God Prohibitions

Chapter 840: Kill you!

In the small courtyard, the chief guard and Nalan sat opposite each other.

The head guard looked at Nalan with admiration, and laughed: "I didn't expect the change to be so fast, Nalan...Didn't you use any magic? I can feel it, you seem What determination has been made, your eyes are changing."

"Captain Guard, I’m sorry to show you how I look like. Although I’m used to it, I know I should change. This time, it’s an opportunity. I think I’m not what you said. The firm belief is to give everything for the Witch Clan, even my own life, but...I think I am qualified to be the chief guard"

The head of the guard asked with interest: "Why do you say that? Do you think that as long as you have some changes, you are qualified to be the head of the guard? Nalan... this position may not be as you imagined. So easy to do."

"I understand" Nalan nodded.

"You understand that?"

"Yes, I'm still too young, even a little naive. I don't understand anything. I have always lived under the protection of my master without thinking about anything. But there is one thing I can boast about, that is, my power may not be handed over to him I worry about the destiny of the whole Witch Clan, but... the master taught me a powerful force. Although I don’t know strategy and know nothing about affairs within the Witch Clan, I think that in the devil world where the strong is respected, My power can guide a group of witches and bring them hope. These...maybe the things that witches need most"

The head guard looked at Nalan quietly, sighed, and the hand holding the water glass seemed to tremble slightly: "Young people always grow up unknowingly, but I didn't expect you to suddenly There is such a growth, Nalan...Is there anything hidden in this?"

"Yes, but...I don't intend to tell the chief guard that those things have nothing to do with the future of the witch clan."

The head guard smiled with relief: "Nalan...I'm really happy to see a young witch with such confidence, well, although your consciousness is not enough, but... you are barely qualified. In my lifetime, I will watch you well. If you won the post of Chief Guard this time, but you do many wrong things in the future, I will definitely not just watch."

"Master Guard, you are worrying too much. If I win this position, please tell me how to do it. I don't think you will refuse to continue fighting for the Witch Clan."

"Hahaha..." The chief guard laughed, "Nalan, are you agreeing to give me benefits before the test? This is suspected of bribery."

Nalan scratched his head and smiled: "I think anyone will do it. This must not be regarded as bribery. At that time, I will ask the head of the guard to supervise it."

The head guard slowly nodded: "Okay...very to tell the truth, in fact, the most suitable replacement for the head guard in my heart is you, but it's a pity that you have been spoiled since childhood, and you have no awareness of being a witch, if... It’s good to do something deliberately. I think as time goes by, you will gradually feel the weight of the burden on your shoulders. We witch... need the strong too much"

Nalan talked with the head guard for a long time. When he came back, he had already missed the time to eat. He asked the waiter at home, knowing that Robben was with you now, and immediately rushed to the retreat room.

As soon as he entered the door, Nalan saw that Robben was carefully feeding Nia and drinking porridge, and immediately ran over with a smile, leaning in Nia's arms and said affectionately: "Mother, do you feel better?"

Nia caressed Nalan’s long hair lovingly, and said with great relief: “For my mother, the whole world has become lively and kind again. Ha ha, now someone puts a knife on her mother’s neck. If you don't want to die, it seems... it will be better in a few days."

"It's going to be many days. Now your whole body is almost hollowed out. It will take a while to rest." Robben immediately corrected Nia's words, and Nia couldn't help but smile.

"The final test of the mother's chief guard is about to begin. This time, Nalan will definitely get this position and become the chief guard of the demon world. Nalan has been to the chief guard just now. The chief guard seems to be very optimistic about me."

Nya's expression was a little helpless: "Hey...I'm just an ordinary witch, unable to do anything, and don't have much hope, Nalan, at this point, my mother can't help you much, just hope... you can Don't get into trouble in peace, you promised your mother that no matter whether you can become the chief guard this time, you will come back well, okay?"

"Um sure"

The head of the bodyguard has already told Nalan about the details of the final selection. Nalan knew what he knew. In the next few days, apart from carefully studying the information of several other competitors, he would hurry up and heal his injuries and suffer in the void. Compared with other injuries, it is not so easy to recover, but after careful treatment, there should be no major problems.

Robben doesn’t have much to do. These days, he’s almost accompanied Nia. The body of this suffering witch is recovering quickly, at an amazing speed. Robben originally planned to give her a life after eating today. I haven't had any movement for a long time, but when I walked in, I was surprised to see Nia standing in front of the window, silently looking at the scenery outside.

When I turned around, seeing Robben standing at the door holding a basket, Niya smiled softly: "My lord, you came very early today."

Time passed slowly, and when the formal selection was about to begin in two days, an episode occurred. After Nia was able to do her own activities, Robben and Nalan happily took Nia back. In that villa.

While Robben was arguing with Nia about who should cook the food, Nalan walked in from outside with a slightly strange expression.

"Nalan, what's the matter?" Robben found Nalan's expression weird.

Nalan rolled his eyes: "Today...someone was following me outside"

"What?" Robben and Nia's attention was immediately drawn to them.

"Who will follow you here?" Robben was extremely strange.

"It's a few witches" Nalan said as he took out the booklet containing the information of the competitors in this test. "It's her, she, and she who is watching in the distance" Nalan said. Pointed to the names of the four witches on the pamphlet.

Robben rubbed his head: "Following you...what are you doing?"

Nia showed a little panic on her face, stepped forward and grabbed Nalan's arm and said, "Do they want to hurt you before the test?"

Robben said helplessly: "Nia, don't worry about it... how is this possible, this is Saraste, our base camp, who would dare to hurt Nalan here? But... they must have followed you What purpose?"

Nalan nodded and suddenly smiled: "I know why they are following me"

"Why?" Robben and Niya Qiqi asked.

"They want to come to explore the situation. I feel that they are testing me with mental power, and it is a temptation carried out by a few of them. This temptation is not easy to detect. They may feel that a few people will not be discovered by me when they cooperate. Boldly peeping, I was caught upright. I followed them to detect my spiritual thread and reversed detection, but I got a lot of information from them."

Then, Nalan pointed his finger at the names of the two witches in the booklet and said: "These two guys are more powerful than those recorded in this booklet, and the other two are relatively similar, just guarding from a distance. That's not enough, I didn't find out her specific situation."

"Isn't it discovered by them that you probed them?" Robben asked.

"Of course" Nalan smiled confidently.

"That's good." Robben nodded, "It seems that I want to get more information before the test. There shouldn't be any maliciousness. Instead, we got some information that hasn't been discovered yet, and that's a profit."

"But in the end, when I walked in, I told them that I had found it." Nalan smiled.

Robben almost didn't fall: "You still told them"

"What's the matter... Anyway, there will be no change in strength anyway. I stood in front of the gate and laughed three times. I think they all understand." Nalan snickered.

Robben and Nia were speechless for a while...

Although it is not a major event, Robben probably also estimated that this time Nalan participated in the final test, which may have brought tremendous pressure to other witches. Nalan’s strength has always been a concern. This trip to the Void Land not only made him famous, but Nalan also became a rising star, a witch who entered the Void Land and came back alive. This incident even caused a small sensation.

With the existence of such an opponent, the rest of the witches must not be very stable in their hearts, and now it seems reasonable to come to peep at Nalan.

That's what happened. Robben didn't pay attention to it. Presumably the witches came to spy on Nalan's situation, but Nalan found out the details. After realizing this, he must be more uneasy... …

Two days passed in an instant, and the final battle of the Witch's Chief Guard kicked off.

The rule of the final battle is very simple, that is, one-on-one fighting, the winner advances, the loser exits, the last remaining one is the winner, you can use all means, regardless of the result of the competition, as long as you can win. can.

The simple understanding is that for victory, one-on-one competitions can be done by all means

Robben wondered, but Queen Biress said that this competition is not just about winning as long as the strength is outstanding. In addition to the evaluation factor of the chief guard, this unscrupulous contempt rule should also be one of them, and should not be restricted. When there are rules, the outcome is often affected by many factors.

However, Robben was not worried. Nalan did not need those things. It could also be said that Nalan could not use those methods. Under the premise that the chief guard was not particularly sure about Nalan, what Nalan needed was overwhelming. Strength, other than that, there is no better way to impress the Chief Guard.

This test is an internal secret test, and it was not conducted in the Dabi Arena inside the City Lord's Mansion, but on a small area with a small area and relatively secretive place.

There are a total of nine witches participating in the final competition. The witch with the oldest qualifications among them can win the first round without a fight and advance directly to the next round. The other eight witches fight one-on-one, and decide four. A winner, a loser is disqualified.

Nalan took his number plate and came to Robben, showed Robben the number he had drawn, and said, "The one who followed me that day was the weaker one. I think , It will be resolved soon."

Robben nodded: "If you can defeat her with one move, don't use two moves, don't kill her, whatever else is at will."

Nalan smiled: "I know"

In the first match, Nalan played, and the rest of the witches stared at Nalan with their eyebrows. Obviously this time Nalan was recognized as the worst enemy.

Nalan's opponent looked a little nervous, and when he faced Nalan, his face was a little pale.

The two witches stood still on the court, and the chief guard announced the start of the competition. Nalan laughed: "It's useless. Although it is really difficult for me to identify the authenticity of your current expression, I know that every witch here has experienced it. After countless lives and deaths, even if you cut your own flesh inch by inch with a knife, you won't have too many expressions. You are so scared now, it's an exaggeration."

The face of the witch on the opposite side changed instantaneously, and a chill rose in her eyes with tension and some fear. She held her short blade in both hands, and the movements under her feet could hardly be seen. She rushed towards Nalan like a whirlwind.

"It's too slow..." Nalan shook his head slightly, and a black magic circle opened quickly behind him. At the same time, the sound of a sharp, sharp object slashing against a hard object entered the ears of everyone present. , The magical woman figure who was still in the charging posture in front was still there, but the real body had appeared behind Nalan, and the double blade in her hand was stabbed on the magic shield that Nalan had just opened.

"It's a pity, isn't it?" Nalan turned her head and smiled softly, but in the eyes of her opponent, this smile was undoubtedly scarier than the devil's smile.

With a violent drink, the witch arched her body and slammed her legs on Nalan's magic shield. With this force, her body flew far back. This is also a trick often used by warriors against magicians. , Perhaps some attacks are difficult to shake the magic shield of the magician, but this powerful impact can sometimes shock the magician behind the magic shield.

Nalan's magic shield did not move at all, and Nalan didn't make any movements behind him. It seemed that he hadn't been affected at all, and he didn't intend to shoot immediately.

"It seems that you don't plan to compete with me in magic. Are you afraid? The fact that I practice soul magic makes you so scared?" Nalan's face was full of annoying smirk.

But the retreating witch was obviously not affected by Nalan's words. As soon as her feet fell to the ground, the figure flashed, and a body seemed to separate two phantoms in two different directions, and it disappeared in an instant.

Nalan said with a chuckle: "This invisibility effect achieved by using light and darkness and the opponent's illusion is not very useful in the witch's civil war, and... you just remember to hide your path and wait for an opportunity to attack. It seems... ...It's too late"

As Nalan's voice fell, the black magic shield that was just opened suddenly showed layers of patterns and magic symbols, turning it into a strange magic circle.

Nalan said in a deep voice, "You have already touched the flames of hell... If you don't want to die, give up."

The black magic circle emits a terrifying black light, and three black flames jumped out of the magic circle, rushing in one direction quickly, and the air in a position in that direction immediately twisted quickly. A figure dodges quickly, avoiding the attack of three flames.

"It's useless, you've already touched the traces of falling flames. They won't disappear unless you chase you." Nalan looked at and avoided the three flames again with dexterity. The attacking witch said somewhat silly.

No matter what tactics the witch uses, the three black flames will always find her location accurately and pursue her endlessly.

"Even if you lose your weapon, it is useless. They are not chasing after the weapon that has touched the magic circle, but the mark I made on you at the time." Seeing that witch suddenly lost her weapon, Nalan felt helpless. .

The witch dodged from left to right, her figure appeared from time to time, and she tried to attack the three flames with magic many times, but the three black flames seemed to have found her eyes, and she was not affected by her attacks at all.

Finally, the anxious witch's body flashed again, splitting into two shadows and quickly disappearing in place, and the three flames flew toward Nalan quickly.

Nalan chuckled: "It's indeed a way to attack me, but...it's a stupid way." The voice fell, and the black magic shield that Nalan had opened up spun quickly, and the area of ​​Nalan expanded several times in an instant. Twisted, this magic shield blocked himself like a wall.

"Go..." Nalan said two words softly...

With a loud "bang", a black fire sprang up on the magic shield, and a flame larger than the three flames added together hit the magic circle, and it slammed straight towards the Nalankong gate. Attacked behind.

A bang was mixed with a scream, the flame exploded into a huge black spark behind Nalan, a figure flew out with the burning flame, and fell heavily outside the competition venue, screaming in pain. To extinguish the black flame on the body.

"It wouldn't be enough to admit defeat earlier." Nalan muttered, the huge black magic circle immediately disappeared, and the flame on the witch outside the court was immediately extinguished.

"Don't worry, this kind of falling flame only focuses on the burning of the soul. In such a short period of time, I didn't exert my full strength. You will only be weak for a day or two, and you will soon recover." Nalan looked at it. The witch, who was already weak off the court, said very calmly.

Win over

The other witches looked at Nalan's expression a little more solemnly. This match was an overwhelming victory. It could be seen that Nalan won the duel easily without using her full strength. All the witches feel stressed.

Robben walked quickly to the defeated witch, and checked it roughly. After confirming that there was nothing wrong with the witch, he nodded like the chief guard. The chief guard smiled and announced directly: "This is a duel. Lan Sheng"

Seeing Nalan stepping out of the competition arena, the chief guard sighed: Maybe... I am now witnessing an important moment in the history of witches. There has never been a witch who has shown such a powerful force as Nalan, let alone using her soul. Magic, even adding light power to her own magic, if this witch can exercise herself and lead the witch clan correctly in the future, everything... seems to have become hopeful.

Nalan’s victory somewhat stimulated the other witches. In the following competition, the scene was a bit violent and bloody. These witches, who usually didn't show their strength, had exerted their fighting power to the limit and used all available conditions to win. The scene was even a little out of control. In the second duel, a witch almost died. Her neck was cut and her trachea broke. Fortunately, she managed to escape in time and was not chopped too deep. Robben immediately rescued her. She saved her life, and her opponent was not doing well. The knife in the lower abdomen had been pierced so deeply that it had injured the internal organs, and there was no way to participate in the next test.

After the four matches, five witches were eliminated, and the remaining four were just in accordance with the previous rules for a round of competition.

Nalan looked very relaxed and said to Robben who was checking his physical condition: "Master, don't worry, Nalan didn't use much mental power and won't affect the injury. As long as he wins two more games, Nalan will be the head of the guard."

"Don't be careless. In the previous game, you should have ended the battle quickly. There is no need to delay it for so long. You have injuries and are not suitable for a long battle. You can save time if you can save time, you know?"

Nalan pursed his lips and smiled: "I know the master, it's just like a mother. Nalan wants to put on a show...or else the chief guard won't recognize me, this time I must use absolute strength to take it. If he was appointed to the position of Chief Guard, otherwise, if the Chief Guard said not to admit Nalan, wouldn't it be a waste of effort."

"It's just you." Robben smiled and pinched Nalan's nose.

Nalan's eyes quickly looked around and saw that the other witches were all looking at him. He couldn't help but feel helpless: "Master, Nalan is to be the witch of the captain of the guard. The master should give Nalan some face. In front of everyone, can you pinch your nose and face like this less..."

"You mean this?" Robben reached out and grabbed Nalan's cheek.


The next test quickly began. Nalan's opponent was the witch who had the oldest qualifications and the strongest among all competitors, and had a bye in the first round.

Facing Nalan, the witch did not show any tension, and there was no expression on her face.

"I have always wanted to compete with you. I want to know why a witch, who is only about two hundred years old and has no experience in fighting, is called the strongest. Although it seems that you are indeed strong, but... I don't think of you. Will definitely beat me, our witch... the most powerful place lies in the experience accumulated when walking from the edge of life and death, and for these, you are too lacking."

After hearing this, Nalan smiled directly: "You are right, but it is meaningless, maybe... The witch you know, your knowledge of witches, is not suitable for me at all, since you are the oldest qualified here. Witch, then I don’t need to use soul magic. I will defeat you with Witch’s traditional attack methods and let you see how different I am from you.”

"A big tone" Nalan's opponent was furious.

Robben looked helplessly below. Actually, this is not Nalan’s style. If it is normal, Nalan should suddenly make a surprise attack without saying a word. After defeating the opponent, he will say this and say that proudly. Robben is also now Not sure, how much change this time will bring to Nalan.

After taking out the two short blades that he hadn't used for a long time, Nalan felt a little nostalgic in his heart. He had been practicing soul magic all these years, and there were very few things that he did physically.

The body trembled slightly, and Nalan slowly raised his weapon: "Come on, let me show you how I, as a witch, did things that surprised you."

"it is good"

Nalan's words clearly angered the other party a bit, and also drew out two short blades. The witch rubbed her body and directly engaged in close combat with Nalan.

Nalan's eyes condensed, and the two figures crossed in mid-air. With the harsh sound of weapon collision, they landed on each other, turned quickly, and collided together again...

The scene seems to be caught in a protracted battle. Nalan’s opponents are obviously powerful and experienced. Although Nalan’s strength and speed have been greatly improved under the spiritual strengthening method, they can’t take the slightest advantage. Sometimes Will be in danger.

Robben watched below, not worried at all...

"Drink" With a loud drink, the witch's arms shook hard, and Nalan's double blades in front of her were directly shaken open, and the empty door on her chest was exposed. The other party did not hesitate to turn around, like a poisonous scorpion. One of his feet was severely stamped on Nalan's belly.

Under the huge impact, Nalan's body maintained a standing posture and quickly retreated, until it hit the guardrail around the arena and stopped. The ground was dragged with two shallow traces, and Nalan's boots were completely underneath. Reimbursed...

Robben smiled helplessly: "Really..."

The scene suddenly became a bit strange. After Nalan, who was heavily attacked, stopped his body, he stood up straight as if nothing was wrong, put the weapon in one hand, patted the dust on his abdomen, and frowned. After looking at his boots, he finally lifted his foot helplessly and lost both boots.

But the witch who took a lot of advantage did not choose to take advantage of Nalan's weakness to be hit. She should be able to chase after her in a short period of time. Instead, she stood there, her face turned pale, and her body seemed to be trembling slightly.

Re-handing the weapon in both hands, Nalan looked up at the witch and sighed: "Somewhat disappointed, I thought you would hit me sooner. I have already fought very carefully. , I don’t even want you to see this scene anymore, how about... your feet hurt?"

When Nalan said so, the other witches including the chief guard turned their attention to Nalan's opponent's feet. I saw this witch standing there, although there is nothing strange, but if you look closely, you can still find that her center is completely placed on one foot, and the right foot that kicked Nalan just now seems to be only touching the ground. , Did not bear the weight of the body at all.

"If you guessed it correctly, your foot should have been fractured now. I have been practicing soul magic for these years, and I haven't done much training for melee combat, but the mental strengthening method my teacher gave me has been improved by my master. There are already new advantages."

Nalan said that he directly lost a short blade, and his free hand turned into a hand knife, and violently swung towards the other short blade...


All the witches were shocked...

Nalan's palm was like a sword that splits gold, and the short blade in his hand was cut into two pieces...

"Because soul magic has a very powerful attack power, so the master specially tailored the effect of this mental strengthening method for me, which is to strengthen my own defensive power. At the same time, the physical attack power has also risen a lot. In fact I don’t have to use weapons, because the weapons themselves do not have the sharpness and hardness of my hands after mental strengthening."

"Dang Cang..." Nalan dropped half of the weapon in his hand to the ground, "In close combat, you are not my opponent at all... Even if you stab me with a weapon, it won't cause much damage, even if it is Stabbing in fragile places like neck or eyes, if you still want to fight, use magic"

After all, there were strands of silver brilliance floating on Nalan's body. Behind her, she condensed into a woman's translucent body, with her long hair flying, her eyebrows clearly identifiable, and it could be exactly what Nalan looked like.

"This is not soul magic. It's just that after practicing soul magic, the soul power grows, and the spirit body that is condensed becomes like this. How about... do you want to continue?"

Robben looked at Nalan in the audience, and he had to sigh: It's really overwhelming. This is usually clinging to himself, without any consciousness at all. The sly and greedy witch will have such a side...

On the field, Nalan’s opponent finally saw sweat on his forehead. The bones of his footsteps were completely broken, and the stubble was stuck in the flesh, painful, but the witch did not admit defeat, but said with a sneer: “It’s just a fight Some, so proud that you can beat me, little girl, you are too naive"

"Really? Then let's continue. If you don't attack, then I'll be blunt," Nalan said in a leisurely manner.

The witch's eyes flashed for a moment, and a flaming light burst up from her body, quickly forming a phantom behind her, but it didn't seem that the translucent image behind Nalan was solidified at all.

The mental power confrontation between the witches is very dangerous. No matter who wins or loses, both sides will be injured. If the strength is equal, even if they win, they will kill one thousand enemies and lose eight hundred. But... it's boring to watch two witches fight mentally, because there is nothing to be seen at all, the only thing that can be observed is the change in the light of the witch's own eyes and body.

Nalan stood there quietly, her eyes clear, she just looked at each other faintly, the image behind also did not move at all, and the eyes of the witch on the opposite side were already lit up like high-powered purple light bulbs, and her whole body was silvery white. It rose sharply, fluctuating like a raging wave, and it was obviously carrying out a fierce attack.

The head guard sees this situation on one side, and already knows the result in his heart. In the mental power fight, if one side is very quiet and the other side is very excited, then it can only show that the calm one is better than the other in spiritual power. Much higher.

This kind of fight lasted for ten minutes, and the witch in front of Nalan finally showed a look of despair in the eyes of the witch, and the condensed spiritual body behind him also began to shake unsteadily.

Nalan smiled softly: "It seems you understand...I haven't attacked, and you may not believe it, I don't even have defense, but it seems that you can't hurt me..."

"What...you lied" The witch on the opposite side became excited for a moment.

Nalan shook his head gently: "You won't believe it, of course I am not surprised, because this is a little secret of mine, haha... But the result is the same, you... Give up, the master doesn't like me hurting anything The lives that need to be hurt, we are of the same race, and we still need to work together in the future..."

Nalan’s words, only Robben among the people present understood what it meant. Nalan’s approach to soul magic was the same as Robben’s, to develop the potential of his own soul power, and with the increasing spirit of soul magic, Nalan The second spiritual level of Nalan has grown to a terrifying level. Robben estimates that there may be no witch in the devil world that can harm Nalan with spiritual magic. As long as Nalan uses the second spiritual level to cover his sea of ​​consciousness, those spirits The attack has no effect at all...

"You..." Maybe it's never been so powerless, the witch's face showed anger, and the light on her body fluctuated violently again.

"It's useless...you should understand..." Nalan sighed softly, and the tricolor pupils lit up slightly.

The witch on the other side who seemed about to fall into anger suddenly groaned, her body shook, and there was an extremely unwilling "chuckle" in her throat, and her body fell straight back...

The head of the bodyguard gently hugged the witch before hitting her head on the stone floor, and sighed softly, "Nalan wins this duel."

The next duel seemed very depressing. Although the two witches tried their best and the scene seemed fierce, Robben could see that the two witches were under considerable pressure because they lost this game. If you lose, you will lose your qualifications, and if you win... it seems even more hopeless.

Soon, the final duel to decide who will be the final winner of this test began.

Nalan's performance was a bit annoying, because Nalan did nothing at the beginning, but first asked: "Aren't you going to give up?"

Robben felt that Nalan really wanted his opponent to surrender and win the duel without blood. But if you say that, is this completely counterproductive...

Sure enough, when the witch on the opposite side heard this, her face immediately turned pale, her eyes rose with anger, her hands shook, a long whip appeared in her hand, and angrily said: "Don't think that you are great, you have not yet There are so many things I have seen"

Nalan frowned, because the result was different from what he had expected: "Well then we will start, but... this time I will do my best because this is the last battle. I hope you can be prepared."

"This is exactly what I want to say" The witch on the opposite side shouted angrily, swept over like a viper with a long whip in her hand.

"I won't let you hit it. This duel is perfect to win." Nalan stepped back gently, tilted her head slightly, and the whip of the long whip swept across her neck.

"Shoo" a long whip pierced the air, and Nalan shook his whole body, and was shocked to find that the long whip that should have been swept over suddenly stretched out a lot of strangely and directly rolled onto her own. neck.

The witch on the opposite side sneered and pulled her hand violently, but she was taken aback, because she didn't pull it.

Nalan held the long whip tightly with both hands, and his eyes were solemn: "It turns out... it's not shown in your information. You are a witch with a realm."

"Hehe...little girl, the way for a witch to survive is to hide her strength. A witch who shows off her strength like you usually dies very quickly."

The two sides were in a stalemate. Nalan was tightly wrapped around her neck with a long whip. It seemed to be a bit hard, her face was slightly reddened, and the witch on the opposite side seemed not eager to attack, just clenched the long whip in her hand. .

"Little girl, you have no hope...I think you should also find out, you should be slowly weakened"

"There is a needle hidden in the long whip, and the needle is coated with poison, right?"

"Yes...Although your body's defenses are very high, you will be poisoned as long as the epidermis is pierced by this special needle, but you can rest assured that you will not die. After all, you are killed, so I am very sorry Luo Mr. Ben."

"It's really careless, I didn't expect... this kind of thing would happen" Nalan smiled, a little weird.

Seeing Nalan's appearance, the witch on the opposite side felt a little uneasy in her heart, but now that Nalan was poisoned, it was a fact. As long as she waited, she would be completely victorious.

Nalan sighed softly: "It's a poison that weakens the will. Fortunately... If it numbs the body, it is really troublesome. If this is the case, then I am sorry, Lord Guard, before I kill her, I hope you can Immediately judge me victory, then my master will stop me"

Nalan’s words made the chief guard and the witch both stunned. Robben was helplessly scratching his head off the court. Nalan was really serious about this duel. He really had to pay attention. Now... Nalan is violent. Getting up is already a lot of trouble.

Just when the witch on the opposite side was suspicious, Nalan’s eyes suddenly changed. The faint figure in the original clear eyes disappeared, and the hand holding the long whip dropped, and her body became soft. Driven by the huge power of the long whip, he fell straight forward and slammed into the ground.

The chief guard and the witch are both staring~www.readwn.com~ What you just said seems to be a trick. Isn't it... Is this the trick Nalan uses...

Just for a moment, the witch holding the long whip shook her hands and waved the long whip like a snake. Nalan's body that fell to the ground was directly pulled high in the sky, and then she was violently pulled down...


With a loud explosion, it was as if a bomb had been thrown on the ground. Nalan smashed the stone floor to pieces, but the witch holding a whip did not smile at all.

Because Nalan didn't fall to the ground, but steadily landed on the ground with his feet and one hand supporting him, and the ground had been knocked out of three holes.

Nalan's other hand once again held the long whip tightly. Slowly, Nalan raised her head. There was a hollow in her eyes, muttering, Nalan looked at the witch with amazement and said :"Kill you". ..

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