God Rank Hero

Chapter 1334: Fel beetle that eats the forest

I ca n’t think of a day when the evil beetle eats the Quartet! When Dafei was ecstatic, he did see that the three elders had a heavy face, and could not help wondering: "Three elders, is there anything wrong?"

The three elders sighed: "Evil beetles are a kind of creature that destroys the natural ecology greatly. They are totally devastating to the forest. Take the mushroom forest as an example. The price of sacrificing the entire mushroom forest below is only The small growth of our small mushroom forest is obviously more destructive than construction for the entire ecosystem, so please ask the warriors to use their power with caution. "

I pulled it out and said it makes sense! However, Brother sacrificed the ecological environment of Japan, and Brother was not under pressure at all!

Dafei hurriedly said, "Three elders, please rest assured that I will use my power cautiously. And there are no shadow bats here, and it wo n’t be long before they will be occupied by the demons. Instead of destroying them, we will destroy ! "

The three elders sighed, "This is no other way."

Huh! When my brother finishes the ticket under the ground, I will get you off the boat to save you from seeing you upset, and then my brother sees the forest and hesitates, wow ha ha ha!

Elena hurriedly said, "Master, since the evil beetle can collect the essence, hurry up."

Da Fei nodded: "Okay, by the way, I'll also see Nasir's injury."

So Dafei and his party came to the passenger compartment full of magic diamonds and obsidian ore. Nasir's huge body was covered with a layer of black material like charcoal.

Dafei was startled suddenly: "What is this?"

Nasir murmured: "It's charcoal! I can't beat that kind of **** dog."

The three elders frowned: "This is a permanent life cap damage and cannot be recovered."

Dafei exclaimed: "Can't reply?"

Nasir murmured: "Yes, half of the endurance limit is dropped. This feeling is really uncomfortable."

Drop the endurance limit? Still half? Let me go! Dafei hurriedly said, "I'm even more uncomfortable! Is there really no way to reply?"

The three elders sighed: "The charcoal has been burned, and there is no vitality. It is beyond the druid's field of competence, and we can't help it."

Nasir murmured: "I'm not an ordinary ancient tree of war. Even if I wasn't injured, I couldn't use the natural power of Druid and Flower Fairy to recover. In fact, it doesn't matter. When I grow up slowly, try to These tens of thousands of durable losses will be made up. "

That's right! Nasir is actually an old tree of grudges. As for what to make up for, I'm still upset! If you don't make up for it, isn't it tens of thousands of durability? How powerful this **** dog is! Dafei cried without tears and said, "What now? What about beetle production?"

Nasir replied, "Yes, but I need to eat. But there are more than 10,000 beetles left in the last battle to use."

"Just as much as you can. Then start work!" So Da Fei shouted again, "Tamilia, open the space door and let the beetle out of the cabin!"

"Yes, Lord Lord!"

With the cargo door open in the cargo compartment. Nasir also opened a small space door at the same time, and tens of thousands of beetles whistled out like black torrents.

Such a grand scene, Da Fei should have been excited because of Nasir's injury, how could he not be happy.

At this moment, the three elders spoke again: "The warriors do not need to be discouraged. The druid's natural power does have a lot of limitations. At least there is no way for mushrooms. "The Warriors may try other methods, such as adding fire armor to Nasir, or it may prevent similar situations in the future."

Da Fei was surprised: "Can you add armor?"

The three elders coughed: "Although other ancient trees of the kingdom have not yet had armored precedents, who knows? This is always a way to come up from scratch."

Lying down! You can do it! And when it comes to the power of nature, there is no way for mushrooms, then there must be a way for dark power of nature? Da Fei suddenly remembered something and hurriedly pulled out a book from the bag to show the three elders: "Three elders, can you help me to see if this book can be learned?"

——Book of Dark Secrets: Hidden professional textbooks. After using this book, you can convert the ranger or druid class into "dark ranger" or "dark druid". At the same time, you can use the dark secrets recorded in textbooks. Once transformed into Dark Ranger (Druid). Players will not be able to use Ranger (Druid) -related nature skills.

Dark Ranger (Druid): Based on the ranger (Druid) attributes, the hero level adds an additional knowledge per level, and the vision in the dark is 20%.


This book was obtained when Da Fei and the Korean beauty took the task of killing the degraded giant bear Druid when they took on the mission of Unicorn King Qing Qing Sutter's Lair. Considering the big change of transfer, it has a great impact. Maybe he and his ranger teacher Gillian Say goodbye, and Ansu was too tired to sleep as soon as the fight was over and didn't have time to prompt, so he kept it alone.

Now, the cultivation of mushrooms may require the power of dark nature, and the charring of Nasir may be able to recover with the power of dark nature. Dafei can't wait to learn.

"Secret of Darkness?" The three elders' heads turned over a page-by-page page of the book with surprises: "Dark psychic? Dark constitution? Black thorn halo? Rot regeneration ..."

There is no doubt that they are reading the Dark Ranger skills recorded in the book, and the Dark Psychic Flying can be automatically obtained through the artifact Ansu Totem.

at last. The three elders did not groan after finishing the secret code.

Dafei hurriedly said, "Elder?"

The elder quickly said: "Warrior, the record of this book is very important. We read this book and have a bit of understanding. Could we let us study it and answer you?"

What the hell! Ben expects you to teach your brother, but did he teach you?

Da Fei laughed in surprise: "It doesn't matter, the elders think slowly. I'll deal with the beetle collection first."

"The warrior is slowly busy!" The three elders sat directly on the ground after speaking, took out the textbooks and began to transcribe.

Dafei jaw dropped! Let me go, you just read a book? This is a game. Can the books in the game be copied? OK, copy it slowly.

Da Fei returned to the central village again. At this time, Tamilia suspended the excavation of the blood pool, but pulled out her hand to re-dig a small pit by the lake. Needless to say, it was used to contain the essence of mushrooms. Elina organized the group of dark elves to wait by the pit with a fire bucket. Needless to say, it was used for watering and fertilizing.

Dafei is very pleased. They can do such a great job without brother, and they can sleep a lot.

Seeing the appearance of Da Fei, Tamilia greeted with excitement: "Master, the Lord, it is important to discover that this mushroom essence is not only conducive to improving the growth of mushrooms, but also beneficial to the vine. Of course, mushroom essence is of course a priority for mushroom growth. In short, when we have not found a mine, these mushroom groves are also a valuable resource, we must not let it go! "

So appetite for brother! Dafei laughed, "Okay, then wipe out this forest!"

Elina laughed: "Don't let go of the mushroom forest in the mine when we come here. The mushroom forest there is nourished by obsidian ore all year round, obviously much better than the mushroom forest here."

Dafei laughed and laughed: "Okay, when you have finished cleaning here, you will revisit the place!"

The buzzing of the swarm rang out while talking, and the first batch of beetles that had collected the juice came back. These beetles spirally landed beside the newly dug pit, spraying a little bit of black juice, and then accumulating less. Many, soon filled the small half of the pool.

Elena rejoiced: "Act!"

The dark elves who had been on standby for a long time immediately lifted buckets of water, carefully rushed to the mushroom field on the lake shore to start watering, and for a time, the mushrooms everywhere rejuvenated and soared again!

Big fly haha ​​laugh! Following this momentum, it is not a dream for Brother to cultivate a mushroom forest that is not inferior to the scale in just one or two days! This evil beetle is really a treasure!

OK, the two woods can't satisfy my brother, I want to wipe out all the marked mushroom forests on the map! When Dafei was excited, he immediately ran to the map table in the captain's room to check the markers. After being combined with the monster community in the distance from the previous map, there was soon a combination of wild and sweeping routes. Tonight is destined to sleeplessly Ah, hahaha!

But wait, what if you want to help Lamia ship? I'll wait for her news first, I hope she won't make me embarrassed. (To be continued.)


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