God Rank Hero

Chapter 1331: Unlimited battery life

Fortunately, Da Fei immediately suspended the demolition of the barracks and the barrel transportation of the blood pool, attracting all the 1,000 evil demon, 300 flower demon, 100 vine demon and other arms that can produce skills. Let them gather at the edge of the forest to rest and restore strength.

Elena was surprised: "Sir, what is this going to do?"

Wow ha ha ha ha, of course it is a moment for you to witness the miracle! But wait! Brother, isn't it because the class is doing it?

Da Fei remembered the incident and asked, "Yes, since your dark elves are living underground, how should you grow mushrooms?"

Elena nodded: "Of course, mushrooms need to grow fast and have low survival requirements. They are the most important source of food underground. Of course, I once served as the successor's main mother."

Aren't you right? Your property panel tells me that you will grow mushrooms. Do n’t have too many hidden skills!

Dafei asked quickly, "Food? Is this mushroom tree edible?"

Elina laughed: "Of course it cannot be eaten when it becomes a tree. Mushrooms can only be used as food when they are just born."

Just a reason with bamboo shoots! Da Fei asked again, "What about the collection of mushrooms? Will mushrooms be grown from seeds?"

Elina shook her head and said suddenly: "This, we can't grow, we can only wait for the mushrooms to grow by ourselves. All we can do is wait for the new mushrooms in the mushroom forest to be born and increase its output." Na pointed to a small cluster of mushrooms under the mushroom tree not far away: "That's it."

Isn't it? Depend on God?

The shadow witch Shiva on the side also agrees: "We have lived in the obsidian mines for a hundred years by relying on the mushrooms in the mines. If we can increase the production of mushrooms, we dark wizards can help!"

Let me go, even the arms will increase the mushroom output? Is this a skill? Since you can, why doesn't your skill bar show up? Too low level boring not showing? impossible! Tamaria's rattan cultivation is not necessarily so tall, and the god-level rattan master is also displayed on the skill bar.

Da Fei has difficulty setting up a channel: "Do you really have to wait for the mushrooms to grow by themselves? Really can't you grow them yourself?"

Elina smiled bitterly: "We only have this level of agricultural production. Presumably this is also the key to restricting the population of the Dark Elves! If you can fully control the cultivation of mushrooms. It is a bit unthinkable for the underground world. "

Dafei suddenly realized! If even the most basic sowing cannot be done, how can the output be improved in the future can not form a complete skill system, so it will not be a skill, and will not be displayed on the skill bar? After all, they don't know how to collect the mushroom seeds, but can only let their robes float in the sky?

Da Fei, who wanted to understand, laughed, "Okay. I'll show you how to grow mushrooms! I'll leave it to you for cultivation!"

Dafei waved his hand. After the rest, one thousand and several hundred evil demon flower demon, and four contracted angels with production skills, such as 箩 尔艾里菲尔, all flew to the sky above the mushroom forest. Looking at such a densely packed army, Da Fei shivered with excitement!

Lucky Hand launches!

With a rainbow of light covering the whole army, and a golden light flashing on Dafei's radar, the whole mushroom forest once again shines like a star in the sky!

The system prompts: You found the mushroom robe, and you get the information of the Grand Master Jianbao Family!

Dafei laughed, "Gather!"

The sky's evil demon flower demon moved, like a huge sky net passing through the forest! For a moment. System information appears on the screen:

System prompt: Your evil demon unit collected 361 "mutant mushroom tree spores" ...

System prompt: Your flower demon unit successfully collected 125 "mutant mushroom tree spores" ...

Dafei Fangtian smiled long and long: "Seen it. This is mushroom seed!"

Elina was terribly shocked: "It turns out that mushroom seeds can be collected!"

Wa hahaha! Worship me, love me, follow me with a quilt! Dafei laughed: "That's right! My plan is to cultivate a mushroom forest in the mud of the lakeshore in the center of Shengteng Village. Although Ms. Elle recommended a master of fantasy mushrooms called Alice, now she has Elena. The lady should not be in a hurry to find her. "

Elina was pleasantly surprised: "My lord, rest assured, I will try my best to cultivate a mushroom forest. As long as there is a formed forest, there will be a continuous stream of mushroom food. Perhaps, I can also take this opportunity to develop a complete mushroom breed skill!"

System Tip: You get information on mushroom breeding skills!

What the hell! Sure enough, there are skills! This is the rhythm that Elina needs to realize wisdom, and the Dark Elves must upgrade! it is good. You will be the Mushroom Army in the future!

At this moment, Zavala laughed: "The biggest problem restricting adults now is that the water and food in the cabin cannot support a large number of troops for a long time, especially the cost of a large number of dragon troops. Once the Holy Vine space can produce food itself, adults The number of troops that can be carried is incalculable! "

Dafei suddenly wakes up! Speaking of ideas, most of the brothers have never considered the issue of water and grain due to the fact that the cost of water and food for so many troops, especially so many big dragons, is actually not small! Although the fuel brought by my brother can circle the earth a lot, but the food can't keep up with this rhythm?

Dafei suddenly realized that he was overjoyed: "Yes! I can't imagine that if I could produce mushrooms and food in the boat, wouldn't our boat be equivalent to endless battery life? There is no place in the world where we can't go! "

Elina laughed: "I must achieve the endless endurance goal for adults!"

Dafei laughed: "Everyone works together!"

Between jokes and jokes, the collecting army in the sky flew back and forth like a sieve, and those dense robes of light were also thin and dull as they were caught by migratory locusts, until they disappeared completely.

The system prompts: you get 6,743 "mutant mushroom tree spores"! You get the information of Grand Master Jianbao Family!

6 thousand seeds! This is the power of the large army harvesting, wow ha ha ha! Dafei laughed, "Go mushroom!"

Elena said excitedly: "Please give me the seeds to me, I will do my best!"

Is this the rhythm of rushing skills? Dafei laughed: "No problem!"

Zavala and Delil also laughed: "So sir, let's take over the troops and continue to be stationed on the ground. I don't think the cargo bay on the ship is enough to hold so many troops."

Dafei lamented: "Then everyone will continue to work hard, as long as they can use the closed land to build the village and build the barracks in the Shengteng space, then it will not be so troublesome."

Although the self-built barracks in the player's territory does not have almost unlimited abilities of barracks like the barracks in the main city of the system, as long as the barracks have a high level, they can still hoard a lot. In short, I am still quite far away from the real sky city.

In response to the "Fengtian Rattan Chair" of the 100 vine monsters, Da Fei Elina and all the Dark Elf troops returned to the burrow and then back to the ship. At the same time, the evil demon flower demon unit was once again put into demolition work.

After the heart-to-heart meeting, after a few words of welcome and victory, Elena couldn't wait to start growing mushrooms along the lake's soil. Da Fei, Alicia Katrina, accompanied her to watch. As for Tamilia, she wanted to see her helplessly walk away.

Elina's first seed was dropped, and the black light of the seed disappeared into the soil.

Da Fei said: "Is this magic?"

Elina laughed: "Yes, a very weak earth-based spell that gathers strong earth-based energy around the mushrooms to speed up the growth of the mushrooms. This is my first use on seeds, but I think , The principle should be no problem. "

Speed ​​up growth? Dafei was surprised, "Can Narui's natural spells be used on mushrooms?"

Alicia laughed: "I answered the Lord Elder directly for the three elders, no! Mushrooms are not plants, and Druids don't know mushrooms."

Okay, it's fungus!

While laughing and joking, Elina had just sprinkled the soil with the seeds, and several powdery white umbrella bags burst out of the soil at a speed visible to the naked eye!

"So fast!" Everyone was taken aback! Elena surprises you!

Even if Da Fei had his first planting experience, he couldn't help but stunned: "This should be Miss Elena's skill power?"

Elena said excitedly: "No, it's the fertility of this soil beyond imagination! My lord, unlimited battery life is not a dream!" (To be continued.)

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