God Prohibitions

Chapter 895: War Beast Army

Chapter 895: Battle Beast Legion

Queen Biress looked at a piece of paper on the table and said: "This is the information that was just sent, the Protoss... really opened a new channel, and the location chosen this time is more clever, completely avoiding ours. The sight, the thing that descends... is not a protoss warrior"

Hearing Queen Biris said that it was not the warriors of the gods who had descended, the demons were all taken aback. The latest and fastest update of this book comes from

Robben glanced at the piece of information on the table, there was still a large patch of blood stained on it, and it seemed that the soldier who sent the information might be ill-advised.

"My Lady Queen, it is not a Protoss who came here...what is that?" The demon generals began to ask.

Queen Biris picked up the piece of information and said coldly, "It's a beast of the gods, countless beasts of war"

"War beast?" The faces of the demon generals were puzzled.

Looking at each other weirdly, one of the demon generals immediately asked: "My lord Queen, if the war beasts...the **** race will not be worth the loss. It will take a lot of effort to open a new channel. Animals, we just can't kill them directly."

Queen Biris snorted, and threw the information on the table and said, "Then you will serve as a vanguard and go to the place to support you. There are hundreds of thousands of beasts waiting for you, and they are all untamed. They are all very ferocious beasts. Now they have gathered in large numbers and have begun to move, looking for food and water, and opening up their own territory."

The demon commander who was talking suddenly closed his mouth, his face full of surprise.

Another magic commander said strangely: "Hundreds of thousands...This number is a little bit higher. In the past, they were all mounted by warriors of the Protoss. Why would... be untamed this time? In that case... "

Queen Biress said directly: "This information shows that no protoss warrior has arrived yet. All those who have descended are beasts, the kind of beasts that have not been tamed and are full of wild animals."

Not a single protoss warrior

This news really shook all the magicians, this kind of thing has never been heard before.

Queen Biris said in a deep voice: "The situation is not clear now. The scout who sent the information has been injured by the beast. After sending the information back, he died. Fortunately, we already know the location of the new channel. Now everyone Immediately organize our troops, we immediately go to the location of the passage, and must eliminate these beasts as soon as possible, otherwise...these beasts will use all our population gathering places as feeding grounds."

All the demon generals felt a chill, and Queen Biris said the consequences were already very serious.

"Go, as fast as possible" Queen Biris waved.

The demon generals immediately saluted Queen Biris, and then all walked out quickly, and the demon generals shouted loudly in the camp.

Robben just walked to the door and reached out his hand and heard Queen Biress' voice: "Doctor, what are you going to do?"

"Of course, to inform my subordinates to leave."

"You are just a few hundred people, you still need to command? The whole army is in action, they are not blind and deaf, they will naturally be prepared."

Robben smiled helplessly: "Then...what do the Queen want me to do now."

Queen Biress was quite worried: "Doctor, when will my injury heal? Can you tell me the specific date?"

"In three days, at most four days, the wound will heal completely. Most of them are traumatic. After the wound has healed, there will be no impact."

Queen Biris nodded: "That's good, the doctor really opened up a new channel this time for the Protoss, I have to say...You are indeed right again, but all that came down this time were beasts. why?"

"My Lady Queen, I am not an officer of the Protoss, I don't know either..."

"I'm asking what you think of this matter"

Robben sank a little, and said: "Now our intelligence is only this piece of paper, everything is vague, everything is still waiting for us to catch up with those war beasts, as long as..."

"Just what?"

"As long as the unattended battle beasts are not scattered, if that's the case, we will be even more troublesome..."

Robben's words made Queen Biress's face ugly again.

The troops of Queen Biris began to move urgently, and quickly notified the rest of the troops scattered in other directions to start gathering in the new passage, and blocked these wild untamed beasts in the shortest possible time.

At the same time, the moving Queen Biress received warnings from other demon kings and explained the opening of the new channel and the news that countless beasts had arrived.

Sitting on the chariot, Queen Biris held the sent information fiercely in her hand, her face ugly: "What are the Protoss doing with such a large number of beasts coming? Isn't the next war going to use the beasts? Is there such a huge amount of beast deaths that can really make up for such losses?"

When Queen Biris' army trudged at the fastest speed for two days and one night to the new passage where the beasts descended, they found a serious situation...the beasts were really scattered.

When the Queen of Biris just arrived here, a group of war beasts rushed over to meet Queen Biris’s army, the number was about 100,000, and in the new channel opened in the sky, there were a large number of beasts. The beast of war is landing.

"Kill them"

Without hesitation, Biress yelled, and a large number of protoss soldiers rushed over with an angry roar.

Robben took a look. There are not many types of these beasts, only three or four, but there are some running on the ground, and some flying in the sky, and looking at the appearance of some beasts, there should be some beasts. Can be active in the water.

There is only one kind of beast in the sky. This is a kind of thing that is not too big, but looks very powerful. Although the body is only as long as one person, it has a slender tail. The length of the tail is almost the same as it. The body length is the same length, and the two wings are extremely wide. The long feathers on the outermost side of the wings are colorful and almost one meter long. The hind limbs are short, the forelimbs are thick, and the head is like a bird, but the mouth is full of Sharp teeth, at first glance, it is not a kind angle.

The beasts on all sides are mostly muscular chariots with strong limbs, either with thick hair or scaly armor, and they roared towards Queen Biris' army for a while. Read the latest chapters in this book

These war beasts are very fierce, and in terms of strength and speed, they are better than ordinary demon soldiers, but these war beasts have no protoss warriors to ride, and they look wild and untamed. They are well advanced in the demon army. Under the joint strangulation, it was quickly defeated, surrounded by demons and quickly wiped out.

There was no slight smile on Biress’s face, her eyes were always on the channel where the beasts were constantly coming down, and she turned her head and said to Robben: “Doctor, these beasts have been scattered now, and they are still scattered in batches. ,Do you have any good ideas?"

Robben’s eyes were full of worries: "My Lady Queen, although these war beasts do not pose too many threats to our army, but... if they raged everywhere in the Demon Realm in groups, the consequences would be absolutely disaster. We must immediately assemble our forces and destroy all the beasts that escaped. As for the way, I can't think of a way..."

Queen Biress squeezed her forehead: "It has been more than two days since we got the news. If you include the time spent by the scouts on the road, then there should be four days. There must be a large number of war beasts. Scattered into the Demon Realm, these things... are even more threatening than the Protoss troops."

"My Lady Queen, another group of beasts are coming." Robben suddenly found another group of beasts rushing in the direction of the approach point ahead, the number of which was about the same as the group that had just received the battle.

"Kill them not to go to other places but to attack us. This saves a lot of time."

Robben looked at the group of beasts rushing over in front of him, and his eyes were a little more confused.

These are just gathered together. The beasts that attack without any tactics are obviously not the opponents of the demon army. When the second batch of beasts rushes forward, the number of beasts will be a bit more than that of the demon soldiers, but still Unable to reverse the one-sided battle, the demon warriors roared, slashing and slaying these fangs and claws.

It only took a short time for the soldiers of the Demon Race to completely kill all the beasts that came up, and aggressively rushed towards the large number of beasts that gathered below the descending point.

There were hundreds of thousands of war beasts gathered under the arrival point. Looking at it, they were densely scattered on the ground and flying in the air, and they didn't know the specific number.

These war beasts seemed to have been disturbed by the sound of the demon army fighting just now, and the demon army rushed over. Some of these war beasts rushed towards the demon army again, while others fled directly.

"Stop them for me. You must not let these beasts run away, otherwise countless people will be killed. Quickly."

Although Queen Biris ordered this, there are only 100,000 troops around Queen Biris. It is very difficult to stop these beasts, and now the demon army has slaughtered a large number of beasts, and many beasts have already begun. Fearing, fleeing far away, in the end even Queen Biris flew up and began to massacre the beasts, but it was still of no avail, and a large number of beasts still scattered and fled.

Soon, there were no more war beasts in the passage. One hundred thousand demons and soldiers were exhausted. No one remembered how many war beasts he had killed, and how many comrades in arms fell by his side.

Under the passage of the sky, the blood-covered Demon warriors added countless broken bodies of the God of War. A huge blood sea wreath spread out on the ground, and the blood stains were scattered in all directions and gradually disappeared...

Queen Biress was sitting on her own chariot, looking into the distance. Almost all the Demon Warriors were stained with blood. Only her body was clean, and even there was no blood on the chariot.

Looking into the distance, Queen Biris's face was blank.

"My Lady Queen, there are no more war beasts coming..." Robben gently reminded, standing beside Queen Biris.

Queen Biris raised her head and looked at the huge black passage in the sky: "I didn't expect...the Protoss would actually do such a thing. These war beasts are not found everywhere in the Protoss. Things, these war beasts are precious battle mounts. Usually, they are carried by advanced warriors of the Protoss or special combat troops. Such a large number of beasts alone have never happened..."

"My Lady Queen, the Protoss did this this time... why?"

Queen Biris Shen Yin for a while, sighed: "This is really not a comfortable question, doctor...you see, now this passage has stopped coming to the beasts, but it has been around for four days. Time, at least millions of beasts will come down. Although we killed almost all the beasts here, before that, most of the beasts have been scattered all over the devil world. It's..."

As she said, Queen Biris's voice lowered: "These war beasts have not been domesticated and will only act according to the most basic instincts. They will be afraid and will hide. From now on, they will hardly fight our army. , That is to say... the protoss came to these war beasts, not to fight our soldiers..."

Robben frowned: "My Queen, what do you mean..."

Queen Biris gritted her teeth and said: "This time...the Protoss seems to be planning to start from our foundation. These war beasts scattered all over the Demon Realm have only one effect, and that is to kill ordinary people. The beast is not an enemy of the army, but a certain number of beasts gathered together can already break through some cities with low defense capabilities. Our people are facing a serious threat..."

Looking up at the black passage, Queen Biris said: "This is the third different passage. The Protoss actually opened up three times more passages than before. This is a price... we Now we must also send a large number of troops to guard these Protoss that may come again at any time, and we must send a large number of soldiers to chase down the scattered war beasts, and... now there are still some Protoss troops in action, in some of the cities that have been attacked. Assemble...We must send more troops to pull out these Protoss armies, but there are six-wing warriors in these armies..."

The azure blue sky seemed extremely vast, and Queen Biris' voice was full of solemnity: "If now... there will be another channel, or even two...three"

Taking a deep breath, Queen Biress asked: "Doctor, these questions now...can you help me?"

"My Lady Queen, please be at your disposal at any time. This book will be updated in real time ⑤⒏сΟm"

"Well... Doctor, tell me now, these problems that we all have to face now, which one must be the priority problem?"

Robben thought for a long time and said, "My Lady Queen, how long will the passages opened by these Protoss last?"

Queen Biris glanced towards the sky and said softly: "A passage of normal size like this will last for about a year, but a passage like the one that came to the Six Wings last time may last for three years. time."

Robben's heart sank suddenly, let alone three years or one year, it was three months or one month. This kind of channel where enemies would appear on the head of the demon at any time was a huge pressure.

"My Lady Queen, if the Protoss opens a few more passages, won't all of our troops be dispersed?"

Queen Biress nodded: "Yes, we have to do this, but...the price that the Protoss has to pay to open the channel is also huge. The channel that can pass through the six-wing warlord like the one that appeared last time, requires huge power. Consuming all the lives of a six-winged warlord, of course...the Protoss is responsible for this consumption by countless magicians, but this means that countless magicians will be paralyzed for a long time. Generally speaking, as long as you participate in the task of opening up the channel, there is no way to participate in the war..."

Robben was slightly surprised. He didn't expect that the cost of opening a channel would be so expensive. That is to say, just to open the previous channel, the Protoss has the combat power equivalent to 24 six-wing generals and cannot participate this time. War.

Now... the Protoss has opened three times, a total of 72 passages, the cost of this is undoubtedly extremely huge.

Queen Biress continued: "And this kind of passage is one-way. We can't enter the God Realm in reverse, but once the God Race enters the passage, there is no way to stop it. They won't know before they descend on the Demon Realm. On the ground, it can be said that this kind of passage is not without great advantages for the Protoss."

"We... can't we go backwards?" Robben was slightly puzzled.

"Of course, if there is a powerful individual at the level of the devil, it can also break through the imprisonment of this one-way passage. A long time ago, there was an angry demon who broke into the God Realm alone. That time caused an uproar in the God Realm. Da*, the **** king himself shot and killed the demon king, but in the end it was unsuccessful. The demon king fled back to the devil world, but soon died of injuries. The situation I just said was also the news he received at that time. , He is a great hero, but since then, every generation of Black Emperor strictly forbids any demon king to break into the passage."

Robben nodded clearly.

Queen Biress moved her brows and asked dissatisfiedly: "Doctor, I asked you to give your opinion, why did you ask me instead?"

"My Lady Queen, these passages have now contained a large amount of our troops. I originally thought that if the Protoss kept opening up passages, our strength would be overwhelming, but if the cost is so huge, the plan of the Protoss must be There will be no idea of ​​opening a large number of channels."

Queen Biress shook her head helplessly: "Doctor, this is a very obvious thing..."

"Then... Lady Queen, I think the most urgent problem we need to solve now is time."


"Yes, all the problems now point in one direction, that is, our forces are constantly being dispersed. I think it must be the Protoss deliberately doing this. Our forces are constantly being dispersed and attracted to the demon world. Go to various places, and now it seems that these scattered soldiers will not be able to solve their own problems in a short time and gather again. In this case, if the Protoss suddenly descends on a large number of elite fighters, a large number of six-wing warfare General, I think there is no power in the Demon Realm to stand against them alone. In this case, there will be an embarrassing situation where we must gather our forces, but the troubles in various places do not allow us to gather a large number of forces. At the same time... these troubles are probably still Will be unusually active at this time to respond to a large number of protoss troops."

Queen Biress curled her fingers around her silver hair with some distress: "Yes...Doctor, what do you mean? I understand that we must immediately solve the problems everywhere, and strive for the most time, and strive to be in the Protoss again. Solve these problems before coming to a large number of elite troops, but...how to solve them?"

"My Lady Queen, those war beasts have some problems, but their combat effectiveness is not strong. We will try our best to hunt them down, but those protoss troops that have now occupied the city must be eliminated immediately."

"How to eliminate?"

"This one……"

Queen Biress rolled her eyes: "Doctor, you said for a long time but you didn't say anything..."

Robben smiled awkwardly: "My Lady Queen, I think you have already planned, so I don't think there is any need to say too much."

"Forget it... You just said that those war beasts have some problems, what is the problem?"

Robben thought for a moment, and then said: "My Lady Queen doesn't know if you noticed it. Although the war beasts of the Protoss have not been domesticated and have not been collected, they are not irregular."

"Huh? What does that mean?" Queen Biris' eyes moved.

"My Lady Queen, when the beasts are fighting, they are chaotic, but they are part of the action. When we arrived, a group of about 100,000 beasts happened to hit our soldiers. And the next batch of beasts that will rush up will be about one hundred thousand, but...the number of beasts gathered under the passage is about three to four hundred thousand."

"Doctor, what exactly are you trying to say?" Queen Biris showed some interest on her face.

After thinking about it a little bit, Robben said with more certainty: "My Lady Queen, I have never heard of anything that moves in units of quantity, and the number of 100,000 is a bit bigger..."

Queen Biris' eyes flashed: "You mean, these war beasts are under command, and there are many war beasts gathered under the channel. They are waiting for all war beasts in the formation to come, and then leave for activities. ?"

"It seems that there is only one explanation, and when these beasts began to flee, they weren't fleeing in a chaotic manner. They were divided into four directions. Flee in different directions."

Queen Biress showed her thoughtful sè, and then slowly said: "But...there are no warriors of the **** race among these beasts, and these beasts will not have such a high level of wisdom to know how to maintain their organization. They are obviously still wild and untamed, how can this be explained?"

Robben said as he thought about it: "Your Majesty Queen just participated in the battle, and I am too... It is absolutely certain that there are no Protoss fighters among these beasts, and it is almost certain that they maintain a certain organization. Then ...In such a large organization, it is impossible to have no commander. Otherwise, let alone these beasts, even the soldiers of our two races would not be able to coordinate..."

Queen Biris nodded and said: "It is true...but there are no Protoss warriors in this group of war beasts, all are war beasts."

Robben took the conversation back and said, "In other words, their commander... is not a protoss warrior?"

Queen Biris showed a full of weird eyes: "It's not the words of the Protoss warriors... Could it be that those brainless beasts are commanding their own kind?"

Speaking of this, Robben and Queen Biris' eyes lit up at the same time.

With her eyebrows frowned, Queen Biris said loudly: "Immediately trace the traces of the closest batch of beasts here, and we will catch up immediately."

Soon, the scout found the traces left by the nearest group of beasts, and Queen Biris led the army to chase after her.

After only half a day's journey, a city appeared in front of the army. The defense of this small city is not outstanding, but it is surrounded by a considerable number of protoss war beasts. These war beasts are roaring at their masters and disciples to break through the city's defenses, but this batch of beasts lacks air power. For the closed gates and the high walls, it is difficult to do anything in a short time.

Queen Biress looked at the war beast that was constantly attacking the city in the distance, and said with a slight surprise: "Sure enough...the number is probably around 100,000. It seems that there is indeed a fixed number of organizations."

After finishing speaking, Queen Biris showed some doubts in her eyes again: "But... what command are they under? Even if these guys are commanding themselves,... I want to find that command among so many beasts. Officer, it’s a little harder."

Robben said: "My lord Queen, these things don't seem to be very intelligent. You can see the efficiency of their siege. It is not difficult to find out where their commander is. What we have to solve now is...find the commander. What shall we do after the official?"

"Kill" Queen Biris answered without hesitation.

Robben blinked his eyes: "What about the other beasts?"


Robben sighed: "My Lady Queen, in this case... we are still struggling to find that commander what to do, so we can just rush over now and see one kill one."

Queen Biress actually immediately realized that she had said something stupid, but when Robben asked such a question, she couldn't help but retorted in annoyance: "Then what can you do?"

"Well... there is no way. I just thought about whether these war beasts would really run away because of the lack of restraint after killing the guy in charge of the command. That would add a lot of trouble to us. It would take a lot of time to gather these war beasts and clean them up."

"Catch it back?" Queen Biress made a suggestion of nothing to build.

"My Lady Queen, I am afraid it will be the same result."

Queen Biris was a little annoyed: "What should I do? Do you make sense with it and let it surrender? Then we will take these things back and raise them?"

"My Lady Queen, don't be angry, I think...Since it's a group with organization but such a chaos, the commander's command must be very simple. It is very likely that some hints have been received from the gods. Only the war beasts will have a certain organized operation, and they will not gather in the same area in large numbers because of Xi xìng. This has indeed added a lot of trouble to us, but... it is also an opportunity at the same time."

"Opportunity? Doctor, do you have any idea?"

"Um...it's not sure yet, but we must first find the guy in charge of the command, and then I need a little time to talk to that guy."

"Talk about it?" Queen Biris was surprised.

"Hehe, Lord Queen, we are attacking now, but don’t take it seriously. Just relieve the pressure on the city and make these war beasts nervous at the same time. When they do something, we will observe carefully and we will definitely find some clues, etc. Once the commander was found, we acted immediately."

Queen Biress looked at Robben: "Okay, doctor, it's better not to fail. We don't have much time, and we must immediately deal with the Protoss army that occupy the city."

Robben smiled: "No problem."

Queen Biris immediately swept up and began to attack the beasts that were besieging the city. These beasts who had coveted the soldiers in the Demon City immediately panicked, counterattacked and fled. Escape, the scene becomes chaotic.

Robben brought out the two hundred witches.

"Everyone pay attention, don’t get close to the battle beasts. Look carefully and observe carefully. Among these beasts, there is a guy who is in charge of command, or there are a few guys who are in charge of command. Don't look away."

The chaotic situation of the beasts quickly changed, and the scene became more chaotic, because all the beasts began to flee, and the beasts who were fighting against the demon warriors also screamed everywhere. He scurrying to escape the encirclement of the demons.

"My lord, there seems to be one over there. The one standing on the rock and screaming now jumps down. Look at it, my lord, it's the long-haired yellow beast with a unicorn on his head." Bazaar was the first one. The suspect was found.

"Staring at her, the rest of them continue to look for Tina to inform the Queen to retreat. All the soldiers retreat and push back to the place where they launched the attack.

Although it felt very strange, Queen Biris accepted Robben's suggestion in the end, and the demon army quickly retreated and retreated to a place far away from the city.

The beasts that were running away seemed strange. They didn't expect the enemy to move away from the city at a speed faster than themselves. For a while, many beasts stopped in place, seeming to hesitate whether to go back and attack the city.

"These things really don't have much wisdom..." Seeing that these war beasts actually wanted to come back to attack the city after the demon army retreated, Bazaar couldn't help sighing.

"Fool, stare at that guy, don't get lost." Robben immediately knocked on Bazaar's head.

"I know... don't make your hands so heavy..." Bazaar murmured dissatisfiedly, but her gaze fell back to the beast that she was staring at. Then Bazaar hurriedly pulled Robben's clothes and shouted: " Look, your lord, it found another rock and climbed up, ah, it's calling again."

Robben's gaze was also attracted, and he stared at the beast carefully. Robben listened carefully, and then shook his head slightly: "It seems that it is a sound wave of a special frequency. Even if I use magic, I can't hear this. The sound of something."

"Sir, these guys really come back to attack the city?" Some of the witches uttered an incredible cry.

Just as the witches discovered, these war beasts unexpectedly swaggered back after the demons retreated and started attacking the city, as if they had completely forgotten what had just happened.

"Notify the Queen, attack"

The army of Queen Biris attacked once again. When these beasts fled, they moved away from the city at a faster speed. After doing this several times, Robben was basically certain that in this group of beasts, only one was responsible for giving orders. War beasts exist.

"Let Her Lady Queen attack with all her strength, and the rest will follow me. First catch the yellow and unicorn beast, Bazaar, you are ready."


After going back and forth several times, Queen Biress’s resistance was almost worn out, and the demons warriors were even more reluctant. I heard that this was a real attack, and the demons rushed over like crazy. , These war beasts almost collapsed when touched, and immediately began to flee for their lives.

Robben took the two hundred witches straight to the beast in charge of the command, and when it finished howling on a rock, it was already surrounded when it was about to escape with the army after jumping down.

Realizing that he had received a special reception, this beast let out a huge roar, and the beast that was fleeing nearby turned around as if it had been ordered to rescue.

This situation was as early as Robben expected. At the moment, most of the witches formed a circle to block all the beasts that came to rescue, while the other witches and Robben rushed viciously. The command of the isolated war beast.

With a pair of N, this yellow unicorn beast was almost instantly **** by the witches and threw it to the ground.

Robben squatted next to the beast, placed his hand on its unicorn, and the silver light slowly penetrated its head. The struggling war beast suddenly fell silent.

After half a minute, Robben nodded in satisfaction, the silver light on his hand closed, his fingers left the horns of the beast, and he turned his head and said, "Bazaar, you come"

Bazaar came over immediately, and put her hand on the unicorn of the beast like Robben, the silver light slowly penetrated into its head, and then recovered. The struggling beast immediately stopped moving. ...

This time it took a long time for Bazaar. Five minutes later, more and more war beasts came to rescue from the outside. Bazaar slowly said: "It is very simple to find the order, there are only three, attack. Escape, rest, um...and some ways of identification, this is even simpler."

Robben smiled with satisfaction and asked, "Are you sure?"

Bazaar nodded: "No problem, everything will be easy if you find something."

After finishing speaking, Bazaar's long hair fluttered gently like a breeze, and the silver ray appeared in his eyes, and the body of this beast began to struggle again, and it uttered an unknown roar.

Three or two minutes later, the floating wind around Bazaar calmed down, and the silver light in his eyes gradually dissipated. She stood up, Bazaar smiled and said, "My lord, it's all done."

"Experiment." Robben pointed to the beast that seemed to be rejuvenated.

Bazaar untied the rope tied to the beast, patted the beast's head and said, "rest."

The beast wailed a few times, and then quickly climbed up a piece of it and yelled with its neck up, but just as Robben expected, at this time the roar of the beast could not be heard.

Although the sound was inaudible, the effect was immediate. The beasts that were fleeing desperately and were besieging the witches immediately stopped. The beasts that fled hardly hesitated to sit on the spot or sit or lie down. When he got up, the beasts fighting with the witches did a few turns in place that looked very suspicious, then retreated to a distance and began to rest.

The warriors of the demon race swarmed, and the beasts that had just begun to rest were crushed to pieces almost immediately, but even so, most of the beasts did not have any extra moves, and stayed in place. The fierce and evil demon warriors roared and rushed to take their lives.

Although these war beasts do not have much wisdom, and they appear to be bloodthirsty beasts, if they break through the city, all the demons in the city, and even all living creatures, will become their rations, but now I look at them. Being killed without resistance, still very uncomfortable, waved to the witches: "Let's go, we don't need us here."

The Mozu soldiers killed all the beasts without any damage~www.readwn.com~Queen Biress was extremely pleased with the result, Robben immediately pulled Robben upon his return. When he got to his side, he asked, "Doctor, how did you do it?"

Robben smiled: "My Lady Queen, it’s nothing. These beasts don’t have too much wisdom. Since they are commanded by the beasts themselves, they should have been hinted and trained before coming, and their limited wisdom also determines these. The implied commands are very simple, such as what to attack, what to avoid, when to attack and rest, etc. As long as you find these hints in your consciousness, you can modify some of the commands with soul magic."

Looking back at the beasts that had been slaughtered at this time, Robben said: "I think that after we can find the command beasts among these beasts, we can turn the hordes of beasts into ourselves. The fighting power of the people is now. When the time comes... they can help us attack the Protoss.

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