God Rank Hero

Chapter 1401: Can't see anything

In the face of the sudden Hell Army, the Mitsubishi team was in awe!

Tsukamoto immediately responded: all the players in the **** camp rushed back to defense, and all players in Lamia Village defended with all their strength. ▲ ∴,

At the same time, Lamia also flew to Da Fei's battleship for the first time, asking Da Fei's NP hero for help.

At the same time, the slippery **** also reported to Falina for the first time: "Miss Falina, His Excellency Grauer, we have detected a large number of unknown legions approaching Lamia Village, please return immediately."

Grauer laughed: "It's good to kill you again, Lord Cromwell, are you going for a walk?"

As soon as this remark came out, the flying devil looked forward with great anticipation.

Cromwell sneered, "boring."

It seems that it can only rely on the strength of the Mitsubishi team and the strength of Da Fei who stays behind. The key is the strength of Da Fei.

Slippery God once again sent a message to Da Fei on the list of friends: "Da Fei Sang, are you there? Some **** army has attacked our village."

However, after waiting for a while, Dafei still did not reply.

Killing off Guan Bai sneered: "In fact, we don't have to worry about it, as long as Da Fei's warships are stationed in our village. And there will be no reservations for np. We can just take this opportunity to observe Da Fei's strength Enough! "

Tsukamoto nodded: "Yo West! From the last attack, we can see that Da Fei's warship is enough to defeat a ground legion. Even if Da Fei is not present, np will not perform poorly. Of course, the performance is better, The result of a mixed defeat is no better. "

"Report the captain, the third group of members has arrived in zone 16!"

"Report the captain. The first group of players is close to area 14!"

Tsukamoto looked at the map with various marks on the wall and said decisively: "The third group of members launched a harassment guerrilla against the Hell Corps. The Hell Corps was led to the 16-3, 16-7 area with more latent monsters! The first group was at 14 Areas No. 1. No. 2 and No. 3 cracks are ready for falling rocks. When the local prison legion passes, they push down huge stones to block them! "

"Hi Yi!"

That's right, for the current players in Japan, if you want to go to the front of the np army, you just need to find shit, not to mention that the three members of the Mitsubishi team have no troops. Therefore, in the face of the np legion, all kinds of strange harassment. All kinds of card terrain, try to divide the lineup that delays NP is the only thing that can be done.

It has to be said that this tactic is very effective. Under the harassment of players in Japan, regardless of sacrifice, the **** army, which was originally a torrent of flames, is now cut into three major sections. Each section of the march is separated by a kilometer. The delay of the **** legion's impact.

And those **** dogs that were led away by the players, the **** horse chasing force was greatly separated from the home team, which further reduced the impact of the army. The average team member can do everything.

Let's look at the strength of the 12 main forces stationed on the high cliffs of Lamia Village and the large flying warships docked on the underground river pier under the high cliffs.

At 8 pm Tokyo time. The flames of the Hell Corps reflected the distant ground and appeared in the sight of Japanese players.

this moment. The Japanese players couldn't help but be in panic. But even at this time, the NP of the Da Fei battleship still showed no signs of flying into the sky. Although it is very advantageous for a warship to stop in the water and bombard the shore, it is still difficult to establish an advantage based on an underground river that is not too wide or deep. Is this the idea of ​​np?

At this moment, Lamia finally flew out of the big battleship, and then the village channel jingled:

City Channel: Lamia Village Chief Lamia releases open battlefield mission "Defense Territory"! Players who complete the quest will receive the Banshee Race Prestige bonus provided by Lamia Village!

Tactical tip: The city's warriors retreat to the high cliff where the town hall is located, and resist the enemy's advanced troops to send assault!

Post task! Tsukamoto hurried forward and asked, "Miss Lamia, all our warriors have retreated to the high cliffs. What about the warships on the river? Doesn't it fly to take advantage of air combat?"

Lamia Shen said: "If you want to use the advantages of air combat, you should find the enemy early and defend the enemy from outside the territory, but the flying ship is assigned the command of in-situ defense, then we can only be in the territory. After a tactical discussion with Lieutenant Tamilla, I finally decided to use the Flying to stop and attract the enemy forces on the river, so that the enemy ’s siege pressure can be greatly reduced. Warriors, fight all out, go all out Come on! "

Within the dead! Dafei did hang up offline!

At this moment, the Mitsubishi team is excited, because this means that the battleship of Da Fei is very likely to lose out with the Hell Army!

The right and left of the gun couldn't help but replay the old tune: "Captain, if Da Fei's battleship is really not working, are we going to go down?"

Tsukamoto also throbbed: "Speak later."


At this time, at 7 pm Beijing time, Da Fei, Xiao Fang and Xiao Li had just finished their meals. Da Fei Bian Biao Bian Bian rushed to pay the bill, but still hesitated to say: "Otherwise, I will help you choose Clothes? "

Xiaoli said impatiently: "It's really unnecessary! Our girls have trouble shopping."

Xiaofang also shook her head and smiled: "We don't dare to guarantee that the guild will have prepared a dedicated live broadcast costume for us tomorrow, so my brother still don't bother."

Xiaoli's brows were raised, "So I'll go back and do your favor."

Dafei reluctantly grabbed a stack of money and stuffed it in Xiaoli's hand: "Take it!"

Xiaofang was happy: "Oh, yo, brother is generous!"

Dafei laughed and said, "Don't go shopping too long. Be sure to return home at 9 o'clock. Remember to call home when you get there!"

"Got it!"


At this time, Lamia Village, the rolling underground space, destroyed the sentry outside the Japanese players all the way, rushing to the territory of Lamia Village. At this moment, the entire river bank was a sea of ​​fiery red.

Then more than a dozen huge fiery red **** gates around the river bank opened, and countless mirrors sprang from the horned demons, mirrored banshees, and mirrored abyss demons.

The standard siege tactics of the **** race, first use these cannon fodder with self-explosive attack and long-range attack magic attack to consume the enemy's strength and mana and ammunition madly, and then use the rear body unit to launch the total attack!

Also at this moment, the river surface around the Dafei battleship was translucent with an aerosol, which instantly covered the battleship, and in a blink of time it covered the pier and the city walls and the arrow tower along the river!

The Mitsubishi team was uproaring: "Master-level arcane summons the fog?"

But it is not over yet, the aerosol rises and spreads everywhere, directly covering the enemy's **** gate that constantly appears in the mirror, and the high cliffs where the players are located!

The whole village is shrouded in fog, except for the enemy's red dot on the radar, nothing can be seen!

At this moment, Mitsubishi Command was dumbfounded on the spot: "This is God-level arcane? This is the strength of Da Fei Vice Hero?"

Lamia's voice rang through the village in the fog: "Warriors, the fog barrier has been established, and the enemy's hit rate in the fog will be greatly reduced. Fight!"

The next moment, I only heard the sound of cannons screaming in the fog on the river bank, and only saw the rumble of fire blasting in the fog! The mirrored red dot by the river bank disappeared, appeared, disappeared, and appeared again! No one saw what happened, no one knows how powerful the firepower of the big flying ship!

At this moment, 10,000 "Wild Deer" in the hearts of the Mitsubishi players roared past!

(Sorry friends, I'm particularly busy and late today.) (To be continued ...)

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