God Prohibitions

Chapter 887: Tianhuo Liaoyuan

   Chapter VIII

   "Doctor, you have indeed already dealt with Six Winged Warlord āo, and you also found that the Protoss army is lying in front of you, right?"

   Inside the palace of King Biris nv, the face of King Biris nv asked Robben rather ugly. [Search for the latest updates in m]

Robben shrugged his shoulders: "Of course, it's been two days since Lord Nv. Did you suddenly doubt what I said? Didn't you also recognize that the wound on my body was used by the general named Sender? It was chopped out by the Demon Slayer."

   Bi Ruisi nv Wang said annoyedly: "It's not that I suspect you, the doctor, but the news is really not that reliable."

   Robben rolled his eyes: "This is not a meaning yet."

King Biress nv seemed to be very annoyed and tapped his index finger on the desktop: "I have notified my father of the news you found, but my father didn't make any plan changes. He just said that the Protoss is massacring us now. The clansmen must not let it go anyway. Even if there are traps in front of them, they must be caught up. Father has warned all the demon kings that there is a very possibility that there will be an ambush from the Protoss army ahead, asking everyone to proceed carefully."

   "Is this sloppy?" Robben asked immediately.

   "Are you doubting your father?" Biress nv Wang's eyebrows moved.

   "Master nv, if you think this decision is a good one, I am afraid you will not be so upset."

The King of Biress nv exhaled heavily: "Doctor, you have to understand, although I trust you, I believe that you have fought against the Six-Winged Warlord āo and found precious enemy intelligence, but... other demon kings It won’t be so easy to believe, and in other directions, the same situation as ours may not necessarily happen. Father did it with helplessness."

Robben shook his head and said, "Master nv, this weird action by the Protoss is definitely planned long ago. This ambush must also be part of this plan, and it must be carried out by all demons at the same time. That’s okay. Otherwise, some attack first, some attack later, then the rest of the demon kings will be prepared, Lord nv, I can be sure that our situation has already appeared in the protoss army chased by other demon kings.”

"It's too late to say anything. According to the marching speed of the army, we will enter the grassland at the latest tomorrow, and we will go out before dark. That is to say, when we encounter the army of the gods, we only have more than one day. It’s not enough what we’re talking about to change my father’s attention, and then notify the demon kings, the doctors now have to fight on our own."

Fighting separately...Roben felt very helpless. This is the Demon Race's territory, an absolutely advantageous battlefield for the Demon Race, but the Protoss troops that come to come now are leading the Protoss army by the nose, and as long as the Protoss army is united, it will be inevitable. It is very obvious that this deadlock can be broken...

King Biris nv pondered for a moment, and said in a deep voice: "Doctor, now I appoint you and your magic nv army as temporary vanguards, and walk in the forefront of the entire army. After entering the grassland, you go forward alone to find out the protoss army. Specific location, and then quickly report back."


   Luo Benin ordered to leave the palace of King Biress nv, feeling very helpless, this time I don’t know how many Demon soldiers are about to lose their lives.

   On the grassland, in a place with lush vegetation, Sende was sitting on a small wooden chair, drinking wine leisurely.

   "Did we...have been running for too long? The soldiers have recovered their physical strength, but why hasn't the Demon Clan's troops caught up?" Sende suddenly asked boringly.

A guard replied: "My lord, I have just received the news that the demon army has entered the line of sight, but it seems to have stopped. From the firelight, the location seems to be outside the grassland. It seems that I want to take a rest. I haven't moved for a while."

   "Resting?" Mori frowned, "If they have enough rest, what shall we do?"

The guard smiled and said, "My lord, don't worry. We have been sprinting for so many days. Our powerful fighters are almost exhausted. This is especially true for the demons who have been chasing behind and have not been fully rested. After a few days of work, they won't be able to regain their vitality. Now that they have appeared outside the grassland, they will be chased immediately, so adults don't have to be anxious."

"Hum, from stepping on this **** land until now, I haven't encountered a thing that pleases my heart. I finally met a demon with good strength. I didn't expect that he would use strange tricks. In the end, it was even more weird. I slipped away and broke my armor, um..." The more I talked about it, the more maddening I got, and he drank the wine in his glass.

   "Sir, we are repairing your armor as soon as possible. I believe it will be repaired soon. Don't worry, adults."

   "Humph is the best"

Sende was talking righteously here, the long grass separated, and a lightly armed Protoss soldier came in front of Sende, and said respectfully: "My lord, the demons have built a huge camp outside the grassland. It looks like this evening. I plan to take a rest for the night and not enter the grassland."

   "What?" Sende's face was surprised.

   "Don't enter the grassland?" One of the four guards immediately sank, "Go to the self-study investigation again, and then quickly report back."


In less than half an hour, this soldier came to Sende again and reported: "My lord, the demon army has built a huge camp outside the grassland, and a bonfire has been raised. I am sure it is going to rest all night outside the grassland. ."

  Send’s four guards looked ugly after hearing this report.

Sende slowly stood up, thinking and saying, "It seems that I haven't seen it for many years, and that Biress nv monster is not as reckless as it was at the beginning. I thought that according to her xìngzi, he should be catching up all the way endlessly. With red eyes, we must kill all of us. I did not expect that she would let the army camp outside the grassland. It seems that she has been very careful about entering the grassland in this dark night. Um... Yes, it is indeed a lot. ."

"My lord, this is not the time to talk about this." The shìwei who had just spoken was a little uncomfortable. "Every time the demon army rests, it means that our soldiers will lose one more soldier. Our current number. Originally we were at an absolute disadvantage. My lord, we are so close now, and the other party doesn't know that we are lying in ambush here. We should think of a way."

  Sen had to turn around and quietly the shì guard, and said funnyly: "Think of a way? What way? Should we take advantage of the night to disturb them and make them feel uneasy?"

   "This...this is also a good way."

  Sen was extremely ridiculed and said: "Would it be a good way? Then can you tell me now, how did we appear around their camp to harass us, who were not ambushing in this grassland in the eyes of the demons?"

   One sentence sent the guard blushing. Now the Mozu army is already on alert. If the Protoss army shows up, it will be called not to recruit. This is simply stupid.

   Sen had to turn around and said to the soldier: "Check again and return quickly."


   This time it took a little longer. After that, in addition to the soldier who went back and forth twice, he followed back with another soldier.

"My lord, we are divided into two teams to investigate the demon army from different directions. It is confirmed that the demon army has already planted a large camp. There are an astonishing number of scouts patrolling around the barracks. It is certain that they will be there. Have a rest here."

  The other soldier said exactly the same as this soldier.

"Well... this is indeed not a good situation. They rest for a night, and then they will contact us immediately the next day. This night will make us sacrifice a lot of soldiers in vain." Sende hesitated on his face. sè.

   "My lord..." The guard spoke again just now, but was robbed by Sen just now. Now he said a word, he swallowed the conversation again, and it seemed that the words stopped.

   "Said" Sende waved his hand to signal that the two soldiers could retreat. The two soldiers saluted Sende and turned away.

   "My lord, I think...this is also a good opportunity, it's better than we wait in ambush for an attack."

   "Huh? Do you have any novel ideas?"

There was a little red light on the face of this guard: "Look, my lord, we were waiting for the exhausted legion of the demon, and now... this exhausted legion has fallen asleep under our weapons, sir, the demon's The army must be very tired. If there is a rest, the reaction speed of the whole army will be greatly reduced..."

  Sen got mō mō's chin, and he thought for a while and said: "What you mean...we give up the ambush, tonight, while the demon army is sleeping in the night...to attack"

   "That's it"

   "Um...this way." Sende couldn't help but looked up at the sky. The sky was hidden by the stars and covered the moon, but it was a big sky.

   "Okay, this method is not bad, immediately order the whole army to gather carefully, we will attack the demon camp tonight"

   In the palace of King Bi Ruisi nv.

   "Doctor, don't you really sleep?" King Biress nv asked gently, shaking half of the wine in the glass.

  Roben was sitting opposite King Biress nv. He was eating snacks. Seeing King Biress nv asked him, he said: "Master nv, when marching in battle, shouldn't you stop drinking?"

   "Why, do you have an opinion?"

   "No... I mean, if you really want to drink, just let go of the poor half of the bar. Master nv You have been shaking it for half a night.

   With a "boom", Bryce nv Wang placed the wine glass heavily on the table, half of the wine in the glass spilled out.

Staring at Robben, King Biress nv said angrily: "Doctor, you said that the Protoss army will come to attack, but it has been a long time now, and it's still quiet outside. It will be bright after a while, we give up The plan to attack the Protoss army, give up a good time to rest, the soldiers squat outside all night without rest, doctor, this is your good plan"

Robben threw a small piece of snack into his mouth, patted the scraps on his hands and said, "Master nv, you don’t have to be so anxious. If Master Wang feels bored, I can hug you."

   Robben smiled and stretched out his hands.

   Bi Ruisi nv king twisted his eyebrows, raised his hand and picked up the wine glass and was about to fall on Robben's face. At this time, a slender figure suddenly ran in from outside: "My lord, the Protoss is moving."

The wine glass that King Biress nv was about to throw out was squeezed in his hand abruptly. After a few changes on his face, the wine glass was received by King Biress nv's mouth, and the wine in the glass was taken away in one gulp, Bi Rui The face of King Si nv showed ecstasy: "Doctor, you are a genius"

   Robben scratched his head: "It seems that the Protoss has not read the Art of War..."

   "What did you say?" King Bi Ruisi felt that these words didn't seem so pleasant.

"Ah... it's nothing, Lord Nv, now we can go out. There will be a grand performance waiting for our Bazaar tonight. All Nvs are honestly staying nearby, such a large-scale battle. , You two hundred magic nv can't do much anymore."

   "Uh... good adult." Bazaar immediately turned and ran out. "

The night was sinking, and there was nothing in the sky. When the Protoss descended, the light clouds in the sky were washed away. Now that blue sky has appeared in many places in the Demon World. This is the first time Robben has lived here in more than 200 years. Seeing such a dark sky.

   The demon clan’s camp was brightly lit, and groups of soldiers were patrolling around, constantly shuttled, and their clothes were heavily guarded.

Among the continuous large camps of the demons, the most spacious and brightest place is the palace of King Biris nv. Although this palace is detachable and a very simple building, its simple shape and huge volume are prominent. The nobility and majesty of the nv king.

"That is the palace of the demon of Biris nv. Remember, all troops are strictly forbidden to approach the camp and the surrounding areas, otherwise there will be no reinforcements to rescue them. I will be sad for the soldiers who died in battle. , But I don't care if I go to find my own death." Far away from the Demon Clan's camp, the pair of eyes under Sent's helmet were shining, and they were discussing the final pre-war with the four guards.

   After a brief discussion, Mori waved his hand gently: "Action"

In the palace, King Biress nv and Robben have arrived on the stage on the second floor. This is where King Biress nv speaks to the soldiers. Now there is a small round table with a few dishes on the table. And a few bottles of wine.

"Master nv, are you really not going to participate in the war? If you are willing, I think the Protoss army on the opposite side will only be slaughtered." Robben first walked to the table and sat down and tasted the plate. The dishes are quite delicious.

King Biress nv also sat down and looked at the endless darkness in the distance and said, “Doctor, don’t repeat this stupid question anymore. This is war. It’s not a fight alone. It’s meaningless to kill those Protoss warriors. Those six-winged warlords can easily slaughter thousands of demon soldiers. I just kill that six-winged warlord will cause great damage to the surrounding land. It will not be until the last moment of the war. As a last resort, we will not do it easily. You have also seen that the last time in order to deal with the rebellious Luàn of the demon nv clan, the environment of the entire demon world has changed."

   Robben smiled: "Of course I know, I'm just talking about it. Now we are ready to watch a good show."

"That **** nv guy actually came out." Sende, who was preparing to act, suddenly saw two people appearing on the stage on the second floor of the palace. The beautiful nv guy was obviously the king of Bryce nv, and his heart couldn't help but squeeze. The pressure on the body suddenly increased.

   But when he looked at the man next to him in a blink of an eye, Sen's heart was even more shocked: "It's... that Robben?"

   For a moment, Sender felt that there seemed to be something he had overlooked, or had not thought of...

   "My lord, what's the matter?" A guard saw the unnatural expression on Sen's expression.

   "No, it's nothing, it's just...can you see the people in that palace here?" Sen asked rhetorically.

   "Uh... I'm really ashamed, my subordinates are limited, so I can barely tell where the palace is."

  Sent said: "The guy who came to our army a few days ago to spy, was found by me and escaped smoothly. Now he is drinking with Biress NV on the second floor of the palace."

   The four guards around were all taken aback.

   "Why... I suddenly feel a little uneasy?"

   "My lord, that nv demon can't do it. We don't have much time. If they are drinking, it would be better. This shows that they have no defense at all. Let's take action."

   hesitated for a while, Sente, who didn't understand the strange feeling in his heart, could only nod his head: "Okay, let's go..."

The corner of King Biress nv’s mouth gave a sly smile: "It’s Sende... I can feel it. He is peeping at us from the depths of the grassland. It seems... I was shocked after seeing the doctor. ."

   Robben looked at King Biress nv, and shook his head helplessly: "I don't feel anything."

King Biress nv smiled: "I wounded him during the last war. Although he didn't kill him, there was still a breath of my magic remaining on him. Only I can feel this breath. Now that he is still far away from us, I just barely feel it. It seems... he is indeed going to act."

   "Then...Should the nv king come over and sit? In that case, they will think we are not vigilant." Robben said and patted his knee.

   "Do you dare" King Bi Ruisi nv suddenly stared.

   Robben was amused: "Master nv, don't be so nervous, I'm just talking about it."

   snorted, King Biress nv held up his glass, and suddenly looked at Robben suspiciously, his eyes seemed to be deeply puzzled.

   "Nv Master Wang, what is your look? Why do you seem to eat me?"

   "Doctor, I suddenly discovered that you seem to be smarter than I thought."

   Robben coughed: "Master nv, you only discovered that I thought you would have discovered the mistake in your original opinion, but it's a pity..."

   King Biress nv directly ignored Robben's unnutritious ridicule and said: "I never thought that in this war, you would have the opportunity to advise me, and even...you can calculate the movement of the Protoss army."

   Lowered his voice, a bright red flashed across the face of King Biress nv: "Doctor, I seem to like you better."

   Robben almost didn't jump up from the chair. Fortunately, the **** of King Biris nv quickly returned to normality, and Robben's heart that jumped into his throat fell back.

   "Nv Lord Lord...we, we are at war with the Protoss, you should, uh...should be dealt with later, for the time being...you shouldn't think about it, right?"

   Bi Ruisi nv Wang Chang smiled: "Doctor...you seem to be scared."

   Robben is sweating secretly, a demon king is always thinking about killing you, and everyone will be afraid


  Speaking of this, a huge cannon sound suddenly came from the silent night sky, and a dazzling group of golden fire huā rose in the grassland two military camps on the west side of this palace.

"Boom boom boom boom..." A series of artillery sounds, in the grassland outside the two military camps on the east and west sides of the Interval Palace, blew up such golden fire huā, the fire huā rose to mid-air and burst into pieces. , A more violent explosion sounded, and a golden cross cursor was left in the sky.

   Under the dark night sky, a row of huge golden cross cursors lay across the grassland, and the lights in the seemingly endless barracks of King Biris nv suddenly disappeared.

   "The battle emblem of the Protoss" King Biris nv raised his head and looked at the sky, "This is the most hated pattern in this life."


The entire quiet grassland turned into a huge beast in an instant, making a terrifying roar, countless protoss warriors rushed out of the grassland like water under the light of golden cursors in the sky, countless golden flashes It smashed on the barracks fence with magic shields of the Mozu. These magic shields lasted only a few seconds before being shattered by intensive attacks, and the remaining wooden fences were directly blown into fly ash.

  Only in an instant, the protoss army that appeared suddenly rushed into the demon camp, and the originally quiet demon camp was like an empty box thrown into a string of firecrackers, and the roar of firecrackers arose.

   Flames, lightning, frost...Countless magics began to wreak havoc in the camp of the demon clan. The vindictiveness of various faces was like lava from a volcano wandering around. The demon clan flag was instantly destroyed, and the camp was directly torn...

The sound of screaming and explosions in the distance has broken through the sky, and the king of Biris nv here is quite boring and said: "I really haven't attacked me here. It seems that Sen was afraid of being beaten by me last time. Ha ha……"

  Roben couldn't help but mutter, as long as he has a little brain, he should not come to trouble the Demon King...

   "But it seems that the Protoss has not made any progress in fighting spirit and magic for so many years, it still looks the same..."

   "Yes, yeah, in front of Lord nv, all kinds of grudges and magic are useless." Robben unceremoniously complimented him, and King Biress nv laughed.

   The sound of killing and explosion only lasted for a short time and then disappeared immediately...

The fallen army is unguarded, and there are no demons sleeping in the torn tent, and the food storage place is empty...except for this brightly lit camp, and the few that seem to expect the enemy to be in the Protoss army. Outside of the demons who ran away in a hurry, there is nothing here...

Sende, who was about to bring more troops into the demon camp, suddenly heard that there was no movement ahead, and was shocked. Looking at it, only the soldiers of the demon clan in the demon camp were looking around blankly. There was half a Demon soldier, and his heart was cold.

be cheated

   "Withdraw" Sen had a huge roar.

  The King Biress nv sitting on the second floor of the palace blew his fingers gently, and smiled: "I just want a set now, is it a bit late..."

With a flick of five fingers, a scattered starlight flew into the air from the hand of King Biress nv, and seemed to lightly touch the cross cursors that were still shining in the sky, but directly hit the cross cursors. After a smash, there was a huge explosion in the sky, and all the golden cross cursors were destroyed.

   "Kill" is on the other side of the barracks. The Mozu army that has been waiting for a long time finally got the signal, and the roar of landslides and tsunami resounded through the sky.

   "Retreat" Sende roared frantically, but it was too late...

Under the entire dark sky, only the vicinity of the Demon Barracks is illuminated. In the current Demon Barracks, all the soldiers of the Protoss are standing. Numerous arrows are attached to the powerful magic from the direction of the Demon army. When they flew into the camp, the protoss warriors who had been in the battle for a while tried their best to resist, but this arrow was blessed by special magic, and the magic shield and ordinary shield armor could not resist it. Pieces of protoss warriors hit the arrows. Falling to the ground, or turning into a fire, or being frozen into ice...

After the baptism of    several bō magic arrows, most of the protoss soldiers who broke into the demon camp have fallen, and the rest are rushing for their lives. The demon warriors have rushed out of the darkness like the **** of death preparing to reap their lives.

The Protoss army was about to rush into the camp, but the sudden change caused the front and back coordination to húnluàn. The fighters in the front retreated in panic, but the fighters in the rear had not fully reacted. As a result, many fighters crowded in. In the vicinity of the demon clan camp, countless steps were stepped on for a time, and wailing sounded everywhere.

The demon warriors rushed out with red eyes. For so many days, we have seen countless tribesmen being slaughtered. Every demon warrior has already been so angry. As long as the living Protoss warrior is dead, the body is twitching in the chōu. He would always make up a knife on his neck or smash it with a huge fireball, and then pounce on those fleeing figures ahead.

   The protoss army luàn became a group, and after leaving a large number of corpses, it was considered to be out of the scope of the demon barracks and returned to the lush grassland.

   "Don't chase..." In the sky, there was a soft sigh of King Biris nv suddenly.

   The demon warrior who had already killed his eyes stopped instantly, a pair of **** eyes stared at the darkness in the grassland, but slowly retreated under their feet.

   Sen was extremely annoyed. Not only did this attack fail to achieve the slightest result, but it was a shameful disgrace.

   was quickly retreating with the remaining troops, and suddenly heard the voice of King Biris nv in the sky, Sende's heart suddenly fell, and a feeling of imminent disaster rose from the bottom of his heart.

   "Not good" Sen yelled suddenly.

   seems to be responding to his shouts, countless black sèbō patterns bursting in the grassland, and the magic traps buried on the ground were activated instantly...

Robben only felt that a huge wall of light across nearly half of the grassland rose from the ground without warning. The dazzling light made him unable to open his eyes. Robben didn’t know how loud the explosion was because he had already used it. Magic closed his ears.

   Along with the intense light shining, the earth began to tremble violently, and the palace under my feet shook sharply, and the wind blowing on my face seemed to be breathless with a press of 100 atmospheres...

   Looking down from the sky, a thick giant light dragon rises on the grassland. The thick light dragon is twisted and getting bigger and bigger... the whole sky has been illuminated.

   Luo really has a feeling of the end of the world, and the front seems to be God’s final judgment on the world...

   After the intense flash lasted for more than half a minute, it finally gradually weakened, replaced by a raging fire under the night sky, and the grassland was completely burned.

Robben stared at everything in front of him in amazement. Under this dark sky, the billowing fire was raging on the grassland. He couldn't tell how big the fire was, but Robben was certain that if the fire was not extinguished immediately , I am afraid that this grassland will be burnt up within two days.

   "nv... Lord nv, how many magic traps have you set up, this..."

Bi Ruisi nv Wang quietly looked at the boundless fire in front of her eyes, the light of the fire was reflected in her eyes, but it was all cold: "Naturally, I let all the magicians secretly plant magic in the grassland in front of the military camp. Trap, if there is no place to bury it, go deeper. This is the order. What's wrong? Isn't it your idea?"

   Robben slobbered: "My attention is true, but... all? All magicians?"

  Looking at the scene in front of him, Robben seemed to be able to think of tens of thousands of magicians secretly mōmō fighting on the grassland to **** a place to bury a trap...

So far Robben doesn’t know how many troops the King Biress nv has gathered, and for this question, it seems that King Biress nv himself is not very clear. The last time Robben remembered King Biress nv’s answer was: There must always be.

   "Of course it's all, you don't need to show mercy to those Protoss." King Biris nv said naturally.

   "But..." Robben pointed to the boundless flames in front of him, "Master nv, we can't pursue it like this now."

   Biress nv Wang shook his head: "No... we don't need to chase."

   "What?" Robben was surprised.

"This protoss army is less than one million. I have killed them seven or eight at the cost of half a grassland. The remaining protoss fighters are not enough to suffer. Most of them are also injured. As long as a small group of troops continue We just need to pursue it. We... now have to rest, and I have to report the situation to my father again. Now the ambush set by the Protoss is an indisputable fact. We must do something, otherwise, the future battle will be It will be very bad..."

   "But... I mean, Lord Nv, even a small group of troops can't break through such a large area of ​​fire. Almost the entire grassland is burned."

   King Biress nv frowned impatiently: "Doctor, I said these things before affirming you, can't you just say these disappointing words?"

   snorted, King Biress nv pointed to the fire scene that could not see the edge and said: "This task is for you. After dawn, my troops will continue to pursue and clear a passage before that."

   Robben suddenly widened his eyes: "Nv Master Wang, why do you want me to clean up the mess you have caused yourself?"

   "Do you dare to resist?" King Biris nv also stared.

   "I...I just thought that Sent must be very angry. Maybe he hasn't left yet. If he shows up, my life will be lost."

King Biress nv laughed loudly: "Send? He was scared and fled. I just decided that he won't approach the camp first before agreeing to plant a magic trap outside, otherwise he will definitely find it. There are only some wounded remnants in it, and it's no longer a climate. If he dares to relied on his own strength to do anything wrong, then I will have to pull him out and kill him forcibly. I think he should understand this."

   As he said, King Biress nv laughed loudly again: "This time the gods and demons battled my flag and defeated the pioneers of the Protoss. I have almost slaughtered the vanguard. It is so refreshing.

   "Master nv, you are refreshed, but you can't..." Robben looked innocent.

"Hmm...Forget it, because you have done a lot of money, you can just stay and drink with me, haha..." As he said, the wide sleeves of King Biress nv waved, Luo Ben only felt a burst of cold air, but saw an icy blue whirlwind blowing, rushing into the monstrous fire ahead, wherever he passed, the flames were extinguished, and a layer of frost floated on the ground. Those wild grasses that have not been completely burnt to ashes are directly frozen into ice sculptures.

   This huge whirlwind has been passing through the fire field and disappeared into the dark night sky. A frost road has been opened up.

   Luo Ben couldn't help but shrank his neck, and he was a little more vigilant in his heart. It's such a nv guy thinking about killing himself all day...

The devil’s damaged camp was quickly repaired, and the extinguished lights were re-lit. The demon’s barracks were again brightly lit, and the huge cheers went through the sky. The demon warriors have suppressed their hearts for so many days. The bad breath finally spit out.

  Roben drank with King Biress nv until the nv man walked and started shaking, then he stripped her clothes off and threw her on the chuáng wrapped in a quilt, and then left by himself.

  After daybreak, King Biress nv assigned enough troops to continue chasing the remnants of Send, while the large troops stayed in place to rest, while Robben went straight to the Black Castle with an expedited report.

When Robben arrived at the Black Emperor’s Castle, the Black Emperor was in the Great Hall of the Demon God. His face was very ugly. Robben could probably guess why the Black Emperor’s face was so ugly, because there were so many on the bookcase in front of the Black Emperor. Rob Benzi carefully distinguished the copies of the battle report, no more, no less, exactly 23 copies, that is to say, he was the last of the twenty-four demon kings to send the battle report...

   Hei Di's subordinates are also standing on the Demon God Hall, it seems they are discussing something urgently.

   "Is it the last battle report?" The Black Emperor looked at Robben and asked in a deep voice.

   "Yes, Lord Hei Di." Robben respectfully presented the report in his hand. Moving his gaze slightly, Robben found that the surrounding Black Emperor's subordinates were shaking their heads slightly with a depressed expression, and he seemed to know that he didn't want to hear bad news.

   The black emperor set aside the battle report that Robben had submitted: "Now, let's discuss what happened just now."

   "Master Hei Di, don't you look at the battle report of Lord Nv first?"

   Very abrupt, Robben's voice cut off the words of the Black Emperor. In this empty Demon God Hall, Robben seemed to have a thin voice very harsh.

   "Bold" suddenly roared at the generals on both sides of the Black Emperor, "The little magic general dares to be presumptuous here, and immediately retreat"

   The Black Emperor couldn't help but look at Robben. He didn't expect that this less clever guy would interrupt him.

"Forget it, now is not the time to say this, don't be rude to our warriors who defeated the bereaved family, Robben, you should step back first." The Black Emperor waved to Robben, and then picked up the report on the table. .

Seeing Hei Di speak, the generals on both sides couldn't say anything, but they glared at Robben, a brave guy~www.readwn.com~ Robben also realized that his mouth was a bit too fast, so he hurriedly faced the black The emperor bowed and left.

   only took two steps, Luo himself suddenly made a voice: "Wait"

   Luo Ben couldn't help being startled. He slowly turned around to take a look, but the Black Emperor was looking at him.

   "Roben, come here."

The generals on the Demon God Hall immediately looked strange, and they were now discussing the progress of the war. Why did the Black Emperor suddenly pay attention to this Robben, thinking in his heart, everyone's eyes could not help but look at the last one in the Black Emperor's hands. The battle report, the Black Emperor just looked at the battle report for a few moments before making a sound.

   Robben came closer, and the Black Emperor asked, "Roben, are you from King nv?"

   "Yes" Robben answered carefully.

   "Then you must have a good understanding of the battle there?"


   "Then...you simply tell everyone about the situation with the king of nv..."



"Oh no, no, no problem, I just think about it for a moment, uh... probably, we defeated the Protoss army, which was burnt on the grassland by us the day before yesterday. Now Six-winged warlord Sende is fleeing with his remaining troops. Lord nv has sent Mozu warriors several times the size of the Protoss army to catch up."

   Robben's voice fell, and the Demon God Hall was immediately quiet.

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