God Prohibitions

Chapter 929: Spying on reality

The PS Protoss army could not wait to catch up, after discovering that the demons had withdrawn and retreated far.

"Bier, I think you need to remind Sika that he must not love the battle, otherwise once he is dragged by the Protoss army, he will never be able to keep up with our team."

Queen Biress said helplessly: "Doctor, you have reminded me for the third time, and now we have not yet battled the Protoss, they are still running desperately behind us.

"Just a reminder! I'm afraid he will be unable to control the death of the Demon King Manir. In that case, our plan to attract the yòu protoss army to chase us will not be worth the loss."

"Good" Queen Biris reluctantly summoned the messenger again, and wrote an order by herself to take him to the back of the army to Sika.

After sending the order, Queen Biress asked strangely: "Doctor, why do I think you are particularly worried? Do you think something will happen?" Robben nodded slowly. "Of course something will happen, and It is a matter of countless deaths and injuries on both sides of us. Both sides who are going to fight have hatred that exceeds the rate in their hearts. The situation of the battle will be extremely fierce and cruel, and we will also suffer considerable losses. Moreover... Marching fast will put great pressure on us." "There is no way. If they really intend to disperse and destroy our land, then our current loss is really nothing, and eh? "Queen Biress was stunned and stopped her words, because she found that Robben's gaze fell on her body, and there was an unconcealable sadness in that gaze...

Shaking her head, Queen Biress shrugged and said, "Doctor, don't look at me that way. I understand what you think. You have many advantages, but the disadvantages are also very obvious doctors! Too benevolent, benevolent is not suitable for living in this world that relies on strength and coldness to survive." "You know... what am I thinking?"

Queen Biress said amusedly: "Why, you still suspect that we have been with me for so many years, I have always been just a chuáng yù〖yín〗dàng woman? Doctor, although our plan may be saved this time There are many lives of ordinary demons, but it is only possible. After all, the Protoss has not really set out. They have not shown surely that they want to destroy our land like you said, but after we implemented this plan , They chased up. In that case, we would have to pay some price for it, and our soldiers would be killed in extra battles, doctor! You feel guilty about it..."

Luo Ben's face tightened slightly, and he said nothing.

Queen Biress smiled. "This is your shortcoming, a terrible shortcoming. Fortunately, you have only been a queen for a few days, and most of them are peaceful days. Otherwise, I have so many troops in you. When he hesitated, it was chopped into pieces by the Protoss."

Robben remained silent.

"Okay, doctor, don't look so frowning! The war must go on. No one can change this. War is dead, either your own or your enemy. Doctor, which one would you choose?"

"I... don't want to either 


"Hehe, I know you would say that. It's really hard for you to have been by my side since the war began to make ideas. It must be now, this situation of having to kill you has made you very sad..." Luo Ben slowly said: "It stands to reason that I have no reason to sympathize with the Protoss, but in fact there is no right or wrong in war, but..." "Yes!" Queen Biress interrupted Robben, "Doctor you said. Yes, there is no right or wrong in war, so naturally we are not wrong. You only need to remember this. It is not possible to think about everything. In this war, we only need to obtain arrogant benefits. The most effective way to kill the enemy is our right. Doctor, you still don’t worry about it."

Robben sighed softly and stopped talking...

I looked at Robben and saw that Robben was not in a high mood. Queen Biress shook her head helplessly. "Well~ Although I don’t agree with the doctor’s idea like this, because this idea is like an immature childish child. Yes, and we are already standing on the cruel battlefield. What we need is a calm and realistic approach, but compared to those realistic things, oh I prefer the doctor, you are naive, it is true..." Robben For a moment, she looked at Queen Biris for some unknown reason.

Queen Biress smiled happily, and said comfortably: "I have been a queen for so many years, and I have to do all the silly things that are intriguing and deceitful all day long. Although some of your doctor's actions make me very dissatisfied, but If I can get rid of the Queen's seat, maybe.................., I will do it with you, hahaha......" "My Queen......" "Idiot! It's Bier!" Queen Biress changed her face instantly .

"Ah" Robben is sweating. "Sorry, it's Bier, thank me." Queen Biress waved her hand. "There is nothing to thank, but it might be because of you at the time. That's why I seduce you with such a reputation. Good little guy, haha, it seems that I am coming here with foresight, I just want to find a man to indulge, and I can find such an excellent man, Lord Devil always looks after me, hahahaha..."

Robben suddenly felt that this woman had digressed as she spoke...

"Well, it seems that the Protoss is about to catch up. Let me remind Sika again. If he gets confused, then the number of our army may be cut by more than half, the commander!!"

After issuing another order, Queen Biress suddenly frowned and said: "Doctor, if we are chased like this, I am afraid it is indeed a bit difficult to march quickly. After all, Sika and the others can't be completely left behind. They can beat the siege at once. , But it’s a bit difficult to kill them ten or twenty times. Shall we...find a way to help them."

"We don't seem to have any good solutions!" Robben said embarrassedly.

Queen Biress looked at Robben and said: "Now, we still have an advantage. Although the Protoss knows that we are withdrawing troops, the news of their presence in the Demon Realm should be more difficult to pass, and they should not know where we are going to withdraw. Locally, in this case, they will only pursue endless pursuits. In that case, as long as we can request appropriate reinforcements when we are near the assembly point, we can destroy this group of Protoss troops. The problem is that we must hurry to the assembly point. But they must also pull these Protoss troops, not only to ensure that their speed is not too tight, but also not to completely throw them away."

"Well... it's like this." Robben nodded.

Queen Biris rolled her eyes, "I'm asking you to make an idea! It will be sooner or later that the Protoss army is catching up with us, and it has repeatedly emphasized that Sika must not love the war. This time he will definitely lose the battle. We must find a way to postpone the footsteps of the Protoss a bit, so that we can also take a breath!"

As Queen Biress said, her eyes widened, "The doctor's plan to run the Protoss is what you came up with. If we are finally dragged down by such a thing, then it is your responsibility."

Robben was suddenly embarrassed.

"Well, well, I don't know if we have a marching map, show it to me.

"Of course!" Queen Biris quickly took out a strategic map and handed it to Zi Robben. Robben fixed the map in the air in front of her with wind magic, and looked at it seriously.

It’s not surprising for the soldiers who are closer to the chariot to see this scene. Yesterday there was news that the girl next to the queen was actually a student of Mr. Robben. Now that Mr. Robben is not there, she will start. A temporary adjutant. The soldiers all commented that it is indeed a person who cannot look good. Such a beautiful woman originally thought it was just a huā bottle to serve people, but she did not expect that she still knew the military strategy. If anyone could marry home, she would be happy...

Of course, Robben didn't know that countless eyes had been set on him, and he was wondering how to please the queen to marry him...

"The place where Black Emperor wants us to meet this time is in Jiaoshan, and Jiaoshan is in the middle of the Demon Realm. There is indeed still some distance from us. Judging by the speed of our huge army, it may take twenty days. Time can only arrive. During this period, the Protoss will continue to attack, which is indeed not a good situation." Robben frowned as he looked at the demon marching route drawn on the map.

When I first received the Black Emperor’s notice, I had already seen the map. Although the straight line distance from Jiaoshan was relatively long, it was relatively close compared to the distance to some demon kings, but now it is not at all. In this case, the route of Queen Biris' army was quite tortuous, which greatly increased the time of the march. Taking a closer look at the terrain, starting from here to Jiaoshan, there are many hills and mountains, and you have to detour. In this way, I am afraid that Queen Biris will be the last few demon kings who have reached Jiaoshan. If she is chased by the gods again, it seems that she should take a good look at the marching route of the demon before paying attention... ………,

"It seems that the protoss army is chasing much faster than we are facing each other!" Queen Biris looked back at the rear of the army, where the dust shining in the dust, and shouting and The sound of fighting came in the wind, but the team of the Demon Race was pulled for a long time, and it was impossible to distinguish the situation of the rear team for a while.

"I didn't expect to get in touch so soon." Robben felt a little uncomfortable in his heart. The Protoss army pursued it much faster than expected, and it might be dragged down.

"Doctor, is there any way?" Queen Biris asked softly.

Robben turned his head and looked at the map in front of him, then slowly nodded his head, "It may be, but the Lou people will have to walk for a few days, at least to get out of this plain with a map."

Queen Biress smiled, "That's not a problem, just a few days later, Sika can definitely live on."

Robben looked worriedly at the rear of the army, "I hope..."

Both of them are burning with vengeance in their hearts. Perhaps they have already met in the back. That scene will definitely be extremely tragic...

The advancement of the demons' army has slowed down significantly, because the Sika troops in the rear have already begun to engage the Protoss, and successive battle reports spread from the rear to the front of Queen Biris' troops, in a very unoptimistic form.

The Protoss army attacked fiercely like a mad tiger, as if not caring about their own safety. Almost all the soldiers rushed up with red eyes and shouted to regain the armor of Sende, even if they had fallen to the ground and lost their combat effectiveness. He also had to do his last breath to hug the big tuǐ of the Demon Warrior until he swallowed his last breath.

Queen Biris looked at the information sent, frowning, "If the Protoss maintains this attack momentum, then it will definitely continue to eat our army."

Robben shook his head. "It won't be possible for such an offensive momentum to last long. The soldiers of the Protoss will soon be exhausted, and their supplies will definitely have problems. Since the advent, they have not moved around for supplies. With the things the soldiers carry when they arrive, they will soon fall into a situation of lack of supplies, and then we will be much more comfortable..."

Queen Biris thought for a while, "What you said seems to be a tough time for us now, but...I'll tell Sika to persist as much as possible."

The demon army pulled the protoss army to stop and go on the great plain like this, fighting each other continuously every day, both sides killed red eyes like wounded beasts, and left unknown how many corpses along the way. Both sides had no time at all. Bury the dead companions and move all the way forward.

Three days passed in this way.

In just three days, there have been countless wounds in the Demon Army. Nya and the others have been sent to a later army to provide assistance to those severely injured Demon soldiers on the moving material equipment vehicle. During the treatment, Robben always saw a bleak scene every time he checked.

However, the offensive momentum of the Protoss has indeed eased, but only to some extent... The offensive of the Protoss is still quite fierce, and the demon's counterattack is also no matter the cost.

"It's almost time. I think I should go out and check the situation. According to the map, we have at most two days to leave this plain and enter the hilly area. There are still a lot of woods on the other side. We ...Should implement some plans that are beneficial to us."

Queen Biris nodded, but asked with some worry: "Do you have to go to the doctor yourself? Now when the Protoss is killing us, you are alone in the Protoss army."... "It's okay, I'm the one. Human words are also more convenient, before we leave the plain. I will definitely come back...."

Queen Biress nodded helplessly, "Well, but you bring this, if there is something, you can use this to create a chance for you to escape!"

With that, Queen Biris handed a small black gem to Robben's hand.

"This is" Robben glanced suspiciously at this inconspicuous gem.

"I snatched this from an unknown guy a long time ago, but it's useless by myself, and this thing is more dangerous, and no one can send it. If I didn't detect the error, it should be an elemental mess. A collection of streams, the guy I killed seemed to be a very amazing mage. In his residence, I found a lot of research materials. Thinking about it now, it seems a pity to burn all those things."

Robben sweated for a while, this woman must have gone to someone's house to rob, this is the pile!

Holding this gem in his hand, Robben's mental power leaned in and took a look, and he was startled. The guy who was killed by Queen Biris didn’t know what he was doing. This gem was purely an entity solidified by elemental power, and it was extremely unstable inside, while the outside was wrapped with a gem of a powerful enchantment...

As long as this closed enchantment is opened slightly, this gem will burst like an atomic bomb,...

"Uh ha ha, thank you so much, I will make good use of this.

"Roben took the gem into his arms, but thought that if he used this, it would be two different things whether he could survive or not, this woman really trusted him.

"Okay, girl... Bier, I'll be back soon."

"Doctor!" Queen Biress stopped Robben.

"Anything else?"

Queen Biress smiled softly, "Be careful and come back early."

"Uh, I see." Robben was somewhat surprised.

The fierce battle between the demons and the gods has reached its extreme point. Robben moved from the front to the rear. The fighting here continues. The demons and the gods are mixed together to fight. It seems that the boundaries are not clear at all, and even the battle formation. They are all completely confused, everyone is shouting, screaming, and fighting with each other regardless of anything else.

While in Motu City, Robben had seen that tragic battle scene, but now it looks a little crazy here.

When the sky is getting dark, the Protoss army retreats. In the dark, many Demon soldiers will increase their combat effectiveness, and the corresponding Protoss soldiers will be affected by the darkness and be at a disadvantage. This has been the same for the past few days. , The battle begins when the sun rises, and ends when the sun sets.

The light cloud scattered by the influence of the descending of the Protoss no longer enveloped the land of the Demon Race, which gave the armies on both sides a period of daily breathing.

Robben retreated with the Protoss army.

In the chaotic battle, he obtained a set of Protoss soldier's armor. After the disguise, Robben smoothly returned to the Protoss army with the retreating Protoss army.

The fighting spirit of the Protoss army is still very high, and the soldiers' emotions are quite high, but Robben also discovered that the Protoss army has no fewer wounded soldiers than the demons, and many seem to have not received good treatment. Severe injuries on the battlefield cannot be cured by simple magic. Many soldiers seem to have wrapped their wounds, used healing magic, and then put on armor on the battlefield. In this case... they are actually dead. Not far.

Robben himself also disguised himself as a wounded soldier. Following a large number of wounded soldiers came to the place to treat the wounded soldiers, but he was just casually placed on a mat, and no one came to ask anymore. He was running around. The healer was sweating profusely and his face was exhausted. They all ran to Robben at a glance and ignored him.

Robben knew that he was just disguised as an arm injury. I am afraid that this kind of injury has been almost ignored here. There are still a large number of wounded people who are worried about their lives waiting for treatment. I can heal with magic by myself...

The situation of the Protoss is not very optimistic...

After staying for a while, the proposed military camp was established and guards were added. The Protoss army started to eat. As a wounded, Robben received special care for a piece of dry food. This is the best care for a wounded soldier after a day of fighting.

Robben slowly ate this piece of dry food, feeling extremely difficult to swallow, and glanced at the protoss warrior who had eaten the dry food in three bites and two bites, and then used unskilled magic to gather water **** to quench his thirst. Robben couldn't help but silently "Hey brother, give this to you, I'm not hurt or hungry." Robben ate a small amount of dry food in his hand and handed it to him.

Robben didn't expect that the Protoss soldier who seemed hungry and hadn't eaten for three days just pushed his hand away. "This is no way. How can you fight the demons when you are hungry! Your arm is injured, this He will soon heal. If we eat, we will attack at dawn!"

Seeing that this tuǐ has been broken off, but only now has a medical soldier come to check on the soldier he left. Looking at the red light on his face, Robben doesn’t know what to say "Then... I will give you Get some water to drink..."

The soldiers in the camp were all gathering water **** to quench their thirst. For a while, the water element became scarce, and some soldiers with weak magic power seemed a little difficult. This is the soldier in front of him. Robben collected a water ball large enough for him. The soldiers thanked Robben happily.

Robben didn't dare to look at the soldier's face when he thanked him, quietly put the piece of dry food beside him, got up and walked away...

The wounded camp was chaotic. Everyone knew no one. There were people walking everywhere. There were **** and painful shēn chants everywhere, as well as the voices talking loudly about the battle today. There was a faint white light on Robben’s arm. It looked like a wounded soldier who had just received treatment and was about to leave. No one paid attention to Robben.

But when he was about to walk to the entrance of the barracks, Robben quickly turned around, walked quickly among the wounded soldiers, found a place to sit down, because at the entrance of the wounded camp, a group of people walked in, and the leader was Fack. special.

"Master Fakert! Master Fakert is here!!

When the wounded saw Fakert coming to the wounded camp, whether it was possible or not, they stood up vigorously, Robben also stood up, although he changed his appearance, but to be careful, Robben still didn’t. Moving forward, just as the soldiers squeezed forward as much as possible, Robben stood behind with his head slightly lowered, inconspicuous.

"My lord! I killed four demons today, and only lost one arm!" I didn't know who among the soldiers screamed.

"My lord! I killed three!" It seemed that there was sympathy, and everyone shouted, "My lord, I didn't kill me, but I also lost an arm!"

"Haha" The soldiers laughed, and the atmosphere in the wounded camp began to liven up.

Fakert's face was not pretty. Looking at these seriously or lightly wounded soldiers, looking at these wounded but still very excited soldiers, Fakert had no choice but to feel helpless. Originally... these were all avoidable. There was no need to die so many soldiers, and there would not be so many injured.

But Fakert knows that no matter what he thinks, it’s useless. The hatred of the demons and the way the demons hang the Sende armor are actually not important. The important thing is that the Protoss army has already stepped out at the beginning. This step, then you can never look back...

"Soldiers! Your courage and strength have proven your worth! I am proud of you. Those soldiers who unfortunately have left us, their spirit hún will definitely return to the embrace of the king of God, let us bless them, Silence for them."

The soldiers lowered their heads. The death of their companions was inevitable. The reality is that what Fact was talking about. Robben didn't care about it. All Robben knew was that Fact seemed a little worried. Of course, these expressions may not be found in the eyes of the protoss soldiers rolling all over, but Robben sensitively caught that Fakert seemed to be worried about something, and it was not necessary that he came here to boost morale, because now The morale of the Protoss army as a whole is high.

Robben probably understands that the supplies of the Protoss should be very tight now. At least these wounded soldiers have no medicines, only magic treatments, and the wounded soldiers only eat a small piece of dry food, so no matter the soldiers who still maintain their combat effectiveness eat It's better or worse than the wounded soldiers, I'm afraid they won't be too different. In this case, the Protoss has come to the edge of danger.

Fakert stayed for a while, and after talking to the soldiers, he left. Robben looked at the direction where Curt was leaving, and walked out of the wounded camp by himself, heading in the opposite direction to Fakert, although using a camouflage nuclear weapon. He won't be able to get out of his way, but there is no such thing as an inconsistent investigation of the camp's fictitiousness once caught. Robben thinks it is better to be safer.

In an unobtrusive place, Robben went directly into a state of invisibility, and there were no too powerful enemies around. Robben boldly began to pierce the barracks.

Robben’s purpose this time is to determine the situation of the Protoss, including the soldier’s reaction and state. If possible, he can also explore the ideas of Rafis and Faqt. The most important thing is to look at the Protoss. How much supplies are there.

The Protoss army after the war looked tired, but it was still excited. Most of the soldiers did not rest, but this was not an obstacle to Robben, as long as it was not like Rafis or Faqt. General Wing, it is safer to walk in the Protoss barracks in stealth, and he can even walk directly in front of some magic generals...

The Protoss material warehouse is heavily guarded, and it is at the core of the Protoss chain camp.

Seeing the small camp for storing supplies, Robben's heart sank slightly. There were rows of houses and cars there, full of things **** with ropes, covered with cloth, and he couldn't see exactly what it was. , But some can be seen from the protrusions on the edge of the cloth that there are weapons and so many things, then the demons may be uncomfortable for a while. Suddenly, the scene of the wounded camp just now flashed in front of Robben’s eyes. Now, what is that inadvertent frown of Fact?

After several hesitations, Robben still cautiously went to the gate of the material camp. The soldiers guarding here were obviously elite, and there were two demon generals. Robben knew that there would be a secret whistle, so his mind swept away. Below, six were found at the gate of the camp alone, and they could not help but sweat secretly.

Taking advantage of the night, in the light and darkness, Robben carefully avoided the attention of all the bright and dark whistles. It took ten minutes to fight the four piles of torches at the entrance of the camp and a hidden gem, and finally entered smoothly. Camp.

There were not as many garrisons outside the camp, but Robben's careful search immediately discovered that there were countless secret sentries in the camp, and some were even hidden directly behind those supply boxes.

It would be...too much!

After standing in place and calculating for nearly twenty minutes, Robben finally decided to go to a relatively safe place to explore the bottom. 1 Move carefully, without attracting the attention of the secret post, Robben mō went to a dead corner of all the secret posts. There are five material carts that can be touched here, all of which are three or four meters tall, with bulging stuff inside.

When he walked to one of the cars that was obviously a house with weapons and equipment, Robben lifted the car completely with his hands and secretly lifted the car up a bit, feeling heavy, and the car was really full of weapons.

It seemed that the Protoss had prepared quite adequately this time. Robben knew that his abacus might be lost.

Gently lifted the five material trucks in turn, each of which was full of materials and was very heavy. Robben couldn't help sighing helplessly. It seems that this time the Demon Race will have a long and tough battle to fight.

It is quite dangerous to open the material truck in such a place where there are many secret posts. In case of violence, Rafis and Fakert will be attracted immediately. It is impossible to get out under the encirclement of the army. Robben does not intend to check other vehicles. Although he is not entirely sure that the Protoss still has sufficient supplies, the current situation can be used as a reference, and he has also probed into some other situations in the Protoss army. It is time to retreat. .

Robben moved carefully, preparing to leave.

But suddenly a weirdness rose from Robben's heart, and Robben felt that something was wrong.

Stopped and took a close look at the surroundings. Robben didn't find any signs that he was being spotted. The secret whistles were still in place. There were also a lot of players outside the material camp and the two magic generals had not moved. Everything was quiet, and there were no soldiers who went out to report, and he was still safe.

Leaning in the car quietly, Robben frowned and thought about the weirdness he had noticed at that moment, but he couldn't remember what he thought was weird.

After thinking about it for a long time, Robben scratched his chin, knowing that he couldn't waste any more time. It would take time to leave the Protoss barracks, and he had to go back earlier.

Just before he was about to leave, Robben suddenly took a halt. He looked at his fingers in surprise and instantly understood what was strange just now.

Raising his hand, Robben sniffed his fingers carefully, then stuck out his tongue and lightly licked...it was the smell of dry food like the Protoss.

Robben clearly remembered that he was holding the piece of dry food in his other hand.

Looking back, Robben looked at the material truck he had lifted last. He mō mō again under the car and raised his hand. Robben finally found that his hand was stained with some dry food powder...

Yes, this is a material car with food. It smells carefully, and there is a faint, unnoticeable smell of food...

The strange thing about Robben lies in the weight of this car!

He lifted the car again, and then Robben walked to the material car with weapons and tried again. The two cars were actually the same weight...

Judging from the weapon water chestnut that emerged from the weapon car, this car is full, so even the car loaded with dry food is full, even if it is twice the weight, it cannot be the same as the car with weapon armor. weight.

Robben clearly remembered that the dry food had the most characteristics of marching food. It was dehydrated and light as feathers.

This material car...has a problem!

Originally didn't want to take the risk to open up, and didn't want to do too much, but now it's different, Robben knows that he must know the truth!

A faint black mist floated from Robben's hand, as if there was nothing under the cover of the night, and at the same time, it completely covered the face of the light blade in Robben's hand.

Carefully dug a triangular gap in the wooden deck of the material truck, and gently, relying on the suction power of wind magic, Robben sucked the board out.

Before Robben could find out what was inside the car, Robben was stunned. While taking out this wooden board, the black soil had already flowed out of the hole in the car.

It was soil. There was no dry food in the carriage. It was just soil. It was just that the soil Robben stayed in place for a few seconds. After reaching out to dig out more soil, a ray of spiritual power penetrated in and formed a spiritual split. After digging in the carriage carefully, Robben did not find any piece of dry food...

I quickly walked to the other four material vehicles and dug up these vehicles one by one. It turned out that all of them were mud. The armored vehicle contained only a few weapons... ...,

Robben didn’t know whether he should be happy or sad, and silently put all the dirt on the ground back into the car, re-installed the wooden board, and concealed the triangular dig marks as much as possible. Robben sighed. I am afraid that my actions will not be violent at all, because Rafis and Fact will definitely not use the things in this carriage anymore. It seems that the supplies of the Protoss are really going to be exhausted, and the soldiers’ food is no longer guaranteed. , Just now, one of the five compartments contained weapons and equipment, and the other four were actually food under careful inspection, but the soil inside was very fresh, and it seemed that it was only recently used up, maybe it is today Just emptied...

Let's go... Robben knew he should go.

Nothing happened after leaving the Protoss barracks. It only took a while. Before the sky was up, Robben had already returned to the demon army.

Going back and forth to the Protoss Yacht overnight, the return of Robben made Queen Biress very excited. Queen Biress was soaking in the bathtub at the time. Seeing Robben suddenly walked in, she leaped forward happily.

"Doctor! You came back so soon!!" Queen Biris kissed Robben with joy.

"Ah, it went smoothly. I didn't encounter any troubles, so I came back sooner naturally.

Robben smiled. "Why are you still up? It will be dawn in a while, and the Protoss will attack again." "

"You won't come, how can I sleep?" Queen Biris said with a retreat.

This woman is indeed getting closer and closer to herself, but Robben sighed softly in his heart.

Seeing Robben's face seemed a little melancholy, Queen Biress asked strangely: "What's the matter, doctor, haven't you got any good news this time?"

Robben shook his head, "No, that's not the opposite. I also brought back good news."

Queen Biris' eyes lit up, "Really? What good news!?"

Robben gently pushed Queen Biress away. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com took off his clothes and lay down in the bathtub a little tired. Queen Biress immediately posted it up and said with a pleased smile: " My good doctor, just say it... Don't make people so anxious."

"The Protoss is about to run out of oil. Although the soldiers' mood and morale are very high, I have seen their stockpiles. They are all mud and wounded soldiers are very many, but they don’t get enough. Good treatment is not much different from our situation, but at least we have enough food and weapons, but they only have a small piece of dry food after a day of fighting."

"That's it!!" Queen Biris' eyes shined brightly.

"Ah, if it were you, one meal should be enough to eat ten yuan of dry food." Robben smiled bitterly.

"I'm not an idiot!" Queen Biress smiled and squeezed Robben's face fiercely, and then said excitedly: "Then should we counterattack! Fight them back first, we are now The bite was too tight."

Robben shook his head. "No, we have to give them food and weapons."

"What!?" Queen Biress opened her eyes immediately. .

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