God Prohibitions

Chapter 344: Beheading

Rem looked at the strange dark aura below and smiled! "Be careful with my head. There is only the Black Emperor in the Demon Realm who is qualified to say this. Now that the two demon kings have left here, I want to see what you can play!?"

Splitting his hands, two fighting swords appeared on his arms again, Rem rushed down fiercely like a big bird volleyed down, and the dark aura suddenly shot out countless thin black lines. The light, except for the one that was dodged by Rem, was split apart by the two airtight vindictive swords.

"Die to me!!!" In the blink of an eye, he came to the edge of this dark atmosphere, Rem roared, and the two fighting swords in his hand soared three feet, and the height of the whole body became bright like a flame of fighting energy.

His arms instantly turned into phantoms, and the two fighting swords swirled into the dark atmosphere.

In the middle of the night, Rem dragged his shining vindictive spirit through the dark aura and dashed forward for a long distance before Rem slowly stopped, and his face seemed a little sullen and completely puzzled. Annoyed, this time the attack was completely failed...

"One thousand seven hundred and nine swords! You really deserve to be a master of swordsmanship beyond the limit. It's unimaginable that you can cut so many swords at this moment." The odd tone has not changed at all.

The dark aura was floating there, and there was no change. Rem slowly turned around, his eyes narrowed slowly, staring at the dark aura and muttered: "This feeling... Why am I familiar?"

"Really? That should say...you are not stupid enough yet, but...that's all, now......, let me lend me your upright head!!!"

The weird emphatic voice just fell, the dark aura had already squirmed quickly, a thick black spot condensed in the breath, and a black light shot out from the black spot straight into Rem's eyes.

"Repeat the old technique!?" Rem did not hesitate to open the black light directly with the sword of fighting energy, and destroyed the remaining dark energy with a backhand sword.

Frowning his eyebrows, Rem noticed that the dark aura on the opposite side seemed to be expanding in size, and it had only doubled in such a short time.

The black dots were constantly condensing in the dark atmosphere, and the black light was shot out. Rem remained unmoved, but gently blocked it with a vindictive sword, without any effort.

But Rem's face was solemn, and he seemed to be thinking about something.

"I have really seen this scene." Rem felt that he was a little familiar with this scene. It seemed that he had experienced such a thing at some time, but once such a strange battle, once he experienced it, he would never forget it. I have counted every time the gods and demons. During the Great War, he seemed to have never encountered such a strange opponent. Even with the existence of the blessing of the **** king, his strength had once again broken through the bottleneck, but he did not expect to face such an opponent completely powerless.

Every black light shot by the other party contains a magic, chaos, fear, shock... etc. Obviously this is the masterpiece of Queen Biris, but what is the matter with this dark atmosphere?

The opponent seems to have completely disappeared in that dark atmosphere, mō can't even feel it, but the other party can really attack him...

Thinking in his mind, Rem suddenly shrank his pupils in his eyes, and the dark aura on the opposite side actually began to be stained with a thick layer of black ink, but as long as you carefully distinguish it, you can find that it is actually hundreds of millions. The black dots are condensed together.

The two swords crossed in front of him, and the two fighting swords suddenly turned into a huge shield. Although the opponent's attack was not terrible, the situation was rather strange, and Rem didn't dare to be careless.

The dark aura that seemed to have poured in a few tuns of ink suddenly exploded, as if the night stretched infinitely at this moment, and the dense black light scattered like the rays of the sun.

Observe the opponent carefully, the more the opponent moves, the more flaws will be! Rem focused his eyebrows, perceiving everything around him with all his strength, carefully searching for even the slightest flaw.

However, Rem knew immediately that he had miscalculated this time, and the dark breath was not launching an attack.

The surrounding space has once again fallen into endless darkness, but this time it is different from the dark realm. This darkness is a kind of darkness illuminated by the light of black, weird and wonderful..................,

Rem felt that this was actually a huge part of that group of dark aura spreading out, from a small group of area, it has now spread into a huge thin cloud group, and he is surrounded by it.

In the front, there is still a small group of dark aura fluttering, in this dark world, it is like a sun emitting a faint black light.

There is no energy to attack xìng, nor any substance to corrode xìng. It seems that there is only a kind of ordinary light around, but this black light will definitely not be ordinary things. understand.

Slowly raising and stabilizing his own vindictiveness for defense, the statue of the **** king became more and more clear, but Rem unexpectedly discovered that the light emitted by the **** king and the power of his own vindictive energy could not dispel this black light.

"It's such a difficult opponent, I really didn't come in vain this time!" Rem nodded lightly and smiled at the corner of his mouth. "Since this is the case, then I will break the rules now, let you see what I really am. Strength can be regarded as a reward for your wonderful performance!"

Slowly raising his hands, the two fighting qi swords in Rem's hand directly retracted into the vindication flowing on Rem's body. "This is the move I prepared specifically to deal with the Black Emperor. Now... Come try the sword!"

"Sorry! You have no chance!" The weird tone came from the small dark breath again.

"No chance?" Rem wanted to laugh, but the corners of his mouth froze. An amazing murderous aura suddenly came from behind him, and he felt it had reached the back of his neck.

Rem's surprise was not trivial. Under his full guard, someone could approach him silently to this point. This is simply impossible! !

It was too late to do extra movements. Rem twisted his body with all his strength, and at the same time, his whole body was like a vindictive gathering behind his back, a part of his vindictive qi exploded directly, and the target pointed at his back "Puff!"

However, all efforts were in vain, a blade of flowing silver light pierced from Rem, who swayed his body, and blood dripped...

Rem's eyes were wide open, looking at the sword blade that came out through, and he couldn't believe his eyes! People who can resist the outbreak of fighting spirit and forcibly attack themselves are also counted in the Demon Realm. I didn't expect that this time they were bullied by such a character silently.

Moreover, Rem's teeth creaked, and a sense of humiliation surged from his heart. This sword that penetrated his body was actually the sword he threw out but did not take back! I was actually penetrated by my own weapon, and my face reflected on the blade was so distorted and terrifying!


There was a roar like a beast from Rem's mouth, completely ignoring the injury of his body being penetrated by the long sword, his body was twisted fiercely, his hand exploded, and a battle sword had been slammed out behind him.

However, the opponent behind apparently had expected Rem to fight back, let go of the sword early, and quickly retreated, but despite this, there was still a grunt in the air, and the attacker was scratched by Rem's powerful sword aura. ...

The muscles of his mouth twisted for a while, and under the frenzied anger, Rem’s long sword was instantly forced out. Holding the sword in his hand, Rem, who was about to chase the attacker, saw what the attacker looked like. Appearance, but couldn't help being stunned.

"You're not dead!!?" Rem's eyes instantly widened to the limit. In front of Rem was the Demon Lord Ofris with an extra wound on his arm.

The expressions on the face of the Demon King Ofris were weird, surprised, joyful, fearful, and even suspicious. The mixed emotions on his face made him look quite funny.

"Yeah, I'm not dead! But now you are dying!" The Demon Lord Ofris looked at the sword wound on Rem's body, and the expression on his face finally turned into [excited].

Rem's body trembled suddenly, and he couldn't help being furious. This sword was filled with various powers, fighting spirit magic, and various branches of the two powers, directly and continuously, with varying destructive powers. A brainstorm burst out in the body.

He fiercely used the fighting pressure to control these forces that would damage his body. Rem cracked his canthus and roared, "I will kill you first! "Look who will die first! ! "The King of Orris also roared and greeted him directly. Rem's anger soared, and he slashed out directly. Before the Demon King of Orris hadn't reacted, it was already impartially on the top of his head!

"Dead!!!" Rem's long sword smashed to the end with a frantic roar.


I didn't expect Rem to split his opponent in half, but suddenly there was an explosion from the blade of the sword, and the whole sword burst completely, and a blue light bō popped out, directly hitting the Demon King Ofris. On his body, the Demon Lord Ofris was bounced quickly like a ball, and he was already a long distance away in the blink of an eye.

Rem instantly stiffened, looking at his beloved sword with only the hilt left, his mouth trembling chún...

"You, you" Rem was angry and could hardly speak. This was a complete plot! ! !

This sword has been made with hands and feet long ago. I don’t know how much destructive power is attached to it, and there is also a self-destructive magic. At the same time, once the sword body explodes, the other acceleration magic will immediately protect the Demon King of Orris away from him. By his side, it's no wonder that Offris was so courageous to fight against himself who had been blessed by the king, because he knew he would not be hurt...

"Kill!! I want to kill you!! I want to kill you!!!" Rem threw away the long sword with only the hilt left, and Rem yelled to the sky, sounding like a thunder, obviously he was extremely angry. .

"You are dead!" A cold voice rang in Rem's ear.


Turning around, Rem's arms pierced like a windmill, and a circle of sword aura shot out without any rules〖jī〗, but when Rem turned around, he found that he was empty in front of him, there was nothing at all. A small group of dark aura is still floating in the same place.

"You are dead!!" The same voice rang in Rem's ear again.

Rem's eyes reddened like blood, because not far in front of him, Queen Biris appeared there without warning, her eyes flickered with silver light, and her whole body exuded a strong magical movement, just like ...Has been there for a long time.

Not surprised, nor hesitating, Rem roared in anger, and crossed his arms in a simple and direct way. Two long-whip-like vindictive swords slashed towards Queen Biris's neck from both sides.

"Stupid!!" Queen Biris did not evade, but spit out two words.

The sharp sword aura is approaching her body, but Queen Biris has no intention of being afraid. The magic power surging all over her body bursts out, and the magic that has been accumulated for a long time is activated and activated immediately. There is a simple structure behind it, no matter from huā pattern to talisman. The huge magic circle that looked so primitive and simple was formed instantly.

"The devil comes!"

Queen Biris burst out with black light, her eyes were like two cold stars in the dark night, scattering a terrifying cold light, and a huge phantom appeared behind her.

Demon statue!

Rem is the double sword that has been cut to Queen Biris’s side less than two feet away. Queen Biris’s smooth and delicate skin has been scarred by Senhan’s sword energy, but at this moment, Rem’s Jian abruptly stopped in the air.

Looking at the front in amazement, Rem's body seemed to be half of the time still unable to move.

In front of Rem's eyes, the huge demon statue had already occupied all of his vision. "Uh, uh" Rem made an unsuspecting sound in his throat, staring at the huge demon statue, his eyes violently opened, and the corners of his eyes twitched. Twitching pupils continue to shrink.

Queen Biress smiled...

Rem... also smiled...

Suddenly lowered his head, originally raised his head and opened his eyes violently looking at the demon statue, Rem's silly smile on his face, "Beauty, what are you proud of?"

Queen Biris’ smile stiffened directly on her face, "You! Actually"

"This kind of magic is useless for me! You are just a ghost of the demon god, and lying... you have received the blessing of the **** king himself!" Rem's eyes were blood red, and his face was bloodthirsty. 〖Xing〗Fen "Beauty pay the price! I will cherish your head!"

The sword body of the fighting spirit shining again, Rem let out a violent roar, his arms were wrong, and a silver light flashed across...

"Puff!" A head sprinkled with blood soaring into the sky...

The blood-red eyes looked at the blood-stained face of Queen Biris, the exquisite armor, the exquisite figure that evoked reverie, and the... the dark sky and the dark earth that resembled hell, the world was spinning ...

The blood was spraying like a fountain, and it seemed that it was still showing the excitement and rage of the body owner. Queen Biris looked at the blood stains on her body with a bit of disgust, and then threw a black fireball out. , The fireball was thrown on the body that still had burning flames of vindictive energy. The fireball exploded. Jin's vindictive qi was exploded, and the body that had lost its vindictive qi support fell to the ground together with the head that shot into the sky...

Queen Biress breathed a long sigh and stretched out her hand to mō her own neck. There were not deep or shallow scars on the left and right sides of her neck, and the blood was flowing continuously.

"I thought that my head was going to be cut off this time. You really thought of a good way to throw your own woman out as bait, but you yourself hide behind and prepare to attack, ah, I'm really a woman who has suffered. "Queen Biress muttered, she quickly took out the healing magic scroll from her ring to heal herself.

"Are you okay..." the weird tone sounded again.

"It's okay, it's just a skin injury. My head is finally saved." Queen Biris was satisfied, mō stopped the bleeding wound immediately, and said: "What is your trick? Isn't it too weird? I even heard that Never heard of it!"

"How could you have never heard of it, you have seen it with your own eyes!"

"I have seen it with my own eyes?" Queen Biris was taken aback.

"Forget it, let's not say more! The Demon Lord Ofris is here, you can deal with him for me, I must go first!"

"Huh! How do I feel that I have to listen to your orders now!?" Queen Biris rubbed her teeth.

"Help, don't let him find me, fortunately the other two demon kings have already left.

Otherwise, it is not clear, this is also for our two numbers. "The weird tone was somewhat flattering.

"Then explain everything to me just now!"

"Well, if I can explain it, I will explain it all, it's too late, I'm leaving!" As soon as the voice fell, the black light shining in the air shrank fiercely, and all retracted into the dark atmosphere, followed by this dark atmosphere. Fleeing to the distance.

Looking at the dark aura that disappeared into the sky in the blink of an eye, Queen Biris shook her head helplessly, "This **** fellow!"

Turning her head, Queen Beris found that the Demon Lord Ofris had come close to her.

With unconcealed astonishment and doubts on his face, the Demon Lord Ofris carried Rem's head and corpse in his left and right hands.

"Rem is sure that he is dead, but the spirit hún seems to have escaped. I pursued it, but it was unsuccessful. However, his spirit hún also seemed to have suffered a lot of damage, and he should not appear again in this battle. "

Queen Biress nodded, "It would be great to defeat him. The spirit hún that wounded him is an unprecedented result. There is no need to ask too much. Take his body back. I will tell my father. Tell me everything here."

After speaking, Queen Biris turned and left. The Demon King Ofris quickly followed, and asked carefully: "Queen... Your lord! I don't know who... just now?"

Your queen? Queen Biris was amused, and it seemed that the outcome of this battle had shocked the Aufris.

"You don't need to know that." Queen Biris refused the question of the Demon Lord Ofris without giving any face.

"My lord Queen, in addition to reporting this matter to our father, we must also tell the soldiers. Some of the soldiers with vision and talent will also see some of the fighting situation here. We too It cannot be said that we defeated the **** of war, Rem, and that might make the soldiers dissatisfied."

Queen Biris looked back at Demon Ofris, and the Demon of Obris grinned involuntarily, smiling a little humbly.

"It's okay to say it, but it's not necessary, because he doesn't want others to know his name, he doesn't want to care about too much, and he won't show up on our battlefield to help us too much. This time... It's just for me!" Queen Biris said with a serious face, but in the end she couldn't help laughing.

"For the Queen?" Offris was surprised.

"She is my teacher!" Queen Biris said casually.

"Teacher?" The Demon Lord Ofris was even more surprised.

In all the information materials and gossip, Queen Biris studied the magic of the spirit hún by herself, and it was also because she alone exerted the power of the magic fragments left by the ancient witch to the limit, which in addition to show that she has a very powerful In addition to spirit hún magic, it also has a huge potential that no demon king has. Every demon king knew the powerful strength of the witch. That's why the demon kings were reluctant to trouble her, but they had never heard of her having a teacher. There has never been a person with a spirit hún magic that can reach half of her level.

The Demon King Ofris was shocked. If you say that there is a powerful person who uses spirit hún magic, there has been one in the past few years. Although there is no information to prove how powerful his spirit hún magic is, this is precisely to explain that there is no Things can tell how powerful his spirit hún magic is. This person is Robben, but until now, he has disappeared from everyone’s sight for a while, and Queen Biress said he went to perform what must be done. , But no one knows what the task is.

Robben? ? The Demon King Ofris made a whisper in his heart. It seems that Robben is indeed mysterious, but it seems impossible to insist that he is the Queen’s teacher. First of all, judging from the words and deeds of this guy, he is not strong at all. The conscious, several battles that have attracted attention, although they have won beautifully, they have no strength similar to the queen. Another point is that although this Robben later became a celebrity next to the queen, he didn’t seem to have a particularly good relationship with the queen. Sometimes when the two of them were discussing something alone, they would be blasted out of the room by the queen. It seems that this is not the Queen’s courtesy to the teacher...

The most important thing is that this Robben is still very young, and the time the queen has practiced spiritual hún magic is too long to calculate...

But apart from this Robben, there seems to be no suspicious target.

"Aufris!" Queen Biris who was flying ahead suddenly called.

"What's the Queen?" Offris quickly answered.

"Don't speculate wildly. My teacher doesn't like staying with us, and doesn't like others always trying to find him out. If you don't want to make trouble, don't talk nonsense, understand?" Queen Biris said in her voice. It is full of warning.

Although he is the same demon king, the Demon Lord Ofris has no temper at all towards Queen Biris. He can play with the **** of war in the palm of his hand and beheaded at the end. In the devil world, only the black emperor can be alone. Do it! Such an existence is a friend, but if it becomes an enemy, it will be a nightmare.

"My lord Queen is worried, why should I go back to guess and talk, saying that we were all saved by the Queen's teacher this time, I just feel jī in my heart, I just want to say thank you."

The Demon Lord Ofris said it was extremely sincere.

Queen Biris snorted, "No, the teacher just came to save me and saved you by the way."

The Demon of Obris was speechless for a while.

Tens of thousands of protoss army has been smashed into the wilderness by Rem, and the **** of war Rem was eventually beheaded. The protoss was completely destroyed. In this battle, the demons did not lose a single soldier. Only two demon kings were slightly injured. Win all.

The countless army of demons gathered together again, like a huge black cloud pressing down on the plain. Although the soldiers did not join the battle, they could see lightning and thunder on the plain from a distance, the light and darkness intertwined, and the earth kept trembling. The pressure in the air that made people breathless still made all the Demon soldiers feel extremely tired.

But this exhaustion was quickly wiped out by the great joy of victory.

Tens of thousands of demons were laid flat on the plains for rest, but more of it seemed to be celebrating that everyone understood what it meant to eliminate the God of War. The fall of the demon king seemed to put a heavy burden on the hearts of the soldiers of the demons. , But now, this burden has become extremely light.

There was joy in the entire huge camp. The Demon soldiers shouted excitedly, yelling and lighting up a huge bonfire, lined up for the exercise, roared loudly during the exercise, and used the tip of the gun in the acting battle. His gun lashed his companion's body happily!

I have to say that the way the Demon Soldier celebrates is strange...

The camp was noisy, but inside the huge camp of the Chinese army it was very quiet.

The three demon kings including Queen Biris and Offris were all sitting here, and Robben had fought with Queen Biris as good as before, still looking like a shì woman.

Both Paqueto and the Demon King Xiulun were ashamed, and they lowered their heads and did not speak. Demon King Obris looked at both of them, and then looked at Queen Biris sitting in the upper position. He was not good at talking, and Bi Rui Queen Si was also silent, and there had been no movement in the big tent for a long time.

In the end, it was Queen Biris's faint sigh that broke the silence.

"Well, this matter is over, don’t care anymore. We broke the Protoss army and killed a powerful God of War, but said that we fought a beautiful victory, so please be a little bit happy. You haven’t seen the whole army. Are the soldiers cheering? Don't keep your faces calm.

"Uh, yes, yes" Demon Lord Ofris wandered away, constantly looking at Queen Biris and the other two demon kings.

"Xulon, Paqueto, do you two have anything to say?" Queen Biris directly pointed the words to the two demon kings.

"I am extremely ashamed, and chose to retreat in the battle. I am deeply ashamed!" Xiulun's expression was heartbroken.

Queen Biress rubbed her forehead, "Paktor, how about you?"

"I am also deeply ashamed, I..."

"Okay, okay, don't say it!" Queen Biris waved her hand and interrupted Demon King Paquetor.

With a sigh, Queen Biris said helplessly: "We are now fighting against the Protoss. Our four demon kings lead the forces of the original six demon kings. Although there are a lot of people, you have seen it. We are here. When it comes to the true power of the Protoss, it is fragile and weak, so I hope everyone will wake up. At the beginning, I sent Qis to you to ask for your opinions, but you refused. I think now we should see our lack of strength. Got it!?"

The Demon King Ofris pondered for a moment and said: "Yes, Lord Queen, through this battle with Rem, I found that the Protoss used some power that we don’t understand yet. If we don’t work together, it’s probably difficult. Deal with them."

Queen Biris nodded in satisfaction, "Xulon, Paqueto, are you still insisting on the previous meaning?"

"I'm very embarrassed..." Xiulun was ashamed.

"Okay!!" Queen Biris interrupted Xiulun's words with great dissatisfaction. Suddenly she furiously pointed her cheek to Xiulen's nose and cursed: "You **** idiot! Now I don't want to see your performance. If you are ashamed, you don’t have to show it to me! That’s not something to be ashamed of! That’s a correct judgment! If it weren’t for my teacher to come to the rescue, at least the power of the Demon King would be retained! We all died there That's the real stupidity!!"

Demon King Xiurun and Demon Paketuo couldn't help being slightly surprised when they heard what Queen Biris said, and looked at Queen Biris suspiciously.

Queen Biris sighed and continued: "So there is no need to act for me anymore, we don't have that time! I will not make irresponsible remarks to you in front of my father through this incident, do you doubt your father's Wisdom, do you think that my father will believe my exaggeration? It's really stupid than the other!"

After all, this woman used this incident to consolidate her position as a coach. Looking at the following three fellow males who are also the Demon King but were scolded by Queen Biress and couldn’t make it back, Robben stood aside. , Could not help but sympathize.

Queen Biris thought for a while, and said: "You have also seen the strength of the Protoss. This time Rem was besieged by us. It was obviously a trap. He knew in advance how many demon kings we had led, so he was led by the three of you. When I was surrounded, I did not launch an attack, but waited for me to be called by you so that we could kill the four of us together. This shows that there is ān in our army. I think my father should have told you demon kings too. Now there are some six. Wing Zhan will pretend to be a demon and mixed into our army. We must be very small now compared to the fact that intelligence is leaking.

Be cautious, and unite all forces! It is possible to defeat the Protoss. "

Looking at the other three demon kings, and seeing that they didn’t speak, Queen Biress said: “I won’t be oblivious. I hope that our coalition army can truly be integrated instead of doing things independently. Commands must be unified. The coordinated mobilization of the whole army from top to bottom can no longer be like a pan of sand!"

The three demon kings below looked at each other, all saw a little helpless in each other's eyes, so they had to shake their heads slightly without speaking.

"Is this acquiescence or is it negative?" Queen Biris asked unwillingly.

The three demon kings are all sullen, and it seems that no one wants to speak first, but everyone understands that today's affairs may not be able to escape...

The meaning of Queen Biress is very clear that the whole army cooperates, and ordering the unity is actually equivalent to the entire army being held by Queen Biress herself, and her three demon kings have become her subordinates and are under her command. After all, it is her who is solely responsible here, and this is an order from his father.

Previously they were both unconvinced and violated, but now facing a mysterious figure, a mysterious figure who can kill the **** of war, this matter can't tolerate one's hesitation and this matter spread to his father's ears. Obviously, Queen Biris has done the most, and the position of this commander is firmly seated...

Seeing Queen Biris staring straight at her, Offris sighed and thought about it... Anyway, this was the father's previous order, and now it is considered to be obeying his father's instructions.

At the moment the Demon King Ofris said: "I agree with the Queen's meaning. The situation of the Protoss is very unpredictable now. We must also gather our strength to prevent everyone from breaking!"

Xiurun and Demon King Paquetor smiled bitterly at each other, and one of the three expressed his opinion, so it was meaningless to insist.

"I also think...that's great!" Well...I think so too! "

Queen Biress smiled with satisfaction. "Very well, no matter what you think in your heart, it is enough to be able to say this. I don't have any excessive demands on you. I just hope you don't act arbitrarily. Once the Protoss has any movement As long as it’s not a matter of urgency, we must discuss it before taking action. This can be done, and I don’t have any requirements!"

When the three demon kings such as Obris heard this, they were quite surprised. I didn't expect this woman to speak easily when she was holding the winning ticket.

"This is naturally very good, and everything should follow the instructions of the Queen."

The Demon Lord Ofris spoke first again. The other two demon kings immediately responded.

Although there was a sense of being persecuted, there was actually no loss. The three demon kings finally left with a wry smile, and they were still quite acceptable to what happened today.

As soon as the three demon kings left, Queen Biris immediately sighed, her straight waist retracted into the seat, and she cursed: "These three **** bastards, asking them to surrender some power is like killing them. same!"

Robben smiled: "That's it. It's no good to force it too tightly. Anyway, we don't really want their rights, just to better fight the Protoss. Now it seems that we don't rely on these. With the power of a demon king, our action to sweep the gods this time may still be the result."

Queen Biris sat up, turned her head and lay on the back of the chair, staring at Robben with both eyes, and said: "Okay, now I have done what you said, so should you too? Explain to me what is going on, my teacher!!!"

Robben smiled and scratched his head "This matter is very complicated to say"

Queen Biress raised her eyebrows and reached out her hands to grab both ears of Robben. "Even if it is a hundred times more complicated than complicated, you must explain it to me!"

Robben groaned and hurriedly grasped the pulling hands on both sides and said: "I didn't say no to explain, but it was a little complicated. Don't pull, we will return to the palace with fragile ears, and then talk about it!"

One after another, he left the Chinese army’s big tent, and returned to the palace. In the bedroom, Queen Biris pushed down Robben, staring at Robben like a lioness staring at her prey. : "Okay, let's talk now! Don't miss a word!"

Robben scratched his head and said helplessly: "Okay, but before explaining, I think I'd better let you see an unexpected thing!"

Talking that Robben cracked his mouth and smiled, Queen Biress was wondering how Robben smiled so strangely, and she was surprised to find that Robben's cracked mouth was deforming.

"You" Queen Biress was surprised to find that Robben's entire face began to change shape.

The body under her body also began to change significantly, and a familiar face appeared in front of her within a few breaths.

Robben mō mō his own face, hehe smiled: "Sure enough, this face is more suitable for me!"

Queen Biress stared at Robben, lowered her head and looked at it. She stretched out her hand to mō Loben's ōng mouth, and said in amazement: "The change is back? Didn't you use the disguise nuclear?"

Robben, who had recovered his original appearance, was in a good mood. He raised his head and kissed Queen Biris fiercely, and said, "Well, I have to thank that Rem. If it weren't for him to attack me with such a strong lightning strike, I It should not be able to recover now, and now it seems that there is no longer a time limit for using the disguise core~www.readwn.com~ Queen Biris looked up and down at Robben, turned her head and hummed, "It looks like a man. Still ugly, not as attractive as my appearance. "

Robben smiled bitterly, "Okay, my strange queen, don't you think that your own body is a very strange thing?"

"Who is the strange Queen!" Queen Biris punched Robben in the face without hesitation...

Robben also discovered that a man's body is bad. At least when he is a woman's body, this woman generally does not use violence against him...

After the fight, Queen Biress said thoughtfully: "But this is not bad, it feels completely different, ah~~~ I actually miss this feeling a bit, now hug me tightly and give me a kiss! I explain!"

The attitude towards men and women is completely different, Robben resents.

After stroking the sensitive parts of Queen Biris' body and softening her wěn's whole body, Robben said, "Actually, there is nothing particularly strange. Do you remember that creek? He doesn't have an instant lightsaber. Isn't it?

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