God Prohibitions

Chapter 875: Battle flag

Eight hundred and 75th chapter battle flag


When Robben took out this pattern, he regretted it a little, because this pattern would obviously arouse the surprise of King Biris nv. For now, he can't help thinking about killing himself King Biris nv. It doesn't seem to be a good thing to see this.


This pattern is 80% similar to the magic nv badge that Robben found in Elk City last time. This is this time, Robben added the short double horns on the heads of the magic nv to this group. It looks a little different from the original badge.


   Glowing eyes, long black hair flying like flames...


King Biress nv slowly moved his gaze to Robben’s face: "Doctor [Super doctor recommended reading this book] It seems that you have indeed discovered a lot of things over the years, now... I seem to be coming The more I like you."


   Robben smiled awkwardly. Could this nv guy mean... more and more want to kill himself?


  \"Nv Master Wang, you see, I have already said this, it is just your illusion, illusion..."


\"Really..." King Biress nv looked at this pattern playfully and asked: \"Doctor [super doctor recommends reading this book], where did you get this pattern? I think I give it. In your books, it seems that this kind of thing is not recorded."


Robben couldn't help but carefully looked at King Biris nv. Although she didn't know that the Black Emperor had lost the way that the magic nv contacted the sealing method, as the devil, the ancient magic nv must be known, and this pattern is also It must be familiar, but I don't know how important this matter is in her heart.


While Robben was observing the face of King Biress nv, King Biress nv sighed: "Forget it...It doesn't matter where you found it anyway, those are old things that are old and scumbags. , But doctor [super doctor recommends reading this book], I have to remind you that there are some things that you can’t tell, you must remember this."


   Robben breathed a sigh of relief: \"Nv Lord Wang, I have never said anything in such a long time."


King Biress nv nodded with satisfaction: \"But doctor [super doctor recommends reading this book], I still have to tell you one thing, although the two hundred magic nv under your hand does have many breakthroughs , But... they still can't be as strong as you think, you'd better be mentally prepared."


Robben knew that the king of Biress nv was referring to the matter of the magic nv seal. After thinking about it, he decided not to say more. After all, this matter since the king of Biress nv does not know it, it means black The emperor kept her a secret, and if he said it, he might cause trouble.


  \"Good nv lord, my knight did not expect too much, but I have been working hard and will not regret and leave regrets."


  \"Hehe, that would be the best." Bi Ruisi nv Wang smiled, \"Doctor [super doctor recommends reading this book], hold me, tighter..."


   Robben hugged this nv man with a comfortable expression like a kitten in his arms.


  \"Doctor [Super doctor recommends reading this book], I really want to kill you..." King Biress nv said vaguely, Robben couldn't help sweating...


Returning from King Biress nv, Robben has a feeling of being reborn. When he is watched by a demon king, he really has the feeling of being watched by a frog, despair and powerlessness...at that moment It seems that death has come.


Robben breathed the fresh outdoor air forcefully, his heart gradually calmed down, and he couldn't help but sigh: He is still incomparable with the strength of the Demon King. Thanks to his hard work all these years, he took it back for Paris. His soul magic is all one-to-one and one-to-one uncompromising study and comprehension, and it will not be over until it is completely thorough, otherwise...this time it must be a dead body now.


Regarding this incident, Robben knew very well that King Biris nv specializes in soul magic, which gave him a glimmer of life. The soul magic of King Biris nv is indeed very deep, but it exists. When the magic nvs were pulled down from the altar of glory, a large number of magic nvs were killed, and a large number of magic nv scholars and powerful warriors lost their lives. The inheritance of the magic nvs must have been destroyed. And the complete magic knowledge of the magic nv tribe he obtained from Paris was more complete than the soul magic that King Biris nv cultivated himself. Robben was now convinced of this.


It was by taking advantage of the deep leakage of the King of Biris nv to avoid her pursuit, sneaked into the depths of her consciousness and sealed her soul fire. It was a fluke to survive this time. , If you change which Demon King wants to kill himself, it will really be dead.


   With emotion in his heart, Robben walked back.


When I returned to the residence, I won a big victory today. The magic nvs who have already celebrated are all lying in the hall, lying on the floor, on the chair, on the table, everywhere, and the air is full of wine. Taste, and the scent of nv people.


   Robben couldn't help but pinch his nose as soon as he entered, and looked at the fallen demon nv and shook his head. These guys are really nervous, and none of them stayed sober...


\"My lord~~~ Why did you come back? After staying with the nv king for so long, did you do something bad..." Robben felt his back sink, and an obviously drunk voice came into his ears. At the same time, a pair of arms hooked his neck from behind, strenuously...


Hearing the voice, Robin knew it was Bazaar, but this body is heavy and he doesn't know how much he has drunk, and it shouldn't be because he can no longer control his own strength, is the arm that is strangling his own neck...should lighter.


  \"Bazaar, you guys have drunk too much...see how drunk you are?" Robben finally took Bazaar's arm away, and when he looked back, he couldn't help but sigh greatly.


Bazaar has three long hairs, there seems to be some soup on it, the clothes are blue and green, and I don't know what is being rubbed by other monsters, the clothes are a bit torn, and the white skin is violently in the air. In, but there is only a smirk on his face, no second expression at all.


   This look seems to be relatively neat in all the magic nv... Robben knows that these magic nvs will get together and play constantly when they are happy, and then evolve into a snowball wrestling of hundreds of magic nvs...


  \"It's not all to blame the adults, I haven't come back for so long, the sisters have to drink more..." Bazaar said with a smirk, her eyes straightened.


   Robben rolled his eyes, is there any relationship between the two?


   After thinking about it for a while, Robben laughed: \"Well, now the lord is back, Bazaar, you go have a few more drinks."


  \"Good... good" Bazaar smiled happily.


   Robben turned around and left quickly, knowing that a group of drunk nv people are very scary creatures.


   The next day, the demons were too lazy to get up for reasons such as not waking up and having a headache. Robben was helpless, so he went to the military headquarters by himself and gave the banner of his unit to Europa for the record.


Europa looked at this pattern and couldn't help but feel a little strange: \"It is actually the image of a demon nv. It is really rare to use your own race as a banner, but it is nothing, I know, you can come to receive this year's weapons and equipment at any time. The salary of the magic nv."


Standing up, Europa looked at Robben very seriously and said: "Mr. Robben, you have been an honorable soldier under the army of Lord nv from now on. Every one of your soldiers is, even though your team is a special mobile team. But there is no doubt that you are a member of the army. From now on, you must always keep your identity in mind. Every action and every word you say represents what an army soldier does. May the glory be with you."


   Robben salutes Europa respectfully: \"Thank you for the warning, General Europa, I will always remember it."


On the same day, Robben came to the Material Supply Department of the military to collect all the things that his newly formed army should get in a year. When he transported these things back, Robben was dull and found that those were originally asleep. The bad guys and those with headaches are already standing in their mouths with bright eyes, drooling at the house of cars.


This is the first time these magic NVs have got their own configuration equipment and salary. Robben is very helpless watching the magic NVs chirping those armors on his body, and then watching what he gets a lot of money Money is at a loss...




   Robben tapped the heavy plate armor on Bazaar with his fingers: \"Bazaar, you... plan to wear this to fight in the future?" Robben looked at Bazaar and seemed to want to take another heavy sword...


   Bazaar turned her head, raised her helmet and gave the boss a smile: "My lord, this thing is really strange, I don't know what it would be like to fight in real clothes."


  \"Break your head..." Robben shrugged helplessly.


The demons are very excited, Robben will naturally not be disappointed to stop anything, even if they pick up some heavy infantry equipment and wear them happily, anyway... there is nothing to do in a short time, let these demons It's not bad not to go out to cause trouble at all.


Robben quickly wrote a letter and sent it back to Salast, telling Meria everything about this side, and asked her to make the banner of the demons in that pattern and hang it on the head of the city. Stur is where this miniature army is stationed.


Robben also didn't plan to leave immediately, because if you count the days, if nothing else, Nalan will soon take turns to the magic palace of King Biress nv. This time...I can also see Parli, who has not met for a long time. Si, and... Nia.


   After staying here for eleven days, Nalan really arrived.


There are a total of hundreds of demon nvs from the teleportation array, and Nalan is at the forefront. The first thing to come out of the teleportation field is to go to the devil's palace to make a regular report.In fact, it means to tell the demon king that he has arrived and starts to check. The defense is working.


Nalan was dressed in black, wore a black leather cloak, and a pair of boots under her feet. She walked on the street with a cold face. The hundreds of demons behind her were all dressed like this, attracting the attention of the residents on the street. .


Now the residents here know that the demon nv race has a very special status in the city, because the celebrity Mr. Robben next to the king of nv is very close to the demon nv, so together, the demon nv life in the city They are relatively loose, and even the slave market is rarely seen in the demon nv, and this Nalan guard is said to be superior in strength and is a fairly strong demon nv. Although young, he once entered the void by himself. After surviving, at the beginning, those in the city who disapproved of this demon nv, who spoke outrageously or made crooked ideas, seemed to be very lucky in the end...


Robben was waiting at the big mouth of the magic palace. Because there can't be too many people here, Bazaar and the others are staying in the residence, but it seems that Bazaar said that in order to welcome Nalan, he must first go to the street to buy things and prepare, but Luo I felt that it must be the first time Bazaar and the others got their salary and couldn't wait to go out...


  I usually go to myself to rob and go shopping, so that’s good, I will be able to do less of the victim’s role in the future...


  Nalan took his subordinates and slowly approached the magic palace, quietly as if a black cloud floated over.


When Robben saw Nalan finally appeared, he greeted him happily. He thought that Nalan would be very excited when he learned that he had already got the number and flag of the monsters, but... Robben had not had time to speak. I was stunned.


Nalan walked forward very coldly, and it seemed that she was not surprised to see herself, but her face was still expressionless, and she stopped when she walked a step away in front of her.The demons behind Nalan Also stopped.


  \"This..." Robben wondered, what was Nalan's expression? Looking at Nalan's back, the two closest demon nvs that I followed were the old guard and Niya. Robben's eyes rolled a few times, and finally I saw Duoli, this little girl slightly behind. He looked at himself with his eyes wide open, and when he saw himself looking over, he blinked his eyes and smiled to greet him. It seemed that life was quite comfortable.




   Robben felt a warmth on his face, but Nalan suddenly stretched out his hand and moved his face back, and suddenly only Nalan's somewhat cold expression remained in his vision.


  \"Long time no see, master." Nalan said softly.


   This atmosphere... is it a little weird? A big question mark appeared in Robben's heart.


  \"Hmph...hehe...hehaha...hahahaha" Nalan's mouth moved, and the corners of her eyes jumped involuntarily, and finally looked at Robben's extremely strange face and laughed loudly.


   jumped up and hugged Robben's head, Nalan twisted his body vigorously and laughed and said: "Master, isn't this expression cold? Isn't it handsome? Haha Master, you look dumbfounded"


   was played... Robben felt like he was going to faint.


   The demons behind Nalan all saw sweat on their foreheads. The guardian's behavior seemed to be... still so unscrupulous, so a lot of people rushed to the man, even though he was the master,...


  The old guard shook his head helplessly, while Paris stood there quietly, her eyes flat, no emotion on her face.


A kiss on Robben's head fiercely, Nalan quickly said: \"Master, wait here, Nalan has to go to the magic palace to report first, or I will call Bazaar and the others. Take revenge on the master every day. Don’t let everyone go here. Why should you go? Gather at the master’s residence before dinner. Let’s go.”


   Jumped off from Luo himself, Nalan ran towards the magic palace, and quickly shouted to the magic NPCs behind him, and disappeared into the magic palace in the blink of an eye.


The ensuing demons felt weak. Every time they came to the palace of King Biress NV, they felt a lot of pressure, because every time they came here, they felt that their faces were dull, and they were usually very serious and oppressive. As soon as the elders arrive here, they will look for people with bright eyes. They will be very disappointed if they don't see this Mr. Robben. He looks like a jealous, even the old guard is helpless...


\"Everyone...go and do what you need to do. I'm very tired during this time. You can relax a little bit. At least five people will travel together. Before dinner, go back... and return to Mr. Robben's residence. "The old guard commanded helplessly to the demon nv behind him while sighing.


  \"Yes..." The demons agreed, and they dispersed.


   All the magic nv left, only Paris stood blankly in place.


  \"Long time no see." Facing Paris, Robben didn't know what to say to be appropriate.


\"Ah... it's been a long time since I saw you." Paris looked at Robben with a scrutiny gaze, and moved her brow lightly. \ "It seems that you have gained a lot of benefits from my magic. Foreign races can also comprehend the knowledge of our demon nv."


   Robben smiled: \"This is also to better teach other demon nv. It is helpless. The magic knowledge of ancient demon nv is really difficult to understand. I really racked my brains."


Paris sneered: "It doesn't matter. I don't care about what you can learn, just a little surprised. Now... I have nothing to worry about, my heir... will appear soon After that, she will just spread my magic, and the precious wealth of our magic nv will finally not be cut off in my hands."


   Robben glanced at the mouth of the magic palace: \"You mean..."


\"Hmph, Nalan is a very smart and tough demon nv. She looks at her mother's body every day, but she faces another soul. This kind of pain will double her. Over the years, her I was very surprised by the entry, maybe...this is the power of hatred"


  \"But... I think Nalan seems to be pretty good, so it should be... mostly for the sake of the future of the magic nv, don't look at her like that, in fact... is also very powerful."


\"Really?" Paris was a little disapproving.\"Although she has different talents and received the correct guidance from a young age, she has also been spoiled. In my opinion, she is still very immature, otherwise she would not Will do something like just now."


  Roben can only laugh twice: \"This...this is Nalan, right? She has maintained such an optimistic God for so many years. She is already very strong and mature, don't you think?"


  \"Is that so..."


   Looking at Paris's indifferent face, Robben asked gently: \"Nia... is she okay?"


\"She is very good, just a little lonely, because except me, she has no one to talk most of the time, and she can only stay in the depths of the soul without her body. Speaking of which, I am surprised by this. Ordinary demon nv can endure such things for so long. Compared with her nv, this is called a kind of vigor."


  Roben nodded. For Nia, he has always maintained a certain admiration in his heart. This magic nv who can't use magic is stronger and courageous than any magic nv I have ever seen. It can be said that she is better than Nalan.


  \"Can I... see her?"


  Paris frowned and looked at the mouth of the devil's palace: \"Only a while, Nalan will be out soon."


\"of course."


   glanced at the mouth of the magic palace again, and Paris finally closed her eyes. When she opened it again, it was Niya's soft, weak eyes.


   Robben smiled happily: \"Nia, it's been a long time."


  Nya looked a little at a loss, looking at Robben in a daze: \"Big...sir..."


  \"Come... hug" Robben stretched out his arm.


  Nia’s eyes were a little moist, and she stepped forward and leaned into Robben’s arms: "My lord...sorry, Nia has been away for so long... Bazaar and the others must not take good care of the adults, Nia is really..."


  \"Alright alright" Robben reluctantly interrupted Nia's words, and apologized as soon as he came up. This kind of child really won't change for a hundred years.


  \"It's been more than a hundred years, Nia... I've wronged you."


  Nya cried in a low voice: \"Nya has nothing to do now, and always thinks of the previous things, remembering the days when I was with an adult, and sometimes, I also recalled whether Nya did something wrong?


Robben smiled haha, raised his hand and squeezed Nya's face: "Okay, okay~ How can our beautiful and smart Nya do something wrong? And even if we do something wrong, everyone will think That's done right, so just do it...don't care about right or wrong"


  Nia’s tears tend to be surging: \"My lord...I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."


\"Ah, okay, okay, don’t cry, Nalan will ask me again when he comes out.” Robben was also a little helpless in his heart. For more than a hundred years, Nya must have lived more easily than Nalan. .


\"the host"


   suddenly yelled from behind, Robben knew that Nalan had already cut the necessary things in the magic palace and ran out.


  \"Let...Let me go." Robben heard Nia's voice change. He lowered his head and saw that Paris had reappeared, and the tenderness in Nia's eyes had disappeared.


   Pushing Robben away, Paris wiped her tears in embarrassment: "It's really troublesome nv guy, it's really troublesome"


  Nalan ran all the way, smiled and jumped directly on Robben's back: \"Does the master think Nalan Nalan is...Huh?"


   Suddenly saw the tears on Paris's face, still wiping it, Nalan was stunned, but immediately understood what was going on, and said helplessly: "Master, you cried mother again."


  \"What do you mean..." Robben smiled bitterly.


\"Hmm...When I met my mother, my mother always said that she was sorry for doing so, saying that the master gave her a new life, but she abandoned the master and other things. Nalan comforted her mother, but did not What effect... Master, you are so cunning. My mother is more worried about her master than Nalan." Nalan said, pulling Robben's ear hard.


   Robben doesn’t understand why nv people always like to pull their ears...


   Along the way, Nalan happily clung to Robben and talked about recent events, such as how he bravely repelled an unruly rebel attack, how smart he learned some magic...


  Paris quietly followed, without saying a word.


   Came to this house specially built for Robben and the magic nvs, this chic little nest suddenly became lively, the magic nvs swarmed out and pressed Nalan to the ground.


  \"Sister Hahanalan, your dress is pretty. Give me your sleeves."


  \"I want a belt"


  \"Then I want a son"


  \"Ahaha, this little vest is so cute too"




   Every time I see Nalan and these monsters, they will go crazy. Robben is not surprised. He looked at Paris behind him: \"Let’s go in first, they will stop after a while."


  \"You eggs, stop me, hahahimi, don't squeeze me...ahahaha" Nalan yelled and laughed with tears.


Paris walked into the huge room named by Robben as the hall of magic nv, sat on a soft chair at will, and skillfully found a bottle of wine in the small cabinet next to Robben. Frozen for a while.


  \"What's weird about this, I was told by Nia." Paris poured wine to yourself, while you looked at Robben stupidly.


   took a sip of wine, Paris asked directly: \"It has been a lot of time, how are things going?"


   Robben blinked: \"What? What is it?"




  The wine glass was slapped on the table by Paris: "Mr. Robben, you better not tell me that you haven't acted yet. I'm talking about the formation of a magic nv team."


  \"This?" Robben was a little surprised,\"Do you know about this?"


   Robben clearly remembered that when Nalan took the air carriage back to Saraste to tell him this idea, Paris did not come. It seems that Nalan went back to tell her.


  \"This matter is still what I proposed, of course I know." Paris was a little annoyed.


  \"You?" Robben was really surprised this time.


  \"What? Do you have any comments? Nalan said last time that you had agreed, but after so long, you haven't moved yet, Mr. Robben, are you too lazy?"


   Seeing Paris seemed to be furious, Robben waved his hand quickly: \"Wait I haven't said yet...I haven't taken any action? Why are you in a hurry?"


Paris snorted: \"Looking at your leisurely appearance, it doesn't seem to make a difference. The battle between gods and demons is coming, if we are still just a piece of unrecognized sand, even if we stand in the battle Credit will be ruthlessly ignored. We need a team, we need a name that can be called. This is a must"


  \"Really...necessary?" Robben blinked his eyes seemingly curious.


  \"Of course" Paris roared.


   Robben smiled: \"So... I'll show you this, are you satisfied? It was only delivered yesterday, I think it's good."


\"What is this?" Paris looked at Robben strangely as he took out a box from the ring and handed it in front of him. He picked it up and weighed it. There was no sound in it, and it was very light, so he looked suspiciously. Robben.


  \"Open it and see" Robben lifted his chin and motioned to Paris to open the box.


  Paris snorted indifferently, then opened the box, and was stunned for an instant...


\"This...this is? This...this, this is..." Paris's eyes widened, and the expression on her face was extremely complicated, with surprise, jealousy, ecstasy, mixed emotions on her face, Robben Seeing her mouth trembling slightly.


  \"Paris, this is the banner of our future demon nv, right?"


\"This... the battle flag of our demon nv... the battle flag of demon nv" Paris’s eyes filled with mist, a little crystal tear fell down, and it was neatly folded in the box. Only put the logo on the top banner.


   This is a purple underside with a moon white area in the middle. In the area there is a battle flag with the image of a long-haired flying demon nv, which is very similar to the previous demon nv badge.


\"Our... flag..." Paris held the flag out of the box with trembling hands, held it in her heart, tears streaming down, \"I have been waiting for this day... it's been... too long... …"


  Paris moved uncontrollably, holding the banner and staring at the pattern on it, her eyes moved almost out of focus.


It took a long time for Paris to wake up from the emotional mood. Looking at the flag with nostalgia, Paris folded it back in the box and took a deep breath. Paris turned her head.


  \"Thank you...Thank you for everything you have done for us. If we can rewrite the brilliance, we will definitely leave your name in the history of the magic nv."


Robben accidentally, Paris is the first time to speak to herself in such a soft tone, which makes herself a little uncomfortable: "Ah, nothing, you don't need to say that, I do this, I don’t want to be magical. What in return, I just want to help the relatives around me."


  \"Even so, we still thank you. In the current situation of the magic nv, it is really harder to own such a banner than to climb to the sky, but you did it for us."


   Robben smiled: \"Well, I accept your gratitude. I don't need to mention it again in the future. It seems that you also like this banner."


Paris lowered her head and gently rubbed the flag: "Yeah...I want to see such a flag so much. The splendor of our magic nv has been lost for too long, so long that even the things that carry it have been lost. I can’t find it anymore, this banner...will definitely be our way to glory again, I...have been satisfied..."


Robben heard a bit of exhaustion in Paris's tone, and he couldn't help but feel it, and said: "Now the team's number and flag have been registered in the military department, just waiting for the start of the war and we will work hard. To do it, it's just... I haven't experienced a battle between gods and demons. When will this war be fought?"


Paris let out a sigh of relief: \"Soon... soon, the Protoss has always been impatient, now they must be working hard to prepare, soon those **** Protoss will come... It's just a pity , I have... can't see the beginning of our journey towards glory, but...I am already very satisfied, very satisfied..."


  Roben affirmed his own speculation in his heart: \"You mean...a contract?"


Paris smiled and nodded: \"Yes, I... it's about to fulfill the contract. I feel very pleased. Nalan's learning speed is far beyond my imagination... Soon, I have nothing. I will teach her things again, and what is left is the trials and tests that she must personally go through. I can’t teach her those experiences, but I believe...In the future, she will be an extremely shining demon nv ..."


Saying that, Paris smiled happily: "She is more of a future than the warriors of our era, and it is destined to be the brilliant era of the magic nv, Mr. Robben, please watch all this quietly, we magic nv , Will rewrite history haha...hahahaha..." Paris said and couldn't help laughing at last.


  \"Then you...really don't plan to see these with your own eyes?" Robben asked softly.


Paris stopped laughing, glanced reluctantly at the battle flag of the magic nv, and shook his head: \"I have no regrets, my only and magic have been inherited, and I can clearly see our magic nv. In the future, I should have died a long time ago, and I have no regrets. Lord Demon God’s mission to resurrect me in this era is about to be completed soon. I am just... a ghost of the undead. When my things are done, they will inevitably disappear, and you also hope...Nya will come back soon?"


  \"Nalan seems to...have not hated you as much as before" Robben said suddenly.


Paris said indifferently: \"Perhaps, but these are meaningless. The contract between us is like this. I will not leave something to her to linger. It is not my mission, I As an undead resurrected, eventually... must return to death, ah..."


Paris sighed a long sigh: "My time is over...My family, friends, my king, everything has disappeared, leaving me a lonely life, but I think... I can rest soon, and I am tired too..."


  Roben didn't say a word. Maybe she can understand the mood of this demon nv. Now she doesn't have any attachments anymore. Perhaps, disappearing is the best ending.


  \"Well...then in the short future, let's get along well, I think if the magic nv can rewrite its glory, your name will definitely be written into the history of the magic nv."


  Paris smiled: \"That doesn't matter anymore..."




   Robben and Paris were saying this, the room was knocked open directly, and then something rolled in from outside, until it suddenly bounced under Robben’s feet, but it was Nalan.


   grabbing Robben's arm and hiding behind Robben, Nalan shouted: "Master, help, Bazaar and the others are crazy"


Robben couldn't help but looked at Nalan's current dress. Nalan, who was dressed in black just now, looked heroic and now looks like a beggar chased by wild dogs a few streets. It's bar, his body is still full of dust, with panda eyes on his face.


  \"Nalan, why do you always..."


  Roben was about to speak, and there was a grumbling from Harper’s Harper’s mouth: "You dare to say, after so long, I didn’t prepare a gift for us when I came back. I took some of your clothes and ran around. It’s not enough."


  \"Didn't I bring back the present" Nalan screamed.


  \"But it’s not enough for us," Bazaar said naturally.


  \"You two hundred **** eggs, do you want me to pour my fortune?" Nalan yelled indignantly.


  \"Hum, it’s useless to say anything. If I don’t take you off today, I won’t remember this lesson next time, sisters."


  \"Cao" the demons pressed over like a cloud, and Nalan's eyes widened in surprise: "Master? Master?" Nalan suddenly found that his hands were empty, why did Robben disappear?


   Robben has pulled Paris to stand up: "Aha, Paris, let's go to another place to talk, are you hungry, we can eat first."


  \"Master you egg" Nalan yelled


  \"Worry about yourself first" Bazaar has already rushed viciously...


   At dinner time, Nalan was sitting at the table wearing Robben's spacious pajamas, eating angrily. Nalan's clothes were all taken away...


  \"Nalan, why don't you wear your own clothes?" Robben saw Nalan wipe his mouth with the sleeve of his pajamas as a tablecloth.


  \"Others grabbed me, I naturally grabbed someone else's. Oh, there is such a big clean spot on this sleeve." Nalan quickly wiped the oil from her hands.


   Robben resentment...


Paris never talked to everyone, and after eating some things, she left on her own, while the malicious Nalan was about to rub the other sleeve against the vegetable juice on the table in front of her. Robben knew that this was the old Chief Guard and couldn't stand it anymore, so he called Nalan into the corridor to educate him.


However, Robben also knew that Nalan would go there obediently every time, and then in a blink of an eye, he would throw the old guard's words behind his head~www.readwn.com~ Robben also stood up and opened the balcony leading to the outside. Xiao just seemed to see that Paris did not go back to the room, but came here.


   Sure enough, Robben found this demon nv looking up at the sky on the balcony.


  \"In my age, the sky... is not like this. There is a hot sun, a beautiful moon and stars, and there is light and darkness on the earth... It is our fault for the way it is now..."


   Robben also looked up at the sky, the light and cloud that had not changed for thousands of years was changing in light and shade [天珠变].


  \"I think there is nothing wrong with this."


Paris shook her head funny: "Mr. Robben, are you too friendly? Even if I disappear, I will leave with satisfaction. There is no sadness in my heart. I don't need any comfort. You can go back to accompany Nalan. Up."


   turned his head and looked at the sky again, Paris sighed: \"You can also tell her that there is only one last thing I can teach her..." F

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