God Rank Hero

Chapter 1403: Lily

——System Tip: Your Lilim Barracks successfully consumed 10 units of Mysterious Bloodstone to successfully create a small Lilim unit!

At this moment, Dafei couldn't believe his eyes! Although there are wave ss-class banshees and dark elves and witches in the game, wearing less is not the same as not wearing them. It's nothing more than the difference between finding the hips in the pants and the pants in the hips.

But now, this one in front of Dafei really does not wear anything? In order to confirm, Da Fei couldn't help squatting and leaning his head to watch, but still couldn't see clearly, didn't he? Da Fei lies directly on the ground!

However, what Dafei saw seemed to be Serbian skirt steel panties! Serbia took out a nun's clothing as soon as possible to cover it, and jumped out of the sentence that another big fly was so annoying: "No clothes!"

Hilda laughed: "It seems that the first unit is very in line with my vision. Her size can only be positioned as a long-range auxiliary unit, and the Lord Lord can give her a name."

Ok! There is no such model in the game. Da Fei sighed under his heart and had to check the attributes of this newborn Lilim:

——Lilim Siren (can be renamed): a small marine spirit creature, attack 25, defense 45, damage 13-21, life [life 1000, attack speed 14, movement speed 13, mana 1000, physical 200, magic resistance 85%, Command Value: 30, Stunts: Primal Demon Blood Vessel, Marine Creatures, Upgraded Evolution, Ranged Attack, Hematitis Shield, Casting Creatures , Blood poisoning)

Hematitis Shield: Lilim can release a layer of Hematitis Shield that surrounds him, reducing 2 physical damage and immune to blood damage less than 30 points. Immune to fire damage below 20. Releasing this shield consumes 5 mana per second.


Dafei frowned: "Shield of Hematitis?"

Hilda nodded: "Exactly, this is the core skill of this Lilim unit. This is also the unit that the Lord Lord needs to enter the Yan River and certain blood pools. Of course, it is immune to 20 points of fire, and Higher shield magic cost. She is still not enough to maintain a long-term existence in Yanhe, but Lilim's characteristic is to upgrade and evolve. Just continue to feed her Lilith spar to grow into an elite or even leader status. The state at that time was different. Is the Lord the Lord satisfied? "

I'm not satisfied with the clothes! Dafei frowned: "Stimulation prevention is not bad, is the attack and damage a little lower?"

Hilda nodded: "Of course, small size troops can't be physically damaged compared to large size Lilim. Her main combat method is casting. There are blood rupture and blood curse in master blood magic. Blood boiling and blood poison four A very important spell. Blood Rupture can increase the chance of enemy bloodshed by 20%. The blood curse is that as long as the enemy is injured, the enemy will be cursed, and the blood flow in the whole body will be slowed down, which will cause various actions to slow down and restore ability. Negative special effects such as weakening. Blood boiling is a skill that acts on allies, contrary to the effect of blood curse. It can increase the blood flow of our army and increase the attack speed. Attack power is similar to rage. Blood poison is a direct attack on the spell, which can change the flowing blood. It becomes a poisonous poisonous mist, and also adds blinding and suffocation effects. The more blood on the battlefield, the stronger the blood poisoning effect. Even the effect of reducing the upper limit of life!

It turned out that Dafei suddenly suddenly!

Blood cleft is actually used to fight waves ss. Blood curse and blood boiling are equivalent to dark magic for reduction and bright magic for amplification. Blood poison is destruction magic for killing. This blood magic covers 4 uses. It is truly a hidden skill that ordinary players cannot learn.

Da Fei asked again: "Can the blood curse and blood boiling effect overlap with dark magic and light magic?"

Hilda laughed: "Of course! Taking blood boiling as an example, it can not only stack with the blessing ritual of bright magic, but also with the orcish bloodthirsty of orc shamanism. Of course, Lilim's spell response in the current state There is absolutely no problem with conventional arms. If the Lord of the City has higher requirements, he can continue to use spar to promote them. "

Dafei nodded: "Very good! Just use this as a sample recipe for mass production!" Hum, I don't believe how many clothes Serbia can take out!

Hilda laughed. "So is it necessary for adults to give them a new name?"

Da Fei thought without hesitation: "Then call Lily Hem!"

Hilda laughed: "Okay, let's mass-produce Lilyum in this mode. And please rest assured that as I become more proficient with the use of bloodstones, Lilyme will be more easily promoted later . "

Dafei said, "Okay, I'm optimistic about you!"

Hilda laughed: "So Miss Serbia, let's get started!"


Looking at Hilda's cheerful look, Da Fei can already imagine that Hilda in the future must be a blood-devil-like existence? Will she become a hero with her body? In other words, there are heroes of various pedigrees, so you really have a **** hero? Fortunately, the provincial brother hurts to find a vampire beauty hero.

At this time, Dafei started to view the system messages when he was free.

——System Tip: Your sailing time is more than 9 days ... Your team gains extra growth potential! You get information on "Mushroom Breeding". The incomplete skill "Aviation Aviation" developed by you has been increased to 2%.

——System Tip: Your co-hero Elina realizes "advanced mushroom breeding". Your follower hero Zavala has increased primary aviation effects to 4%.

——System Tip: Your 8 follower priests have successfully absorbed the memory energy of the brain ogre, life 100, mana 500, and gained new skills: Power of the World Tree.

——System Tip: Your Shadow Batman Battalion has produced 1 Shadow Bat.


Uh, such a bland message! Da Fei is just a bit unacceptable. This is completely incompatible with his daily life. It really is not possible without fighting! What's more difficult for Da Fei to accept is, why is Savara's junior aviation development progress so much faster than himself? Well, she is flying every day.

With emotion, Lilim, the second white-bloomed bloody, was born, and then Serbia was wearing a nun suit!

What the hell!

Then, third and fourth, Serbia continues to mass produce nuns! Dafei was stunned, where did she have so many nun clothes?

Brother served! In desperation, Da Fei sighed: "I went to the center village to inspect it, and after you have made all 9 Lilims, they will be assembled in the Holy Vine Circle in the center village. What is the effect of the Holy Vine's energy? This, to be precise, is to let them immediately enter the actual combat, which will be more conducive to their promotion, right? "

Hilda laughed: "Of course, the more battles the army takes in, the harder it is to advance."

Fei Fei nodded: "Very good."

After all, Dafei is still not very satisfied with the current Lilim. Although they are okay by their attributes alone. But in terms of other angels, gun emperors, and dark elves, they are actually not outstanding. So Da Fei is very eager to promote them and it is necessary for them to play in the first round.

Da Fei came to the center village, and at first glance, there was a large row of grape racks in the open space of the center village. The young vine seedlings, Morazan and a group of assistants are forgetting Voldemort's work.

What the hell! It was less than two days before I left the game, and he cut and cut 100 plants directly! Sure enough, the power of Sacred Vine is extremely fast?

Da Fei looked into the lake, and saw that the eight elf priests were standing on the floating tree roots surrounded by rattan, casting magic, and the rattan absorbing the divine power was shining golden and green like a psychedelic neon light!

well! For this battle, it is necessary to quickly upgrade and expand the area of ​​the village. Otherwise, it will be squeezed by the grape rack mushroom garden.

Da Fei came to the St. Lawn Formation, and Alicia was casting in front of the circle. Elena and a group of dark elves and witches were watching.

Seeing Da Fei's arrival, Alicia greeted him, "Please be assured that now, the Holy Vine has absorbed the divine power of the world's tree roots, and it is very energetic. It is more than enough to support the casting or self-recovery. The situation is under our control.

Elena also said: "When the enemy launches a formal attack, we will take over the array and release the power of darkness to meet the enemy."

I have to say that when the brother was on the hook, the beauty deputies were really organized! Maybe letting them go all the way when the brother is away may be better?

Da Fei Xin comforted: "Very good! But we will not look at the enemies of this grade, Elena will continue to grow mushrooms, mushrooms are the top priority."

Elena laughed: "Well, I'll leave it to the adult."

Soon after Elena led the team, Hilda brought nine Lilys in blood, wearing nuns.

Da Fei was shocked at the scene. Did he really have 9 clothes? What are these Serbian personal bags?

Hilda laughed: "Master Lord, all the Lilys are in blood. If the Lord Lord wants to promote them quickly through actual combat, let them kill more enemies. I suggest using blood poison spells to kill the enemy army, and blood poison use The best condition is that you need a lot of enemy blood, and maybe a lot of enemy corpses. "

Dafei laughed: "Is the blood flowing into the river, right? Okay, then kill them like a corpse!"

While talking, Tammelia's voice came from the cockpit: "Report to the Lord, the enemy mirror call is over, the **** gate is closed, and the official attack begins!"

The stinky and long cannon fodder is finally over! Dafei laughed and laughed: "Just here, all Lilys are in place!"

(Well, the status is a bit bad ~~) (To be continued ...)


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