God Prohibitions

Chapter 856: Crash

()\"Okay, then you can tell the master now, your little brain has come up with unprepared attention?"

  Nalan habitually hit Robben: \"What is the lack of attention? Nalan can think about it for a long time and then discuss the result with the teacher. []"

   Robben quickly put on a serious face: "Well, what is the result after Nalan thought about it for a long time and then discussed with the teacher?"

  \"Master, you make fun of me" Nalan began to show her teeth and claws.

After laughing for a while, Nalan used his fingers to "comb" Robben's hair and said: "Master, it has been a hundred years since Nalan left. The battle between gods and demons is imminent. Working hard to learn magic and knowledge with Paris, and the strength of the witch on Salast's side has also been amazingly improved, but... there are still some things missing, lack of such things, in the battle between gods and demons, witches are difficult Obtained outstanding feats."

  Nalan said, Robben sighed in his heart, Demon...This **** race with a long life, said two hundred years ago that the battle between the gods and demons is not far away, but until now I haven't seen a single hair of the gods...

  \"What is missing then?"

  Nalan definitely spit out two words: \"Flag——Zhang"

  \"Flag?" Robben didn't understand.

Nalan said with gleaming eyes: "Master, in the current Demon Realm, there is no witch's army organization. The witches are used as temporary organizations to join the various legions as scouts, or some mobile teams, even if they are purely composed of witches. There is also no organization, they are temporarily mobilized, the witch clan...not even a banner on the battlefield."

  \"You mean... I want to form a witch army with a number and banner"

\"Yes, master, if there is no witch’s own banner, the merits obtained on the battlefield are all other people’s merits. The role of the witch is only to mention it when these troops are awarded. Until now, our outstanding witch was originally Very few. If they are scattered and placed in other teams, I think it will be difficult for the Witch Clan to make a difference in this battle between Gods and Demons."

  Roben nodded. Although Robben himself didn't understand this very well, it made sense to Nalan to say it.

  \"Then form a troop, what else is there to discuss?" Robben looked at Nalan strangely.

   Nalan was so angry and funny, he hit Robben with no light or seriousness: \"How simple as the master thinks, now the witch clan has no formation at all. It is very difficult to grow from nothing."

   Robben scratched his head: \"What should I do?"

  Nalan grinned and showed a conspiracy-like smile before. Robben couldn't help but shrank his neck. Nalan smiled like this, which meant he had to calculate himself.

   Tighten Robben’s neck affectionately, Nalan smiled and said: "Master, this depends on the master’s efforts."

  \"My efforts, how can I work hard?"

  \"Master, do you think, whose hands are the army of the Devildom?"

   Robben answered without hesitation: "Hei Di"

  Nalan knocked Robben's head with ambition, and then he couldn't help but giggled because of his actions: "The master is so stupid, Lord Hei Di is in charge of everything in the demon world, Nalan said something specific."

  \"That's the devil" Robben went down one level directly, and planned to talk about the lord if he was wrong.

  \"Yes" Nalan cheered, and kissed Robben's head, \"The master is still very smart."

   Robben wondered: \"But what does this have to do with the formation of the Witch Army?"

Nalan said with an old pedantic look: "Master...The master of the demon world is actually the demon king. They are in charge of their own territory. Their main task is to defend against the invasion of the Protoss, and they have strong control over the army, so... The matter of adding the number and flag, if they speak, they will definitely pass it."

  Roben rolled his eyes and immediately understood, he reached out his hand to pinch Nalan’s face and said: "Okay, you are paying attention to the master"

  Nalan grinned and said: \"Only the master is easy to handle, of course Nalan ran back to find the master."

  \"In that case, are you going to find that **** woman?" Robben stared.

  \"Well" Nalan nodded without hesitation, \"Only a serial number and flag are needed. Under the control of which demon king is second, of course, it would be ideal if under the devil king who can do things easily."

  \"It’s easy to do things under this woman's hands. Maybe she will wait for an opportunity to retaliate against us. Our witch has beaten her soul-controller miserably these years."

  \"Um~~~Lord~~~People~~~" Nalan looked at Robben's eyes, and the tone of voice pulled the old man down.

  \"What are you doing? What kind of strange tone is this?"

With a "boom", Nalan hit Robben's forehead with his head, and asked: "Master, our Salast is far, far away from that **** woman's territory, and the master doesn't think we are Are you going there too often?"

  \"Huh? This..."

  \"And every time the owner goes, he will disappear from everyone’s sight for a while."


  \"Then when I come back... I will carry a special fragrance on my body-the fragrance of women"

  \"What? Nalan, you said nonsense again"

  \"No, later Nalan went to collect the spice that the **** woman liked to use, and it turned out to be the same fragrance as the owner every time he came back."

   Robben was speechless.

Nalan showed a big triumphant smile, and continued with Robben's cheek at the beginning of the mistake: \"But this is nothing... Since the master always goes to the **** woman secretly, it means that the master doesn't like her and said Do you always do that kind of thing?"


  \"Hmm, I know that the teacher is right, and men are really bad things."

   Robben could not say a word.

\"But...except for my master, no matter what the master... is the master Nalan likes, Nalan is also somewhat relieved, the master doesn't like men... If I don't want women for two hundred years, then The master is really worried about Nalan..."

  Roben's face is a little green...

After a pause, Nalan whispered: \"But... there are still some small regrets. The master does not want Nalan, nor mother, nor the patriarch, and does not touch the witches around him... The master must be suffering every day The pain of parting in the future..."

   Robben took a slow breath: "Nalan, sorry..."

  \"No" Nalan shook his head,\"Perhaps this is all right..."

   said, Nalan raised his head and smiled: \"That **** woman looks annoying. The master helped Nalan bully her, and it was a sigh. The master shouldn’t treat her as nice to her as we did, okay?"

   Robben couldn’t help being funny: \"I know"

\"Well, this pair, now we are back to the topic" was interrupted, Nalan thought for a while and said: \"My teacher and I think that if we want to get enough benefits in the war between gods and demons, then the witch is exclusive A banner is an indispensable thing, so this time I come back, I want the master to get some permission from the **** woman. Nalan and the teacher want to form a team of witches under that woman's command."

   To be honest, this idea was a bit unexpected for Robben, and he hadn't considered this issue before. Now that Nalan put it forward, it feels very reasonable.

  \"Well...it seems like a good note, but...is it really okay under that woman?" Robben asked somewhat worried.

Nalan chuckled: \"The teacher also felt that something was wrong, but didn’t the master be there? In my opinion, that **** woman must be fascinated by the master, and the master often helped Nalan speak nice things in private... …"

   Robben was speechless for a while, how did he feel that he was going to betray hue...

  Naran then said: \"Besides this, the possibility of building a witch team in a short time is also very slim. This... is the only way."

  \"Um..." Robben thought for a while, nodded directly, \"Okay, I'm going to ask that **** woman"

  Nalan reached out and poked Robben’s lips: "Now it's time to call the Queen, be careful that the **** woman doesn't agree"

   Robben laughed: \"Then you are still called"

   Nalan raised her neck and said frankly: "It's not Nalan to beg that **** woman, of course I love how to call it"

   Robben was speechless again. [m]

  Looking at Robben's appearance, Nalan giggled triumphantly, and said softly: "Master, now that the story is over, don't shame, let Nalan kiss twice, oh don't run."

   After chasing and playing, Hou Nalan grabbed Robben and rolled to the ground, still laughing, the two simply lay on the ground and stared at the roof of the house together.

  For a long time, Nalan suddenly said: \"Actually...I really feel now that every day can be as precious as before..."

   Turning over his body, Nalan leaned against Robben’s body, resting his head on Robben’s chest: \"It’s such a luxury to be able to stay with the master and enjoy the warm embrace of the master...for a witch."

   Robben took Nalan and smiled softly: \"Really?"

\"Hmm... In the past hundred years, Nalan understood that the life Nalan has been living is different from that of most witches. They don’t have a master, and most witches with a master are better off without... The only ones who accompany them are the cold and darkness, which is completely different from Nalan’s life. Every time I see these Nalan, I feel heartache and at the same time I feel fortunate... because Nalan has a good master who can do whatever he wants, regardless of the consequences..."

  \"Nalan, you really grew up..."

  \"Hate, Nalan is more than two hundred years old and has grown up a long time ago"

  \"Hehe...also, but for a witch, she is still a little girl at two hundred years old"

  \"So what? Nalan just grew up." Nalan pinched Robben's arm hard...

  \"Nalan, where's Nya? Why didn't you come back together this time?"

   After hearing these words, Nalan was slightly silent.

   Robben looked at Nalan strangely: "What's wrong? Is something wrong?"

  Nalan immediately shook her head in denial, but did not speak much. When Robben saw this, he didn't question, and waited quietly.

For a long time, Nalan said softly:\"This time, the mother herself did not want to come back. The mother said that this life was bestowed by the master, but for the affairs of the clan, the mother did something to be sorry for the master. Now she has no face. Come back to see the master, wait until everything is over, and then come to apologize"

   Robben frowned immediately: \"Nia said that?"


  \"Cut...Where is she now? Before I go to find the **** woman, I will go find her and give her a good meal." Robben was a little angry.

Nalan smiled gently and said: \"Master, no need, we have been together for so long, the master also understands mother, mother and Nalan think differently, about Paris, mother has been very guilty. I should have been serving my master, but it has been a hundred years since I left. Although there is only a short time to meet my mother, every time I mention the master, my mother's mood is very low, and my mother feels that she has done something wrong. But helpless."

  \"Well, forget that Nya has such a character, don't scold her, but it is necessary to talk to her, you should tell me earlier, it turns out that Nya has been guilty for so long, this is really not worth it."

   Nalan pursed her lips, suddenly her body rolled, she stood up, spread and ran to the side in two steps, took a bottle of wine back, twisted off the bottle cap and pulled Robben from the ground to sit up.

   Sitting down against Robben, Nalan seemed to want to say something, but couldn't get out for a while, but Nalan saw that Nalan's face was filled with uncontrollable joy.

   For a long time, Nalan opened and closed his mouth several times and said: "Master, the master knows why his mother won't come, and Nalan is back?"

   Robben wondered, this is not what I just said: \"Nalan, we were just talking about this"

  \"Of course I am stupid because of other reasons"

  \"Um... I don't know" Robben gave a standard answer.

\"The mother does feel guilty, but there is also a very important reason. My mother said that after this time, she will never leave an adult again. My mother said that she has done her responsibility as a witch, and... Worry about me again. All that is left is to stay with the adults and serve them well, so... the mother didn't want to come back and left again."

  \"I like this reason, the master, I also often think, when Nya can come back?"

  Nalan looked at Robben extremely dissatisfied: "Master, a hundred years have passed, why does the master seem to be stupid"

   Robben rolled his eyes: "You never thought I was smart at all."

  \"Um...this is true, but the master really didn't hear anything?" Nalan looked at Robben hopefully.

   Robben looked at Nalan’s eyes, then touched his nose and thought for a while, still shook his head: \"No"

  \"Sure enough to become stupid"

  \"Oh, okay, I actually sold it to the owner, and be careful not to give you food tomorrow." Robben threatened to use it for ten thousand years.

  \"It's still so harsh..."

  \"What the **** is it, talk about it"

Nalan raised her neck and drank half of a bottle of wine. His face rose suddenly, and he exhaled a breath of alcohol. He smiled and leaned on Luo himself: "Master...in recent years, Pa Liz has given me less and less things, and sometimes even emphasizes what I have learned before or assessment."

  \"Is there anything wrong with this?"

\"Hehe...In the early years, there was never such a situation. All the knowledge and magic learned would not be repeated. She was very anxious to teach me many things, but over the years, she obviously relaxed. ."

   Robben's eyebrows moved: \"Nalan, what do you mean..."

  \"Hey, I have noticed that there is not much that Paris can teach me. After a while, I... there is no need to learn anything with her."

   After finishing speaking, Nalan laughed loudly: \"My mother's... the reason we have endured for a hundred years will disappear, and everything will end."

  \"Really?" Robben was extremely surprised.

   I was anxious with a sip of wine, Nalan looked a little drunk, and immediately pouted when he heard what Robben said: "Of course, when did Nalan tell lies?"

   Robben blinked and didn't speak. He didn't even blink when he thought you were lying.

Nalan hooked Robben's shoulder with his arm, holding a wine bottle in the other hand, and said as if he was chatting with an old wine friend: \"Mother does not come back, saying that if I meet with the owner again, I will never leave again. …I don’t even want this daughter. My mother is too cunning. She wants to be with her master while Nalan is not with her."

  \"Nalan, you are still drunk like this"

\"Nalan was not drunk" Nalan said and drank the other half bottle of wine, and then exhaled very comfortably: \" But Nalan wanted to come back, and realized that Paris had not much to ask for. Teach me, Nalan wants to come back...because Nalan misses the master, but the master does not go to see Nalan, do not go or not... Master, you are so cruel" Nalan is indeed drunk.

  \"It just so happened that the teacher felt that he should discuss with the master this time, so Nalan brought the teacher back with him hahaha, the master said whether Nalan was very smart"

   Robben is funny: \"Yes, yeah, my Nalan is smart"

  \"This is almost the same, Nalan is going to get the wine...Master wait...Wait a moment"

Although he was already drunk, Robben didn't stop watching Nalan walking crookedly to get the wine. These wines would not cause any harm to a witch like Nalan. Get drunk once.

By the time \"daybreak", Robben and Nalan were already filled with empty wine bottles, and their faces were red like monkey buttocks, and they only had the strength to hum on the ground, eliminating the magic. The factor, in fact, both of them didn't have much alcohol, and they were dizzy in the morning. Nalan cried and laughed while holding Robben while drinking. Robben was the same.

Nalan stayed in Salast for a total of three days. On the first day, he was drunk and used it to sleep. On the second day, he got together with Bazaar and the others. Nalan took out the bottle directly... As a result, these witches drank wine for a day, and then they were all drunk for another day...

   At the gate of the city, Nalan said goodbye to Robben while rubbing his head.

  \"If you know the wine is great, let me ask you to drink it later"


  \"And I'm sloppy again, go back and remember to help me talk about Nya"


  \"I will immediately ask the woman about the designation. I believe there will be results, but there are too few capable witches, and you may encounter troubles. You have to be prepared."


  \"Okay, go, don’t worry about anything, even if there is something powerless, the host will help you settle the matter."

Nalan took a step forward, leaned his head lightly on Robben's chest, and said softly: \"Nalan knew that Nalan had always felt this way, and would be so headstrong, including...this time leaving the owner too "

   Robben smiled: \"Okay, the master knows, Nalan... Take care... I can see you again soon, with Nya."

Did Nalan raise his head and smiled brilliantly: \"Of course, and if we can really get enough feats after this war between gods and demons, I...I don’t want to do it anymore. I will do it for the witch clan. With enough things, I will stay in Salast and teach the magic and knowledge of the witches. How about when the master gives me a position called the High Sacrifice Soul Officer?"

  \"Yes" Robben raised his eyebrows, \"It's a little thing"

  Nalan smiled happily...

Watching Nalan’s air carriage gradually disappearing into the sky, Robben took a breath and said to Bazaar behind him: \"When Meriya comes back, tell her that I have something urgent and must go to the Queen. One trip, I might be able to come back, but I will try my best."

  \"I see, my lord"

Nalan left the city of Salast, Robben followed and left to go to Queen Biris's magic palace. Regarding Nalan's idea, Robben felt that it was really good. Although there are still a few problems in it, now come Look, even if there is a big problem, we should fight for it.

Very, Robben came to Queen Biress’s royal city again. When he came out of the teleportation formation in the city, the loud shout of the queen was clearly coming from the direction of the football field, the kind that was already slightly hoarse, The sound that can penetrate three layers of leather...

   This woman is really as always, it is rare that she has been so passionate and persistent about something for more than a hundred years. Robben shook his head and walked directly to the magic palace. Robben really didn't like that kind of thick-line movement.

Robben is now a distinguished guest known from all over the Devil's Palace. Naturally, the celebrity next to the Queen dared not to offend anyone. Robben swaggered into the Devil's Palace and then in the exquisite and elegant small living room. Waiting here.

   After a long time, after Robben dozed off twice, Queen Biris finally returned.

\"Oh my doctor [super doctor recommends reading this book] I didn't expect you to come to my magic palace so blatantly. Didn't you say that you need to avoid people's eyes and eyes, so you must be careful, can't you always come? What? Did something happen this time?" Queen Biris came back from the court at the first glance, her clothes had not been changed, and the logos of the two teams were still printed on her body.

   Robben shrugged his shoulders: "My Queen, your clothes are really beautiful"

\"Thank you, I am very happy to hear your insincere compliment like this." I took a bottle of wine in the wine cabinet next to the soft chair, poured a glass and drank it in one breath, and burped and sat down. , Queen Biris said with a full face, "This day is really good, the fans of Kazakhstan are crazy, resolved another dispute, and also made a lot of money, such a day is really happy"

   Robben also poured himself a glass of wine, took a sip and said: "My Lady Queen, the battle between gods and monsters is approaching, but you are still noisy here, is there nothing wrong with it?"

  \"Hey, what's wrong, it will still come, Lord Demon God has already decided everything" Queen Biris said very proudly.

   Luo Ben sighed in his heart, this idea of ​​the Demon Race might be a fatal injury.

\"It's you, doctor [super doctor recommended reading this book] What did you suddenly come to me for?" Queen Biris pulled out the same smile from the corner of her mouth, leaned over her body, and gently pressed her fingers on Robben's face 'S sliding: \"You don't mean to tell you...you miss me, do you?"

  \"Um...If I say that, will you please Queen Queen?"

\"Hahaha..." Queen Biress laughed and trembled all over,\"This is a big joke, doctor [super doctor recommends reading this book], if you miss me, maybe the Protoss has already knelt actively Our demon’s feet are now, but... maybe you miss my body for real."

  \"My miss comes from the heart" Robben looked very calm.

Queen Biress snorted disdainfully: \"Although I don't have too much hope for you, but... if you just greet you and come all the way, then I will re-evaluate you. Doctor [Super doctor recommended reading this book], we have known each other for more than a hundred years, and you have never taken the initiative to come to me. Why are you here this time?"

  \"Oh, well, it seems that my intention has been half exposed." Robben stalled his hand and put the wine glass on the table.

Queen Biress smiled very happily, poured the remaining liquor from the cup into her mouth, turned over, and directly hit Luo herself: \"But...before we say things, it seems that we...should have a good mood "

  \"Of course, my queen..."

   For this extremely charming woman, from appearance to figure to status, which makes men crazy, Robben has always felt that he is extremely infatuated, and the way to express this infatuation has always been simple and straightforward.

An hour later, in Queen Biris's bedroom, men's gasps and women's groans were still ringing. Robben didn't have the slightest pity, and he vented everything about himself on this woman, and he was already in madness. Queen Biris also catered to as much as possible, enjoying the crazy feeling.

   No one noticed, a soft footstep approached...

  \"My Lady Queen, the food you ordered today...ah" A soft voice sounded at the door, followed by a sudden scream.

   On the big bed in the bedroom, a crazy couple of men and women were about to reach, but they were suddenly disturbed by this uninvited guest. Queen Biress couldn't help but furious, and said: "Who"

   A black figure violently rises from the bed, and a painful moan is heard at the door, but the sound is immediately cut off. Only the sound of cups and plates falling to the ground was left.

   Robben pinched the neck with one hand, but frowned. This uninvited guest who suddenly broke into Queen Biris's bed knew herself, and she was one of the maids close to Biris.

   The maid’s eyes were wide open, all in shock, all in fear, she was pinched by Robben, unable to utter a word.

  \"Doli, what are you doing?" Queen Biris was still flushed with intoxicating eyes, walked out of the bed naked, her eyes full of cold anger.

  \"Uh...Uh..." Duoli's face was full of pain, her face was flushed by Robben Card Master. Robben probed carefully and found that she was not threatening. He let go of his hand and quickly closed the door.

As soon as her body softened, Duoli immediately knelt on the ground, and her whole body tremblingly shouted: \"Master Queen...Master Queen forgive her, Master Queen forgive her, Duoli did not see anything, heard nothing, Duoli was negligent today, no Come to deliver food to Lord Queen, Lord Queen, please spare your life, please spare your life" Duoli's voice was full of fear, and her crying voice was completely out of tune.

Robben glanced at the ground next to him, a silver plate fell there, and there was a lot of colorful food on the side that had been smashed, and he suddenly understood that she was here to deliver food to Queen Biress, Queen Biress I often order some small food by myself and send my maid to eat in my room. I know this.

   looked back at Queen Biris, Robben shook his head in annoyance when he saw this woman.

\"It's a mistake. I have already ordered Doli to send things over at this time..." Queen Biris shrugged helplessly, \"Doctor [Super Doctor recommends reading this book], this is your fault Yes, you came to visit suddenly, and I was caught off guard. I have already forgotten this matter."

  Roben couldn't help being impatient, don't you, a woman, know to lock the door?

   But after another thought, Robben also found it ridiculous. Does the demon king still lock the door? Without her order, who would dare to step into this bedroom?

\"Forget it, kill it." Robben said, irritated, and he stuck his hand on Doli's neck again, but didn't use any force. How did Doli say that she is the close-knit maid of Queen Biris, how to deal with it? She is also required to nod, but if such a thing is broken, this maid must not stay.

  Queen Biress was slightly surprised, but she didn't say anything: \"Then kill it."

  \"Queen...sir" Duoli's eyes were full of despair.

  \"Ah, I heard Duoli, I'm sorry, but I forgot, I will take care of your family, don't worry," Queen Biress was a little impatient.

  \"Mr. Robben, Mr. Robben" tears welled up in her eyes. Between life and death, Duoli mustered great courage in her heart, and quickly raised her hand and grabbed Robben's arm.

Duoli hissed and begged: "Mr. Robben, please, please, I beg you, Doli hasn’t seen anything, really didn’t see Mr. Robben, please, Doli knows that you have always been kind and generous even those witches Reluctant to bully Mr. Robben, please save me. You can do whatever you want me to do, and you can do anything, Mr. Robben, your lord Queen, don’t kill me, don’t...

\"Doctor [Super doctor recommends reading this book] What are you doing? Still want to hear this annoying voice? Get out of it, although it is a bit disappointing, but...we still have some time, or you want to...keep her, After we are done, we will kill again... hehe doctor [super doctor recommends reading this book]...you are so bad"

  \"Mr. Robben, please, Mr. Robben, please. I'm just a useless existence. I can't say anything, and I haven't seen Mr. Robben."

   Doli understands that the Queen she is following is moody and sometimes even kills the guards around her when she is angry. One of her sisters has already died in this way. There is no doubt that she was killed in this situation.

But... Although this Mr. Robben, who has always been known for his generosity, kindness, and strength without bullying the weak, doesn’t seem to be able to commit this kind of secret adultery with the Queen,... the fact is the fact, maybe those are all this Mr. Robben’s mask, but now there is only this life-saving straw. Maybe a miracle will happen. This Mr. Robben will really save himself with a thought.

   Robben, a little at a loss...

   In front of her eyes were a pair of horrified and helpless eyes, and there was a trembling and frightened voice in her ears, and in her hand was a neck that had become hot from jealous fear and tension.

  \"Kill her" A huge voice rang in my mind

\"Kill her" the same tone, but the indifferent voice came into his ears, Robben's heart trembled, and the hand holding Duoli's neck was electrocuted back, and he realized that his forehead was covered with cold sweat. , As soon as she turned her head, Queen Biress was looking at herself strangely.

  \"Doctor [Super doctor recommends reading this book], what's wrong with you?" Queen Biris saw that Robben looked strange.

   Robben swallowed: \"I...I mean, she...Can you give her to me?"

\"Give it to you?" Queen Biris looked at Robben strangely, \"Doctor [super doctor recommends reading this book], you said,'What do you mean by giving it to you, you just want to kill, or say... ...Do you have other meanings?"

  \"I mean, I mean this maid, just... leave it to me to deal with." Robben felt that it was very difficult to say a word.

  \"Of course it can be just a little bit." Queen Biress looked impatient.

  \"Mr. Robben, Robben...well" Doli yelled, but Robben covered her mouth.

   Robben panted slightly and said: \"Okay, stop screaming, stand up... Go out, go back to your resting place and don't move, just say that the Queen has given you to me. Waiting there for me to understand?"


  \"Doli...Where do you want to go?" As soon as Doli turned around, the faint voice of Queen Biris came from behind, and Doli's feet were fixed on the ground as if they had taken root.

   slowly stepped forward, Queen Biress approached Robben with a surprised look: \"Doctor [super doctor recommended reading this book], what are you doing? What do you want to do?"

Robben took a breath and slowly spit it out and said: "My Lady Queen, you just...have already given Doli to me, haven't you? I'm...now just want her to wait for me to take her away? "

\"Leave?" Queen Biress's voice immediately turned annoyed,\"She saw it, she saw you biting me like a beast, and now you tell me you want them to drive away, and you Are you crazy going back?"

  \"Lord Queen, we don’t have to kill her, she dare not talk nonsense"

   Queen Biress yelled: "Absurdly, she is afraid that she doesn't want to die. If anyone puts a knife on her neck in the future, she will also say that she must die."

   Doli's legs softened and she fell directly to the ground...

Queen Biress squinted her eyes, staring at Robben like a female animal and said in a cold voice: "Doctor [super doctor recommends reading this book], don't be as naive as before, and hang on that useless kindness. By the way, you should be like your witch, mature."

   Robben looked at Queen Biress quietly, his face was stunned: "I...before? I...is there any difference between me and before?"

Queen Biress held her forehead in one hand, as if she was about to faint: "Oh forget, doctor [super doctor recommends reading this book] It doesn't matter, kill her now, and we still have time, to be honest... …If you always stay here for a while, I’ll still be very happy.” Queen Biris’ eyes once again had a touch of color.

   Luo Ben nodded, nodded gently, licked his lips and said: "Doli, come here..."

\"Mr. Robben, Mr. Robben..." Duoli was crying, trembling, stood up and walked to Luo himself, kneeling directly on the ground: "Mr. Robben, have mercy on me, I don’t want to die... Really Don't want to..."

  \"Ok... so don't cry, don't cry... come here, will you write your name?"

  \"Mr. Robben..."

  \"Will it or not?" Robben yelled.

   Doli was so scared that she could fly into the sky, and tremblingly answered: \"Yes...Yes"

\"That's good, that's good... I'm sorry my voice was louder, sorry..." Robben grabbed his hair hard, muttered nervously, and quickly took out a magic scroll from his ring , I wrote a contract and put it in front of Dolly~www.readwn.com~ Signed her name, vowed to keep this secret forever, forever, otherwise the soul will fall into **** and be tortured by eternity"

   Doli signed the name on the contract with the speed as if she had grabbed a straw.

\"Okay...Okay, now go out, go out and wait for me without my order, don't go anywhere, just wait for me where you rest, go, go..." Robben said quickly, put away Contract.

   Doli looked at Queen Biris with infinite horror, and immediately lowered her head, slowly backed up, backed back...slowly pushed the door open and left...

  \"Ah~~Doctor [Super doctor recommended reading this book], you are getting bored...Do you want to prove that you are more kind than me? Or do you think going back to play with this woman will make you more excited, eh?"

   Robben turned his head, wiped the cold sweat from his head, and said word by word: "Okay, now, let's talk about an extra business." .

   more, address

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