God Rank Hero

Chapter 1358: Brother pretended to hang up

At 6 o’clock in the morning, Da Fei, who had finished eating and drinking Lazarus, entered the game again. Unsurprisingly, a system message prompt promptly appeared.

The system prompts: The 17th Battalion Battalion you occupied has been demolished, you have obtained the "Dark Battalion Battalion Drawing", you have obtained the artifact-level construction equipment "Bloodstone of Shadow", and you have recovered 216 units of the rare stone "coagulation stone".

Shadow Bloodstone: Artifact-grade construction equipment that can directly upgrade the "Small Bat Battalion" to level 10.

Then Tamilla and Hirce were already waiting in front of them.

Tamilia laughed: "The Lord of the City is here! Report to the Lord of the City. Now that the barracks have been relocated, our army can go to the new destination."

Hirsey was also excited: "Master, all the building materials drawings and equipment of the Shadow Battalion Demolition are now collected, please let me build the barracks for my master."

Finally get the scene done! This is just a small step in Kota Jungle. Wa hahaha!

Da Fei rejoiced with a big wave of his hand: "Okay, the next target, the mushroom forest in the obsidian mine! Hilce, the task of building the barracks is left to you!"

"Roger that!"

"Yes, master!"

The magic light of the sky boat flew outside the cave. Looking at the big flight, I couldn't help but be shocked, once the mushroom forest has become a withered rotten soil. If instead of playing games, but seeing such serious ecological damage in the real news, Da Fei, as a knowledgeable young man who has received advanced science education, would still feel distressed.

After all, ecology has no national borders. The destruction of any country in the end will affect the global environment. The present on Mars and Venus is the future of the earth. However, don't take this into account in the game.

While feeling sigh, Dafei's friend's message rang, this time with a smile. Needless to say, the two beauties have shifted.

A sweet smile: "Good morning, Fei Brother. There is a big move in Hongming Village in the European Union. They surround the adult wall to prevent our guild from approaching the Angel Village Chief. Hao Ge asks you for the next move. This is a video."

Dafei frowned, opened the video and watched, and it turned out that the red names of the countries in Hongming Village surrounded three groups around Eldari. Da Fei faintly knew what was going to happen. Mostly, Alda was ready to start machine mining. Of course, the EU region receiving the **** task will have to surround the adult wall to prevent others from taking the task.

As long as you can mine. How can all brothers make money? So of course, the best action is to leave it alone, let the EU region toss. However, the movement of Brother No. 3's city wall did not matter, and it has caused people's confusion. It would be even more suspicious if even such a major event as grabbing a mine would be ignored? It ’s not like acting, it will hurt the enthusiasm of the wealthy EU players, right?

When Da Fei was struggling with how to respond, the friend message rang again. This time it's Blood Vicky.

Blood Weiqi: "Feige. Isn't it? The European Union region seems to have received the mining task in Hongming Village. They will not let our Chinese players take over the task. Several guild leaders please show me how to do it? If Fei is not present, the big brothers will dispatch a wave of tentacles first. "

Well, you reminded me, so tangled things brother still pretend to hang up! You guys have to fight a wave, and some things can only multiply their value if they are scrambled.

As a result, Da Fei directly turned off the information of his friends. Anyway. Is it really okay for me to be kind? Uneasy, Da Fei's cell phone message also rang. This time it's Xiaoli.

Dafei hurriedly grabbed his mobile phone to check: "Brother, have you slept? Did you wake up? Something is going to happen in Hongming Village!"

Let me go, how many people will be shocked! If Brother dare to pretend to sleep, maybe Xiaoli thought that she was going to stun and called directly to wake him up, she would not have to hide it.

Da Fei replied: "You stayed overnight all night, pay attention to rest. Brother plays a big game in Hongming Village. Anyway, it's brother earn no worry."

Soon Xiaoli replied: "That's good, I will sleep when Xiaofang takes over. Also, I successfully made Xiaopan a body. Now Xiaopan is 11th grade, I send her to Capital Books In the luxurious reading room on the 2nd floor of the museum, I paid a deposit of 1 million gold coins and can read any book below the 2nd floor within one month during the game. There were originally more luxurious 3rd floors, but the 3rd floor required the player's reputation. can not go."

Dafei was satisfied: "Okay, I'll wait until the brother comes back on the 3rd floor, and let her get the basic knowledge first."

Xiaoli replied: "Yes, that brother also pays attention to rest. I went to make breakfast."

Ending the conversation with Xiaoli, Dafei exhaled a long breath of satisfaction. It's nice to have a reliable person to help you.

Just then Serbia appeared with a pair of panda eyes: "Captain, you are here!"

What the hell! Beauty heroes can have this expression? Dafei exclaimed, "Ah, Serbia, you have worked hard these two days."

Serbia shook his head a bit, and said, "Well, after all, it is very laborious to channel more than 20,000 horned spirits. Now I am reporting to the captain from Lamia and Deirdre. Lamia has already Successfully upgraded the territory to level 77, and has gained a certain popularity in major **** cities. Although this will allow her to gain a larger market, it will also cause greater hostility among some city owners, so she asked the captain Able to help in a crisis. "

Da Fei immediately said: "No problem, let her use the strength of the warriors around her to form a perfect intelligence network. If you encounter any threat, you must notify me immediately."

Hum, this is equivalent to brother indirectly sending tasks to Japanese players behind the scenes, brother is so great!

Serbia nodded: "Then there is a report from Deirdre. Deirdre has already bet with Cromwell, the former chief hero of the Fire Cave City. If Deirdre can successfully kill the mob dragon, Karen Will would consider if ... whether to play with Deirdre. "

Da Fei could not help but stunned: "What is playing together? Is it to follow? Or to become a vice hero?"

Serbia frowned: "This is Cromwell's original quote from Deirdre, and Cromwell's meaning is very frivolous."

Lying down! Play with your sister! The thought of being ridiculed by one's heart and heart is not good, even if the other party is an npc.

Da Fei gritted his teeth and said, "It doesn't matter. We must also destroy this Nether Devil Dragon anyway. Anyway, we also have no hope of attracting this Cromwell. You can reply to Deirdre, and we will soon The one who destroyed the Numa prison monster dragon inside, let her wait for us. "

"I see, then I'll reply to them now."

If Da Fei hadn't been sure enough to deal with this mob dragon before, but with the shield of Medusa, Da Fei can't wait to find a powerful monster to try the legendary Medusa. Can the head kill God! Now just try this hand of the Numa prison monster dragon. Of course, Da Fei still has the big trick of "summoning the Bacchus". In case Medusa has taken off, you can also consider calling the Bacchus to the swamp to take a bath.

After thinking about it, Serbia also sent a reply, and then asked: "Captain, now Lilim's barracks has a lot of souls, should you use the sea soul battle to refine it now?"

What the hell! You are the busiest, brother distressed!

Da Fei hurriedly said: "Okay, after you have absorbed Lilim's soul with the sea soul battle, let's continue to rest and maintain the spirit for the subsequent war."

Serbia couldn't help but yawn: "I see!"

It is worthy of my brother's careful liver, and it looks so beautiful to become a panda yawning!


At this point, the Dragon Cavalry Chamber of Commerce's offline chat room, Haoge and other members of the Dragon Cavalry Chamber of Commerce waited for the instructions of the big fly, and the wait took 10 minutes.

Yan Ran smiled and replied: "Feige didn't return for a long time, it seems he was still sleeping. I heard that he fought late last night?"

The soldier laughed: "Playing games like ours, it's normal for 3 to 4 in the morning. What should I do?"

Howe said lightly: "What else can I do? Fei Ge just let you do it, have you ever done it? Then follow Fei Ge's previous instructions, do nothing, let other masters handle it."

The crowd could not help but startled: "I see."

That's right, Now Ono started to pay attention to the movement of Dafei. The reason why the beauties ask Fei Ge for instructions is to confirm that Da Fei is offline. Obviously, the situation is very bad now, the Japanese team and the American team can only continue to wait dumbly in the maze. Of course, there are also not too bad, at least the situation in Hongming Village will exceed his control! Well, let the European Union give Da Fei a bit more powerful look.

At this moment, the soldiers were all upset: "A big car came out of the warehouse!"

"Is this the one that Fanghua brought in?"

"Sure enough to transport mine?"

"Slump, why do our cars in China make use of the EU?"

Haoge laughed, and the show started!


Sure enough, at this time, the big heads in China who had been waiting impatiently until dawn and received the news for the first time: "The European Union and the Angel Village chief are leaving the village with a mysterious vehicle covered by cloth! "

The ancient Xingchen spirit refreshed: "Boss Ma, you said yes!"

Ma Yinglong smiled: "Let me wait, wait for them to go out and kill the pain!" Speaking of domineering shouts: "One, two, three, four, five, six, eight, or nine groups, dispatch !!!!"

The next moment, the white lights of Hongming Village flashed in succession, and nearly a thousand undead players with five-star small red flags overhead filled the square in Hongming Village!

This amazing and neat momentum instantly shocked the other big guys in the chat room, and also shocked the soldiers present.

At this moment, in the EU team chat room, Lancelot did smile slightly: "Mr. V, it's your turn ..."

"Oh, okay!" (To be continued.)

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