God Rank Hero

Chapter 1338: Suspicious player in Hongming Village

After taking office as the Dark Ranger, what Da Fei can do is still slowly appreciate the prosperity of Central Village. At this time a new batch of evil demon has been born, the total number of evil demon has reached 1030. The number of evil demon has met the goal set by Tamilia initially, of course, the more the better.

As far as Da Fei is concerned about the number of evil beetles, it is clear that the number of 10,000 evil beetles cannot keep up with the pace of production. It is necessary to find a chance for Nasir to make up for it.

While waiting, Serbia came over in a hurry again, and when she looked so happy, she knew that there must be good news.

Sure enough, Serbia came forward: "Captain, Deirdre's latest developments, she and her follower hero Grauer have stabilized their relationship with the chief hero Cromwell, and according to Grauer's judgment, Kr Remwell's strength has been reduced, which will affect Cromwell's re-incarnation for a short period of time. Until then, Cromwell is expected to be in the tavern. "

Dafei Dasong sighed in relief: "Very good, as long as they have stabilized our side, we can follow the steps. We can tell her about our upcoming hunt for the Numa prison demon dragon in the next few days, and let her know in advance Be prepared. "

Serbia nodded while replying: "I see."

Da Fei asked again, "By the way, Cromwell's decrease in power should have been caused by that self-explosion?"

Serbia nodded ~ ⊙: "It is also a skill to be able to explode, I will not explode."

Da Fei took a sip of water. I can't imagine how a nun can explode!

Serbia continued: "The news has come again from Lamia. The construction of the city is very smooth, and there is no threat from the main power of the city."

Da Fei Xin comforted: "Very good. Let her use the **** warrior's intelligence network to be vigilant. Notify me immediately when threatened. I will help."

"Got it."

smoothly! Too smooth! Now Dafei no longer has any tangles and concerns, and feels extremely relieved that he has decided to hang up to sleep and rest his feet first, and then wait until he wakes up to be almost done.


At this time, Hongming Village, a place of exile.

The formerly desolate exile is now a popular name for all countries. From time to time, a resurrected white light descends from the sky in the center of the village. This is the death returning player who explores around the village. That's right, now the red names sent by various countries are not interested in fishing. What they care about is how big the area of ​​this red name village is. Does this Hongming Village have any properties, and what strategic value does this Hongming Village deserve to make such a layout for a large number of high-end players in China such as Dafeisha Fanghua?

This is to let the soldiers come east to wait for the members of the Dragon Cavalry Chamber of Commerce to breathe a sigh of relief, what they are most worried about is that players from other countries grab their fishing ponds. Fortunately, I can't help but feel a little bit upset. After all, the fishing pond that I regard as a treasure is actually ignored.

Seeing Haoge watching the guests from all over the country, the soldiers came forward and asked, "Hao, are you still awake so late?"

Hao said lightly: "Well, I'm used to staying up late."

The soldier asked: "Brother, I found a problem. You said that the red names of so many countries are small EU countries with colorful flags. The United States, Russia, Britain, Germany, France and other big countries are basically I haven't seen it, is this a problem? "

Haoge said unhappyly: "You still missed Japan!"

The soldier smirked in surprise: "Japan is a big country of wool."

Howe said angrily, "You know what a fart!"

Hao is angry! The soldiers hurriedly changed their minds: "Yes, yes, and Japan."

Brother Hao took a deep breath and said lightly, "So what are the problems here?"

The soldier said in a deep voice: "I think these are small vests sent by major powers! Because the real small country simply has no strength to go to the famous village of Hongming Village!"

"Oh?" Hao said with a brow. "What do you think? How deep is this trip?"

The Chinese Martian, who was shot by Fei Ge and entered the Red Village, whispered to the soldier with a finger, whispered: "First of all, I increasingly suspect that he is not a Chinese player. He is also a vest from other countries."

Howe brow: "reason?"

The soldier said in a deep voice: "One, he rarely speaks! The translators are all official official language translations used by the United Nations General Assembly. They cannot translate the various online dialects of game dialects by our Chinese players, so he is afraid to speak as little as possible. . Second, he doesn't pretend to be forced! As long as Chinese amateurs have the strength, they will pretend to be forced. Third, his name is an unforgettable Martian, which is suspicious of him— "

Haoge said angrily: "Grass mud horse, labor and capital are Martians! Do you mean labor and capital are spies?"

The soldiers are anxious: "Brother Hao is angry, your guy's name is a very beautiful Martian God of War. His name is a meaningless symbol. Can he compare with your guy? He is an insult to the Martian text!"

Hao Leng sneered: "Then you said, wasn't he challenging Fei Ge to pretend to be famous?"

The soldier laughed: "It's obviously stupid! It's not called pretending at all! The so-called pretending is to have a 100% chance of success. Players who dare to challenge Fei Ge in the world can say that they have a 100% chance of success? That's not it What is stupid? If it is not stupid, it is sent by other countries to specifically trouble Fei. "

Haoge said, "It sounds like that, then you say, is there any suspicious Chinese player in this Red Name Village?"

The soldier frowned: "There is one more, very suspicious! I will show it to Haoge when he will die! He has been running no less than 20 times since he appeared in Hongming Village, and he has lost two The level has been reduced to 48. This kind of player can never be an ordinary player. "

The soldiers' words just came to an end, and the red square of Hongming Village was flashing with death. A Chinese undead player with the Chinese flag on his head died and returned to the city.

A surprise finger from the soldier: "It's a coincidence! That's him, that undead player named Ribs the Great Holy!" |

Hao is interested: "Call him over, I'll chat with him."

The soldiers said cheerfully: "Okay!" So he waved: "Brothers and sisters, come on!"

"Oh yeah!"

Then, a group of fishing players of the Dragon Cavalry Chamber of Commerce. Several players in the takeaway maintenance warehouse immediately surrounded each other.

Yijian Donglai just hung up and dozed off so that the soldiers had no choice but to please Hao. The regret in my heart is to cheer up and yell, "The one who is called the ribs saint. Stop me!"

The Dragon Cavalry Chamber of Commerce attracted the attention of all the famous names in the country in such an instant. The focus of the whole audience was focused on the Chinese player named "Prime Ribs".

At this moment, the player named Ribs King was shocked on the spot! Looking at the fierce momentum of the Dragon Cavalry Chamber of Commerce, and then looking at the gazes of players from various countries around, I couldn't help but scold: "What's wrong with this number?"

That's right, this ribs saint is the feather of the Phoenix purchased from the Internet!

Regarding the surrounding terrain of Hongming Village, Phoenix Feather has been busy fishing and has no time to investigate carefully. Other anglers from other countries also think that there will be no change in Hongming Village before the national war server is opened, and they are lazy to waste precious fishing time to explore. Not to mention that exploring in such a dangerous place of exile must form a group. And expect a group of killing red names to unite as one group? It's such a troublesome thing.

However, Phoenix Feather did notice that the village chief Elda would fly out of the village for a routine patrol every other game time. Perhaps it seemed to others that it was just flying around, but Phoenix Feather confirmed that she must be inspecting a very important thing, so she recorded a video to record every time she went out and back to the village, and then from her At flight speed, she roughly calculated the location of the place she was visiting.

Maybe that's the key to solving the mystery of the Red Sea. Therefore, Phoenix Feather chose a number on the Internet dedicated to treasure hunting, treasure hunting, reconnaissance, and post-operative logistics. He went to his presumed location and waited for the angel Elda to patrol, while avoiding being discovered by players from other countries. .

Then Elda arrived on schedule without being disappointed by another Phoenix Feather. Even if the walking of Phoenix Feather could not catch up with the speed of Elda, it was enough. The appearance of Elda was enough to make the speculative calculation of Phoenix Feather more accurate.

at last. Phoenix Feather found a huge mound hole, and a giant spider woman near the mound hole was patrolling back and forth. This mound and wave ss are also found in other wildernesses in exile. But this one inspected by Elda is absolutely different.

So Phoenix Feather tried to sneak into the hole again and again, summing up the failure experience again and again. When Phoenix Feather entered the realm of ecstasy, something uninteresting happened to him.

"Come on, come here, our grand brother has something to talk to you!"

This is the feather of Phoenix Phoenix hates and despise the stray dog ​​eastward. Although no one can take himself in the village, everyone has their curiosity. The Phoenix Feathers followed the dragon cavalry members and came to the fishing hero.

Haoge took a meaningful look at the ribs, and asked gently: "I see you have died many times? If you die like this, the level will drop a lot. Do you need any help?"

Phoenix Feather's heart jumped, and she wondered, "What are you talking about? Help me?"

Haoge laughed: "Yeah, everyone here is Chinese. We Chinese don't help Chinese people, don't we let foreign players read jokes?"

But at this moment, the soldiers came east to wait to see this suspicious joke.

Alright! The feather of the Phoenix is ​​worrying that it is difficult for a person to pass the level. Some people jumped into the pit automatically without being able to pull a few. But "Okay! I found a wave ss hole. I see a treasure in it. You believe it or not. Do it! "

The people of the Dragon Cavalry Chamber of Commerce suddenly startled: "Treasure?"

The soldiers are even more incredible: "How did you say such an important thing about the treasure?"

Phoenix Feather was unhappy: "Then why do you ask?"

The soldier said suddenly: "Let's ask, you say?"

Phoenix Feather sneered: "You asked me and didn't say it wasn't a waste of time? Goodbye!" He went straight to the village without saying a word.

What is the logic? The soldiers looked at each other, "Hao brother? What should I do?"

Hao brother came back to him: "Of course follow him!"

"I understand Hao!"

As everyone from the Dragon Cavalry Chamber of Commerce followed the village, players from all countries followed subconsciously. At this moment, Phoenix Feather sneered again and again: "It doesn't matter, the more chaotic the better!" (To be continued ...)


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