God Prohibitions

Chapter 877: Fade away

Chapter 877


Paris can't use magic, and can't use fighting energy.It can be said that it has no combat power, and the body is weaker than the average demon nv, but at this moment, this demon nv that is not threatening seems to suddenly become After making a huge dark monster, Nalan felt that the opponent's hand holding his neck was extremely cold, and the cold could even penetrate into his heart...


Paris is yelling: "Nalan, you useless rubbish, see who I am. I am Paris. Gran is not your indecisive mother. You think I can get close now, right? You? I think I have understood me after a hundred years of getting along, right? You idiot, I just use a little trick. Do you feel like a ignorant girl? You know if I can use magic and grudge , Now it’s more than just putting the guard on your neck."


  Nalan's pupils have been shrinking, and after Paris's words, Nalan's body has begun to tremble slightly.


  Fear is spreading in my heart...


   An indescribable fear has grown into a behemoth in his heart. Nalan clearly felt that he was afraid of the undead in front of him that could never threaten him.


\"Nalan" Paris is still yelling, \"Be cold and ruthless. This is what you have to learn instead of being complacent like an ignorant little nv boy. See what you are now? Master? Sister? These are all rubbish, and only you are the most important thing. If you want to contribute your life to the demon nv clan, any thing that prevents you from doing this must be eliminated and the ruthless obliteration must be eliminated. Can you understand me?"


  Paris's figure is swelling, this small castle seems to have been unable to accommodate her drastically changed body, and slowly climbed into Nalan's face in panic.


  \"You...you..." Nalan exclaimed, pushed Paris's hand away violently, and quickly backed up a few steps, panting in fear.


   Paris, who had become swollen like a monster, laughed: "Nalan, you useless trash, you never want to drive me away like this, never...and never want to reunite with your mother"


  \"Shut up" Nalan's eyes were bloodshot, and his trembling fists were clenched tightly.


Paris yelled with a louder voice: "It is not Nalan who can solve the problem by yelling loudly, you idiot, you will never learn what I taught you to deceive cruelty. This is your compulsory course but You can never do it, you...you are not qualified to see your mother again"


  \"What?" Nalan was shocked


Paris's huge body released a faint gleam, and a ball of harmonious light floated out of her huge body and fell on the ground.When the gleam of light dissipated, a human figure appeared inside, but it was Nia.


  \"Mother" Nalan could not help but lose her voice.


Paris sneered and said: \"Nalan, I understand that it is because of Nia's existence that you will always be so weak, like a little girl who never grows up, looks very strong every day, in fact But in my heart, I always look forward to being able to act like a baby in Nia’s arms. I think maybe getting rid of Nia’s soul and letting me be the master of this body is the best way."


  Nalan was shocked: "What did you say? If you dare to touch your mother with a sweat, I will break the body into pieces."


  \"Haha" Paris laughed sneerly, \"Idiot my body is Nia's body, if you can break this body into pieces, then just come"


Looking at Nya on the ground, Paris said excitedly: \"Although this body is weak, it is young and healthy, and it is also a very good choice. My soul has almost reached its limit and has begun to mutate, erasing Nya's soul. After that, I can survive [immortality] for hundreds or even thousands of years."


Staring huge eyes, Paris yelled: \"At that time, I will have enough time to enlighten you, this little brain that will never open up. I will let you mature slowly. Now, with your mother Say goodbye"


When   Paris spoke, the huge body had already begun to twist unsteadily. It seemed that she said that her soul had reached the limit.


   Twisted, Paris, who had slowly begun to speak, lifted the huge palm that had turned into sharp claws, and slapped Nia's head fiercely.


  \"No" Nalan yelled, a dazzling silver light burst out of his body, and he rushed out like lightning.




   With a sound, Paris's huge claws fell, but there was no sound of breaking bones and muscles, so she had to beat each other softly.


\"Nalan...you..." Paris looked at Nalan in amazement, Nalan rushed over at an unparalleled speed, but only hugged Nya on the ground and tightly protected her body. Up her.


  Nalan was trembling, two lines of tears shed in his eyes: \"Enough...don’t be like this...really enough..."


  Paris withdrew her hand in amazement, looking at Nalan, who was holding Nia tightly: \"Nalan, would you rather hurt yourself than attack me? That's the quickest rescue method."


  \"Enough" Nalan screamed with a trembling voice, and Paris couldn't help but gamble back.


Holding Nya tightly, Nalan said softly: \"I hate you, this has never changed. Your arrival disturbed my peaceful life, and even dragged down my innocent mother. My mother has to endure loneliness. She also blames herself for not being able to serve her master every day. Mother has never done anything wrong, but she has to endure innocent pain. What I hate you most... is this."


  \"Really... I really hate me."


\"Yes, I hate you... But mother doesn't think so, mother only hates herself, she always does this... Mother wants me to understand you, wants me to be patient with you, and tolerate you. I have done all of this. In other words...In these years, I have indeed slowly gained some understanding of some of your ideas..."


Slowly turning his head back, looking at Paris who was a little surprised, Nalan slowly said: \"The same is fighting for the future destiny of the demon nv clan, but to get along like this, this can not but be said to be a kind of sadness... …"


  \"Do you...understand me?"


Holding Nya who was in a faint, Nalan stood up: \"In your soul, I can often hear the screams made because of painful suffering, so, except for what you do to your mother, I don’t hate you. You call me naive and ignorant. In fact, sometimes, I just want you to see a different mood of survival [eternal life]. I am also worried about the future of the demon nv clan , But... I am very happy many times, because I have relatives and I have friends, but you don't seem to see these..."


  \"Hehe..." Paris gently shook her head, and the words were a little bit more slumped, \"Unexpectedly...you have seen a lot of things a long time ago, and even...still deliberately affecting me."


\"I've been waiting for you to teach me to use the taboo technique that keeps your soul. Even if I can't comprehend it perfectly, I think the master can do it. Then my mother will return to everyone, and You... can also live with a brand new identity and a brand new mood..."


  Looking at Paris deeply, Nalan closed his eyes and took a long breath: \"But I didn't expect you to do this today, it seems... it's too late."


  Paris's body began to twist violently again, and a strong silver light radiated from her whole body. The huge swelling body gradually turned into thin light spots and drifted away.


   In mid-air, a beautiful demon nv floats there, with willow brows and phoenix eyes, a heroic person.


  Nalan opened his eyes and looked at the demon nv in the sky with a touch of sadness, \"We have been together for so long, this is the first time I have seen your true face... Teacher Paris."


  Paris sighed slightly: \"It seems that I failed. Until the end, I still failed to teach something, even if it was your mother as bait."


Nalan smiled softly: \"I think these things are not necessary. I may not learn it in my life. Since I have decided to take a responsibility for the future of the magic nv, I will do it anyway. You don’t have to be ruthless to do something."


Paris slowly shook her head: "Forget it, everything is over, now there is no point in saying anything, Nalan, I only hope you can act cautiously in the future, in the current magic nv, only you can show The power of the ancient demon nv, the important task of the revival of our demon nv tribe, is mostly on your shoulders, you..."


Nalan shook his head slowly like: "Teacher Paris, I may not be able to bear this burden, but I have my master, some relatives and friends, they will stand with me in everything, each of us Although the light is faint, as long as we are together, we can definitely open up a bright future for the magic nv, but it is very regrettable. Originally... I also wanted to let Teacher Paris see that day."


   Paris, who was floating in the air, jerked her body a few times, and she began to look a little illusory.


Looking up at the sky, Paris's voice was a little helpless: \"Also...This is also a good enlightenment. Although I think you are too emotional, but...maybe this is also sometimes Not a bad thing..."


   said, Paris couldn't help but smile: "It seems that my mission is really over..."


  Nalan said in a puzzled way: \"Why don't you teach me that forbidden magic? Although it is forbidden magic, it is also part of the wisdom of the demons. This magic... shouldn't it be passed down?"


Paris’s gaze is a little more serious: "Nalan, this is my last order to you, you must carefully remember that the desire for power is correct, but you can’t lose our devil for this. The origin of nv's soul magic lies in the strength of its own soul, which lies in breaking through the limits of oneself, and this taboo magic is the product of crazy pursuit of power, which has deviated from the origin of soul magic. At the beginning, it was this kind of crazy about magic power Desire has created the strength of our demon nv, but it also breeds the root of the final destruction. If Nalan can live for a thousand years, you will inevitably change the demon nv clan, and as a banner of the times, you also need to guide Other demon nv, must not repeat the mistakes we paid for this, it is too painful."


  \"But then...you..."


Paris smiled freely: "The end of life is death, and death is also a process of life. Now I...have no worries, I should fulfill my contract and leave this world...My fellow citizens I have already gone to **** for atonement, now I should go too..."


  Nalan feels sour, and I really don't know much about Paris's feelings.


\"I just used a little magic to create an illusion, but because Nia’s body itself cannot be used, and my soul is too weak, I took advantage of her soul power, which would make her weak for a while, but You will wake up in three or four days, so don’t worry."


  Nalan nodded: \"I know this."


  \"I know...ah...this is really the last lesson of failure. It seems that you have learned to hide your strengths. Did you find that I was bluffing?"


  Nalan shook his head: \"I found out when I passed by."


  \"Hehe, it seems that I'm still very good, ah... it's a good feeling..."


Turning her head, Paris looked at the flying magic nv battle flag, with incomparable gratification in her eyes: "Nalan, you go back, I want to stay here for a while, dinner... don't eat. "


  Nalan bit her mouth and the corners of her eyes are a little wet, and Paris, who took the initiative to leave the soul, is probably about to disappear...


  \"Let's go... I want to stay by myself for a while, then..." Paris turned her back.


  \"Yes...Yes, Mrs. Paris" Nalan gritted her teeth, holding Nya and stepped back.


  \"Oh, yes" Paris suddenly said again, \"I... indeed have an nv son, huh... we can't have a son, she... is indeed about the same age as you, very beautiful."


  Nalan couldn't help crying.


  \"Um... I still said something extra, let's go... Let me stay here for a while... Go tell Robben that I can't repay him, but... I am very grateful."




  Nalan glanced at Paris's back for the last time, and ran down the stone stairs of the watchtower, holding Nia and turning around.


The wind gently blew the battle flag of the demon nv, Paris looked at it quietly, with a smile on her mouth: "Saraste...Sin City hope this is the place where the dawn is born. ...This flag...is so beautiful..."


   In the villa, Robben is preparing dinner, most of the magic nvs are noisy in the magic nv hall, a few come to the kitchen to help, but most of them come to help, stealing things to eat is true.


Suddenly there was a sound of surprise from the magic nv from outside. Robben was strange, put down his things and walked out. When he arrived in the magic nv hall, he found that Nalan gently put Nya on a soft chair. Above, the other demons around are all puzzled.


   Seeing that it was definitely Niya's soothing and natural face, Robben couldn't help but suddenly jump in his heart.


   Put Niya away, Nalan turned around, with tears on her face, she threw herself directly into Robben’s arms: \"Master..."


   Looking at Nia, Robben sighed with regret in his heart, and lightly patted Nalan on the back: \"She... has gone?"


  \"Um..." Nalan choked.


  \"Finally, did she teach you anything?"


  Nalan raised his head, gently, but firmly said: "She told me that we must work together with everyone to create a brilliant era of magic nv."


   Robben smiled softly: \"Yes, Nalan...you learned very well."


  Paris left.


After getting this news, the magic nvs have a kind of weird emotions in their hearts. Among all people, only Nalan and Paris have the longest time together. Most of the other magic nvs have not very good impressions of Paris. But seeing Nalan crying now, everyone felt a little strange, but also a little bit sad. This demon nv, who was resurrected from the ancient times, went a little bit suddenly, and even disappeared without giving everyone time to prepare.


   The dinner atmosphere was somewhat dull. Everyone went to rest after eating. After Robben put Nalan to sleep, he put on his coat and strolled to the tower alone.


The battle flag of    Demon nv is still flying here with the wind, but... the figure is no longer visible.


   Luo sat on the floor, took out the wine secretly left over for dinner from the ring, took out two more wine glasses, filled them with wine, took one by himself, and pushed the other one under the banner of the war.


Looking at the sky, Robben said with emotion: \"Speaking of which, you are also a great demon nv... No, it should be said that it is great. I think when you sealed your soul into the record, you must bring it with you The belief in enduring the torment of eternity did it that way. There was no deep regret and regret, no deep worry about the future of the demon nv clan, and would never do such dangerous things. From this point of view, I admire you very much."


   As he said, Robben drank the wine in the glass, took another glass, and gently sprinkled it on the banner of the war.


\"Your soul will guard this banner, haha, you will leave after you have done your own things. This approach is actually very cunning, because there are still a lot of things for us to do, and do everything. It’s something difficult to do."


After pouring two more glasses of wine, Robben took a cup: "But... even if it is difficult, we will do it well. For the future of the magic nv and for your hope, Nalan is already alone enough, and now she is no longer alone. If you need my care again, what I can do is probably to watch silently and watch your people complete the process of resuscitation little by little, just... I don’t know when I can see..."


   Robben drank another cup and spilled another cup on the ground.


  \"Master, what are you doing?"


   Robben felt that his shoulder was poked lightly with a finger. Just now he felt that Nalan had reached the stone stairs of the tower, and he walked over after watching for a few minutes.


Looking back at the suspicious Nalan, Robben said with a smile: "It's nothing, it's just that Paris went too suddenly, and the master didn't have any preparations. He was still waiting for her to go back for dinner, now... …I had to come here to have a drink with her to express my feelings."


  \"So...what is this doing?" Nalan looked at the wine spilling on the floor strangely.


   Luo Ben thought how to explain this? Who but the Chinese understand this...


  \"Hmm... Doesn't she always say that her soul will go to **** in the end? I think... This might be a good way to have a drink with her."


  \"Oh..." Nalan nodded seemingly, then squatted down beside Robben, looking at the wet ground with some wonder.


  \"Master, will she really go to hell? The soul is tortured forever? For... the sins committed before..."


Robben deliberately thought for a while before he chuckled, stretched out his hand and pressed Nalan's head: \"How come, her soul has been kept in that record for so long and has not gone to hell, now he has done the whole thing The devil world is meaningful, and it sounds like it was in her era. She has always opposed the excessive arrogant attitude of the demon nv at the time. I remember that we had obtained a book recording the history of the demon nv before, the author I was very worried about the current situation of the demon nv family, and opposed some of the views of the demon nv at the time. Presumably Paris was that kind of attitude, she... there should be nothing wrong with it, even if you go to **** in turn, you can't take turns. she was."


  \"Really..." Nalan muttered a little softly, and once again his eyes fell on the ground wet with alcohol, and then there was a strange expression on his face.


   Robben smiled bitterly, this is really boring, I only said that Paris went to **** and then denied...


  \"Nalan, everything is born from the earth, and our demons are no exception. When we lose our lives, we will return to the embrace of Mother Earth."


  Nalan nodded again seemingly understanding, as if she understood something.


   Luo Ben can only say that. If you explain the Yin Cao Difu, Jiuyou Huangquan, then Nalan probably doesn’t understand what is going on...


Nalan took Robben's wine glass, filled it with wine, and then drank the glass by himself, and another glass sprinkled it gently on the ground as Robben learned: \"After so many years, I have never drank with you. A glass of wine, this glass... is it a see-off."


  Naran said, filled two glasses again, drank three glasses of wine in a row, then stopped, but her eyes were a little red.


Robben looked at the demon nv battle flag flying in front of him, and said with a smile: "Okay, Nalan, let's go back. It's always bad to disturb others to rest. Compared to Paris, I feel like sleeping now. She has worked so hard all the time."


  Nalan respectfully saluted the battle flag spilled with drinks below, then stood up and left with Robben.


   There is a faint smell of wine on the towers, it seems...there is also a soft whisper, soft and far away,


  Paris disappeared, leaving nothing for others to remember. When she came, there was only a ray of soul, and when she left, she took nothing away, as if a phantom flashed away...


Nya woke up on the third day. The first thing Nya who woke up was to shed tears. Nya said that she wanted to stop Paris, but she used it at the cost of damaging her soul. Magic and used his dragon soul power to faint himself...


  Nia was very sad. When she opened her eyes, all she could find was the temple and residence that Paris built for herself, and some clothes. These can barely be regarded as Paris's relics...


   Collected some clothes, shoes and hats that Paris had customized at the time. Nia begged Robben to set up a burial mound for Paris and find a quiet place outside the city.


Robben originally didn't want to do this, and Paris would definitely not want this. She fulfilled her wish, and her soul left here. Perhaps what she yearned in her heart was to go back to the past and die with her own people. Instead of staying in this era...


But Nia’s appearance really made Robben hard-hearted and say no. Finally, everyone collected some of the few items that Paris had left in Salast, and opened up a small piece of land in a quiet place outside the city. , Buried these clothes, and erected a monument with Paris's name engraved on it. Robben laid a defensive barrier around the cemetery, and used some magic spar to provide energy, so at least a hundred years The inner magic enchantment will be effective, there will be nothing to disturb Paris's rest.


Nya would go outside the city to visit Paris almost every day. Nya told everyone that Paris had always been depressed and painful. Only when she appeared to see Nalan and she fell silent would she get a moment. Rest, worries and fear filled her heart. She has been exhausted over the years. Fortunately, Nalan's learning speed is amazing, and she has persisted until now...


Paris hardly goes with people, and only Nya can talk at ordinary times.Except that Robben and Nalan can understand Nya's feelings, everyone is strange to Nya's attitude towards Paris, but Nia still goes to see Paris every day, sometimes Robben will also go, sometimes Nalan...


Soon the residents of Salast knew that there was an amazing demon nv called Paris buried outside the city. Guardian's teacher, she is now buried outside Salast.


Gradually, when Robben and Nalan accompanied Nia to visit Paris, they began to find that there were fresh uā, bunches and bunches, placed outside Paris's graveyard, some were nearby wild uā, some But it is the uā sold in the uā shop in the city, and the quantity is gradually increasing.I know that one day when Robben was with Nia and found that the fresh uā was full of Paris’s cemetery. Some faintly moved.


The residents of Salast don't know the true origin of Paris. This secret is only known to him and the demons around him, but it doesn't matter anymore. Maybe Paris will know what happened here. Would you like to take a nap here...


  \"Today I made something that adults love, but it’s a bit greasy, which may not suit your taste, but I also prepare some light dishes, you will love it."


Before Paris’s tombstone, Nia was taking out stacks of jīng zhicai dishes from a food box and placed them in front. This is already a habit of Nia. Come to the cemetery and put it here, and take away the things left over from the previous day.


The small cemetery is filled with the fragrance of fresh uā combined with the fresh scent of soil and grass blades. It is refreshing. A few butterflies attracted by the fragrance of uā fly in the air, and sometimes they will fall on Paris. On his tombstone, his wings were gently opened and closed.


   The cemetery seemed quiet and peaceful, only Nia's thin whispers echoed softly.


After talking for a while, Nya packed up the things left yesterday, stood up and said goodbye to Paris: \"Then let’s go back first, you have a good rest, I will come to see you tomorrow, don’t Feeling lonely."


   Talking, Nya smiled happily, turned around and said: \"Sir, let's go."


Robben is still happy, Nia is completely back, and the temporary boarding of Paris's soul has not caused any bad effects on Nia, but it makes Nia, who is delicate and sentimental, feel a little bit more about her leaving. Nostalgia, and now Nia treats Paris like her own sister, as if there is a relative of her living here, this feeling also moved Robben a little.


  \"Well, let's go back." Robben said and took the food container in Nia's hand.


   The two walked side by side on the way back, and there was a small carriage waiting at the entrance of the city.


  Nia suddenly asked gently: \"Sir, if the war between the gods and demons breaks out, Bazaar and others... will leave Salast, right?"


   Luo Ben's heart moved slightly, and he looked at Nya. This was the first time Nya mentioned the battle between gods and demons.


\"Ah...Now we have established the first demon nv army. This number and flag are not easy to come by, and it also carries Paris’s dream. In this battle between gods and demons, we need to let this banner spread Shining, this is the direction we have been working hard on."


  Nya nodded gently: \"Yes...this banner of our magic nv is too precious, but it's a pity..."


   Robben looked at Nia strangely: \"What a pity?"


  Nia hesitated, and said: \"Unfortunately...everyone can do something of their own, only Nia...Nia can't do anything."


Robben blinked, thinking about the meaning of Nya's words. Generally speaking, Nya's words are very euphemistic. This sentence may really lament that he is useless, but it is also very likely to express Robben couldn't tell the meaning of his own concerns about the safety of the demons.


\"grown ups"


   Robben was thinking about it, Nia suddenly stopped and pulled Robben's sleeve.


  Niya's action somewhat surprised Robben. According to Niya's style, this kind of action can already be regarded as a very dynamic action.


  \"Nya, what's wrong with you?" Robben looked at Nya with concern.


Nia bit her mouth, Master, I know that I said this is very inappropriate, and very self-reliant, but... But if possible, I implore adults to teach me something. After Paris left, I suddenly Realizing that if the battle between the gods and demons unfolds, Lord, Nalan, and Bazaar, everyone will leave and go to the battlefield. Only me...I have to stay in Salast, Lord, I..."


Nia lowered her head slowly: "My lord, although I can't use magic or fighting spirit, I understand the cruelty of war. It is the Shura field where countless lives have disappeared. They... it's almost impossible for them all to come back. , I don’t know... I don’t know what news I will be waiting for, I don’t know when I will suddenly lose sight of anyone, my lord... I feel terrified when I think of this..."


Nia grabbed Robben's hand and shook slightly: "My lord, I really don't want to be scared every day, but what I am waiting for is bad news. Sir, can I go with everyone? I will work hard as long as there is a possibility. I really... don't want to be left alone"


Robben was embarrassed, and Nya's feelings were fully understood by himself. He and these demons can be said to be all of Nya's relatives in this world. After the battle between the gods and demons, he and Nalan will inevitably Bring the monsters into the battlefield, and Nya, as a monster who can't fight, must stay in the back. At that time, it will be a question of whether he can stay in Salast.


If Nya wants to go with everyone, then Nya will inevitably be very hard. The battlefield will not be as easy as home life, and Nya's body is relatively weak and she has no talent for using magic. The battlefield is for her. , Almost the restricted area.


Nya looked at Robben with hope and desire in his eyes, but...this hope and desire gradually disappeared from Nia's eyes, because Robben frowned slightly and remained calm and did not speak, Nia understood , The man in front of him is very tolerant and gentle towards himself.Even if he had accepted Paris's soul and left him without his consent, he was only worried about his safety, but he did not blame himself at all. Meaning, it is precisely because of this that I made this somewhat excessive request today. If there is a glimmer of hope, this man will definitely agree to...




Nya lowered her head slightly, and said in a panic: \"This...I'm sorry for the ridiculous words of my lord Nya. As expected, Nya will only cause trouble. A demon like Nya shouldn't be on the battlefield. Safe Only staying here will let everyone fight at ease. Nya is really... really ignorant. Don’t take it seriously, Nya is just... uh..."


   Niya was stunned for a moment, trying to explain something, because the man's finger in front of her pinched her nose.


  Roben said with a chuckle: \"Nia, you are still this old sickness. It is not someone else standing in front of you, but Robben. Is there anything else that would make you so flustered to explain to me?"


  Nia couldn't help but turn red when she heard her eyes. She bit her mouth and said: "My lord...Nia is useless, but..."


Gently holding Nya in his arms, Robben said softly: "The reason why I didn't agree directly is because I was thinking about it. After all, you can't fight. It is very dangerous on the battlefield. This is a big deal. The question, so I must carefully consider it before giving you an answer, and everyone agrees to this matter. You know, if I take you to the battlefield without authorization, you will definitely be beaten to death by everyone ."


  Nya whispered: "My lord...Nya is causing trouble again, Nya..."


\"Alright, alright~~~" Robben interrupted Nia quickly, \"Um... Actually, there are not only combatants on the battlefield. If you must go, I will try my best to arrange it and wait for it to go back. After everyone has discussed it, we can make a decision, okay?"


\"Hmm...sir, I think... forget it, Nya just said something like that for a while, in fact Nya understands that staying in a safe place is the most correct choice, if It’s just that Nya’s own reasons are going to cause trouble, or in a place like a battlefield, Nya will never go.”


Robben reluctantly said that the speed at which nv people change their minds is the fastest in the world. This is true. Even nv people like Nya are no exception. Just now Nya's words are sincere, but now they are. There are no false elements at all, but the meaning is completely opposite...


\"This way..." Robben scratched his head in distress.\" Speaking of which, I am a little worried about leaving you in a safe place. What you said just reminded me. When you fell into the void with Nalan, you almost died with worry. Now if we are all going to the battlefield, I am not sure if I will see you alive when I come back, um... so let’s do it now Set it down, you will go with us, and we will discuss with you the question of where you should be placed, um... it should be that way."


  Niya looked at Robben in surprise: \"But, my lord..."


Robben immediately shook his head: \"No, you don’t need to say anything more, this matter is decided first, listen to the master’s words, be good..." Some mischievous patted Nya’s head, Robben let go and turned around Pulled her to continue walking towards the entrance of the city.


Niya followed Robben step by step, thinking for a long time but couldn't think of anything to say, finally her face flushed: "Um...sir...thank you~www.readwn.com~Roben couldn't help but laugh. Up.


Since the establishment of this team of Magic nv, even if there is a city where Salast has a regular station, the battle flag of Magic nv is hung at the head of the city, and a piece of land has been opened up in the city to build a small one that only accommodates Two hundred demon nv’s mini-barracks, the days of demon nv’s leisurely travel are almost over, they are usually stationed in the barracks, and occasionally they will conduct basic training on the open field, but they just leave. It just looks like it, the big field where magic nv really practice magic is actually the vast wasteland east of Salast.


The barracks are very small and only have four guards, and they are rotated by the demons, but most of the time there are only two...The barracks are built meticulously, at least from the appearance, but inside there is a hall that is exactly the same as the villa. Even the furnishings are basically the same...


   Robben came to the entrance of the barracks and took a look. The two guards, Shimi and Cardina, seemed to sneak back to sleep again...


   Robben helpless: \"Cardina, you go inside and call everyone to the lobby, Ximi, you go back to the villa, and call those who have slipped back. I have something to discuss with everyone." F

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