God Rank Hero

Chapter 1043: Not too much debt, but not enough

Facing the sudden change of the World Channel, Dafei was shocked at the scene: "How can this happen? Shouldn't this make me fight against the Dark Alliance players around the world?"

Thain shook his head: "Hell races don't have such excellent talents as the Lord of the City, so their only way is to make the task public and let all the warriors in the dark camp participate in the search. But there is no way for hundreds of thousands of chickens to fight one. The eagle flying at high altitude is the lord of the city owner who owns the boat of the sky, so it is completely unconcerned. However, if the lord of the city still feels overwhelmed, he can also open the mission to the Alliance of Lights and trigger the battle of the nation Mission confrontation, but then the Lord of the Lord's mission had much less revenue. "

Dafei was surprised: "That's it, OK, I'll think it over."

Thain continued: "By the way, it takes at least a day to install and transform the power unit. If it is the Lord of the City, we will install it more cautiously in the spirit of excellence, and it may take longer. If the Lord of the City has other Things, you might as well wait to see the results. "

Da Fei said, "Okay, take your time and work slowly. Don't worry about such important equipment!"

Thain smiled, "Please Lord Lord, put 120 hearts in your heart, here is me!"

Dafei breathed a long sigh of relief, and finally could take a rest. But after the impact of the auction, Da Fei's spirit is still in a state of excitement, exactly in a state of panic, and he can't sleep at all. Once thinking of this ten billion arrears, Dafei shuddered again.

At the auction site, there were crowds of people, and the tsunami shouted. The whole person followed the blood, but think about it carefully. Ten billion is always ten billion, even if there are more good reasons, this number is really on their heads.

What exactly is 10 billion?

Da Fei remembered a short paragraph, China's first rich tens of billions of net worth, how can an average person surpass him as quickly as possible? The only way is to win the lottery, that is to say that ordinary people drop 5 million in the day of the Grand Canal, and it will take 2,000 consecutive days to win the lottery. How many years can life have? I am afraid that even the reincarnation of the **** of wealth may not be able to do it!

At this moment, the sober Dafei fully realized the seriousness of the problem! Even if the boat of the sky is a lottery artifact that can win 5 million every day. But are you really busy here? Can this game really be played for 6 years? Not to mention that there are dark players from all over the world fighting against themselves. If you ca n’t keep up, do n’t you get stabbed to death? I ca n’t afford all the territorial properties! If the system really pits the player to this point, then the player is not on the roof yet?

Da Fei frowned and fell into deep thought.

wrong! It must not be this way! When wealth has reached tens of billions, it has nothing to do with hard work! If you count on hard work to pay off the tens of billions of dollars in debt, you will be crushed to death by millions of daily interest alone! Even if there is no interest, you can't do it by yourself stupidly going to the New World to occupy the land of the mining circle. After all, occupying a mine in the New World is simply dragging yourself into the mire of war. You ca n’t extricate yourself from peace of mind, let alone say Rapid development!

Well. Where is the key to breaking the game? Da Fei thought of his three gold masters who had never met.

In other words, if you are really forced to the point of being on the rooftop, who in the world is most worried and unwilling? Definitely three gold masters! That's right, these are three **** allies who have been tied to the chariot by themselves! As long as there is a huge debt relationship, not to mention being an ally of the same camp, even the enemy can work together!

Don't say far. Take China-US relations as an example. In 2008, the US financial crisis broke out and the wave of bankruptcy swept the world. Russia also took the opportunity to lobby China: "The time has come to end the dominance of the US dollar. Take the opportunity to sell US Treasuries. The US dollar will become worthless! Then the ruble and the yuan will rise! "

At this time, the US emperor was also panicked. On the one hand, it threatened by force: "Who dares to throw US national debt means declare war on the United States!" On the other hand, it also throws an olive branch to China: "Dear, continue to lend me money and save the United States It is saving China! "

Saving the United States is saving China, which sounds the most ridiculous. But it is indeed the most helpless reality.

Because the United States owes money from all over the world, all creditors around the world do not want the United States to dump it! In particular, China is the number one creditor of the United States. When the United States falls, the huge debts of the United States can not be repaid using various companies as bankruptcy. This is an absolutely unbearable loss for China. So that year, the worse the United States lost, the worse the world continued to borrow money from the United States for blood transfusions. This is definitely a rare spectacle.

When will the huge US debt be paid off? A child from the United States also asked Buffett, the American stock god. Buffett smiled and answered meaningfully: "Let your son, your grandson go back!"

That is, until the end of the world. The United States is not clear of his huge debt. This is the strength of the United States as the world's number one debt overlord.

On the other hand, Russia, since the fall of Ukraine and the EU, has imposed various sanctions embargoes on Russia, and has also intervened in the international oil prices that Russia depends on. Russia is suffering miserably.

What is the reason? In a word, debts are low! If Russia also owes a huge debt to the EU, do you think the EU dares to put Russia to death? Of course, Russia does not have the ability to owe a huge debt to the EU-people just don't borrow it!

At this moment, Dafei was suddenly awakened!

Brother can owe 10 billion that is also the ability of brother. If brother is a nameless and incompetent generation, npc will not even borrow 100 yuan. Not to mention 10 billion! Now it seems that this 10 billion is not owed too much, but it is not enough! As for how much you owe? Suffer, wait until the game company goes down to consider this issue!

So what should we do now? Of course, there are multiple ways for multiple creditors to continue borrowing! If there are more creditors, you can borrow triangle debts and dismantle the east wall to make up the western wall!

Who are you looking for now? Makar! Your platinum card hasn't played out at all. It didn't help at all. Are you worthy of me? The relationship between you and me is so good, it is time to tie you to brother's chariot.

Therefore, the suddenly and cheerfully flying Fei went all the way straight to the city of St. Paul. At this moment, the message of Da Fei's friend rang, and at a glance, it was Xuewei Rose.

Xuewei Rose laughed: "Fei, I see you."

The beauty is attentive and there must be good things. Dafei grinned and said, "What's the matter with beauties?"

Xuewei Rose asked: "Feige didn't see the information on World Channel. We don't understand what's going on. Feige can give me some advice?"

Let me go and point a fart! Da Fei had to pretend to be stupid: "I really don't know, I just bought the perfect girl home from the city of the wizard, and I want to know what the goddess fragment is."

Xuewei Rose said with a grin: "We thought this was another mission triggered by Fei Ge."

Suddenly, it is obvious that Brother appears in the city of the Master, so things are related to Brother? You also have to consider the feelings of master players in foreign areas.

Dafei laughed: "Even if I trigger it, it is also a task that triggers the Bright Alliance. How could it trigger the Dark Alliance? Maybe it was triggered by the master of the Dark Alliance in other areas?"

Xuewei Rose laughed: "Feige said it makes sense, then Feige slowly does not bother."

"Beauty is also slowly busy."

This mission, which is hostile to the players of the Dark Alliance around the world, must be kept secret. Even if others think it is brother, he will not be recognized if he is killed.

After speaking, Da Fei once again arrived at the Duke's Mansion. After the kind greetings from players passing by in the Duke's Mansion, Da Fei again arrived in the Duke's study room and waited quietly.

After a while, the Duke hurriedly appeared in a long sigh: "My student, I know what you did in the Holy Crown City Trading Center, you are a big loser! After all, there is only a balloon, whether it is looking for a goblin or other Alchemy workshops are not impossible! "

Oh! I knew you would say that. This question must be answered well, otherwise he thinks brother is a fool and will not support him in the future. But I have to say that this Nima is really stupid!

Da Fei smiled indifferently: "But teacher, my gain is also impossible to measure with money."

The duke frowned: "Oh? There are still gains that can't be measured with billions? Speak to hear?"

Da Fei said indifferently: "First, the students gained a high reputation in the Seven Cities Alliance after buying balloons at a high price. This can have the effect of buying horse bones for a thousand dollars. In this way, some high-tech things of some mages will be sold first. As long as there are so many high-tech students, it is not so difficult for students to repay their debts. "

The Duke said, "What then?"

Da Fei continued: "The students then met three wealthy allies through this auction. Now we are already a community of interests. In the future, students will unite and integrate their strength to advance and retreat. Students are not fighting alone, but With such strong power, students can also serve their teachers better! "

The duke's expression moved, his voice couldn't help but be excited: "What then?"

Da Fei laughed: "Then it is an impossible task for the students to force the **** to use their power to hurt the people, and it is difficult to predict the future development of the world situation! Isn't this indescribable with gold coins?"

The Duke laughed: "That makes sense! It makes sense!"

Fudge successfully! Dafei laughed: "So this time, the student came to return the teacher's platinum card."

Makar really said: "This time the Platinum Card encountered an evenly matched opponent and did not help. Can you still ask for it, teacher and I can consider it!"


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