God Rank Hero

Chapter 1307: Evil beetle manufacturing

After confirming again, Dafei finally reluctantly accepted this incredible reality of his own!

There is no doubt that it is impossible for npc to trigger such a plot of plots for no reason, it is only possible that Japanese players promote the plot in the middle. So what is the purpose of Japanese players? Is it for another city owner? Obviously impossible.

The identity of the player is a warrior and a free body, unless there is a regular army that is extremely painful, otherwise there is no affiliation with npc. Players are in a good mood. It is the player's freedom to go to a general who wants to take a task. It is impossible to overthrow one and support one.

And when one thinks that Fire Cave City has so many jealous mines, Da Fei can't help but brow, shouldn't it be that Japanese players want to take advantage of the fire and robbery? Brother loves to do this kind of thing. When he first came to the Cold Emerald City, he happened to catch a spy.

However, this is because the brother has no lower limit character corruption. Does a Japanese national team also ignore the interests of the camp at the moment of the enemy, and do such a thing without the lower limit character corruption? In other words, it seems that they do not have any lower limit. As long as it is possible, they will really work out? Suddenly, they have been doing it for several months and talk about it!

As Da Fei contemplates, Serbia said, "Captain, how do you respond to Deirdre?"

Regardless of him, as long as it is good for brother! Da Fei remembered the incident and replied: "Let Dildely lurk cautiously, don't act lightly. Otherwise, she would act as if I acted too much, and it was easy to expose her identity. Tell her I Now the main target is Syndicate or Shadow City. Wait until I make noise in these two cities to attract the attention of the enemy. "

of course. There is another important reason. Without Lamia's guidance, Da Fei's attempt to kill back to the Fire Cave City is probably difficult to break into the enchantment that can only go out.

Serbia nodded. "I immediately conveyed the captain's instructions."

Looking at the little nun who made a comparison on the "handwriting tablet", Dafei was very relieved that she could manage two banshees running around alone. This is Xiaomi in Xiaomi. Talent is rare. .

After a while, Serbia reported: "Dildely received the instructions from the captain, and she urgently needs to lurk for a while to recover her strength."

"Good!" Dafei exhaled a long breath.

As for the following time, of course, continue to wait for the Holy Vine Space and Dengshen Space to dispose of the remaining thousands of units of mine. Anyway. Brother has been calm for half an hour, the **** city owner did not have the idea of ​​revenge, grab the mine?

Just as Da Fei was making wild guesses, Serbia spoke again: "Captain, Lamia heard the news that the Lord of the Shadow City invited a large number of Assler Flying Demon Heroes from the Fire Cave City to leave the city, and the leader was the Fire Cave. The city's chief hero, Assad Cromwell, is very powerful. Please be careful, Lord. "

Da Fei's spirit is refreshed, and finally it's time to come! Sure enough, there is no air force in the Shadow City, specifically to rescue soldiers from the Fire Cave City to deal with brother!

Serbia frowned: "This chief hero should be stronger than the batch of hero patrols we encountered when we first came to Fire Cave City. And ordinary hero patrols can be easily transmitted to our cabin, so this chief hero is not even needed. Say more. The challenge we have this time is very big. "

Da Fei's heart is tight! Indeed, the first battle that Da Fei transmitted to the Fire Cave City was very impressive. The combination of Serbia and Elina to kill the air and the ice storm did not work for these air forces, then this battle must be It is the direct teleportation battle that the three elders reminded me many times! Although Brother has a Bacchus enchantment, he does not dare to spread the enchantment to the cabin!

At this time, the voice of the three elders came: "Warrior, if there is no internal coordinate provided this time, the enemy will not be so easy to directly transfer into the Holy Vine space, then the enemy is most likely to land The locations are the cargo holds of the warehouse and the corridors of the cabins. Please wary the Warriors in these areas. "

Tamilia immediately said: "The devil prince has not been able to recover a little mana and physical strength absorbed by the rattan. He should have no chance to make a ghost. By the way, Lord City Lord, we can also try the new weapon that Nasir will soon develop. , Detonate beetle. "

Dafei suddenly sighed with joy: "Ancient tree fortress can finally produce beetles?"

Tamilla frowned: "It should still be almost, the energy accumulation is not enough, but the enemy now, forcibly driving the heart of the broken artifact worm nest should still be able to create a lot."

Let me go! Self-explosive beetles, even if a beetle can only blast off 1 enemy's blood, tens of thousands of beetles come down to tens of thousands! The power of the beetle is obviously impossible to have only 1 point of damage!

Da Fei's surprise intersection: "Go, check it out now"

Da Fei suddenly remembered another thing: "All the gun emperor units of the gun cabin retreated to the central village of Shengteng! Wuer led the angel troops to meet in place in the gun cabin first."

Joel responded immediately: "Received!"

That's right, this level of battle is not faced by an elite banshee like the emperor, who has less than a thousand blood. Once they die, even if they can be resurrected, it will definitely affect their future growth potential. If they die The big fly who was directly sacrificed by the devil on the spot couldn't imagine it. As for the angels, there is no body. They will only leave their holy sword after death, so at least they don't have to worry about being sacrificed.

Just then, Elena said, "Let me stay, too. Since the enemy is going to teleport directly into the gun bay, then I will move the helldog artillery to the gun bay corridor. As soon as they appear, I will give They fired. "

It seems she is addicted to playing cannons? Da Fei couldn't wait to answer: "Okay, just do what you say."

As a result, Dafei and his team hurried to the passenger and cargo space and boarded Nasir's central command cabin. On the core platform in the cabin, the heart of the former blue insect nest now emits a red blood, no need to Said that the devil ate too much for the sake.

Dafei looks at Nasir's attributes again:

Nasir Ancient Tree Fortress: Unit buildings, giant spirit creatures. Attack 0, Defense 712, Durability 78,000, Damage 800-1000, Attack speed 3, Movement speed 5.2, Command value 1000 (red), Stunt: Production of evil ancient trees (unusable), Production of evil beetles (unusable ), Elite training, base movement, trample attack, holy vine twine (temporarily increase stunts after transplanting).

Installation equipment: The heart of the magical dragon can restore the health of the ancient tree, increase the movement of the ancient tree, and attack speed.

Broken Artifact Nest's Heart: Activates stunt beetle production (currently charging).


This is the property of Nasir that even the npc in China is shocked and subdued, a well-deserved war fortress! It is a pity that in the face of the flexible flying forces, the bears pat mosquitoes.

Da Fei hurriedly asked, "Nasir, can you activate the nest to make beetles now?"

Nasir murmured: "The accumulated energy is not enough. If the warrior must make it, it is not impossible, but it will only make the broken heart of the Worm Nest more damaged. In the future, it will take more energy, many times more, Permanently damaged. "

Dafei frowned: "It turns out that the heart of this worm nest can also be repaired?"

Nasir: "Of course, haven't you seen it so red now?".

Lying down! What is the relationship between color and repair? So don't you force it? I should be able to carry it even if I do n’t need a beetle, right? It ’s really impossible. Do n’t leave the mine with thousands of units left. Brother is leaving now!

Just as the big fly tangled, Serbia raised the sea soul battle and said, "What if Nasir was eating a sea soul? In this battle, there was also a refined sea soul of the abyss bloodlord Azak."

Dafei was startled suddenly: "This is the soul of a powerful demon god! It is also the closest thing to the soul of Hydra!"

Nasir laughed: "It's really a good thing. It is much stronger than the abyss collar I ate last time. If it is it, then it will be fine!"

Let me go! The demon-level sea soul can be picked randomly in the Naga Dark Tide Temple full of artifacts, just eaten like this? You are eating an artifact! However, the meat of Nasir and St. Vine was not eaten enough. In the future, the appetite of St. Vine will only grow bigger and bigger, and Nasir will not be able to eat enough energy to produce beetles?

Da Fei immediately snapped his teeth: "Eat! Enemies now, hurry up!"

Serbia said positively: "Leave it here to me. Time is short. The captain also invites the front-line command to fight!"

What the hell! You are directing Captain Ben again! (To be continued ...)

Chapter 1307 Manufacture of evil beetles:

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