God Prohibitions

Chapter 925: Dangerous person

, This should be fine,

... Queen Biris, who had returned to her palace, walked on the chair slightly tired.

"My Lady Queen, is this really okay?" Robben held back all the way, now expressing his worries." "In this case, although the morale of the Demon King Manil's army is restored, the dossier is fake after all. If you find it..."

"Who would doubt it?" Queen Biris sighed.

Robben, who asked this question, could not answer. Indeed, in this situation, no one seems to have gone back to doubt that file. The file does not involve any treasures and secrets. It only bears the mind of the Demon King Manir. , Who would even doubt this heart that touched countless soldiers... that is unnecessary, doubt itself is worthless.

After thinking about it, Robben still didn’t plan to talk about this topic anymore. He spent a few hours writing it countless times in the handwriting of the Demon of Manil, and finally left the file with the most similar handwriting. A [true] relic left...

"Doctor, don’t think about this anymore. I have no way to bring Manir back. Then, at least I should protect his soldiers. I think if Manir knows this, it shouldn’t stop me. , Will praise me again, haha, it’s been a long time since I heard him praise me like before. I really miss him."

After taking a look at Robben, Biress smiled helplessly, "Okay, doctor, don’t have the face of that brother again. I know it’s not very appropriate to give a fake relic to Moniel’s subordinates, but now you still have What is a good way to tame"

Robben shook his head silently.

"So, let this matter become true. At least we have to believe it. Believe that Manil established the dossier when he left." Okay? "

Simple and effective action. This is Robben’s evaluation of Queen Biris’ behavior. For this reason, Robben could not help but sigh in his heart. This woman is usually reckless and aggressive, but at such a critical moment, she can accurately grasp Manir. Although the psychology of all soldiers in the army is just a dossier, it is undoubtedly the way to revitalize the millions of troops.

Robben had no choice but to nod, "Ah, I understand, and I didn't say that there was anything wrong with the Queen's actions. There may be no way more reasonable and effective than the Queen's actions."

Queen Biress smiled slightly." "Although you don't seem to write that on your face, I am already very happy when you say that. "

With a sigh, Queen Biress' eyes floated in the air, "But this incident really took some hits." I didn't expect that the soldiers of the Demon Lord Manil would be so loyal to him. His death would paralyze the entire army. But just a message can cheer up the whole army. I think I don’t have this charm. If it is me who died today, then this method may not work. Ha, I am afraid that the soldiers will not be like a motorcycle. Neil's soldiers are so sad, I'm usually very violent. "

Suddenly turning around, Queen Biress looked at Robben" "Doctor, if I die, you will be sad, right?" "

"Ah... it will." Robben nodded.

Queen Biress turned her head around." There was a somewhat relaxed smile on her face." "Well, that's already pretty good."

Die? Luohe seemed to have an idea in his mind slowly, but it seemed uncontrollable like weeds: in the battle with Crick, perhaps this woman didn't want to live.

Repeating this thought in his mind, Robben couldn’t help but blurt out, “My Lady Queen, why didn’t you attack Crick at that time? Was there any discomfort in your body after recovering your memory? I seem to remember that Lord Queen was beaten directly. hurt."

After hearing this question, Queen Biris turned her head to look at Robben, then turned her head and closed her eyes. "No, I feel good." It's just that my magic is not good at such one-on-one head-on confrontation, I Knowing that there is no way to win, there is no such ugly struggle, why...do you think I am too useless?"

"Ah no no! I definitely didn't mean that" Robben shook his head quickly.

Queen Biress smiled faintly, "Doctor, I want to be quiet first, can you let me stay for a while?"

It's really rare for this woman to speak so politely, Robben nodded and turned back.

, "Wait!" Queen Biris suddenly stopped Robben again, sighed and said, "Forget it, you still... stay with me here."

Robben had to stand still again." "My Lady Queen, maybe you should take a break, this time is too tired. "

Queen Biris nodded. "That's right, this time, I'm really tired. "With a sigh of relief, Queen Biris stretched out her hands to Robben with a smile." "Then I have property, come hug me to rest now."

Robben didn't want to care about the title of wealth, he picked up Queen Biris, went to the bedroom and gently put her down.

Queen Biress moved her body with a smile, and patted her side." "My property, here, this king has one less pillow. "

To be honest, Robben was also tired, and without hesitation at the moment, he fell on the chuáng.

Queen Biris wrapped Robben’s body like a vine, resting her head on Robben’s arm, burying her cheek in Robben’s ōng, and gently said, "Doctor, you say I am Not a good woman?"

This question was too difficult to answer, and Robben had to remain silent.

Queen Biress smiled, "That's it. Silence is already a very good 〖answer〗..."

Soon, Queen Biris fell asleep, like a normal person who hadn’t slept for several days. She fell asleep as sweet as a normal person who hadn’t slept for a few days. It’s rare that this woman didn’t tease herself. Robben also felt sleepy, and was fighting with Crick The exhaustion was still great, and Robben fell asleep groggyly as he hugged the woman in his arms...

I don't know how long it took, Robben suddenly became alert and opened his eyes, only to find that Queen Biress was carefully removing her arm around him.

Seeing Robben waking up and looking at herself in a puzzled manner, Queen Biress' face turned red, and after a cough, she said with a straight face, "Someone asks to see me outside."

Robben hurriedly got up. The situation on the battlefield changed rapidly. Maybe who brought some information. Robben hurriedly combed his hair, but it was a pity that this woman's hair was very long, which made Robben Extremely annoyed, Queen Biris, who was watching by the side, smiled and covered her belly.

After Robben had processed his hair, Queen Biress had already been dressed up and tidy up from head to toe, which made Robben lament that women's natural skills were so skillful.

It was not someone else who came to see him, but Roche!

Robben saw Luo Xi, who was kneeling below, almost didn't jump out of his throat. When he left, he clearly left a letter to her, asking her to stay in the witch camp honestly, don't run around, what's the matter? I'll talk about the matter until I come back. Why did she come here now?

Queen Biress doesn’t remember Roxi anymore." But it seems that the witch who begged to see her is a witch." She already had a few points in her heart, glanced at Robben’s face back and forth, and said to Roxi: "Come and see Do I have anything wrong?"

When Rohe looked at Queen Biris, the hot light radiating from her eyes made Robben feel terrified. Perhaps now Rohe is forcibly suppressing her urge to rush to assassinate Queen Biris.

Fortunately, Roxi only looked at Queen Biress with respect on the surface, then lowered her head and said in a very formulaic tone: "By the order of Chief Guard Nalan, come and report to the Queen. "The situation of the Demon King's army" has some other information collected. "


"The army of the Demon King Manir has begun to reorganize, and the scattered soldiers have returned to their organization. All the demon generals have assembled their troops and set up camps. Guard Nalan expected that the demon generals will The representative may be back soon to see the Queen."

Queen Biress nodded. "There is no special expression on her face. This situation seems to have been her expectation. "Anything else? "

Roxi continued: "My Lady Queen, the protoss army has also been assembled, and it is less than a hundred miles away from us, but there is no attack." It seemed to be waiting for something. "

Queen Biris pondered for a moment and asked, "How much is the active combat power of the Protoss?"

"The exact number is unknown, but after the personal investigation by Guard Nalan, it is estimated that the number will exceed us, and at least two Six Wings will be in charge."

There was a sudden jump in Luo Ben's heart." Suddenly he realized the big omission today. When Luo Xi said the last sentence, it was obvious that there was a suspicious **** on his face!

Sander's death! !

Sende was beheaded by Queen Biris herself.” The remaining troops were also flattened by dàng. Therefore, Sende’s death was a secret to the Protoss, so he pretended to be Sende and mixed into Motu City to obtain information. , But this matter is unknown among the demons, especially in Queen Biris’s army. I actually forgot about this matter. Once Roxi heard these things, his identity was also Don't break it! Roxi knew immediately that he was deceived by the enemy! Maybe what he would do later.

Queen Biress nodded, did not comment, and asked, "Anything else?"

"This is the order that the Black Emperor has just issued to the demon kings, please have your eyes on the Queen." Luo Xi said, taking out a paper roll sealed with wax from his arms.

Robben’s heartbeat couldn’t help speeding up. It seems that Roche has quickly established a relationship with Nalan in the past few days. This is not surprising. Nalan took good care of his new companions at once, only this time. Letting Luo Xi come to report the information was a fatal mistake made by Nalan. This information is undoubtedly huge for Luo Xi’s yòuhuò power. Maybe she has already opened it and read it, but if this is by Queen Biress If found...

No, I must have read it for sure, perhaps because of this information, Roxi took the initiative to request to report to Queen Biress!

Tina! Where is Tina? Robben’s mental power instantly swept all the surrounding buildings on one side, and found that Tina was just outside the three military tents from here, leaning leisurely on a row of wooden fences. It seemed that Tina did not notice Roche’s actions. , Tina didn’t know Roche’s identity, she should just pay attention to Roche’s movements according to her instructions, but she would definitely not monitor Roche without gaps...

This protoss woman is really a trouble...

Robben walked quickly to the edge of the stage, Roche knelt on the ground in front of the palace, Robben waved, and the sealed roll of paper flew into Robben's hand with a glimmer of blue light.

Luo Xi couldn't help being a little surprised, but she didn't expect that all the shì girls around the queen would use such magic.

Naturally, Robben turned his back to block everyone's sight, crushed the sealing wax on the outside of the scroll with his hands, and then handed the information to Queen Biress. The whole process seemed very natural.

Of course, Robben only seems to be innocent on the surface, but he has already cried out in his heart. This information Roxi has indeed seen it. This re-sealed sealing wax has obvious problems. "It's just that Roxi is a The Protoss doesn't know much about the rules and secrets of Mozu waxing.

Fortunately, there seems to be no problem with this scroll.

Queen Biress had no doubts, seeing Robben crushed the sealing wax for herself and smiled at Robben, this smile made Robben a little embarrassed.

After unfolding the scroll and taking a look, Queen Biris nodded." "I see, is there anything else?" "

"Nothing, Lord Queen." Roxi answered calmly, but Robben had to admire the girl's courage in his heart. If he didn't crush the sealing wax just now, I'm afraid Queen Biress has already discovered an intelligence problem. Pursuing it might kill her, and she can still reply to Queen Biris here with such calmness.

"Go down" Queen Biress waved her hand, not aware of the abnormality between Robben and Roche.

"Yes" Your Lady Queen. "Luo Xi turned around and left quickly.

Seeing Luo Xi’s leaving back, Robben heaved a sigh of relief. After all, there was no problem. It seemed that he had to find a way to solve Luo Xi’s problem as soon as possible. If this continues, let Luo Xi act as a witch. Something is going to happen sooner or later, and this Roxi is a bit too arrogant, she actually thinks that she can hide from Queen Biris in this way.


Robben regained his senses, and seeing that Queen Biris was looking at him suspiciously, the Black Emperor's order in his hand had already been passed.

"Uh!" Robben quickly took over the paper roll.

Queen Biress looked at the direction Roxi had left, "It seems that Nalan is very active. After the battle, he immediately started collecting intelligence, and the witch just now seemed a bit familiar, Nalan brought I have never seen the witches here, I know all the witches under you

The appearance of Queen Biris suddenly thinking of something really made Robben sweat in secret.

"This is the witch you brought back a few days ago and said it was picked up on the road!"

"Ah, the Queen is so good to remember" Robben grinned and smiled meaninglessly.

Gently curling her silver thread with her fingers, Queen Biress nodded and said, "Regardless of the witch's combat effectiveness, Nalan's management ability alone is worthy of recognition. I remember when that witch came. With a cautious face, it seemed that I was scared to see me, but in just a few days, I can report the news to me calmly. The growth is amazing, if every soldier of mine It's all like this."

, "Thank you Queen for the praise..."

, "It's just that if the disappearance brought is better, it will make me more satisfied."

When Robben heard this, he immediately opened the paper roll in his hand, and saw only a few lines of words on it. After a few glances, he read all the content.

Robben, who has read the news, couldn't help being surprised." "Master Black Emperor, wants us to retreat! ? "

Queen Biress frowned and nodded" "Yes, it seems that my father is aware of the seriousness of the situation now. The news does not mention the situation of the demon kings in other places, and we have not received any news in this regard. It's already bad news in itself. "

, "My Lady Queen means..."..."

Queen Biress sighed and said with a wry smile: "I'm afraid unfortunately I guessed it right. Who else should have left? I just hope not too much. If we lose too many demon kings, then we will The war is going to be extremely difficult."

Could there really be other demon kings killed! ? Luo Ben was shocked. The Protoss' action was as fast as thunder, and the Demon did not react at all. Had it not been for the rescue of the Black Emperor here, the Demon army must have been defeated by the Protoss.

Thinking that the Black Emperor could not appear anywhere else at the same time, Robben's body trembled. This time... how much power did the Demon Race lose?

"At the beginning of this war, the Protoss was constantly dividing our forces and spreading our forces again and again. Although many channels were opened, the Protoss would suffer huge losses, but in terms of the results, they were very Obviously it took a huge advantage. In the end, the strategy of using multiple channels to descend on the warriors at the same time prevented the demon from meeting, and then I don’t know how to quickly descend on the God of War. This is really a fierce approach! So far, Almost everyone is being led by the nose by the Protoss!"

Robben was also very helpless about what Queen Biress said. He had already tried his best to move and achieved brilliant results in Queen Biress’s battle zone. It’s just a pity that these results appeared to be under the large-scale military mobilization of the Protoss. Some are not painful or itchy. In the end, the demons still suffered a big loss, even Queen Biris did not take any advantage in the final battle.

Suddenly Robben thought of the words that Queen Biress had said before. If the Demon were defeated this time, Robben realized a problem at this moment. What if the Demon were defeated this time? How can I go back to my original world? If the Demon Race is defeated, the Black Emperor doesn't know what will happen, when will he show him his gems?

The demons must never be defeated! Otherwise, I might stay here forever!

Standing up, Queen Biress looked at the huge army that could not be seen at a glance, and said: "It seems that my father wants to speed up the pace of the war, and enters the situation where the two armies are facing each other in advance. Dou is very likely to suffer more losses. We will take a last day off today, and we will leave here tomorrow immediately and move forward to the meeting point that father said. The Protoss has just lost the God of War and should not attack immediately. We should hurry up during this time.

"Yes, Lord Queen!"

, "Sika, General of the Demon King of Manir, please see the Queen!!" At this moment, the voice of a soldier outside came in.

"It's really fast." Queen Biris smiled. "Let him come. "

Sika walked like a two-legged lion, coming to the open space in front of the palace with a mighty force all over her body. Sika knelt on the ground and said loudly, "Sika has seen Your Queen."

Queen Biris walked to the edge of the stage in person, looked at the Sika below and asked: "Sika, don't you want to integrate the troops in the army, so what do you do to appease the soldiers?"

, "The Queen's atonement, Sika has important things to see, and has to put those things down first."

"Oh? What's the matter?"

Sika raised her head and said with a serious face: "My lord Queen, the new mourner of the Demon King Manil, our army has lost its backbone. The soldiers want to avenge the Lord Manil, but they can’t see the direction. Master Monil always leads us, but now"

While talking, Sika's face still couldn't help but mourn, "My Lady Queen, now the army has been integrated, and our soldiers can go on the battlefield to fight at any time, but we now need a guide, the queen Sir! Sika took the liberty to ask you to guide and command our soldiers."

Queen Biris shook her head." "Sika, you are a commander of Manir. Now that Manir is not here and you are proud of your official position, then the army is naturally under your command. "

Sika bowed her head deeply" "Subordinates are in panic! How can I compare with Lord Queen, now the army continues to be a strong and wise leader, rather than a general in battle, no matter where it is from, it is more suitable to be Lord Queen, and, before leaving, Lord Manil puts himself The entrustment is left to Her Majesty Queen, and that should be what it means, and Her Majesty Queen should not shirk anymore. "

When Robben heard this, he couldn't help but glance at Queen Biris, wondering if this woman had expected what happened now?

Sika continued: "This is also a request made by all of our demon generals after consultation. I chose me as a representative to take the liberty to come and ask the Queen to consider the loyalty of the millions of warriors of the Demon Lord Manil and agree to our request. ."

Queen Biris sighed long, with a little emotion in her tone, "Sika, I really envy Manir, he has your loyal fighters by his side, let's get up!

Among the demon kings, the relationship between Manir and me is the best. I won't look at you and leave it alone. Until I get the final thoughts from my father, you will be temporarily placed under my command." But the command is left to you, and I hope you can master the destiny of these millions of loyal fighters."

Sika moved for a while, bowed her head and saluted deeply, and said loudly: "Yes! Your Queen! We will definitely use our actions to prove our strength and loyalty!"

"Okay, let's go. We will take action tomorrow. According to my father, we will leave here and gather somewhere, Sika, you..."

Sika raised her head fiercely. If the Protoss dares to catch up! "Sika, who was originally long and ferocious, opened his eyes with anger and gritted his teeth and said: "I will kill them all without leaving!" "

"Okay, but when I urge you to retreat for the second time, that is the moment when you must retreat, even if there is a Six-wing warlord craned his neck waiting for you to kill" I must retreat! do you understand! "


Sika went back with a heart full of excitement.” Robben looked at Queen Biris from behind, feeling a trance, this woman seemed to be a mixture of countless complicated patterns.

This woman is moody, fierce, and she regards life as a must. But this time, she was extremely concerned about the warriors left by the Demon King Manir. She could see that she didn't want to swallow these troops. Sometimes this woman will show the silly side, say something that makes you laugh or cry, lingering around like a little girl who has become stupid because of love, but sometimes she will show a daunting scheming. , This time forging the dossier of Demon King Manir seems to be just the beginning of a series of plans. Now Queen Biris has cheered up the soldiers again and gave them a sense of security and belonging. This millions of hún of revenge will be formed. An unimaginable combat power, perhaps all this is in the plan.

"What's the matter, doctor? You're in a daze again." Queen Biress turned around, and she couldn't help but be surprised to see Robben looking at herself with a rather strange look.

Robben smiled, "It's nothing, but it looks like the matter on the side of Demon Monil has been solved perfectly, which is really great."

"Ah" Yeah" Queen Biris just said softly, seemingly weak" "This is the maximum limit I can achieve, and everything else can only be done by themselves, just They now have the intention to avenge Manir. Once they meet the Protoss, they will probably not retreat easily. There should be many casualties, but... I can only do this."

"My Queen, this is already very good."

Queen Biress looked at Robben, shrugged her shoulders suddenly, and smiled helplessly, "I'm still useless...I am really helpless in such a war."

It felt like this woman had some thoughts in her heart, but she never said to herself.

If there is nothing, Robben seems to feel this more and more strongly, but since others have not said it, Robben feels that it is unreasonable for him to ask himself without thinking.

"My Lady Queen, we are about to set off. If there is nothing to do now, I would like to go back to the Witch Camp to see if there is anything I need to deal with."

"Are you going back?" Queen Biress looked up and down very weirdly, "Will the witches be blasted out? Queen's shì girl!"

"Uh, why? Your lady will naturally be treated politely."

"Really?" Queen Biris raised her eyebrows. "Your witches are thinking about when they can be favored by you. Aijing has long been dissatisfied with me taking too much time for you?

It would be weird if they would respect me. "

Robben was sweating.

"But doctor, if you have anything, just call Nalan to talk about it. Now you are not suitable for going back to the witch camp anyway. Neither I nor my shì girl have never been to the witch. The precedent of the camp, this can be regarded as a flaw."

Robben felt that what Queen Biress said was reasonable, and immediately said: "It is true, then...I will go back like Nalan, let her avoid it first."

Queen Biress frowned, "Doctor, do you have a reason to go back?"

Robben couldn't answer for a while, and the purpose of his own return was Roche. This was absolutely impossible.

Seeing Robben not speaking, Queen Biris snorted, "Forget it, since it is a shameful thing, then I won't pursue it."

Robben smiled bitterly about the shameful things, but speaking of it, it is indeed shameful...

"But" Queen Biress continued with some dissatisfaction, "Naren was not surprised when he saw our relationship on the battlefield. It must have been known a long time ago, doctor! Now how many people know you are? My man!?"

"Uh, only Nalan and Nia!" Seeing that Queen Biris looked bad, Robben had to add Nia's name behind.

"Huh, it's the mother and daughter!" Queen Biris gritted her teeth bitterly, "I must have laughed at me countless times behind my back!"

"My Lady Queen, how could this be..."

"Yeah" Suddenly a smile appeared on Queen Biris's angry face." "Ha, but it's nothing. It's the two of them who should feel annoyed and disappointed. They're right by your side. They've been guarded by you every day, but they are I’m the first to board "When they slept lonely on the Chuáng at night, doctor! We lingered until dawn, haha, it’s so pitiful"

Returning to the woman's thinking, Robben wiped the sweat on his face.

"Why are you walking in a daze? You are not going back!?" Queen Biress waved her hand to Robben very happily, and then said: "Remember to go early and return early. I will wash and make myself incense. Hey waiting for you, do you remember?"

"Ah, ah...remember..." Robben thought that this is not bad. If this woman is in a good mood, it is at least much safer than being irritable.

He hurriedly found Nalan, and Robben dragged Nalan to her tent quietly.

"Master, what's the matter? I can't do it if I have something! Why do I want to go by myself...Master...Is there something hidden from Nalan! Tell... tell...

Na, Lan." Nalan hugged Robben's waist, who had already changed his appearance, and didn't let go. He stretched his tone to stop Robben from leaving.

"My sister-in-law, grandma! I just came back to take a look. I haven't seen everyone for many days. I wonder, I can't come back as a shì girl. It will be fine for a while. Just stay here honestly. No, don’t run out." Did you hear that? "

"Hmm... Then using Nalan's body to run around, is there any benefit to Nalan?" Nalan still held Robben and didn't withdraw.

Robben was desperate, "My aunt and grandma! This is your body, this is mine!"

"But others thought it was!" Nalan pouted dissatisfiedly, "but forget it, Nalan is always generous, kiss me" and let the master leave. "

After almost suffocating Nalanqiang to death, Robben finally escaped from the tent. After taking a few big breaths, Robben did not dare to waste time and walked directly towards Luo Xi's camp.

Now Roche’s problem must be resolved immediately. Otherwise, Roche will definitely be a time bomb in the witch’s camp. Although Tina has been watching her secretly, it is clear that Tina is protecting her and not Knowing when this Roxi will become an enemy, then the safety of other witches cannot be guaranteed.

When I came to Roxi's camp and asked the other witches, I realized that Roxi was not there, but was helping out in the newly opened kitchen in the camp.

When Robben got there, he found that Luo Xi was fighting with a soup pot, so don't mention how serious the energy was.

All the way Robben walked, the witches on the road greeted Robben, and even joked. Fortunately, knowing that Nalan is busy now, no one talks much, Robben smiled and responded one by one, but there was no flaw.

Seeing that there were a lot of people here, Robben planned to call Roxi away, but before moving to Roxi, his shoulders were hot, Robben tilted his head to see, but a spoon was placed on his shoulder.

"You little thing, I finally know that I've worked hard. None of the witches that I brought can cook and eat, and you won't come to help!" An angry voice came from behind Robben's ear.

Ninea! Robben let out a long sigh, this is not the person he wants to see now.

In the entire witch’s camp, only Nya shouted and drank to Nalan. The name of the ghost, the little, and the little devil alternated. Although Nalan is now the commander of the witch’s side, she faces her mother. Turning around without any temper, Robben gave a dry smile, "Mother and mother."

"Huh?" A strange **** appeared on Niya's face immediately, and she reached out to mō Robben's cheek, "You didn't mean to go out for investigation in a while, and what to do here, it won't be true. Can you help? And why the face is so strange."

"No, I'm not good, and I know that my mother is working hard." Robben even felt numb and started to please Nia, Nalan seemed to be like this usually.

"Huh?" Nia's face got even stranger, she slapped forward, and stared at Robben's eyes carefully, "Nalan, what's the matter with you?"

Robben was sweating all over his eyes as Nya was close at hand.

Just when Robben didn’t know how to be good, a scream came from behind. Robben quickly turned around with excuses, but saw that the soup pot that Luo Xi was paying attention to had completely boiled, and water splashed everywhere. , The flame under the pot splashed with a small amount of water, but it burned more fiercely.

Robben rushed forward, a bit of cold light from his fingertips hit the sub-soup pot, and the whole soup pot was instantly frozen into a big ice lump.

"Roche, are you okay?"

Looking at the frozen soup pot, Luo Xi, who was full of frustration, had not spoken yet, a soup spoon had been knocked on Robben's head.

"I know you are here to make trouble, and you will make the one less pot of soup!!" Niya said annoyedly after Luo herself. The witches around laughed.

Nalan's cooking level seems to be better than Roxi, after all, he has been influenced by himself and Nia for many years.

"Sister Nalan, I'm so sorry, I'm too stupid but I can't cook any soup."

A few minutes later, while passing the materials to Robben, while watching Robben skillfully seasoning her, Rosy spoke carefully.

It was perfect, and Robben had to admire the effect of the disguise nuclear. If he had not known that this looks very weak and speaks softly, the witch is actually a warlord of the Protoss. Don't doubt or something.

"Ah, it's okay, everything is learned slowly, you see, although Sister Nia cooks a good meal now, but what she made at the beginning! That's ah!" Robben's head was hit again One tablespoon.

When he turned his head, Robben saw Nia's annoyed face behind him.

"Dare to speak ill of me behind your back! Who else is your sister Nia!" Nia knocked Robben with the spoon again, and the witches laughed.

"Isn't this showing that Sister Niya is young" Robben said, learning from Nalan's aggrieved tone.

"Ah, Sister Niya and Sister Nalan are really, very similar to sisters. They are almost the same in length, and they are so bright, which is really enviable." Luo Xi said in a low voice.

It turns out that this little girl is not as reckless and simple as she had seen before! Robben quickly passed this thought in his mind~www.readwn.com~ At this time, Roche could not speak, but this sentence was just right, very precise, not only for Nalan, but also a full compliment. Nia’s words are completely unmarked...,

"Sure enough, Niya chuckled and stretched out her hand and pulled Roxi over and said: "Don't always talk to her. In the entire camp, she is the only one who is so lazy to cook. Okay, now Sister Niya will ask you to make something new. The stuff, which was handed to me by an adult, is delicious, Nalan, make the soup, don’t be lazy! "

Robben finally knew why Nalan always came to himself and complained that Nia had bullied her, but Robben looked at Roche. The Protoss warlord who had only been here for a few days now has the actual power in the camp. Nalan trusted and had a good relationship with Nia, who was most respected by the witches. Judging from the actions of other witches, he obviously had a very good impression of Roche.

This woman is very dangerous.

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