God Prohibitions

Chapter 893: A little strange

   Chapter VIII, Some Little Strangeness

   Pressed the king of Biris nv on the Chuáng. In the struggle of the nv person with his teeth and claws, Robben stripped her clothes off. The book is updated in real time. ⑤⒏сΟm King Biressnv stared at Robben fiercely, and simply lay there motionless. Robben didn’t care, and turned the yòu person in front of him.

   "Is there anything else injured?" Robben finally turned the King Biress nv and set it up, letting her lie on the chuáng. [Search for the latest updates in m]

   "Hum" King Bi Ruisi responded with a cold snort.

   Robben shook his head helplessly, wondering what this is...I am not too troublesome to treat the wound, but the wounded seemed very reluctant.

   "Since the nv master is so reluctant, then...I don't think there is any need to treat the injury." Robben said, patted his **** and stood up.

  His buttocks were raised halfway, Robben found that his sleeves were caught, and King Biress nv grabbed his clothes in one hand, but his eyes still stared at him viciously.

   Robben couldn't help but smiled: "My nv lord, what are you doing? If you want to cure the injury, just say it."

   "Hmm, I never begged you"

   "Then I'm leaving..." Robben moved outwards again, but the sleeves were tightly grasped by King Biress nv.

   Robben rolled his eyes and said, "Okay~~ Lord Wang, you are injured. Don't play your temper now. Let your loyal adjutant come and show you, OK?"

   "This attitude is almost the same... But what does it mean that I don't want to be angry?"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh? It's a bargain, right?"

   King Biress nv said with disdain: "If he didn't want him to reach the rest of the fighters, I wouldn't be injured. In this way, under the control of the situation, he has no chance to escape from my palm."

Luo Ben ignited the capital, his gaze stayed on the lower abdomen of King Biress nv. On the side of King Biress nv’s abdomen, there was a row of huge bruises extending from the waist to the ōng side. In some parts of the inner part, there are two rows of vertical puncture wounds on each side. The blood has stained the skin of Bi Ruisi nv Wang Ruyù. When Robben's hand passed over the wound, he could see the wound. Skin trembled lightly, unable to help it, Robben pressed it lightly.

   Bi Ruisi nv Wang suddenly yelled in pain and exclaimed: "What are you doing?"

   Robben smiled and said, "It's fine if it hurts. The doctor needs to know all the patient's feelings and reactions."

   King Biress nv apparently did not approve of Robben’s statement, rolled his eyes and said, "How is this injury?"

   "Well... the wound is not big, but... the power of the sacred element is very strong, Lord nv, your body has already suffered a lot..."

   Biress nv Wang asked angrily: "I am asking when I can heal to what extent my injury is, of course I know very well."

   "My nv lord, are you so sure that I can heal the injury caused by this powerful divine power?"

   "Huh, I have only one head left and have completely recovered. What is this injury? I will tell you when I will heal."

   Robben looked at the rest of King Biris nv's body: "Apart from this, are there any injuries?"

   "I was shocked when that **** Sen had to finally burst his soul, but it was not a big problem."

"Hmm..." Robben stepped forward and flattened King Biress nv's body. "Don't move, I'll check the details and relax." As he said, Robben pressed his hand on King Biress nv's mouth. , Divine power slowly penetrated into her body.

   "Just look at the injuries, don't explore unnecessary things" King Biris nv hummed, Robben ignored him, just inspecting the injuries on King Biris nv in detail.

After a while, Robben raised his hand and said relaxedly: "There is no big problem. The impact on the body has caused some damage to the internal organs, but it has not been corroded by the power of light. As long as the abdominal injury is handled, it is enough. Now Stay still, I will heal you."

After washing the wound with warm water, a faint golden light gradually oozes from Robben’s fingers, and the golden light gradually becomes richer, like a drop of thick gold slowly rolling on Robben’s fingertips .

   "It may be a little painful, but just bear it for a while."

   "Wait" Robben was about to do his hands, but he did not expect that King Biress nv turned over and sat up, staring at the golden droplets on Robben's fingertips, and asked strangely, "What is this?"

Robben didn't even think about it, but the other hand directly pressed the suddenly curious nv person back: "Don't move" but he didn't expect that he would grab his hand and sit up again: "Doctor, you first Tell me what is this?"

   "Nv Lord Wang, I am treating your injuries. This is related to your own safety. Can you be honest now?"

   "If you answer me, I will be honest."

   "Nv Lord, now is not the time to make terms."

King Biress nv continued to ask without consciously: "Also, when you are fighting Sender, what is the golden light that appeared on your body? Sender's hand is the Demon Slashing Sword. It has a very powerful damage ability with some magic shields, why can you hold on for so long?"

   Robben once again pressed the nv person who was already full of secrets and eagerly anticipating others' secrets back: "Master nv, these are all my secrets. You still don't seem to be suitable to inquire again and again."

   Bi Ruisi nv Wang Yang raised his eyebrows and nodded, twisted his body directly, and gave his back to Robben.

   "I said... my nv lord..." Robben was helpless, "we are healing the wound, what are you doing?"

   "You tell me, I will let you treat it."

   Why does this become a threat to me? Robben couldn't laugh or cry.

"My lord nv, didn’t I say that, this is the secret to my life, and there is still a powerful light force on your wound. You have also lifted the power suppression on the wound, don’t heal it quickly. The wound will get worse quickly, you certainly don’t want to do that."

   "But I want to listen to the secret" King Biress nv is very persistent.

   Robben scratched his head: "Master nv, inquiring into other people's secrets is definitely not a good habit."

   "But for an nv person, it doesn't seem to be a strange habit.?? ⑤???? Read the latest chapters of this book" Biress nv Wang said for granted.

   "nv Lord King..."

   "What are you doing?"


   "Just say something, I will not secretly mōmō everything like some men do...otherwise we can change, you can also ask me some questions, and I will not hide anything."

Robben glanced at the droplet-like golden light on his fingertips, gritted his teeth and said, "Okay...My nv lord, can you turn around now? Do you want to know what you can ask? Come here...my nv king..."

Only then did King Biress nv turned around, with a triumphant smile on his face, he turned over and sat up, staring at the drop-like golden light of Robben's fingertips, and asked strangely: " What the **** is this?"

   "This... is a very mild magic solution in light magic, which can absorb and dissolve tyrannical and destructive powers, and is also effective for high-level sacred grudges."

Robben looked at the rather serious scars on the waist and abdomen of King Biruis nv and continued: "The sacred power has a strong destructive power on the body of the Demon Race, so cleaning up the wound will be a great burden, especially like Sen. To have such a powerful protoss warrior."

As he said, Robben pushed the head of King Biress nv away, and gently put his finger on the wound of King Biress nv and smeared gently. The finger was wiped, but the golden light on Robben's finger was slight. Not weakening, soon the waist of King Biress nv was smeared with a light golden brilliance.

   "Hmm..." King Bi Ruisi nv snorted comfortably, but sat up again, "This is just a layer of light film with dense energy, it doesn't seem to be a drop of water."

   Robben did not hesitate to push the head of King Biris nv back: "That's just an image, just lie down."

"Doctor, when did you learn to use this kind of magic so skillfully? I just know that you can use a lot of light magic, but you have never told me these things carefully." King Biress nv Tirelessly support the body again.

   "This is another question."

   "But I didn't say just ask one question."

   "Lie down for me."

"Haha..." King Biress nv smiled and sat up again, took Robben's hand and threw himself on Luo himself, looking at Robben's eyes only a few inches away: "Doctor...you How many secrets have not been told to me, tell me all, tell me all..."

   Robben had to push away the face of King Biress nv: "My lord nv, I am healing you now, can you be quiet?"

   King Biress nv hooked Robben's shoulders with both hands, turned his head, and bit Robben's hand severely. Robben, who was in pain, immediately retracted his hand.

Seeing Robben's astonishment, King Biress nv giggled and said, "It's just a small injury. You will be cured soon if you have a doctor. What I am more interested in now is the doctor your secret. , Doctor, you answer my question, I'll be quiet, how about?"

   Looking at King Biris nv who came to him with heat blowing on his face again, Robben really has nothing to do...

"Okay...Okay, my nv lord, you can lie there quietly now, lie down, don’t have to sit up for questioning, right, good... lie down..." Robben finally put it down peacefully. King Biress nv brought down...

   Carefully wiped the golden film on the wound of King Biress nv, Robben gently drew a small magic circle on her belly.

"what is this?"

  Roben directly pressed back the head that King Biress nv raised again: "If you say yes, don't get up. This is a healing magic circle, which will accelerate the consumption of sacred grudge on your wound."


   "That's normal, bear with me, I haven't completely removed the divine power from the wound yet."

   "Then should I be able to ask questions now?"

   Robben crooked his mouth: "Yes."

"Yeah... Then let me think about it, doctor, when you were fighting with Sende, what was the golden ring that appeared outside your body? Why did Sender’s sword light up with a golden thread as soon as you saw it. The sword obtained is a magical tool that has been blessed by the God King. There is no reason why it will not be able to achieve the slightest effect under such a fierce attack."

"That's a way for me to protect the power of the light element, especially for sacred fighting spirit. I use the power of the light element to form a thin layer of repelling. When the power of the light element attacks, the repelling effect of this thin layer will automatically It pushed my body away from the outside, and the same was true for the light force that struck. The golden light blazing on the ring was not actually the sword of Sende actually slashing on my shield, but this It’s just a manifestation of this repulsive force. In fact, Sende didn’t actually hit me with a few swords. Most of them were avoided by me in this way."

   "The repulsive layer of light power?" A few rays of light flashed in the eyes of King Biris nv, "This kind of thing... doesn't seem to be that simple."

"It doesn’t matter whether it’s simple or not, in short, it’s like this. I use the power of light to put a layer of high density and strong strength on the whole body. This will protect me automatically to a large extent. It’s that simple. Do you understand?"

   Bi Ruisi nv Wang Yang raised his eyebrows and laughed: "Okay, that's it...I don't want to know that in detail, hehe, but these things are indeed interesting."

mō touched the tip of mō's own nose, and King Biris nv seemed to think of something again and said: "Then doctor, I always feel very strange. You are a demon. We demon have never been able to use light power. Why? Only you? And it looks very jealous? I think there must be some reason for this."

Seeing that King Biress nv is really lying there without moving now, Robben continued: "Master nv, this is actually not a difficult thing to understand. In fact, our demons can to a large extent. Those who use light power, you see, my magic nv can use a part of light power now. They now integrate some light power into their magic, especially healing magic, the effect is still very significant, and If these magic elements are mixed into some magic... I have to say that the lethality for our demons is very huge..."

King Biress nv rolled his eyes and smiled: "But... I have never heard of your magic nvs on what occasions used these light powers, only you... Doctor, you not only created the strange Healing skills, and most importantly, you are the only one who has to use light power into magic, and is powerful..."

"Master nv, my magic nvs have never participated in any battles. This is the first time they have come to everyone in this battle, and now, they are healing you with this power outside your palace. Subordinates, I think those soldiers who came back from the death line must know this very well.?? ⑤????? Read the latest chapter of this book"

   Bi Ruisi nv Wang twisted his body and said: "Doctor, your answer is obviously to avoid the important and not answer some of my questions directly..."

   Robben smiled: "Master nv, I did not promise to answer you 100%. For the secrets of others, you have already harvested a lot."

   "So... what happened when you were divided by the light and dark soul mirror of Sinder? Why did your body disappear and then appeared again? I thought you just died like this."

Hearing that King Biress nv asked about this, Robben smiled a little warmer: "Speaking of this, I also want to thank Lord Nv. It seems that you think I was killed by the forest. When I came back , You seem to be very angry, which really flattered me."

   King Biress nv immediately responded: "You don't have to be so moved. I said that even an ant is valuable for use, and... your life is mine, even if you are dying..."

With a twist of his body, King Biress nv sat up again, with his arms gently resting on Robben's neck like a lover, he smiled sweetly, and said to Robben's ear: "Also... I will kill you with my own hands"

The body of the   yòu person is still exuding bursts of intoxicating fragrance, the warm breath is vomited on the face, numb, and the charming and sweet voice is heard in the ear, it can almost make the man's bones soft.

   But... Robben couldn't help but shudder, because this enchanting nv man with his arm around him said this sentence completely and seriously...

Robben couldn't help but grabbed the hand of King Biress nv that began to gently caress mō on his neck. This was completely anti-shè, because Robben really had some doubts... doubted whether his own jīng gods would be able to get rid of it. It worked all the time, and this hand might get stuck in his neck.

Biress nv Wang was taken aback for a moment, looked at Robben's suddenly sinking face and grasping his hand, and suddenly laughed: "Hahaha...Doctor, you are scared...Ahahahaha...Doctor, you……"

   The other hand moved over and patted Robben's shoulder desperately, and King Biress nv laughed with tears: "Doctor, you laughed at me...hahaha..."

King Biress nv smiled happily, but Robben felt a little embarrassed. In this case, he seemed a little timid, but... But a demon king always thought about his life is indeed something to let himself. Things to fear.

   "Nv Lord Wang, you are sitting up again, now you lie back..."

  Roben stretched out his hand to press King Biress NV back, but the other party smiled and put his hands around Robben's neck and leaned against Robben's body. King Biress nv stared at Robben and asked with a chuckle: "Doctor, you haven't answered my question yet. After answering, I will go back."

   "Nv Lord Wang, you have too many questions, and now it is not discussing these things. Now lie back, so that I can't heal the injury."

   Bi Ruisi nv Wang Chichi smiled: "My injury is on my waist, and this doesn't delay anything...Doctor, you seem to have been cold to me lately, as if you don't want to hold me."

   "nv King Lord"

   "If you want to know the secret, tell me, I'll be quiet..." King Biress nv leaned forward with a sly smile, but he overwhelmed Robben.

   Robben’s backward body: "Nv Lord, you are too much."

   Bi Ruisi nv Wang immediately rolled his eyes: "Dare you say I'm too much?"

Robben's eyes were a bit fierce, and he grabbed his hands, and buckled the two hands of King Biris nv behind her, and then a magic rope locked these two hands behind her, and then he He pressed her back to Chuáng without hesitation.

   King Biress nv immediately bulged his eyes, watching Robben start to heal himself again as if he was okay, he couldn't help but exclaimed: "Doctor, you dare to tie me?"

Robben glared at her, and said in a nasty voice, "It's not that you haven't been tied up. I hope you can figure out the situation now. Now you are a patient and I am a doctor. Everything in the treatment process must be listened to by me. Your job is Stay with me honestly. The question answered just now is considered a welfare. Now I don’t want to move, and I’m shut up."

   The belly of King Biress nv immediately bulged up like an angry frog, and he gritted his teeth and drank: "You-say-what-what?"

   "I'm working, don't disturb me, otherwise, I will leave, you can deal with your own injuries, after the sacred grudge is cleared, without my treatment, it will only recover more slowly."

   "How long will it take?"

   "A few years..." Robben said irritably.

   Rolling his eyes, King Biress nv bit his mouth chún, this time he really closed his mouth.

   Robben looked at King Biris nv who was glaring at him with his bulging eyes, and then he did not see the murderous gaze, and concentrated on his work.

The injury of King Biress nv is not difficult to deal with, but it is a bit serious. Robben really did not expect that the demon king would be injured to this extent. If he did not treat himself, according to the treatment method of the demon clan, Biress nv It is estimated that it will take a few years for Wang to recover from this injury.

   "Why did you suffer such a serious injury? I think that although the forest is very powerful, it seems that it is not so powerful that it can hurt the nv king to this degree."

   merged with the sacred power of the wound, Robben began to use healing magic to heal the wound carefully. King Biress nv had bruises and stab wounds on his body, and the treatment methods were also different according to the wound.

   Robben suddenly looked at King Biress nv strangely, because this nv guy hadn't moved for a while.

   "Nv Master Wang, what's wrong with you, what am I asking you?"

   Bi Ruisi nv Wang Feng rolled his eyes: "I can talk again?"

Seeing the anger of King Biress nv, Robben couldn't help but smile: "My lord nv, I just want you to be quiet for the convenience of my treatment. It's not that you don't want you to talk. You are so obedient. It really surprised me. ."

   looked at his abdomen, which obviously changed Sè Ze’s magic, the king of Biress nv asked dullly: "The sacred power is expelled?"

  Roben nodded: "Yes, you should feel it."

   "Then I didn't speak just now?"

   "Uh... yes."

   "Is it quiet?"

   "Yes." Robben looked at King Biress nv a little strangely, not understanding what she was trying to say.

   "Then I cooperated so quietly, can I listen to your secrets now?"

   Luo Ben couldn't help but lower his mouth: "Master nv, we don't seem to have said this, right? Master nv, you should lie down."

   A little impatient, Robben saw King Biress nv sitting up again.

Moving closer, King Biress nv's eyes were shining, and he stared at Robben firmly and said: "Doctor, I'm not kidding you, I know...I want to know these things very much now, you, my man, And unlike the men before, you are still my subordinates and my right-hand man. I suddenly discovered that you seem to be a little person who can never fully exploit the value. Now, it is the problem I found, I I will never let it go again..."

As he said, there was a bit of eagerness in the eyes of King Biris nv: "Doctor, I am your nv king, your chief, and your nv person. You should fear me, respect me, and love me. I, I think these reasons are enough to let me know some of your secrets. I need you as a doctor. This war between gods and demons makes me feel very weird. I need a powerful presence around me that I can fully believe in and help me. Doctor, you should not hide anything from me at this time. I need to know...what can you do, and then you can make correct judgments on some things."

After a pause, King Biress nv continued: "When you disappeared in the light and dark soul mirror, I was very surprised, because I thought you would not die in that thing, but the situation was beyond my expectation. Very surprised, very angry, and a little sad... I even moved a little emotionally. My anger at the time exceeded the limit that I should show as an nv king. Doctor, this is very suspicious. If there was a thoughtful demon at that time Will be there, you should be able to guess something, doctor, it’s all because of you, because I don’t know you, I don’t know that you are not only okay, but you can also destroy the light and dark soul mirror, so I lost my mind, this is yours responsibility"

   Robben blinked, and he felt weird. It was indeed his responsibility to say what he said, but did he feel that this statement was a bit irrational?

"Doctor, we have been together for more than two hundred years. Before... there has never been a man who can stay by my side for so long, but the old man can know everything about him, including what he is thinking in half a day. ..."

Raising his hand gently, King Biress nv gently stroked Robben's face with his fingers: "It's only you, doctor...Two hundred years have passed. You still make me feel a little strange from time to time. I can't I guess what kind of man you are... I sent someone to investigate your past, but... nothing was found. You appear to have suddenly appeared more than two hundred years ago. This is for a devil’s intelligence system. Say, it's something that surprised me enough, doctor... you are a mystery to me."

   "That...isn't it great? In this way, the nv king will like me more. It is important to keep mystery.

King Biress nv smiled: "Doctor, but I am also constantly getting to know you. For example, if you tell me more today, I will know you better, and we will become more intimate. During the war, we can also cooperate more closely."

   "Doctor, only if you let me know that you have enough abilities, I will send you and your magic nv to perform tasks that are more suitable and can get a lot of credit, do you understand?"

   In the end, King Biress nv summed up: "Doctor, this is a war need."

Slightly yín, Robben shrugged his shoulders: "Master nv, this is not a particularly mysterious thing. Of course I can tell you, but you should lie back quietly. We can talk slowly while treating. I There is no need to stop treatment to make conditions, you... also be quiet, can you?"

   The king of Biress nv smiled happily, gave Robben a wet wěn with great enthusiasm, and then lay back obediently.

   "So... how did you escape from the light and dark soul mirror?" As soon as he lay down, King Biress nv asked a question.

Robben meticulously used the healing magic of the corresponding intensity for each wound, and replied somewhat helplessly: "Master nv, this should not be difficult to guess. The reason why you are sure that I will not die in that light and dark In the soul splitting mirror, it must be because I know that I also practice soul magic, my soul power is very powerful, and you have also seen my jīng **** splits, they all have the ability to move freely, that mirror actually doesn’t mean anything to me. The effect, the effect of tearing the soul, just use some jīng **** splits to stop the mirror attack."

   "But why is your body gone? I am not surprised that your soul is scattered, but what I want to know is why your body is gone?"

Robben began to sketch a complex magical healing circle on the lower abdomen of King Biress nv: "That mirror is an energy body, not an entity. I felt it when surrounded by a dozen mirrors, and that The energy is very pure, it is quite pure light magic power, um... a long time ago, I had risked using body elementalization to move, but the conditions for doing so were harsher and required extreme elemental environments. However, those mirrored In the middle, it already meets this standard, so... I elementized my body and directly dispersed into the mirrors."

   Bi Ruisi nv Wang's face was amazed: "You...you said the body is elemental?"

Robben nodded slightly, and continued to concentrate on depicting the magic circle, and casually replied: "In some extreme environments, when a certain magic element is extremely active and completely suppresses other elements, I can indeed do it. To this point."

   King Biress nv opened his eyes wide, as if he could not believe it: "This...unbelievable"

   Robben couldn’t help but smile when he looked at King Biress nv: "Master nv, in your endless life, have you never seen such a thing?"

King Biress nv shook his head directly: "No, never before... Except for some creatures that are elemental because of their nature, they have the ability to travel through certain elemental environments. I have never seen such a thing. "

   Robben suddenly felt that the skirt of his clothes was caught. He lowered his head to look, but he saw that the hand of King Bi Ruisi nv reached his ass, and kept poking.

   "I said Lord nv, what are you doing?" Robben opened the hand of King Biress nv.

   "Don't I want mōmō to see how your body is different?"

   "Then you don't need to mō my ass."

  Birisi nv king suddenly puffed up his eyes: "Didn't you tell me to lie down quietly, can I go to other places now?"

   Robben: "……"


   Robben suddenly realized something was wrong: "When did you take your hand out? I obviously tied it?"

   "You can tie it, but I won't let me untie it?" King Biris nv retorted without hesitation.

"Anyway... That's it. The soul practicing soul magic allows me to divide my soul into many parts. The mirror actually has no effect on me. Of course, it has no effect on the nv lord. In the pure light element environment, I made the elemental choice. It's very simple and clear, right?"

  Ǎǎn chún, King Biress nv asked immediately: "But what are you doing with elementalization? Isn't that dangerous?"

"That mirror is still very powerful. I can't guarantee how much of my soul will stay in my body after it is separated. If all chōu go away, then my body will become an empty shell. In case that Sen has to give me a knife, I will become a headless corpse when I come back."

  Bi Ruisi nv Wang haha ​​smiled: "Doctor, you are quite smart"

   Robben shook his head helplessly, taking care of himself and treating his patients with care.

   Seeing that Robben was silent, King Biress nv suddenly asked another question: "Doctor, I have another question."

   The whole curious baby... Robben really wants to find a piece of tape to cover this nv person's mouth for a while.

"Not speaking is acquiescence..." King Biress nv looked at Robben strangely and asked: "Doctor, you have to tell me how you cut off the light wing of Sende, that's it. The light wing of the six-winged warlord is a unique divine tool bestowed by the king of gods. It is a thing of incomparably powerful power. The light wing is the most powerful, and you can actually destroy that..."

Robben smiled bitterly in his heart, he fell for a long time, that light wing is Sende’s most powerful thing, he is really unlucky, the last sword that was affected by Sende’s powerful breath is still biased, and it is also biased to be the worst Regarding the things, no wonder I felt a very strong recoil at the time, and now I still feel a little dizzy.

   "Doctor, I'm asking you?" King Biress nv poked Robben's **** unceremoniously.

Robben was helpless, so he simply moved his **** back: "Master nv, this is not a strange thing. I have practiced soul magic for so many years, and I have some small experiences more or less. This is my mistake. Judging from the actual effect, the tricks of "Science" are relatively easy to use."

   "What trick?" King Bi Ruisi nv's eyes beamed.

   "Even if I see it, I can cut it down" Robben replied very simply.

   "What?" King Bi Ruisi couldn't help but got up from the Chuáng again, but was directly pressed back by Robben.

   Lie back and blinked, Bi Ruisi nv Wang was very surprised and said: "Doctor, what did you just say... What you saw, what you saw can be cut?"

  Roben smiled mysteriously at King Biress nv: "Probably it can be understood that way, the accuracy is very high, and I have never missed it."

Robben said this sentence quite comfortably. Ever since he figured it out, he hasn’t used it a few times, but every time he did receive quite a magical effect. Yijian was his only official attack and his most successful first attack.

   Bi Ruisi nv Wang said in surprise: "Doctor, can you make it clear that this is... also an application of soul magic?"

  Roben thought for a while, and said: "Yes, it is indeed an application of soul magic, but the method used is somewhat special, but... it is not a particularly strange thing."

   "It's not a weird thing." King Biress nv couldn't help but stared, "Doctor, you hún stuff, even if I don't dare to say that I can cut it if I see it"

   Robben chuckled: "Nv Master Wang, when I say this, doesn't it seem that I am more powerful, can you give me a task that can get more credit?"

Speaking of Robben took out his own medical kit from his ring, and took out a clean gauze: "The wound has been hurt by the divine power and will not heal immediately. It will take two days at the earliest. Now it takes Bandage, clean your body with water magic within three days. Don't go to the bath anymore. Now sit up and I will bandage your wound."

   King Biress nv immediately sat up, hugged Robben gently, and stared at Robben with gleaming eyes.

   "Don't get so close... What are you looking at me? So I can't bandage your wounds."

   "Doctor" Robben was planning to push King Biress NV to a suitable distance ~www.readwn.com~ but was gently pressed by King Biress NV.

   "What are you doing?" Robben was surprised.

"Doctor, I found a very strange thing." King Biress nv looked at Robben as if he had discovered a new world, "Since you sneaked into my sea of ​​consciousness silently, leaving in the fire of my soul I was very strange when I was under the shackles of the gods. Although you also practice soul magic, but... you have no reason to avoid my blockade. We also practice soul magic, and you are not as powerful as I am..."

The palm of his hand climbed onto Robben’s face, and King Biress nv seemed to be holding a rare and incomparable object: "And why is the only person in the entire demon world who can mix soul magic with other things, and even use light magic, I think……"

   King Biress nv said slowly, almost touching Robben’s face, "Doctor...your soul magic...how do I...don’t understand?"

   Robben blinked: "No... don't understand? What's wrong with this?"

King Biress nv gently pulled Robben’s face, and said strangely, "Then why I always have a feeling, you will understand some magic I gave you very quickly, but... why do I Once I found out that the doctor had some strange magic, I didn't understand it?"

   "This...Is it impossible?" Robben was innocent.

   Bi Ruisi nv Wang tilted his head, then gently shook his head: "No, no... Doctor now I feel more and more, your magic seems to be something wrong"

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