God Prohibitions

Chapter 866: Giant snake

Eight hundred and 66th chapter giant snake


The air vibrated slightly, and it was full of solemnity. Robben and the demon nv could clearly feel the murderous aura coming from the front, and the faint water bō constantly dipped from the water mist in front, Xiao Xiao There is an amazing chill in the ripples.


   Mosha looked desperate: \"I am dead, and I will definitely not let you go." Now that it was hidden, it was useless. Mosha Suo let go and screamed loudly.


   Robben is sweating secretly, good guy, it looks like there is a giant on the opposite side. There is nothing in this quagmire that is slightly normal, either in groups or huge.


Seeing that Mosha's scream became more and more fierce, Robben had to say something to comfort him: \"I said Mosha, I didn't say it, I will definitely ensure your safety, don't be so scared, OK? Look at our magic nv station At the forefront, and we are still standing behind, I have also blessed you with all kinds of magic shields. Even if you are swallowed by that black snake, it will only be indigestion. What are you worried about? what?"


  \"Let go of you, let me let go of me\" Mosha kept yelling hard regardless of what Robben was talking about.


\"grown ups……"


   When Luo Ben was in trouble, Bazaar came over: "My lord, do we let her be quiet first, although it feels good, but this is the first time the sisters have dealt with such an enemy in so many years, I am afraid..."


  \"Hmm...good" After consideration, Robben nodded directly.


   Mosha was taken aback when he saw Robben and Bazaar's gazes at the same time, and said: "You...what are you going to do, I was sent by Lord nv to supervise you, if you are..."


   At this point, Mosha was silent, her mouth opened and closed, but there was no sound. Mosha who discovered this was pale, angry and scared.


Robben hurriedly put out his most sincere smile and said: "Mosha, don't be afraid, of course, don't shout anymore. A silent barrier is fine, but then I'm afraid you can't help but yell and it will shake You broke your own ears. Now Bazaar has temporarily restricted your neurogenesis, but it will soon recover. You can watch us now."


   Mosha trembled, and gave Robben a vicious look, obviously already very angry.


There is not much time to deal with Mosha now. Robben looked ahead and felt that the black-spotted giant snake had already begun to move. A huge pressure was constantly approaching from the misty water mist in the distance. .


  \"Bazaar, be careful." All Robben can do now is to exhort.


\"My lord, ā give it to us. I have always lived under your protection. Today is also the time for you to see what your monster nv is like. We hope that adults can be proud of us." Bazaar smiled very confidently.


  \"Okay, let's go"


   turned around, Bazaar greeted all the demon nv and quickly greeted him in the direction of the giant black spotted snake.


Robben looked at the backs of the demon nvs and couldn't help but sigh. Two hundred years ago, some of them were just very ordinary demon nvs. They left the training camp and had not served their masters or loyal objects, so they were recalled. Come to participate in that kind of tragic evaluation of demon nv, time to move forward a little bit, most of the demon nv here is still only a little girl as high as her waist, every day she can only stare and chattering noisily.


   Now... they all seem to have grown up, hey...


   For an instant, Robben felt that he was old again, and he actually had an inexplicable sense of accomplishment and comfort.


Suddenly, Robben blinked and saw that Mosha next to him was looking at him strangely, and hurriedly coughed a few times: "Um...you...what are you doing with such a strange look? Oh, right? , You can't talk, right? Then forget it, let's follow along..."


   Robben hurriedly dragged Bazaar forward.


The water mist in the mud began to gather and drift strangely. It looked like a cloud and mist, and the smell that gradually became thick began to float around. The magic nv scattered into a roughly regular triangle and stood. Facing the front, Bazaar is at the front.


  \"The poison in the air has intensified, bless the magic shield, don't breathe directly" Bazaar held her rapier in her hand, stood at the forefront of the team with her head high, with a slight movement in her voice.


  \"The water on the ground is changing. I’m afraid there is something wrong with it. Never step out of the ice, and don’t get close to the water in other places. First, prepare for the impact of God."


Bazaar was talking methodically, her body was shining with a faint silver light, and the bodies of the magic nvs all carried such silver light. From a distance, this group of beautiful magic nvs seemed to be made of mercury. It's amazing.


Seventeen demon nv with the ice field are scattered in the team, and with the cooperation of other demon nv ice magic, the surrounding mud and smelly water has been frozen out of a large ice surface, here will be a demon for a while The battlefield of nvs.


Behind the demon nvs, Robben floated low on the water, spreading a multi-layer circular magic shield around him, wrapping Mosha in it, but now it seems that Mosha is only annoyed by Robben's special care. .


\"Come on" Robben said softly. Although Mosha's voice was blocked, she never gave up struggling. Her mouth kept closing and she seemed to be yelling at Robben, but Robben two As soon as the word was spoken, Mosha's face changed immediately, her mouth closed...


  \"Wow...Wow..." In the swamp, the sound of the boat breaking through the water was actually remembered. Right in front, with a roar, two giant yellow headlights lit up.


   Robben and the demons are slightly surprised, this guy... such a big head? Isn’t it a good...a snake?


In the hazy water mist, the huge head of the black-spotted giant snake has emerged, and the two huge eyes on the head are as dazzling as flash bombs in the dark, and the thick and massive body rubs against the muddy ground, emitting a kind of The sound of the warship being broken by the wind was extremely shocking.


   Robben had an idea when he saw this guy, this guy is not a snake at all, but a thin dragon...


This is a behemoth with a body entrenched there, only a few meters tall with his head raised. Robben doesn't know how long and how thick this thing is. Its dark brown body has a circle of dark markings on each segment. , There is a small circle of white lines in the middle of the markings, which looks very dazzling.


Perhaps I have never seen an intruder like this before.The black-spotted giant snake hovered in place, spitting out the huge snake letter, two eyes fixed on the demons who were only 50 meters in front of him, their bodies. The other parts of the are constantly swimming in the mud, obviously looking for opportunities to start.


  \"Mosa, are you sure this is a snake? Why don't I feel like..." Robben said while shaking his head.


  \"Huh? Oh, you can't speak yet, that's fine..." Robben went to pay attention to the black-spotted snake in front of him again, and immediately fainted Mosha with anger.


The black-spotted giant snake was looking at the monsters in front of them, and the monsters were also looking at their opponents. Bazaar looked at this behemoth up and down, and finally frowned and shook his head: \"It seems to be a little bigger, There seems to be nothing special..."




It seemed that Bazaar's self-talking sentence angered this black-spotted giant snake. The demons were very surprised to hear a dragon-like roar from the black-spotted giant snake's mouth. Then the sky went dark. A huge shadow has been smashed down.


  \"Knot shield"


Bazaar gave a soft drink, the silver light on the body bounced, countless light spots jumped away from the body, and turned into magic symbols in the blink of an eye, like a gust of wind blowing catkins full of trees, in the formation of the magic nv. A piece of silver magic rune fused together in the blink of an eye to form a huge magic circle.




   There was a loud noise, and the huge black shadow that fell from the sky shot on the magic circle that had just formed, and the powerful force shattered the magic circle.


   At this time, everyone can see that what fell from the air is actually the tail of this black-spotted giant snake. The end of its tail is a protruding tumor. Under this impact, it is like a huge hammer.




With no effort, the black-spotted giant snake let out a violent roar, and the huge body twisted quickly, almost in the blink of an eye, it crossed the distance between the monsters and the monsters, and the huge head like a hill has arrived. Arrived in front of Mosha.


   opened the mouth of the blood basin, the black-spotted giant snake bit at the monsters in front of him.


  \"Front knot shield"


There was a loud "bang" noise, mixed with a miserable howl, and the black-spotted giant snake that hit something hard with one head roared and retreated. The huge body rolled, crushing all the ice in front of the monsters. broken.


Sweat dripped on Bazaar's head. Just now... Bazaar herself has even felt death and her own home. If you take a step slower, she and the sisters in the back will inevitably become the belly of this giant beast. Food.


Looking at her side squintly, Bazaar was even more shocked.Just a few steps away from her own feet, a huge broken tooth thicker than her stayed there. The teeth were heavy and positive. Gradually sinking into the sludge, the surrounding water surface has been completely black, and white smoke is still blowing, and now the teeth are highly poisonous.


   looked at the giant defensive shield that was formed at the moment of the moment, without any damage, Bazaar calmed down and said: "This thing is fast, we are always maintaining the magic shield and don't let it go, looking for opportunities to counterattack."


Bazaar's voice is not loud, but through the sharing of jīng gods, it can be clearly heard by every magician. The magician's eyes are dignified, and the silver brilliance on the body is connected, and the huge magic in front of the magician The shield is constantly expanding.


Mosha no longer yelled, but stood there blankly looking ahead.Mosha really did not expect that these monsters would really open their positions and confront this fierce monster head-on, and they didn't. Falling the wind, although only defending, could actually break the teeth of the black-spotted giant snake. I really didn't expect this kind of thing.


  The black-spotted giant snake that swiftly rewinded and screamed furiously. The accidental broken tooth made it even more angry, and the pain in the heart pierced its already madness.


   Bazaar suddenly felt something wrong, and quickly said: \"Strengthen the magic shield and prepare to attack"


The bazaar's words have not yet fallen, the black-spotted snake on the opposite side has already roared wildly, the huge body twisted frantically, and the shaking around him rolled like a muddy sea, after which the huge tail swept away, and the entire ground It was cut off by three feet directly, and the overwhelming silt mountain pressed toward the enchanted NVs.


  \"Wind shield, cutting"


   With Bazaar's soft voice, the silver brilliance of the demons was quickly plated with a blue light, and the huge magical defense array that was unfolding also turned green for an instant, and a gust of wind blew in the mud.


Large swaths of sludge are pressing on the face with poison, but before they can touch Qing's magic circle, the speed has already slowed down rapidly.The huge Qing's magic circle is like a mouth-like crazy air current, and the sludge is lighter. The poisonous water has begun to fly upside down.




Bazaar gave another soft drink, and Qing's magic circle violently burst into light. The wind rose instantly, and the resisted silt was directly blown back by the violent wind. At the same time, Qing's A dazzling glaucoma appeared in the circle, and it went straight to the head of the black-spotted giant snake.


   The black-spotted giant snake, who was about to pounce from the side, suddenly hissed and twisted hard. The huge head tilted, but it was still a step slower.


  \"噗"The light of green pierced straight into the left eye of the black-spotted giant snake, and pierced its side head.


The black-spotted giant snake let out a deafening hiss, and his whole body almost vacated into the air and jumped back, and then fell heavily to the ground, the muddy water was splashed into the sky, and roared with painful hiss. , The body was tumbling on the ground frantically, and the whole quagmire seemed to shake with its tumbling.


\"Strengthen the field of ice, stabilize the position first" Bazaar did not rush to attack, but stabilized his own situation first, hesitating the two attacks of the black-spotted giant snake, and its huge body swimming in the mud. With amazing destructive power, cracks have appeared in the ice beneath the feet of the magic nv.


   chuckled, the ice surface froze again and became thicker again. The demons stood in place, staring at the giant black-spotted snake tumbling violently in the mud, and did not dare to relax.


   Bazaar's eyes flashed suddenly, and she shouted: "Yanshield Defense"


The huge magic shield in mid-air suddenly burst, and all the magic patterns and runes burst into flames.Almost at the same time, the black-spotted giant snake on the opposite side roared, the huge body twisted in place, and the huge head The tall Yang stood up, his blood basin opened his mouth wide, and a huge black diamond-shaped ice fell out in the blink of light.


Robben saw this scene slightly frowned behind the demon nvs. This is obviously a kind of ice magic. If this black-spotted giant snake can use ice magic, then it may be a bit disadvantageous to the demon nvs. .


\"Mosa, we can fly a little bit higher, right? Only a few meters high, those blood wings don't seem to notice that height." Robben said and looked at Mosha, Mosha staring angrily. , But finally nodded, Robben immediately flew for a certain distance, away from the water under his feet.


In the blink of an eye, the huge ice spit from the mouth of the black-spotted giant snake has hit the magic defensive shield of the magic nvs. The defensive shield is like a big fireball with a continuous fire tongue.The ice smashed into the defensive array and made a huge noise. With a bang, it exploded from the inside, and the tiny ice crystals splashed around like shrapnel, making the magic circle flicker and flickering. The muddy ground was lifted up by high muddy water, and for a while, everyone could not see what was in front of them.


   Suddenly, the giant black-spotted snake in front made a weird roar, which seemed to roar according to a certain rhythm. All the monsters were very uncomfortable with this sound.


   Luo's face changed slightly, and he looked at Mosha, who was staring at him in anger, and resisted not speaking.


  \"That ghost is activating magic, everyone be careful." Bazaar suddenly screamed, and the magic nv collectively jumped from the ground.


The feet of the demon nvs left the ice surface, and the very solid white ice that had been frozen by the ice field burst one after another, and black ice guns were drilled underneath, almost rubbing the soles of the demon nvs' feet and stabbing them. , The magic nvs suddenly


  \"Don’t we are not injured yet, stabilize the magic shield and prepare to attack"


   Mosha looked at her feet with a little trembling, those sharp black ice spears slammed into the magic shield, but fortunately, they did not damage the shield and were all blocked out.


After    jumped into the sky, the defensive power was greatly weakened due to the flickering of the magical shields of the magic nvs.


   Just as Harper’s voice commanded the demons to reassemble their power, the huge black shadow had appeared before the flashing magic shield.


With a violent and bloodthirsty roar, the huge body of the black-spotted giant snake actually leaped in the air and flew over, and the huge power like a mountain hit the magic shield, which temporarily lost the magic support of the magic nv and became weak. The magic shield didn't even flash, and it was directly smashed into fragments after flashing, and it was turned into nothing with a huge explosion.


The black-spotted giant snake roared in excitement, and its huge body crashed to the ground.On the ground where the demon nv jumped up, the sharp black ice guns that had just pierced out were directly crushed by the hard scales on its body. With its head raised, the black-spotted giant snake with its broken eye looked at the two hundred monsters above him with a grim look, as if looking at two hundred delicious meals that were randomly ordered.


Mosha's face was already white and blue, and now the spotted giant snake was located ten meters in front of her, and the sewage splashed between the huge tail swing had hit the magic shield blessed on her body. Go up, maybe the tail will be smashed in one swing, but... Mr. Robben in front of him didn't even mean to go, but looked at the ground with a strange look.


  \"Successfully launched" a joyous drink suddenly came from the sky. Bazaar looked at the black-spotted snake who was putting down his clothes to enjoy the meal, but a smirk appeared on the corner of his mouth.


  At the same time, the silver brilliance on the two hundred demon nv's body gleamed again, and quickly connected with the demon nv beside him like mercury.


   The sky suddenly became silvery, and Mosha raised her head in amazement, and her eyes widened in surprise.


   Above the sky, the whole body of the two hundred demon nv was shining with silver light, and the rays of light were connected to each other. The two hundred demon nv used itself as the node to open an incomparably huge magic circle in the sky.


   A heavy pressure came down from the sky, and the high head of the black-spotted giant snake couldn't help but retracted downward, and the blood hole in the head was sprayed directly under the pressure.


   Luo Ben mō mō chin: \"We have to leave, or we have to be locked here too..."


After hearing this, Mosha was really happy and wanted to cry.This guy finally knew that the danger should be avoided.Just now, she swept the huge tail in front of her eyes, her heart almost jumped out, if this black The giant spotted snake noticed that there were two people in the way behind his ass, and if he took a bite...


   Pulling on Mosha, Robben quickly backed away. Robben knew that if he stayed there, he would be unlucky. He looked at the sky, Robben shook his head. These demons really broke their studies...


   Robben left the ground with his front feet, and the next moment the ground full of mud and smelly water lit up with a dazzling light.


The huge body of the black-spotted giant snake occupies the ground where the demon nvs originally stood, and now this whole piece of ground is emitting a strong silver light, and the black-spotted giant snake roars and wants to leave here quickly, but The huge pressure from the sky made it immobile, and then I knew I was fooled.


The silver light climbed onto the muddy body of the black-spotted giant snake like living mercury, and hurriedly walked around it, tangled, the black-spotted giant snake twisted its body madly, but Can't get rid of these entanglements of silver light, if it is substantial.


Under the huge silver magic array formed by the sky demon nvs, the black-spotted giant snake could not move, and the silver light filaments rising from the ground continued to wrap around the body of the black-spotted giant snake, gradually covering its body. The body, in the end, the huge raised head was twisted by the silver light thread, dragged down alive, and tied to its body.


The huge body of the black-spotted giant snake is twisted and entangled together, and it is firmly bound by the woven silver light thread.It can no longer move, even the mouth is firmly tied up, and the snake letter still vomits It's outside, but it's already caught there, Robben doesn't know if it hurts...


  \"End of formation" Bazaar’s voice came from the sky.


The huge magic circle composed of two hundred demon nv with itself as the node slowly separated from the demon nv's body, like a silver cloud slowly falling from the sky, and finally directly pressed against the black-spotted giant snake. On his body, the huge magic circle printed clear magic marks on the body of the black-spotted giant snake. From the sky, it seemed as if a large net was covering something strange.


   That's it, the black-spotted giant snake is completely suppressed, the monsters and Robben are all happy, but Mosha's face is not so good...


   could not speak, Mosha unconsciously stretched out her finger and pointed to the sky.


  A black cloud under the pressure of the black has floated over, and the magic nv flew into the air. The excessive number and flashing magic light attracted the attention of the high-altitude bloodwing, and countless bloodwings were rushing here.


   Robben smiled relaxedly: "Bazaar, you guys come down quickly, you will be safe on the ground"


   Bazaar also noticed a large number of blood wings pouring from the sky. Without a word, she turned around and ran. The first one fell to the ground, and the demons also fell from the sky to the ground.


But... soon everyone found something was wrong, everyone had all fallen back to the ground, but the large number of blood wings were still flying here, and the blood wings in front had already begun to dive, and they were all about to launch an attack. the meaning of.


Robben hurriedly released Mosha's voice restriction, and asked suspiciously: "Mosha, what's the matter? Didn't you talk about the middle area, these blood wings will not attack targets on the ground? ?"


Mosha, who was finally able to speak out, took a long sigh of relief, as if she was about to spit out what she had held in iōng for such a long time, and then immediately said annoyed: \"I said that I would not take the initiative to attack that is because The beasts in the middle area are more dangerous. After the blood wings come here, they are likely to be counter-caught, and they will not clean the dirt on their wings. If they are stained with too much silt, they will only have a dead end, but... If a prey is found in the air, it will definitely be pursued."


   Robben was surprised: \"Wouldn't it be possible to seduce them here? Doesn't the middle-level monsters never lack food?"


\"Why don't these bloodwing brains be good?" Mosha cursed fiercely, looking up at the mass of blood wings and said, \"We must find a way immediately, now the black-spotted giant snake is suppressed, The blood wings will only gather more and more, and then we won't be able to leave."


Robben scratched his head and understood what Mosha meant.The reason why this area is so empty is because of the existence of such a black-spotted giant snake. Other monsters are afraid of it and dare not come over, but now it is suppressed. It is no longer a threat to the monsters and nv attracted their attention at high altitude, which changed a very troublesome situation.


  \"That..." Robben turned his head and looked at the situation, but he didn't seem to understand the situation, with an innocent look of Bazaar, \"Bazaar, do you see those blood wings?"


  \"Yes, adult, is there any problem?"


  \"It's nothing, but they are coming to eat us"


  \"But...we are all standing on the ground." Bazaar looked at Mosha suspiciously, thinking that this nv guy had clearly said that he would not be attacked by blood wings on the ground.


   Looking at the blood wings that are already close, Robben quickly said: \"There is no time to talk about this now, now we must solve these blood wings."


  \"Oh..." Bazaar responded, still looking at Mosha strangely, and then looked up at the blood wings in the sky, "Sisters, ready"


  Mosa was stunned: "You...you plan to go with these blood wings..."


   Robben-Ramosa: \"We can't run anyway, can't we? Alright, alright, now follow me and hide behind the demons."


  \"We can open the two at once and leave the black-spotted giant snake here. The suppressed black-spotted giant snake is definitely the target of bloodwing's priority attack." Mosha couldn't help but yelled.


  \"The family is taking good care of the injury here. It is already very wrong for us to add injuries to it. How can it be so cruel?" Robben turned around and said to Mosha.


  \"You..." Mosha felt that she had no idea what was in the man's mind before her.


The magic nvs stood scattered on the newly formed ice surface. This time they did not form a formation. Bazaar looked at the blood wings getting closer, frowned and thought for a while, then said: \" God interfere, just because these things don’t work well, you can easily subdue them."


   Two Hundred Demons nv raised their heads, and then Mosha saw a scene that she would never forget in this life.


The eyes of all the demon nv showed a stream of purple light, and there was a soft, fine humming sound in the air, and a trance rushed over their heads, but the scene in front of them suddenly flashed. , My mind immediately became sober.


  Roben said apologetically: \"Sorry, I forgot to bless it in the God's shield, now it’s better."


   Mosha did not answer Robben's words, but stared at the sky blankly, with an expression that could not be believed.


Above the sky, the blood wings that were pressed down by the dark clouds screamed and rushed, but when they were nearly 100 meters away from the ground, they began to shake, and the body could not keep peacefully rolling, and the blood wings gathered together. Suddenly dispersed.


   In the sky, it seems to be raining blood wings...


   Countless blood wings rolled down from the sky like extra-large snow uā, one after another, one after another...


   There seemed to be a huge twister at a distance of about a hundred meters above the sky. The blood wings gathered into a dark cloud were directly twisted into pieces and fell into the sky. That scene... was extremely strange.


With a click, the blood wing has been falling not far in front of Mosha, Mosha's face is a little pale, watching this blood wing has foamed at the mouth, the wings fluttering for a few times, it is no longer Moving, the body covered with silt slowly sank to the ground...


This scene of [covering the sky] Blood Wings lasted for about a few minutes, and the remaining Blood Wings seemed to finally find something wrong, and they all turned around and fled. When they came, a momentum of dark clouds pressing the mountains, but when they fled, they were noisy. Huh, the sky is full of...


  The demons all lowered their heads, blinked vigorously, and stared at them for several minutes, their eyes were dry...


There have been scattered bodies of blood wings on the ground, centered on the place where the demons stand, and within a radius of 200 meters, these blood wings piled up can be seen. This is still a large part of them. The scene engulfed by the mud.


  \"This...this..." Mosha looked at the group of demons who were trying to relieve eye fatigue, and was completely speechless.


Robben explained with a smile: "In fact, these blood wings are not difficult to deal with, but they are too many. The large-scale attack magic of the magic nv is the nemesis for them, but when they were around the city, there were For many residents, we cannot use this wide-range attack magic, otherwise the bloodwings and ghouls are actually nothing."


  \"Forget...not much" The muscles on the corner of Mosa's mouth trembled a few times...


Robben looked around and saw that everything was quiet. He nodded in satisfaction: "That's good, no injuries, we continue to move forward, we will soon reach the inner area, everyone keeps on working hard and grabs the giant green Long, we can go back."


   As he said, Robben raised his foot and was about to leave, but Mosha behind him immediately grabbed Robben.


  \"Huh? What's the matter?" Robben turned his head strangely.


  \"We... just left?" Mosha looked at Robben with a look that you are an idiot.


   Robben is even stranger: \"This... of course we have to go and the road is unimpeded, what are we still doing here? Don't tell you to take these bloodwing corpses back and sell them for money."


   A blue vein popped up on Mosa’s handsome face: "Mr. Robben, please forgive me for being rude, but I must say, are you an idiot?"


  \"Huh? Why do you say that? Uh...and you have said this many times before, and you don’t seem to think you are rude."


   Ignoring Robben's joking words, Mosha raised her finger to the suppressed black-spotted snake next to her and said: "Mr. Robben, do you want to leave if you don't handle this?"


   Robben looked at the black-spotted giant snake that was under the magic circle and couldn't move the tip of its tail, then looked at Mosha: \"This...hasn't it been handled well?"


   Mosha almost didn't get fainted by Robben in one breath, and roared: "Mr. Robben, we must kill it"


\"No, we have not been able to pass smoothly. It is not easy for such a creature to survive [eternal life], and I don’t know how many years it will take to produce one. Although it is not a good thing, it can’t be killed casually. what."


Mosha laughed angrily: "Okay... OK, Mr. Robben, can you tell me, now you throw it here, and then we will catch the giant green dragon, if we succeed, when we come back this What if the guy has regained his mobility? Do we have to work hard to press it here again?"


   Robben was taken aback, and he seemed to realize this problem.


Seeing that Robben’s face finally had a tendency to decrease his anger, Mosha sighed: "The giant green dragon is much more dangerous by this black-spotted giant snake. Even if we succeed in capturing it by mistake, it will be very big. If you come back to deal with this, then death and injury may be inevitable."


   Very much in agreement, Robben nodded: \"Well, it is true, thank you very much Miss Mosha, if it weren't for you, I really forgot about it."


  \"Is there something wrong with my lord recently? How does it feel different from before."


  \"Um... I feel a bit silly at first, although it has always been like this."


  \"Ah, keep your voice down, the adults are here."


  \"Then you just shut up"


  \"Alright, don't say anything..."


   Luo Ben’s face was extremely embarrassed, because Mosha began to look behind her with weird eyes, and the monsters behind her were speaking with the same volume as usual \"whispering"


   took out a serious cough on his face: \"I will solve this problem now, I will go right away, everyone will wait for me here, um...no whispers."


  Magic nv are all having fun.


Seeing Robben walking quickly towards the black-spotted giant snake, Mosha felt an unspeakable boredom in her heart. This man, these demon nvs, made herself feel a very unreliable feeling, but it happened. These unreliable guys are going to catch the giant green dragon...


   The first time I saw a demon nv that can judge for the owner’s command to be executed, the first time I saw a powerful warrior full of weird ideas...


And when Mosha's gaze chased Robben to the vicinity of the black-spotted giant snake, Mosha's body froze again.The serious-faced guy actually gestured in front of the black-spotted giant snake, as if he was talking to the black-spotted giant snake. Said something the same.


   A sense of absurdity surged in Mosha's heart, could this guy still speak snakes?


  The black-spotted giant snake's head is bound by the silver light thread on the body close to the ground, and the entire magic circle is pressed on the ground. The snake letter has turned into sauce purple, and it seems to be caught...


   Robben was standing in front of the head of the giant black-spotted snake. People were not as high as the other's eye. The thin pupils of the giant black-spotted snake's eyes were full of hostility and a trace of fear.


After looking at the huge eyes of the black-spotted giant snake, Robben said helplessly: "Brother, I'm so sorry, in fact, we just want to take the road, but knowing that you are recovering from your wounds, we absolutely refuse to let anyone go. I have no choice but to do it. There is something wrong, and I hope you can forgive me."


  The thin pupils of the black-spotted giant snake shrank slightly, and there was a difference in the eyes


   Robben smiled happily: \"You can talk, right? I can almost feel that your soul moves very strongly, and it is a monster with high intelligence."


  \"Um...what do you want?" A muffled voice came from the nostrils of the giant black spotted snake.


   Robben smiled happily. Since he can speak, he saves himself a lot of communication troubles.


  The hand gently touched the nose of the black-spotted giant snake, a beam of light spread along the huge head, and the light thread wrapped around the head suddenly loosened, and the light spots disappeared.


  Robenhe said kindly: \"I'm sorry to disturb you, we are just passing by, your injury..."




  Roben didn't finish speaking, the free black-spotted snake with his mouth already roared, opened his big mouth and bit at Robben. Bazaar and the magic nv were all taken aback, and it was too late to act.


  \"Hehe, look, it won’t be enough..."


The situation took a turn for the worse, the black-spotted giant snake bite Robben's side with a big bite, but didn't bite down again, but stopped there. Robben had already smiled and walked out of it, and took a short run to escape. I lost the venom dripping from the snake's teeth~www.readwn.com~ slowly closed his mouth, and vomited the snake letter, the voice of the black-spotted giant snake seemed to be much smoother: \"Who are you... why don't I know Will attack you?"


   Robben squeezed his chin very contentedly: \ "Because I am not hostile, you don't seem to be eating me, but you're angry at being this way. It's understandable to get angry."


  \"Um...what do you want now?"


  \"I let you go, and when we come back, don’t attack us. At that time, I will heal your eyes."




  \"Um...If you can, can you tell me the location of the giant green dragon." Robben put his hand on the nose of the giant black-spotted snake, and the light from the snake slowly dissipated.


  Mosa fainted...H

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