God Prohibitions

Chapter 883: Scarlet change

Robben and the witches were given ample time to rest. In the following battles, they never received the order of Queen Biress. In the first confrontation, Queen Biress’s army gained an overwhelming advantage. , Almost completely wiped out the Protoss troops without any damage.

This situation continued for a few days, and the passage to the demon world was further widened. A large number of protoss warriors descended from a large area in the sky. This changed the passive situation and broke the demon’s encirclement. Gradually consolidated its foothold and established an effective defense system, but at this time, the demons only paid the price of less than 10,000 warriors, but had already killed more than 200,000 Protoss warriors. On that piece of land.

  The idea that piles of corpses becomes a mountain is not an exaggeration. The Protoss warrior finally used the corpses of his compatriots to build a defensive display. The smell of blood has filled the sky, and there is no other smell of tenure. [Search for the latest updates in m]

However, not every demon king is responsible for such a situation in the battle circle. In other demon kings’ areas of responsibility, because the same Protoss warrior blew himself up in the area where other demon kings are responsible, no one thought of an effective way to contain them. In less than a day, the protoss warriors who descended one after another gained a firm foothold and strengthened their defenses. In the sky, more and more protoss warriors are continuously stepping into the devil world, and in the early stage those crazy protoss The soldiers' self-destruction also caused great losses to the demon kings.

At present, the armies of the various demon kings still maintain a state of encircling the protoss army, but the protoss does not want to fight immediately, but patiently waits for the continuous arrival of reinforcements. The defenses of the protoss are constantly expanding, and the demon has never stopped. "Offensive" However, the effect is not very obvious when the opponent is constantly replenishing troops. The war has entered the first phase of a stalemate.

Queen Biris’s army was also all dispatched. They surrounded the protoss troops in the center. Compared with other demon kings, Queen Biris had more encirclement here, because the first batch of fighters was slaughtered. This led to the extremely difficult to establish defense, and the demon soldiers' crazy offensive after seeing this situation, now the protoss defense here has been just struggling to support it, if it weren’t for a large number of soldiers to constantly add in, this A layer of defense has long been broken by the demons.

The palace of Queen Biris moved to a farther place, but the perspective here is very good, as long as the eyesight is good enough, "you can completely see the location of the Protoss troops" because the original mountains there have been destroyed by the Protoss explosion attack. .

Having eaten in the cold mountain breeze from high above, Queen Biress was dressed in black, and the silver wire moving with the wind looked very dazzling. Standing on the mountain peak, Queen Biress looked at the direction of the Protoss army, and she was already looking like that. It's been a long time.

   Robben was behind Queen Biris and looked up at the sky idly. The sky was clear.

The advent of the Protoss finally dispelled the light clouds in the sky that lasted all the year.” Robben looked at the blue sky with great fascination. For countless times, he had seen the sky in his dreams, but he did not expect... The sky is also true.

   Luo’s injuries are basically healed, at least he can’t see anything outside.” The witches have also recovered quickly under Robben’s meticulous care. They have now recovered more than half of their combat power and are barely able to fight again.

   "Doctor, our situation seems to have been reversed in a short period of time."

   Robben was taken aback for a moment, then lowered his head to realize that Queen Biris had turned around and was looking at herself without knowing when.

   The situation of "Lord Queen" is also expected. If the Protoss were to be eliminated directly by us, then I don't think they would be so stupid that they would come to us by shouting and screaming. "Roben just smiled. There is nothing surprising in this situation." The passage opened by the Protoss has been widened. At the same time, several times as many Protoss fighters descended, and it was only in that area that the warriors also began to warn. Increased, it would take a lot of effort to kill all the high-density protoss warriors, and...the defensive range of the protoss has been minimized, regardless of how many times the demon army is outside. Tens of times, or even hundreds of times, their forces surround them, but there are not many Demon soldiers who can really fight them, and because all of them are gathered there, some of the Demon’s troops have been unable to turn around. Happening.

   Queen Biris sighed: "Every time it is like this, every time we come to our land to kill, every time we have no choice but to fight, I don't know how long it will take to end this kind of years."

Robben thought for a while, but still did not say a word, because this is different from what he knows about the battle between gods and demons. In his own understanding, the gods and demons are actually fighting for the human continent, but in this world , But there is no human continent. Robben hasn't really seen human beings living in the God Realm with the Protoss. Robben has no way of expressing his opinions on these.

   "My Lady Queen, we... why don't we counterattack?" Robben suddenly thought of this question.

"Counterattack?" Queen Biris looked at Robben like a monster, "Doctor, are you sure your brain was not broken in the last battle? Since the Protoss broke the brain and blocked the connection between our two worlds? After the passage, we were completely separated, and the difficulty for the Protoss to get through that passage was only less than one-tenth of ours. Even so, they had to pay a high price to get through the blocked passage. , If we choose to counterattack, then the price we will pay is simply incalculable. It is not an offensive, but a dead end.


   "Oh" Robben shrugged casually. These things are very different from the original situation in the Demon Realm, and he has never cared much.

Seeing that Robben didn’t seem to care much, Queen Biress said again: “Doctor, you'd better cheer up. I know your injury is serious, but no one knows what’s happening on the battlefield. At that time, the task that only suits you is before you."

Robben smiled: "Of course, I am always prepared. Although we have indeed not regained full combat effectiveness now, the war is also a *. Since we are here, then we will not regret it. If the Queen thinks If necessary, we can act at any time."

  'S words are very good, but Queen Biris is not very happy, because Robben still doesn't seem to have the awareness and understanding that he should have.


…, anyway, it has entered the first stage of stalemate. No special things will happen in a short time. During this time, we will continue to fight hard, but the result should not be too good, and the strength of the Protoss After reaching a certain scale, there will be actions. Only then will there be some situations, which can be regarded as the official start of the war. "

   officially unfolded? Countless lives have already disappeared before the official war begins. How many lives will be swallowed in this battle between gods and demons? Even if it is his own subordinates, he doesn't know how many wronged souls there are, Robben couldn't help but secretly think...

   Looking ahead, Robben can see the defensive location of the Protoss here with his good eyesight. Now the demon army is aggressively attacking, and the ground forces and the magical army in the sky are jointly attacking, frantically impacting the defense of the Protoss.

The warriors of the Protoss stayed there tightly and only made the most tenacious defense against the demon attack. When the demon attack ended, even if only one wounded demon soldier crawled back slowly, there would be no When any Protoss warrior came out to chase, the sky continued to drop the reinforcements of the Protoss.

Robben suddenly turned around and said, "My Lady Queen, I think...These Protoss troops are certainly tough opponents for our frontline fighters, but if we dispatch some fighters with exceptionally strong individual combat effectiveness, this line of defense does not seem to be good. Hard to break"

   "Are you asking me to use large-scale magic in the past?" Queen Biris asked lightly.

  Roben couldn't help but touch his nose: "I think this is actually a feasible solution."

Robben is quite clear about the strength of the demon king. Although Queen Biris is just a crazy woman most of the time for herself, Robben will still occasionally feel this woman's beautiful appearance after a long time together. The unbearable powerful force below released the spiritual shackles in her soul fire is the most difficult magic that she has used in her life.

A faint smile appeared on Queen Biris’ lips: "Doctor, your thoughts......the Protoss soldiers who always make me feel helpless are of course nothing to me. If necessary, I would wave my hand to destroy them, but... I can't do that now."

   "Why?" Robben really felt very strange. If he wanted to come to Queen Biris to kill the protoss soldiers herself, the effort expended would soon be restored, and there should be no impact.

"Doctor, I am not a warrior who is charging and fighting. I am a demon king and a ruler. My duty is to command and raise money from the rear. If I want to go to the battlefield, then I think the situation has reached an irreversible point. You know, there is no demon king who has no head and likes to rush forward to kill the enemy. Everything is accidental. If this situation is calculated by mental calculations, even the demon king will inevitably not have problems, and this situation occurs. The price will be immeasurable.” Looking ahead, Queen Biris also sighed: “Doctor, have you seen it? Whether it is us or the Protoss, there are countless warriors. The power of the Demon King is certainly strong, if we use it With the Demon King’s Battle Armor, the destructive power will reach its limit, even affecting the entire Demon Realm, but...

   Even with such a powerful force, there is no way to face so many enemies alone. I need my soldiers, I need them to fight, and I need them to defend this territory. The reason why I am here is to let the soldiers know that their queen is here safely and everything about the battle is still under my control. Doctor, don't you even understand this? "

Robben was said to be a little embarrassed: "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh What is fancy is the safety and life of every witch. For this reason, I will do something at any cost, like... I said before, Lord Queen, I am just a character." Queen Biris A meaningful look at Robben: "Doctor, you are really an out-and-out character. Since you showed up in the demon world, you have done a lot of amazing things, but you have never been particularly big. Fame, I have to say, you are very constrained, and you hide very well. If I say to someone who doesn’t know, “There’s a guy who has traveled all over the devil world and visited many dangerous places. The demon king will use incomparable magical healing techniques in his anger. He has defeated the top warriors of the demon world. He once lived alone in the void for half a year. Now he holds the power of the entire witch clan inside and outside, and he also hooks up with a queen. The most important thing is that he is also the executor of the Black Emperor's secret mission. I think... the person who heard this might be shocked and dumbfounded.


  Roben unconsciously blamed him and looked around, and saw that there was no one nearby, and said loudly, "My Queen, I just have a little family background, so don't go out..."

   Queen Biris couldn't help but smiled: "Doctor, do you have fears too? From some of your experiences, you seem to have been doing things on the verge of danger."

   Luo Ben didn't mutter again in his heart: I fell into your gentle trap but now my greatest danger.

   "My Lady Queen, there is bound to be risk in doing valuable things, ah...

   Let's not talk about this anymore, let's take a look at the current situation of the war. Do you know what the Queen has specific arrangements for future wars? "Speaking of war, the **** Queen Biris immediately became heavy: "The arrangement is naturally not counted. Generally speaking, every time the battle of gods and demons is carried out here, the war of attrition will begin with each other. See which side has the strongest force, and which side has the more force. After such a war of attrition has been carried out for a period of time, some variables will appear. Then it will depend on the ability to adapt to changes..."

   Robben said hesitatingly: "My Lady Queen, if this is the case, what are you worried about? I think you seem a little uneasy."

"Uneasy..." Queen Biris nodded softly. "Yeah... If you want to say something uneasy, I've already felt a little uneasy. The beginning of this war, the Protoss looks completely different from before, so let alone a self-destructive attack. At the beginning of the war, even when the Protoss was defeated and had to withdraw, they did not appear. They gave up this insistence, there must be a reason, and this is the reason that the Protoss would rather die than change. ……what is it?"

"And..." Queen Biris' eyes were full of worry, "The Protoss took such a posture at the beginning. They must be desperate this time. I still can't think of the Protoss under such a crazy will. What kind of things can we do?” But in any case, we didn’t make any special preparations this time. We are likely to be passive at that time. This is what I worry about. "

Queen Biris is right. The next battle is still in a stalemate. The demons are besieging the Protoss army, but the Protoss can’t stand firm after gaining a firm foothold, waiting for the reinforcements that arrive after landing, and Step by step, the defensive positions were expanded outward to accommodate more and more reinforcements.

The situation on the other demon kings is probably the same, but the protoss is much stronger than Queen Biris. On this day, Queen Biris received the news that the protoss has gathered in the area where the demon king is responsible. With nearly half a million soldiers, the siege of the demon army has become more and more difficult, and the protoss army has prevented the active attack for the first time today, and brought certain damage to the demon who caught off guard.

   Three days later, the protoss army that descended from the original gorge in front began to have unusual movements.

Because most of the Protoss army is ground troops, the sky is full of magicians and some powerful warriors defending, and a huge magic enchantment is formed to prevent the demons from peeping into the legion. The demons did not observe the Protoss in advance. However, the situation in other territories has already sounded the alarm for Queen Biris early. When the Protoss army suddenly rushed out of the defensive circle and swarmed towards the Demon army, The Mozu troops did not panic, but greeted them with a roar. ,

   The Protoss is very cautious, and the number of troops sent is moderate. They will not be swallowed immediately, nor will they affect the defense of the original formation because of too much. Moreover, there are guards on both sides of the offensive troops to respond.

The battle lasted for a whole morning. When the sun rose to the middle of the sky, the protoss troops began to retreat, while the demons were chasing and killing them all the way to the defensive circle of the protoss main formation. "Strike" but in the end Beilai was blocked by the strong defense of the Protoss.

There were casualties on both sides, but there was not much victory or defeat. The demon warriors put the corpses left by the gods on the iron ān less than a hundred meters away from the defensive line of the gods, and they insulted in every way. However, the Protoss troops never sent out, but stayed in their own defensive formations.

   When it was going to be late, Queen Biris invited back Europa who was commanding the front.

Simple meals, Queen Biris, who has always been extravagant and wasteful, finally changed like a person during the war. There are only two dishes and one soup on the dinner table. You are welcome when Europa arrives, and just fill up the belly first. Then he sighed: "My lord Queen, what do you want to call me back? The battle situation ahead is very stale. If there is nothing special," I hope I can go back quickly." The offensive of the Protoss is very fierce today, and we have no loss. ."

   Queen Biris nodded: "I know the war ahead is urgent, but there is something I have to ask in person."

   "I don't know what the Queen is asking?"

After a little thought, Queen Biris said: "This time the battle between gods and demons has just begun, but it has shown a different way of fighting from the past, especially the self-detonation attack at the beginning. I can’t imagine that these days, I’ve always felt very strange. Although I didn’t have much attention in the subsequent battles, I always felt that the Protoss seemed to be brewing something, which made me feel a little uneasy. I want to know. Europa, is it strange that you are on the front line?


   Europa showed thoughts: "This...,...The Queen, let me think about it."

Frowning." Europa thought about it for five minutes, and seemed to have thought about the movement of the Protoss these days before and after, and then said: "There is really nothing weird about it. Once our pioneers of the Protoss here were hit hard, and they were besieged by us more urgently. "There hasn’t been much movement, and after the assault today, I really can’t see anything, um..."

   said, "Europa fell into deep thought again, as if he wanted to dig out some clues in his head, but knew that he didn't think of anything in the end.

   After a simple meal, I talked about the specific situation on the front line. Ouyaoba hurriedly left, but Queen Biris' brows were even deeper.

   "My Lady Queen, are you still worried about any changes in the Protoss?"

Queen Biress said affirmatively: "No, doctor! I am no longer worried about whether the Protoss will change, I am worried about what kind of changes will be made by the Protoss! This way of breaking the taboo attack will definitely not be so simple. At the end, the Protoss will inevitably have follow-up attacks, but the current situation is that we can't guess what they will do, and we are still fighting them according to the original path, so we will definitely suffer."

   Queen Biris pondered for a long time, and nodded heavily and said: "Doctor, now I'll give you another task, you do it immediately."

   "Good!" Ping Ben nodded directly.

   "Now, you immediately go to the Black Castle, tell my father what I think, and see what decisions my father will make, and then come back to me immediately."

   Robben was surprised: "My Lady Queen, is it necessary to alarm the Black Emperor now?"

   Queen Biris's eyes narrowed: "Doctor, you better find out for me, this is not

  事! Protoss is calculating things we don't know, this is simply a crisis! Go!

   You are faster than any messenger, and I want to get a reply from my father in the shortest time. "

   "Okay! Then I'll go right away!" Robben immediately stood up and was about to leave. At this moment, a soldier rushed in and fell on his knees and said, "My Lady Queen, Protoss...

   Protoss warriors stopped coming! "

   "What!?" Queen Biris was startled, "You say it again!"

   "My Lady Queen, just now, the Protoss suddenly didn't have any warriors coming, you can see it here."

   "Go!" Queen Biris glanced at Robben and walked out quickly.

   It was too late, a crescent moon hung in the night sky, the cold light reflected the twinkling stars, everything seemed so quiet.

   Queen Biris stood stiffly on the spot, her eyes narrowed and looked into the distance: "What the **** is going on!?"

   Above the night sky, the warriors of the Protoss who descended like a meteor shower have disappeared." In the quiet night sky, only the [real] stars are shining, and the warriors of the Protoss have really stopped coming.

"This is absolutely impossible! The troops on the ground are still under siege. Once reinforcements are stopped, the fighters on the ground will soon be swallowed up. All previous efforts will be wiped out. It is impossible for the Protoss to do this! "

Queen Biris squeezed her beautiful silver wire fiercely: "This is completely impossible, and there is no reason at all! In this way, the loss of the Protoss will be inestimable. They have almost lost half of this time in the war between Gods and Demons. No reason, no reason, "..."

   She tore a strand of hair, and Queen Biris growled uneasyly: "But there must be some reason for this, and it must be related to what the Protoss is calculating. What is it? After all, "...What is it?" "

   Suddenly, there was a terrifying cry of killing. The demon army began a full-scale attack on the Protoss force. The reinforcements had been cut off, which seemed to give the demon army a tremendous encouragement.

   "They were killed so..." How is this possible? "Queen Biress muttered to herself, thinking quickly about all the possibilities in her mind, but she couldn't think of why. If the warriors of the Protoss ceased to come, then the warriors of the Protoss who came to the Demon World before must be dead without burial. , It’s just a matter of no doubt, because in order to welcome this war, the Demon Realm has mobilized all the troops to surround the arrival point. Although there are many Protoss warriors gathered together, as long as the Demon’s army continues to attack, there will be no Reinforced, they will soon collapse without a break.

   Is there something wrong with the channel? Queen Biress thought about this possibility, but she felt that it seemed impossible. When such a channel was opened up, it was a result of countless scrutiny. Once there was a problem, the entire troop that had to pass through the channel would be destroyed. Protoss In any case, it won't be so careless.

"My lord Queen, I...Is it right now...Is it ready to set off?" Robben stepped forward and inquired. "Wait, it's too late."..." Queen Biress whispered, "Passing orders, troops ahead Immediately start a full-scale offensive, without stopping for a moment, now destroy all the enemies in the shortest time and talk about other things! "

   "Yes!" The messenger left immediately.

   When she turned her head, Queen Biress said to Robben: "Mr. Robben, now you ask your witches to start preparing. I think the strange "..." will appear soon.

   Queen Biress hadn't finished speaking, the whole person was stunned there, looking at Robben stupidly, his eyes enlarged in circles, and his mouth opened involuntarily.

   Robben was also taken aback, completely wondering why Queen Biris looked at herself like this.

Next, Robben really heard the gurgling sound of Queen Biress biting her teeth, and only heard Queen Biress roaring in incomparably angrily: "Protoss..." You..." I want to tear you all to pieces !!!"

Amid the furious roar, a huge pressure that shocked Robben's heart swept through. Robben could not help but was forced back a few steps. With the crackling sound, Robben found that the rocks added by Queen Biress had begun. Fragmented, the nearby guard soldiers retreated to the surroundings one after another, no one caught up.

   At this time Robben finally discovered something. Queen Biress didn't seem to be looking at herself, but the focus of her gaze was in the sky behind her.

   Turning around, Robben followed the gaze of Queen Biris and forgot to go. It didn't matter if he looked at it, Robben was also dumbfounded and opened his mouth unconsciously.

The arrival of the Protoss dissipated the light clouds in the sky, slowly spreading from the initial small hole, and gradually formed a super huge circle cavity, and it continued to expand with the advent of the Protoss warrior. Now, Robben In the time limit, there are almost no light clouds, and now, on the distant sky, on the sky that belongs to the pure night..., the stars are shining!

   Streaming starlight is constantly falling from the horizon to the ground. At this far distance, it seems that the thin rays of light are like silk threads, but they are extremely dense, "...,

   Protoss, "... actually changed the place of landing!

Robben turned his head in astonishment to look at the direction from which the screaming and killing sound came from. There were hundreds of thousands of Protoss warriors fighting against countless demons that were more powerful than their own forces. They... Just bait! ?

   Bait of hundreds of warriors! ! Robben is simply unimaginable.

Although he has never experienced a battle between gods and demons, every person participating in such a war, from the most soldier to the highest ruler, will know many things. One of them is that the protoss will never avoid fighting, even because Every time the channel is opened, the breath will be leaked in advance and be besieged, but every time the Protoss will rely on intensive forces to force a breakthrough from the spot, and confront the demons.

   This has become a tacit tradition of the two races. This is also an attitude of recognition to their own old enemy, a blood that devotes everything to fighting for the highest honor! In the countless years of the two races killing and fighting each other, the Protoss has always been like this, and the Demon has always been the same, but this time... the Protoss fouled.

"Kill me! Kill! Kill me all those protoss! Pull out their souls and I will make them uneasy forever!" Queen Biris was stricken, her anger burned through her head, the protoss Such an act is not only a shameless act, but it is also a shame to the Demon Race. This enemy, cast with blood and life for countless years, is actually such an unbearable ān cunning! Queen Biris felt that she could not restrain her anger.

"My Lady Queen calmed down, now is not the time to pay attention to the remaining forces. We should leave a proper amount of troops to trap these Protoss, and the rest of the soldiers will immediately retreat. There is almost no force behind us, only ordinary people with no resistance. .

   Just as Queen Biress was about to run away, Robben gently grabbed her arm.

  Queen Biress was slightly surprised and was about to get used to pulling the guy who was holding her away, only to find that it was Robben. She felt a tightness in her soul, and the hand that was about to be beaten back alive again.

"No! Kill them all! Kill! Leave one! After the protoss gathers their forces, they will march toward this side. They never would..." Queen Biris suddenly showed amazement in the middle of the sentence. "Could it be..."

Robben's face is also hard to read: "My Lady Queen, this time the movement of the Protoss is very strange, no one can guarantee what will happen, if anything else...I think it is safer for us to go back early. "

Queen Biris grimaced and snarled in a low voice: "The messenger! Go and inform Europa! Tell him to leave enough troops for me to kill all the Protoss here and the rest of the troops will leave with me immediately! Go! !"


Under the frantic offensive and impact of the demons, the Protoss has no danger to defend. Zongquan’s hundreds of thousands of warriors relying on the soldiers’ bodies as defense are like dozens of white soldiers surrounded by hundreds of hungry wolves. Sheep, after the protoss warriors are no longer reinforced, the demons are attacking more and more frantically, and the defensive circle of the protoss has been shrinking continuously, and the ground left is full of corpses of the protoss warriors who have just died.

With four times the strength of the Protoss warriors left, Queen Biris took all the troops and began to move quickly in the direction of the descending of the Protoss army. Queen Biris was extremely anxious, because it was judged by the countless starlight density in the sky. , The passage in the distance is much wider than the passage in this gorge, and the speed of the protoss warrior's arrival will be greatly increased. Without obstruction, just one day is enough to descend on the massive protoss warriors. If they start to destroy, Then those demons who have no resistance at all will have the fate of becoming a corpse.

Moreover, the anxiety in Queen Biress's heart is getting stronger and stronger, thinking that this situation will not happen to her side alone. This is obviously a shameless strategy. The same must have happened in other demon kings' defense locations. This means that the Protoss has to open up double channels, and the channel opened for the second time must be much larger than before, so that even if they are discovered, they can still quickly descend a large number of soldiers. . In this case, the money paid for opening up the channel will be extremely high. "............

   First it was a blew attack, followed by a decoy of hundreds of thousands of soldiers, and now it is a huge price to double the channel. This situation is happening on every demon king’s defensive front...

  The battle between gods and demons has just begun. The protoss will not hesitate to pay such a high price, what do they want to do? If there is no benefit comparable to this huge price, the Protoss will definitely not let so many soldiers die in vain. Queen Biress looked at the falling stars in front of her, feeling a little more panic in her heart for no reason.

   The actions of the Protoss this time were too abnormal.

The large-scale army can't move faster. When Queen Biris brought her large troops to the spot where the Protoss had been visually descended at the fastest speed three days later, there were already empty buildings. Any traces of protoss warriors.

In front of me, there is still a ruin with heavy smoke. This is a very prosperous city, but now this city with a large population a few days ago is now almost razed to the ground, buried in gravel and rubble everywhere. Dead corpses, there are men, women, old people, young people, and even those who were born recently."

   Queen Biris and a group of demons walked slowly in this city that had been turned into ruins, and no one in this life found it.

   On the central street of the city, "Queen Biress stopped." There is a very wide field here. In fact, it can only be regarded as a big intersection. It opened in the middle of the intersection.

  A piece of lawn, on which stands the statue of Queen Biris.

   The entire city was destroyed, but only this statue was still intact. This was definitely a great mockery. Queen Biress was shaking with anger in front of the statue.

   "Where are the advance troops I sent? Are they all dead?" Queen Biris roared angrily.

   At this moment, two soldiers supported a demon warrior who had lost his legs.” The dusty Mozu warrior came up: "My Queen, found one still alive. "

  Queen Biress immediately stepped forward, but she couldn't help but flashed a burst of anger in her eyes. The armor style of this demon warrior was exactly the armor style of the advance team that she sent at the fastest speed.

   grabbing the warrior by the neck, Queen Biris roared: "Where are the other warriors?

   Is it all dead? ? "

   Robben hurriedly stepped forward and gently held Queen Biris's hand: "My Lady Queen, he is about to die. Let me treat him first, otherwise you won't be able to ask anything."

   Queen Biress slowly let go of her hand, and a word popped out between her teeth: "Quick!"

   After a while, after Robben's emergency treatment, the Demon warrior, who had been grabbed an arm by the **** of death, had his life back. His consciousness gradually became clear and his eyes brightened. "

   Just after Robben left his side, Queen Biress couldn’t wait to step forward and grabbed him by the collar and asked: "Say! Where are the other fighters?"

   The demon warrior replied weakly: "Dead" Her Majesty, we...,...cough...

  The rest of the soldiers are dead...

   "Didn't I have already said that" I told you to monitor the situation from a distance, and you can't attack anyway! So many protoss fighters gather here, don't you have any brains in your mind? "Queen Biris shouted angrily.

   "Ahem... Your Lady Queen, we, "... We didn't attack, just... watch from a distance, far...

   "Far away? Then tell me how they died, and how did you appear here!?"

   "We..." was discovered~www.readwn.com~Those protoss warriors...Inside, there is a very powerful guy. He... is a six-wing warrior. "


   Queen Biris was stunned: "Six-Winged Warlord, are you right!? Protoss has come to Six-Winged Warlord now?"

"That's right... he, he found us in an instant... Most of us were killed, and the rest... were caught back, and I was cut off my legs, yes... was from my toes. Until now, the rest of the soldiers" "repent more than me...,

  ..., I fainted and woke up... here it is. "

"Wh...what? Protoss...this to you?" Queen Biris looked at the legs of the demon warrior that had been cut off by Qigan in surprise. These legs were cut off inch by inch. of,"…

"My Lady Queen..." The Demon Warrior suddenly moved. "The Protoss...The Protoss is very strange. They kill whatever they see, even the monsters raised by the tribe, just like " ... It seems crazy, they... They are different from before. "

Queen Biris let go of the demon warrior, her eyes began to flush, looking at the ruins in front of her, her face was extremely sighed: "Yes, I can see that these gods... are completely different from before! "

   Chinese New Year! There is nothing here to worship everyone this year! Thank you all for supporting my first book of this bleak business in the year. I wish you all a good year of the dragon and a safe journey. I will post the manuscript earlier today so as not to delay your precious time at night@.


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