God Rank Hero

Chapter 1383: Break into the magic city

While the members of the Mitsubishi team will be excited to obtain the first-hand load data of the flying ship, Da Fei has taken Gen. Ragner on the ship to visit the Flying.

Ragnar lamented: "It is indeed a warrior. Even the Kingdom Druid Council may not be able to bring out such advanced equipment as the warrior. The warrior is really very creative. I have full confidence in our battle."

is not it? Brother, is this the rhythm of reaching the peak of mortals? Dafei haha ​​laughed: "The general has won a prize"

Ragnar continued to sigh: "If I said that I just asked the warriors to help me attack the enemies of Magic City in order to repay the vengeance, then I may change my mind now. After all, I have made such a big mistake and caused so much Disasters can never be made up with so-called credit. I decided that as long as this war is over, I will resign as a general. "

Dafei was surprised: "Resign?"

Ragna smiled: "At that time, I wanted to follow the warriors to travel around the world and promote cultivation. I don't know if the warriors would agree? If the warriors didn't agree, I would have to be a hermit."

Da Fei suddenly let me go on the spot. Is this a reward for this mission? The question is, as long as you are a follower of a beautiful elf such as Delier, are you a big man who follows the brother's eggs? Brother received a Hillsey and was already very heartbroken.

No, the general with a heavy soldier is the greatest value of his brother's connections. He is not a person who has passed away during the national war. He is a cross-region saint who can come back to see at any time in the future. He wants an unpowered male follower. What use?

Dafei hurriedly said, "General. I understand your guilt, but you can't give up on your own, even if the merits of this war cannot make up for your fault. But you can be in the next ten years, one hundred years, one thousand years Come to make up for your mistakes. If you do n’t make up for your mistakes, your heart will always be upset. Um, there is regret. In this negative state of mind. I do n’t think that resignation will help improve your cultivation, so the general appreciates me I am deeply honoured. But I never agree with the resignation of the general "

Ragna said, "The words of the Warrior make sense."

Um, is this the reaction after being rejected by Brother? It's too bland.

Just then, Tamilia reported: "Master, Lord, has reached the area where the general instructs the map."

Dafei was surprised: "So fast?"

Ragnar laughed: "Of course. Actually it wasn't far away, otherwise the Demon Legion would not retreat so quickly, then I should disembark. The warrior will remain hidden outside the area. After I break the enchantment, the warrior should You can see a huge portal to Hell, then the warriors picked me up on the ship, and we attacked the portal together. "

Dafei exclaimed: "The portal to Hell? Isn't this magic city in our world?"

Ragnar said positively: "Of course not, it has only one entrance to the space door hidden by the enchantment in our world, which is why they lurked beside the world tree and have not been found for so long."

Da Fei's jaw dropped, didn't he? One campaign mission. Brother is going to hell? No wonder Lamya ’s map does n’t have this magic city, it ’s not in a world at all

Dafei asked quickly, "Can we come back?"

Ragnar said positively: "Of course, because the entrance of the world tree is created by entering the **** naturally into the hell. It is a two-way space channel. You know, the root system of the world tree is very large, and it will reach into the world to absorb nutrients. Including hell. However, the demons apparently discovered this before us, so they first created the enchantment to conceal the entrance. Then they slowly planned a large-scale invasion. I haven't found demons around the pond for many years Conspiracy, this is my biggest misconduct "

Suddenly, Da Fei suddenly faintly remembered that Mayor Elorine had also said about the mission of the pool of shining light to himself. The roots of the World Tree are too deep, and inevitably will encounter demons in the abyss. OK, **** is nothing great, there is Hell over there, and the main city where **** players are born is Hell, but that ’s all

Da Fei nodded: "Okay, let's go, Tamilla, open the door and send the general off the boat"

"Roger that"

After landing on the ground, the general disappeared all of a sudden and disappeared from Da Fei's radar. What Da Fei can do is to start the stealth of the Sky Boat, and start the dark field of the Hidden Flight to wait in secret. At this moment, Da Fei's thoughts fluctuated.

In other words, the situation of China's Guangchi Pool is actually similar to that of Japan. That is to say, there should also be a **** entrance penetrated by tree roots in the vicinity of Guangchi Pool in China. After I return home, I'm afraid that I have to flatten that city? But without the help of Bacchus, flattening is impossible? Could that block the space door?

Da Fei hurriedly found the three elders next to the Jiuchi: "Three elders, I ask for advice. Since the general has found the entrance to Hell, is there any way we can close this entrance?"

The elder said positively, "It's very simple. Since the entrance is born from the root system of the world tree, you can close it by destroying that root system. Obviously, the demons could have destroyed the tree after they discovered that the root system of the world tree had invaded The roots prevent the world tree from entering, but they are in a conspiracy and have not done so. On the contrary, they are likely to prevent our army from destroying and protecting the tree roots, so this battle is quite difficult to fight. "

Dafei frowned: "So it is" to destroy the tree? Da Fei immediately remembered the beetle that sucked on the roots of the tree when he first came to the pool of light. At this moment, Da Fei throbbed, could the brother eat the World Tree by the beetle?

The sink absorbs the energy of the world tree, and Dafei can't help himself when he thinks about it.

At this moment, the flash of fire in front of the dark ground flashed, and then a roar of explosion came over and the next moment, the general's green dots and a large group of red dots appeared on the radar.

The elder immediately said: "Warrior, ready to fight to assist the general"

Dafei excitedly waved his hand: "Teleport to the battlefield"

The light of the sky boat flashed. When the scene changed in front of Dafei, the boat of the sky appeared in a transpiration and explosion of fire and fog. There was a huge wave of space in the fire and fog. The door was revolving.

"Good come" The general on the ground plunged into the space gate Tamilia opened beside him. Then said nothing: "Warrior, enter the space gate"

Is this going to hell? Da Fei's nervous voice began to tremble: "rush in"

Then Dafei's eyes were dark.

System prompt: Scene loading, please be patient ...

Is it a long-lost scene loading, and it really crosses the world, so did the Bacchus come? Sure, you have to come, and you won't be able to get along without him.

Finally, seven or eight seconds of loading time is over. As soon as the scene changed, Dafei's eyes were red after a long absence. At the same time, a large red cloud blasted on the radar, and a trembling siren came from the ear.

I pulled it out, and as soon as I entered the door, I couldn't wait for my eyes to adjust to the new environment, and I didn't even confirm whether I was in the sky or on the ground. Dafei waved his hand directly: "Elder, let go of the **** of wine"

"I see, warrior"

A blood-colored shock wave radiated from the center village, instantly covering the whole ship

The next moment, Dafei finally saw where he was. A huge square surrounded by dozens of meters of high walls. Numerous crossbow guns on the high wall were facing the wave space door where he was.

The general's roar sounded: "Warrior, teleport"

Da Fei's big hand waved: "Teleport"

"Received" As Tamilla's response just landed, the powerful mechanical sound of numerous crossbow artillery guns erupted on the high wall. Thousands of crossbow guns screamed out of breath

At this moment, a "send" word from Dafei scared out a screaming ending.

The next moment, the scene changed. The boat of the sky appeared in the cloud of fire with a height of several hundred meters, and Da Fei started to look down. The whole city overlooked the eyes, and a group of dense buildings surrounded the large circle of the city's center. The portal square surrounded by the wall is indeed a typical offensive fortress

Just then, the golden light flashed on the Dafei radar

System prompt: Your **** detector found a divine response

Dafei hurriedly looked in the direction of the radar. I saw a golden green light shining in a huge courtyard in the city

The general exclaimed, "It is the root of the magic tree of the world tree, and that building is the town hall."

Just then. The golden green light burst into bloom, and a golden green shock wave spread around the city hall and the airspace where Da Fei was located. The system prompts a sound:

System prompt: warn you to enter the enchanted area of ​​the mutant world tree, your space ability and healing ability will consume a lot of extra energy


The three elders were astonished: "The demon actually mastered the way to control the power of the world tree"

The general shouted: "Warrior, destroy it immediately"

Dafei gritted his teeth: "Teleport over the city hall, ready to throw stones"

A low voice rang through the city: "block the space door and destroy the invaders"

General gritted his teeth: "It is the main warrior of the magic city, rest assured, as long as he dares to show up, I will try my best to share all my hero's power"

Da Fei's jaw fell to the ground to feed. He just said he was going to resign and retire. Why is he desperate now? Isn't that just a good card issued by my brother?

Dafei hurriedly said: "Don't forget the general, we still have Bacchus"

By the way, why hasn't Bacchus arrived yet, and he can't find him in Hell? Well, I said I'm coming next time, don't lie

Just then, the thunder light suddenly exploded in the square space, and the angry roar rang through the city: "Even if you hide in hell, you can't escape my anger"

Finally came to look at the thunderous giant appearing on the square, Dafei seemed to see his father

Dad you are my dad

"Eat Me Aguis"

There was a flash of thunder in the square. In the loud noise, the entire earth was shaking. Soaring smoke and dust flew one hundred meters, which instantly blocked the sky and blocked the sight of Dafei.

The tank really brought an artifact. At this moment, Da Fei's only thought was to take advantage of the thick smoke to snorkel.

Note: Aegis, the legendary Aegis. To be continued


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