God Rank Hero

Chapter 1388: Mitsubishi profiting from failure

World Information: Chinese player Dafei destroyed the Hell City "Magic City" in Japan ...

Players from all over the world exploded! Dragon Slaying, God Slaying, God Slaying, or God Slaying, now it's time to come, Da Fei has finally slaughtered the city! What else can stop the big fly in this world?

At this moment, the headquarters of the Mitsubishi team died instantly! In fact, as early as more than ten minutes ago, Mitsubishi Command received the player's anomaly report, and the magic city's teleportation array was closed and could not be reached. Then a few minutes ago, players at the pool of light found that a large number of high-end druids in the kingdom appeared. The Mitsubishi team also linked these anomalies with Dafei's "trial sailing" for the first time, but never imagined that Dafei would have the ability to destroy the magic city, that is a system city!

No one knows the garrison strength of Magic City better than the Mitsubishi team. This should not be something that players can handle. Then there is only one possibility, Bacchus!

Then. Regarding the strength of Dafei, Mitsubishi's team members have become numb and accustomed to it, so Tsukamoto quickly returned to God and felt helpless: "Zhujun, what do you think?"

The slippery **** said quietly: "The destruction of the magic city has caused Hell to lose a natural channel for attacking the ground. This has made the Hell Army unable to form a strategic siege to the elven kingdom. It will become a battle of fortification after the fight. The style of the Hell Corps, especially when the Hell Corps puts its main force in the new world. The Hell Corps may retreat to Hell across the board, and this national war may not end soon. Of course, it is also possible to shrink the troops and stop the attack. To consolidate what is currently possible on the ground. "

Tsukamoto said positively: "The predecessor made sense, but no matter what the **** army movement is, it has nothing to do with our players. What we can do now is to use the power of Dafei as much as possible. Since he does have the ability to destroy the city, Then the plan to seriously damage the underground city has become feasible. And the defense level of the underground city is by no means comparable to outposts like Magic City, and we have unlimited prospects for profit. "

Killing life is indeed a brow: "Actually. We can not only profit from the underground cities, but also from the changing hands of the ground cities? Zhu Jun think, if the **** army chose to give up occupying the entire city Retreat, then we can completely grab the city abandoned by **** before the elven kingdom is lost, which is equivalent to our players directly having a former city! "

That's a word. The Mitsubishi team is uproar!

Tsukamoto rejoiced: "Yoshi! It's worth being Kinoshita. What do the princes think?"

Slippery God praised: "Yes! Only by defeating the entire Hell Army can we profit from it! Our opportunity is here!"

Tsukamoto laughed: "At present, the Hell Corps has occupied 16 Elven Kingdom cities, so see how many cities we can mix into!"

Slippery God smiled: "And if you want to accelerate the defeat of the Hell Army, it is imperative to create a few logistic cities below the ground! We are profiting from both ends of the ground!"

The team members cheered, "Yo West!"


At this time, Hongming Village was watching with interest the big v who was taking a bath in the royal family, and his face changed because of the world information of Dafei.

The players of the Dragon Cavalry Chamber of Commerce also woke up after a slight mistake. The soldiers came to Da v proudly: "Mr. Da v, can I represent our Dragon Cavalry Chamber of Commerce. By the way, can you ask a question on behalf of some Chinese players?"

Big v shook his head and smiled: "Excuse me."

The soldier chuckled and smiled: "Excuse me, Mr. Da, how do you feel about this world message?"

Da v patted his head with a helpless smile: "It scared me! This is my only thought at the moment!"

The soldiers couldn't help it: "Since it's scared. How dare you challenge Fei?"

Big v haha ​​laughed: "If I was knocked over by Da Fei, wouldn't it be very exciting?"

The soldier also laughed: "Yes, we all expect you to be overturned by Feige!"

Da v shook his head and smiled: "Yes, the show is about to start, please count to 10!"

The soldier was surprised: "10?"

As a result, among the players of the Dragon Cavalry Chamber of Commerce, 10 seconds passed, and then the village square flashed. A lot of mechanical vehicle teleports appeared!

At this moment, the soldiers were all upset: "This is it?"

Da v laughed: "Of course we have a little idea in the European Union. So let's work together!"

The soldier's face changed, and he quickly switched to the offline chat room and found a smile: "Beauty, go and report to Fei, the EU has sent a lot of things that look like mining machines are coming to mine ..."


The Dragon Slay Command, Ma Yinglong is intoxicated by the joy of the newly discovered War Soul Tribe.

Here, Chang Liang was the first player to be received by the NPC. Chang Liang found a very high-end slave species, the Minotaur, and also found an orc war drum unit that matched his stunt "Mug of Arms" Of course, there are very rare bipedal flying cavalry in the orc emirate. And most importantly, this tribe actually has three giant ships like tents on the sea!

This is a subversive discovery! For a long time, players' knowledge of orcs was limited to ground warfare, and it was still ground plain warfare. Regardless of the map of the district, the orc kingdom is geographically unavailable, and the orc is recognized as a race without a navy.

Everything has changed now. Orcs not only have navy, but also giant ships! From the analysis of the appearance of the carved masts on the giant ship and the animal skin canvas painted with various symbols, this is still a totem battleship, which is also a magic battleship.

From the dialogue with the host orc hero, Chang Liang learned why the War Soul Tribe is so high-end, because their living environment is extremely bad, and they cannot survive without high-end. For example, Bemon, the **** and beast, encountered when Chang Liang came over. This Beamon did appear randomly, and the killing cloud in the sky was a sign of his activity. This cloud will waft downwind from the big desert, as long as prey appears under the clouds, Beamon will emerge from his killing gods.

In the face of Beamon's threat, the only thing the War Spirit Tribe can do is to start Shaman to block the cloud of killing from the territory. And it is not only Beamon that affects the development of the War Soul Tribe. In short, the development here is difficult.

However, the War Soul Tribe is not alone for the Chinese region that has developed the New Oriental World. After initially understanding the situation of the War Soul Tribe, the Dragon Slaying Guild immediately set a development strategy for a breakthrough at sea to connect the Lighthouse Islands.

While the Dragon Slayers were making various development plans, the World Channel rang out!

At this moment, the discussion of the entire Long Tu Commander came to an abrupt end.

Ma Yinglong sighed, "It's Dafei again, what do you think?"

Chang Liang sighed: "It goes without saying that he has a flying ship. Find a chance to play **** in the sky and destroy a small town. It's really the same as playing."

Ma Yinglong sighed: "We were still shocking the orc giant ship, but now it is still out of date."

Chang Liang smiled, "As long as you can fly, you won't be out of date?"

Ma Yinglong said positively: "Also, as long as it can fly!"

At this time, a team reported: "President, Hero News Live Room invites you to a live interview at 3 pm, and the ancient stars also went."

Ma Yinglong didn't feel good: "It is estimated that this is the theme of destroying the city. What time is it now?"


Ma Yinglong cut it out: "In such a sensitive and critical period, I must brush up on the existence of the dragon slaughter."

Chang Liang laughed: "Boss, I don't have time to prepare the draft now, I can only play freely!"

Ma Yinglong smiled proudly: "I really thought I couldn't speak without the manuscript? Isn't his dragon fat?"


At this time, two or three thousand NPC citizens of the Hell tribe shivered in the entrance to Hell, the former Japanese city of Magic.

Da Fei also saw the legendary Druid Parliament, a group of white-bearded Druid old druids and a large group of dragon and eagle knights under the introduction of General. From the respect of the three elders to meet these old men, each old man here should be a god-level strongman, which is probably the highest-end combat power of the elven kingdom.

However, there are eggs to use, everything is in brother's cargo hold, wow ha ha ha!

After a series of praises, the old man in parliament said, "We can't leave the center of the world tree for too long. I don't know what the Warriors plan to do next?"

Dafei haha ​​laughed: "Of course, these captives were brought back to the city first, and then transported to the ground in batches by me. I built a neutral city under the ground, which is our army's outpost against hell!

Ragner also responded: "I have contacted all the leafy boats at the station to be picked up on the bank of the River of Light."

The elders were satisfied: "Very well, our strength is beyond our reach. It is also very good for the Warriors to have such an idea. Ragnar, you have performed very well this time, and you must continue to work hard to make contributions. Whatever you need, you must give it your full support, and don't be lazy! "

General saluting: "Respect the teachings of the elders!"

Dafei laughed: "Thank you for your help!"

The elders laughed: "As for the captives, there will inevitably be changes in the process of transporting them to the pool of light, so it is not necessary to be so troublesome, let's send them for a ride!"

Between the words, the elders worked together to cast the spell. After a while, a large golden light fell from the sky and covered thousands of prisoners. Then the next moment, the golden light flashed, the elders and the captive teleport disappeared!

Da Fei was startled and stunned: "I did not expect our army to have such an amazing teleporting ability!"

The general said with emotion: "As long as it is within the power of the World Tree, the motive force of our army is not weaker than hell. Warrior, thank you for returning to the city?"

Dafei laughed: "Okay, get back to town!"

I'm finally relieved, now let's slowly reply to the congratulations message from the beauties.

(Find a ticket ...) (To be continued.)

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