God Rank Hero

Chapter 1324: Homeless hero

It is 9:30 PM Beijing time and 10:30 PM Tokyo time.

The headquarters of the Mitsubishi team was tense, with all kinds of anxiety and excitement. With the joint efforts of the players who were transferred to Syndicate City, the six members finally returned 56 heavy trailers to Syndicate City without any risk.

At this moment, all the commanders stood up and cheered. Not easy, it's really not easy. The hidden hunter in the underground world is almost like a mine appearing randomly. For players who currently do not have soldiers, the only way to cover the team is to fight grass and snake on the periphery of the team. Appeared and the attacked team members were fortunate not to die, then ran away immediately to lead the monster away. If they died, the reserve team immediately went forward and continued to lead the monster away.

The difficulty of such team cooperation is quite high, and the personal technical requirements of the team members are also quite high, making it difficult for non-professional players. But even the professional players of the Japanese team, most of the strange players are dead, but compared with the value of the trailer, their death losses are not worth mentioning.

The next goal of the Mitsubishi team is, of course, to gather the reputation of all members to exchange a huge **** army. However, for the underground world, troops are not big but not powerful, and they are of no use except to be easier to find and to attract more powerful monsters to dinner.

So the staff of Mitsubishi Command began to calculate the optimal troop mix in full swing. While busy, Tsukamoto's teammates received the latest report from Shino Ono.

Tsukamoto could not help but happily: "It seems that the loss of the defense officer has a considerable impact on China?"

Ono laughed: "The influence of the EU is greater."

Tsukamoto laughed: "Ono's strategy is very good. Then Ono will act as you plan, and we will find a suitable time to leak the news to the British."

Ono laughed: "Leave it to me."

at this time. The members who have followed the chaotic footprints of the convoy in depth have suddenly discovered something new: "Bonfire!" In the dark underground world. This bonfire is so shiny!

Tsukamoto immediately ordered: "Each team member is scattered and sneaks closer!"

"Hi Yi!"

next moment. The entire headquarters focused on the bonfire on the big screen. Generally speaking, those who dare to ignite a campfire under the ground are either an idiot or a strong one. If the opponent is a player, it must be an idiot.

Near, the road is a **** np hero drinking a drunk by the campfire, and next to the hero, there is a huge three **** dog like a car!

"Hell assault dogs!" At this moment, the pathfinder members suddenly shrank into the pile of stones on the side of the road.

Command was even more surprised: "Is this the assault dog we first found footprints on?"

"Huh!" A cold hum came from the bonfire.

The team members were suddenly surprised: "They have been found so far!"

"Of course. That's a hell-strike dog with a strong sense of smell and hearing!"

Tsukamoto once again instructed: "Leader Miyamoto went up alone to ask."

"Hi Yi!"

Now, the team leader carefully came to the hero whose body was enveloped in blood armor and asked, "Excuse me, are you here to rest?"

The hero shook the empty wine bottle and said coldly, "Is there any wine?"

The group leader shook his head: "No."


Red light burst!

System prompt: Warning! You are in the alert range of Wandering Hero Grauer! The opponent is about to launch an attack!

"Nani !?" Watching the other party suddenly became hostile red name, can't wait to think about it, the group leader's **** furiously rolled back and rushed back.

"Wandering hero?" Tsukamoto couldn't wait to ask immediately: "Who brought you wine?"

The team members had to shake their heads: "Report captain, no! I did not! Never brought this thing, usually useless!"

Tsukamoto said indignantly: "A group of Baga, the members of Syndicate City immediately brought out the wine."

At this moment, the commanders immediately discussed the np hero who suddenly appeared in the middle of the road.

Killer Guan Bai said: "There are generally three types of street heroes. One is actually a tavern hero who can walk in the wild; the second is extremely difficult to recruit epic heroes; and the third is a defeated homeless hero. This hostile player named Grauer is obviously not a tavern hero. From his current demeanor and the footprints of the **** assault dogs he found from the beginning, he is likely to be defeated. Hero. "

Everyone said: "It makes sense! If it is a wandering hero, then our player may also recruit him! It seems that his requirements are not high, is it drinking?"

At this time, the slippery God who was still watching the market with the goddess smiled and said, "How can such a strong hero be able to get it with a little wine. His name is all you have to do is to find np or the tavern owner? "

Tsukamoto suddenly realized: "Seniors made sense!"

Slippery God smiled: "I'll ask my goddess first, and then see if she knows."

So Slipper asked Ramia: "Miss Ramia, do you know a street hero named Grauer?"

Lamia couldn't help but smirk, and then smiled: "It seems to be the master of the helldog under the master of the Shadow City, why suddenly became a wandering hero?"

"It turned out to be the hero of Mage City! Even the specials knew it!" Mitsubishi Command was utterly shocked, and knowing his origin, the possibility of recruiting him was even greater. Tsukamoto immediately instructed the members of the Shadow City to immediately go to the pub to inquire.

At this moment, the slippery **** was surprised: "The warriors of our guild found him on the battlefield deep in the ground, and he was in a wandering state. Does Miss Ramia know more about him?"

Lamia said badly: "I know his name is a great honor for him, how can I learn more?" With that, Lamia laughed, "Falina, you are a mercenary There should be a lot of information on the road, should you know more? "

Fallina said coldly, "How could a mercenary waste my intelligence energy on a general? Is it related to me half a gold coin?"

Having said that, Farina suddenly stood up and asked the slipper: "Where is that tramp hero?"

Slick Head and Lamia said in surprise, "What does Farina (Miss) mean?"

Fallina said lightly: "Now he's nothing, of course, my chance is here!"

The slippery God was surprised: "Miss Fallina is going to recruit him?"

Lamia Haha laughed: "You can't help it, and others are not in the mood to be conquered by you, the weak girl!"

Fallina grinned: "Who knows? Men's thoughts are different when they're down."

Lamia laughed: "Is it? I'm not interested in the disappointed man, let alone the idea of ​​the disappointed man. It seems that Miss Falina's taste is really unique."

Fallina said lightly: "As a lord, you have to get rid of the limitations of the banshee thinking. I wish I succeed!"

Lamia stunned, then shook her head and smiled, "Warrior, what are you still doing?"

The slippery **** came back and hurriedly chased out and shouted, "Miss Fallina, that Grauer needs wine!"

The next moment, Farina took the high-end wine purchased in the luxury hotel out of the city, and went ahead with the coordinates provided by the slider god. Slipping God, of course, led the other team members to their destination on foot.

The Mitsubishi team members who inquired in the Shadow City Tavern finally pieced together some relevant information about Grauer. Probably, Grauer failed two times in a row and defended the city, causing tremendous losses. The Lord of the Shadow City was so angry that Grauer was never allowed to fail a third time.

From the current situation, Grauer failed again for the third time. As for who they lost to, it was undoubtedly Dafei. After all, you don't have to think about it, the ground forces are unlikely to be the opponents of the flying giants anyway. The strength of Dafei once again cast a shadow over the entire Mitsubishi headquarters.

The slippery **** is indeed in a good mood: "We should still thank Da Fei, if it were not for Da Fei, we would not have had the opportunity to recruit general-level heroes. So, the kings will work hard."

Everyone agreed: "The predecessors made sense, not to mention that now is the last madness of the lack of fuel, even if he does, we will definitely have it in the future!"

During the discussion, the players who have been squatting in the distance from the campfire of the homeless hero report: "Falina appears, drinking with the hero ..." (to be continued ...)

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