God Prohibitions

Chapter 842: bet

The contract lit up, and the names of Robben and Nalan turned into deep burnt black marks and sunk into the paper, and the contract was established.

  \"Master" Nalan jumped up in excitement, put his arms around, and smiled extremely happily on Robben's neck.

  \"Nalan, is this really okay?" Robben asked softly.

  Nalan stared into Robben's eyes and said puzzledly: "What's the matter, master, doesn't the master want to be Nalan's master? In that case... Nalan won't agree."

Robben smiled helplessly: \"I mean the law of the devil world. I think the purpose of this rule is to prevent the witch guardian from changing her correct view of herself because of the master’s will, even if the law is true. It's a loophole, but this is also against the original intent of the law."

Nalan chuckled and jumped to the ground, with his hands on his hips making a face, and said in the same tone as the chief guard: "Nalan, you have to understand that the law of the devil world is the will of the demon **** and the black emperor. Changes and violations, I hope you will keep this in mind. As a chief guard, you should set an example and not violate the law at all."

After speaking, Nalan smiled openly: \"Look, master, the law cannot be changed. Nalan also strictly follows the law, um... Nalan is really responsible, um..." Nalan points I started to praise myself very contentedly.

   Can you really be a good head guard like this? Seeing Nalan's appearance, Robben felt a little skeptical...

  \"Okay, okay, the contract is signed anyway, the master should stop talking about it, and close the contract. I will go back and report to the chief guard that I have cancelled the contract. Remember to wait for me for dinner."

  Nalan said, she ran away in a hurry.

   Robben patted his head: \"Really energetic..."

Nya chuckled: "I didn't expect that Nalan would become the chief guard in this way. I never thought about it. I just hoped that Nalan could live safely. As an ordinary witch, I always feel My life is like a dream."

Robben took Nia's hand and walked towards the bedroom while holding her and said: "Nia, you are not an ordinary witch, I have never seen a woman like you with such a delicate heart. Get up...all these years thanks to your taking care of it, or else there must be no appearance at all at home, Nalan might have become a wild girl."

Niya could not help but laugh after hearing Robben's words: \"I will only cause trouble to the adults, but Nalan can help the adults in many places, hey? Your lord, this is..." Nya suddenly discovered Robben opened the door of his bedroom and pushed himself in gently.

  \"Okay, you, sick person, go and rest now. I'll make dinner."

  \"How can that work?" Nia immediately showed a look of surprise.

  \"I'm obedient to your master, and now because you contradict the master, you are punished to go to bed to sleep." Robben closed the door directly.

  \"Sir" Niya hurriedly turned around and pulled the door with her hand. Robben knew that she was weak and didn't dare to use force, so she froze here for a while.

\"My lord, I'm just a little weaker now. It won't be a hindrance to doing things in ordinary times. You must know this too. Nya knows that the lord loves Nya, but... when Nya is fine, let her go The kitchen is hard, Nia really can't feel at ease, at least let Nia help."

   Seeing Robben immediately shook her head, Nia gently took Robben's arm with both hands: "My lord, please..."

   Luo Ben felt overwhelmed. This charming woman gently grabbed your arm, and looked at you pitifully with a pair of watery eyes. It was really hard to refuse...

\"Okay, okay...just to help, you can't touch cold water, or take a knife, you know?" Robben felt a little helpless, but he also knows that Nya is recovering very well now, and doing some things is indeed Nothing.

  \"I know your lord" Niya smiled happily.

   This woman... has also begun to learn to pretend to be pitiful... Robben feels helplessly fooled...

   Three days later, Nalan's official appointment was issued to the city of Salast, and the old chief guard officially stepped down. Nalan became the youngest in the history of the devil and the strongest guard in history.

Nalan must leave, and the job of the chief guard is not easy. Most of the time he spends patrolling back and forth between the demon palaces. Robben has long known about this. At that time, when he was in the original demon world, Nalan introduced himself to himself. Some of her schedule.

At the gate of Salast, Nalan's eyes were red, and he was holding Robben for a long time, unwilling to let go. The old guard who was waiting for her to set off sighed helplessly. Now she knew that Nalan was relieved from Robben. After signing the original contract, I immediately signed another contract, but I was unable to do anything. I checked the code. There was indeed no clear stipulation to prevent the chief guard from searching for the owner again. Maybe when the law was enacted, I didn't expect to get it again. The free witch will find her master again...

  \"Master, Nalan is going to leave..." Nalan said softly. Within dozens of minutes, Nalan only said this sentence, many times.

Robben patted Nalan on the shoulder: "The chief guard is still waiting for you. Let's leave for a while. Nalan will see the master soon. After a while, the master will go to the woman's territory and wait for you there. "

  Nalan nodded slowly: \"Um...that's OK, and...the master, don't forget to bring the gifts of this period to Nalan, as the contract is written."


  \"Nalan, let's go." Seeing that the old guard had been at the gate for a long time, he couldn't help but urge.

  Nalan let go of Robben this time, but immediately the circles under his eyes were red again, saving Nia: \"Mother...Nalan is leaving first..."

   The chief bodyguard can only sigh, mother and daughter are parting, there really is no reason to step forward and disturb.

   Robben was a little touched. Although it was only a short time apart, it was the first time Nalan took the initiative to leave himself since he came to this world.

   After talking with Niya for a long time, Nalan reluctantly let go, turned and walked to the old guard.

The old guard finally breathed a sigh of relief, and smiled and said to Robben, Nia and Meriya: "The patriarch, Mr. Robben, and Ms. Nia, don't worry, I will take care of Nalan, the witch clan With such a powerful clansman coming forward to serve as the chief guard, I am full of hope for the future, and everyone does not have to feel sad. We will have many opportunities to meet in the future."

Nia wept silently and didn't speak.As the master here, Meriya and the old guard commanded a few words of kindness, which is the end of the see-off. Nalan followed the guard and some entourages turned and left, and walked nearby. Away from the dedicated teleportation array of the city.

\"Hey...this city is much quieter now, um...or a lot lonely." Robben turned around, behind him, Bazaar and other witches, and then back, there are countless Sa Residents of Rust.

Nalan's departure caused a great sensation in the city. One was because of the birth of a new chief guard, and second, because in these years, Nalan was really the first witch in the city to be able to toss. , Now that the quirky witch has left, Saraster suddenly seemed a little less energetic.

Robben looked up at the sky, the light and dark halo still flickering slowly, and he smiled and said: "Everyone, go back and do whatever you should do. Nalan walked out here with us, we... …Bless her"

One year later.

Robben was standing in front of a window in the side hall of the magnificent palace. Through the window, he could see the swimming fish in the small pool in the flower bed outside. From a distance, it seemed that it could still come occasionally. Some sounds of playing football.

Robben had to sigh that if the daughter of Queen Biress was taken to Hyundai, she would definitely be a 24K pure gold fan. Year after year, the Queen's enthusiasm for football has not diminished in the slightest, on the contrary, it seems to be still There is an even higher trend, and more and more investment in football.

   In the meeting just now, there were many attendants and her subordinates around. Of course, she couldn’t walk over to enjoy the tender country. Under such a public occasion, the Queen even wanted to discuss football issues by herself...

   Robben was thinking while waiting.

Not long after, there was a rush of footsteps outside the door of this small side hall, or simply the sound of running, running in the corridors of the magic palace. This kind of thing will never be allowed. Except for emergencies, this behavior is always regarded as disrespectful or hostile to the devil.

   However, the guard outside the door did not respond, and still stood there upright.

  \"Master" eagerly called, Robben turned around, the door had been pushed open, and a figure wrapped in a fragrant wind rushed into Robben's arms.

   Familiar feeling... With such a warm and real feeling, Robben hugged the beauty in his arms a little greedily, and for a moment the faint anxiety of the past year vanished into nothing.

  \"Hehe...Nalan, something has changed," Robben gently lifted Nalan's face and said with a chuckle.

  Nalan's mouth was flat, and she looked like she was about to cry: \"The master hasn't come to see Nalan for a year...Is it because Nalan is no longer needed..."

  \"Say some silly things." Luo Ben kissed Nalan's forehead and hugged Nalan in his arms again, enjoying the tenderness that he felt cherished after a year.

  \"Cough..." A soft cough suddenly came from behind Nalan.

   Robben had noticed it a long time ago, and the old head guard followed Nalan's feet and feet in.

  Nalan turned his head slightly, but before his gaze was turned, he stubbornly turned his head away and hid it directly in Robben’s arms, muttering: \"Don't worry about me today..."

Robben looked at the old chief guard apologetically, and didn't mean to let go. Originally, he wanted to take Nalan to find a quiet place to talk after Nalan came, but he didn't expect the old chief guard to also come. This is really... …

I originally planned to go to Queen Biris to get those witches' training books soon, and wait for Nalan by the way, but Nalan, who just took office, was strictly required by the old guard, and the tour in the magic palace should be arranged according to the schedule. If you count it, it will take nearly a year to come to Queen Biris’s magic palace, which makes Robben very helpless.

This year, I didn't meet with Nalan, but communicated with each other. Nalan's letter almost expressed the hardship and tiredness of the chief guard's work, tired... and wanted to come back, but Robben understood that this It shows that Nalan is working hard to adapt to the job of the head of the bodyguard, and Nalan will never escape back like a loser. This is the way she chose to survive [Eternal Life], in the letter... just with herself Just acting like a baby.

  \"Nalan...next time, you must not run in the corridor, this kind of influence is very bad." Seeing that Nalan seems to be no longer obedient today, the old guard also sighed helplessly.

  \"I know...not next time"

   When the old guard's tone was calmer, Nalan immediately replied obediently.

   shook his head, and the old head guard reminded: \"We will select the last batch of guards here in a while, don't be too late..."

  \"Hmm" Nalan nodded hurriedly.

  The old head guard had no choice but to hope that his words would be useful, and he also understood that he was embarrassing the two young people here, so he had to turn around and leave.

  As soon as the old guard left, Nalan immediately began to complain to Robben: "Master...Do you know that Nalan has worked hard?"

  \"Hmm, I know"

  \"Nalan wakes up early and goes to bed late every day"

\"Yeah. I know"

  \"No one is holding by the owner"


  \"Also prevented an attack on the magic palace, that guy is so big, the ceiling is as high as here"

  \"Well, I also know"

  \"Nalan meets a lot of strange witches every day. I haven't seen them before, and I don't even know their existence. They are actually warriors independent of the patriarch's jurisdiction."

\"Yeah. I know"

  Nalan pursed her lips in dissatisfaction: "The master knows everything."

Robben laughed and squeezed Nalan’s nose: \"You wrote it all in the letter. It has only been less than a year, and your letter has been packed in a drawer. Nya writes every day. The main task has changed from taking care of home affairs to reading your letter."

Nalan laughed happily: \"The master is not there, the mother is not there, Bazaar and the others are not, the patriarch is not there, every day only the teacher is with me, and he always takes care of me, so bored and suffocated. Everyone really doesn’t know what to do when writing letters."

Robben smiled, looking at Nalan's face, he felt more and more in his heart, although it was only a year, but Nalan's change [天珠变] was very obvious, and the corners of his eyebrows were the same. The strange look of the elf has faded a lot, replaced by a dignified heroic spirit. It seems that this year, Nalan has worked very hard and has cultivated the basic guard style.

  \"The master knew that you were very hard and busy, so he didn't specifically visit you, thinking about when you are no longer a rookie chief guard and then go to see how mature you are."

  Nalan grimace at Robben: \"It’s true...Is it true that I have forgotten Nalan after a year, and I don’t ask about Nalan’s situation in the letter."

  \"Your information is being passed from Merial to my ears anytime, anywhere, even the owner knows that when I first went there, I was hungry because I was not used to eating."

  Nalan's face flushed immediately, and he stared: "How does the master know everything"

  \"Because it is the master"

  Nalan smiled happily like a kitten.

   Suddenly, Nalan thought of something and said: \"By the way, the master, we will go there for a while and have to select the last group of guards here. If it is too late, the teacher will have to be long-winded again."

  \"The chief guard must be strict with you, you don't look like you can honestly call someone a teacher." Robben couldn't help but joke when he saw Nalan's guarded look.

  Nalan wrinkled her nose: \"The master knows too much, alright, let’s go, but it took me a long time to find a suitable excuse to bring them."

  \"They?" Robben couldn't help but wonder when Nalan said this word several times.

  \"Hmm" are the witches mentioned by the master. They are really amazing. Of course, they are not Nalan's opponents." Nalan smiled triumphantly, and ran out with Robben.

  \"Nalan, you call them over now, are you a little anxious." Robben felt a bit too hasty now.

\"It’s okay, they are now my direct subordinates, and they act in full accordance with my orders, as long as they are not very outrageous, there is no problem at all." Nalan confidently signed the ticket, pulling Robben quickly in the magic palace. As the guards shuttled back and forth in the complicated corridors, the guards naturally recognized that this was the chief guard, and the guy who was also the master of the chief guard in the legend. The two people flying in the corridor were all treated as air, and they were invisible...

   Seven turns and eight turns, Nalan finally stopped.

This is a relatively remote small corridor. At the end is an abandoned storage room. Almost no one will come here. Even the magic light source spar on the wall has been removed. Compared with other places, it looks light. very dark.

   In this dim light, standing four demons, all in tight black clothes, with their hair upright hidden in their clothes, all of them were witches.

  \"Adult" The four witches saluted as soon as they saw Nalan.

\"Get up" Nalan said casually, and when the four witches all stood up and said to Robben: \"This is my master... Robben believes that you have all seen the influence of this face countless times. No, I don’t need to introduce more."

\"We naturally recognize a strong fighter like Mr. Robben. Although it is better not to meet each other, it is an honor to be able to see Mr. Robben’s true body." The one standing in the front of the four witches Speaking, none of the other three said anything.

  Nalan snickered and whispered to Robben: \"Look, master, your name is so loud."

   Robben is helpless, this voice is absolutely impossible not to be heard by these four witches...

  \"My lord, you said that this time we have an important task assigned to us, and it must be in the magic palace, I don’t know...is it related to Mr. Robben?"

  Nalan smiled: \"Smart calls you to come this time, in fact, the master wants to see you, some things need your help."

Robben was sensitively aware that as soon as Nalan said these words, the surrounding atmosphere immediately changed a bit.The eyes of the witches seemed to glance at him quickly at the same time, and then all of them were taken back. .

The first witch said: "My lord, please be forgiving, I think this may be a bit unruly, Mr. Robben is... even if you are your master, but he is not our clan, he said to help this kind of thing, It doesn’t seem to be what we should do either."

   The tone of the witch's words was a little tough, and she was obviously dissatisfied with Nalan's obvious conduct for personal gain.

Nalan was not angry at all because of the witch's tone, just nodded: \"It is true. Your task is to stand up when the witch clan needs you most. I really shouldn't find you for other things, but Well, there is no such rule, right, and now that you are my subordinates, my words are equivalent to orders, and what the master means is what I mean. I think you will not disobey, right?"

   This is even more naked for personal gain... Robben couldn't help blushing when he stood there.

   was silent for a while, and the leading witch replied softly: "The execution of the adult's order is the whole meaning of our existence. Naturally, we will not resist orders."

  Nalan smiled happily: \"Look, master, I'm right."

   Robben raised his hand and poked Nalan’s forehead: \"You...you are fooling around..."

  \"What's wrong..." Nalan pouted.

Robben ignored Nalan, and turned to the four witches who apparently showed hostility to him when he poked Nalan’s forehead, and said: "Don’t get me wrong, I’m not trying to gain any benefits for personal gain, neither I have to force you to say that if this matter is not suitable for you, you can totally refuse it.

  \"I think that everything is beyond our duties, but...if an adult gives an order, we will carry it out seriously." The witch at the front had a hard tone.

  Roben sighed in his heart, these secret powers hidden in the darkness are always so difficult to discuss and speak.

  \"Well, then please put aside the interference of your great chief guard's command factor first, and tell you directly whether you want to do this thing or not, so that's it."

  \"Mr. Robben, please speak."

\"Well, it is like this. A long time ago, I knew that in addition to the secret spy reports owned by the patriarch, there is a power like you that is in the hands of the chief guard. It can be said that the patriarch manages the clan All things and information, and you are specifically responsible for fighting."

  \"I can't determine where Mr. Robben got this information, but I doubt its correctness." The leading witch still spoke bluntly.

Robben scratched his head a bit. This witch is really hard bones. Now the witch patriarch is his wife, and the witch chief guard is her contract witch. There is nothing under the witch clan that he does not know. This witch should know this. But it was science who denied what he said...I really didn't cooperate at all...

\"Well, I'll just talk about my request..." Robben knew that everything else he said was nonsense, \"You should all know that I am now in Salast City, mainly responsible for the training of the witch, Although the situation has been solemnly for many years, and I have also made some efforts and improvements in training, but...I am a foreign race after all. I can’t understand your witch’s fighting philosophy as profound as your own, especially you powerful ones. , The understanding of warriors who often wander on the edge of death, so I would like to invite you to teach my students combat skills as special instructors."

  \"Can I refuse?" After thinking for a while, the magic girl in front responded hard to Robben.

   Luo Ben’s face is slightly stiff, this is really a simple answer...

  \"Of course, I said this is just an invitation, not a force."

  \"I wonder if we refuse" the witch answered without hesitation.

  \"White Beast" Nalan couldn't help but sip softly. There was displeasure in his voice.

  \"It's an adult, I'm waiting for your order." The witch called the white beast immediately lowered her head.


   Luo Ben said the name silently in his heart, thinking it should be a code name, not a real name.

After waved to Nalan and told Nalan not to interrupt, Robben continued: \"Well, if you don't want it, I won't force you, but can you tell me why you don't accept it far? I think that although you take the execution of orders as your first priority, you must take the interests of the Witch Clan as your highest interest. You seem to have no reason to refuse this invitation."

\"That's not our duty..." The white beast who was talking in front paused for a while, and then continued: \"Even if we were to be instructors, it was useless at all. The witch already has countless instructors, and our participation is meaningless. , And there will be no more powerful witches because of our joining. Now the strength development of witches is at the limit. As us, performing our tasks is the greatest support for the witches."

  \"Oh...that's it" Robben understood in his heart, it's easier to handle

\"But... I think you should also know that among my students, there have been many witches whose combat power is much higher than the average witch, and the one hundred and fifty witches I carefully cultivated have shown quite amazing strength. The most obvious example of progress is right in front of him." Robben stretched out his hand and put Nalan in front of him, \"Your bodyguard is the most successful one."

\"I think I have found some ways to break through the limits of the witch’s strength you mentioned, but I may need more help because I am not a witch, and I don’t know how you most mysterious and powerful witches fought. , I think that with your help, my progress will be much faster. This is the purpose of my coming to you today. I think... my statement is completely possible. Those witches may be breaking through a boundary. Now... They need a kind of strong guidance, and I... don't have that ability, no witch I know of, but you... can"

  \"Mr. Robben, I deeply respect your feelings and actions for the sake of the witch clan, but... you cannot prove that your words will become facts, and we have no basis to believe."

\"The facts have not yet appeared. The so-called realization and unrealization are still in the future. Naturally, I cannot guarantee anything, and no one can guarantee it, but I already have good conditions to create the facts I hope to get, right? Only now...I need help and need your help"

   Several witches were silent.

You Xi Luo Ben's heart is bright, if you want to invite these witches back to be instructors, you can't use force, and you can't order them. They must make themselves believe that what they do is meaningful, so as to ensure that they can fight. The method is completely taught to the little witches. If they are not willing, then the effect of being an instructor will be greatly reduced.

Robben struck while the iron was hot and said: \"I understand your doubts, but I just ask you to believe it. This will not take up too much of your time. You can only come twice a month. If you have a task If you can’t come, then it will be postponed to next month. You can wear the veil when you teach. No one will see your face. I will ask someone to **** you on the way back and forth to ensure your identity and life safety. The professor lasts for half a day. In other words, you only need to spare one day every thirty days, and I only want this one day. I hope you can help me."

\"If I can't see the results in a year, I will give up, which means that you may end this matter as long as you spend twelve days." Seeing a few witches and still hesitating, Robben added one more condition.

  \"Well, if the head guard arranges the time, we will go and we will definitely complete the task." The witch called the white beast finally let go.

   Luo Ben finally felt relieved, these witches are really hard to ask...

  Nalan smiled satisfied: \"Okay, then I will convey the latest order to the four of you now"

  \"Yes" The four witches all knelt down on one knee.

  \"Your command will be completely handed over to my master within one year, which is the control of Mr. Robben in your mouth, and cooperate with all the requirements of Mr. Robben without error."


   Now, finally, there are four elite-level instructors, and Robben is happy.

It has been agreed that starting next month, the four witches will take turns to come to Salast to follow Robben's command. Although Naren said that the command for the next year will be given to Robben, Robben I can't break my promise. What I said before must count. In fact, Robben really wants to keep these four witches in Salast for a year, but think about it, it's better to take it slowly. If it is really effective, these few A witch will stay on her own.

Coming out of the dark little corridor, Robben and Nalan were talking and laughing. Nalan obviously forgot to select the last batch of witch guards. Of course, Robben didn't have any. Pay attention to this matter.

   It wasn't until a waitress appeared in front of Robben and Nalan that Robben and Nalan realized that they seemed to have been in the magic palace for several laps like tourists...

\"Mr. Robben, the Queen, please." It can be seen that this waitress should have been looking for Robben for a long time, but Robben and Nalan have been walking around. This physical strength is not very good. There are already fine beads of sweat.

  Nalan frowned immediately: \"That **** woman again"

Nalan's voice was not deliberately lowered. The maid who came to Robben immediately acted on the spot, her eyes widened, and she looked at Nalan in an unbelievable manner, thinking: this...this How dare the witch scold the Queen?

   Robben was shocked, and hurriedly pulled Nalan’s arm: \"Nalan, say something without brainstorming."

  \"This seems to be honest, doesn't the master say to be kind? Telling the truth is a kind of kindness..." Nalan didn't take it seriously, and shook his head and talked about Robben's previous words.

\"My little ancestor..." Robben hurriedly pulled Nalan aside, fearing that Nalan would say something earth-shattering, \"Nalan, you are now the chief guard, so many eyes are looking at you. Words and deeds cannot be as casual as before. What you just said is enough to kill you." Robben's expression was very serious.

  Nalan snickered: \"Why are you so serious expression...There is a master, what is Nalan afraid of..."

  \"I'm afraid that you will even pay the master and I..." Robben knocked Nalan on the head.

\"That **** woman didn’t know how to play football all day, and obeyed the master’s words. I think she almost jumped onto the master’s bed in exchange for the master’s new idea. The master said something, Nalan would be fine... …"

  Roben felt weak in his heart. Nalan really dared to say anything. If these words were spread, without the special relationship between himself and Queen Biress, I am afraid that as the master of Nalan, he would be even punished.

  \"My sister-in-law, grandma, you don't want to live anymore"

  Nalan was not in a hurry, and giggled as he looked at Robben: \"Why did that woman always pester her master, so annoying..."

   Luo Ben was about to say something, and suddenly one corner of his eye, because at the corner of the corridor in front, the old head guard turned around quickly with a dark face, and saw that he and Nalan were here, and he immediately came to this side.

  \"Uh... Nalan seems... you have to select the last batch of witch guards, right?"

   Nalan Qiao Xiaoyan's face suddenly froze, and quickly turned into a bitter face: \"Ah...the teacher is going to scold me again."

  \"Hmm...she's already here." Robben caught Nalan's face with both hands, and turned her head over, Nalan's expression was instantly wonderful.

Turning his head fiercely, grabbing Robben's hand, Nalan quickly said loudly: "Master, it really doesn't work, I have to select the last batch of witch guards, I can't accompany you anymore, otherwise the teacher will wait I'm anxious, master, let me go."

  Roben opened his mouth wide, staring at Nalan holding his hand, swaying his body against the teacher illegally, as if he was holding Nalan not letting her go while Nalan was pushing herself gently.

  \"Let’s see you later, Master." Nalan finally let go of Robben’s hand, took a few steps back quickly, then turned around, and said with a surprised expression: "Teacher, you are here just right, I am going to find you"

   Then Nalan kindly went over and hugged the old chief guard's arm and almost pulled the old chief guard away...

   Really... Really... Is this also some kind of strategy that I learned after becoming the head of the guard?

  The maid not far away finally came forward at this time and said to Robben in a low voice: "Mr. Robben, the Queen...Please go over and watch the game, the game is about to begin..."


Queen Biress built a huge football stadium comparable to the scale of the magic palace in her own hometown. This stadium is dedicated to holding a large-scale football game once a month. There are 100,000 seats around it, and with ingenious techniques With the help of powerful magic, it looks like a volley to build a nine-story box seat. Not counting the 100,000 seats below, Queen Biress once smiled very proudly and revealed to Robben that every game is just this. The income of the box seats is more than ten times higher than the cost of holding a ball game.In other words, Queen Biress will make a lot of money for this single game every month. Robben also learned that these boxes In fact, it is more open to the wealthy demons in other places.

   This bad woman... I don't know how much money has been hacked for so many years.

   The private box used by Queen Biris has nothing within a hundred meters of the top floor. It is a special box stand built entirely by magic.

The box is like a comfortable living room. The completely one-way transparent window in the front is very well lit. There are two comfortable soft chairs, a small table in the middle, and a dark compartment under the table. Good wine, and a soft bed.

   When Robben came here, Queen Biress was holding a wine glass and drinking herself. Through the one-way transparent window, she could see that preparations had already begun on the field and the game was about to start.

  \"Ah doctor [super doctor recommends reading this book] You are too slow..." Queen Biris complained softly.

\"My Queen, are you waiting?" Robben walked forward with a smile, picked up this charming woman, sat in her original seat, and laid her on his lap. on.

  Queen Biress giggled: "Doctor [Super doctor recommends reading this book], is it that the little witch who is reluctant to bear with you, has been warm for a while before coming?"

\"Nothing can't hide from your eyes." Robben gently pinched the corner of the wine glass in Queen Biris's hand, poured the wine into his mouth, and reached into Bi who was wearing a large silk robe. Queen Reese wanders in her clothes.

This box is actually the place where Robben and Queen Biress had an open rendezvous. Everyone knows that Mr. Robben invented football and got the queen's special attention. The last time he defeated Renate, the queen made the outsider respect the outsider. Every time this Mr. Robben comes, he will be invited to watch the game in his box~www.readwn.com~ This is definitely an honor

   It’s just that no one will know what will happen in the box...

  Queen Biress squinted her eyes with enjoyment, and said softly: "Even after a year of separation, I still miss her so much, haha... By the way, your little witches, how are you doing?"

Robben stopped his hand immediately, frowned and said: "My Lady Queen, do you have more practice books? Those books are indeed useful, but they are all very old. There are some ancient magic texts and the magic texts we use now. There are many differences, and it is a little difficult to translate, and there can be no mistakes in the practice of this kind of thing. Moreover, the cultivation methods recorded in those classics are quite different from the current cultivation methods of the witch. We dare not try rashly. I think... ...Is there something easy to understand."

\"Then I will look for it again, but this is a very hard job. Why don't we make a bet. If you win, I will look for it. If you lose, stay with me for a few more days. ."

  \"Hmm...My Queen, it seems that I take advantage of it."

  \"Ahahaha..." Queen Biress laughed loudly,\"Doctor [Super Doctor recommended reading this book], this time...maybe a little different." ..

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