God Rank Hero

Chapter 1380: The edge of the world

It is noon and lunch time, the Tulong Guild Headquarters, the food delivery vehicle shuttles. There is a greasy and fragrant smell of various dishes in the headquarters.

The Dragon Dragon Association was founded by the Internet Cafe Association. Once a barrel of noodles, a bottle of water and a pack of cigarettes were the standard configuration of an Internet cafe computer table. Even now the Dragon Dragon Association has developed into an international grand guild, these bone marrow game habits Still difficult to get rid of. Of course, this is also one of the important reasons why Dragon Dragon has been unable to recruit beautiful players.

At this moment, Ma Yinglong was holding a bucket of braised instant noodles in his left hand, holding a glass of dry red wine in his right hand and staring at the big map on the wall. After so many years, Ma Yinglong still likes to eat instant noodles when he is in a good mood. The sour taste of the unique MSG condiment of instant noodles, which carries the joy of winning the championship every time, can't be replaced by any big meal.

The map on the wall is the forwarder's road map that has been constantly exploring the road in Dabian, this week, and the progress of the occupation and reception of the follow-up troops.

The Great Desolation, a desolate place across the half of the earth in the eastern part of the Orc Kingdom, is similar to Siberia in reality. Although the production of the scene is very simple and rough, except for the endless frozen soil is the gravel wilderness and the fierce and disgusting monster, the resource distribution is not as scarce as expected.

At present, there is only one gold mine with unknown reserves discovered by Chang Liang, three crystal mines of low quality, one medium-quality gem mine, two 募 t recruiting points for wild dead cattle, and petrified lizard recruiting. Order 4 and then the most important discovery is that Chang Liang discovered a neutral Lizardman village the day before yesterday.

This is a valuable supply habitat for Chang Liang, who is exhausted at the end of the crossbow. The village's unique poison extraction weapons, bone teeth, arrows, and unique lizardmen arms have greatly increased the investment and development value of the village.

The most important information that Chang Liang obtained in this village was. Hundreds of years ago, a large orc tribe passed by during the migration. And all the way east.

That said. There will be a huge orc power in the eastern part of the desert, and the high end of the orcs is certainly not comparable to these lizardmen. So after carrying enough supplies, Chang Liang went east again. After finding a river that flows from the north to the east, Chang Liang was firm in the direction of the river, because a large tribe must be built with water. local. The existence of rivers means that shipping can be vigorously developed, which is more conducive to the transportation of goods in the vast and large-scale wasteland.

In fact, the biggest problem of the big side shortage is that it is too extensive to far exceed the player's logistic transportation limit. The cost of time alone is a losing trade no matter what you do here. So Chang Liang must also find absolutely valuable goals. As a professional player, I firmly believe that there will be such a goal.

At this point, the area marked by the crater on the map has been thrown out of the smaller half of the earth by Chang Liang. That's right, there is the **** pygmy mountain range trapping the stars and the ninth heaven development group.

It must be said that the resources of this hawk developed by Xingchen and Bloodweaver of the Ninth Heaven have exceeded the sum of all the targets discovered by Tu Long at present, which is the great advantage of the Alliance of Light to occupy the window of the world to facilitate delivery.

At the same time that Ma Yinglong was envious, there was inevitably a psychological imbalance, so it was said that a good combination of internal and external cooperation would open up this mountain range, but the dragon slaughter could not work. Ma Yinglong hopes that this crater will keep the stars here for as long as possible.

How can the Bright League team easily set foot in this unknown place? Tu Long is still considering using a large number of ordinary 50-level players' fiefdom orders here, so that it avoids the risk of going to the new world.

At this point, the coordinate latitude and longitude of Chang Liang's location may have reached the end of the world. If you go further, you should be able to see the sea, and the chance of a large city appearing at the entrance of the river is as high as 90%. Ma Yinglong has begun to celebrate the discovery of the hidden large new forces.

At this moment, a team member reported: "President, the desert ruins of the Ninth Paradise of the Stars opened up the wasteland."

Ma Yinglong couldn't help but laugh: "It's not bad, this time they topped 4 hours."

Chang Liang's laughter was also uploaded from the big screen: "Since it is the exit of the Window of the World, the difficulty is definitely the same. They have been inking in the crater for a week, and it will take two or three days to say less in the desert ruins. How many hours is enough. "

Ma Yinglong shook his head and smiled: "Taking the difficulty of customs clearance in the window of the world, they are really burning money for the third-line development at the same time."

Chang Liang sneered: "To put it plainly, just waiting for Da Fei to come to the rescue, in case Wan Da Fei didn't get it, I see how they cry!"

Just then, Ma Yinglong's phone rang. It was indeed an ancient star: "Hey, brother."

Ma Yinglong frowned, and immediately hung up the phone!

The team members aside said, "President?"

Ma Yinglong cut it out: "This grandson looks like he must have lost his family to borrow money, don't worry about it."

At this moment, Ma Yinglong's friend's message rang, and the players of the training team shouted, "President, boss Chen Xing sent you a message!"

Ma Yinglong didn't feel good. "Just say I'm out."

After a while, the world channel in the game clanged:

World Channel [Ancient Stars]: President Ma, we are out of money, so give it a face, borrowing 500 million gold coins, 300 million is fine ...

The World Channel was surprised!

"Bottom!" At this moment, the Tulong Command was even more upset!

"I have never seen such a shameless person!" Ma Yinglong exclaimed, "Back to him, your mother exploded!"


The World Channel is so noisy that Chang Liang turns a blind eye and concentrates on searching again. For Chang Liang, this week's pioneering road-finding work can no longer be described simply by stress, it is Alexander!

Because you can't die! Once dead, Chang Liang will be resurrected and return to his hometown, and the mission of exploring the mile will fail. Especially at the critical moment when large orc tribes are about to be discovered, it is impossible to die.

Soon, Chang Liang noticed something strange. In the sky ahead, a large cloud of low clouds covered the earth. Looking around, there were no strange creatures around!

Too abnormal! Along the way, no matter how boring the environment is, the strangeness that embellishes the environment is that the stars are never missing! Looking at this weird cloud, Chang Liang was keenly aware of the crisis, and the end of the world must be the world-class Boss town.

Chang Liang thought for a moment, and decided to make the most daring decision, that is, all the Shadow Wolf units that he used to explore the roads were all independently set off into the dark clouded earth. This Phantom Wolf has perfect stunts such as stealth, olfactory tracking, super stamina, super night vision, etc. It is an orc high-end scout arm.

As for Chang Liang, he dived into the river water, started sneaking and drifted down the river. In this wilderness, the river is the only barrier to hide.

When Chang Liang drifted into the clouds, Chang Liang's field of vision suddenly darkened, and the system prompts a snoring sound:

System prompt: Warning! As you enter the killing realm, your morale defenses will decay as the dwell time increases. When your army's morale drops to 0, the army will be unable to act because of fear!

field! Sure enough, it is a super wave ss! At this moment, Chang Liang became more nervous than ever, and clasped his artifact cloak tightly. If there was an accident, use it immediately! In any case, we must rush out of this field!

As time passed, Chang Liang gritted his teeth, and at the end of the field of vision under the cloud, Chang Liang seemed to see the sea! That's right, it's the sea, and there's a huge fortress hidden by the seaside, an orc city! Is this the realm of orcs?

Just when Chang Liang wanted to, there was a flash of light in the overcast cloud, and a thunder blasted down. In the next moment, Chang Liang couldn't believe his eyes, and the entire Dragon Command was stunned!

I saw a "giant orangutan" as tall as a building suddenly appearing in the thunder under the clouds. With a loud roar, the shadow wolf unit that constantly illuminated the road ahead appeared instantly! Then it took a deep breath, and a gust of wind rose flatly, rolling up these shadow wolves, and flying into its huge mouth!

The system prompts: The ghost wolf unit that you set out independently was devoured and killed by the ancient **** and beast!

Beast Bemon! ?

At this instant, the Dragon Slain Command exploded: "Ancient beast with Leviathan?"

Ma Yinglong was so shocked that he dropped into the ground, and 10,000 gods and beasts rushed past in his heart: "Is there a mistake! Both gods and beasts were met by our dragon slaughter!"

In biblical legends, God created the world in 7 days, created everything in the first 6 days, and created two giant beasts on the 7th day. The female beast is the sea overlord Leviathan and the male beast. Behe touched the earth. When the doomsday comes, humans can hunt and kill these two beasts at the same time to sacrifice the gods for salvation!

"Invisibility cloak, use!" Even in the face of the beast, Chang Liang, a professional player, will not give up the last glimmer of hope!

But the next moment, in the flash of thunder, Beamon's giant figure began to blur, and then disappeared. Then, the clouds in the sky disappeared, and the sun began to shine on the earth again.

It wasn't until the system prompt that the killing area disappeared appeared that Chang Liang returned to God: "Have you gone?"

The Tulong Command was even more surprised: "Should it be a beast that appeared randomly?"

Ma Yinglong even slumped and sat back on the sofa with a soft foot: "Okay, just live ~ Go to the city! The city is ahead! Don't be troubled!"

Just then, a few black spots appeared in the sky, which were several neutral yellow orcs riding on two-footed flying dragons: "Welcome the warriors from afar to our War Soul Clan!"

At this moment, Chang Liang, who was frightened at last, finally released his thumbs with relief! The next moment, the entire Dragon Squall Command burst into warm applause ... (to be continued ...)

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