God Prohibitions

Chapter 853: Meet mother and daughter

Robben thinks he has to tell Paris something now. The woman's ability to contact some things that seem to be irrelevant and then infer the result makes Robben a little speechless.

   Robben didn't tell Paris who was supporting him behind his back, but since Paris had guessed that it was either the Black Emperor or the Demon King, there was no difference between saying it or not.

   Paris was not overly surprised when she learned that the witch clan was now blessed with a seal to limit the growth of her power, but she couldn't help being shocked when she learned that this method of removing the seal had been lost.

\"How is this possible, how can such an important thing be said to be forgotten and then forgotten, it is impossible to leave the seed of the witch, that is to enable this power when necessary in the future, how can you forget the method of opening the seal? "

   Robben smiled bitterly: \"I know you are surprised, and I was surprised when I knew it, but that is the case, otherwise you think I'm wasting time here for so long."

  \"Hmph is almost a waste of time, I think those witches are useless now."

Robben didn’t care about Paris’s run. He just said with a smile:\"Yes, I’ve been here for so long, but there is not much effect, so I found you this time. Isn't this clear?"

Robben rubbed his hands and said: "You don't have to worry about the rest too much. What you do will definitely help the Witch Race. This is the same as my purpose. I think you will be satisfied too? "

  Paris slowly inhaled, and said: \"Probably...but it's still weird. Maybe it is indeed that the method of opening the seal has been lost, but...is it really because of lack of power that I intend to use the power of the witch?

  \"When is the next war between gods and demons...when?"

   Robben is helpless, this woman has a sensitive sense of smell that is almost exaggerated.

  \"I don’t know when the next war between gods and demons will be, but... it won’t be far away..."

\"Sure enough..." Paris couldn't help but shook her head.\"It seems that the situation of our demons is not optimistic at all...Okay, I will give my best. If this time the war of the demons, our witches can make wonderful achievements. ,we……"

  Paris started to get excited again: \"We Witch Clan may have new hope."

   These witches... really always have the same idea...

  \"Well, I will arrange for you to meet with more witch students soon."

Paris started her instructor career in Salast, which was a good thing, but Robben was somewhat dissatisfied that the time for Nia's appearance was getting shorter and shorter, and then Paris had a lot of things to do. Busy, Nia only shows up occasionally at night. Sometimes Paris is like a workaholic, sorting out materials all day long, and Nia has no chance to appear...

In the end, Robben had to reach a treaty with Paris, that is, no matter what, no matter how busy, Nia will appear in full at least the next day. Paris is very dissatisfied with Robben's condition. Even persuaded Robben not to do this, but in the end, with Robben's insistence, Paris still reluctantly agreed.

In the Witch Academy, a new course was opened, that is, the learning of new magic and knowledge. This course was initially only opened among the 150 witches carefully cultivated by Robben, and it has been implemented for a period of time. After that, it was completely open to the whole college.

On the large playground of the college, a huge platform was built, on which a white curtain was assumed.Paris was wearing the same clothes as the white beasts, with a veil, and using her unique cold and yet magical projection. The arrogant voice was teaching the witches of the whole college at the same time. A few months passed, and no one suspected that Paris was Nya.

   Today is another busy day.

The witches felt exhausted physically and mentally, because in the morning the white beast instructor came again. After tossing the group of already nervous and tough witch students, in the afternoon, the more terrifying Paris instructor came again. When I arrived at the Witch Academy, her indifferent voice that could despise you as a bug once again stimulated the nerves of the witches...

\"Unexpectedly, the endurance of these useless witches is the only desirable place. They are extremely exhausted, but they are still extremely serious, wanting to learn knowledge and magic from me, and we used to... This is really ironic "

   In Robben’s villa, Paris was cooking at the table and eating food that Robben made himself.

\"These only desirable places are where the witches are strong now, and speaking, all the witches are very surprised. They did not expect that there is such a wonderful magic and knowledge in the witch clan, although they are a little afraid of you , But... I am very interested in the knowledge you teach. Almost every day, witches come to me to confirm the knowledge you said."

  Paris frowned: \"Looking for you?"

  Roben nodded: \"What's wrong? Is there anything weird about this? I've heard all the things you said carefully."

  \"Do you understand?" Paris is not without arrogance.

  \"Very simple" Robben is not to be outdone.

\"Heh...That’s really congratulations. I just don’t know when you can understand it. Now these are just some basic knowledge. I find that what the witches are learning is completely useless, even if they have learned so deeply. There will not be much development. In the future, I think many witches will be puzzled. Many witches will start to appear incomprehensible. At that time, there will be a difference between superior and inferior. I hope that by that time... You can still answer the doubts of those witches."

\"I will work hard"

Paris was holding a spoon in her hand and propped her chin, with a look of doubt on her face: "Why are those witches looking for you? I have given them enough while teaching these magic and knowledge. Question Time"

  \"But isn’t that no one asks?"

  \"This is the stranger place"

   Robben rolled his eyes: "You are like a piece of ice for ten thousand years. Who dares to ask you questions?"

  \"Hmph, if these things can’t be understood well, it’s just a waste. There is no way to become my ideal witch warrior. I can only blame them for their incompetence, not me.”

   Robben casually dealt with: \"Yes...yes, no one blames you, you just need to be responsible for teaching knowledge, and I will try to fill you up."

  \"Hum" Paris snorted coldly, stood up and left.

  \"Hey, in Nia's time, don’t go too far. Hey...what is your attitude?"

  Paris left without a word, Robben scratched his head: \"This difficult woman."

   This situation did not last long, and a major incident occurred.

   Robben happened to have something that day and didn't go to Paris's class. When Robben Street news, Paris had already yelled in front of the witches of the whole academy for half an hour.

   When Robben dragged Paris from the podium to a small office in the academy, Paris was already so angry and his eyes were red.

   placed a silent barrier around, Robben was relieved, and said helplessly: \"I said what is wrong with you, didn't you say that you should solve the problem calmly no matter what?"

  \"It's just...it's just...it's just..." Paris was shaking all over, clenching her fists tightly.

   Robben poured a glass of water for Paris: "Okay, what's the matter? What makes you so excited."

Paris took off the veil, took a few big breaths, and gradually calmed down. She rubbed her face with her hands, and slowly said: \"Sorry...I overreacted, these Things... should have been thought of long ago."

   Seeing Paris calm down, Robben smiled: \"Okay, let's talk about it, what's going on."

  \"Today...I started to explain some specific applications of magic. This is the first time... But I discovered something that shocked me very much."

\"whats the matter?"

  \"I found that these witches...no, they are the current witches... they actually don’t use magic at all."

   Robben was taken aback: "What? You said... They don't use magic? What does that mean? They use magic all the time."

\"Yes... they are indeed using some magic now, but... that is not our witch’s magic, these witches... they have never learned witch’s magic, they... completely ignorant Under the circumstances of love, he deviated from the magic that the witch is most proud of, and went astray. Now the so-called spiritual magic is not even part of the magic of the witch at all..."

   Hugging her head, Paris looked a little tired: "These idiots are studying everything so seriously. I said they don't know how to be magical, but they dare to argue with me, idiot... poor idiot."

Robben sighed: \"There is actually such a thing, I may never find this, thanks to you, really lucky, then... you can definitely give them the complete magic that belongs to your witch, right? "

Leaning down on the chair, Paris murmured: "This is more difficult than I thought. There are too many difficulties...There is no good time, no good conditions, and there are many more difficulties. Obstacle... My life has passed halfway, and the resurrection will not extend my life. In the remaining time..."

  \"I feel scared... Maybe when my soul falls into hell, I can't do anything..."

   Robben said puzzledly: "What exactly do you mean by those difficulties? Although I don't have the expert knowledge of witches like you, I have rights and some conditions in my hands. I can help you."

Paris snorted coldly: "These are not things you can help, because the problem I found is at the root. I found that there is a fundamental problem in the way the witches use mental power. This problem The existence of will affect everything about the witches."

  \"How to use mental power?"

\"Yes, that is, for the use of spiritual power, our witch can use a very special, simpler, more concise and more efficient way than ordinary magic to mobilize spiritual power because of our talent. This is our witch uses a powerful soul The basic conditions of magic, but...it's a pity, although this method is similar to the usual way of using mental power, the difference in the future magical practice caused by this difference is very huge...so big... The way to make up for..."

   Robben said strangely: \"Then you just leave them to the correct way to use it."

  \"Stupid" Paris yelled unceremoniously,\"If it were that simple, would I still be like this?"

After taking a breath, Paris continued: "First of all, the difference between the two methods of using mental power is not that big. Once a habit is formed, it is quite difficult, even impossible, to change it. Even if you learn a new method of use, the two methods will still be confused because of the too similar use methods, which will cause quite serious consequences, and even the magic will backfire."

Robben understands that if this is the case, then he can only teach from a witch who has not learned magic, but it takes a long time to wait for such a witch to learn and become an excellent warrior, Paris For this reason, I feel the urgency of time, and... If this group of newly grown fighters cannot participate in this war of Gods and Demons in time, then the revival of the Witch Clan will be greatly delayed.

\"But I also thought of a strange thing." Paris suddenly raised her head and looked at Robben, \"Just yesterday, I found out when I was in class with your lawless little witch, Although the way they use magic is very random, but the direction is based on the spiritual power of our witch clan. I thought they just lacked the correct guidance and complete knowledge, but I did not expect... other witches. I can’t even use the most basic mental power."

   Robben was surprised.

Paris stared at Robben and asked: "Can you tell me why the one hundred and fifty witches have this situation, and... only they have this situation, I think you can't be ignorant. ?"

   Robben touched his head: \"This...their mental power cultivation is under my guidance..."

  \"You?" Paris's eyes were almost staring at Robben.

  \"Don’t be so surprised."

   After being surprised, Paris's eyes showed anger for a moment, and she violently stepped forward and grabbed Robben by the collar. The weak woman actually pulled Robben from the chair.

  Paris gritted her teeth and said: "Why do you **** only teach them? Why? What about other witches? Why don't you care about other witches? Why???"

   Robben really did not expect such a result, and said comfortingly: "Don't get excited, listen to me slowly, sit down first, sit down..."

  Paris let go of Robben angrily, sitting down with an unacceptable look on his face.

Robben said helplessly: "Actually...I have also promoted this way of using mental power on a large scale. In the city of Gasoline I have stayed in before, in Morro City, here, I have used it on a large scale. I have promoted it, because I found that the use of such mental power is better, smoother and faster. I discovered this problem a hundred years ago. The witches around me, you have seen, Bazaar and others use it This method uses mental power, but soon after it was widely promoted, I found a problem."

\"what is the problem?"

\"First of all, as you said, it is very difficult for those witches who already have mature methods of using mental power to change. These practice methods can only be promoted among untrained witches. , But... I only have one person, and the witch instructor who usually teaches them... does not use mental power in this way, which causes a lot of trouble."

\"And for many years, the witches have also formed a set of self-made training methods. Although I have carried out many reforms, some fundamental things have not been able to compete with these years of system experience, so in the end I also I have to give up, but the witches that I have been responsible for personally instructing have always used this method for cultivation. The witches you taught are what I taught since I was a little girl."

  Paris looked at Robben silently, and finally closed her eyes with infinite regret and leaned back on the chair. For a moment, her whole body seemed to lose all strength.

  For a long time, Paris asked slowly: \"Then...how did you get this kind of cultivation method? Did you find the ancient books of the Witch Clan or what?"

  \"Uh...this...I researched it myself... I think this would be better, so..."

  \"What?" Paris opened her eyes again and looked at Robben in astonishment again.

  \"You... don't be so surprised..."

  Paris stood up and walked to Robben, staring at Robben up and down: \"You...what you researched by yourself... think it is correct?"


  Paris rubbed her forehead, grabbed her hair, stared at Robben, and suddenly went up and grabbed Robben by the collar: \"Is this all true?"

  \"What did I lie to you for?" Robben was very innocent.

\"Damn..." Paris let go of Robben, and rubbed her face again.\"The unique way of using our witch clan’s mental power is unexpectedly... it will be researched by a foreigner... and only because That's right. It's just... forget it, forget it..."

  Paris turned around a bit nervously, and then sat down again: \"Then... Then tell me, how many witches and how many are still using this mental power use method now..."

\"Hmm... you have all seen them. In addition to the witches you taught, there are Bazaars who are now in charge of some daily affairs in Salast City, these young ones, they started very early. The witches who follow me, they all use this method of mental power."

  \"Too little...too little..." Paris seemed to cry without tears...

\"Oh, by the way, there is another one you haven’t seen before. She is named Nalan. She is the current head of the witch’s guard. She is responsible for guarding the Devil’s Palace. She was by my side, but now she spends most of her time All have to work elsewhere and don’t have much time to come back."

Paris took the conversation helplessly: "She is Nia's daughter, the witch you are closest to, I have heard of it, and it is very powerful, but it is just one, too few... or too not enough……"

Robben was helpless. As Paris said, the only people who really use spiritual power in this way are only these two hundred witches. The number of two hundred, if there is no very special ability, then in the war Not an eye-catching power.

\"Well... well, there is better than nothing, and... we can start all over again, this batch of witches must be well protected, in the future... each of them will be witch instructors, to teach other witches, and Now we must make changes, starting from this Witch Academy, no matter how difficult it is, we must let those new witches use new mental power methods to learn, we must"

\"Yes... I didn't expect things to be like this. At the time, I felt that there might not be too many gaps, so I did not insist. If there are good reasons, it is not very difficult to stick to it. I can guarantee that I will start to do this tomorrow."

  Paris thought for a while, and said again: \"Can you...can see the Black Emperor directly?"

   Robben stunned, can this woman guess this?

  \"Can... or not?"

   Robben was silent for a while, then nodded: \"If necessary, you can..."

\"Well, it is not necessary now, but if I feel that I need strong support in the future, I need you to give me quick and powerful help, time... Our time is running out since we have begun to prepare for the power of the witch, the war between gods and demons It must not be far away, we must be before the war, before the war."

Paris is full of worries about the future of the witch clan, and even more so after learning about the current situation of the witch. Every time she shows up, she is frowning. She is often busy all day and does not rest at all. The teaching of magic and knowledge of fifty witches also seemed more devoted.

Robben called Bazaar and the others and began to tell them to follow along with them without fail. Bazaar and the others were naturally very happy. For this witch instructor named Paris, although her temper was terrible, she taught The knowledge of magic is amazing.

  So, days go by...

   Today is a happy day, because Nalan is coming back.

Of course, in addition to being happy, Robben also felt a lot of helplessness in his heart, because Nalan shouldn't have come back, but the witch who was very uncomfortable staying outside took advantage of her authority. Some official duties were cleverly dragged to Saraste to solve it, and it was still necessary to come to see Meriya, the witch patriarch, to solve the problem, so Naren naturally got many days of \"vacation."

  \"I heard that today’s course will be changed to the afternoon, why?"

In the morning, Robben was eating. Paris had already pushed open the door and barged in, with her eyebrows erect. Since the last time, Paris's teaching of the witch is more attentive than Robben, even some Paris would quarrel with Robben about some things...

  \"Um... the noble and elegant witch sacrifices to the soul officer, Ms. Paris, I think you should be polite, and at least polite, do you break into someone else’s room like this..."

  \"Nia said that she would come to your room frequently, and she never needed to notify her in advance." Paris was resigned.

  \"You...not Nia"

  \"That's not the point. What I want to ask is why the course changes time, Robben, I need a reason."

   Robben helplessly put down the chopsticks in his hand and said: "Paris, it's just that time has changed, and nothing will be delayed. What are you doing so nervously?"

  \"Just changed the time?" Paris's eyes widened in anger,\"Indulgence always starts with these humble things. I need my students to observe and be disciplined, which of course includes time"

\"Paris, there will be exceptions to things, this time it is only occasional, don’t you know, Nalan is coming back, Nia must have told you a lot about her, she is in the city The most watched witch has a very good relationship with everyone. Everyone is ready to meet her, so the course is changed."

   It’s okay if Paris doesn’t listen. When Robben said this, she couldn’t help but rushed up with anger: "Just for her, change the time, Robben, can you figure out what is more important?"

Robben took a sip of the porridge: \"Of course..." With a light smile, Robben's face was relaxed, \"Paris, don't you think this is a kind of rare cohesion? These witches around me, They have never been apart for a long time since they started to follow. They are as close as sisters. They share everything about themselves, even their own lives. We are to welcome a part of our life. In comparison, we learn knowledge later. , It's nothing at all."

  \"You..." Paris's fingers trembled.

\"Well... Bazaar and the others must have gone to the gate of the city by now. Except for the necessary things, Nalan doesn't like to walk the teleportation formation. This time it must be back from outside the city. You should also go and see it, although Nalan She is still very young, but she is already the captain of the bodyguard, and...should be one of the most powerful witches in the witch clan now."

  \"Huh is not the same immature."

   At the gate of Salast, a lot of residents have gathered, most of them are witches. Of course, the residents who are not witches are crowded to other places by the vast crowd of witches...

   Today, the great, youngest in history, and the Chief Witch's Guard, who has lived in Salast for many years, is coming back. This makes the residents of the city very excited.

Meriya really doesn't have time. He knows Naran Meriya very well. This guy came back under the banner of office. In fact, he must have come back to play. After receiving this news, Meriya decided not to follow the etiquette of welcoming VIPs. Nalan is now working in the office honestly.

   Although Merial did not send any welcome team, the gate of the city is now full of residents, and everyone is waiting for the return of the witch who used to be noisy in the city.

  \"Look at the sky, everyone" suddenly there was a shout from the crowd, and everyone's eyes immediately raised.

Robben had seen it early. In the sky, several large aerial carriages were coming here at high speed.Although they were far away, Robben could still see clearly. The huge carriage was engraved with the witch's. mark.

   This little girl is still talking about pomp, and actually came back in the air carriage, and Robben couldn't help but mutter.

   The crowd immediately became excited, and even far away, everyone began to shout to the sky. The city that was tossed at the beginning was not peaceful, and the witch who had received countless complaints from Robben now made everyone feel extremely kind.

   The carriages in the sky are getting closer and closer. Everyone can see clearly that there are five carriages flying in line in the sky. Now they have begun to slow down.

\"Everyone pull back and be careful of getting hurt." Robben waved his hands to the residents behind him quickly, because Robben estimated that this car might be controlled by Nalan himself, and it hit the ground and broke into two pieces. Maybe it's not without...

  \"Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom), all five aerial carriages fell to the ground, and the heavy wheels shook the ground.

   Robben waved his hand, and a gust of wind blew away the smoke and dust near the carriage.

   The residents who had just stepped back at the gate of the city rushed up again.

   With a squeak, the carriage door opened, and a black gloved hand supported the carriage door. After that, a face that made everyone slightly uncomfortable appeared in front of everyone.

   is the old chief guard.

   Luo originally knew that the old chief guard would definitely not let Nalan mess around. Even if Nalan brought the official business back here, the old chief guard would definitely follow.

Long ago, Robben felt it. Nalan was in the second carriage from the left, and there was only Nalan in it. It seemed... the carriage was really controlled by her, in the small cab in front spacious……

The old guard, dressed in black and wearing a cloak, walked down with a solemn face and looked at the group of residents at the gate of the city. Robben, Bazaar and others are here, but Meria is not there, and there is nothing. To greet the team, Robben, the real authority of the Witch Clan, did not wear formal clothes, and sighed unconsciously. It seems that these guys completely regarded Nalan's action as going home...

   Before walking to the second carriage, the old chief guard knocked on the door: \"Nalan, come out, pay attention to your image, you are now the chief guard."

   Robben listened to these words word by word, but he couldn't help but laugh secretly in his heart. It seems that Nalan has caused the old head guard to trouble...

The door of the car opened slightly, and a head suddenly came out. A pair of eyes blinked and looked at the direction of the city gate. Robben clearly saw helplessness in the eyes of the old guard, as if he was trying his best to endure it. Reached out and pressed Nalan's head back...

   With a flash, Nalan jumped out of the car.

   The residents at the gate of the city cheered, and suddenly came up.

   However, something went wrong at this time. The doors of several other carriages suddenly opened. A dozen figures jumped down and quickly formed a circle around Nalan and the old guard.

   Everyone was taken aback, but they saw that these were also witches, in black clothes and black pants, with their faces covered and their hair tied behind them.

   Everyone looked at each other, and no one thought that such a situation would happen in this warm welcome.

  Nalan is also dressed in black, similar to that of the old guard, but embroidered with some inexplicable patterns on the coat, looks very serious and somewhat indifferent.

   Looking at the scene in front of him, Nalan frowned, turned around and pulled the old guard chief back a few steps, turned her back, leaned her head and talked to the old guard chief.

   Robben drew his ears and didn't eavesdrop on what Nalan said to the old chief guard, because the content could basically be guessed.

   The old head guard shook his head vigorously. Nalan kept saying something, and finally his voice rose uncontrollably. The two old and new head guards seemed to be arguing.

   For a long time, the old head guard slowly nodded, obviously reluctantly.

Nalan yelled, put his arms around the old guard's neck and said something, then turned around and rushed into his car. It only took half a minute to jump out again, wearing what he was wearing in Salast. The dress I often wear.

  \"Ha~ha~ha" Nalan akimbo her hips, and laughed three times at the stunned residents in front of her.

  \"I Nalan is back again, don't even think about having a quiet life." Nalan's loud voice echoed across the city, and the old guard sighed behind Nalan.

  \"Huo" the residents cheered, and they were all rushed up, completely turning a blind eye to the guards surrounding Nalan.

   Nalan stretched out the guards and trot all the way to Robben. A hungry tiger pounced on Luo himself, holding Robben’s head and laughing.

  \"The pillow on the master's side is not as good as your head, and Nalan can't sleep well even when she sleeps."

   Luo could not help but laugh. He originally thought Nalan would say what she said when she saw him, but it was this. He originally thought Nalan would cry when she saw him. What a surprise...

  \"Nalan, does it look good" Robben was sincerely happy.

  Nalan pouted: \"It's not very busy at all...no one speaks, the food is not delicious, and..."Nalan lowered her voice and was cautious, \"The teacher is fierce..."

  \"Hahaha..." Robben smiled happily.

  Nalan also giggled, and his little mouth pouted: \"Kiss, or Nalan won't enter the city."

Gently kissed Nalan’s lips, but the residents behind still made a huge roar of laughter. Robben laughed: "Tomorrow is the news that the witch guard chief is at the gate of the city. Thousands of residents asked for kisses, hey..."

Nalan stared, the shyness on his face flashed away, and he rushed directly to Luo himself, supporting Robben's shoulder with one hand and **** the other hand and waving at all the residents: \"What's so funny , Hum, is it comfortable after this period of time? This time I'm back, just wait for me, Nalan... or the old Nalan"

  \"Hoo" all the residents laughed louder.

  \"Habasa became beautiful, is there a man chasing you?"

  \"Ah Shimi, what is this? The sterling silver ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh to send me

  \"Oh? Cardina, how did you get your hair? Don't be so stingy, tell me..."

  \"Hahahhhhhhhhhhh? Don’t pull my hair. I just combed it this morning. I combed it for a long time. Tini, you bastard, stop it."

   Seeing his group of sisters again, Nalan looked extremely excited, the city head couldn't help but yelled, and finally Nalan smiled and crooked his mouth and was carried into the city by everyone.

  \"Where’s the master’s mother? Did you prepare food at home again, and what did you prepare?" As soon as he arrived at the city lord’s mansion, Nalan immediately stuck to Robben again, grinning, obviously meaning to drool.

  \"Um...Nalan likes to eat..."

   Before he said what he likes to eat, Nalan's eyes lit up, because a witch in front turned from the aisle in front and walked to the opposite side.


   Nalan yelled and threw out again. Before Robben could speak, Nalan had already hugged the witch, and squeezed her face against the witch's cheek.

  \"Mother, you are so cruel... Nalan doesn't go to see Nalan when he comes back, is he preparing something delicious again, Nalan... eh?"

   Robben patted his forehead. He should have called Nya back. I didn't expect Nya to let Paris move outside at this time. Isn't this woman too great to have a limit...

Nalan looked at the witch in front of him in extreme astonishment, her mouth opened wide, she was completely frightened, but Paris seemed to have seen something incredible, and she looked in front of her with the same expression as Nalan. The witch who rushed to her body recklessly.

   The two witches are almost exactly the same, with the same expressions, and they look very funny.

  \"Really...I'm so sorry, I recognized the wrong person..." Nalan smiled happily, let go of the witch in front of him, and couldn't help rubbing his face.

Although the woman in front of her looks the same, the look on her face and the brilliance in her eyes can't deceive anyone.This witch's eyes carry a kind of indifference and arrogance that is different from other witches~www.mtlnovel. Com~ only wanted to retreat and leave, but Nalan couldn't help but was taken aback again, because the witch who looked exactly like her mother actually grabbed him, and at the same time showed ecstasy on her face.

  \"Who is Robben Robben? This is the Nalan you said, right? This is Nalan?" Paris suddenly yelled.

Robben could not help but cried out. Paris' identity is a secret. Except for himself, only Meriya knows the existence of Paris, and she doesn't know the true origin of Paris, but... Bazaar and the others I don't know the existence of Paris, but I just feel that Nya's performance has sometimes been weird recently, but these have been covered up by Robben. After all, now that Nalan is not there, it is not surprising that Nya misses some.

   But now Niya’s performance has surprised everyone. There is no reason why a mother who misses her daughter day and night does not know her.

   Bazaar and the others suddenly looked strange.

  \"Okay...okay...hey...Nia, look at you, don't you always look like this, OK, now that Nalan is back, you just...be normal." Robben sighed long.

  .. ..

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