God Rank Hero

Chapter 1218: Abyss Teleport Siege

The so-called conversion of skills into vocational skills, that is, the transfer of skills to the directory of the occupation, so that the effect of skills is subject to the occupation level. For example, Da Fei's earliest talent skills are storm sailing, and the effect is fixed. However, after Da Fei converts storm sailing into a navigator's professional skills, the effect will be increased by the navigator's level.

And this time the situation is different, is it perfect? That is the relationship of mutual promotion? For Da Fei who has completed multiple large battlefield missions in succession, 5 skill points are not a big deal. Conversion!

System Tip: You have spent 5 skill points to convert the 5 Eagle Training Skills from "Eagle Egg Hatching Eagle Transportation Vision Shared Area Alert Independent Departure Tracking" in the "Falcon Training" , Your expert sentry class is perfected, the sentry's reconnaissance pet attacks +10, defense +10, damage +10, life +50, and physical strength +50.

Falcon Squad: Sentinel can tame hatched wild eagle eggs to expand the number of reconnaissance eagles. Each sentry class can tame an additional falcon. Your current expert sentry can train five additional Falcons. (Note: Apprentice sentry can also train an additional Falcon.)

The system prompts: You have perfected your sentry profession, your wisdom is +1.


The sentry pet attribute has doubled! Falcon squad? What the hell! Brother can currently raise 5 additional falcons? Counting 6 blood eagles? After the rush to the grandmaster sentry is 8? With 8 words, each can be scored by dozens of points to gain blood defense against the master-level sentry, and then the brother's anti-sky attribute will be added to one-tenth of the attribute. This combat power is proper! Brother, is this the rhythm of being a humanoid aircraft carrier?

That's right! Brother Blood Eagle was too afraid to use cystitis. Is it okay to use the low-end eagle? Why not broadcast today's video. The whole world knows he has this prominent eagle, and it is no secret! As long as the brother falcon team comes out, are you afraid that the birdman of the emperor will sway in front of brother? She rushed up and pecked directly!

Da Fei hurriedly sent a message to Fire Dance Frenzy: "How many falcons can you fly at one time?"

Fire Dance replied, "Of course you can only fly one? What does Fei mean?"

Dafei laughed: "Can't fly five, six or seven at a time?"

Fire Dance was furious and said, "Fei brother, your old man is really creative. Although I also have several eagle cages in my backpack, they are all spared in case of war death, but I can only fly one at a time. what."

Lying down! Are there any spares? Tongtong used to let brother play! Dafei hurriedly asked, "How many spares do you have?"

Fire Dance coughed and cried out: "Several died yesterday in the reconnaissance of the enemy. I just sent one Fei Ge. There is only one now. This flying eagle is too crisp and easy to die. I will grab a few more nests of eagle eggs and reserve a pile for Fei. "

Dafei laughed: "Well, then go back to China and talk about it."

Having said that, if five or six hundred and eight eagles fly together in front of his face, wouldn't he urinate his irritating farts and kneel down for tips? That brother really hasn't withdrawn! Anyway, let's talk about it later.

Da Fei suddenly thought about it again and asked, "Yes, does this egg need an eagle egg? Can other eggs?"

Fire Dance exclaimed: "Feige! Your old man is truly an outstanding master with a wide range of ideas! Don't conceal Feige. I have been looking for owl eggs some time ago, and I want to increase the night vision ability. But it did not succeed.

Dafei frowned: "Owl? Must it be an eagle? What about dragon eggs?"

"Feige! I'm kneeling for your elderly! Please ask Fei to take me to train the dragon!"

"Let me go! What about the swan? Albatross? The crow?"

"Feige! I have never seen a swan! But as far as Feige is concerned, I will definitely try all kinds of bird eggs!"

Dafei smirked in surprise: "Okay, I just ask, you keep busy!"

"Feige continues to be busy!"

Dafei exhaled a long breath, this time the harvest is simply unexpected surprise! It seems that it is good to know more masters and collect more capable brothers to communicate with each other.

In short, let's get started. The task of killing 3 monsters gave Da Fei 1000 the rewards of the troops, then there is nothing to say, all recruit jungle hunters. In addition, when she first arrived, Wei Qiqi gave Dafei's 1,000 hunters hundreds of marksmen trained by Dafei, and then took two crossbow cannons. Dafei had enough confidence to shoot the siege army. Into a sieve! And with such a large number of hunters, the extra life bonus of Da Fei is taken away, and Da Fei has enough confidence to carry various magical blows.

Just as Da Fei lined up a few vehicles for ammunition on the Chengcheng wall, the teleportation array in the city swarmed, and a dozen or so players with the Korean flag appeared all at once. The regional channel was surprised: "Yes Korean beautiful girl Lee Eun Joo! "

"The storm and blade of the tdk team! The sky of the t wave x team! A Korean professional!"

Then the message of Dafei's friend sounded, it was Li Yinzhu: "Oba! I brought twelve people to help! They are all masters!"

Da Fei smiled a moment before he laughed: "There is no doubt that foreign players can cross the battlefield are masters who have completed the big task. Well, welcome! Welcome!"

With that said, Da Fei was suddenly tangled! They came here to help themselves. It is reasonable that they should go down the walls to meet them? The question is, what kind of identity is Brother once they pick them up in person? Lying down! I didn't expect this layer?

In the midst of entanglement, Li Yinzhu did laugh: "Opa is very busy and does not need to come to welcome, we only want a convenient location for shooting and observation, can you arrange it?"

Really understanding! Dafei Dasong breathed out: "No problem, I'll let Xuewei Qiqi come and arrange for you!"

Li Yinzhu laughed: "The most convenient location is actually Oba's side. Let's come to Oba's side. We have a dozen people who don't have any soldiers and don't need to move their positions. Is it convenient?"

Lying down! It turned out to be an observation group? Can you say it's inconvenient if the visitor is a guest? Dafei grinned and said, "No problem, no problem, convenient and convenient!"

Li Yinzhu laughed: "Great! Oba rest assured, these seniors I invited have strong legion-assisted magic skills and will certainly not disappoint Oba."

OK, I will not let you down! I want you to know who is the center of the universe!

At 8:10 pm Beijing time, Da Fei, who completed the formation, recharged the ball's bright tears while hanging up, while listening to Li Yinzhu chatting and singing on the team channel. At this time, the entire city burst out with a screaming alarm. A huge flame-like formation covering the city square suddenly appeared in the city like a football field!

coming! The legendary super **** gate is really a direct transfer of troops into the city! At this moment, the spirits of players from various countries in the city have been preparing for a long time.

Some players exclaimed: "More outside the city!"

Da Fei turned his head to look at it, and was shocked at first glance. There was a fire outside the city! There are more than a dozen **** gates in the giant stadium, and hundreds of thousands of small **** gates. The players in the city are uproar!

The next moment, the whole land was shaking in the rumble. In the raging flames of fire, countless flame demons rushed out of the gate of hell, inside and outside the city, a fiery sea! This is the transmission power of the Hell Corps. The scale of this offense can only be described by the flood discharge of the dam!

When Da Fei was shocked by the power of the **** army, players in the city and npc launched arrows, and the arrows were raining!

Lying down! Da Fei turned around and found that he was slow! Well, since you missed it, don't shoot it! As the first master, how can you grab cannon fodder with ordinary players?

If you think about it, there are already pieces of flame demon fall into the mist of fire, and then new flame demon rushes out from the gate of hell.

"Ouba, why don't you take a shot?" Obviously, Da Fei's strangeness caught the attention of Li Yinzhu and many Korean masters.

Da Fei smiled lightly: "Why do you shoot?"

Li Yinzhu laughed: "Because our army's firepower is saturated, these cannon fodder are no longer worth the ammunition of OBA!"

Not bad! You explained well! Da Fei then extended his thumb and gave a thumbs up. For a time, a lot of Korean masters couldn't help laughing.

Hum, yes, this is Brother's invisible pretense. Since these cannon fodder aren't worthy of my brother's shot, my brother simply won't do anything, just wait for the wave ss class to appear.

Just then, Serbia next to Da Fei spoke. Of course, this kind of speech of her is a one-to-one dialogue mode, and the players around her are inaudible.

"Captain, receiving the message from Deirdre, Deirdre has successfully obtained the official position of the Demon Army, and currently plans to launch a raid on the space of power behind the Devil's coach. She hopes that we will hold the Devil's Tower in the main battlefield Locke's attention is best to keep him in the middle of the war and not to withdraw, even to kill the general directly! "

What the hell! My heart is giving the brother another task! Dafei frowned: "How can we get the general into a war situation?"

Serbia positively said: "Of course, our army's defense line is at risk. General Demon thinks that it can be successfully achieved only by working harder, but it is not."

Da Fei clapped his hands suddenly: "Yes, yes! That means we have to put water on each other! This is really a technical job."

Alicia sneered: "Let the water go? First of all, I have to withstand the offensive of the Demon Army Abyss! Then the Lord of the City must not joke about the fate of the Elven Kingdom and his future!"

Da Fei's heart shook! Is this Alicia warning brother? Yeah, she is not a hero of the tavern. Although she would dig the corners of the motherland in a small place to damage public welfare, she is still a patriotic youth in the general direction! If brother gets off, she might leave me! In short, don't talk about releasing water first. (To be continued ...)

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