God Prohibitions

Chapter 897: 1 point difference

The witches all let the way open with great doubts. Everyone didn't know what Robben had said to Nya. It would make Nya's attitude take a 180-degree turn until Robben's one by one. After bidding farewell to every witch, everyone gathered around.

\"Sister Niya, what did your lord say to you just now? Just tell us,\" "The witches surrounded Niya this time, with a look of expectation, Bazaar was even pulling Niya If you don't tell me, I will not withdraw my hands.

  Niya was helpless, so she could only gently say to all the witches: \"Don’t worry, adults, tell me...,


   The witches all pricked their ears to see the witches like this, Nia couldn't help but smile: "In short, the adults mean that adults will be fine, and adults have the ability to maintain their own safety and will come back well."

When the witches heard it, their faces were puffed up, and they yelled in disobedience. Bazaar took Nia's hand and began to shake it up: "Sister Nia, just tell us, is there anything else to do to us? Is it confidential? Sister Nia~"

A large group of witches surrounded Nia and started to make soft and hard foaming. Nia was really unbearable, so she had to reach out her hand and poke Bazaar’s nose: "It's all you taking the lead! Alright! Everyone, stop making trouble, the adults did not say It must be kept secret, but the people in the barracks have a lot of mouths. Everyone gathered and opened the silent barrier. I will tell you what the adults said before leaving."

   The witches quickly formed a pile, one after another, opened several layers of silent barriers. After that, Bazaar couldn't wait to ask: "Sister Niya, let's talk now."

  Niya said with a smile: "Don't worry, everyone, it is indeed very dangerous to enter the city guarded by the Protoss alone this time." If there is a slight difference, the consequences may be very serious. "

   This sentence made all the witches' faces worry more.

  \"However, the adults insist on going, don't you think that adults have enough confidence to take on this task?"

   The witches looked at each other, and suddenly a voice came out: \"But...but it's still too dangerous..."

  Niya nodded: \"Indeed, this kind of thing is almost impossible for any demons, but...maybe it is an exception for adults."

  \"Exception!?" The witches were confused.

   After a little pause, Nia asked: \"Do you know, before the lord arrives in Gasoline City"

Where is    and what are they doing? "

   The witches were a little puzzled after hearing this question which seemed to have little connection with the things being discussed now. I don't know why Nia suddenly raised this question.

   Bazaar frowned slightly, thinking about the appearance of her clothes, and said with uncertainty: \"This...

   My lord seems to have mentioned "before this", my lord has been wandering all over the place and has no fixed place, but..."

Suddenly, Bazaar's eyes lit up: \"But that seemed to be a statement to the outside world. I remember that the adult once mentioned another statement. The adult said that he had lived in the gods and had lived for a long time. time."

   Bazaar said, the witches patted their foreheads a lot," Obviously they remembered something.

Behind Bazaar, Tina scratched her head and tried to recall: "That time... It seems that because of something, everyone was happily drinking together. After that, the adults said, but then everyone was drunk... "

Seeing that the witches began to think of something, Nya said softly, "This matter was indeed mentioned by the lord, and it has been mentioned more than once, but everyone has not noticed it. Just now, when the lord was leaving, lord He mentioned this to me again, and also said some other things. "

  \"What's the content!?" The witches asked Dan almost all together.

  \"Do you know" what the lord does in the God Realm? "

   Regarding Nya’s question, the witches shook their heads.

  Niya slowed down and said clearly: "My lord is a duke in the God Realm! He is a high-ranking official second only to the Demon King of the Demon Realm!"

  \"The Duke!?" The witches suddenly opened their mouths.

\"But............ I haven't heard that there is such a high official position as a duke in the Protoss?" Bazaar rolled her eyes. There was twelve points of incomprehension on her face, and the witches cast their doubtful eyes on Ni. Ya.

  Niya couldn’t help but get angry." Bazaar hit the head and screamed: \"You are taking the lead again, and you always teach bad sisters if you don’t know how to learn..."

   Bazaar shook Nia's hand innocently and said: "I didn't know that I asked... Sister Nia is so fierce..."

  \"Well, don't shake it, you will shake it to pieces for a while!" Nya looked at the bazaar **** and felt amused again.

   Bazaar still held Nia's hand and asked: "Sister Nia, what does the Duke do?

   Is it very difficult for the Lord to be this duke in the God Realm? "

After thinking about it, Niya said: \"The official position of Duke did not appear in the Protoss at first, and it was in the Human Race, and was later adopted by the Protoss. From the perspective of the level of official position, it is already a high-ranking official. "

  \"My lord is so powerful!" The witches expressed surprise.

\"The ruling structure of the God Realm is roughly the same as that of the Devil Realm. Is your lord's official position...equivalent to the high lord under the demon king, and higher, because there are only a few dukes. The lord said, he is The one in charge of the military."

  The witches' eyes widened again: \"My lord manages the Protoss army in the God Realm!?"

Nia nodded slowly: \"Probably that's it. The adults didn't say too much in detail, but what is certain is that the adults have lived in the gods for a long time before learning our disguise. Moreover, he is still a high-ranking official, and he often comes into contact with the upper-class figures of the Protoss, but he has not been exposed for many years. Do you understand?"

   Bazaar said immediately: \ "Does that mean that the adult's light magic comes from this life in the gods, and now that it is more difficult to be spotted after being proficient in the witch's disguise?"

  Niya smiled and nodded Harper’s forehead: \"You finally become smarter.

Bazaar smiled embarrassedly, and the witches all laughed too\"...Roben now doesn't know that Nia is explaining for himself, of course he doesn't know that Nia's explanation will be so perfect and effective, because Robben knows What I said has a hint, but it is not entirely correct.

"The gods of this world" I have never been to, saying that I am a duke, and he is only in the continent of the original world. Here, the gods and humans live together, and I did not explicitly say that I am To be a duke in the **** realm of this world............

   Walking all the way, Robben was apologetic in his heart, because most of what he said to Nia was just to make her feel at ease. In fact,... there is already a lot of deceit.

   Thinking of this, Robben couldn't help but sigh. Maybe sometimes, it's really not bad for a man to cheat a woman...

   With the entourage, Robben came to the fortified city that was already guarded by two six-winged warriors at the fastest speed\"Motu.

   The arrival of Robben is not so much a surprise to the demon Lord Manil who is aggressively attacking here, but rather it makes him very puzzled.

   When he saw him in the huge palace of the Demon King, Robben saw anxiousness on his face, and he was puzzled by his arrival.

   Looking at this person who is said to be the next celebrity \"Mr. Robben" in front of the Queen Beris, the face of Demon Monil was strange.

  After watching Luo Ben for several minutes, the Demon King Monil said: \"You...

   The queen sent you to help me break this city? And... how many shì guards are you alone with? "

Robben knows that this Demon Lord Manil has never competed with the other demon kings for power and gains. He is also relatively gentle. He has not a good relationship with Queen Biris, but he has been a neighbor for many years and has been in peace." This is already very rare. work……

   Right now, Robben respectfully saluted the Demon King Manil, and then took out a document and a letter: \"This is the official document sent by the Queen, this is the letter from the Queen to you."

Manir first opened the official document. There were some formulas in front of him. It was nothing more than to prove Robben's identity. He only looked at the signature and seal of Queen Biris below, and the Demon King of Manir took this The official document was thrown aside, and the sī letter sent by Queen Biris was opened and read.

  Looking on at the same time" Demon Manir kept looking at Robben with suspicion. In the end, Demon Manir still showed surprise on his face.

   Putting down the letter in his hand, the Demon King Manir asked in surprise: \"You want to go into the city to do internal response?"

  \"Yes, Lord Devil."

  \"Pretend to be that Senter?"

  \"Yes, Lord Devil."

   Robben’s affirmative answer didn’t seem to make Demon Manir feel at ease.” On the contrary, the weirdness on his face was a little bit more.

\"Hmm...I know some things about you, the queen seems to be very fond of you, but...This matter is very important, if it fails, not only will it not break the city." You will undoubtedly die and suffer the ridicule of the Protoss. "If your disguise is seen through and used by the Protoss, we may still suffer a huge loss." Looking at the letter on the table again, the Demon King Manil said intently: \"Now...you will pretend to be a Sen. I have to have a look. If you can lie to me, I will agree to this."

   Such a test had long been expected by Robben, because Robben knew before he came that this Demon King of Manir is a cautious horn, not like Queen Biris.

A faint halo spread out on Robben's body. In the light breeze, his black hair turned to gold, and his face began to change... When the double horns on Robben's head disappeared, Demon Manir and Man All the demon generals and guards in the room showed extremely surprised gods.

  \"This...is that Sender?" The Demon Lord Manil couldn't help standing up.

  \"Yes, Lord Devil.

"  " Robben's voice has also changed.

Coming over and spinning around Robben a few times, Demon Monir nodded with satisfaction: "Ok... there is almost no flaw, there is no way to see that it is a demon, and the whole body is full of that kind of disgust The sacred breath, not good...,


   stood still, the Demon Monil frowned suddenly: \"But" suddenly, Demon Monil's hand lifted up like lightning, and his fingers went straight to Robben's chest and poked it.

   Robben did not dare to block, he swiftly turned on his side, quickly backed up two steps, and escaped the attack.

   Demon Monir shook his head, retracted his hand and said: \"The disguise is vivid, and the reaction ability and magic power are also very good, but...the moment you start it, you will be exposed..."

Looking at Robben, Demon King Manir said with a pity: "The Protoss is under our siege, and you will certainly come to defend against our attack." But after all, you are a Demon, such a thin one. The layer of sacred aura is already very rare, but once the power is used, the aura of the dark power is revealed, so there is no way to hide the six-wing warrior. "

Returning to his seat and sitting down, the Demon King Monil said: "You better go back and thank the queen for my kindness, but this method really doesn't work, so don't take risks. You are very good, and you shouldn't. Lose your life in such an unsafe plan, go ahead..."

Robben frowned secretly, and he couldn't go back directly anyway. In that case, he would almost be swept out. "It's really shameless to go back to Queen Biris." And this plan is also confirmed by Queen Biris. If he goes back, this The woman must be furious, thinking that Manir was hitting her in the face. It would not be impossible to say that it would be vengeful with the Demon King Manir...

  \"Why, do you still have something to say?" The Demon Lord Manil saw that Robben hadn't bowed back, but it was a bit strange.

   Robben said respectfully: \"Master Demon, you mean that my power is not yet perfect and hidden" so I can't do this task yet. "Devil Monil is very patient, nodded and said: \"Yes, even if you can get into the city like this, you will be seen through it quickly. This has no meaning at all. "

  Roben thought for a while and said: \"Master Demon Lord" If this is the case, I don't know if you can give me a little time, I will solve this problem quickly, and then come to visit Lord Demon Lord. "

  \"A little bit of time? How long is that?" Robben thought for a while and said: \"The Queen sent me to solve the incident quickly, I think...at most half a day."

\"Good!" The Demon Lord Manil stood up"\"I will give you one day, if you can solve your own problems within this day, I will agree to this plan, otherwise, "you will not use it See me, go straight back..."

  \"Yes" Lord Demon, then... his subordinates retired. "Roben retired, and a gentle-looking demon admiral next to Manil whispered: "Master Devil, this Robben has always had a bad reputation. Now, Master Queen has sent him to perform such a ridiculous task. , This..." Demon King Monil said nonchalantly: \"The war has already begun, and her father said that she would cooperate and help each other, and the queen would not disobey it. Although there are problems with this plan, if it is really possible It is definitely a good idea to solve the problem of the leakage of the Demon's breath. Don't just focus on fame. This Luo Ben is definitely not that simple. Go and arrange food and lodging for him, let him find a quiet way, and don't neglect. "

  \"Yes, Lord Demon." Robben was arranged in a special big tent, surrounded by no other soldiers disturbed, the environment is relatively quiet, the laying of the tent is also very comfortable, Robben knows he has been given preferential treatment.

Now, the problem Robben wants to solve is how to conceal his dark magic fluctuations. He has practiced soul magic for many years. Now Robben himself can feel that the magic fluctuations that were once insignificant and almost unnoticeable have begun to become obvious. It's easy to meet each other.

Perhaps for the Demon Race, this is a completely impossible thing. Dark power is an inherent attribute of the Demon Race, just like the sun is glowing and hot, but for Robben, it is not particularly hungry and difficult. thing.

  Because Robben was not a dark mage in the first place, it was just that he had been practicing soul magic for so many years, and the dark attribute seemed particularly abrupt.

Robben is also relatively proficient in light magic, but he has been studying soul magic for many years. This makes the dark fluctuations on his body become obvious. The rest of the magical fluctuations are almost suppressed and there is no movement. Now Robben is going to be full. He mobilizes the rest of his own magic power, hides the fluctuations of the dark magic power, and gradually expands the amount of light elements and increases their vitality, pretending to be a complete protoss.

When using a kind of magic, the elements of the corresponding attribute will appear particularly active on the body, and the activity of other magic elements will decrease. If all magic elements are in use, and only one magic element is idle, The vitality of this magic element will be minimized.

  Roben sits quietly on the ground, his whole body is surrounded by the streamers of all the lights. Among them, the gold is the most powerful and dazzling. There is a magic hourglass at Robben's feet, and time flows quietly...,


   After a full day, Robben hasn't moved, neither eating nor drinking.

   Finally, when there was only a little bit of sand left in the magic hourglass, Robben opened his eyes.

   The attack of the demon race is still going on, and it is getting more and more fierce. As soon as Robben walks out of the silent barrier, he can hear the sound of war drums from the gods guarding the city and the roar of the demon army...

  \"Take me to see Lord Demon King" I have something to see. "Roben said. The two guards at the door were obviously not ordinary soldiers. They just nodded and didn't notify them in advance. They took Robben and walked directly towards the palace of the Demon King.

   When I saw Demon King Manir again, there were fewer demon generals in the house. Robben didn't know whether he was besieging the city of the Protoss, or... he had already died in battle.

  \"Master Devil, I am back by appointment."

   Demon King Monil looked Robben up and down: "You are back...has the problem been solved?"

\"Making Lord, you can try it yourself." The second half of Robben's voice has completely changed to Sunder, his hair changed, and his face changed rapidly [天珠变], instantly becoming Sunder’s appearance. "

   Demon King Monir smiled with satisfaction: \"Well, yes... I don’t feel like a demon anymore" But..."

With his eyes condensed fiercely, Monil flicked his backhand, and a black light shot at Robben from the palm of his hand. Robben raised his hand without hesitation, turning his five fingers one by one." When he walked in front of him, the black light hit the cross, and immediately smashed the cross. Robben groaned. After being hit by the huge impact, he took a few steps back quickly before he could stand firm.

A flash of brilliance flashed in the eyes of Demon King Manir: "Not bad? There has been such a big change in one day [Dzi Bead], if I hadn’t known in advance that you are a demon." The breath of the family.


Robben is not as happy as Demon Manir. Just now it seemed like a simple blow, but his power was very heavy, and he used light magic to fight against "but he was injured by the dark magic of Demon Manir to his internal organs." Robben I really didn't expect this guy to beat himself up.

  \"Hmm...not bad! It's a talent!" Demon Lord Manir looked at Robben with satisfaction.

  头,\"Don’t bear it, spit out the blood, I hurt you on purpose."

   Robben couldn't help but breathe when he heard this. The blood that was suppressed suddenly surged, and he opened his mouth to spit out a small mouthful of blood...

Demon King Manir said solemnly: \"Roben, you have to understand that your infiltrating into the Protoss this time is actually extremely dangerous, whether it is for you or my soldiers, if you fail, there is no news. If it comes out, we will definitely be calculated by the Protoss once, so you must be careful, your injury is a proof. You survived alone, and it is not particularly reasonable that there is no injury on your body, but it is a pity that there is no queen left on you. The scars below, otherwise it will be more credible."

After thinking about it carefully, Demon King Manir still said: \"However, this is already possible. The Protoss will never think that we will have a Demon Race that can use the power of light to pretend to be a six-winged warrior, and that Sende All of your cronies are dead. You show that you are seriously injured and you can't use your power too much. There shouldn't be any problems in a short time." Robben wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth: \"Lord Queen's soul magic, I too Understand a little, it is not a problem to create some scars. Please rest assured, Lord Demon."

\"Hmm... That's good! Remember, you must not act rashly. According to my estimation, in a city like this, there is no two months that cannot be beaten. You only need to make a difference within two months. , Is absolute success, understand?"\"Yes, Lord Demon."

\"Well, you remember that, although you will pretend to be seriously injured, you must also defend the city. In the southwest corner of the city, there will often be a red flag team. This team will not Go up and attack the city, and you will always keep a certain distance. If you have any information to transmit, write the information on paper in advance, and then use any means to hit the team. Remember?"

  \"Yes! Lord Devil."

  \"Well, leave everything that should be left on your body, did you bring the armor of the Protoss?"

  \"While exterminating Sende’s army, the damaged armor that Sende had worn before was found."

  \"Okay! Go ahead and prepare, we...send you to the city!"

  In my ears...there are all piercing roars and the sound of weapon collision and magic roar...

   Before my eyes...

   It's all ugly, with white breath in the nose\"The demon warrior who screamed frantically with saliva in his mouth shouted...,

   But that's it...These obviously inferior and dirty creatures are constantly consuming the lives of their own people and consuming their little patience...

  Faktor felt that his suppressed anger had reached the peak of the explosion.

   A sword cut off the head of a Demon soldier who was about to climb to the head of the city, and Fakert let out an angry roar: "Damn! Where are the soldiers here!? The enemy has rushed up!!"

"Now we are here to replace temporarily, where are the soldiers? Dude, don't worry!" A hand was placed on Fakert's shoulder, \"Don't get angry, don't use magic...If you don't want to anger the front The words of that devil."

   The light that radiated from Fakert's left hand quickly dissipated, and the snorting light swept behind him, and several demon warriors were cut into two pieces.

  \"Raffis, how long are we going to insist on here, if we don’t come for reinforcements, we will be trapped here alive!" Fuckett roared.

Unlike Fakert's short hair swinging in the wind, Rafis has a smooth long golden hair, neatly combed behind his head, and looks very handsome even when he is killing an enemy with a sword. Will not get a little bloodshot.

Raffith chuckled: "Fact, don't be so impatient, we have enough supplies, this city is very married now, as long as the opposite demon king is not willing to fight the two of us at least, here at least a month It's all safe." Rafice, who wore a gold armor like Fakert, also wore a white cloak, even when he was fighting. Lightly wiping down his soft blonde hair, Rafis calmly continued: "Don't worry, we will definitely wait for reinforcements, and we still have important tasks in our bodies. We can't die in this place anyway. "

   On the not-so-wide city, two people guarded a large area. There were no soldiers to drop arrows and release magic, but soon there were no more demons from here.

   shook the blood from the sword, Fakert said in disgust: \"These dirty guys,

   has always been so weak. "

Rafis carefully wiped the blood on the sword and said leisurely: \"Knowing that there are two six-wing warlords who have nothing to do, they are still attacking on the guard, that is stupid, I prefer this. The enemy of Japan is very fast, and we will be able to fight against such an enemy head-on. Today, I am really looking forward to it."

   After speaking, Rafis carefully inserted his sword back into the scabbard and straightened out his clothes and armor.

Fakert looked at Rafis, who was combing his hair, complaining a little bit: "When is it, the demon army is approaching the city, and there is no news from Sende, you still have the mood to comb. How many inches of your short hair?"

Raffith seemed to let the cat take a bite and shook his hand while combing his hair, and then his face showed an extremely patient god: "Fact, you idiot! I told you long ago, don't be impatient! Whenever you should be calm and calm, don't look like your bald head is unreliable!"

Fact’s eyebrows were straight up: "You fake man! I have never seen a man who cares about his hair so much, it still leaves it longer than a woman, you..." Rafis' eyes burned. Huo Miao: \"Bald! Are you envious?"\"Fake man!"\"You..."

  \" got...,

......" All the nearby Protoss soldiers are far away. Such a quarrel will happen almost every day in the city. The long-haired Lord Rafis is a woman, and the short-haired Lord Fakert is a bald, these two The name will be repeated continuously, until the end of this wave of demon attack...

\"Bang!!" Just as the two boring Six-winged warlords were obsessed with the issue of hair length, a loud noise suddenly came from behind the demon army, a golden light rose into the sky, and a large number of protoss soldiers were caught Blasted into the air...

  Raffith and Fakert stopped at the same time, their eyes were attracted to the direction of the explosion.

  \"It is the power of light!" The **** Fakert changed slightly.

  Raffis noodles surprised: \"The only troops gathered here... are the Sende troops, it's difficult...,


   Fakert glanced at the fiercely attacking Demon soldiers outside the city, and said worriedly: "Now... he has no chance, he can't rush in anyway!"

  \"No, it seems...only him?"\"One?" Fact was taken aback.

After    the demon army began to hear a huge chaotic sound, even the demon soldiers who attacked at the head of the city were affected. The continuous burst of flashing light and the huge sāo movement in the rear had attracted the attention of the entire battlefield.

  \"Damn it! He really is the only one!" Fakert couldn't help but his eyes widened, \"We must save him!"

Among the demon army's overwhelming army, a figure shining with golden light all over, rushed straight to the direction of the city, but none of the demon soldiers who resisted could get close to this figure's body. The strength of the bodyguard flew away.

\"Wait, we can't go!" Raffith grabbed the Fakert who was about to rush out, \"Look carefully, this is just a bit like Sende, and even if he is Sende, we... I can't save him." Fakert snorted and threw away Rafis' hand: "Crazy! Now, besides us, who else is going to save him!?" A golden light surged from his body. take off.


  The soft-looking Rafis suddenly screamed, his backhand, his claws and five fingers clasped Rafis' shoulders like gold: \"Going out is only to die! You forgot the order of the king!?"

Fakert shook his whole body and looked back at Rafis. He was about to swear, but he was taken aback, because Rafis' eyes couldn't help twitching, and several veins had already risen on his forehead, which was obviously trying his best. Patience.

Rafis almost gritted his teeth and said: "Fact..., don't go! Sende seems to be seriously injured, he is already powerless to fight back, just smashing away the Demon soldiers, why do you think that Demon King? I’m not going out to kill him yet... just waiting for you to jump out! If one of us goes out, I can guarantee that the demon king will do something! We can’t separate...otherwise we’ll be destroyed by each, and we can’t leave. This city is our mission! Do you understand?"

  \"But...what do you have to do? We watched him be killed.

  Rafis turned his head in regret, no longer looking at the battlefield, and said in a deep voice: "Sorry, Faqt..., for our comrades in arms!"

There was a violent roar, and there was a drastic change on the battlefield [天珠变], Rafis turned his head and couldn't help but turned his head back. "But his face is even more ugly: \"The devil finally moved …………"

  Sende in the demon army stopped, because just in front of him, a tall figure floating there, silently watching him, it was the Demon King of Manir.

  \"Rafis!" Fakert couldn't help but glared.

  \"Can't go!" Rafis yelled, and his eyes were red."\"We go out...will definitely offend him, we and Sende...no one can come back. "

   gently let go and grasped Fakert's hand, Raffis slowly painted a cross in front of him, and the faint golden brilliance remained in the air, a golden cross.

  \"Pray, Fact..." Raffith sighed helplessly.

   Without any words, strong flashes and shocks erupted on the battlefield. Two figures, one gold and one black, collided together, and Rafis and Fakert’s hearts sank to the bottom.

  \"Send! That's Send!"

   Suddenly, a voice came from behind Rafis and Fakert, and at the same time, a rapid footstep came through with the sound of fighting pressure and suppressing the slate.

  \"You read it wrong!"

Without hesitation, Rafis swung his backhand with a sword, only to hear a \"bang", the scabbard hit something, and then Fakert's exclamation: \"Raffis, you are crazy It!?"

   yelled, Fakert had rushed out quickly and held a Protoss warrior who had been knocked out.

  Raffis noodles sèyīn Shen: \"I hit my sister, it has nothing to do with you.

There is now a huge hole in the demon army. All the demon soldiers have left this unsurvivable battlefield. Now there are only two people on the conflicting battlefield. Ordinary soldiers are not allowed to approach. Up.

   A huge golden ball of light appeared in mid-air, and two figures were constantly flashing in it, but the tall figure wearing a long cloak in black didn't seem to move much, it seemed very casual.

\"Send...No more." Rafis sighed helplessly.\"He is exploding his power infinitely, but with this strength, it seems that he is already very reluctant to come here..." Fakert didn't say anything. He supported the protoss warrior who was knocked out by Rafis and stared at the huge golden ball of light on the battlefield. The gods were complicated.

   Suddenly, Raffith’s God changed: "What? Sende unexpectedly" Fakert frowned: "He wants to explode!"

  \"Six-wing warlord blew himself up, it is simply a shame!" Raffith could not help clenching his fist.

\"Perhaps... better than being captured, that Queen Biris will not let go of his soul..." Raffith sighed: "Perhaps... there is no chance of self-destruction, he faced …………

   is a demon! "Before the words fell, the situation on the field changed again [Dzi Beads], the huge golden ball of light suddenly began to swell, but almost only between three or two breaths, the swelling stopped immediately. ,after that……

  \"Hua!!" A tearing sound that seemed to penetrate the soul spread into everyone's ears, and the huge golden ball of light in the sky split into two halves...

   In a series of explosions, this huge ball of light broke through countless cracks like a crystal ball. Between the sky and the earth, there was a grunt of anger from the gods, and this huge golden ball of light shattered immediately.

   The burst of the light ball made a huge explosion, and there was a golden light in the sky, as if the sun exploded, and everyone who stabbed could not open their eyes.

  \"No! What is Sen's doing!" Suddenly, Raffith narrowed his eyes and exclaimed.

   The dazzling golden light turned into pure white in an instant, everything in the world was covered up, and an extremely angry roar came from the white light.

  \"Poisonous Long!!" Rafis and Fakert only felt a loud noise behind them, something knocked down the stairs of the tower behind them...

The white light flashed away, and Fakert and Raffis opened their eyes, and there was only the tall figure in the black cloak left in the sky, the golden light ball disappeared, and the golden light gleamed. 'S figure also disappeared...

  \"Huh! Useless waste, it's better to die..." The figure in the sky snorted, Senhan's gaze swept across the faces of Fakert and Rafes, and turned away.

   When the opponent's gaze swept over themselves, Sende and Fakert felt a chill in their bodies and couldn't help but shudder.

   The demon's army broke out with a loud roar, and the attack continued immediately, but Rafis and Fakert had no intention of paying attention.

  \"Behind...behind!" Raffith's mouth was a bit unfavorable and pointed behind Fakert.

   Fakert blinked his eyes in disbelief: "This..., this is a miracle!"

  \"Miraculous fart! Go and see if Sender is still alive!?" Raffith yelled ~www.readwn.com~ Damn, I'm taking care of your sister! "Faktor roared, and pushed the Protoss warrior he was supporting to Rafis, turned around and jumped off the tower.

   Among the crushed stone walls and stairs of the smashed castle tower, Fakert dragged out a dusty person with his heart full of excitement.

  \"Raffis! You bastard! Come down and see, this guy is still alive! He's alive!!" Fakert's voice moved uncontrollably.

\"Alive?" Rafis was obviously a little jerky, and almost threw the Protoss warrior in his hand directly, but immediately thought that it was his own sister, so he hurriedly put her on the ground and jumped off in a hurry. Up the tower.


  When Raffith jumped down, he saw a person covered with dust and blood, coughing and getting up from the ground. Although he looked very embarrassed, his waist was still straight when he stood up.

  \"The King of God is here, this is simply a miracle, you are not dead!!" Raffith's eyes widened in disbelief.

\"Yeah...it is true, but... not far from death!" As he said, this man staggered and almost fell, but he insisted on standing still, \"Fortunately... it was almost! "

   After finishing speaking, Robben smiled hard. @.


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