God Rank Hero

Chapter 1322: Looking for mushroom seeds

Da Fei squatted on the top of the hole in the sky waiting for the boat of the sky to see through the eyes for years. ~,

Although there were angels in the long night, Daer directly blocked Da Fei's mouth seriously: "Sir, the power of the underground is beyond the imagination. If you don't want any accidents, don't make any sounds."

She was so reasonable that Da Fei was speechless. I have to say that since Daer joined the contract team, Da Fei's angel team has become more and more silent. Even at the beginning, Da Fei ’s "lazy angel" Nalxia stood out in front of him. Began to behave rudely.

Dafei knows that this feeling of egg pain must be the instinctual obedience of the low-level angel to the high-level angel, and although she often smiles at herself, her attributes are still serious and disciplined.

Fortunately, Da Fei still has something to do, and that is to continue to absorb the thin and dark natural forces floating over the mushroom forest, but Da Fei also soon discovered that the thinner the energy, the slower the absorption rate and the slower the conversion speed. This adds even more pain to Dafei.

No, I still have to find something more meaningful to do. Waiting has never been a brother's style.

Looking at the dark mushroom forest under the ground cave, he could not help but brow. Da Fei decided to look into the mushroom forest. On the one hand, the dark natural power in the forest should be richer and easier to absorb, on the other hand, see if there is any gain in the forest.

Yes, harvest! It is said that since attacking the rotten world tree space where Sartre was located at that time, Da Fei has initially seen the mushroom forest, and then found the mushroom forest in the obsidian mine, and now it is. I have been busy for the first two times without the opportunity to study. This time, the egg that just happened to be busy should be studied carefully.

First of all. All three mushroom forests have one thing in common. That is, it has the power of dark nature, which shows that the mushroom forest must also be a very important part of the dark ecosystem. Since Da Fei decided to transplant the Batman Battalion for the construction of a dark ecosystem, there is no reason to let go of the mushroom forest, and the village of Shengteng Center just happened to have soil, so it is just right to grow some mushrooms.

Ah yes, grow mushrooms! Find mushroom seeds! The goals are now clearer. In other words, I could find a lot of vine seeds when I first saw the vine jungle of Tamilia. Now that everyone is already a master Jianbao family, with a lot of extra observation skills, shouldn't it be too difficult to find some seeds in this mushroom forest?

So Da Fei was no longer boring, and began to pat on the umbrella of each mushroom tree with interest, rummaging in the soil of the tree roots. Yes, the seeds of mushrooms are not called seeds, but spores, which are small particles hidden under the mushroom umbrella. However, this is common sense in reality, as it is unknown in the game, so Dafei does not even let it go in the dirt.

He asked, "Master Warrior. What are you doing?"

Wa hahaha! You finally took the initiative to chat with brother! Da Fei excitedly said, "To find the mushroom seeds, I plan to build a mushroom forest in Shengteng Central Village."

He whispered, "That's the case. The mushroom forest should match the illusion area of ​​the central village of Shengteng."

Dafei suddenly sighed with joy: "A pretty match? Why is it visible?"

Meng Erzheng said, "Do you know the story of Alice in Wonderland? That Alice in Wonderland has a lot of colorful mushroom forests."

Oh oh oh oh! !! !! Brother can do anything to find the allusions! Dafei was pleasantly surprised: "Yes, Alice's wonderland should be a dreamland space, and the Bacchus space I cultivated is actually the same nature, both are illusionary spaces! That is, if I cultivate mushroom forests, I can not only improve Can the Dark Nature Power Ecosystem have a bonus to Bacchus space? "

Wuer nodded: "Maybe, but the mushroom forest is a very special plant community. The success of cultivation must be very difficult, and I do n’t know about it. But if Lord Warrior is lucky enough to meet Alice, she may be able to Help a lot. "

Alice! ? Is there anyone in the game? Dafei was shocked: "Who is Alice?"

Chan said indifferently: "An angel transformed into a mortal, her ability is a dream, just like Gabriel. The story of Alice in Wonderland is actually the story of this angel eradicating the nightmare demons in the nightmare space."

System prompt: You get Alice's information.

Dafei jaw dropped! This game has so much connotation! Dafei ecstatically said, "How do I find Alice?"

She shook her hand. "I don't know. What I know about her is what I just said."

What the hell! You took Brother on the road, and then halfway down, you did n’t know to kick your brother off the boat. You are too irresponsible!

Dafei hurriedly asked An Weier and Nalxia: "How much do you two know?"

An Weier foreheaded: "I just knew it."

Nalhia coughed, "Well, I think, if this Alice can be found, the nightmare space of the adult in the city of the city of punishment should break through again."

An Weier was dissatisfied: "If you answer anything wrong, you don't know!"

Nalhia cut out, "I know her purpose at least!"

Fowl frowned: "Quiet!"

The two immediately shut up.

Is this one more harem master? Da Feifu shook his head and sighed, it seems that Alice's affairs still have to be solved by the player himself. In other words, Nalhia was right, if there was Alice, that brother might find the duke's soul of poker prince in the nightmare space of the city.

By the way, and Hilda hasn't asked yet? Then only wait for the sky boat to come back. In short, it is important to find seeds first.

Time passed by one minute and one second, Da Fei's search in the mushroom forest was completely fruitless! Da Fei became increasingly irritable. Is there no seed in the mushroom forest? impossible! Even the vine, and the high-grade place where Xiao Ming rolls past the Chimera Forest can find seeds easily, and it is impossible to have a mushroom? Couldn't I find the master Jianbao family?

In other words, mushrooms have no seeds but only robes, and the particles of robes are much smaller than ordinary seeds. Perhaps because of this, even masters can't find them?

Then get lucky with treasure hunt! Brother's last lucky surgery was used when training the elite evil demon at 5 pm, it's been more than a day now, brother wasted one more! That's nothing to say, make a move!

With the rising of a rainbow light, Da Fei stared at the map radar intently!

The golden light flashed!

System prompt: Your master Jianbao family found ...

Lying down! Seeds everywhere? It was too late to read the system prompt message, and Dafei hurriedly looked up in shock, and saw those fluorescent robes flying in the sky flashing like stars in the sky!

found it! Everything is floating in the sky! It turns out that the seeds are not in the ground or on the tree, but in the sky. What a setting!

At this moment, Yeer flew up, and the star picking waved toward the bright spot in the air!

The system prompts: Your covenant angel 箩 尔 has successfully collected a "mutant mushroom tree spore", and you get the information of the master Jian Bao family!

Variant mushroom tree robes: Rare seeds that can grow edible mushrooms in dark and humid locations. They can mutate into mushroom trees only in special circumstances.

Oh! I really found it! Dafei ecstatically said, "Hurry up, go and collect the seeds!"

"Roger that!"

The next moment, Aaron led Anweier Nalhia up.

System Tip: Your 10 Seraphs and 15 Shadow Bloodbats have no production skills and cannot collect seeds.

What the hell! Can a single seed not hurt my brother? Then there is no way out, there are only three people!

For a time, the three men in the sky went back and forth in the sky to search for wonderful hands to pick the stars, and Dafei's system information also appeared on the screen.

When the number of flying birds reached the 26th, the star-like bright spots in the sky disappeared, and the time for lucky Kampo ended.

Lying down!

He had to fly back to the ground and shook his head and sighed, "I can't find it, I can only collect this."

Dafei sighed. That's right, this is the same as the last search for the godhead in the tomb of the dragon. Only the treasure found by Jian Bao is the treasure. If it is not found, even if you dig the ground and remove all the earth crystal blocks, it is not a treasure. So once your lucky time is over, you ca n’t collect when you ca n’t continue to identify the robes in the sky.

It seems that there is only one way, wait for Tamilia to come back, and then wait for the cool-down time of the lucky hand to elapse, and then launch thousands of evil demon flower demon vine demon to collect together. (To be continued ...)

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