God Prohibitions

Chapter 922: con man

...Devil's battle armor?

Jing Li Jing was completely surprised once, and felt extremely suspicious about the bō movements that began to emanate from Gan Luo himself.

"It seems that the battle situation with Demon King Arthur is still optimistic, or he is the lucky one who was cheated like Demon King Sunad, and the other demon kings should be fighting against a certain God of War... "

The black light surging from Luo himself enveloped his whole body. The black light hovered and twisted like a living thing, and quickly solidified on Robben’s body. In the black smoke, Luo himself appeared in the blink of an eye. Set of black armor.

Holding both hands, a huge curved sickle appeared in Robben's hands. Looking at this weapon, Robben couldn't help but remember the last time he used the Demon King's battle armor to surpass the tens of thousands of souls in the water hún [body]. The situation, that seems to have been a long, long time ago.

"It's really the Demon King's Battle Armor!" Crick cried.

"I never said that I would lie to you!" Robben waved the giant sickle in his hand and pointed it straight at Crick. He was about to say something arrogant, his tongue knotted and he immediately went wide. Eyes and noses.

Withdrawing his hands quickly, Robben took a closer look at his weapon. This sickle was also used at the beginning. I still remember that at the time I thought that the armor of Devil King Arthur was very similar to the legendary **** of death, especially this Weapons, but...

Why is this weapon different from before! ?

Immediately, Robben discovered an essential problem. How could this armor fit so well...

mōmō's own body, this black armor perfectly envelops Nalan's figure, is already a set of combat equipment suitable for female xìng, all appearance changes from armor to weapons...

Is this thing completely intelligent? Robben sweated for a while. "Today I really saw a lot of weird things. A witch and the queen are in a relationship between men and women and listening to the queen's meaning, it seems that she is still pregnant, haha! This is really absurd, but this armor is I won’t lie, witch, I’m more and more interested in you now, maybe I should catch you, and then take you back for a good torture."

Robben suppressed the weird feeling in his heart, knowing that now is not the time to care about the shape of the armor, but it seems that when he first summons this armor, it fits perfectly. It seems that this thing can automatically change its shape to meet the summoner. His figure characteristics are facts.

, "Dreaming has to wait until the sun goes down. You, a coward who dare not even show his face, want to get me back? I saw that you might be the one who got caught in the end!"

"Hehe... if you say that, I won't show up. You can't experience the detached feeling of being integrated with the flashlight. This is a feeling that transcends the physical existence. There is no way to refuse. Inferior like you. Biology, it is estimated that they will not understand this feeling."

"Yes, I may not know your ethereal superiority, but I clearly understand it." The black mist of Robben's sickle quickly converged, and a thin layer of silver light flashed on the sickle's. On the blade.

"Oh? What do you understand? Strange lower witch!"

The wind began to spin around Robben. Robben said with a smile: "What I know, you will never understand, no matter how powerful you are, no matter what kind of existence you are, because what I know is the world. "Truely" has everything, naturally including you!"

"[Really] true!? What you said is [really] true, is it that I killed the queen and captured you back? Haha witch, I advise you not to waste your efforts, your attack is completely ineffective to me. Thousands of abyssal creatures can't treat me like you." Crick's words were full of mockery.

Robben smiled happily. In the helmet, Robben with a bit of white teeth appeared, "I am different from them. Even the life in the abyss is just a part of this world. They... There is no way to see what I see."

Speaking of the sickle in Robben's hand, the black light swelled again, only the blade part of the sickle still shone with silver white light, the black light wrapped the sickle, and only a small distance around the blade part Flowing rapidly.

, "Now I will let you take a look at the truth of this world, what it is like!"

Robben yelled, and the sickle in his hand rotated and threw it straight towards the sky, like a black whirlwind.

"I thought it would be something, but it turned out to be this kind of useless attack. This sickle is also part of the armor, so I will accept it unceremoniously." Crick chuckled lightly, Guangwu's body. Without moving, the sickle that Robben threw was directly concealed in the cloud of light, and there was no sound in an instant.

"Hahahahaha" Crick couldn't help laughing. "Witch, what is your expression, can you say you regret it now?"

The mist where Crick was in started to brighten, but the voice became colder." "But it's too late. You'd better catch it obediently, otherwise I might kill you by surprise. Then I won't ask. It’s time for you to summon the secret of the Demon King’s battle armor, we all have suffered a lot...so, you better..."

"Shut up, idiot," Robben interrupted Crick gently.

"What are you talking about?" Robben's very indifferent attitude and mocking words immediately angered Crick. "I said I told you to shut up, idiot!!" Robben raised his hand and said coldly" "What instant lightsaber, what The first rays of light when the world opened up were all false, and you are just a false existence, so there is no need to chatter there.

"What!?" Crick's haze lit up extremely angrily, "You, a little witch, dare to doubt the achievements of the King of God!? This is absolutely unforgivable!"

Robben didn’t feel nervous about Crick’s rage and the immediate value of the attack on his head. His hand raised in the air gently portrayed a demon formation, “If this world is really opened by the King of Gods, if this world If everything is created by the King of Gods, then where did the Demon Race come from? How did the Demon Race, who killed your countless people in these countless years, appear? The King of God feels like himself There are too many people in the clan, so is it right to want them to die? He can create an opponent that can rival him. This is really interesting. I don’t know what purpose he created the demon clan and created a powerful one. Black Emperor!"

Crick was slightly suffocated by Robben's words, and the light of the haze was a little darker, "This, this is just a mistake in the past, the **** king is kind and pitiful, and did not obliterate the demons who were created to be disrespectful to the **** king , And then we have today."

"Oh" is really a good reason. Finding reasons to prevaricate things that cannot be explained seems to be the duty of you gods, haha, and judging from what you said, "The **** king is just a fool!"

"Enough! You blasphemed the majesty of the King of God! I will put you to death here, and I will ask other witches about the secret of your summoning the King's battle armor.

"Crick roared angrily, and a circle of light spinning and shining in the mist.

"As I said, it's too late" Robben gently touched the magic circle in the air with his fingertips, and the crisp wind chimes rang in the air.

"Summon!!" Robben's five fingers snapped fiercely.

The light rising from the creek mist in the sky suddenly dimmed, and a gap appeared like a solar eclipse. A black light burst out, rushing straight out of the mist, and fell on Robben’s foot tea. ……,

"Crick let out a horrible cry as if he was badly wounded.

The thing that fell on the ground was the black giant sickle that Robben threw up. He reached out and pulled the sickle out of the ground. Robben shook his head, "Do you still want to tell me about the creation of the God King? Say you exist everywhere, but don’t you exist anywhere? Still want to say...I can’t attack you?"

"How is this possible?" Even Manil couldn't find where I was? You actually...

The mist in the sky dimmed a lot." In the golden light, there seemed to be a little more blood.

Robben looked at the blood stains on the blade of the sickle and said: "It's also the first time I realize that in this world, I should be the only one who holds all the truth, in fact, "Everything is nothing like I imagined before. Like this, these distorted and chaotic worlds, these many unreasonable places, in fact, are what this world looks like. "Oh, I'm so stupid, and I always try to answer something." The result... Those things are actually just No need for "Answer"..."

"what are you saying?"

"Ah, these things are not understandable by you, an inferior being, so you should obediently forget all these things! It will not do you any good, and...you really will never understand."

"You... lunatic!! Now I will kill you!! See what arrogant things you can say!"

Robben's fingers stroked the shiny silver blade, the red blood was slowly wiped off, and he shook his head regretfully, "It's still so unconscious, as I said, it's too late..."

A faint figure appeared on Silver Sè's knife, Robben smiled, and the long sickle slashed into the sky, as if dazzling lightning struck the sky above the banquet, the light flashed, and there seemed to be something Passing through the edges in the mist...

The sickle slashed straight to the ground, a stream of blood splashed on the ground in the direction of the sickle's chopping, the golden light in the sky shrank sharply, and Crick's heart-piercing howl suddenly sounded.

With a muffled sound, the large cloud of golden light directly exploded, countless golden light spots flying around, and the sky covered by it was a golden gleam. In this golden light, a figure staggered down.

Crick almost fell to the ground, struggling to support himself on the armor that stood firm on his heels, and a huge wound extending from his left rib to his right shoulder was gurgling with blood. Crick's whole person Half of his body was already dyed red.

"Huh...huh...this...this can't be tǐng..." Crick's eyes were filled with consternation and fear, and until now she didn't understand how she was hit.

Robben put his hands back freely, and even got the weapon behind him. He looked very relaxed, but at that angle, only Queen Biris could see. Robben had already put the sickle in his left hand, and the five fingers of his right hand were pointing right. Shaking uncontrollably...

With a long sigh in his heart, Robben felt a little helpless. Sometimes, the powerless feeling of powerlessness really makes people extremely distressed. After so many years of proficiency, the trick of "spiritual connection" can be used freely, and it will never be like In the past, as long as one move, no matter whether the enemy himself was injured or not, he would immediately lie down weakly, but this time the powerful magical power of the Demon King's battle armor had tricked himself again.

The blow just now took a considerable amount of strength. I am afraid that my right hand is useless. The bones from the fingers to the elbow have been shattered, and the consumption of mental power has far exceeded my expectations.

However, the benefits are obvious. Although the powerful amplifying ability of the Demon Lord’s Battle Armor consumes a huge amount of power, this power is also amplified to the limit by the Demon Lord’s Battle Armor. Otherwise, if you want to cut this creek, it is estimated to be It is absolutely impossible.

Quickly re-evaluating his remaining mental power, Robben said, "Although it seems to be careless, you still avoided the vital point." I wanted to cut off your head with a sickle, but this wish didn't seem to exist. achieve. "

Crick stared at Robben, her eyes and face were no longer contemptuous, and the intense pain of the huge wound in front of her had reminded her of the huge price she had paid for underestimating the enemy.

"What the **** are you?" Crick slowly brushed over the wound with a slightly trembling hand, and Jin Sè's light was attached to the wound, and the speed of blood flow suddenly slowed. "It is impossible for the witch to summon the Demon King's armor. , It is impossible to hurt me so easily, what the **** are you?" Crick roared angrily, and the wound that was just about to heal burst into blood again.

Robben did not move or speak, but stared at Crick closely. Robben is estimating how sure he can get out of here alive if he shoots now. Crick is a God of War, a God of War that even the Demon of Manil can't fight, and his ability to hurt her is a combination of considerable external factors. This was achieved with the addition of her underestimate. If you want to fight head-on, the attack method of the instant lightsaber in her hand is enough to make it difficult for him to move. Robben is not sure that his blow will hit her. How much damage was caused.

The court fell into silence for a while, Crick once again started to stop the bleeding quickly, and looked at Robben in a tight array. The instant lightsaber in his hand was like boiling water constantly churning, Robben stood there quietly, in his heart Very anxious.

Spiritual connection is already my most effective means of attack." If Crick is aware of this and she still has Dongli fighting, then I am afraid that she and Queen Biress will die here. But if she is injured enough It is so heavy that she has no strength to resist, so this will be a perfect opportunity!

One more spiritual connection! Robben kept repeating this idea full of yòuhuò, but in the end Robben still had to give up. Without wearing the Demon King’s Battle Armor, it is estimated that the spiritual connection will not be useful to Crick, but if you wear the Demon Lord’s Battle Armor and use it If you use this costly trick twice in a row, I'm afraid I won't be so cheap to destroy my arm...

In short, try it out first!

The sickle was horizontally in front of him, Robben's eyes lit up with a purple light, the bones and muscles all over his body crackled, Robben dragged the giant sickle, and rushed out like an angry horse.

"Dead!!" Crick frowned and shouted, the flash light sword suddenly twisted like a snake, Robben's eyes flashed, and countless filaments of light had already rolled toward him.

This broken sword is really too bad, it hardly gives people reaction time, it is estimated that it will not be as fast as the speed of light, but it will not be much worse...

With one hand unfolded, Robben's huge sickle was horizontally in front of him, and it spun quickly, and a black flame rose from the sickle, forming a black fire shield, completely blocking Robben's body behind.

The light thread touched the black fire shield, as if a cannonball hit it, Robben felt a strong force coming from his hand, and the sickle had been completely pushed back.

Quite simply, Robben was hit hard and the black flame shield was torn apart.

The body turned around in midair and landed steadily. Robben couldn't help but curse in his heart. The thing in Crick's hands was too restraining the demon. Now his demon king's battle armor is in his body, and the rich dark aura has turned the light on. The power was completely suppressed, and the inability to use the light defensive magic became his own weakness.

Seeing that Robben was repelled by just one contact, Crick’s face was a little more smiley, "Sure enough, she is still an ineffective witch, just now, "It must have been a special trick, and it seems that it cannot be reused. of. "

While wearing the demon king's battle armor, he was knocked back by using the mental strengthening method. It seemed that the hope of winning in close combat was not great. The closer you got to the sword, the more dangerous you were. But if you put it the other way around, since the sword is so inaccessible at all, once you get close, you might be able to pose a greater threat to the seriously injured Crick. How can it look like this woman is not Like a guy who majored in combat power.

With his feet kicking on the ground fiercely, a layer of silver light floated on Robben's body, and he rushed up again like lightning. The person who was in the air should be completely transformed into silver brilliance, flashing left and right, and divided into two people.

Crick was slightly surprised, "Two!?"

The silver sè's light flashed again, Robben divided into four people and shortened the distance from her with surprise at Crick. The four people surrounded Crick in four directions.

Crick frowned, "All four are real!"

The four Robbens in front of him surprised Crick very much, because the four Robbens were exactly the same, but completely different.

Although they are exactly the same in length, they are all wearing the Demon King’s battle armor and holding a black scythe, but these four Robbens move completely different in the four directions. They are all acting in their own way. Moreover, each Robben’s body Both exude a strong atmosphere of the devil's battle armor.

There must be only one true, because the easiest way to judge is that there is only one set of the Demon King’s battle armor. It is impossible to say that it is divided into four sets and divided into four sets, but Crick was surprised to find that he could not tell which one was Luo. The true body of this.

Hatching wants to rely on such tricks to deal with me, it is simply dreaming! "Although he was surprised in his heart, Crick didn't panic at all. The instant light sword in his hand trembled slightly, and a smile came to the corner of his mouth.

No matter what, let's go up and test first, Robben didn't do what he wanted, and the four shadow points immediately attacked from four directions...

"Haha, this is really a good choice." Crick didn't seem to be offensive or even defensive. He just stood there quietly, looking at one of Robben with a relaxed face.

Robben, who had been close to the creek to only ten steps away, was suddenly alert. Seeing that creek’s back was already in sight, a cold feeling climbed onto Robben’s back before he could think about it. Robben was anxious. Stop, one foot was directly inserted into the soil, and his body was stopped alive.

The light filaments exuding the killing intent lay in front of Robben's eyes. Robben's eyes widened, and his body stiffly discovered that he was dissatisfied with the criss-crossing thin filaments, Crick. Surrounded by countless filaments of light, he seemed to have noticed his own changes and turned around.

The other three Robbens had already rushed into the ten-step range of Crick at this moment, and in the blink of an eye, they were divided into hundreds of dry sections by countless fine filaments... slammed into silver. The smoke disappeared.

Without hesitation, Robben's body shrank sharply, and he was already flying back like a cannonball. Almost at the same time, several flashes passed by Robben's feet, and several deep grooves appeared silently. on the ground.

Robben, who was in mid-air, rotated his body, swiping his huge sickle in the air, and a black light slashed towards Crick diagonally, but was chopped up by the light that had floated halfway and retreated far away. Robben in the distance stood up and looked at his tuǐ. There was an inconspicuous thin scratch on the armor. It was the result of a half-step slow when evading the attack. It seems that he is wearing a devil. The battle armor is not necessarily much safer, this situation is really bad.

It seems that wanting to get close to the Creek has become an unrealistic thing, this guy can actually trap the trajectory of the flashlight sword in the air temporarily! Then rushing over is tantamount to hitting the knife.

"Hehe, it turned out to be nothing more than that. I thought that a witch would have some magic tricks when she wanted to rush to my side, but it was just that, but your clone was really good, and I didn't separate it at first! Both the spiritual bō movement and the magic bō movement are simulated vividly, and judging from their own freedom of action, it seems that they should have independent consciousness of the spirit? Am I right?"

I was seen through at a glance...

Robben still gave up his plan to approach Crick. Although Crick seemed to be not very good at close combat, the instant light sword in her hand provided her with almost perfect defense. It is impossible, so only the use of magic is left.

To be honest, Robben didn’t want to do this at all. Even if an old monster like Crick who has lived for countless years is not good at close combat, he must be quite good at magic, and it seems that the instant lightsaber in her hand is attacking. The method is similar to magic. It is estimated that Crick should be a very powerful magician. If you use magic to fight, even if you have mastered the ancient witch’s spirit hún magic system, it should not be possible to compete with such an existence." Although she was wounded, she also paid a huge amount of mental power to deplete the magic of the demon in order to cause such damage to her. She has always suffered from the magic of the gods. , The magic of the witch is like this...

However, it seems that there is no other way. I can't just sit still, even if I hold on for a while...there will be more miracles.

Robben received the giant sickle in his hand from the weapon rack behind the armor.

"Oh what, did you give up resisting like this?" Crick was very surprised when he saw Robben put away his weapon. "If that's the case, then answer the question honestly for me now." What are you? ? How did it hurt me just now! ? "

Facing Crick’s loud questioning, Robben just smiled faintly, “I’ve said that, I have the only real thing in this world, your so-called first radiant light that breaks the ground.” Your existence In my opinion, the attitudes of the thousands of worlds are all false, and may be effective for others, but for me, they are useless. Of course, even if I say "you won't understand."

"Be less pretentious! Answer my questions well! Maybe in that case, I will also consider making your death more comfortable!!" Crick has a very leisurely attitude towards Robben, who is obviously already at a disadvantage. angry.

"Ah, you see what I just said, you won't understand" it was immediately fulfilled. I have already given you [Answer], but you are still asking. "

With his palms closed in front of him, a handful of silver light lit up from Robben's hand, and the **** Robben became more serious, "Now, I will show you something good!"

He lowered his head and bit his fingertips lightly, the blood bead infiltrated the silver light ball, Robben quickly wiped out a strange pattern in the air.

Crick’s eyes flashed, “Blood hún magic! It’s really been a long time since I saw this kind of magic, and I feel a little nostalgic. At the beginning, you witch used this kind of magic to fight against us. It’s just a pity, on the battlefield. It is ironic that the powerful witches on the vertical and horizontal sides were killed by their own people in the end.

What Robben painted in midair was not a magic circle, but a strange pattern. The moment Robben’s blood completely penetrated into the pattern, accompanied by a long chant, a huge silver light burst out. The shadow jumped into the sky from in front of Robben.

Crick followed this shadow to the sky, but his eyes were full of suspicion, "What is this?"

This is a giant dragon that is nearly 100 meters long, full of silver light, and five claws. Of course, it is not the kind of big lizard with two wings. Robben's image is a complete oriental dragon, Kerry. Of course K has never seen it.

With a dragon chant, the giant dragon in the sky roared and whirled down, holding Wan Jun's mighty aura towards the creek on the ground, the sharp teeth of the huge mouth flickered with cold light.

"How could this kind of thing hurt me!" Crick laughed, and the instant light sword in his hand flicked from side to side, and the golden filaments of light had stretched into the air, intertwined in the blink of an eye, huge silver dragons It was cut into seventeen or eight in an instant...

"Stupid!" Crick snorted disdainfully, but he heard another long cry in his ears. Robben had already portrayed another dragon, which roared and swept over against the ground.

"If it doesn't work once, I need to use it a second time!" Crick flicked his wrist, and countless golden lights flashed in the air, and the two dragons were immediately crushed.


A huge roar fell from the sky. Before Crick wanted to say something to ridicule Robben, a cold wind on his head was already suppressed. He looked up sharply, and Crick's eyes shrank instantly.

The silver dragon has already rushed to the top of his head, and his appearance is clearly visible in the huge dragon eyes...


The ground shook violently, and the dragon in the sky slammed into the ground. The smoke and the broken blood from the ground flooded the Creek...

These two dragons dominated by blood will not disappear easily." Unlike ordinary spiritual bodies, they will not be destroyed by destroying the set body, which will only deplete some of their strength. Soon they will be back to their original state.

The spirit split that drives the immortality is also a very terrible magic of ancient witches. On the battlefield, such a spirit split can often replace hundreds of elite soldiers, and some powerful witches drive the spirit splits. The destructive power is extremely amazing" and can even be used as a small army to be thrown into the battlefield.

Robben knows that he is not a witch, and he does not have the kind of long training time. These two spiritual splits can only entangle Crick in a short period of time. I am afraid that he wants to cause any substantial harm to her. not easy.

The area where the creek is located is also boiling within a 100-meter radius, and the thick soot soil is engulfed in the air like a volcanic eruption." Two angry dragons hovered and entangled in the thick smoke and attacked the creek like crazy, golden light in midair. No flickering, the ear-piercing roar of the dragons is gradually weakening.

The effect of spiritual magic on the Protoss is not good. The Protoss has continuously received many blessings from the people around them since birth, which makes their spiritual resistance surprisingly high. The charms of the witches, the spiritual thorns, etc. magic are here. This kind of resistance will greatly weaken the effect. Some magic can be used under conditions that are even too harsh to have an effect. Robben's hand still holds the pitch-black sickle behind him.

If you want to leave here, you must severely inflict damage on Crick. The magic effect of Linghún is not good. The most direct and effective way is to make this sickle leave a scar on Crick again, if possible"

Fatal injuries are best...

Whether you can survive today depends to a large extent on the power of this demon king's battle armor!

Paying attention to calm down in his heart, Robben took a long breath and gently removed the black sickle.

Moving forward with light steps, the body quickly disappeared into the air.

Blood hún magic is very energy-consuming and physical, don’t look at it, just bite a fingertip and drip a few drops of blood.” But the physical power consumed cannot be underestimated. Robben understands that he can’t find one that can effectively damage Creek. There is a solution. If this sneak attack is not successful, then it is very likely that the opportunity will no longer appear. Using the Demon King's Battle Armor every time he casts a spell, it will consume a lot of energy, and Robben knows that he will not last long.

Calm down.” Robben closed his eyes, stopped breathing, and even closed his hearing, relying only on the vibration of the air to quietly approach the battle group of Crick and the two dragons, like a lifeless dead.

Crick also looked a little tired. The huge wounds on her body could not be treated immediately and effectively, and she had to expend strength to fight. Her aura was obviously shining in the sky and weakened when the flash sword was integrated. Many, maybe this time it can be successful.

Robben just suddenly had this idea in his mind, so he immediately threw it out of his mind, not thinking about creek, not thinking about offensive things, and his mind was as blank as possible, quietly approaching, and then relying... ,

"For people with a sensitive sense of smell in danger, any killing intent can be detected. Your breathing, your heartbeat, even your body temperature and eyes, as well as the thoughts in your mind, all of these It would make those warriors wandering around in life and death alert, Robben didn't want to think about it, and over and over again hinted that he only wanted to approach there, and the roar of the two giant dragons near there gradually became low. More and more golden filaments flickered in mid-air, and faster and faster. With Crick’s roar, countless golden arcs in mid-air slashed to both sides like a wave of anger, and the two dragons finally It was cut into countless pieces, and could no longer be recovered, and was eliminated in the helpless wailing.

With a wave of his arm, a blue light rolled away in the gusty wind, and the dust around was instantly blown away. Crick, who was out of shape and already so annoyed, couldn't help but stunned when he looked at the scene in front of him. The strange witch disappeared, eyes filled. Among the corpses and light thorns, only the magic shield on Queen Biris in the distance was still shining abruptly.

"Disappeared!?" Crick's brows trembled, and he felt a chill in his heart. He didn't realize when the witch had disappeared.

"Successful" a soft voice sounded, but to Crick's ears, it was tantamount to the monster's growl in his ears in the nightmare.

A silver light was reflected on Crick’s face. Crick was surprised to find that a huge curved blade of a sickle from his left side stretched out in front of him. On that sharp blade, his surprised face was clearly visible. ...


Robben, who quietly lied to Crick's side, let out a loud roar, and the silver light moved "Puff!!!" The blood shot.

The huge sickle was stained with bright red blood, and the blade was an inch away from Crick’s neck...

Slowly, Crick turned his head, his indifferent face carried an extremely angry god, "How dare you... tarnish the fetish that the **** king gave me!"

Crick gave a heavy backhand blow, Robben's stiff body was directly knocked out, and the instant light sword inserted into Robben's right abdomen was pulled out with a "chicking" sound. Robben's hand was black. The giant sickle took off...

When he was in midair, Robben was thinking about only one thing: this liar had a strong grudge from her body just now, with a backhand sword that was several times longer than his own and had a bad angle. Under the circumstances, he stabbed himself with a sword first...

This is clearly a warrior who is extremely good at using vindictiveness in close combat, but since the beginning of the battle, she has only used vindictiveness for the first time...

Damn it, this miscalculation can be fatal! Robben fell to the ground with a rolling gourd and stopped after hitting a corpse. The blood had stained the rolling ground all the way.

"Unforgivable! Unforgivable for your dirty blood. You actually got your blood on the flashlight sword. Unforgivable." Crick didn't care about Robben's life and death, but looked at his bloodied hands. He and the hilt, looking at the body of the instant light sword that had already evaporated Robben's blood instantly, screamed frantically.

Oh shit! I'm going to die, he actually cares whether the broken sword is stained with blood! Robben was really annoyed, but now there is a hole in his stomach, a hot pain, and his irritated strength seems to be rapidly losing from the wound...

Turning around, Crick’s very handsome face has been extremely distorted because of anger, "You, you dirty low-level creature, I don’t even use vindictiveness in order to prevent it from contaminating your dirty blood, but You...you actually teach...,..."

Son of a bitch! There is a kind of sword you just don't pierce! Still screaming here now! Robben's body trembled in pain and could not speak, but he was already cursing in his heart.

"Kill you, use your spirit hún to wash the dirt on the sword!" Crick walked over nervously, trembling, "No, no! This is not enough, and the queen, her spirit hún It's also right, yes! And the Black Emperor, the spirit of the Black Emperor must also be used to wash the dirty blood on this sword! God! Forgive me, forgive my negligence, I, I will wash me To wash away my shame with the spirit of this **** witch, I will dedicate the spirit of the Black Emperor to you in the end!"

"Ah really loyal servant" A slow sigh sounded in the air~www.readwn.com~ Crick was startled, then turned and yelled: "Who!?"

"Om!" With an ear-splitting hum, Crick turned around and was stunned to find that the pitch-black huge sickle lay in front of him again, and the sharp blade still trembled.

"You" Crick's pupils shrank rapidly, and the lightning sword in his hand danced like a thunder snake.

A ray of silver light passed through, and Crick’s rapidly turning body stopped suddenly, his expression of extreme astonishment still stopped on his face, the instant light sword in his hand soared and the light was cut into Two paragraphs...

My vision began to blur, skewed...

"Ah, uh, you, you are" Crick's body slowly tilted, half of his body slipped from his waist, and at the moment of the flashing light, his body had been cut in half by the incoming person. .

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