly lowered, and the two giant axes slammed outward. Two cyan light arcs slashed out directly from the blade of the axe, and the nothingness that was within a dozen meters of Renate's side was cut in half without exception.

This guy who seems to have muscles in his head can actually perform such dexterous movements, and still perform a large-scale group attack? Robben immediately began to re-evaluate Renate.

With arms spread out and body lowered, Renate, who was like an eagle about to spread its wings, had not had time to rush out with an angry roar, and a bit of icy cooling came from under his feet.


There was only time to froze, Renate suddenly found that his body was instantly stiff, and a faint blue thing in front of him covered his eyes.

The blue light spot on Robben's hand has completely dissipated...

The area where Renate stood was completely an ice world. Just now, the lightning and thunder were mixed with a strong small storm. Now... all of this water has condensed into ice and is moving outwards. Exuding a deadly chill.

From discovering that something was wrong, to being frozen into a block of ice, the whole process did not exceed 0.1 second... he maintained the strange posture of spreading his wings and was firmly frozen to the ground.

Kokoro can no longer accommodate the horror in his heart...

I am also a magician, and I fully understand the difficulty of using multiple mixed magics. If those elements are slightly poorly controlled, they will form a chaotic explosion. The failure of magic will also eat the magician itself, and,

This magic is obviously a hierarchical continuous attack, which is even more difficult. It requires the manipulation of the elements to reach a precise and scary level to complete.

Kokoro couldn't help but turned his face slightly, and looked at Robben from the corner of his eye. The hand of the Mage who was standing at the end seemed to have dissipated the clean blue light.

The remote real-time control of Kokoro's vibration does not want to surprise me anymore... I didn't expect that on the way of magic, this infamous Robben actually walked far in front of him. This magical genius of his, really seems A little ashamed...

Renate is now furious with anger

Obviously, without concealing it, these magics are not very offensive... Renate knows this for twelve points, especially the last frozen magic. The attack power of the magic itself is actually used to strengthen The ice layer frozen on his body, but not much cold air penetrated into his body.

It was a strategy of delaying time and... I was obviously someone else successfully calculated the flame explosion on the ground. After the magic, I didn’t check the messy ground again, and it revealed when I tried to clean up the nothingness behind me. The empty door was frozen by the frozen magic hidden underneath...

The anger in Renate's heart, the **** things in front of them seemed to have noticed that they were following them. Obviously, this kind of magic was not used to deal with the countless nothingness.

Shatter the ice... it's too late...

Renate realized a little helplessly, that massive amount of nothingness had already reached his side. He wanted to break the ice and attack the group of soldiers in front. There was not much opportunity left... now he can only wait for others. Here to help...

With a sharp sound, the emptiness in the front slashed his sword on the thick ice shell in front of him, splashing countless ice ballasts.

"Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka..." Countless emptiness swarmed.

Renate's figure was instantly swallowed by a massive amount of nothingness.

Seeing this scene, Kokoro felt somewhat settled, and said quickly: "Guys, we are ready to fight. Renate will not be here for the time being, but it is probably only a matter of time. We must try our best now. Maintain the strength of the defensive array."

Renate seems to have to drink those emptiness first to say hello, and for the time being, I can leave it alone. Robben can't help but swallow his saliva as he sees the crazy rushing over, the boundless emptiness, this is far more terrifying than Renate Up.

It was as if a storm came suddenly, the quiet world was torn to pieces in an instant, all kinds of magic, all kinds of grudges, all kinds of strange limbs all hit the magic defense array, the empty surroundings were instantly covered by colored sea water. The nothingness is completely enclosed.

Robben felt that the entire magic defense array was being attacked more intensely than raindrops. He couldn't see anything at all. He could only see countless brilliance surging by. At the same time, the magic defense array was under tremendous pressure. It seems to be an instant demon

The law defensive array crushed the same.

Robben couldn’t believe it. If the magic defense array were destroyed in such an environment, would the six of his own people really be able to retreat to a safe area as Kekeluo said, and then they would be safe, Luo I thought that as long as the magic defense was broken, the six of my own would be completely torn to pieces in an instant.

"Kokoro, this...is the situation always like this?" Robben roared loudly, because countless hissing and roaring outside the magical defense circle, the collision of countless physical or magical attacks already made himself The voice seemed negligible.

Kokoro's face looked very ugly.

"The situation...it seems something is not quite right. Last time, the attack intensity was far not as strong as it is now. At that time, none of our four defensive formations were so strenuous. Now... they seem to be crazy."

Robben rolled his eyes. Did you mean that we might not die here?

This feeling is very uncomfortable. There are countless emptiness outside attacking the magic defensive array in various ways you can't think of. They roar over and leave quickly. When passing through the defensive array, they will be violent. At this time, Robben’s affinity seemed to have lost its effect, and it seemed that there was no nihilism that would no longer care about Robben, but attacked more fiercely.

Robben couldn’t see exactly what shape of nothingness was attacking by what means. Those nothingness rushed forward, Robben could only see countless lights flying towards his back. , The magic defensive array formed by these six people is like a small clod of dirt that is about to be washed away in the torrent, supporting it bitterly.

Looking back, Robben's heart sank slightly. Those emptiness had already rushed far away, and they didn't stop now, they were still rushing forward. Luo Benming remembered Koko. Luo said that now his six-person position has reached the edge of the safe area. If you can't hold it, you can retreat. As long as you step back a short distance, you will enter the safe area. These emptiness will not attack. But now...

"Kokoro is really at the edge of the safe area? Those nihilistic things are almost running out of shadow behind us" Robben shouted again.

As the leader of the magic defensive formation, Kokoro was obviously under more pressure, and his forehead was already covered with fine beads of sweat. Only after Robben roared, he turned his head and glanced back.

After this glance, Ke Ke Luo's face showed an extremely shocked look: "Impossible" Ke Ke Luo yelled.

Hell, the truth is right in front of him, what else is impossible Robben roared: "Keep the defensive strength, or we will be finished now"

Kokoro was shocked, and the magic defense array immediately fluctuated.

Kokoro, who came back to his senses in an instant, immediately stabilized his mind and strengthened the magic defensive array with all his strength. He said quickly: "The situation seems a little bit wrong. I am pretty sure that this is the edge of the safe area, but this year these nothingness

The thing is obviously more violent than before, the reason..."

Kokoro frowned tightly, obviously unable to think of a reason.

Robben interjected: "Don't worry about the reasons, we will immediately think of countermeasures. If this continues, none of us will be able to go back. The escape route has been completely blocked."

Kokoro nodded: "For us, we must immediately think of a countermeasure, or we will all die here immediately, any of you can say it quickly"

There was a silence, and all six people frowned. While struggling to support the violent attack of the void outside, while thinking about countermeasures quickly, behind them, the road that had been filled with the void constantly stimulated the nerves of several people. .

As time passed bit by bit, Robben never felt that time was so difficult...

It seems that countless years have passed, but no one said anything, and the look on his face has become increasingly ugly.

In this case, it seems impossible to think of an effective way to get out...

As time passed, the female mage's face had a look of despair: "Kokoro, we...are we going to die here."

This sentence struck everyone's heart like a heavy hammer...

The reason why I chose the edge of the safe area is to prevent excessive siege and leave a back road for myself, but now... the back road is also full of enemies, even if it lasts for time, it is impossible to move at all. I want to be so dense. It is simply impossible to break through the group of nothingness.

"Shut up" Kokoro yelled and interrupted the female mage, "The situation has changed, but we can support it for a long time. We can't give up until the end. As long as we persist for long enough, absolutely There will be a turning point, this is certain"

Kokoro said very firmly.

Although Robben nodded his head, he knew in his heart that this time... it would take a long, long time, but as far as the current situation is concerned, how can the six of himself persist in this tsunami-like ferocious nothingness. How long is really a big question.

"Kokoro, when will these emptiness return again?" Robben is now most concerned about this issue.

Kokoro looked at Robben, his face looked a little ugly again: "Probably... it will take about half a month for the information to show this."

For half a month... Robben was speechless for a while, and within half a month, the bones and scum of the six of his own were not found. According to the current situation, this magical defense array can last for three days and it is already burning high incense. Thing.

Ways Ways Ways Robben’s mind keeps wandering about these two words... I don’t want to die here, I have a lot of things to do, at least, I must go back, go back to see Salsa, go back to see Metz and Fanny, I want to marry them. I am already a father. How can I leave my baby daughter and die so unclearly?

Damn it, I can't die yet. Robben's eyes are a little red.

For a moment,

Robben thought of his last trick-the Devil's Battle Armor

The power of the Demon Lord's Battle Armor can simply destroy the world. As his power has grown over the years, Robben has also realized this more clearly. If he uses the Demon Lord's Battle Armor, he should be able to break through from here, but...

Robben glanced at Kokoro and the other four warriors. The safety of a few of them may not be guaranteed by himself, and although the power of the Demon Lord’s armor is incomparable, he is not the Demon Lord, and he cannot use it. Power, maybe there will be a bitter battle with this almost endless nihilistic thing. At that time, let alone taking into account the safety of others, maybe I would accidentally kill them...

This situation is not what Robben wants to see...

Then again... it is still an old problem. If it fails, there is absolutely no way to survive... The Demon Lord's Battle Armor can show more and more power as its strength increases, but it also loads itself accordingly. It is growing exponentially, Robben is very sure that after using the Demon King's armor with his current strength, he will still be tired like a dead dog...

The last resort... Robben suppressed his idea of ​​summoning the Demon King's battle armor now. Now, there is at least some time, and the opportunity is not without it.

But... Robben turned his head and looked behind him. The emptiness was about to rush out of his line of sight. At such a distance, let alone being trapped, even if he could retreat now, for three days. Time may not necessarily be able to get out of the area controlled by these nothingness.

Thinking about it, Robben's heart suddenly moved. Yes, if he could move instead of staying here, there would definitely be a glimmer of hope...

"Kokoro" Robben exclaimed in surprise.

In this environment, the voice of joy seemed so precious, Robben shouted, and the attention of the other five people instantly concentrated.

"Mr. Robben, do you have a solution?" Kokoro was overjoyed when he saw Robben's face.

"We can't stay here forever, we must leave now, now, or else our magic will be exhausted in the end, there is only one dead end," Robben said loudly.

Kokoro's surprised expression suddenly froze on his face: "Mr. Robben, this...I also understand this, but how we leave, as soon as we get out of the defensive formation, we will be torn apart immediately, even if it is Thunder Nat, I think he can't protect himself in this situation."

Robben quickly said: "Naturally, we can't go out to die. I mean, we walk with the magic defensive array. That's it."

Robben said with excitement on his face, but... Kekoro and the others didn't have that expression.

"Mr. Robben, you mean...we...we walk with the magic defensive formation?" Kekoruo asked with a wry smile.

"Right" Robben nodded directly.

Kokoro was really helpless, how could this be... This is a magic defensive array supported by six people, and it is not a defensive magic shield.


However, seeing Robben's serious face, Ke Keluo still had more hope in his heart, this Robben...maybe he could really do something unexpected.

"Mr. Robben, this magic defensive array is a fixed multiplayer defensive magic. How do we take the magic array?" Ke Ke Luo said very tactfully. In fact, what Ke Ke Luo wants to say most is that he has not heard of it. How many people can wander back and forth carrying the defensive magic circle.

Robben looked down at the magical defensive array pattern on the ground and said: "This one cannot be taken away. We must redraw one and rebuild it. Using the six of us as a reference point to support the entire magical array and connect the six of us. The magic lines are very well structured, and by the way, this is completely workable," Robben said quickly, with a look of excitement on his face.

"Mr. Robben, you... can you make it clearer?" Kokoro was a little confused.

"I want to divide the magic circle into six pieces and draw them on the six of us separately, and then connect the six of us with magic to form the construction of the magic circle, and then we can leave."

The jaws of Kokoro and the other four fighters fell off.

"Mr. Robben, divide the magic circle into six... this... how could that magic circle still work?" Kekoro stared, but saw Robben had taken off his coat, his hands and fingers lit up differently. The light of the color has been drawn quickly on his belly.

Within a few minutes of effort, Robben raised his hand, his eyes suddenly lit up with a faint light, his body also lit up with a faint silver light, and then he stepped forward in the horrified eyes of the five people of Kokoro. After a step, he left the defensive position where he was supposed to be stationed.

Before he screamed, Kokoro discovered something that made him even a little scared. A silver shadow appeared where Robben was standing, just like Robben’s original posture, and the magic circle did not The slightest fluctuation, it turned out that this silver phantom was providing the magic circle with extra magic power and the ability to coordinate the magic circle.

"This... what is this?" Kekoro pointed to the silver shadow, speechless.

How can Robben have the thought to explain: "That's nothing, it's just an energy body, hey? Why are your clothes so difficult to understand?" Robben went straight to pick Kekoruo's clothes...

Now the situation has reached the critical point of life and death, and he can't care about the suspicion of men and women. Robben also unceremoniously drew the magic circle on the belly of the other two ladies quickly, but when he painted the female mage, Luo Ben was stunned, this made the female mage's face flushed immediately, but Ke Keluo was unclear on the side.

All the parts were drawn quickly, and in the eyes of everyone who was strangely puzzled but with a bit of expectation and eagerness, Robben quickly drew another magic circle in his palm.

"Okay, let's try now." As Robben said, the magic circle on his palm emitted a light wave, and the light wave passed over everyone's body, and everyone's body lit up with a faint halo, and At the same time, several magic lines are drawn from everyone's body,

Converged on the little magic circle that Robben pushed into the air.

"This is the magic circle that coordinates the work of the magic circle on each of us. It seems to be working. I will activate the defensive circle now. If it succeeds, each of you will immediately transfer your mental power to your own magic circle. , We leave immediately"

As Robben said, a light began to shine under his clothes, and he became like a light hedgehog. The light immediately extended to the small magic circle in the air, and spread to the rest of the people through this magic circle.

Immediately, everyone's body lit up. A faint, smaller-scale magic defense array shell appeared around the crowd.

Indescribable ecstasy fills everyone’s heart. This kind of part-time impossible thing has succeeded

Kokoro immediately shouted loudly: "Transfer mental power, I will count three times"

The last shout was over, everyone transferred their mental power from the original magic defensive formation to the part of their own magic defensive formation. After that, the faint and not thick magic defensive formation shell suddenly grew stronger.

The magic defensive array outside lost the support of everyone, and within a few seconds, it was shattered by countless emptiness in a rain-like intensive attack, and the new magic defensive array shell began to take on the role of protection.

"Mr. Robben goes back alive this time, I will definitely repay your life-saving grace" Kokoro was extremely excited, and now, he finally believed this fact.

Kokoro clearly felt that dividing this magical defense formation into six parts was shared by everyone, which was much less pressure than when six people supported the same magical defense formation, and now the magical formation was equal to It is the body of these six people. As long as they don’t leave too far, the defensive position effect will exist, so they can really move."

"Let's go" didn't have time to express too much emotion and politeness, Ke Ke Luo roared, and stepped in the direction of going back.

The six talents began to embark on a difficult journey home, and a huge vibration suddenly came from behind.

Several people turned their heads in amazement, but saw a huge blue-purple phantom standing proudly in the dazzling stream of the countless emptiness behind, the body was as strong as a beast, and the long hair danced like a violent wind. The shock wave shook away from this phantom, and all the nearby emptiness was shattered and retreated. For a while, around the phantom, in the surging ocean-like emptiness, a diameter appeared unexpectedly. There is a hole of a hundred meters.

Kokoro slowly shook his head: "Renate has been pressed into a hurry. This time I don’t know if he will be able to escape successfully. I dare say that if he dies this time, the next event may not be repeated. It is held, and the reason for the violent anger of the emptiness is not thoroughly investigated. Perhaps this demon hunting event will be permanently terminated."

"He will die?" Robben frowned.

"Perhaps but... Renate's strength and I are definitely not on the same level. Faced with him alone, I don't even have a chance to escape. Maybe he has any means to do it.


Leave...After all, he is one of the best fighters in the Demon Realm, but now we still don’t waste our minds on him, let’s leave as soon as possible."

To be honest, Robben does not hate Renate very much, because this Gundam fighter who seems to be a bit brutal has no character that makes Robben hate. The current opposition is just a different position, but...now it is true. There is no time to pay attention to him...

If you can, let's survive... Robben said silently in his heart and turned to leave.

The journey back this time is more difficult than staying in place. To withstand an attack, you must also squeeze out the congested nothingness, which is simply harder.

"We need to fly" Kokoro yelled

"We have become targets when we fly, and now a circle of nothingness is attacking us, and when we fly, it is the entire ground" Robben immediately roared back, apparently this Kokoro is now a little dizzy anxiously.

"But we can jump on their heads~www.readwn.com~ It should be possible to fly at low altitudes." Robben can't stand the snail-like speed anymore. He is almost in the direction of running along the nothingness. Push instead of walking by yourself"

"Ok, let's get to their heads"

Kokoro yelled at everyone and flew first.

All six people started flying at ultra-low altitudes, and the attacks they received suddenly increased a lot, but the speed of advancement was faster, I don’t know how many times.

Going home and going home must never die here, looking at the endless nothingness in front of him, Robben kept repeating these words in his heart.


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