God Prohibitions

Chapter 879: Prepare for war

When he came back from Queen Biris, Robben was still feeling uncomfortable.

This woman looked at her with so weird eyes, which was a bit idiotic, but more dangerous. Robben has never thought of a good way to solve this matter, and now he can only take one step and count one step. He didn't expect the war between gods and demons to come so quickly without a sound, originally Robben thought it would be a few years just came.

But this also has an advantage. Once the battle between the gods and the monsters begins, as the demon king, Queen Biress must devote all of her energy to the war. Then naturally there is no time to pay attention to herself, and her own crisis will be temporary. It was frozen, and he would only recover after knowing the battle between the gods and the monsters. Robben felt that in this battle between the gods and the monsters, he might be able to get something that he had always wanted.

He took out the gem that hadn't been exposed for a long time from his arms, and Robben gently wiped its surface. For the one who could naturally give the gem to the black emperor... a few more in his heart. Looking forward to it.

Robben quickly returned to the barracks, but none of the witches were there. Instead, they had already wandered on the street. Robben couldn't help sighing for his lax management.

The witches came back one after another after waiting for dinner. This is also a place where the witches became obedient. It would be too unreasonable for two hundred witches to enter and exit at the entrance of the barracks. It would be quieter when he came back, at least not too much to the nerves of the officers and soldiers who were not allowed to leave the barracks casually.

"Ah... so tired!"

"Yeah..." So hungry! "

As soon as the witches returned to their camp, they shouted that they were tired and said that they were hungry. Everyone looked at Robben with anticipation, because Robben always prepared dinner or cooked some dishes by himself. "Or order directly from a nearby restaurant. In short, the witches just eat, no matter where the food comes from, of course... When outside like this, Robben always pays for it, using the words of the witches. It feels very good.

Robben coughed: "Girls, I'm so sorry, everyone will be hungry for a while today. I haven't prepared anything for you to eat."

The witches suddenly turned into bitter faces.

"My lord, I'm going to starve to death"..." Ximì took Robben's hand, his body has softened a little, anyway, the floor is a clean carpet.

"Cardina, put this starving guy up first, and take it to feed the fish when we go back." Robben said without looking at Xi.

"Yeah" this is good attention! Come here, everyone. "Tie Ximì and carry it to the storage room."

"I'll fight it!" Xi Mì jumped up, "I am very pitiful when I starve to death, and I have to take them to feed the fish!"

Robben couldn't help laughing. He raised his hand and knocked on Xi Mì's forehead, knocking the witch who was protesting with her neck out of the way. Robben said, "Well, everyone, stop making trouble. I have something to do with everyone and we will go out to eat. It's still the same place!"

"Great!!" Xi Mì immediately jumped up vigorously.

When the witches all looked at Robben eagerly and eagerly wanted to know what Robben was going to say, Robben had already sorted out what he was going to say.

"Girls, according to reliable sources, the moment we have been waiting for has finally arrived. The shortest three months and the longest half a year, during this period of time, the battle between gods and demons is about to begin!"

The witches were all surprised when they heard the news, and all of them were shocked.

"Hehe, I know this seems a bit sudden." However, we are not a standard force for large corps operations, nor are we stationed in important military strongholds. Some news and developments are indeed not detectable at any time, and speaking, we I have never noticed anything in this area, and you should be surprised." When I heard this news, I was also very surprised.

"My lord, the source of the news..." Is it reliable? "Bazaar questioned slightly.

"Absolutely reliable... The Queen said to me." The witches who Robben said were taken aback for a moment, and then nodded in front of them. If Queen Biress said it herself, then it should not be wrong. , Although the Queen seems to be in a bad style, she still has the least credibility. Such a big thing will definitely not just be fun with Robben.

Seeing that the faces of the witches became serious, Robben said: "Girls, our leisurely life is about to end. We will have a good rest today, and tomorrow we will return to Salest to start preparing for the war. This time In the war, we must be the first to get the credit, and we must not let other races look down upon it."

"Yes, my lord!"

After the witches had eaten outside, they all began to pack up. At this time, the envoy of Queen Biris also arrived, and asked Robben to discuss the matter.

Corresponding to the fact that Queen Biris always asks Robben to go to the magic palace to discuss matters in two or three days. This is not surprising to everyone. It has been like this for so many years, and until the secrets are only a handful of them. Personally, apart from Robben himself and Queen Biris, the only insiders were Nalan, Niya, and Duolì who accidentally crashed into the house.

Lord Queen summoned him, Robben did not dare not go, so he had to follow the envoy to the magic palace.

Robben has eaten dinner, but this is obviously not a question for Queen Beris to consider. Robben was told that the Queen was in the dining room and was preparing to have dinner with Robben.

When Robben came to the restaurant, Queen Biris was already eating on her own

Wearing a bathrobe, it looks like he has just taken a shower.

"Sit down!" Queen Biress said vaguely, she was still working hard to deal with the food on her plate.

Robben’s side had already arranged the food. Robben sat down and took a look. The food he ate was very exquisite. He thought that it would be fine to eat more. If necessary, he wouldn’t even eat food for a hundred people. Will hold on.

At the moment, I also picked up the chopsticks I prepared for myself, threw away my cheeks and chewed. For a while, only two people gobbled up in the small restaurant.

Robben was eating happily, but Queen Biress who was opposite said: "Doctor, I want to talk to you about business today."

Raising his head strangely, Robben saw that Queen Biress was wiping her mouth chún lightly with her napkin, and she looked noble, but Luo Lai was a little bit... talking about business, it seemed that business was...

……Humph! Men really are creatures that rely on their lower body to think, I'm talking about business! Doctors!

It's business! ! "Queen Biress saw that Robben's **** was a little weird, she couldn't help but glared to emphasize.

Robben had no choice but to put down his chopsticks: "My Lady Queen, please tell me, what kind of answer you are talking about business, I will give you what kind of answer."

Queen Biress coughed and her face was serious, but she couldn't help but glared at Robben: Look at me with that sèmímí look, and I will throw you out of here! "Roben smiled bitterly: "My Lady Queen, I have a very clear and serious look. Look... shouldn't you keep trying to remind me this time." "

……Humph! The **** man is still the best woman in the world. Queen Ruisi started whispering.

Robben scratched his head: "My lord Queen, you are looking for me, what the **** is it?" Queen Biris took a breath, seeming to calm down the anger in her heart because of Robben's "sèmímí" eyes. Zheng Sè said: "Doctor, the battle is already in sight. My own troops are always preparing. I don't need any major deployment and changes. It can be said that my soldiers can go to war at any time. I know it very well, but I don’t know that about your special operations team."

Robben looked at Queen Biris suspiciously: "My lord Queen... do you mean you want to know something about my team?" "Forget it, why I called you here to talk about this? It’s also because of the special nature of your witches. I don’t deny their powerful strength. I really can’t find a team like this in my army. What I want to know now is where their bottom line is. If I have a task that requires a small group of powerful fighters to complete, I want to know whether these witches can do it."

"My Queen, what do you mean...Want to know the limit of the fighting power of the witches?"

"Yes, this team is special. They have not trained with other regular troops. During the war, it is impossible to be placed in any team to act together. The battles they want to fight must be small-scale. , Missions that require extremely elite fighters to complete, and these missions are usually very dangerous. I have formed such a team before. Of course, these teams also exist now, but the combat effectiveness alone seems to be The witches are slightly taller, so I really want to know some specific situations at the beginning of the war. At that time... I don’t want to waste the elite fighters, let them do nothing, and don’t want them to execute. Impossible mission and died in vain."

Robben understood that Queen Biress's request was also very reasonable. Knowing the true strength of her subordinates is also a task of the leader, so that in some situations, he can make correct and reasonable judgments.

"Hmm... Queen, let me put it this way, the current battle mode of the witches is different from any team. In the devil world, there is only one such team now. In the past few years, I have been training Those young witches, I hope they can be well-trained from a young age, and then become powerful fighters, but it takes time, I think at least it will be another 100 years, a large number of them are like now in this team Warriors like witches only appear, so most of my energy is put on them. I think you have already seen the queen, the spiritual union of witches is a very powerful art of fighting together." "Spirit. United!?" Queen Biress had a bit of curiosity in her tone.

"We rely on the witches’ unique mental power usage method to establish a connection. This connection can connect the witches’ spiritual power one by one in a small area, although now the witches are individually expanding this connection. The range is less than ten meters, but as long as they are together, each witch will be a node for transmitting information. On this basis, they can connect to all the other witches at the same time. To a large extent, their spiritual power can be connected through this connection. Sharing, as long as one of the witches can use some high-level magic, even if her own magic power is insufficient, it becomes possible after the spiritual strength is greatly strengthened through the spiritual connection."

Queen Biress nodded: "Although I thought of something when I saw it at the time, I still feel very strange when I hear you. This is the first time I have heard of this kind of spiritual sharing. It seems... There is no such thing, is it recorded in the ancient books of those witches?"

Robben shook his head: "No... this is an attack method that we created ourselves. It is specifically aimed at the battlefield environment. A witch's power is very limited, but connecting all the witches together creates a very powerful one. The power of the witches connected together can quickly restore their mental power through spiritual sharing, so that the witches’ cast endurance will be greatly improved, and they can fight for a long time, even when their physical power is exhausted. Filling.

Queen Biris tilted her head and gently mō her own hair before her: "How come this connection sounds so powerful. If my magician legion can do this, wouldn't it greatly improve combat effectiveness? "

Seeing the hopeful gaze from Queen Biris, Robben smiled helplessly: "My Lady Queen, you will be disappointed. Only the witches can realize this kind of connection. They rely on their innate unique use of spiritual power. In order to do that, it’s not that I haven’t thought of promoting it among other races, but Saji..., now I can’t get into the connection of the witches to the maximum. The only thing I can do is to transmit some information, but I want to share the spirit. The spiritual assistance provided is simply impossible."

"Oh... it turned out to be like this." Queen Biris was full of pity, "No wonder they always start when they use magic, and the casting speed is very fast, and the level of magic used is also very high... As for the single combat ability, what will happen if we break away from this spiritual sharing."

Robben smiled slightly: "My lord Queen, you should also know a little bit about the ability of these witches to fight alone, because after all, they will always compete with your hún masters, who are stubbornly average. You must be able to see this clue to the direction.


Queen Biress nodded: "Indeed, the fighting methods of those witches make me feel helpless. They don't use traditional witch offensive methods, and often use their fists." Doctor, are you trying to tell me that your witches... …Are all those who practice fighting spirit better? "

Robben smiled unconsciously and shook his head: "My Lady Queen" actually...These witches are the most orthodox witches, and the magic they practice is also compulsory magic for witches, but...relatively speaking, they are more sophisticated and fight. When your hún masters were controlling them, let’s be honest... Queen, you are a little stingy. You always find those innocuous horns to fight with them. The witches feel that you can solve it with your fists. Something up. "

The irritation on Queen Biris's face flashed: "You mean that these witches of yours not only have quite good physical fitness, but at the same time they are proficient in boxing, spiritual magic is the most powerful place?"

Robben nodded, then shook his head again.

Queen Biress frowned: "Doctor what do you mean?" "My Queen, you may not know...

…, in fact, these witches all practice spiritual hún magic, and spiritual magic is only a part of them. "Queen Biris couldn't help being slightly surprised: "You mean..., all?" "


"Then... You just said that only a hundred years later, such witches may appear in large numbers. That is to say, the witches of Sarast now, they..."

"Yes, Lord Queen, it started a long time ago. All the witches with their hearts have accepted the teachings of spirit hún magic. The former spiritual magic has been used as a guide and aid. Now... the witches have returned to orthodoxy! "Orthodox..." Queen Biress held her head with one hand, her face looked strangely at Robben and said: "Doctor, you have been looking for clues about ancient witches, I know, most of you The source of the information is also provided by me. Although the ancient witches have created brilliant times and created extremely powerful spiritual hún magic,... these have all disappeared into the dust of history with the destruction of the witches. , The current spirit hún magic is edited and compiled by later generations of magicians, and it is quite different from the spirit hún magic that was originally created by a witch and suitable for witches’ practice. Doctor... don’t blindly pursue the so-called orthodoxy, this is possible. It will bring disaster consequences."

Looking at the serious face of Queen Biris" Robben understood in his heart that the woman on the opposite side did not know about the existence of Paris. News about Paris had always been tightly blocked, and even the Black Emperor should not know. , The magic that the witches practice now is not the magic that was compiled and edited by later generations, but the most orthodox spiritual hún magic, which was widely circulated in the most glorious era of witches, is the most powerful and complete spiritual hún magic.

But now" Robben naturally can’t say that. The ancient witch spirit hún magic left by Paris is extremely precious. Although it was tailor-made for the witch, now the witch is weak, and it is hard to guarantee that other races will covet it. This magic" and sitting in front of him is the most coveted one.

At present, witches are still needed to rely on this powerful magic to gain strength and status." It is also for the safety of all witches. Once this matter is exposed, it will cause endless troubles for the witches.

After listening to Queen Biress, Robben smiled indifferently: "I have considered this, but from the actual situation, the fighting level of the witches has indeed improved, although there may be some in it. Question, but compared to the past, it is already very good. "

Queen Biress looked at Robben with suspicion. She always felt that there seemed to be something unnatural in her words, but she couldn't tell what was unnatural for a while, and she felt very strange in her heart.

Robben has already continued: "If you want to give more details, then my evaluation of the witches now is like this. For magicians of the same level, the witches have almost no possibility of defeat, because in the same magic power The spiritual strength of the witches is unmatched by ordinary magicians. A powerful mental attack will disrupt the opponent’s magic, make the enemy completely lose the threat, and even kill the enemy directly at the spiritual level, if the opponent is a warrior in close combat. , Then if you are prepared, the witches will have a greater advantage." But the problem is that once they are attacked, "the witches are magicians after all, so that would be very dangerous."

There is a somewhat unbelieving **** on Queen Biris' face: "Doctor, are you sure that the witches will definitely win when facing a magician with similar magical attack power?" Robben thought for a while and smiled: "Almost Well, I can't think of any reason why the witches will fail. The witches have natural restraint against magicians. There is no doubt about this. After the enhancement of spiritual magic, the witches are definitely the nightmare of magicians!"

"Well... it sounds like it's invincible, doctor, don't exaggerate it, then wisdom will suffer." The Queen of Death felt that Robben seemed to praise his witch too much.

Robben said without humility at all, "My Lady Queen, I'm just making a very correct statement. If the Lady Queen feels it is necessary to make sure, you can check it in person."

Queen Biris shook her head directly: "I don't want to see those arrogant witches. If you say this, please record it as you say for the time being. I will arrange tasks suitable for the witch's strength you said when you bring it." "Okay, then I can be like the Queen here. If you want to talk about pure magical strength, for example, if two witches use pure magic to fight against each other, then... Nalan doesn't need to say it, take Bazaar First, there should be about fifty witches who can steadily beat the old guard guard."

"What?" Queen Biress was surprised after hearing Robben's words. "Doctor, don't talk nonsense. The witch Shiwei Zhang is a high-risk position. Most of the guards died in the end. In her tenure, the ability of the current old chief guard to resign alive is enough to prove that she is a great witch. Even if her strength is greatly reduced because of her excessive injuries, it is not something your childish witches can defeat." Robben chuckled: "My lord, the old guard shì’s injury... You see, with me, how could it be possible for Nalan’s teacher to endure that kind of pain? Although she has indeed stepped down, her current combat effectiveness is comparable to the previous one. It’s only high, not low, and... we’ve also been better underneath. I said that fifty witches can steadily defeat the old guard, it’s just a conservative estimate."


......" "Hehe, Lord Queen, I have always wanted to tell you that this witch team is under your banner, which is actually an extra benefit for you. You were a little reluctant at the beginning. It is really unnecessary." After the prelude of this war of gods and demons kicks off, you will find that you have already made a fortune without knowing it."

Queen Biress looked at Robben with a bit of uncertainty in her eyes: "Doctor, what you said today is too absolute, too different from before. It feels like your sense of caution has disappeared." "My Lady Queen, it is not now. When we are humble, we will be on the battlefield. In order to have a good performance in this war, "I will prepare for two hundred years!" The witches have also prepared for two hundred years. By this time, we have no reason to hide our strength behind where we are. What we need is a stage, a stage that can show our ability. "We want other races to see." Actually... We are not as weak as they thought. "Queen Biris fixedly looked at Robben, frowning and said: "Doctor, why do I feel that you have something to lie to me?" It seems that there is some reason for your self-confidence, and you are not worried about these witches under your hand. Usually...you would not be like this." Robben was slightly alert in his heart, and he couldn't help but regret it. His performance today seems to be a bit too much. "The fact that the witches practiced the magical magic left by Paris did give them a lot of confidence, but now it somewhat made the woman in front of him suspicious.

"Ah... Queen, you don't need to mind, don't think like that, to be honest" I have a lot of things to hide from you, but it doesn't matter, everyone will have some secrets, right, now you just need to believe me , I believe that the witches and I can create miracles. "That’s it..."

Gently tapping the table with her fingers, Queen Biris looked at Robben up and down, and suddenly smiled: "Doctor, that's not bad! Talking in front of the devil's face" Does it feel very enjoyable? Who do I feel, eh? "

Robben was slightly embarrassed: "My Lady Queen, I'm just... telling the truth." "Well... the truth, doctor, it's been a long time since I heard you say that, but... now your truth doesn't annoy me, and, The way you look now makes me feel a little bit awkward, haha! It seems that my doctor will come out at a critical time, and usually only pretends to be stupid and calls himself a small person. Such a cunning man."

Robben closed his mouth, because it was obvious that now Queen Beris began to lead the conversation elsewhere, which most of the time meant... it was time for business.

Seeing that Robben didn’t say anything, Queen Biris smiled and stretched out her hands to Robben: "My doctor, you shouldn’t go...it’s time to come and hug me. Your dinner has not been finished yet. I will add a dish for you... how about it?"

Looking at the fascinating, charming Queen Biris, Yaoben suddenly thought of something, a chestnut.

Robben is really afraid to get along with this woman, because every time he is in danger, he is also a bit more dangerous. Robben is now looking forward to the battle between gods and demons. At that time, he can Let go of this worry for the time being, and put all my energy into the battlefield.

The next day, Robben led the witches back to Salast. Before leaving, he asked for a favor from Queen Biris, and took away three months of supplies and salary in advance. The financial officer felt very helpless about this kind of advance payment, but they brought the Queen’s permission, and the financial officer had no choice but to...

Returning to Salast, Robben immediately began to coordinate all forces to prepare for the war, and he would meet with the Protoss in three months, and Robben's heart was a little moved, and he even couldn't wait.

Meriya was also very surprised by the news, because it did not show any signs on the Witch’s intelligence network, but since it was the news that Robben brought back from Queen Beris, Meriya would naturally not doubt it, and immediately started. Mobilizing the various forces within the clan to prepare for battle, half a month has passed, and each of the witches of Bazaar and the others has received a new storage ring, which can be regarded as a kind of luxurious standard equipment of the witches, which contains enough With food and water, weapons and equipment, cotton-padded medicine bottles, and even a large amount of coins, anything could happen on the battlefield. Robben didn't want to happen because of his negligence now.

In addition to these, there is only a team of two hundred witches, but behind them there is a logistics supply team of more than 500 people. They are also the witches of Qingyisè. These witches will go to the battlefield with Robben. The fighting witch provides good protection.

Nya is now an experienced doctor, and Robben is right. "Nya is indeed very smart. Although she has limited hands-on skills, she can be said to have reached the level of surgery with countless operations and hard work. With a superb level, coupled with some current medical knowledge, Nya deservedly became the chief medical doctor in this logistics unit.

After arranging everything, it was already a month later. Robben’s letter to Nalan also responded. The letter stated that "After the battle between the gods and the devil, the duties of the guardian shì will undergo a fundamental change. The guard will no longer be performed by the head of guard Shiì, and Nalan will become a combatant on the front line of the battle.

Robben knew about this a long time ago, so there is no surprise that "Nalan will lead the witches to fight with other troops" but the agreement with Nalan has been made long ago, and Nalan will Lead an elite team to make peace with Robben. This is why there are only two hundred witches, and there is still a logistics team of 500 people even after every witch has all the equipment. Nalan brought it. The number of the witches will not be less than two thousand.

After carefully sorting out all the things, Robben knew that everything that should be prepared was also prepared. All that is needed now is to wait until time." But before the war, he still has one thing to do.

After making sure that everything was going to stop, Robben left Salast the next day...

Stepping into the emptiness again, Robben felt cordial in his heart, in this illusory world. There seems to be the most ironic here.

You’s hut has been decorated...Uh, how can I say it, Robben can only say that it is weird. The hut that was originally good is now happily inserted with many wooden boards and bends and broken weapons. "The whole house looks a bit like a hedgehog, but fortunately the window part is kept, otherwise it will be warm inside and outside.


You like Robben very much. There is no doubt that "when he saw Robben come to his cabin again, he rushed over to him", pulling Robben's neck and laughing happily.

Robben felt quite at ease, holding this creature that was completely different from his own life, he was more at ease and more comfortable than holding Queen Biress.

"Have you brought me a gift!?" You asked with wide eyes.

"I'm not the best gift!" Robben patted Yugxi.

"Hmm...that's right!" You frowned and smiled suddenly.

Robben couldn't help but smiled: "Idiot! Naturally I brought you a lot of things, but after walking so far, I'm hungry. Let's go to the house to eat!"

"Eat! Eat!" You happily called and hurriedly Tyro Ben entered the house.

This time, Robben and You ate hot pot.

When You seemed to be scalded to his tongue and grinned, Robben suddenly said: "You, after only a period of time, I may not be able to see you for a long time."

"Huh? Why?" You put down his chopsticks and looked at Robben suspiciously.

"Especially, we are going to war with the Protoss. As a warrior of the Demon Race, I need to go to the battlefield to kill the enemy and defend our homeland, just like you are here to guard this territory."

"Protoss!?" You seemed to be suspicious, "I seem to have heard of it, but I don't have a deep impression. Protoss..."

There is the shadow of the war between gods and demons in Yu's memory fragments. Robben is very clear about this. It is not surprising that You are familiar with the Protoss, but the record of the war between gods and demons in Yu's memory fragments is very fragmented and incomplete, even There are only the light and face of some scenes, and I feel that I can't think of a good one, so it is completely correct.

"Well...then let me help you fight! I am very boring here myself, and no one dares to mess with me now, and suddenly it seems that it is not as secure as before."...

After thinking for a long time, You suddenly came up with this sentence.

Robben smiled: "You, we are going to fight outside of the void, you can't go out."

You seemed to think about it again: "I..." I haven't gone out. Will there be any trouble going out? "

Robben said solemnly: "Especially, you must remember that you must never leave the void. Here and the outside are two worlds. Although I don't know what will happen, if you leave here, you will definitely suffer. The strong elements outside will invade you, and then you will no longer be you. You must not take risks, understand?"

"Oh..." I know! "You replied reluctantly, "Then...When will you defeat those Protoss and come to see me again?" "

Robben pondered: "I don't know, because I haven't met them yet. I don't know if they are great, but I will try my best. If I never come back to see you, it is the war. Going on, I don’t have time to come back, okay?"

"Oh"...then, then I'll wait for you, you...the sharp talk stopped talking.

Luo instinctively felt her worry about herself in Yu's words, and put down his chopsticks, gently grabbed Yu's hand and said: "You, I will come back, I will not die, you have to believe me."

You nodded silently.

Seeing Yu's silence, Robben smiled, turned around and took out something and placed it in front of Yu: "You, this is a special gift I brought to you. With this, you will lift it. Time has passed very quickly."

I looked very strangely at the square, huāhuā green thing in front of me: "What is this?"

"This is the Rubik's Cube." Robben pointed to the 16x16 Rubik's Cube specially made on his way.

"This..."... What is it for? "Especially curious.

"Especially, before you make all the faces of this Rubik's cube consistent by turning it, I will definitely come back to see you."

"Really!?" You said happily.

"Well, really."

"Don't break my promise! If I don't come back even after I arrange this thing, then...


Especially after thinking about it for a long time~www.readwn.com~ Then I will go out to find you, it's really boring here. "

Robben looked at this Rubik's Cube, and suddenly thought of something and said: "You, when you feel bored, go to Ohmen and talk to those guys, listen to them, maybe...you will think of something. Interesting thing, but don’t go out, okay?"

"Um! I won't go out unless this is done."

Robben feels relieved... After so many years of getting along, Robben knows that You's spatial logic is very ordinary. This 16x16 Rubik's Cube, You may not be able to set it up all his life...

She couldn't leave the land of nothingness, but hummed some attachments to herself. The situation of this battle between gods and demons didn't know how it would develop. At least, Robben wanted her to live here safely.

"Especially, this time I brought a box of rings. Each one of them contains a lot of things. You can watch them slowly. Remember not to take them out all at once. Then your house will be squeezed out...

Robben began to take out his first gift...


Before leaving the void, Robben came to the place where the giant warrior was.

"Senior, the battle between gods and demons is about to begin, won't you go back and fight for the demons?"

"Ha ha ha..."

The giant warrior let out a long laugh, "Roben, I will naturally go back then, but...this is just my practice, I don't want to go back and be directed by those who look unpleasant.


One practice...

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