God Prohibitions

Chapter 837: Official document

"I encountered a lot of nothingness in the land of nothingness. They attacked me, and I attacked them in turn. After that... they used their bodies as the elements of my next use of magic to accumulate, and continue to do so, until I After eradicating my inability to bear the power of nihility, I had to retreat and tell the truth, I didn't feel the time passing so fast in it. I thought that it took only half a month for this one time and another. That's it. ^^Nuoshu.com^^Free"

   Robben slowly described his experience in the void in the past six months to Queen Biris, and finally made a summary. Most of them are false, there is no way, and some things cannot be said.

Queen Biress looked at Robben, apparently she had twelve points of doubt about Robben's words, but there seemed to be nothing wrong with it. Judging from her own understanding of the land of nothingness, the other party said it too. It's all true, which proves that he has indeed passed through the door and entered the interior of the void.

   Robben glanced at Queen Biris and said with a smile: "The Queen doesn't seem to believe me very much."

"At least part of it is believed. I have never been there. The details of some things will never be noticed. You are right. The world inside the gate of the void is just like you said, but... you are How did you go through the door? How did you slip past the energetic woman behind the door?" Queen Biress stared at Robben's face, and refused to move away for a moment.

  Roben ate the expensive supper specially for the devil king, and smiled unconsciously and mysteriously: "This is my secret. It involves the use of my power and will not easily tell others."

   The fire in the belly of Queen Biris couldn't help but rise again, and when a demon king asked someone or something, no one said it was his own secret and couldn't tell.

   Forcibly suppressing the impulse, Queen Biris muttered, "Can't I say it?"

   "Of course" Robben replied in the affirmative.

"You bastard" Queen Biris directly lifted the table. Before the other party put this action into practice, Robben had already picked up two plates of his favorite food, looked at the woman on the opposite side of the table with both hands and said:" Even if you don't let you eat, I won't say it."

Rolling her eyes greatly, Queen Biris sat down again, put her hands heavily on the table, and the dinner plate in front of the shaking Robben jumped a few times, and continued to ask: "Then how do you gain strength? What's the matter? It's not just that your own strength has made great progress, but there is obviously an additional force that does not belong to you, and is slowly disappearing from your absorption."

Robben showed innocent and blank eyes: "This...I am not very clear. I am fighting day and night in the void. I think that the strengthening of strength is a certain thing, not that it is only necessary to enter the door. If you come back alive inside, will your own power become stronger? As for this power, I don't know. Could it be that too many elements are absorbed in the void, and what are the consequences?"

Looking at Robben with a look of worry on his face, Queen Biris couldn’t tell how many real elements are in Robben’s words. She snorted and said, "Don’t worry about this, from the Demon Hunting Fair. Since the beginning of the event, countless soldiers have returned safely from there, but no one has discovered any problems due to the absorption of the elements."

   Robben was a little relieved: "That's good...that's good..."

Things seem to be over. After a simple process, I entered the land of nothingness out of curiosity and yearning for the land of nothingness. I used my own unique method of using power to pass through the door and avoided the one behind the door. The guards directly wanted to advance in the depths of nothingness, and when they felt that they could not bear the power of nothingness, they retreated.

   Everything is so simple and clear.

   dragging her chin, Queen Biress looked at Robben, who was only eating in front of her, and sighed helplessly: "Doctor [super doctor recommends reading this book], don't you plan to... tell me the truth?"

   Robben was taken aback for a moment, then raised his head: "My Lady Queen, what do you mean?"

"  " is what it means, doctor [super doctor recommends reading this book], although your statement is not obtrusive, it is not true, right?"

   "Queen, you doubt me?"


   "Is there any basis?"


   Robben was a bit speechless: "My Lady Queen, that means you doubt me for no reason, it’s not good"

"Yes, doctor [super doctor recommends reading this book], I just suspect you for no reason. Although I have no basis, my feeling tells me that you have hidden quite a lot of things from my statement, many At that time, I believed that my feelings were more than seemingly conclusive evidence."

   Robben smiled bitterly.

Queen Biress looked at Robben, and suddenly smiled indifferently: "Actually, it's nothing. It's not wrong if you don't tell me. After all... you have completed what I entrusted to Your business, and the rest, are actually your own business. I'm just a little curious. If you say it or not, it is all your freedom, but..."

There were two gleams in her eyes, and Queen Biress stared straight at Robben and slowly said: "Doctor [super doctor recommends reading this book], I won’t ask you what happened in the void , But I hope you can answer me, are you really not going to tell the truth?"

   Luo Ben thought about the meaning of the woman in front of him, and it seemed that his next answer would involve the trust between the two parties.

   With a soft smile, Robben replied: "I'm really sorry, some things about the Queen are my secrets. I really...it's not convenient to tell you more."

The meaning of   Roben is also very clear. Most of what I said just now was a lie to you, but those are my secrets, so don’t ask anymore.

   Queen Biress raised her eyebrows and said with a smile: "Finally tell the truth, okay, I'm not the kind of annoying woman who likes to inquire about other people's secrets. Let's stop here for this topic."

   Luo Ben thought to himself, just now you clearly asked questions, so soon you started boasting...

   "Well, my lord, now that you have finished asking, is it my turn to ask?" Robben wiped his mouth, clasped his hands on his chest, and looked proud.

   "You? What are you asking?"

"My Lady Queen, I think you are young and beautiful, but you have such a bad memory. We agreed that I will set out as your warrior. If you save your face and come back from the demon hunting event, you will be in your hands. Those cultivation classics are for me."

  "Oh, yes, there is such a thing." Queen Biris seemed to realize it suddenly, which made Robben's teeth tickling. This woman won't really forget about this thing.

"So... Queen, I want to use your credibility and the dignity of your devil, you should give me all the classics in your hand, instead of leaving it privately for the next time. What I do, in that case, will damage your reputation as the devil."

Queen Biress smiled disdainfully: "Do you think I will be as despicable and shameless as you? I won't do anything like that. I will give you all the things that are of no use, as I have said before. , This time you defeated Renate, which greatly shook Big's arrogance. I am very satisfied. There will be no less for you."

   "Thank you Queen, but...Do I hate despicableness?" Robben was strange.

  Queen Biris seriously, two angry flames are beating: "I will almost never see a man more shameless than you"

   "Oh..." Robben nodded clearly, "Is the Queen talking about things in the hall, but you don't seem to refuse, and you like it"

   "Shut up" Queen Biris stared apricot, "How dare you say it"

   "Okay, okay, Lord Queen, calm down, we are in the restaurant, and there are servants outside, please keep your voice down, or else people think I have done you something."

  Queen Biress stared at Robben, bit her lip forcefully: "Sure enough, Lord Demon God is punishing me, I would actually have fallen in love with you asshole"

   Luoben smiled triumphantly: "Yes, yes, Queen, as long as you treat me as the devil's punishment for you, everything can be accepted, right?"

   Queen Biris almost fainted. ==ww. First. Issue==

Although it is nothing to take advantage of the mouth, Robben knows that the woman in front of him will not easily treat himself, but when there is no condition to hold her and kiss, it is best not to really provoke her. The unfortunate one must be yourself.

   Carefully compensate, Robben chose another topic.

"My lord Queen, you just said that you can use the Black Emperor's token when you pass through the gate of the void. What is this token? I think there are as many void objects as a sea, the Black Emperor's token, Do you have such a powerful force?"

Queen Biress rolled her eyes and said: "The power of the Black Emperor is naturally incalculable. Even if it is just a token, it also contains a huge amount of power. It is not surprising that the door can be opened. It is strange that you He could even go through the door unscathed.

   Robben smiled, thinking you still want to know how I got inside.

   "So what kind of token is that? When I passed the door, it took a lot of effort. I even felt that it seemed that no one in this world could pass that door."

Queen Biress said with a rare and strange look: "How could it be possible? Every time a demon hunting event is held, a small number of fighters will successfully enter the door. Of course, this time is an accident. If it is usual, In the end, qualified fighters followed the black emperor's messenger to enter the door, and the token is in the hands of the messenger. It was made by the black emperor after carefully studying the energy nature of the void. One of the things that can shield its own breath, with the protection of that thing, the surrounding soldiers can safely pass through the door like an invisible transparent shadow."

   It turned out to be like this. It doesn't sound like anything special. If... it is really the corresponding item made by the Black Emperor after careful study of the Void Land, it seems that it can't match the clues he was looking for.

   Robben shrugged his shoulders: "If I knew this a long time ago, I should explain the situation to the messenger in advance, or find a way to get the token. In that case, I won't have to spend so much effort."

Queen Biris said with great amusement: "I advise you not to take this idea, because the envoy of the Black Emperor has only two things that must be done at the demon hunting event. The first is to ensure the smooth progress of the event. , And the second one is to protect the token. The second thing is even more important than the first thing. In history, it’s not like a guy with unpredictable minds wants to use that token to enter the land of nothingness to improve his strength. , For this reason, there have been quite large-scale battles, but this token has never been lost. In the largest-scale battle, the messenger himself killed thousands of looters, doctor (super doctor) It is recommended to read this book], although your strength has improved a lot now, but...Compared with the messenger who hosted the event, it is still far behind. If you don't want to end your life early, don't pay attention to that token. Understand? "

  Roben was somewhat surprised when he heard this. The guy who dared to shoot this token is certainly not a general generation. The messenger actually killed thousands of looters with his own power. This strength is amazing enough.

Lifting up the giant demon warrior standing in the void, which looked like a huge monument, thinking of the murderous pressure he finally showed, and the relationship between him and the messenger that seemed to be friends of the same age, Robben I understand something in my heart, these two guys must be extremely powerful characters, perhaps in the scope of normal discussion, things like the outstanding warriors in the demon world are not worth mentioning in their eyes, Reina The special combat power is already regarded as the top existence among the warriors on the big face of the Demon World, but in the eyes of that giant warrior, it seems to be just good.

  Perhaps, I really shouldn't pay attention to that token, at least...not now.

   Luo Ben showed a harmless smile at Queen Biris: "I just asked curiously, how can I go to the Black Emperor's token. Attention, even if the Queen gave me the courage, I would not dare."

   "This is best. If you commit an unforgivable mistake, even I can't protect you. You must remember this." Queen Biris warned seriously.

   "Yes, Lord Queen, thank you for your concern."

   "Sometimes I even thought, maybe you died suddenly because of some accident. That's something I'm happy about, and I won't be so angry now..."

Robben smiled: "The Queen is serious, how dare I be angry with you? Don't worry about those trivial things, ah... You see, we are talking about these unpleasant things again, um... Let's change the topic, right the queen Sir, you said you have something for me, what is it?"

   Queen Biress glanced at Robben and said funnyly: "You are afraid that I will deduct something that you think is important, my doctor Robben [super doctor recommends reading this book]"

   "Lord Queen, please forgive me. If it is something important, I still hope that Lord Queen can show me."

   Queen Biress smiled slyly, took out an item from her storage ring, and gently placed it on the table, pressing it with her fingers, without the intention of giving it to Robben immediately.

Robben's gaze was immediately attracted to him. Upon closer inspection, it was a letter. Judging from his own experience as a lord, this should be an official document or something, but now its front is pressed on the table. I can't see the badge printed on the front, and I can't judge its use and origin.

   Seeing Robben staring constantly on the envelope in his hand, Queen Biress said slowly: "Doctor [Super doctor recommends reading this book], do you want this thing?"

Robben rubbed his hands: "My Lady Queen, what is this...? I recognize this as an official document, but...I don't have any official positions anymore. My boss is my wife. Most of the time She still needs to listen to me. If something happens, she will never send me this kind of thing, this... are you sure it is for me?"

"Of course you think I would open my eyes and talk nonsense like you? If this thing is not important to you, I would naturally not take it out at this time." Queen Biress said indifferently. The finger was pressed against the letter, without any intention of letting go.

   Luo Ben felt very strange, who would send such things to himself now? I shouldn't receive these anymore. Could it be that the Devil King Arthur has something to do with him? This seems to be the only explanation, but... is also far-fetched.

   Seeing that Queen Biress didn't seem to have any plans to give this thing to herself happily, Robben had to say helplessly: "My Queen, if this thing is for me, then is it..."

   "There is a condition," Queen Biris said in a roundabout way.

"Well, I knew it would be like this..." Robben could only sigh, "Then... I don't know what the queen's conditions are. If it's too harsh, I don't think I don't know what it is for one. To pay too much for things."

   Queen Biress picked up the envelope on the table, pinched it in her hand and said, "Doctor [super doctor recommends reading this book], next time you are not allowed to touch me without my permission, understand?"

   Robben was slightly surprised: "This...is the condition"

   "Not bad" Queen Biris gritted her teeth.

"Oh of course, Lord Queen, I agreed, and you seem to have misunderstood something. In fact, I am very polite and well-mannered. If you refuse, I will definitely not force it. "

  Queen Biress’s fingers were shaking, and the other party said this as if she was a false refusal at all, but she really liked it in her heart.

   "My Lady Queen, I promised, are you..." Robben turned his eyes on the letter.

   "Damn bastard, it's a miracle that I won't be angry when I say five things to you" Queen Biris scolded and threw the letter over.

Robben hurriedly caught it carefully, and when he saw it before his eyes, he couldn't help but stunned. The front of this official document was stamped with the seal of the witch. It was actually Robben sent by Merial. , I should have said it face to face with myself. Even if I have disappeared for half a year, there is no reason to give myself any information in this serious way, right?

This official document was tightly sealed with sealing wax. Obviously Queen Biress hadn't opened it to see. Robben was about to open it to see the contents, but Queen Biress on the other side tapped the table with her fingers. : "Doctor [super doctor recommends reading this book], did you come back from the land of nothing, but your eyes are getting worse?"

   Robben couldn't help being taken aback when he heard this, his eyes? What happened to his eyes? Taking a closer look at the official document in his hand, Robben finally found the problem, and his nose was suddenly crooked.

   Under the cover of this official document, it was written in a square kid: Nalan kisses Qi.

   This is not something for myself at all, but for Nalan

   "My Lady Queen, you are too unkind. This is not for me. You are actually threatening to ask for the conditions." Robben is dissatisfied.

Queen Biress said humorously: "Nalan is your witch, so it has something to do with you, and you will definitely accompany her in this matter. I seem to have done nothing wrong, and even if it is wrong Yes, do you have any dissatisfaction? Shameless Dr. Robben [Super Doctor recommends reading this book]"

  Looking at people, even if he is arrogant, he is so arrogant... Robben couldn't help but start cursing the woman before him.

   "My Lady Queen, have you already opened this letter, or how do you know that I will accompany Nalan to the things mentioned in it?"

Queen Biress looked at Robben like an idiot: "Who doesn't know you will take her with her wherever you go, and even if you don't look at the content inside, I guessed it. The reason why you are not allowed to open it is because This is the official document of the Demon Realm. As the administrator of the Demon Realm, I hope it can fall into the hands of Nalan who should open it."

   Robben looked at the official document in his hand and asked curiously: "My Lady Queen, can you tell me what is mentioned in this official document?"

   "Hehe..." Queen Biress smiled and nodded, then instantly she lowered her face and said, "No," Robben ate and rolled his eyes.

  Looking at Robben's appearance, Queen Beris laughed.

   "Forget it, anyway, go back and show Nalan to see it." Robben casually took the official document into his arms.

Queen Biress seemed to be angry with Robben once, and she was in a good mood. She grabbed the bottle next to her and poured herself a glass of wine, and then said: "Doctor [super doctor recommends reading this book], in fact, it is nothing to tell you, and I I also know some inside information, but I don’t know if you like it or not."

   Luo originally thought it was time to say goodbye, but after hearing this, the slightly raised **** of the reducer fell back: "Well... Queen, there are no conditions this time, right?"

   "Am I like the kind of woman who asks for everything?"

  "Uh...hehe, it's not like..."

   "Oh... then it seems that you don't know me yet" Queen Biris drank the wine very proudly, but her eyes looked at the helpless color on Robben's face, her eyes were filled with joy.

Putting down the wine glass, Queen Biress flicked the wine glass gently, and said very happily: "But, seeing that you defeated Renate this time and made a lot of face for me, I can tell you directly. "

   This **** woman was so crazy when she held her grudge in the hall, but now she puts the blame on others, and Robben feels helpless.

Very artificially touched his chin, took enough style, spent time, and watched Robben's helpless expression enough, Queen Biress said: "This official document should be for Nalan to accept the final Trial"

   "The final trial?" Robben couldn't help but wonder, what is the final trial?

"Oh...Doctor [Super Doctor recommends reading this book], you master is too indifferent to your witch, or you have no idea about these things? In the past few years, Nalan has already got it. The candidacy of the Chief Guard of the Demon Palace, now... the original Chief Guard is about to step down, that is to say, the final battle has begun"

Robben suddenly realized that it was decades ago. Speaking of it... the life cycle of the demons did cause a lot of trouble to Robben. Nalan finally won the qualification for the candidate of the chief guard, but Later, there was no news, and I even had to forget about it. If it hadn't been for the woman in front of me today, maybe I and Nalan would never think of it again.

  Roben took out the official document again, and looked at it himself, but he couldn't see the way. He couldn't help asking: "The last trial, after this time, Nalan will be the chief guard of the magic palace?"

   "Hehe... if she succeeds, that is it, if not, then wait for the next time, that's it."

   "Then the queen, what do you mean by the inside story?"

Slowly pouring wine to herself, Queen Biress continued: "In fact, there is not much news, because this matter is actually not complicated. The original chief guard was seriously injured in a mission, although not It is life-threatening, but the combat power is less than half of the original. In this case, if the survivor reappears, she has nothing to do and has to abdicate with hatred, so this time the trial will not only defeat the other opponents, but also get this alive. The captain of the bodyguard approves it."

   Luo Ben thought for a while and said: "This shouldn't be difficult. If you defeat other opponents, you will naturally be recognized."

   "Hehe, it seems that you are very confident in Nalan." Queen Biris's words can't help but feel a little funny.

Robben was very clear in his heart that Nalan would have become the captain of the bodyguard. Although it seems to be a little bit early now, Nalan's strength has definitely surpassed the Nalan he knew in the original Demon Realm. Nalan's strength is not at the same level now, this time in the final trial, as long as there is no major accident, it should be stable.

   "I have always had confidence in my own witch."

   "Well, confidence is a good thing, but from your appearance, you don't seem to know what kind of witch is competing with Nalan for the position of the head guard, right?"

   Robben nodded honestly, speaking of this, he was really careless.

Queen Biress smiled and said: "Doctor [super doctor recommends reading this book], the selection of the witch guardian is also very strict. A candidate will be born every once in a while, and the candidate will not be carried out after a certain number of candidates. Selection, but waiting for the resignation of the chief guard, these candidates will compete again, and once a new chief guard appears, the remaining candidates will be postponed to the next battle for the chief guard, Nalan, this is the selection She is the last candidate, and she is also the youngest. Correspondingly, she does not have much experience."

   "Nalan is very strong" Robben said very positively.

"I know this. You used your strange method to tune all your witches into monsters, but... that doesn’t necessarily win this trial. There are many witches, with hundreds of years of experience. Some witches will only simply improve their strength, while in some witches, they will evolve into strange things. You better... be careful."

   "Thank you for the Queen's warning, but I don't know when this official document was sent. Is it too late to leave now?"

"Nonsense" Queen Biris couldn't help staring. Although Robben didn't mean to be angry with herself, when she heard this man's tone of doubt, the Queen felt angry. "If Will I give you this thing if it is too late?"

   "Oh, thank you, Queen."

"Hmph, if you can always keep this respect, maybe I will evaluate you better." Then, Queen Biris took out another thing from her storage ring and threw it away. To Robben, "take this"

   Luo Ben took it and looked at it, but it was a booklet of only a dozen pages, with the entire page densely written in tiny tiny print.

   "What is this?" Robben looked at the cover. There was no word on it. The booklet seemed to be bound only.

  " is the information of the other candidate witches. Your time is already very limited. If you don't come again, I have planned to burn the official document. Fortunately...you are lucky, and finally come back."

   "Time is limited?" Robben frowned, "Konalan still has a very serious injury that will not heal in a short time."

"This is what you have to find a way. I got the news that the final selection of the chief guard will take some time for you to rush back smoothly after ten days. Everything... depends only on you, but Even if you give up this selection, it's okay. Nalan is still young. There will be opportunities in the future. The frequency of the replacement of the witch's chief guard is quite fast. Sometimes, I have not had time to meet this chief guard, and the next one. The chief guard has taken office."

   This sounds, but it has no comforting effect...

   Robben silently collected the official documents and stood up to leave: "If this is the case, then I won't bother too much. Now I will go back to discuss this matter with Nalan."

   After thinking about it, Robben said again: "Regarding those cultivating classics, if the Queen can gather all the classics in a short time, I would also like to take them away."

Queen Biress said embarrassingly: "This may be disappointing for you. Originally, I didn't have any hope for this demon hunting event. It was a helpless act to ask you to participate. In the end, you disappeared again. I thought I didn’t need to look for any more classics anymore. Those things are still scattered in my library. You should know that these things... are forbidden. I don’t want others to know that I have to find them myself, so in a short time, I'm afraid I can't get all of them."

   Robben frowned slightly, but he nodded and said, "If this is the case, then forget it. We will finish the final selection, and then come to get these classics."

  Queen Biress looked at Robben with some surprise: "Aren't you afraid that I will fall back on you? Maybe I will stop admitting this matter when I turn around. Anyway, it's all contraband, so you dare not say it."

   Robben smiled: "I believe the Queen will not, because your dignity and credibility are the devil, I am not afraid at all."

   "Hum, those things are for others to see, but if no one knows, these things can be thrown away at any time. This matter... only the two of us know, don't you?"

   Robben still smiled and said: "In that case, I will trust you as a good woman. I believe you won't."

   "Humming arrogant man" Queen Biris frowned.

  Roben no longer wants to fight with tongues, he bent over and bowed slightly and said, "My Lady Queen, thank you for your information. If it were our own, I am afraid that the information will not be collected so quickly."

  Queen Biress waved her hand boredly: "It's really rare that you would thank me so seriously, but it's nothing, for me, it's just the next order."

   "Well, but for us, this information is precious. Thank you if there is nothing else, I will go back first."

   "Let's go and remember to close the door, you bastard..." Queen Biris waved at the door like a fly.

   Robben didn't say any more, he turned around and left.

There was only Queen Biress left in the small space. With a sigh, the Queen poured herself another glass of wine. Looking at her reflection on the glass, she couldn't help but love and pity: "It's really hateful, why did you faint in the first place? I saw such a **** man...Believe me, as if you know me better, and thank you pretensely, it's really...hey kill you sooner or later"

  Roben naturally didn't know that Queen Biress was there after he left while drinking and muttering. Now Robben's heart is concerned about the final trial.

If Nalan can be the head of the bodyguard, it is definitely quite good.Although he can order all the witches in his name now, even the witch patriarch is his own wife, but some of the witches still get it. The separation of the master, or the deliberate avoidance of allegiance objects, these witches themselves can't control at all, and it is often these witches who have the most powerful combat effectiveness.If Nalan sits in the seat of the chief guard, then the contact with these witches will be great. Increased, in terms of Nalan's current ability, Nalan needs an opportunity, an opportunity to show himself to all the witches, and now, the opportunity is here

   If you can get the recognition of those powerful witches and get their valuable experience and guidance, then the speed of training witches will be doubled.

   hurriedly returned to the residence and opened the door to take a look. Robben felt helpless. In the room, the witches were lying there, drunk and unconscious.

These little lunatics... Robben had to search one by one among the two hundred witches, and finally found in the corner Nalan, whose face was also covered with cream. Nalan hugged Bazaar’s thigh as a pillow and slept. Masaka...

   "I really can't see that you are still a wounded number..." Robben dragged Nalan out of the crowd, holding him and leaving the hall.

On the way back to the room, Robben simply threw Nalanna's clothes into the trash can, and washed away the vegetable soup, vegetable leaves, oil stains and other things. Go to the room and throw Nalan on the bed, and cover the quilt.

In the end, Robben knocked on Nalan's forehead with the ice cube, the fragrance of sleeping, suddenly a deep chill from his forehead, Nalan was awakened immediately, staring at the ice cube in Robben's hand, Nalan Drunk on his face, he immediately narrowed his eyes and sneered and smiled: "The master is good or bad, come to bully Nalan again." He raised his body and hugged Robben.

Suddenly, she felt cold, and Nalan strangely found that her clothes were missing. He blinked, then sneered and smiled: "Master is good or bad, it is really unfair to start while Nalan is drunk... "

   "Well, don't go crazy again, now I have something serious to tell you, let's look at this first" Robben said and put the official document in front of Nalan's eyes.

   "Nalan is talking about business...hmm? What is this?" Nalan muttered, and found that his name was written on the official document in front of him, which was very strange.

   "Take a look at it. What is written on it?" Robben put Nalan back on the bed, took up the quilt and wrapped her tightly.

   "Well... the master read it to Nalan... Nalan hates these awkward and dying official documents." Nalan rubbed his head against Luo himself and acted like a baby.

   Robben was not welcome, he just sat down and opened the envelope. There was only a hard card with a few short lines written on it. The inscription was the patriarch's emblem of the witch clan and Meriya's autograph.

   "Hey...hehe...it's written in magic text, the master recognizes it..." Nalan glanced at the document, hehe smiled at the old bottom of Robben...

   Obviously, Robben's crappy magic text is not enough to fully translate this official official document. He frowned and put the official document in front of Nalan. Robben said depressedly: "That's for you..."

For a long time, Nalan's magic texts were not very good, but as the practice of magic deepened, the scattered ancient classics were all written in magic texts, and Nalan had worked hard to learn. Mowen, especially an ancient book with a lot of records, was found ten years ago. From that time on, Nalan almost got rid of the ranks of magic illiterate, leaving Robben far behind.

But obviously, a drunk scholar is not more knowledgeable than an illiterate. Nalan took the few lines of official documents and looked at and read them, and muttered for a while, then said:" This... Tell me to go to the trial? Why? I haven't signed up for anything... Well... It's ten days later, so anxious, annoying... The place is... in... Oh, in Salas Special, isn't that at home?"

   "Fool, I went to participate in the final trial of the Witch's Chief Guard only ten days later. "Looking at Nalan in a daze, Robben reluctantly took the official documents into his hands."

   Nalan looked at Robben with a puzzled look, and it took him a long time to react: "Oh, yes... there is such a thing, but... forget it, don't want to go now..."

   Luo wanted to laugh with an annoyance: "You lazy pig can't go, we pack our things and go back tomorrow"

   "No...Nalan is still injured, how can I fight and kill..." Nalan began to roll around on the bed in protest. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

   "Even if you go up to the knife mountain and down to the sea of ​​fire, you have to go. The injury on your body is good enough for ten days. It must be no problem. If you do not go, I will throw you out to feed the fish.

   "Well... why are you so fierce... hey, but the master... those fish are not my opponents now..." Nalan held up Robben again and smirked.

   "Um...but, since the master said, Nalan will go there. Anyway, it's just to use his hands and feet. The master will reward Nalan at that time..."

   Robben sighed and put the confused Nalan back on the bed. This little girl didn't go to the trial for this... .. h

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