God Prohibitions

Chapter 828: All-or-one

If this is what I am finally looking for, then...

Robben wandered quietly outside the towering palace, thinking about all the things that had happened since he came to this world, and those memories that had seemed to be immersed in the bottom of the well turned out.

I had to go in and I had to find the "ruler" Robben here, a clear voice in his heart was speaking to himself.


Robben also had to consider his own safety. If this is his final destination, then this place is undoubtedly very dangerous. Although I don’t know why the Black Emperor of the Demon Realm didn’t explain too much to him, there is one point. Certainly, when you are close to the end of your mission, it is the most dangerous moment.

The ruler here realized that he had already entered the city, so if he rushed in now, would he be caught and caught early, otherwise there would be nothing.

After hesitating again and again, Robben still couldn't restrain the impulse in his heart, so he decided to go first and have a look.

A hundred years...what does it mean for a person to come a hundred years? Robben is no longer able to think about this problem. Every time he thinks that he should be old and lying quietly in the smelly soil, but now he is still alive and well, even... it seems that time has completely frozen. In his own body...every time he realizes this, Robben has a mixed feeling in his heart. Perhaps, as a "human" thing, a little bit has been lost...

Slowly, Robben dissolved in the air and floated into the gate of this majestic palace.

Over the years, Robben has not been to the Black Fortress several times. After all, as a small person with a bad reputation, there is no justification to walk into this place where the highest existence of the devil lives.

Relying on his unclear memory, Robben walked in this huge palace...

This majestic and majestic palace is empty...

Although there are many guards outside guarding the door, there are almost no figures in sight. Except for the guards and soldiers in certain places, it seems that in this palace, except for the soldiers patrolling, they are guards, but none of the male and female waiters can be seen. .

In the vague memory, the interior of this palace seems to be like this. Robben remembers a corridor that records the history of the Demon World. On both sides of that corridor are murals, and there are some important historical pictures of the Demon World. I have heard some introductions to these murals in many times.

There are also those special soldiers dressed differently from his guards. They are said to guard particularly important places, as well as the kind of peculiar stairs and the little devil heads already on the handrails.

Everything is so similar, or... exactly the same.

At the beginning, the Black Emperor seemed to meet him in a hall on the left side of this staircase. There should be a place to welcome important guests, but... Robben doesn’t know where the Black Emperor usually stays. .

There was no hindrance along the way, except for some places guarded by soldiers, all the roads were empty and there were no people, Robben walked in the palace as if touring his own castle.

When he arrived in the hall where he met the Black Emperor, Robben found that it was also empty. Obviously, the Black Emperor couldn't stay in this place often.

It seems that I have to look for it slowly, anyway... there are very few people here, and the soldiers can't find themselves.

If there were a lot of people in it, Robben would be able to see some ways. In such a dignified place, the standing position of the waiter and handyman is also particular, but now Robben can only hit him like a headless fly.

Wandering like a lonely soul, just when Robben didn't know where he should go to find what he wanted, suddenly there was some movement from the front, and Robben immediately floated over.

In the front, there are two solemn black gates with some primitive patterns carved on them. Outside the gates are two rows of guards.

Such a place is not uncommon. Robben has seen many such portals in the palace, but now, with Robben's keen sense of spiritual body, Robben found that he was talking to someone inside.

Finally found a lively place, Robben slowly approached the door, and then quietly passed through the door under the watchful eyes of two rows of guards...

There was a huge space in front of him. The ground was as smooth as a mirror. If he still had an actual body, he should be able to see his own reflection. In this huge space, Robben found two people and a huge red crystal.

In this huge space that seems to be paved with mirrors on the ground, there is nothing. In the front of Robben, there are five huge floor-to-ceiling windows. These floor-to-ceiling windows serve as the wall of this room with a square meter in front. Outside, Robben can clearly see the other towers and attic in the castle.

In this huge room, the only decoration is a huge red diamond-shaped crystal with a few people thick and two people high in the middle of the ground. Now two people are standing in front of that crystal, their heads hanging slightly, seeming to be listening.

That huge crystal word...

"I have no patience. The invader has entered the fort. I clearly feel this. He is wandering in the castle. He brings us danger and anxiety. You must find him immediately and get rid of him. It feels like what he is looking for, no matter what he wants, is dangerous to us. He must be eliminated. Do you have to understand?"

"Understand the ruler, I am sorry that I have not heard from him until now. It seems that he is a very cunning intruder, but please rest assured, we will catch him soon and give him to you first."

Before the crystal, a demon race dressed in a luxurious long-distance race with huge feet on his head gently replies to the crystal.

"Yes, the ruler, although I am sorry, but please wait patiently for a while, we will definitely catch him and bring him here." This time it was the person next to the Demon Race who was speaking. , It seems, is actually a human woman.

The voice that started with the huge crystal shining with a frightening red light came out again: "I don't need him, what I need is his disappearance, you better understand this."

"Yes" the person in front of the crystal replied respectfully.

"Go and get rid of the intruder. I felt his presence long ago. Now... he finally came here, get rid of him, don't let him bring bad luck, go... go" in the crystal The sound gradually disappeared, and the flashing red light on it gradually dimmed, finally completely losing its luster.

The one person and one demon in front of the crystal looked at each other and all straightened up.

"The ruler seems very upset," the demons said.

"Of course, you can see this from the harvest of your soldiers. The whole city has been searched for so long, and even my house has been searched countless times, but there is still no trace of that intruder. , The ruler has been very tolerant for not punishing you." The human woman was slightly mocking.

The demon snorted coldly: "Don't put all the responsibilities on me. You are not making no progress. Those assassins of yours have not gained nothing, even if I tried so hard to make conditions for you. , But still can't find anything."

The woman shrugged her shoulders indifferently: "That's nothing. I don't have enough manpower to search all the places. If the intruder hides in a corner and can't get out, then I really can't help it, anyway. It’s just to help you find it in secret. If we still have nothing to gain when the ruler is called next time, I might not be punished by me, don’t you?”

The demons' complexion suddenly changed and looked bad, and he said in a deep voice: "If you dare to hide the trace of the intruder privately, it is an unforgivable crime."

"Haha, are you nervous? It's a pity. I must be more loyal to the ruler than you. I won't do that kind of thing, but I'm just a little helpless. I think if I have so many soldiers under my hand, that invader I was caught long ago."

"Hmph, then you can continue to fantasize about these things here, but... that will never come true. You will never be able to surpass me. Remember that you will always only be a **** under my hands. will not change"

The woman smiled: "Then you need to discuss this issue after you find the intruder. I think I have time to argue here. You might as well do what you should do."

The Mozu snorted angrily: "Let's go and see", then turned and walked towards the door. But after only two steps, the demons stopped immediately.

Robben's heart jumped fiercely. The demon race's original angry face instantly calmed down, and a pair of eyes stared at him, as if he had discovered something.

Seeing this situation, Robben couldn't help but cried out, this guy is obviously not a simple character, has he discovered his existence, the hall is empty, except that he is the demon alone, and the gate here is even more empty. Wu Wu, he stared straight here suddenly, only to find himself this kind of explanation.

"What's wrong? Is there anything else you want to say?" The woman's voice suddenly came over.

The Mozu frowned, with a little confusion in his eyes, and he seemed to be unsure of anything. He turned around and said, "You'd better start searching immediately, don't let the ruler wait too long, even if this raid is my responsibility, If we fail, your sin is inevitable."

"Hehe, of course, I won't just know how to stand still like you."

After snorting again, the demons turned his head again, looked at the gate, shook his head, and left straight away...

Robben felt that he was really frightened. The guy was obviously aware of his existence, but he was not very sure, he still had doubts in his heart, and finally left without a word, because he was before he turned around. Has slowly retreated through the gate.

Knowing that this guy could detect his existence, Robben didn't dare to be careless, and immediately stayed away from the gate to observe the situation there.

The demons left first. After a while, the human woman also walked out and went in the other direction without exception. After waiting for a while, it was confirmed that both of them were far away, and Robben came again. In front of the door.

When I entered this huge room, only the huge red crystal remained in the room, but now the crystal no longer gleams

Robben felt a little excited, the red crystal, would it have anything to do with his gem?

Slowly coming to this huge crystal, Robben began his own inspection. Although his gem is not in his hands, it has been preserved for a hundred years. The pattern, structure and even elements of the gem The composition is already clear, Robben can now use the appropriate elements to replicate such a gem in a short period of time.

The result of the inspection disappointed Robben...

This huge red crystal has nothing to do with the red gem that I hold. Not to mention that the element composition and structure are different, and there is not even the same magical fluctuation. Moreover, this huge crystal does not seem to be too special. Something, but just a communication tool, in this crystal, Robben found a sound transmission magic circle, nothing more...

Leaving this crystal, Robben took a lap in this huge space, and had to return to the front of the crystal after nothing was gained.

Up to now, this crystal is the only clue he found.

Robben now knows that he is not so safe here. The demons can detect their existence, so other people are likely to be able to. It is undoubtedly dangerous to wander around in this palace. The guy who feels himself, he just cleaned himself up with a single move, that's really useless

Sound Transmission Magic Array?

Robben stayed in front of the crystal for a long time, and suddenly realized that this was actually a good clue

The Transsion Magic Array is a relatively simple and compact magic array. Half of it is used for short-distance calls, just like a regional phone. That is to say, within a short distance, there must be such a magic circle to communicate with him.

The other sound transmission magic circle must be located in a certain position in this huge palace. This is inevitable, and the position of the magic circle is also the position of the ruler.

That's easy

This sound transmission array has just been launched, and the traces of magic elements are still there. It is not too difficult for Robben to find some clues following these remaining traces.

Robben carefully perceives the residual magical power fluctuations on this sound transmission magic circle, and at the same time, he must be careful not to really trigger the magic circle, otherwise he will be discovered immediately.

Finally, after a period of time, Robben found a coordinate in this remaining magic trace...

On the upper floor, Robben carefully explored the very high place again. Although it felt very weak and there seemed to be some resistance, Robben finally determined the location, which was on the top floor of the palace.

Damn it, why do these big people like to live in such a high place?

Climbing up from here, you need to go through many floors, and the things you may encounter will increase accordingly, and the probability of being discovered will increase.

But still going

Robben rested here for a while, and recovered his mental power loss just now. When he had to have no body, it was still very laborious for a spiritual body that was not a purely spiritual creature to use magic. But obviously there will be no ordinary people here, and there will be no search and other things happening here. Robben calmly recovers his strength until he is back to his best state.

Passing through the gate, Robben carefully climbed up the stairs.

The palace is very tall and Robben can't see how many floors there are outside, but there are still hundreds of meters high. Robben patiently walked up slowly, avoiding any suspicious life as much as possible.

Robben quickly discovered one thing. The more he walked upwards, the more guards he had. Moreover, it seemed that it was not a guard, but the number of boss-like guys. When he was about to approach the target, Robben found that almost every time On the first floor, you can see two guys hurriedly passing by. Robben all waited for these suspicious guys to disappear from his sight, and then acted.

With caution and a little luck, Robben quickly approached the goal. Stopping at a huge vase, Robben knew that the sound transmission magic circle he was looking for was one level above him. It seems that the ruler lives there.

Somewhat strangely, there are no people on this floor, and there are no large and small rooms on those floors below, and there are no various beings that seem to be working inside. This floor is empty.

And Robben soon discovered one thing that embarrassed him-there was no staircase leading to the upper floor on this floor.

It seems that this is the top floor and there is no way to the top, but Robben can feel the existence of another sound transmission magic circle more clearly.

There are magic enchantments

When he got here, Robben was completely sure of this. When he sensed the position of the sound transmission circle in the lower layer, he felt that something was preventing him from doing this. Now Robben understood that there seemed to be a powerful magic enchantment in the upper layer. , If it hadn't left a gap when the Sound Transmission Array was working, you might not have been able to find the exact position.

I really value where I stay. Not only does it have no stairs leading to the upper floor, but it also has a powerful magic enchantment protection.

It seems that this is a measure to protect himself, but... Robben is a little strange in his heart. A normal person doesn't seem to do this. It seems like he is locked in a cage.

Even if there is no stairs, I don’t really need to take the stairs anyway...

Robben floated up directly, and the unfolded soul went directly into the stone ceiling.


The sound of a metal hitting the ground exploded in Robben’s ears like Hong Zhong’s vibration. Robben, who was slowly penetrating the ground and preparing to show his head on it, stopped in an instant...

Don't dare to move...

Just above his head, a very threatening weapon was falling on the ground, faintly showing hostility.

Someone above

This thought floated in his mind, Robben shuddered, the guy above seemed to be able to find himself, and he had the power to destroy himself.

Without hesitation, Robben quickly began to retreat and sink, and once again fell to the ground below. Robben was on guard. If the opponent chased him down, he had only one way to escape through the wall and leave the palace immediately.


This level was as quiet as before, there was no sound, Robben paid full attention to the situation on the ceiling, but... nothing happened.

Could it be... just an illusion? Robben felt strange.

However, whether it is an illusion or not, it is always good to be safe, Robben heaved a sigh of relief.

It didn't seem to have been discovered, but maybe the other party was vaguely aware of his own existence just in case, now it is certain that there is a powerful existence on the upper level, and he should not be able to cope.

Robben feels embarrassed, he should go up no matter what, maybe he has been in this world for a hundred years, the end of the journey is on it, but... he must make sure that he is alive.

Well, after all, make sure that the situation is always correct.

Robben went straight through the walls of this floor and came into the air outside the palace. Looking up, Robben couldn't help sighing. Isn't this **** of the top floor without windows?

The floor where Robben is now can be regarded as the uppermost floor of the palace, because if you go up, you will reach the top immediately, and this floor is the last floor with windows. It's a completely solid architectural wall.

Robben thought it should be the top floor. From the sky, there was only a circle of bare walls, not to mention the windows, there was not even a pattern on the walls.

This is really like a cage. Didn't you expect this ruler to like to live in such a place?

Looking left and right, he couldn't see anything. Robben decided to take another risk and explore the top level.

Robben merged his soul into the surrounding environment to the maximum extent. The mystery was so thin that it couldn't be thinner anymore. If you spread it a little bit, the interaction between the fragments of the soul will disappear, which means the soul is broken. Lost……

The whole soul was scattered, almost encircling the uppermost layer, Robben began to slowly penetrate from the outer wall like this, and this outer wall seemed to have no enchantment blocking.

Everything went smoothly. Robben felt that the outer wall was very thick. When he penetrated nearly half the distance, there was no movement inside. Now he can rely on his mental induction to probe the situation inside.

Just when Robben parted his mental power and prepared to carefully investigate the situation inside, a harsh, piercing voice came from this floor.


The voice was shrill and piercing, and it seemed to be terrifying and terrifying.

Robben suddenly sank and was discovered

"Boom boom boom..."

Almost instantly, the wall that Robben was penetrating inward broke through dozens of large holes, and dozens of black spears pierced through the wall like the spikes of a hedgehog. Suddenly, debris flew and the stones fell apart.

Robben felt that his soul was greatly shaken, and he immediately withdrew from the wall in shock. The souls gathered in one place quickly in the air. Robben instantly understood that he was injured.

Those black spears pierced from the wall carry powerful magical powers, and their souls are damaged by the magical powers above. Now they have to gather the souls together to move freely, and then merge the souls in a large range like before. In the surrounding environment, I am afraid it will be difficult to do in a short time.

Inside the wall, the shrill voice still yelled frantically: "Invaders, invaders, you idiot waste invaders have come to the top floor, what are you doing?"

Robben has already noticed in the sky that a large number of soldiers are gathering here on the ground, and he can perceive in his telepathy that there seems to be something more in the four types of mid-air, but he hides it very well. They are still not sure where they are. Robben doesn't know if they have discovered themselves in a state of soul decomposition. Although they can't melt into the surrounding environment on a large scale, they are still in a completely unobservable state.


This was an idea that Robben immediately thought of. If he is caught here, there really is no reason to live.

"Ah, what is this? Is the intruder like this? It's really the first time I have seen such a strange thing." Robben was about to seize the road and flee immediately, suddenly a voice came from above his head.

Robben was shocked above, he didn't feel any existence of life.

The attention was instantly focused on the upper part, Robben was a little desperate to find that the human woman that he had seen in the huge space below was floating quietly on top of his head, less than ten steps apart, using her pair of blue His eyes are smiling and looking at himself.

She could accurately observe that Robben was horrified to the extreme. This was really bad enough that she couldn't be worse. Now the injured herself can no longer hide his behavior like just now.

"Strange life but...it doesn't seem to be anything? It's fragile and vulnerable. It seems that I have to take this credit myself."

"Kill him, kill him, let him disappear, I will immediately let you command all the soldiers and kill him," the shrill voice inside the palace wall screamed frantically.

"Observed the Ruler"

The woman floating on Robben's head smiled, and fought with her hands. Two short knives that were shining blue and curved like horns appeared in her hands. The blue eyes of the woman with double knives suddenly became murderous. .

not good

Robben had only time to come up with this thought, but found that the woman had fallen like a thunder, rushing through his soul, and the two blue short knives seemed to pierce him from head to toe like two thunderbolts.

For an instant, Robben felt like being struck by lightning, and his entire soul burned like a flame. It seemed to be completely evaporated at any time like a drop of water.

"Huh? There is no effect. It's a weird thing. No wonder being here, it really isn't something that can be solved easily?"

The woman seemed to be puzzled that she didn't kill Robben with a single blow, turned around and looked at Robben with interest.

Severely wounded Robben felt that his soul was extremely unstable, as if... as if the pain was about to dissipate immediately...

Is this the pain that usually feels when the soul dissipates? After losing my body, I will inevitably follow this path in the end?

"Kill him, you idiot right away" The voice in the palace walls has become more and more urgent.

"Sorry, ruler, I didn't expect to be such a tenacious opponent, I will do it right away" the woman immediately responded respectfully, and raised her double knives again.

There is no way to fight...I can't even see the opponent's movements...I lose my body, and I am left with a severely wounded soul. This time...How can I survive...It seems... The miracle is going to die...

It's close at hand... my goal, my end, the dream that I have been pursuing for a hundred years is right in front of my eyes, but...

The air began to be distorted, and strands of black lines appeared in Robben's position. In a moment, Robben's fuzzy outline appeared in the air. Robben knew that if it was not materialized, his soul would dissipate...

The woman who was about to attack immediately frowned: "Why is there a breath of You? Did she let you in?... Try it, no wonder that there has never been an intruder. There will suddenly be an intruder with no trace. , So you got the help of the traitor."

Luo Ben smiled bitterly in his heart. This time You's black pot seemed to be betrayed. Not to mention that he was about to die, and he was still involved in that guy with such a cute character. What a failure...

"Anyway, I will kill you first." The blue luster on the woman's two scimitars suddenly became rich, and it seemed that this time she was preparing to take Robben with one blow.

Hehe... In short, at the end of life... I still have to give it a try

The woman rushed forward like lightning again, but Robben ignored her. Robben knew that he would not be her adversary. There was no doubt about resistance, and he would waste his little power.


Robben's body that had just been condensed exploded fiercely, and a huge spark burst out in the air. The figure of the woman passed through the center of the violent explosion, and instantly appeared on the other side of the flame, without any injuries.

"What the hell?" The woman turned her head, frowning, her weapon told herself that she hadn't really attacked the opponent just now.

The next moment, this woman couldn't help but stunned, because the scene before her was a bit weird.

The huge spark that exploded in mid-air unexpectedly took a violent stop and then quickly shrank back in time. The burning flame, scattered sparks, and the smoke that had already floated all seemed to be sucked back by a huge suction. .

When everything came together, Robben's figure appeared again in an instant

"This way of avoiding the attack, sure enough... the damage is great." Robben, who reintegrated into the entity, felt that his whole body was shaking uncontrollably, and his soul could no longer be as emptied as before. He had to rely on it in order to hide. After the fatal blow just now, I had to detonate my body as a last resort. The soul clung to the scattered fire and smoke in the explosion. It was barely able to escape the attack, but it was still hurt, and the fragile soul was also affected. The impact of the explosion, but finally... survived

"It's an ugly struggle. You have no chance of living anymore." The woman was very annoyed by her failure.

Robben gently raised his hand and pressed it on the things next to him, showing a weak smile: "I never thought that I would go back alive.

When Robben regrouped his physical body, his position had changed, and he just appeared on the edge of the palace wall, which was already within reach.

Inside the wall of "Kill him", the crazy voice suddenly screamed

"Don't bother..." Robben's smile was already accompanied by determination

As the stars began to shine in the sky, Robben's body began to flash with colorful light, countless small light spots appeared around Robben, and quickly began to gather towards Robben.

"Blode?" The woman was taken aback.

"It turns out that the mental body uses this, and the speed of activation is so fast..." Luo's light instantly rose to the extreme, then he shrank inwardly, and finally broke out frantically.


The huge explosion sound seemed to tear the entire space apart, and the space near the palace was obviously distorted at this moment.

Like the cry of the storm, the harsh screams and powerful shock waves swept through everything, and the strong light from the explosion swallowed everything in an instant...

The strong shock waves in the air raged for several minutes, and then everything gradually began to calm down, and the strong light began to gradually dim.

The entire palace has been blown up a bit skewed, the densely packed walls are all cracks, and a large area has been poured in other nearby buildings. The soldiers who are coming in a hurry have all been stunned by the explosion and lie in all directions. on the street.

The closest to the explosion center and the most affected is undoubtedly the top floor of the palace.

The walls on the top floor have all been blown away, revealing the scene inside. Within the thick walls, there is still a wall...

On the top floor, there is only a circular aisle. Now the outer wall of this aisle has been completely destroyed, while the inner wall of the aisle is intact. The complex patterns and magic symbols engraved on the walls are slowly extinguishing. , It seems that in the violent explosion just now, the magic enchantment on this wall resisted all the impact.

In this circular aisle, dozens of black armor guards fell there, only a few were barely getting up, and the rest seemed to be dizzy or dead...

On the top floor now, there is only a short stone cylinder about four meters high and fifty meters in diameter. The powerful magic enchantment on the stone wall stubbornly guards the secrets inside.

In the distance, the woman holding two blue double knives slowly lowered her arms in front of her, her face was full of hatred: "It's because of this that I hate the magician. If there is no way out, she will blew herself up, **** it."

The woman put away her weapon. The magician blew up as their last resort. After the blew up, there was nothing left. Even her body was used as a part of the explosive energy and completely disappeared...

This time, the intruder was not caught, and this guy found the ruler’s residence, and finally came so suddenly... the woman looked at the unstable distortions in the surrounding space that were still being impacted, and she felt very helpless. , I don't have much credit, and some are just charges of negligence, I am afraid that I will be punished.

Just as the woman sighed helplessly, a sharp roar resounded through the city again...

"The invader killed him and killed him, you idiots, he is still not dead in him"

How can you not die after you can't blew up? Woman surprised

On the already open aisle on the top floor, a black armored guard has struggled to get up, lying on the wall with no gaps, engraved with magic symbols, his hands slowly groping...

The woman's eyes widened in an instant: "Possession? This...can still attach the shattered soul to the armor with powerful magic power in such a violent explosion? This...how much soul power does this require?"

"Idiot, stop him," in the wall full of magic runes at that moment, the shrill voice screamed wildly.

Without hesitation, the woman drew out her double knives in an instant, and a lightning bolt rushed to the back of the black armored guard. Her body was full of pure blue anger, and her arms turned into eight phantoms in an instant, waving like a hurricane like crazy. ...

In less than half a second, that black armored guard was chopped into thousands of pieces by this woman's thunderous attack

In Xixi Suosuo's voice, the black armor guard's loss call almost turned into powder and fell to the ground...

The woman felt trembling all over, because she understood...she had missed her last chance. The intruder had disappeared before she attacked, or, to be precise, entered the wall in front of her.

"You idiots, I will kill you, I will kill you" The shrill voice was full of rage~www.readwn.com~ shock, fear and unparalleled madness.

"It seems...I'm late" a low voice sounded behind the woman.

The woman turned around silently, and the figure of the Demon Race came into her eyes: "Yes...you are indeed late, this time...maybe it will be a disaster..."

Inside the wall, the shrill voice of crazy roar has disappeared...

But Robben, who should have disappeared, no bones left in the self-detonation, and even his soul completely collapsed, spoke at this moment...

Robben’s voice seemed a bit erratic: "The situation... doesn’t seem to be as bad as originally expected. At least I guessed something right. You seem to be the ruler of the void.

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