God Prohibitions

Chapter 899: Fierce battle

Why not thirsty Fadongte rushed in and pulled Rosie directly behind him, turned around and stared at Robben with cold eyes and said: "Send" I didn't expect you to be such a despicable and dirty guy! Rafis and Roche had just fallen out, they were preparing to defile Roche, what a six-wing warrior! ? "

   Robben was in a mess. The current situation was completely different from what he had originally imagined, but it seemed a bit more dangerous than he had expected.

Just as he wanted to say something to defend himself, Robben saw that Roche, who had been on the side of Faktra, pushed Faker away violently, freed his hand and said coldly: \"Faktor! Close you The smelly mouth, now you let me out, our business is not your turn to take care of."

  Faktor said in a loud voice, "Roche! Calm down! Now that Rafis is injured and still lying on the hospital bed, he will treat you,""

   Luo Xi's eyes were cold, and he interrupted Fakert's words: \"So what?"

   Luo Ben rolled his eyes in his heart and almost didn't faint, it's over\"..., this is really unclear.

  Faktor was stunned and looked at Roche in astonishment: \"Roche, you...what did you say? Do you know what's going on now?"

Roche looked at Fakert coldly and said: \"I naturally understand that I don't have the talents of Rafis and you, but it doesn't mean that I am a idiot! Not bad! We are now being attacked by the demon army, I should Focus on the overall situation, don't make any trouble..., yes."

   Fakert did not answer, because he saw the extremely angry **** sé on Roche's face.

   Luo Xi suddenly shouted: \ "But what did I do!? I stabbed Rafis with a sword,

   Not bad! But what is this for? I just want to come and see Sende! What's wrong with this! Will this allow the demons to break through our city! ? Focus on the overall situation? Why am I focusing on the overall situation! ? Is the overall situation now in my hands? Why don't you focus on the overall situation? Let me see what happened to Sen? Can't you allow me to take a look at Sunde if you take the overall situation as your priority? why! ! ! ? "

   shouted loudly, Roxi panted hard, as if saying these words used up all her strength.

  Fact was there, completely unsure of how to deal with it\"…………

Gasping." Luo Xi snorted softly: "Why do I always have demands from me...Why do I always obey...I am not in a big situation, and made a mess\"..., a joke! No one Come to stop me, I see if Sender will naturally leave!"

After taking a long sigh of breath, Roche said faintly to Fakert: "This is an inevitable result, as long as we are all alive, but unfortunately, it happened at this time. I stabbed him. It delayed the defense of the city. "Even if I die on the top of the city, I will compensate for this, but other than that..., "I have no apologies."

  \"Roche, you... are you crazy? That's your brother!"

   Luo Xi snorted: \"Not leaving anymore."


  \"And you! Fakert!" Roche interrupted Fakert's words, \"I know you like me, but I tell you" I don't like you, don't come to pester me, otherwise! If you want to pursue my rights, then I will keep my right to refuse, and for the sāo you bring to me, I will return you with a sword. "

  Faktor's face stiffened after hearing Roche's words.

  \"Now, please let me out. You are not welcome here, and Sender has to heal his injuries!" Luo Xi waved his hand and saw him off.

  Fact is still reasonable, and he sighs and says: \"Okay, I'm going, but you must also leave!"

   Luo Xi's eyes condensed: \"Who are you? Why make terms with me? Sende is my love."

   I want to take care of him here. "

Fakert said slowly: "Send doesn't like you either, and he won't admit what you said. You have no position to stay here, and you are my subordinate. Now I order you to leave here." Quiet Let Sen get healed. "

   Although the anger surged in his heart, Fakert still found the helpless and weird look of "Send" sitting over there. What happened just now seemed a little bit different from what he had imagined.

Luo Xi raised her brows: \"I'm sorry, Sende took the initiative to hold my hand just now" and hugged me. The situation seems to be different from what you said. "When you just came in, you had already seen the evidence, and The record in the divine canon is very clear, love is [free], even the king of God cannot prevent two people who love each other from being together, Fakert, now I command you in the name of the divine canon...

leave here! "

  Fajt’s face is ugly.

   Turning his head, Fakert looked at Robben with a cannibalistic gaze and said: "Send...What Roche said...is it true?"

   Roxi twisted slightly, sat back on the bed, took Robben's hand and said, "Send, you just held my hand like this, right?"

   A layer of sweat suddenly appeared on Robben's forehead.

  \"Furthermore, you still hug me..." Luo Xi leaned against Luo himself a little shyly, and continued: \"Over...\"..., and touch me...,..."

   Robben felt two blade-like gazes on his face, so he wanted to deny the matter first no matter what, but Robben’s voice was stuck in his throat with one mouth.

Luo Xi was leaning on her body, where she was in contact with the body, in a position where Fakert could not see, Luo Xi had a short knife in his hand, and the blade of the short knife was stuck on the gap in her software. Luo hoped The meaning of my eyes is very clear: if you deny it, I will die!

Robben’s head quickly considered the gains and losses: now if he admits or does not speak, it means that he has completely offended this Fact. As for Rafis, the offended can no longer be offended, and it can already be classified. Don't worry about it. If you deny it..."

Looked at the dagger on Luo Xi's waist...\"Roben hesitated in his heart. Now Luo Xi has just broken with Rafis, and she is very emotional. At this time, maybe she really dare to cut... Lost myself.

   It doesn’t seem to be a big deal to offend a Fakert, because it seems that the relationship between the two is not good because of Roche’s relationship, but if Roche dies, he still dies by his side, \"...

   Gritting his teeth, Robben said nothing.

  Faktor’s eyes gradually showed shock, anger, despair...,...

   Suddenly "Faktor shouted: \"No way! Today no matter what, I must take you away! "

   Roxi stood up unwillingly and sternly shouted: \"Fact! You dare not even look at the scriptures! Do you want to go to the cloud platform?"

   Fakert just took a step and nailed it firmly, looking at Luo Xi's eyes twitching, for a long time, he said in a dry voice: ... Luo Xi. You have to think clearly, Rafis is your brother, if you choose Sande...,

  ......, there will be no chance of reconciliation again. "

   Roxi couldn't help but sneered and said: "Fact, you changed again as soon as you heard about going to the Yuntai. Is the wind blowing?"

  Fakt pursed his lips and said nothing.

  \"Get out! Now Sen needs to rest, I don't want anyone to disturb him!"

   FAKT nodded slowly, and stared at Robben with incomparable hatred: \"I understand... I understand..."

Turning his head and looking at Roche, Fakert said softly: \"Roche" is now under the pressure of the army." I also hope that you will defend the city first. Now Rafis is injured and the city is empty. I hope you can be a warrior earlier. Come defend the city and minimize the casualties of the soldiers."

  \"I know naturally, this doesn't need you to say."

  \"Ok…………Ok, I'm leaving\"……, I'm going..." Backing slowly, Fakert gradually withdrew from the room.

  Good fellow" I didn't expect the things in this Protoss City to be so colorful... Robben wanted to escape the blame right now.

  Faktor left, Luo Xi shook his body slightly, and fell onto the bed with a tired face, turned his head and looked at Sende.” Luo Xi's eyes were complicated.

   Robben is a little bit helpless now, don't know how to drive away this woman who is in the emotional whirlpool.

  \"Send, do you...like me?"

   Robben didn’t know if he said he likes it or not...

   Seeing that Robben didn't speak, Roche did not see any disappointment, but asked again: "Send, then... now I am helpless, are you...willing to protect me?"

   Robben looked at Roche, but he still said nothing.

   Although I know a little bit about the general relationship now, the specific situation is still unclear. And it is indeed not the time to talk nonsense, Rosie seems to have calmed down." But in fact, the mood is still very unstable. I want to come to Rafice and her to break this time. This incident will hit her very hard." Rosie may now I feel a little helpless and hesitant, but that doesn't mean she really needs protection and shelter.

   Does a Protoss warlord still need others to take in and protect it?

Seeing that Robben didn't speak again, Roche was a little disappointed now, and his eyes flickered slightly and said: \"I know it was me not good just now, but...but I really don't want to go with that Fakert, I hate him very much. ...I don't mean to force you to say something..."

As he said, Luo Xi smiled slightly: \"But...you helped me in the end, I'm very happy......before, you wouldn't say anything to me." Robben now only Can look at Roche and listen to her alone.

   gently, Roche asked again: "Send...,

  ......, did you say I was a little reckless today? "

This Robben was able to answer, and immediately said: "Hmm...You are too reckless today." Seeing \"1 Sende" opened, Roxi's face was happy: "Send, then I am now How to do?"

Robben rolled his eyes: \"You go back now, no matter what, you have to endure your unwillingness, uncomfortableness, and insist on apologizing to your brother. If he doesn't accept it, then you will kneel down and he will ignore it. You, you just kneel there and won't get up."

\"But he is injured now. Wouldn't he be more angry when I go now? This is not good for the injury, and... I should go to the city to defend as soon as possible." Robben pondered and said very seriously: \"Yes You should go to the defense of the city as soon as possible, now this matter is more important than anything else. Roche, you...go!"

   Luo Xi's face showed a bit of weakness: "Send, I haven't closed my eyes for two days, I...

  Can you sleep here for a while? "Roben's heart jumped, you still want to sleep here, this is not clear, it made the two men over there want to kill me, don't you leave quickly...

  \" Luo Xi, if you don't clip it like this, you should go back to sleep, and be more comfortable. These days, fighting the demons must be very tired.

Luo Xi shook his head: "My residence is very close to Raffith's residence, I don't want to see him now, presumably she doesn't want to see me either, Send..., I just want to rest here, okay? "

   Robben secretly smiled bitterly. "I thought to my aunt, you should leave now.

   Something else he wanted to say, but Robben suddenly noticed that after Luo Xi had finished speaking, he slowly closed his eyes, leaned on his shoulder, and seemed to fall asleep instantly.

   He tilted his body quickly, but Robben was sweating and found that Roxi's body had also turned upside down. Quickly holding on to Rosy's shoulders, Robben hurriedly shouted: "Rosy, you can't sleep here."

   Finished” Robben found a bad situation, Roche really fell asleep, not a fake sleep............

  The breathing is well-proportioned, and the mental fluctuations have gradually eased, apparently just entering sleep.

With a helpless sigh, "Roben gently pushed Roche away" and laid her flat on the bed. After thinking about it, she took off her boots again, put her legs on the quilt, and covered her. .

   Robben got out of bed helplessly.

It seems that the attack of the demons during this period has indeed brought a lot of pressure to the Protoss. Luo Xi said that it is not false that he did not meet for two days, and not only did he not close his eyes, I am afraid that he has experienced a desperate battle at the head of the city." Both energy and physical strength were exhausted, and I fell asleep as soon as I fell down.

   Go and block the broken door panel. Robben then stood at the window and stared at the sky outside in a daze.

Judging from the current situation, Robben thinks he has been very successful in entering the city." Even a little too successful. Even if he is caught in such a dispute, no one will recognize it, but...this dispute seems to be a little bit too. Too much.

   Robben can’t think of whether being involved in such a thing is good or bad for him...

  Standing at the window thinking about these things, when it got dark, there was a knock on the door outside, but there was a sound, and the poor door panel fell straight down...

   Robben looked out the door, and there was a soldier standing outside the door, dragging a plate with some food on it. It seemed that he had brought him food. Now the soldier was staring at the fallen door panel in a daze.

   hasn't waited for Robben to speak" Luo Xi's voice has been heard: \"Put the food on the table. "

   Robben looked back, it may be the sound of the door panel falling to the ground that alarmed Roxi, and now she is sitting up. Suddenly, Robben thought of something, and it was too late to speak, because when Robben looked back, the soldier who had brought food had already walked in and looked at Roxi in surprise.

   Luo Xi threw the quilt aside, her hair looked a little messy, and she was sitting on the bed wearing her boots...

   Robben's mouth is slightly bitter, okay...this is even more unclear...

  \"Leave the food over there..." Robben quickly reminded the soldier. Only then did the soldier wake up. He stared at something he shouldn't be watching, and quickly lowered his head, put the food on the table, and quickly retreated.

Seeing that soldier's behavior, Robben felt helpless. After he went out, this soldier probably came out a message: I went to send food to Mr. Sende that day. As soon as I entered the door, I was seeing Miss Roxi sleepy Cong. Adults get up on the bed and wear clothes.

After thinking about it, Robben didn’t think about it anymore. If he misunderstood, he would still misunderstand where he could go......I wouldn’t use my identity for too long, as long as he is safe now, he will do the rest. Go...

Luo Xi, who was completely devoid of Luo Heqing, put on her boots, stood up and tidyed up her clothes, then took out a wooden comb and combed her hair, showing a slight disappointment on her face, because Luo Xi found that she only had a pair of boots. It was taken off, and the other clothes were left untouched.

   Take light steps, Roche came to Luo himself: \"Thank you, Sen."

Looking at Roche, who was shy and uneasy on his face, Robben was helpless. Now Roche’s mood is probably very complicated. The break between Rafis and her made her very shocked, and she lost her brother and faced her beloved. People of, but they are worried, because it seems that the original Sende doesn't like her, maybe... she really wants to find someone to rely on now.

   Robben reluctantly smiled: "Okay, let's go eat."

   Luo Xi looked at the food on the table, smiled and shook his head: "That's for you."

  \"It’s all food, and it’s the same for everyone. You can eat it first, and then go to defend the city. It’s dark now, but the battle should be more fierce, and the demons have more advantages in the dark."

Luo Xi still shook her head: "No, we don't have a lot of supplies, you are still injured, eat more food, I... go back to my residence to see if food is also prepared, and then go to defend the city .

   was finally willing to leave, and a stone in Robben's heart finally fell. However..., Roxi's stray cat-like **** really made Robben a little bit more pity in his heart.

  \"Forget it, don’t go back, let’s deal with something...,

  ...... What are you running back and forth after eating a meal? "

   As he said, Robben sat down at the table and saw that Luo Xi hadn't moved, he couldn't help beckoning to her, \"What are you waiting for? Come here!"

   silently walked to the table and sat down, Luo Xi's eyes became softer.

  \"It's still hot, eat it!" Robben pushed everything in front of Roxi.

It can be seen that the Protoss is still very strict in the management of materials. According to the news from the Demon Race, the Protoss in the city still has a very sufficient supply of supplies, but this food is actually just enough for an adult to eat. Meal, if you have a bigger appetite, you may not be able to eat enough.

\"how about you?"

   Robben smiled: \"Look at it\"... I rely on my own energy to heal my wounds, and I don't actually need to eat at this time, \"..."

   Rohe silently lowered his head. He raised his hand and picked up the knife and fork, but then put it down\"..., a crystal clear teardrop fell on the table.

   Robben originally wanted to say something, but in the end he held back and didn't say a word.

   Luo Xi blinked her eyes with her head down, took back the teardrops that were about to fall again, picked up the knife and fork, and ate something quickly.

Seeing Roxi gobbling down, Robben felt a little uncomfortable.Although this is an enemy and a warlord, he must have killed many residents of the Demon Realm when he comes this time, but no matter how you look at it, this is still the same. A young girl who is immature will laugh, cry, and get hurt...strong and fragile...

  \"I'm finished...

   Luo Ben was thinking about the matter in his heart, Luo Xi had already stood up and Robben was taken aback, only to see Luo Xi had eaten less than one third of all the food.

\"I am full?"

\"I am full."

   Robben looked at Luo Xi Luo Xi also looked at Robben, Robben didn't know what to say, but Luo Xi seemed to expect Robben to say something.

  \"Be careful." After a short silence, Robben finally said four words.

  \"Hmm..." Luo Xi nodded lightly, her eyes gleaming with a faint light, \"Send...,



   pursed his lips and smiled, Luo Xi shook his head: \"No,...nothing, I'm leaving..., just\"Well, go..."

Looking at the two severed swords that Robben received on the side, Roxi hesitated, and finally walked over, put the two severed swords away, and then turned to Robben and smiled gently:\" Send, I'm leaving!"

  \"Ah, let's go..."

   When Luo Xi finally left, Robben breathed a sigh of relief, and finally... be quiet!

   hurriedly put the door panel properly, Robben fell straight on the bed, and he could hear the sound of the demon army attacking the city outside the city head in his ears, and he began to think about what happened after he got here.

Now one day is about to pass. Because I want to heal my injuries, I have never left this room. Now my injuries that were not serious have been cured quickly by myself, and the rest are just pretending to be seen by others. Yes, the most important thing now is to find out the situation in the city immediately, and we must transmit the news of the city as quickly as possible, and then open the city gate to quickly break through the city.

   After thinking for a while, Robben turned and went back, ate up all the food Roche left behind, then removed the door panel and walked out.

   There were two protoss soldiers guarding at the door. Seeing Robben came out, he immediately lowered his head and said: "Master Sende, are you going to see Master Raffith?"

meet him? Robben thought it was too late for him to hide. The two most dangerous people in this city are Rafis and Fakert.As six-wing fighters, the two of them have the same power as Sen, and feel the most sensitive. Less contact or less contact is better.

\"No, now the demon army is under pressure, I will go to the city to take a look." As he said, Robben walked away, and the two guards couldn't help showing admiration on their faces, and one followed Robben and waited for his orders. The other one turned and left, seemingly to inform Rafis.

Ascended to the top of the city, a violent scream of killing came and slammed into Robben like a wall. At that time, when he was pretending to fight with the Demon Lord Manil outside the battlefield, he was fully absorbed and did not pay attention to the city. The situation on the head side, and now that he really stood here, Robben was truly shocked.

This is not a big city. The city wall is not very high. Although it was later reinforced by the Protoss, the reinforced material is not as strong as the original carefully constructed city wall, and the defensive area on the city head is not large. Soldiers, all the soldiers are roaring, and all the soldiers are fighting frantically with the demons who attacked the city.

  The blood has soaked into every corner of the city, and when I stepped on it, when I lifted it up again...\"It feels very dry, the blood seems to have never dried.

I couldn't hear any other sounds. The roar was the collision of weapons, and then there was the huge roar of the siege ordnance. The Protoss warriors around him kept running around, and there were countless Protoss warriors raising their longbows and Countless magic scrolls attacked the demon warriors from the sky.

   The corpse fell from the sky and fell on the top of the city, and was immediately dragged down by the Protoss warriors, leaving behind a trail of blood idiots on the wall.\"...

   Looking out, the demon army is boundless, filling almost every corner within the horizon, crowded in darkness, and there is no way to see the face on the ground.

   The unique drum sound of the Demon Race vibrates every air particle, making Robben feel that his eardrums are sending...

  The never-ending offensive, coming in...\"...,

   This city wall is like a death line. Whether it is a Protoss or a Demon, every life dragged in is turned into blood...,...and the souls...


   Facing the disappearance of countless lives, Robben couldn’t even judge which side he was on for a moment...


   Suddenly, Robben was awakened with an angry shout. Something rolled under Robben's feet. Robben looked down. This was the head of a hoofed race.

Among the demons, the hoof race is a very gentle and timid race. It is a race that is rare among the demons and is not combative, but now... this decapitated head is full of anger and full of eyes. It's bloodshot, and the huge mouth opens to reveal a sharp fang, like a lunatic...

   Before he was chopped off his head, maybe... he wanted to bite the enemy with his huge mouth.


   Robben narrowed his eyes, and a sword plunged into the head.

   looked up at Robben but found that Luo Xi didn't know when he stood in front of him, and the sword inserted into that hoof race's head was Luo Xi's.

   Luo Xi, wearing a battle armor, had blood stained all over her body.

   Swiping the sword directly to pick the head of the hoofed tribe out of the city, Roxi said somewhat pantingly: "Send, why are you here? Your injury is very serious, not healed!"

Robben looked at the head of the hoofed race being thrown out of the city with a little bit of astonishment. It took him a long time to get over. He looked at Roxi, who was covered in blood before him, and said for a long time: \"Roxi... You are not injured, are you?"

  \"No!" Luo Xi sighed, \"But the demons attacked like crazy, but...\"Humph! I am also used to it, these days it has always been like this, presumably they also understand that not beating us in a short period of time will cause them huge trouble, \""

Looking at Sende, Rohe suddenly smiled: "I know you are in a hurry, but you are injured now, and you can't easily use your strength. You should go back and rest quickly. If the Six Wings are in danger at the head of the city, Then the soldiers will be disappointed."

   Robben shook his head: \"No, it's okay...I think I should have stayed in this place. If I stay in the house, then the soldiers will be disappointed."


  Roben heard an angry hum from behind, and Fakert’s very dissatisfied voice came over: \"Since you are here, don't care about your love anymore, hurry up and defend the city!"

Luo Xi widened his eyes and nose in irritation, but did not speak.This is not the bottom of the sī.In front of all the soldiers, Fakert is a six-wing general and the leader of the Jedi soul. He has no reason to be on the battlefield. Arguing with him.

Angrily glared at Fact, Roche said to Robben: "Send, there is no defense mission for you now, and your injury is not healed. Walk around the city and take a look. If you have any situation, call it The soldiers will deal with it urgently.

   Luo Xi's words were true to Robben's thoughts, and Robben smiled at the moment: \"Okay, you also have to pay attention to safety, don't be aggressive, you know?"

   To Robben's surprise, Luo Xi showed a surprised face on her face, and then gently bit her lip, eyes shy and sweet, lowered her head and whispered: \"Know...I know."

  Roben sighed deeply in his heart. How did the original Sen get to this Roche? Isn't it just a cold face and not a word? She just made her so happy with a gentle and polite voice!

  \"Hmph!" After Luo himself, Fakert snorted with extreme dissatisfaction.

The sweetness on Luo Xi's face instantly turned into annoyance and muffled and said: "Send, you can go back a bit, after repelling this wave of attacks, I will also go back, when the time comes, I will look for you and wait I………

   There was a chill suddenly behind Robben.

   Knowing that he can't go on, Robben nodded: \"I'll go first..." After speaking, he turned and left.

  \"Wait for me! Spread more quilts, your bed is too hard." Luo Xi yelled to Robben hurriedly. Robben sullen his head and quickened his pace...

  \"I'm still shy...,..." Luo Xi showed a shy smile, and then glared fiercely at Fakert, whose face had turned into an eggplant face, and turned to fight.

Robben didn't pay too much attention to Roxi's affairs. He walked along the city head from time to time. From time to time, he needed to avoid the flowing fire rocks shot by the demons, and there were all kinds of magic. Those siege magic bombarded the magic of the city. The bricks under the defensive shocked feet shivered.

The soldiers of the Protoss knew that the Six-Winged Warlord Sent had already entered the city. At that time, they could clearly see the battle with the Demon King in the air. Now that Robben appeared on the head of the city, they all felt that the Six-Winged Warlord was indeed true. He restrained himself and served his public duty, and even threw himself into the city defense with serious injuries, admiring him in his heart.

   Of course, Robben didn't pay attention to the admiration gaze of these soldiers, and he was unwilling to pay attention, because that gaze made Robben feel that he was about to be exposed at any time.

   Not long after Robben found what he wanted most.

In the southwest corner of the city, there is a red flag, which is inconspicuous but can be found by careful observation.The number of this unit is not large. It is not conspicuous at all among the overwhelming demon army. The distance is relatively moderate. If you use some magic with better endurance or a strong bow and hard crossbow, you can also hit it.

   But now is the battle of the demon army, the gods naturally will not waste energy and materials to actively supply the demon army in the distance.

   This should be the team used by the Demon of Manir to pass on messages! After a closer look, Robben also discovered one thing. The few Demon soldiers in the front of the team" are clearly the few shìwei entourages he brought with him when he came. Now these guys are full of faces. Fen looked at the battlefield, but did not see any fear at all.

After thinking about it, Robben secretly took out a small note that he had hidden long ago. "Twist his fingers a few times, and the dark power of the silk has corroded the writing on the note." He twisted the note into a ball with magic The package was protected, and an invisible magic that only lasts a few seconds was blessed on it, and Robben bounced the note out.

In the red flag team, the soldier in the front was yelling excitedly. Suddenly his face turned white and he closed his mouth. Then he quickly spit out something from his mouth. Paper ball, only then settled down.

When I took a closer look, there was a faint magic halo protection on the paper ball. I suddenly remembered what I was here for. I quickly opened the paper ball and looked at it. Then my eyes suddenly stared: \"There is a situation!" The warrior immediately turned his mount and ran away quickly. Robben knew that the news would reach Demon King Manir. He turned around and went down to the city Wu. The demon clan's offensive was very fierce and did not stop overnight. Although Robben left the city, But he didn't go back and stay. Robben knows that his time is limited, and he has no time to waste sleeping. He has been wandering around the city all night, looking at the distribution of Protoss warriors in the city, the distribution of materials, the structure of defenses, etc., anyway, his face is on the top. Looking like a six-winged general, no one dared to stop him, but thought he was doing an inspection, and the soldiers stood straight wherever they went.

What makes Robben very regretful is that the demons in the city have disappeared. After walking around the city for a long time, even a prisoner of the demons has not been seen. Before coming, I heard that the gods had carried out a massacre, and the bodies were thrown away. When we arrived outside the city, it seemed that the news did not seem to be fake.

After roughly figuring out the situation, Robben returned to his residence. At this time, the horizon was gradually turning white. In the dark, the Demon Race will show its advantages. When the first light of the morning falls on the city, the Demon Race's The offensive momentum began to weaken.

   As soon as he entered the house, Robben was shocked because there was a set of blood-stained armor on the floor of the house.

   Looking again, Robben couldn't help but lost some armor and coats beside the bed. Luo Xi was lying on the bed and fell asleep, half of his clothes were taken off, and he fell asleep without covering the quilt...

   It seems that after completing the city defense mission yesterday, Roxi, who returned in a hurry, did not find herself, so she simply fell asleep here...

After thinking about it a little bit, Robben felt that this is not entirely a bad thing. After all, if you have a close relationship with Roche, then your relationship with Rafis and Fakert will be very stiff. If you don't meet the two of them less, It is still good for your own safety.

   It's just that............ This woman seems to be difficult to deal with...... But there seems to be no choice now, things are already like this.

   Walking into the room, Robben threw Rosy's two boots away again and threw her into the bed. Before he could let go to get the quilt, there was another knock on the door outside.

Robben looked back and saw that he was in sight with the soldier who brought the food yesterday.Oh, today there is going to be another news. As for Mr. Sende personally dressing Miss Luoxi, it is still Mr. Sende in the morning. It's not clear if you are still interested and ready to linger.

   How come this break hasn't been done! Robben could not help but curse secretly.

   Dismissed the soldier who delivered the meal, Robben was planning whether he should devour the breakfast by himself, and Roxi had already sat up in a daze.

   The first thing when she got up, Luo Xi screamed, because she found that not only was she lying on the bed, but her clothes were obviously taken off by others.

Robben glanced at Roche, knowing that his plan to devour breakfast alone was bankrupt, and said, \"There is nothing to call, just dragging you halfway and taking off your coat, and only took it off, and was seen by others. ..." Robben couldn't help being broken in the end...,


   Checked her own underwear a little bit, Rosy felt a little disappointed, but she still didn't move.

  \"Okay, don't stand there anymore. Now that you wake up, come and eat, and then... to wash the blood on the armor.

Luo Xi couldn't help but yelled again, jumped out of the bed in a hurry and put on her coat, and said very uneasy: "I'm sorry Sande! I...I didn't mean it. I was so tired when I came back yesterday. I didn’t see you again, just...I immediately cleaned up the blood."

Seeing Luo Xi's trepidation, Robben felt very unnecessary, waved his hand and said: \"Alright, now we are at war with the demons. We still have to worry about what to do with these things. It is very good if it is not in our own blood. , Wash your face and come over to eat~www.readwn.com~ Luo Xi hesitated again and again, seeing that Robben was not like a pretend god, and then softly responded, and sat down at the table a little cramped, but took a look There was still only one person's food on the table, and Rosy was a little uneasy again: "Send, I...I'll go back now..."\"Huh? Your arm hurt? "Roben suddenly noticed that the clothes on Roxi's left arm seemed to bulge out slightly than the one on the right. According to medical experience, this should have been caused by a poor bandage.

Roxi glanced at his arm like a frightened rabbit and said: "It's nothing, it's just a minor injury. The bleeding has stopped, and there will be no blood flowing out." Roxi looked at Robben with some worry. Bed.

  \"Hmm...you can eat, give me that hand, and I will heal you."\"Wh...what?" Luo Xi was stunned.

   Regardless of the three seven twenty one, Robben pushed the food in front of Roche: \"Eat."

   then grabbed Roxi's injured hand: \"Heal the injury!"

   Luo Xi's injury was indeed only a minor injury. He had stopped bleeding after recovering from fighting qi. Robben cured the minor injury in the blink of an eye with light therapy, Luo Xi couldn't help being dumbfounded.

  Roben nodded, so that his identity became more credible. @.


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